'se SUlitttflS awd Philadelphia t)aily Advertiser: s NIJMRfK 1355.] |C7T Tbtfrnt of this tidtttte is Eight A J)x>LLjftrs per aimuM to Sttbscrifcrs residing in tbe city of FbiMetphia. AU others pay mte Dollar enclosing and di recting ; and person in this city vrill become answerable for tbt subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. ' *„* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. DtcttnV.r | 1799, JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At tbcir Store A r >. 5 Cbesnut Str-eet, bave ran lalf, The following Articles, viz. Fir o quality RufQa Hcinp RmTia Duck Branny in pipes, firft and fourth proof Madura Within pip is and ' alf pipe* Claret in cafe* Winter an 4 Summer preiTed, Spermaceti Gil Spermaceti CandeU, and J Hyson Tea, latest importation "March 14. LAW BOOK STORE, 3 19 ffigb Street. CEORGfI DAVTS ha« just received from Dub lin, via New Yori, a very large Parcel of Law books. *H of the larteft editiom, which ren ders his aflortment he believe® f t\it mofr extemfive and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this day, and ready for faleat any time af ter war ri 5 TFre fobferihera to that important work. Wept twtrltfr Syjlem of PI tiding are informed that it is Bow arrived, an«( will he delivered en application. Blank Declarations fettled and approved by the most distinguished Law charaAers, to be had of G.D. fyfctrtrt. , JWf COME TO HAfiD, And for si!« at "W. YoWa r J. Of J. CItUItSHAVK, AKD Thomas Dobson's Bookstorbs, A POEM, Saert-d to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON-, Late President cf the United States, and Commander in Cbief of the Armies of the Utiijed States. Adapted to the ltd February lSco. Br Richard Alsop. tfftrdi 16. Tbis Day Published, Tsy OKitXoD, No. 4i, Chefnut Street, \ (Prize »j Cents) TH* Qeatb of General Wa [hintton. A POEM. In imitation of the manner of Offian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M. Minister of the First Presbyterian Congregation Philadelphia. Mr. Chau iron's Oration will be publifted net NtwitJAy meriting-. Marcb J5. di Taxes of Lycoming County JOHN KIDD, Treafnrer, BY Dire<sTr>n of tHe Commi/fioners of Lyco ramp county. it'ends at PhWddrlphia t© re eeWe-tlw Taxes aflVflVd upwti UYrfwted Land# in ihat County, frota th* holdtrs thereof, in this City. Thote who hav« filed with the Con*- miflioners, ftatemenia of tbeiir Lands, are re* quested to call upon him, to know tfte amount of TjXsi tivtr«or>,and pay thtftrt; 't her wife, b«- fore hi? leaving the City, they wt'l be pot into the band! of the Sheriff for colltdlinn, agreea bly to the ..<sl for raising county rate* and levies Thof« who have not filed statements of theit lands with the Convmiffioners, and aredtfirou# of having it dotie, to prevent file* without pre* viiufi gerfbnal Notice* may site with the above "JVealurtr, their lifts, ftariwg the quantities re turned* number and dates of t]*e wirranfs a id names of the warrantees-, under, which rhey fcwld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Market ftreeffor tbia purpose until the *Bth indant. November 9, Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Subfcriher, living, in Saflafras Neek, Cecil County, State of Ma ryland, on F*i<iay the 14th iuft. a aegro -man nam ed PETLtt, about twenty-five years of age, toler able black, and left handed. He has been life Jto failing by water m the Chesapeake Bay about twelve mtfrths, and wfmart and aAtve—- He has born formerly used to forming and taking card of Jiorfefc. His cloathing he took with him is un known.—lt is e*pe«sted he has ihaped "hi* course for Philadelphia or CheOer Town, and th« above aeward will be paid for feenring him in atfy g«al in the United, States, scrd retfoaable charges ptu J if brought homo, by JOHK FER'GTJSON. N. B- All mafttrs ofvelßls arid all other perfoßs amforwamed of harboring the said negro. Saflafras Neck, march 18. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWaY from Spring Forge, in York Co tufty, a negro man, named ISAAC, other vr'tft ct/DJO, about 11 years ild, the property of Robert Coleman", Kfq. H'e is abfcut 5 feet 8' inches high, ha* ablfemifli in fii* eyes, more wnite in them thap common, by trade a Ferge man j had' on and took wiehWav* 4rab coloured brwrd clott' coat, almost new, 2 iailora jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a iwani'down striped under acket; a rorura hat ; one fine and one coarse shirt 1 otre muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto ftfiped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two jwir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes ap fai4 negro and lodges him in a'ify jail ill this or any fkateslhall have the above r«-' ward or rtafonable erpeacesif brought kame. JOHN BRIEN. Sprint; Forge, October 13* 1799* N. B. At said negro fermjrly lived in Cheftcr count y, it it probable kc may return' there. November 5 A CERTIFICATE of on« Share #f the Bank of the United States, No. 29110,111 the ngtne ot Lewi* F«ter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares •! the said Bank, No 29119, in the name of George James Chulniondely, Earl of Cholmon dely, T/erc forwarded from New York by the Ch«(ierfield British Packet for Falmouth, which was captured by the French, and the Certificates 101 lOr destroyed, aad for which application i» made at laid bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. * CLEMENT BIDDLE. d-m. February 11 CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS «r CERTIFICATES fign cd by the fisbferibdr, for undivided Shares or Lots on hii purcbafe within the city of Waflking ton, who have not yet applied for and received rheir Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Tittet will be duly completed to the ord«r of thole who in conformity with ehe terms of thefaid Cer tificates, do make the Payment# in fall therefor, either to Thomas As' kucn 13* Go. or to the ftxibcr at Philadalphia, on or at any time before tha 31ft day of May mwfim December 17 BOONETON IRON WORKS TO BE SOLD, OR lEASKD FOR OKK YEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN" by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of Morris ia the Hat* of New-Jcrfey, confiding ot a Forge with four tires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of stones, and Saw mill, all in good order and now in uftf, together with an excellent, large, md convenient house, with out-Koufes >of every kind ; among which are an fee houfc, and ftor.e mil* house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent «olle&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1560 acres of wood, pa a. ure and arable land, and a great number of (tores and workmen's houses. Immediate poUefiion will be given ot houses and (lores futficient for providing dock the prefect winter, and poifeffioo of the whole in ehe fpring'. t Uaw4w For terms «nquire of B Oj*den at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford iu Morris Town, or rncfirs. Jacob and Rich ard Fael'ch on the premifefc Januarv ri Thirty Dollars Rrumra. Deserted F.OM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th infl—JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, Weft Cheftcr county and state of New-Yx>rk, aged »i years. 9 months, 5 fetet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey r.y*s (long qued) light hair, ruddy c&roplenon, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Enlisted by lieutenant Rey nolds in Stephen'* Town, near Albaty ihc 15 th of June lad Ha J on and took with him a short rouhd blae cloth coat with a red,cape, a bide cloth coatee, a lew white waistcoats, a long grey mixed cloth coat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat tttmmed with black hair plulb, i. fur** hat half worn, aud two silver watches, one a middle fizc, the other fmiU. He may impose hiroffell on some family or gentleman as h waiter, as he has a£ted in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and fecurcs him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an/ officer of th* arms of the United State* Ihall receive th£ above, reward and all rcafonable chai 4 a. January 16. United STATE*., ? Pennylvania-Districf. y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, *T*HAT a special diffridt court of the United States Will be h»iden at chd Cits Hall in tht ciry of Philadelphia in and-for the Pennsylvania. on I'uefday the aid day of April infeant, at tec of the etedk in the forenoon of tfie fame day, - for the trial'of an information filed by Williwh R>*le, Esquire, attorney of the United States in and for the said diffti&, a£ainft I large chest of Sugar, X keg 1 of ditto-, 5 bdgs of Coffee, 1 ditto ditto, I ditto ditto, > 1 &""} I bag Pimento, 2-b»r«i •■»««?. caße I hag S j final! bo* containing lh& apparatus of a hair dreflcr, 30 barrel* Snuff and Sugar, 19 boxes Sugar, ar.d 1 box Sweetmeats,. Being articles of fqre:gn growth or manufacture, imported from parti beyond ita and fubjr& tpthe payment of duties intpefed by the law* of the U nited Stales and unladen and delivered & r th« For; of t hilar"olphia from the vefftJs in which they were refpe&iveiy imported contrary to the a£s"«t Congrefa in such cafe made and without a permit, &c.and seized therefor, &c. i^w6w By order of the Court, April 7 To be Rented, AND immediate polMfioti given, if rcqulrcrf, a new two ftoiy Drsclc Hou'fc fcn4 Kitchen, abort 14 miles from Philadelphia, air the'grsit roid to Hewtown. Enquire of-the Printef. mirth 17 . dtf. A SUMMER RETREAT. TO BE RENTED, A NItAT AND COKvEKIISf Oli 'thefrimlifrird Rbai, two miles from the 1 City, with a good Stable and Gardeo. Pof feSttl may be had immediately. fat t*ratenquirtf of the Printer, march li PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1800. NOTICE. Samuel Blodget• J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corpi, D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the DiftriA Court. HOUSE; +l*t. WAR DEPARTMENT, Notice is hereby given, pIIAT fepante proposals will We received -i- at the offire of the Secretary of the De partment of Wir, until the expiration of the JJth of July ncxtctifuing, for the fupplyof all rations, which may be required for t«e use of the United States, from the ill day of Oilober, 1800, to the 30'tli day of September, 18m, both days inelufive, at the places and withm the two diftrifls hereinafter firft mentioned ; and all-, that separate propofilswill be received at the said offiue until the expiration of th« ljth day of July next ensuing, for the'fi.pplyof all rations which may be required as aforeiakl, from the ift dayof January in thcyear 1801, to the 31ft day of December in the farm year, both days inelufive, at the place and within the sev eral Rates hereinafter mentioned, viz. Firjl. Proposals to supply a4l rati«ns, that may be required, at Ofwcgo ; at Niagara j at Pjttfburg ; at Prefqu'ile; at Michilimackinac ; a r Fort Franklin ; at Ufcuf; at Cincinnati sat Pieque Town, and Eoraraies flores; at port Wayne; at Fort Defiance; at any place brflow' Fort Dafianee, on the Mfami river to Lake Erie ; at Tort Knox, and Ouatopon on the ri ver IVahafh ; at MaiTac ; at any piacc or phees on the river Miffiflippi, above the daouth of the river Ohio, and upon the Illonois river. Second. Propofafa to supply ait rations th?t may oe required, at any place or places, oathe ealt fideofthe Mifliffippi river,below the mouth of the riVer Ohio to the southern boundary of th«? state of Kentucky and within rhefaia fiat*; at Knoxville ; at all posts and places within the state «f Tenneflee ; at Sot>th Weft Point: at Tellico Block House; at St.Sevens* or other fort or poll on the rivers Mobille or Tombigrby, and any place or places within the Cherokee bounda ries ; below the southern boundary of the ft4te of 'J enneflec and within the bdundary'of the United State*. Third. Propofalr to supply atl rations that may be required, at Point Petre ; at Coleraine, at Savannah, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the stale of Georgia; at all forts or Rations on the Oconnee and Alatarna ha, 2nd at all other places in the Creek nation, within the limits of the United States, where are or may be fta:ioned. Fourth Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Johnfton, at Pert Pinck ney, at Charleston, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited in the state of South-Ca- rolina Fifth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at the Port at Wilmington, Cape Fear; at Beacon iftartd, Ocracock ; at Charlotte ; at Fayetteville i at Salilbury, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited in the state of North-Carolipa. Sixth. Proposals to supply all rations that may b« required at Norfolk, at Portimouth, at Kempfvjlle, at Charlortevitle, ft Winchester, ar Sfuinton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at. Lecfburp, at Frcderickitfurg, at CartwJville, at Hirpfcr's feriy, or at any other place «»r places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, in the state of Virginia. Setyextb. Pi opofaN to supply all rations that may be required at Fort M'Hcnry, at Haiti mote", at Annapolis, at Frederick at Leonard town, at Hagcrstown, at Bladenfburg, at George town, aV Eaftown, at the Head of Hlk, and at any other p'ace or places, where troops are or may be fhtloned, marched of re cruited withm the ffmui «f the ftete of Mary land. Eighth. Prhpofaly to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel phia, at Darby., at Laocafter, at Wilkcftuffe, at Reading, at Brjftol, at York town, at Carhfle, at Lewiftown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at Greenlburg, at Wellington, at fialtown, at Wilmington, at Chrittiana, at Daver, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be ilatio»ed, marched or recruited . I within the limits of the (rates or Pennfvlvania arid De laware, exeeptthe posts uirh/n the slate of Penn sylvania, enumerated in the firlt proposals a lorefaid • Ninth. Proposals to supply all ration* ttat may be requited at Haikinfae, at Elizabeth town, at New-Brunfwick, at Barlington, at Woodbury, at Trenton, and at any other place or place* where tr4f»jfc are or may be stationed, marched er recruited within the limits of the Hate of Jerfcy. Tenth. Propofala to supply all rations that may be required at New York, at Weft Point, at Flu filing, at Haerlem, at Weft Chester, at PoughkeplTe, at Konderhoak, at Stillwater, at Newberg, $t Albany, at Cooajokarie, at Cher ry Valley, and at any ether place or places where troops ire or may be stationed, marched or recruiter! withitl the limits of the state of New York, excert the pofl« within the said slate enumerated in the afore said. Eleventh Proposals to ftfpply all r2tiopg that may be required at Hartford, at Hebrtoh, at New London, at Brooklyn, at Wynflham, at'LrtchfiHd, at Guilford, at New-HaVetl, at Fairfield, at Dui>bury, at Middletown, and at any other place or dlaces troops are or may beftatmned, marched or recruited within the limits of the state of Conmi&fcut. Twelfth. Proposals tofupply all rat ; onsthat may be required at Fort Wolcott, ar Brinton's Poim, ar Newport, at Providence, and at any dace ©r places whtrfc troops are or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited within the limit? of the state of Rhode-lfland Thirteenth. Proposals to fupp'.y all rati' nS that may be required" at Portland in the Difn trift nf Miifte, Gh-ucefter, Cape Ann, Salem, Marblchead, Bolton, atUxbridge, and at any othc place or places where troops are or may be 1 stationed, mSrched or recruited" within the ii mfts of the state of Massachusetts. Fourteenth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Portfmruth, at Exeter, at Windfbr,' at Benrhrfcson, at Rutland, or ar any fort, place or placet, where troops are or may be flattened, marched of recHiitfcd Wkhhi tfofe "Stated of He* Hacrtpfiiire and Vermont. The rations to be fupplfed, is to *'*nfift of the* following articles, viz. eighteen OUntes of bread or' flour - , or when fieithet can be obtained", of one quart.of rice, or one and a half pound of lifted or* bo*Jt«4 Indian meal, one pound and a quarter of frefli beefy"or one pound of falced beef, or three meat is (flfced, fait, at the rate of two quarts for qvery hundred rations; soap at the rate of four founds, and candles at the rate of a pound *nd a half for every hundred rations March *»,. jSco. It is expe&ed the prepofals will also extend to the supply of rUm, whilkjr, or other ardent spi rits at the rate of half a gill per ration, and vine gar at the rate of two quarts for every hundred rations. The propolals will fpecify the prke of the ievtral component parts of the ration, as w*ll as those of fuhflitute'k or alrernittives for parts thereof. The ration s ; are to be furniflied in fticft quanti fies as that fljcre (halite all time*, during the term of the jaropofed contrails be fuflicient for the con furnption of the troaps at Michilimackiwac, De troit, Niagara and .©fwego, for fix months in ad vaftce, and at e&ch of rhe other pwrts on the wes tern waters, fur at least three months in advance, of good andwholdfome provifionat if the fame shall be required. It if alfa to bo permitted to all an 4 every of the commandants < f fortified places, or Or'pcdsj to call iChr at seasons when the fame can be or at any t me in the cafa of urgen cy, lueh supplies of like pr«vifi®Ds in advance, as in the-difcrefion of die con>manda»c fhail be deem< ed proper. It is to be under, ood chat the "torn tractor is to be at the expence and rilk of lfluing the fuppHo6 to the troops, sad at ali loflea, fuftaincd, by the depredatiory of ati efcea y, er by the means of the troops of the United States, shall be paid foriit thepriee of the article captured or ueilroyed, on the depositions of two or more persons of creditable chata«stes and the certificate of a commissioned officer, afecrtaining the circuthftances of the loss, the ameunt of the articles, set which compen sation fhail be claimed. The privilege is to be understood to be reserved to tlVe United States of requiring, that none ot the fupplf«s \vfiich may Be furnifhed under any of the propefed coiitradls ft»all be iffueti, until the sup plies which have or tr.ay be fOrnHhed under con tracts now in force have been consumed, and that a (apply in advance be always retired at any of the filed polls os the Sea-bard or Indian fron tiers, xiot exceeding three monthi. March 24. Submitted to publtc co'federation, as additional evidences of the efficacy of Dr. HAMILTON'S MEDICINES, IN the: cure of Mod Disorders to which the human body is JOtJN HOOVER, Rope-maker, South Second ltreec. between Mary and Christian streets, Philadel phia, voluntarily maketh oath, as follow*: namely, that his wife, Mary Hoover, was so feverejy affli£lcd with violent rhematifmi, very dangerously situated, the conference of a cold after lying in, as to be con fined to her bed for several weeks, and was at length redaced to the melancholy apprehension of remaining aci ipple for life; notwiihnandiog the most refpeftable medical advice was followed, and every probable re medy attempted. When feeing several cases of cures performed by. Hamilton's E&nce and Extra& of Muilard, tfiey were procured from Mr. Birch, No. 17, South Secontf UTeet. The &rft application en abled her4o walk acrnfs the room, and the ufeofene bottle redorcd her to her usual ftaie of health and strength, HO OVER. Sworn and fubfcribcd to the 25th May of March, a 800, before tbeoe2cr Fcrgulon, Esq. one Of ihc Juitkes of the Peace for Philadelphia county. DAVID GILBERT, Toyroah, No. 46, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, voluntarily makeih oath, as follows ; namely, that about eight months ago, he caught a fevcre cold, which refitted every remedy he could think of, and produced the most alarming ef fects 5 he could procure no reft for inceffani cough ing, «or bfeaihe without great pain and difficulty, and was finally so exhiuiled, as to be icarcely able to walkabout, which lefthiahienda little hopes of his recovery, though the prefcripiions of a icfueCtable physician were constantly attended to. In this fituati -00 hearing of the efficacy of Hamilton's Elixir, a bot tle wa (procured from Mr. Bi»ch, No 17, South Se cond street ; the firft dose of which»affoided the most fu rpri fin g relief, and gave him more eale than he had enjoyed during the whole of the above period, and before the contents of one bottle weie taken, he was perie&iy cured, his and appetie recoveied, and not a symptom ps his former diltrefiing com plaints ifim'iticd. The above particular*the said David Gilbert Vi(h es to bo made public, as a testimony of his gratitude, and for the benefit of mankind. DAVID GILBERT. Sworn and fubferibed before me the sfth day of TO PARENTS Who may bene Children afflict sd with the This difcovcry is of the firft magnitude, as it af ford* immediate relief, checks the progress, and in a entircfy removes the most cruel disorder to which children are liable —The Elixir wfo perfe&lf agreeable, and the defe so firf*li, thai uo difficulty arises in wkiug it. t- A of Mr. Ewing Wiley, No. ijMf Cedar ftrefP,- Philadelphia, v'as .flJftTCt&i with worn.s, infon\ueh «het".her life wis'with great reason of*. Jur.coropiexion faded and grew p&li and fsliow ; Her eye* funkjen ; her appetite was last, and fucccedtd by a painlul and cor.ftant the ftcrriach ; which general wafting and debility accompanied with every aj.pr-arance of a fevei. Fiom this depioiable (jiuation fhp reliev ed, peifrft health and ftrengt# the ulc ©t Hamilton's Worm Defc tjoying I.ozeoges, which expelled a great uurpber of large'poioted worms, from fix tq nine or twelve inch* es in length ; one of which being a nv ft extraoTdin** ry thickncfi, (fi>ppofed from half an inch to an inch in diameter) was opened and found to contain a quan tity young ones The above is communicated by Mr. Wiley, belicv ingi(S perulal may be uietul to /nany, by extending the knowledge of a medicine which merits universal attention : But this testimony is only a corroboration of the evulmce of mo« e than fifty thousand f.cr(or.s of all agci, who haVe, withintwenty months past, been cored by this medicine, with the utmost ease and fafeiy, of various complaints, ajinug from worms and ffom obftrucfians or fodlnrfs in the fto | mach ar.d Dowels. It iecdni&end«d n an invaluable medicine, for tht fpecdy relief and permanent cure of the various complaiats which rcfvlt trom difnpated pleafuic*, ju- JAMES M'HENRY, Sicrct&ry of War. fawta3 July FACTS liable. RHEUMATISM. DANGEROUS COLD. March, 1800. JOHN JENNINGS, Alderman. Hooping Cough, womms Dr* Hamilton's Grand Restorative i venile indiferetions,refidence in climatea unfavourable to the conftitutioa; the immoderate use of tea, fic qp«Jt intoxication, or any other dcftrwtfive intemper ance: the unfkilful or exccQive ufc of mercury ; ihe diieafes pcculiarto females at a certain period of lite) bad lyings m, &c. . And is proved by long and extensive to be absolutely unparalellcd in the cure of nerVous dtf« orders, conlumptiona, lowne r s of spirits, Jo fa of app#- tite, impurity ofihe blood, hytterical ?{T dio«», in ward weakjicflet,violent cramps in the llomach and back, irfdigeftion, melancholy, gout in the flomach, paina in the limbs, relaxations, involuntary emiltior.t, seminal weaknesses, obilinaie gleeta, flour albus (or Whites) impotency, barrennefi, &c. ThU medicine is different in its qualities and ope atian from thole.hot and irritating d>ugs f>"> frequently proposed for similar purpoles, and which only recommend themselves by the dangerous rapidi ty of their t>lie£is, and which, a£ting as a temporary but violent Itimulus on the nervous iyftein, infallibly produce greater evils than thofc they are intended to remove. The principal oDeracion of this remedy is in the stomach, rcftoriug the digeitive powers, a;>d lending from that organ new health, and vigour into every part of the fyftc-m. It enriches and purities the blood with out inihrmng it; brace, without ftiraulaiing too vi olently the nervous fyltem; flrengthens the fecfetoiy vessels and the hibit ; brings back the muscu lar hbiea to their natural ano healthy tone; and rel toresihat nutrition wr.ich mimoderate evacuations, have destroyed, and whofelofs had thrown the whole frame mto langor and debility. The Reftoraiive isabfolutc y ?bove all reccmmen mrndation, in removing thole wcakmfle* and in'ir*. mitiei with which many tenialfi* are uifl<£U4t thecon fequences ofdtfficuJt and paihldl labours, or of inju dicious trratmeyt therein. The molt obttiuate seminal gleets ; and the most diltreffing cases of flour albus in females falls padicu* lariy under (he province of this reitorative; Ipecdily yield to its benign operation, and are radically cured, by cofietliiig and pnrif)ingthe acrimonious humois, restoring a proper degree of teiifion to the .relaxed fibres, and llrcngthenmg the weakened organs. In cases of extremity where the long ptevalence and obstinacy of disease has brought on a general im-* pevenfhment of the fyftcm, exceflavc debility of the whflc frame, and a walling of the flefti, which no nou risHment or cordial could repair, a iq the use of this medicine has performed the mod aftonifli ing cuitS' The grand rcHorative is prepared in pil)i at wellas in a fluid form, which affifta considerably in produ cing* gradual and lasting effeft. Their virtues remain unimpaired tor years in any climate. Dr. Habit's true and genuine GERMAN CORN PLAJSTER, And infallible remedy for corns, speedily remov* ing them root and branch, without giving pain. The genuine Persian Lotion, So celebrated among the fafhionable throughout Europe, is an invaluable coimctic, p«rfe<stly ii no cent and fafe, free from corrosive and repellent minerals (the ba§s of other lotions) and of unpa ralleled efficacy ia preventing and vemoviog utane ous blenaifhes of the face and Jkin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits after small pox, inflammatory redness, fcurfs,tetters,ring worms, fun burns, prickly heat, premature wrinkles, &c. The Perlian Lotion operates mildly, without impeding that natural, insensible perlpiration, which is essen tial to health, yet it* cff?As are speedy and perma nent, rendering the ikin delicately foft and smooth, improving the complexion and restoring the bloon\ of youth; never failing to render an ordinary countenance beautiful, and an haridfome one more so. » The Dsma&k Lip Salve U recommended (pafticiitarly to the ladier) as an elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped ai.d fore l.ps and tvery Iplcjnifh and inconvenience oc» by colds,. fevers, &c speedily a beautilol rosy celour and uclicatc fofenefs to the lips. The Restorative Powder for the Teeth and Gums. This m' ft excellent preparation comforts and tfrengthens the gums, preserves the epamel from decay, and clcarfee and whitens the teeth, abferb ine all that aenraraonious flirne and foulatfs.which Aiffcred to accumulate never tails to injure and finally ruin them. Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Warranted.an infallible and immediate cure at once using; being the n>oft Tpeedy, effectual and pleasant remedy ever offered to the public, and fer the fatisfailion of the tinorous, the proprietor malfeth oath, that this ointment does not eontain afftngle particle of mercury or any other pernicious ingredient in i:s composition, and may be used with the most perleih faiety by pregnant women, and on infauts newly bore. Price 3*4ths of a dol lar each box. Patent Indian Vegetable Specific, For the'eure ol Venereal complaint* of every dc fcription: An ertenfive trial of near four years, has proved the Vegetable Specific to be effediial in expelling the venereal virus, however deeply rooted in the eonftitution, ajjdha« restored health to many who have been brought to the brink of the grave by the improper adminiftraiion of mcr enry. Within this period upwards of eight thoufatid patients have experitne-d its lalotary effe&s. With the mefiic\nc i> given, a description of the fyttipromi which obtain in every (lage of tlae difeafc wltli copious dire&ionsfor their treatment, so as to accomrlifh a perfect cure in the (hortett time, and with the leati incpnre*«nce poOftrie-. Infallible ague and fever drops. '4-35&P eulogium on the virtus* <»i thii medicine JifL*:fl2wTary, as the money- will he returned if is not rthe-ved, ir never having saWed "in thoufarid cases, not one in a hundred hit* had ocealion to take aiore tiian a bottle and uuiii ber* not haif a bottle. Dr, Habn I sxclebraied Anti-BilioHs Pills* Which have been uniformly fuccelsiui ir the cure ef bilious and malignant fevers, and in ail disor ders ofthe head, iicmach and bowel*. Goivland's Geniuine Lotion—Ctireb's Cough JJrops—ji7iders9n*s Pill's, tsY. Take notife, the above valuable me 'ieine*, are I'nldin Philadelphia by William YoU'jg Biich, flatidner. No. 17, fouthfecord street, ana by no one tlfc in the city, obf«ive that the signature of Lee and Co. (she general agents for the United States) it patted on the out&de of each without which th'cy canniot be genuine. Purchasers by the dozen or groce will receive a ' liberal allowance 6y applying to Lee and Co. Bal- timore I Al&reh 48, [VQl.umr XVII. CI&V4W
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