itt& rf ty* *<*» Philadelphia Daily defoertisek 1 »( t. % it} '-•'••MneaMl v The price of this (jazette is Eight I Qullaz, per annum to Subscribers■ residing j in tie city of FbilaMpbiii- AU others pay I one Dollar additional) for enclosing and di recting ; and un!ess\some person in ibis city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be/raid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term then six months. Dsccmhrf 1 J799 GRASS SEEDS. i Red Clover White cio. Timothy. Saint Foip Trefoil turcett. Luteri: "fcrtl Grass. Orchard Jo. live do 4Ui>c *nJli&iup. J rfnscr, . COPPfcil*, I K.ON MONGER Y, and PA I'SN V which are said to b: more durable than any htretoforc invented,' ah J found ou experience to Ciminiih the labour Lot!) of man and bttil'L— FOR SA v H By THOMAS; HOWARD, A'o, 40 Sautl) Second Street, Philadelphia. February 13. tu&f.Bw. PRATT fcf KiNTZING, Ho 9-5. North Water-llreet, HAVE ON HAND THE FOLLOWING GOODS, ENTITLED to drawback, which they ofi«r for fal< at moderate prices for cafti, or the usual credit ; or on a credit of iz or i 8 month', upon on Real Property, in or near the City of Phil.: .tlphia, or other faaslailory feenrity. scl»oxt; and hales Tick- 13 pipes old Port Wine. lenburghs 35 botes Tumblers af -60 do uo. Hemp- farted. en linens. zoo boxes Hamburgh 50 do. do. Ozwa- Window Glais 8 by brigs.- , v 10, &c. 50 Jo Patter hornet. 1 chest aflortcd Looking 15 do. Dlelticld Linens. Ghrf&sw U do. Creas and Credu Several elegant do. a la Morlaix. 1500 Dunijohns. Brown Roils. 50 kegs Pearl Barley. 130. l-lLiliani. A few tons Roll Enm- PbfSfti Rolls. ft owe. Bed Ticks. j aokegs YelUw Ochre. Siamcis. A few bbls. Rosin. Arabias. 40 tons Ruflu Hemp. Empty Bags. So hhds. Hogs Brifl>s. Oil Shoes and Slippers. 20 calks Nails aflorted Seal arid upper Leather. from 3d. to sod. Scaling Waii. 16 calks Ironmongery. A package Gold and Sil- 8 casks Hoes. ver Watches. Geiruan Steel. A few chells Toys. 6 hhds. Coffee mills. Slates and Pent ils. Blocking Twins, Tapes, 70 hhds, Hbvanna Mo Stone Fickfing Pots, lafTcs &c &c. February 15 L O BE SOLD, or lots oi about 30 or 40 acres X each, more otlefs as may jfuir a On each of which tnexc is a good fitiration for a hcufe—viz. one on the river Delaware, fu (table et'thar fdr 1 gentleman's feat or for a peifoawho might wiili 10 engage in the liuuhcr bufincfs fcav **& a lOn* c mmiWirig a good v.iew of iiic river ro:n th* high eft ground between the ic'ennypatk and Pojfucflin creeks ; ami another on the Bri&ol Road. Enquire si Mr. Gilpin i»ir the 11 mile done oa the laid load. ALSO FOUR LOTS, Of about to acres each with good situations for bml&ng ; one of which is i'uitable for a ban.yard, and has a small (lone house and a young hearing •rchard on it, 011 the Newtwwn road near Snider'* mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one ©tiaer lot of about 30 acres on tku P«ns»ypack.— Encjnire of. Jonathan CRlt who lives ow the'promi fes or of Mr. Gilpin. Poftelfion will J>e given in the spring, but build ing material* may by crtWeiled foancr. Noyeinb'r 8 7axes of Lycoming County, JOHN KIDD, Treaforer, BY of the Ccmrtiijjitincrt of Lyco ming county, at ends at ItiiUdelphia ts re fiei-ve the Taxes aCT<rlT*ij upon Defeated Lands in tint Cocnty, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who have fiUd with the Com milTioners, of their Lands, are re quested to ca'U upon iiim, to know t'*e amount 01 Taxm thereon, and pay them j ntherwtfe, be fore bis leavtrg the City, they wi!! be put into thchands cf the Sheriff for coOed ion, igre-a t>!v to the a<£l for railing eoumy rates ir.A levies Th.of* who have nut filed flatcments of their lands with the Coirjmifiioners, and arc delirons of having i; done, 10prevent files without pre ■visus personal Notice, uiav file with the above .Treasurer, their Ufl«, ftatisjt the quantities ra "turired, number and dates ot the wirrmts and names of the warrantees, ur.der which they iVild theirlands. He will attend at Mr. Jefeph Hardy's No 98, Market ftrect Eor this purpufe until the 18th instant. November 9, Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWA.Y from Spring in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wile CUDJO, about 21 years «li, the property of Robot r. Ccleruinj 3*fq. He is about 5 £e«t 8 inches high, ba> a blcjiiili in hi» eyes, mow >»nite in them than common, by trade a Fcrge man, had on and took with him a drat coloured broad cloii coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and panuloo.-s printed fancy cord, a iwMifdown itriped undar acket; a rcrnm hat; one fine and one coarfc ftirt' one mufiin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up fai4 negro and lodges hiip in a«y jail in this or any ot the neighbouring states (hall have tke above re ward or reasonable expcncesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, Odteber»3,l79^. N. B. As said negro formoriy lived in ChcOcr «ouoty, it is probable he may return there, November s A LL purloin indebt-a to the cPeace of Thomas A Wilson, late of Souihwark, deceased. are are requeued to make immediate payment to the fubferiben*, and those who have any demands againfi the l'aid are resiled to furuilh rheir accounts for fettienieiit. A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE, Nov 1, i 7 9,. S F.£D S. Proprietors of the rfiihrfalphUand -1 easter line oTStafn* »I;>PATCH, return their grateful thanks to their frifuds and the pi/HSic m general, for the pml favor> tiey hive receiv,d,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th»y are p;oviiedwithCar: ir.geK,fuber atsd careful to go through between the City and iii-r ugh in two days. Thof« who prefer this mode of travailing c«n he accommodated at the Stage f'gfl of Waited Siatcb jiagl., Market street, Philadelphia. THE POSSESSORS 07 OBLIGATIONS *r certificates ed by the fubicriber, 'or undivided -Shares or Lots on hi, purchase within the city of Washing. ton, who iiave not yet applied lcr and received their Deed*, are hcroby notified, that their fdverai Titles-will be -July completed to the order of those who in conformity with the terms of the said Cer tificates, do make ths Payments in lull therefor, either to Thomas I\d % Euen & Co. or to the icriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time bjciore the 31ft day of .lay nsxt. December ij KNOWN by the jiamtMf f the Booneton Iron Works, lltn«c„ In the county of Morris in the Uau of Ncw'fjrfty, confitiing oi a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Milt, a Grift mill with two Run of llane-, and Saw mill, all ia good order and new in uLe, togcthi ,• tfith an extelW, larte, jnd iouv»nieut house, with out houfrs of every kind ; among which arc as Ice house, and stone milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Gardtn, and an eawlUot eolkaion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres of wood, pa.* ure and arable land, and a great number of /lores and workmen'}, houses Immediate poffeflism will he given of houses and (lores luSciem for proviiiinj (lock the present winter, and poffcifian of the whole in the lpritig. fjtu&f For terms enquire of David E Ogden it N- w arli, PWtr New-York, mr. David Foul ill Morris '.'own, or messrs. Jacob aadKich ard FjelchuOn tiaprriiifes, Janunr" M j HPKIS is to give notice tfie StiWlriber j -i- hash obtained frdin t lie Orphan's Court of J Ctecil county in- MUryiastl,' tetters of admi.sif iirMion on the ptrfoni! rlsre of Samuel Silpin, late of the county aforefaid, cleieafed ; ail per foas hiving claims against the laid dqeeafed, are hereby warned to txlijbit the with the vouchers thereof to the fublc.iiber on or be! the 14th day of Augnß next —they m.iynther ""wil'e by law te excluded frcira al! benefit of the laid eltate. Given under n.y hand this 3.7 th of January, one thousand eighiliuadred. JOHN GILPIN", Adrmmjlraior, January 30. . U w6w. s'.wrf. HIS Swcdilh Majesty's Consul General, and au thorized to trailed the Coniuiar for his Majeity the King of Denma iii m the United' States of America, refniing at l J hilartr:|>hia, Hereby gives public Notice ', That in obedience to recent iivUiudions received from his governr.i#r.t, it h the duty of all Waters of Swcdilh and Daailh veffcls, Lcior.. their from any pc*t in the laid States, to call upon him •or the Vice Consul in or/cr to he granted such Certificates for their Cargoer, whi-Ji the exigency of the Hate of the Neutral Commerce a.i.! the fc ver I Detrass <he B«Uigeren: Pontrt, rei.dar indifpepfabiy lleceffary, and, that any Milt, r u: vefiWs belonging to tile rifpe&ive natwns, or na vigatiog under the protection of their omitting to take such certiScaten, will peiloually I fta-.;d rcipo-sflble for the confequenees. I RICH VRD SODERSTUOM Philadelphia, ißtt> December, 1799. „ . DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the t• i;; Hr f 14th iiill JOHN 08B0R.N, born in the town of Bedford, Well Chsiier countv and data cf New-York, aged l» years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high,grey ey«s (lorigqued) light hair, ruddy e»mplexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. F.altfled by Lieutenant key noli!s. in Sttphtil's Town, near Albany the ajth of June lad Had on and took with him, a Short round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoa.s, a long urn mixed clo'h coat ana breeches, a pair of boot>, a checaiate coloured great ccat tri.-nr.ied with black hair pluih, £ furr bat la]£ worn, and two Giver Watches, one a middle lize, the other funll. He ; may inipofe himfelt ou some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he nas a£led in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Dcfertcr, and fecurcs him in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers Hm to any of the Marine officers or an; officer 01 the army of the United State; lhail receive the above reward and all rcifonab'.e charges. January 16 PHILADELPHIA, FIfIDAY EVENING, MARCH 21, ISOO. NOTICE. SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. JOEL W, WILSON, Adm iniskfaictr No. 195, foach 4 7 rort ftrcet, Southward. IV HQ If AS TO LF.T) A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to cwitain nhe Hcrfe. Also, For Sjt'e or to I,et, LANCASTER STAGES. Sfoagb, Downing, Dunwoodj tf Co. AW 30. 2t—§ CITY OF WASHINGTON. Samuel EtoJgit. BOONETON IKON WORKS, TO BE SOLD, OH LEASED KOR OXF. YtAR—THAT Valuable Estate, NOTICE, TIIE UNDERSIGNED, Thirty ■ Dtdlars Reward. J. S. LEAVIS, J; A/ur.'rtc C'.o' !'-j. f AUTHENTIC LIFE OF SUWOROW. JUST PUBLISHER, AND FOR SALE, AT THIS OIFICE, A SKETCH OP THE %iit anl> Cjjaratfer PRINCE ALEXANDER SUIVOROIV HTM- NIKS XI, Field-Ma. flial General in the fcrjice of His Imperi al Majtfty, the Kmpcror of all the Ruffias, WITH The History of his Campaigns Translated from the German of Frederick Ant bin?. 1 o which is add«d t A concise unci c mprebensive History if His Italian Campaign. By William Cobbett. With an clsgant Prir:t-Porirait of that re noutiied Warrior. [P-ricc 2 I-j tJulU'ri.] Portrait of Marshal Sw.voro Gentlemen of a c.-u ital like " tllc firft il'is Ulu'lrious Ciirmian Chieftain, may he iurmfticd with parti cular proot at this s ri« on, Dollar. February i z TO 7 lIE PATRONAGE OP A and enlightened Community IS SUBMITTED THE PROSPECTUS OP A New Daily Paper, Td BE PUBLISHED UNDEIt THE TITLE OF THE OBSERVER, AND Daily Repository of ufefuj Information TT will djubtlefs be deemed a hazardous un , to present to the public eye propo fais ior a new Gazette, when la many are al ready in pofliHion of the public pationage. News-papers so much more generally difluf ed throughout America than perhaps any other portion of the globe, may becom.e either en gsntsol miC-kief or the implements of ttfefuineft amrßg thou'aiiiis ; and alihocplt it may be pre sumptuous ill the Editor of that now proposed to expeft that its utility will be great, yet fee may be id mil ted lo declare, that it shall not willingly bs made the means of"doiug < vil His endeavors will be applied co leader : Jhe Observer in f'rne degree conducive to the at tainment of knowledge jM Well as to the com municatioa of news—to enlighten the under- Qanding—to improve the morals—to beget, or to confirm, a reverence fur thefacred principles of Ckrillianity. For this purpose it is intended— Tofurniih the molt recent foreign and lomeflrc intelligence ; To give ulcful Prices Current st heme and abroad, andothercommercial information; To ielcdl fiom literary prodr.clionsi such por tions as may gratify tafie and induceimprove -1 To unfold anrl enforce fjund and just views of gox'emment To aid the great intcreftsof piety and morality. To prelect occaOonally— Improvements in the arts anr! fciexees—in agri culture and domeflic economy ; Prof tedings of the General and State Leg fla- lures Reports of the Heads of Department?, and of interesting ( ales adjudged iH the feverai courts of the United Stares* &c. Keviews of foreign and domestic. literature ; ■Anecdotes and characters of difilnguifhed per son a StatiHical table; ; Meteorological ( bferwv.i■mis ; Appt intmsnts ; Marriages, Births, Deaths With ihelepropqfa4s the fubferiber difiMent - Iv 1 fubniits himfelf to the p ibiic. He is well aware or the importance ard magnitude of the undei taking Solicirons fur the fate of h'* ru r ve land, and viewing with anxious fe?rs and 1) pes the success o* a govcrutnent creifcd by the join- exertions of u<ifdom and virtue, and condu&ed w'rb found policy and genuine pa triot iim, he /eels hinifelr f»ncrreiy interested it. {Hotnoting such meal ires and principles as he believes rfTentiat to public happir.efs and nation ai prosperity. conditions I. The Obfcrver (hall be printed with a neat type, and oh pjper of equal fi 2e and quality with th*r prefuiit iinladelphia daily papers. 11. It Ihill be pnbiiihed every evening. 2nd regularly lent ro the bot.fea of the city f-.thftri'- ers—Toothers it wili be for-warded acc rdir.g tofli ir refpedive HiftrutSmns. 111, The price wiH be Fight Dollars p-r an n-jin to th-fe who rcfide in the city —and A rise Dollars to al! others. The additional sollar is to <le(r»y'he expence of enclosing and diredl it*g their papers. IV Oi e half of the price to be naid it the lime of subscribing, and die other half at tbe ex piration of twelve Vmtn'hi -rem the publication ol the firft number. The fucccedii»g payments to be half yearly. V. Advertifemes's that do not exceed in length the breadth of the colu:nn will be £7 cent', for the firft, and 33 cents fur every addi tional Infertioti- Those of greater length will be charged in the fame proportion. ZACHARIAH POULbON, jun frawf March 8, 18co. * TO tSE LET, THE LOT, AT the north-ejft c imcr of Arch and Ninth llreett, now occupied by Mr. Fenjamin as a Board Yard. Enquire at No. üB, J% .h 17. THOMAS CLAPTON RESPECTFULLY infVrms hit. friends and the nubile in general, thai he ha, rcmov'd the whoit .vockic trade of the lite firm of J. J. MAI.- COM & co.'vtG figu of Fothergills Golden Head, No. 97 oouth .Second Street, u1 r ;ci 1 y oppo fiu to the City Tavern, wkerc the in ali itsbranches wil) be condufted as heretofore in c»n junflion with WILLIAM LEHMAN, under the film jf WILLIAM LEHMAN &. Co. March 6, j AS Mr. Tbonias* Clayton, i*i his adver tisement above, has indiretfly afimed %hit 1 have declined biifuiefb, X feet it n:y duty to inform my friends and the public. that I continue the Drug and Apothecary IJuiinefs, as ulual, at the otu i iml, it j Qf Tot ] 's goWen head,. No. ;6, lpuib Second itieet, a little beloV oppolite. Jiilack Horjc Alley, where may iie hud, every ;***ticle in the line. JOKN J. MALCOM. MEDICINE CHESTS, For fhipoirgj with plain approved diretftions. put up at «ii hou; 's notice. JlL'rc,b 7. QUESTIONS To Merchants, Store keepers, and Trades- ift, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfedl standard of discount, oi*, calculated on every dol lar (without exception) from Ito 2000, from cue day to iixty-fonr days inclusive, of any value, whether used zs a standard, or as a check upon the enquirers' own calculations 2d 1» it of any importance to know the befl methods of computing the exchanges, be tween this country and the principal mari time trading place in Ruflia, Sweden, Den mark, Norway, Prufiia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, in several of the Windward and Leeward Well India Islands, and many ports in the East Indict.? 3d Is a t.ible of all the coins and monies cf account in the places aforciiid, of any 4tb Are the coins and moults of account in the when reduced to dollars and cents, of any service ? sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti lity ? 6th Is the table by which the banks determine the value of gold, desirable ? 7th Is the amount of iniereft, accurately cal culated for each mnnh from one to twelve month*, and on every dollar (without ex ception) from 1 to 2000, cf any value ? St' ! ' Is a table of aM the pc*l\ towns in the United States, and rates of pillage therewith) of any life ? 9th Will not all these together make a book, as generally uleful and convenient as ever en tered a counting house or ftorf ? loth Will nor the whole, when comprised in a quarto volume of from zoo to 2*5 pages, be worth two dollars? And la lily, Is the perf>n. who at the exigence of VOtyki THOUSAND DOLL.VKo un dertakes to pet form upwards of one hundred a>idfixty thcufu*iiicalculations *f lnt;rcjl y and of giving a!l tt>e preceding- information to the public in the moji compete >7i^n.ier % de fciving of your EiKo&iragement and Sup port ? IT the anfAer :« in the ntKrmtive, y.m are iji'.iu iJinlis' and ri-J;>;*cKu!!y invitccl to tub in on. o.' liu: l,\c':i.j--n exhibited at the Ciiy 'iVvern, ;i.--i.-iy' 3 Uuu-!, Francis's Moin, the La!:;;!) Que;\n. Dunu okK's Tavtrn, the Franklin Head, a:;-j a: the Gaor'^t. It is proper to state, that thy work will not be executed unlefsfifteen hundredfubferibers are DDtained ? for i'cur thouiand dollars is too much to hazard. NOTHING IS TO BE PA3D IN AD VA'- Ci'., ntiilitr will II !r cxptiied ..f fub ftrjbefb tu take the v.o'k uh'-n pi Hlfh.xi, i* it is not rij; > . ufly coiif.irm . my agiermtnts with tin- l.nMic. rxprciwii in tr<- -..iiti. II- sfllxcu to liw ipo iiren book*. each i f which c< nfifls of fix dcntii.d of the work I am, with refpeift, Of nt torn en, Your humble servant. JOHN ROW LETT, Jcccmptant, Bank of North America. POSTSCRIPT. The work is dedicated, by permiflioo, to the PreTiifent and D>"i!ors of the Bank of North ■America, and !ies already received the patron age of JOHi? ADAMS, Prcfic!eot*:l,e Uni ted State t; of THOMAS JEFFURSON. Vice. the Ui.isctl Spates, arid I'refident of tpe Senate"; oh large rmrn&er of Senates *;hl. Mcfflhtts of ihc Houii- ps Hepreictitativet --- »!' the United FtJte, ; and et the. Prefiderits and DESERTED, Mireito-rs of the differeut liariks u;ian TO oiiflv. vnnMil,, . , Thi penmen Book in Ibe Bank ofHortb AmJr- F oh" D A VID IJ F VIN F I;r,?ate,Phl'a/Jel h/.Hhg very fe,J> :uitb fubfeription, lb me tv F ' DA \ ID , I "' VI NE - b >' ' r rade 1 Shoe for 2 copies, lorn, for j copi,; atfd some "r ?? 7 # K I "H 1 " 1 "" 1 ' >3 years of ape, 5 feet seopie , and I take this opportunity of grate-full, 1 ' " ° 1 com^«iou and hair—also, ack/iovjledgjug all favours. j WATSON LUDLOW# by trade a Shoe t*t Gentlemen having Imßneft at either of 33 f PXZzszzzzr* -" « | SEBS'frir= „ , I \JJthem on board the said frigate; (hall receive to aft of Coujnfs, • t*n (hilars reward for each, and reasonable Martk 10. ' dz&eTtf . c^ar g€s. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, ON the 9th day of Aufc, 1799, a f&gn?d all his Imitate, real, per fun a>l and mixtd, to JOHN M.NESBIfT and JONATHAN MI.REDITH, —All persons indited ro the said Thomas Haw thorn or to tha late hottle of Hawthorn and Kerr, are defirtd to puy their rcfye&ive balances to JONATHAN MERKDITH 3'aw.t f February 21 Removal of Medu intm J «» %«i A MISTAKE. men in general, &c NOTICE, HAVING Acting Assignee. sta\v6w •v - ' > • i 'U. .•:• % NEW LINE OF STAGES To New Tork, By tbe'ftorteft and most plcafant road—palling through Prankford, Bufifcton, Ncwiown, Penn.ngtoiw, Millftene, Bowndbrook, Uniou Camp, Scotch Piains, Springfield and New at k. THE SWIFTSURE from the Green Tree, No- 50 North i'o.urth Srreet, at 8 o'clock every morning, and arrives at I*ew York early the next evening. I'iqiti New >qrk it flans at 9 o'clock t-very day (Sunday* excepted) and arnves it Phila delphia, en-rly the *ext evening. I'arc for 6 cents per avie. Each pafffnger allowed 14I ij of H"gage. One hundred and tifry weight of baggage 10 pa> the .fame a.s a paflenger. Ah higgle to bf a! rbe rifkof the owner, unlets insured find receipted for by the clerks of the different office*. Kate-os insurance oac per cent. *i* Apply n JOHN M'CALLi, No.| o N«irh Ifturtl; Street. Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDEUVOOKT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich Street, New Ycrk. January 3, This Day Published, By J. OftMHoD, No. 41, Chef::ut Street, (Price aj Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington, A POEM, In imitation of the ».an::er of OH.:n. By Rev. John B. Lixn, A.M. Maiifter of thc.Fiifc Pix-Ibyteuan Cu tion c! Philadelphia. Mr. Ch»u3ron's Oration will be publiflied on Monday morning. M»rch 15. glass manufactory. THE PROPRIETORS Qf the Pittsburgh Glass Works, H;WING procured a fufficient number of the moil approved Europeaw Glal's Kanu fucflurei's, ami having on hand a large of trtcbeft Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glafsof a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24. inches, caretully packed in boxes containing 100 ieet ea hj may be had at the ftiorteft notice. Giafs of larger sizes for other purposes, may alio be had, such as for pidlures, coach glafles, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket (ialks, pick mgjars, apothecary's f&op furniture, < r other hollow ware—the whole at leali 25 per cent, kwer than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the fei ports of the United States. A liberal alJftwance will be made on la!e oi large qOantrties. Orders from merchants and others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAM£S O'HARA or ISAAC CR-\iG, or at the Store of MeflVs PRATHER andSWILIE, in Maiket-Slreet, P.ttlbiugh, March 4, tmhtf. To be Bartered, IJR LU KOFI'. AN, OR PAS T INDIA DRT GOODS, A hafidfome Three Story BRICK HOUSE & KITCHEN, Of modern construction md well built TJC7"ITta the bdi materi-Is.tituatefi m a very ▼ * pleafint and healthy part of the town at a moderate diflonre from the centre of the city. Enquire at tii<s Office of the Gazette of tkeUni- HitCd States. March :6. Valuable Property for Sale, Ghefaat, rear Sixth ftrect, diiefily opposite Concr-iss Hall. A 1 oT ofgrnmid,about ii f cet f rcnt j 0 cl>ef . i 'i rut street and 73 Ucz in depth, whei coil is a good Jiarilc house, now in the tenure of Samuel fulj"& to a ground rent of 2Ct. peraDiium. The, advantageous fituatioH of this property re quires no coinments, for it nuift be known, there aie lew in this city to equal it, ar. unexceptionable title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, No. 19!. Cfctfnut (1. next Joor to the prtiuiGw, ia-tf imrch 5 1 March 12 '1 bite Cents Re-ward. RUN away from (lie Subscriber on the evening ot the aßt!< itiA. a bound Servant GIRL, p.atr.e«d Elizabeth HcwiHt had on and took with fc«r|?hrce different changes o! garment and money, prou.l, bold and iu pudervt, v. noted lyar ; any par son apprchfudkig her fkall he entitled to the above reward—no co£s or charges will be paid, N: B, She had % years and some months to serve. D.'.NILL FI7ZPATRJCK. GcflieaTVwnlhip, Chifter Cour&y, July 19. jjwtf august $ - : a" \Voi.CMR X \ Ii -V eodfcf m&w tf. 3tawtf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers