am an nw>) -I probably IV.til fini"lh my court i'.cr.. Hut w<re I a young man, I furelj -fti.'uld iirt'uue to remove to fame part of tht fj iti'i; D«"i*iiiionf. .It appears tome tbat ir hlnc; can. lave us,except an interpoli tion of the Divine lluler in our favor: But the si ps defiance held out again ft Heaven, by the m I's of the-people in these States, in r»f,irJ'.sbth of Sentiment and conduit, fteips to render such an interpoiition of Di vine Providence highly improbable.'^ fltf spite Of the eontradictidn oi ionic, whotylli' the Pangtos of Voltaire, occupy their whole ftfgeifuity in reconciling dilaf ters with their eftntvarijs, and in of the I'iliminations of. others, who think it cul ; jabts : tO' forefix •dansjefs, "bighty criminal fp fdretfcl then", treafon to fl,e from than, I niuljt,n<;;a& think this old Gentle- aUhiis. hut too wollgrounded,' hi» ap yrshenfidiisTuuni.ed on probability.] ATION. • A V»lr-fpomL-nt ek'Ja nns, Idmrritrhle in deed Ins the lituaiiim o:ir Aivcuca be come i - A't'oreb by education, ii not by fairtii, ,iu. kny*'lf hmii.-il to have i\- in ,t:'e li,ot a power un £t] fr.oov its duin.nioiiiSi attached to ©urCuut't.iu nri&ii.r by ilk* ties or p.uriotitui, Connection Nov intcrcii, with character l:-;ov«n only by the inhi.i'v wuh «hit.h it is blackir.ed, li.iS long b.-en fullered to calumni ate the tires of our tfovernniein, to tra duce the inJniimis ef vvhoui it is com peted, and- to be one ot the ureal engines t u r Rallying tV'-uNn whiih has Seen i« loiij, so fyde'ijatitaliy and Co ti.-l"»riouU •• jiurfu't-.l to p 'Oil' .ithe conitituron and the laivs, and to tas r.-ndcr-our i r.dc j&ndeace to France. When at I.. it a feeble attempt is Biide'to curb and putnlli him, he boldly bids defiance to the Uijjheil court of judica ture pur Country, auJacioufly declares his refutation to difirgard its authority, mid, as .the j'tafon of lr.s conduct. gives; the opu niuts of men, who, like himfelf, are fo jeipners, with no mote' interclt i* the welf.tre of America, with fio more /Ufpafi. " lion to proroote its profpenty, whose cha- are not less exceptionable, and whose .wicked, though less plain and fjtli6iiiable. Thffe opinions are written in a ityle the jnoft iulolent and contemptuous ; the ad vice to if(ifi the authority of the Senate is as plainly to be perceived as it it. cau "tiauliy rxprtfftd ; the retiliance actually plate, and that body,.as tlmuffh aw ed by the boldneis .'of such a reptile a> Duaiie, finds it necessary to take time to collect their fc.Utered senses to reanimate their drooping courage, before they can fefulve to enfotce.itlieir constitutional right. If the Senate has no jurisdiction over the offertde they have fbrcly gone too far ; if "ihey Kave juril&tti.oii,. it required no time to discover how they oueht to fupp.irt it. Whifc Xhe branches (if our. government continue to display a fpilit so iriel'ollite and timid, its i'r<f lids «ill nifitkor have the difpoEtion nor the power,to maintain it. Port of Philadelphia ARRIVED. Schr. Favorite. Wry moinh, D.ivid, I.'hor.iiuedie-ti. N. York 7 The fliip Manchester, Cox, of 20 guns, 17 davs from Antigua, is below—failed from thence with twelve American veffda under her convoy, four of them bound to this port, one of which the (hip Pennsylva nia Captain Yorke, was left the 15th inft. in la'. 28, nzmes of the others we have not learnt. Yefttrdav, an eniertjicment was givea by Capt. Decatur on board the Phi ladelphia frigate, at which the Pre (idem of the Unitefl Statu-, the Heads of Depart ments of the Federal Government, ai.d fev ers! members ofcoogrefs were pisfent. DIES] —Yejfterday, ofa lingering ill ntfs, which (lie bore with uncommon for titude and resignation, Mrs Eliiab th Old n, wife of Mr. James Olden, mer chant of this- city. On Tutfday evening, Mrs. Lownes wi'eofMr Caleb I.ownes, merchant of th »tilv. American Phl'ofophical Society. A donation was received from Samuel EUtr, ; of Newport, it. I. of Five H.ndred TtMat , to be disposed of in such njauner as fflall beil promote the objefti of thf society. Whereupon, Rtfofaed, That the thank's <j|f she fpci>,ty be preferttod to Samuel Eletn, a member of this fucicty, lor the above do sratipQ) dh au evidence of their feufe of bia dHliuguiihed 1 bevality and regard to science. SAMUEL H. SMITH, Sec'ry. ji-y AT * meeting of Delegates fro'm t .venty-two Fire CyfnpameS of the City, «nd Liberties fctld at die Cai sinter's Hall on the 17th inft. it Vas resolved, that notice be given in the several newspapers, of the or ganisation .of this iwflitutiOn, and'that those Fire Companies, who I>avr not communi cated the rt I'ult of their deliberations 011 the plan fabmittwl ti* them,-. be_requelled to fur oifh the retjuilite insinuation at the ad journed meeting to be held at this place at 7 o'clock in the evening of Monday the 3 ifl jnftant. Extract from tbe minutes, JAMES MILNOR, tern, j The Delegates ire requested to be puiic • | tual in their attendance, as the committee j appointed to form a Conflitution for the ! government of the association -will make re porf, printed copies of which may be had by At- Delegate* previous to the meeting, at „ .nies Milnot's ©fljce, No. 81 Arch flrcct. CONG 11 ESS. HOUSE OF lit i : J XT ATI VES. VVEPUSSDAY, March 26, Mr. Hartley pre feu ted a petition of Eliz 1- beth Ji.uiefov f c«»n»pen('ation t'oi Cervices rendered the United States by her deceaftd to the Commit tee of Claims. Mr. prcio.itcd a tYlcmofial of thr b«L^id ot of the town of Portfr.H.uih, ilatc oi Kcw-liampfluid, praying the. at'oj)- tioa t;f a genqrul law to guaid the .introauct »«a Uv pt.iguc and other- .nted ious difcalci—RcfcrnfJ to C><»innuit«e oi' Commerce nod Manut'adurcs. Mr Ghpllie prefelited a petition ..of the inhabitants oi" Harfuid-.county, ftateof Mary land, praying the removal of the poll-office at Hirforu town to the tiwn of ——Referred to tlie Poil-niailer. General.- Mr. G <.ia:in ph'fentvd a petition of Abra ham Bell, pray ing relief wi.h rcfpetl to cer tain loan office .certificates—Referred to the committee appointed on that fui'ject. Mr. HAirtl'oit prtrfented a petitioh of tin' inhabitantS'of the Illinois country, praying a dfytfipn qt the, No' th VVI (le.rn Tttr.tjry —whiph was tcferred to the committee of the wh«le house to whom referred a hill for that purpose. On m tion uV Mr. Wain, the petition of John Eaptifl Verdifr, Ik re'tofcie pi'eli uttj, was referred t.j the Goirrmltte: ps Claims. Mr. Harper brought in a bill making ap propriations for the fjppo'rt of governmei'it for the year 1806—ivhicji was committed ■lor. Monday r.ext. Mi. D. F'ft.i, from the Committee of Claim., made an unfavourable report on the pet,t 011 of James Bcfl,, iu which tbe houfu concui'i-ed. The house agaii refolvcd' itfelf into a comijiittee.of the wlioie on die bill for trie better regutltioft and eiiablilbmeut ps the courts of the Univd States ; and Mr. Gai laiin'e motion tii ft I'ike out tTie fifth, feciiail, being under tSnlideration, Mr. Bird' (pike against it—Hid Was followed by Mr. Galla tin, iii favour of the motion. Mr. Harper, after entering inton defence of .the principle contained iir th« feftkjn, le quefted tl\e chairman to (late, whether, if thefeftion were firicken out, it would .be in order for the comniittte who reported the bill to introduce the 'fyttem in a separate bill -•-and having received an answer iu 'theTaffir mat:v', moved • to'-ftrike out the fifth and fixtli fedljons—which was carried. ' Mr. NichoUl then niovsd t«S- -strike out th«s feveptfi feOion, in oidqr to afsejtain the dirpofition of the house with refpeet to afyftem -of kind—-and entered- into a lengthy difeuffion on the fubiefl.—H« was followed hv Mri H;irj>er, againll the motion, and MefTrs. S. Smith and Gallatin in: favour of it. The .committee tljen ropf. and obKiined leave ty lit iigain—The bogle adjoprnnd. IN THE SEN ATE, Marti. 25 Ihe following report wjs made by . the committee of privileges, viz*. (K.yj Norfolk 8 Ihe committee of privileees, wlio »et( ordered tcrprepare and lay befve lie Sen a'e, a si rm of proceedings in the c-ffs of William Duaoe. REPORT (IN part j The fcllhwing refbhitions ill. Resolved: That all testimony (h,41 he taken by a cr.mrriittee, to t>e xuthorifed by the Senate for (hat pnrpofe, with pow ers to fer.d for perfoni,- papers arid record*, and compel the attendance of witnifTcs, which may become requilite for the exeenti on of their coromiffioH. • 2d tits lived. That William Duane oh application to the chairman of said commit tee, (hall be furcifned with process, to 'call before said committee bis witneffct, fpefify ing the time and p'ace of taking the teftmo ny, which foall be commi'ted to vrfti 'g ard fubferibed by the witnefles rtfpettively. 3d. Resolved, That said committee (hall procure all testimony against said Daane, wh:ch in their opinion may be prope,'no : tifying said Duarie, who may attend by hi i felf or attorney, to hear ard croft exa mine j which testimony (hall be in writing and fubferibed by the witnefles refpe&ively. 4th. RisJvd, That all testimony taken by said committee, (hall be reported to the Senate and kept on file by the Secretary. Jlh. Refotved,'Vhat ' be the committee to perform the fervicrs mentioned in the fore going refolutiohi. grid they are hereby au thoHfed and empovvertd to fend for person*, papers and records, and to compel the at tendance of wittiefies, which' may become rcquifite for the execution of tbe<f cam mifftotr. Yesterday a letter w«s received and read by the vice prefideiVt, fignt-d by William D«ane, imforltiing the Sena'e flimuld be unable to attefld tliit day (Wednesday) at their bar. Mr. Dayton offered a resolution, to tlTe following effeft r\ Whereas William Buane La> not appear ed at the bar of this house, agreeably to the notification of tile 4,th intt. and having' presented to the Senate a letter read this morning, ilating hia intention of not appear ing, Refobued, That the said letter be refi rrtd to the committee of privileges, to report thereon. The Senate being equally divided on this question, it was decided in the affirmative by the carting vote of the Vice President. j MARRIED] —*Fhe instant, by . the Reverend Dr. BlackweU, Mr. Samvfl Mifflin, merchant, to Mis» Elizabeth j Datii, both of thi« city. •' r ' ~ t ? NEW. THEATRE. Tomorrow tv*4irttg, Marc'j i£. Will be prtfente l a Comedy, (not acUJ these : #t) ycar>) c*lkd A Gm e for die Heart-Ache Written by T. Martian, £fq- Young Kapid Mr Holies qfhb perfatmei To nty Lumpkin—'being his third <rppea. auie on any Stage. To <wbicb iv'tll be adder/, a Muftcal Drama, in two u3s y calk d The Adopted Child. Box- one Dollar, Pit, throe quarters ®f a dollar* asd Gallery halt a dollar. .tjT The d x.ts o£th# '{ hcAtre wiil open at a q'j'U'tr j»a.O. 5, ar.dfhe curiiiii nit at a quarter 1> jft Hk. VIVA T RKSPUDLICA. A NEW ADVERTISEMENT To Merchants, and Trades* men in general, iffc. Centlkmkn, I FEEL peculiar ideafurc in Dating, that you hive To geueroufly and generally come for ward and fu'ofcribed fur my v\oik, that (aoc withtlanding all provisoes Were toe ore m*de by m*) ti.e cf»ini and monies o' iccouut of »he prin- ripal maritime +- iiogplaces in Rujjirt, Sweden, 'Denmark- No t>, PruJJia, Jo land, Germany, Holland, Flaade. 'sp&in, Portugal, Italy, infev era! ol the wind-ward ahd leeward Weft India Jjlar.dii and many ports in the Eajl Indies. —the whole to be reduced to dollars an 1 cents; and the heft mode of computing the 'exchange vnCh Ihofjc pia eg explained ; also, a large? sheet table of - caicu a;ioiu at compound mtereft :vt 6 pel cent the tabies used iq banks for the determin ation of the \a!ue of go'd ; \hc intercft of each i&nnth from one to "twelve months, ow every dollar (wivhoiit exception) from one to t*o W<* United states ; be (ides much other general uft-fui information, fliail pofitiveiy be ailed to the work, entitled ■ROJyLF-TT'j Tables of Discount or Interest, On every dollar (without exception J From one to two thcufaad; thence on tiVv-ry ten, fifty, and fiv<i hundred, to five th» ufand, fr«tn one day to sixty-sour days inclusive, at fix per* cent- notes for 5, 7 and 8 per c«Rt, &c. At. &.C. The work is dedicated, by pcrraifßon, to the Piifident and oire<Stor» of the Bank of North America, and received in the fir/t twelve days the patronage ol John ApAMS, Piefidcnt of the United States ; ©J.Thoma.3 Jefferson,. Vice Preiident of the Urtit9.ll States aiid Frefi dent of the Senate ; of tw;-thirds of the Sena tors and Members of the Houl'e of Reprcfenta' ti'ves of the United States; and of the Pi eftdents and Dirf£ors of the different Banks unani mously, &c.—a fitt of the whole is printed and attached to the prtipofals. It is evident that u>« work will be oo trumpe ry carck-pensy-tbing ; for I dp pub lic, that the price of it i« rcdoc<d very "near cne~ half at'cordinf 4« t,bc tuual tate at. which books JeH ; iiici J'utt detrrrttifUtion to render it, in pomt of svsjtCT JtfATtkn*, a Valuable aVkvuiiuQa With refpc&UaThe accuracy of the Tables, too A tfaqnot be l«td, and 1 pledge-'myfelf tttar VPttfi&iyj jtf o£ uo: less rrhati one hun djud dollars ffiatrbe offeted'to the firft per !on w}iofta|lit)!i>r«XT/ a single error of eve cent, according rathe principle ased upfiri. To do a way all doubts with relpetf to the ex pence* of the fc'&dicfukinjf, I d«) mostsolemnly declare that they to "try near four thousand doll ar s, and perhaps moi e, in - deprm of any rimur&raticu for my own trouble in the arduous businrss t and the great expence already, incurred for fpartmenS, propofa's, ad vertii'etiients, jiAitd&ifU, Ike. &c. i do iheiefore trust with confidence, that pen- Utwm wjII commit* to tome forward with tfcat public fpirjt caret >;<Mierofity which charac ffriAc the nation, and fwppwit the work by sub fcrtbiag ru 1? without befitauon : prbtru-jic it cannot Ijc *i«d I tuuil fit (io-yu it/ i'c fit-A.upon a Loss. 0, ' - Ai-J «ip, vvi/h profound refp^., Gtaitemoi, Y W r pbe/neot humb'tf"fesviiut, JOHN KOU'UU'i , Hunk North Amettca Poftlcript. Gentlemen arc ivfpc&fully invi ted to fee Specimens of the Tables, ouu cxtnbrt ed at th« City-tavern, liardv's Hotel* Erancta't- Hwef; ttre iVdlan Queen r Dudwoody's tavern, the Franklin Head «iMd at the George ; and plvafe be referred to ths.other advertiferaema which appear every day iw Ibiue one of the ntwfpaper*. ' " Subscribers are so pay nothing until thrift* is delivered rigorously t> 10 aii ftipa* htions.- Copy fight secured according to act of Con gress. march. 27 PROPOSALS Bv A. DIOKINS <sf J. jDtiMROD, 7 Oft PUBLISHING The, Pursuits of Literature, A SA T 111 IC A L POEM IN FOUR DIALOGUES, with not« s To which will be Anhtxtd, A VINDICATION OF THE WORK TRANSLATIONS Of all the Greek "Latin, Italian, and French palTag(6, quoted in the Prefaces, Vindicition and Notes. BY THE AUTHOR. PROPOSALS It ah all ex ecuted and be deliver edto fukferibersa* the mode rare price ol 1-1,-0 dollars andfifty tt.iU. ill boas rit To other*it will be raif d. The Work will he print ed from tfre.lafl Ten don, edition, and will foim a iarge oilavo ' volume of about 500 page* including an in dex ""hi h this edition will alone pofici*. tf. B It ix now in the Prrss % ari will be finished witc all possible speed. % * SuMcription* will be received by A Die kins No. *5, North Second Street, oppo&U Christ Church, and J. Ormrod, No 41, Chtfaur-flreet, and by the principal Eoojtfctters throughout the United States. S(i*ch A LOT OF GROUND, • CONTAINING fix acres and three quarters al (he comer oi the townftiip. line road, *iid the fame tending from the halls I'avero to German town handiooacly fituatcd for bai.di..g r aod well watered. qui re *f the Printer. uurcb 17 'l'o be Rented, AND immediate pofleflion given, if required, a new two fto.y Brick Houe and Kitchen, about 14 mitcb fiora Philadc phja, on the great road to Newt Own Enquire ps ihtrfriuur. march 27 MRS. BECK, BEGS leave to inJorm ihe Of Phila ct'phia, tiiat Ihe- opens her MOKMNG SCHOOL ior Geography and Hiltory un the 4th of, f»om Cto 8 o'clock Any.young Ladies may attend, as ueil as thole already uer tuition. Fifth Street, opposite State House Yard• N. A FEW LOTS to U let at fr.nk ford. Enquire as above March 25 JUS 2' COME TO HAND, W. "SIOUKC, J. & J, Cl- UKSHANK, AKfl 13oOA*TOR.&$, Sacred to the memory of GEORGE WASHINGTON, Late Prefjdeut of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Annies of the United States. -Atiapted to the aad February lSoo. Bv JiicM.MD Also?. march 26. In the fliip Mary, Thomas Webb, Matter, 40,000 wt. Carracas Cocoa* 30,000 lb. Prime Prime Coffee. '5,000 wt. Flora Indigo. THOMAS ALLIBONE, March 25. JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. At their Store No. 5 Cbesnut Street, bave FOR SALE, The following Articles, viz. Firfl quality Ruflia Hemp Rt-flia Duck Brandy in pipes, firft and fourth proof Madeira tVinein pipvs and half pipes Claret in cases Winter and Summer pr- flei, Spermaceti Oil Spermaceti Candels, and Hyson Tea, latest importation March 24. Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. PROPOSALS in writing will be received until chfi 15th day 6f April nert. at the office o! the Treasurer of she Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Company No. 1 x Church alley, for a supply of ten thousand ptTcfct of the quality Free Stone, one bajf of. which mud be os *arge dimcnilous, via 7to 1 z fttet lorg, to 3 feet wide in the bed,. 9to 13 inches deep—the remainder to be of the which is generally called large foundation ftoiie, to be delivered at the Weft eid ,oi High ftr«et t in fach quantities aud at f'uch timc6 as (hall be required Pric»# and. time or payment to be cxpr n d JOHN DORS FY, Secretary pro tem. A quantity ol THR.RASS for mortar Will,be wattfei.- March 17 7 axes of Lycoming Crnniy IQHNKIDD, Treafnrcr, | DireiHon of the Comm'tjfiontrs of Lyco» O -mt.ig county aiieudi at Phihde)* t :h ato re vVitvefhf 'fabit? zfi fiVd upon |»t»f«vu*d Lamis in •ha' Cooaty, from the holders t.Vreof, in ih'& City. Thole who have fih*d --vith the Coto rnllTioncrß, ftp.tements cti' tbewr . Lands, arc re queued 10 call upon him, to know the a mount of' cfeon, and pay rhem ; rther*ife'. 'be fore his leavlfg the Cuv, th*-y will he put into the hands of the Sheriff for eoilev?ji »n. foiy r<> the 3i£i for tfaifiritf county rate# 4tiii »evie» Thofw who have not filed fta ement<» of ihrii • jf>cs with the and a«e drfirou# 4( having it done, toprev. u: files without pre ti' ut personal Notice, mav fi : e with thr above Treafftrar, their lifts, flatirg tfce quantities re turned, number irvd ditej of t l *e Wirrants and names of the under which 'hey h-id tbeiflafcds. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Marfot ifreef *»r this purple uniil ih- tfcch iojiant. .Wt^, November 9 W;il be exposed to Public Sale, Co Monday the 31ft inflant, at ftx o'clock in the Evening, iic the Merchant'* Coffee Hotife, LOTS Nrv. 21, *2. 23* 24 ; Part of the Springetibury Estate, The two fornicr contain a great body of Excel lent Building *t®ne ccifjly (Quarried. The plot of the whole Eltate may beleei the Bank of North America, where perform d firous of purchaling other parts may be iaiormcd ot tae conditions. March ?' 'TV BE LET THE LOT, At ibs north-rest us Arch and Ninib streets, Nk.w occupied By Mr. 8.-njamln Bnlby, &s a Board Yfiid Enquire at No. 218 Arch (Ircet- March 17, FOB DISPOSAL, The Time Of ij/jo Dutch Indented Servants', (a man and his wife) Who have two years and ?»£ht rhonrhj toferve* Foi .*.' ; her particulars enquire of Fctruvj *8 3*wif. ittw. I[e«3t, And ior sale a. A POEM, Juit .r rived, tVom Laguira, Race Street Wharf \ dst. rnwfim STONE. tnwfim dtjlft. 3 taxiif. JOHN REDINGER, NV ziqßacefireec. fllf TOR SAfcE, \ A VALUABLE TM4C'i 05 L A N D, LV ING cm-the Poto.-rac Rivor, couuty U frrr* thumtci la. d, (utc of ) -iviitaiuii at. out 1400 acre*—fiiuation o*li«c in the NorrfieJ»u Neck. rcnrurk.-ihlc icif eve.y t?. * ulwi!dlbw4, ojrujcr*, iifii andci-ah, and uoue be - ier for health. 1? iwVut lb* I'm>9 diflafcco from Baltimore, <*i-j .Vyrioik, <lllO 110:uutc than one days fail from either. Yhurc are rfirel; improved pUrtations with dwelling loufej, thfc Q*e know;) by tl>e nam*. v i EtXltr Lodg.~, forme. - ly the refidenea < 1 col. Jota Oordou. ia an ekgatft two story house. with fair £<*au, ou a floor, and a paflagc lijtreeo Kct wide 1 lie other two arc con;modioli 4 and <<>nve:*l(.nu if fitted, wirb g',od and lu'irable out fcoufcis, at us.* of which John fvlttfphy, £fq. (no* *,[ VVcttmorc iiixici cowity) lived kveral year* jwn tr.j* iarm thuc i® a good griit nUll.'vfith ua* re luihcicut 10 turu a*-> number oi Uoue* ; alfa cq?.&u\*hi HoreJtGj*' f<ja acd grauarjea 9a a public road, well lit4iated for a couotry flore. On eatu of thole plater, there axe fine apDle aqd p&ach ord^rO'llic greater |»roj.ortion of »he land »s of the firil quality, an<i wear the iiajf «f the whole heavily timbered. Ihe term* may heJaiownhy spplyir.gro W'ru P. febh* Baltimore, Foulfioe (5. Tejhhs, e(q. ofßichmond county. Virgiiua, or to Thomas Murgatroju «.ui Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. <—l4 TERMS Of Richard Fofaell, in Pbiioddphia, FOft kOBSCRIBINC TO liiE JOURNALS OF CONGRESS, the con>ajencement 0/" the American War, <vz 1774. to the present timt, -J i+Qt*VDLNQ 7be fi.J.Qri? pf jfcads <f Departments y 0* end other Official and Pri~ vatc fovm vf that fiodj, ?ianv first per mitted to it mode public. f ZJL'Af S. THE work will be printed oa a fine paper, an 4 a new neat large o&avo. Each volume will contain above 500 paj'es, neatly bound and lettered. Uniformity 111 £ze, paper, and binding, will be obierved throughout the work ; so that, while die ful.ftribcrt become poflefled df a valuable record, aa ornament may be added to their lil raries. 1 be pnc« so lubfiribers will be a dolls. 75 cts. pel volume, in boards, and 3 dolls, whole bound , but,as the publilher doe* not intend to print man more: tha» the number fublcribed for, a confia-ra* ble rif« on the price may be cxpe&cd to fcribors. Each volume will, contain about one third less of letter-press than the original edition ; but, at the piibiiihcr 13 not yet enabled to determine the extent of the Private Journals, which he may be ailswed to make public, he cannot afittrtain thk number of volumes which willcomprife the work. €? Payments to be made on delivery oj each volume, Subftribers will have it at their option, either to fublcribe for the whole of the Journals, up to the prefect time, or to thof« only of the Old Congref** prior to the organization of the Federal Govern ment. IN all countries, the proceedings in the com aiea cement of their goveram«nt», are foil in dark ness and obfeurity, owing to a carelessness, in the succeeding generation, to preserve the public re cords, and th? attention of the nation,in theferude ages, being caH#d off from their dorr.eftic concerns, t« engage in wars and conqucft. Of what infinite value would the law# of Alfred b'e, had they been tranfmirtud to oar days ? Time, that destroy* every thing, enhances the vaiue of well authenti cated public record?, and renders them aim oft in ellimable. It i* hoped, thai AmericaLswill, there fore, cheariully contribute their afliftancein trans mitting to polloritj the labours of their smce'ftcfe —founders of the Columbian nation. %* The work will certainly be advanced with expedition and promptitude. The wiU (how the fepjJWrt it has already acquirtd: 44 PhiladtlphiG, Jur.e ij. J;9?. " Tc the Honorable the Senate and Hou& ol Rep resentative* of the Uriieo States. " The MEMORIAL ®f the Subfciib«rs,CitiZ2K», 3cc. of Philadelphia, 4< RcfprßfullyJ/.eriuet/: f ,K That having, in our refpe&ive avocations, frequent occafionsto recur to the Journals of Con. grefs, we experience inconvenience by the icaroi ty of them : That we understand that Richard Foiwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has had it in contemplation to print that public record; and that he haih obtained partial cr i.ntenance irom mJu iiy individuals; hut that he has delayed prosecu ting the work, iu expectation of encouragement fr«m goveroment v that may adequately indemnify him. We, therefore, rofpe&ln'lly iolicit, as the publication is iifcefiary to be difTeminated among public bodies that Congress will, io their wifdoin re nder him iuch additional encouragement, to that which he has obtained irom private individuals, as to enaMeJno) la proceed with the worfc,fottat your MemorulHls nay be enabled to purchafc co pies ot that record for thcmfelves Thomas W Kean, John II Coxe,CharJesHeatly, Levy T. Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith, John Read jail. William Tilghman.John F.Mifflin, Jo seph B John li' ckly, W. Sergeant, John Thorn pfon-Jajfcd |ug<xfcl), Ja/per Mo.yian, William ■Rawle,-J., William Levis* Jar*tg Gihlon, M. Kcpp 'lc, Moses Levy, Robert Porter, Geo»ge Davis, Jofcn HailowqH, James Olddeu, Waker Franklin, Jaipcs.. Miinor, John C* Walls John L. Leib, -\4exander I Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas Willing, Samuel M For, fohn Nixo*,.Robert Wala Robert H- Dunlin. John Ewing. Jun Pen nington, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William Young, Robert Campbell Septimus, Claypoult James Crukthank, Msthvw Carey, Henry K. Hel mut!*, Peter D* Haven, John Duulap, Edward Shoemaker, John R. Smitfy, William Hall, David C. Glaypoole, Thomw Armftroqg, Samuel H. Smith. " True copy from she original Memorial, pre* fented to the Houfc of Representatives ot the United States, on Monday, tkc 1 3;fc ff Ju'ftf 1795: ... •• WILLIAM LAMBERT, for " JONATHAN W.eONDYl.C*,**^," " RfiSOLV£P by the Senate ahd Hoyfe of Rep reffiiitativcs ot th.*' United States of America in Suogref. afiembU-d.f ha* the Secretary of c)ieSenat« and the Clerk of the Hcrufe of Keprelentatives, bq authoriitd and directed, eo subscribe.on fuehrer if. as they may dum eligibU.for theufe ct thcSenate ami Houte of Representatives, for four htandrc4 Copies of the Journal? of Congress, which a,c pro* posed to } q pub!i(hed by Pvichard FolweU and such" nunber of copies of deficient volumes of the feti notv in print,a» may be ncceffary to complete tha fame. JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Rcprefentatbues. JAMES ROSS, Presidtnt sf ike Sinateprs temperp. Approved, March ad, 17Q9. JOHN ADAMS, President qf the United Sf*tef, wwtf m»y %q. 3ta*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers