Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 19, 1800, Image 4

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    tfOT I C E.
Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant,
ON the 9th i-iy of Aug. 1799.
f state, real, perioral and mix d, to JOHN
- Haw
thorn or to tho late ho»fe of Hawth rn and Kerr,
iie defirtd to pay their refpc<Sive balances to
Acting Assignee.
February 4!
WILL be received at this Office until the
seventh day of April next for rutting out i
cloarhing lor the Army of the United Slates.
The proposals inuft fpecify the price required
for cutting out each of the fcveral article®, to
wit, Horseman's cloaksj regimental coats, vests
and overalls.
PROPOSALS will atfo be received until the
fcventh day of April aex.t for the delivery of
five tboufand hats and twenty thot.fand fhiits.
TUf hats to he made of good wool to be well raa- ;
nu f a<slured, full cocked, bound with narrow <
b'&ck binding, the tan or hind part eight inch
bread, fides and corners fix inches broad.
The Ihirts t. be of linen equal quality with
the pattern article, and to be as Well made as
the laid pattern.
One halt' of the hats and shirts to be deliver
ed ob or before the day of June next, and
the remainder on or before the firft day of July
next. •
Patterns of the fcveral articles maybe fcen at
the Military Stores kept by John Harris,on the
wharf between Artb and Race streets.
Security will be required.
Secretary of War,
March 7
Centre Square, Febeuary 5, 180©.
IN compliance with the initmftions oi the
Committee for watering the city, and with
tny own inclinations, every poilible admit
tance and information has Ween given to
those citizens who have vilited the Worlds
during their progress. The Engines are now
arrived, and are immediately to be put up,
and it is hoped tHat it will be thought rea
sonable and just, both to the Public, and to
the Contraftor fpr the Engines, that the
workmen should not be interrupted. As a
very few months will fully gratify the cu
rioihy of the citizens, by the wing them the
Engines in full operation, a temporary ex
clusion of all vifitorsfrom the Engine houses
cannot appear improper.
B. H. LATROBE, Engineer.
February 13. <^tf.
To be Bartered,
A haedfome Three Story
Of modern construction ar.d well bui t
WITH the bcfl fituated in a very
pleasant an.i healthy part of the town at
a moderate diftjace From the centre of the city.
Enquire at the Olftce of the Gazette cf the Uni
sited State".
March 16
(At Public Vendue)
On Second the 24tb *f this Instant,
PLEA. iiNTLY f,tust«d on the main ( ro» d
leading from Philadelphia to New York, in
Lower PuMin tht county of Philadel
phia. between the to and n mile Hones, contain
ing from one to 6ve acres each; one other Lot,
containing about thirty acres, lying on the road
leading from said road to Buftleton ; there arc on
said iot £ good stone dwelling house, a good apple
orchard, about fix acres of well timbered land,
the rsmaindcr cleared and in a good Hate of cul
For further particulars, enquire ®f the owner,
on the. premrfea,
3d month, 13th.
Valuable Property for Sale,
In ChefHMt, near Sixth street, direflly oppoGte
Congriss Mali..
ALOTofgroupd.about »I feet front in Chef
nut street and 73 few in depth, whereon is a
good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel
Bcnge fubjcfl to a ground rent of 101. per annum.
The, advantageous {huatioa of this property re
quires no comments, for it nvuft be known, thrre
are few in this city to equal it, ar. unecceptionaMe
title will be made to the pwefcafer. Apply to
No. i9S,Chefnut fl. next door to the pr«mifes
nwrch 5
Hories to Winter.
HORSES will be taken to winter at PrafptS
Hill, it the i % miies stone on the Bristol
Road, where they will have good Timothy and
Clovtr Hay, well littered and cleaned ani a field
to ran in when the weather is good.
0- Esquire of Mr. William Bell M«rcha»t, or
Ap the premises.
M. B. Will not bo infwenblefor accident* or
efcipe, but will take every precaution to prev»M
November 11
FROM the United States Frigate Philadel
phia, DAVID SEVINE, by trade a Shoe
maker, born in Ireland, 13 years of age, 5 feet
6 inches high, light complexion and hair —also,
WATSON LUDLOW, by trad* a Sbee
makcr, born in New-Jerfcy, 33 years of age,
5 feetl© inches high, dark hair and complexion*
VI hoever will take up said Deserters and deli
ver them on board thefaid frigate, (hall receive
ten dollars reward for each, and reasonable
Mych u.
For the accommodation of th« Farmers of Spring
field, and all other persons who are inclined
to purchase, the fubferiber is disposed
LYING in Springfield townftiip, Burlington
county, ard State of New Jersey, being a
part of that capital property well known by the
flame of
containing two hundred and ten acres, of which
twenty-Oven are excellent swamp wood land, up
of ninety acre* arc as good meadow a- any
in the county, and the residue is fine upland ; then
are three public rods that run through the laud
The fuhfcr:ber will attend at the h use ol Mr
John Tonkins in Springfield, until the firft day 1
April next, in order to Ihew the land and receive
propcfals either fcr lots or the whole, as may lur
3 taw 6 w
March 6, 1800,
March 17.
Of two Dutch indented Servants,
(a man and his wife)
Who have two years and eight months toferve.
For further particulars enquire of
February *8
valuable real estate.
LAYING on the east fide of the-Falls-Road.—
On the East it i* b©u«ded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Francis, ftn. —ou the south, by
a road «f two perches, and, or) the north by a lane,
which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo
sed to divide this land ii.t'o 3 equal parts in order
to suit the purchaler*
Also, 31 acres, situated on the w*ft fide of
Gern antown road, adjoining Matters » estate,
being part of ths property of the late Samuel
For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner oj
Market ind nth llreets.
January 14.
No. 17 South Second Street,
For CoM«, obftinatt Coughs, Catarrhs, Afth
mas, Sore-throats, and approaching Con
THOUSANDS are too well acquainted with
the nature and effects of empirical medicia< ■
daily offered for the cure of the above com
plaints ; dear bought experience has taught
them that oily and heating medicines joined
with strong opiates (or sleepy drugs) repeated
doses of which, flatter and deceive the patieni
for the present. by procuring momentary ease ;
experience, I fay, has taught thousands that
the common opiates and balfums, as they arc
called, finally aggravate every disorder of tbr
breast and lungs in their moll diOreffing fyrap
toms ; that they load the Jiomach and impair
the digjeition, inflame the whole fyftera, increase
the difficulty of breathing, and excite fever.—
But the qualities of this valuable art
evinced by perfe<sUy oppolite effedU. A SIN
GLE TRIAL WILL PROVE that it restores
the determination of the fluids to th« lurface of
the body, and b; ings on the common, healthful
perspiration ; that it dislodges and evacuates
the tough, viscid phlegm, or mucus, ftrengtb
ens the weakened veflels of the lungs, sheathes
the acrimonious fenmours which irritate the
lungs, and finally discharges them. Thus stri
king at the root of the disorder, the symptoms
arer.f course, effe&ually and permanently con
quered, the rever/e of common medicines,
which weaken the constitution and give strength
to the disorder, for the fake of moderating for
the present, some of its painful effefls.
m&w tf.
Who nay have Children afflicted with the
This discovery is of the firft magnitude, as it
affords immediate relief, checks the progress,
irtd in a fliort time entirely removes the moil
cruel difoider to which children are liable ; the
Elixir is so perfectly agreeable and the dose so
small, that no difficulty irises in taking it.
Genuine Ejjcnce and Extraft oj
For R'rceuinatifms, Gout,Palfey, Sprains, &c.
a great number of atte'.ied cures may be i'een
at the place of sale. Dr. Hamilton s Gund
Restorative for constitutions debilitated by in
temperance of any kind ; and for the cure of
Nervous Complaints, Inward Weaknels, Ob
flinate Gleets, Kluor Albus in women, &c.
Hamilton's jnflly celebrated Worm Lozen
ges, th« infallible Itch Ointment, Dr. Leroux's
Indian Vegetable Specific for Venereal Com
plaints, Ague and Fever Drops whidi had ne
ver failed rficiSling a cure, Dr. H-ihn's Anti
bilious Pill, ditto Corn Plaifter, the Per fun
Lotion 'tor the sice and Ikin, Gowland's Lo
tion, Church's Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills
T» recommended (particularly to the Ladies)
as an elegant and pleasant preparation forchop
ped and fore lips, and every blemiih and incon
vesience occafionedky colds, fevers, &c. l'pee
dily reftorinp a beautiful rosy colour and deli
cate foftnefa to the lips.
This excellent preparation comforts and
flrcngthens the gums, prefepres the enamel
from dfcay, and cleanses aRd wlatsns the teeth,
absorbing all that acrimonious slime andt'ou!-
nefi, which fufferrd to accumulate, never fails
to injur? and finally ruin them.
jf3"Thofewho wilh to procure the medicines
genuine, must apply only as above.
Wholesale porchafers will receive a liberal
allowance by application to L.EE 3c Co. Balti
more, who have obtained the general agency
for the United Stated,
Feb. 26.
!a most valuable
Bullus's Estate,
The Time
No. 110 Race ftrett.
About 25 acres of Land,
fok The teeth and gums.
I'm all chests of Ginghams, on board
4 ditto of colored Muflinets, j the
4 bales of St. Fernando Serges, . Ne'lor,in
4 ditto of Camblets, . phe river
lo ditto of colored and white j frntn
Caflimeres, J Liverpool
14 trnriks of printed Callicoes,
The above are in small ajforttdpackages tabulated
either for the WV/? India or home trade,
30 tons Lead, in pigs,
8 tons of dr; White Lead in hhd9.
17 calks of fine dry Yellow Paint,
6 ditto of Mineral Black,
1 ditto of ditto White*
10 ditto of Colcoihar,
3 ditto of Purple Brown,
10 cases Englifl* China Ware in setts,
36 cask of Nails aß'orted,
300 barrels pieklei! Salmon,
80 half ditt* ditto,
80 barrels Herrings,
ao ditto Shad,
10 ditto Mackarel,
7 casks of Porter in bottles,
20 puncheons Rum,
£9O pipes of Brandy, 4th proof,
15 pipe 9 old Madeira Wine,
27 quarter cbefts Young HyfonTea,
13 boxes of Imperial ditto,
Eng'ifh Gunpowder, HF
Forged* Copper Nails aud Bolts,
Sail Canvass,
Empty Wine Bottles,
Cork in Iheets,
Green Coffee in hhds.
February 13
OF Unseated Lands in Weftmorekud county.
Pennsylvania, are hereby notified, that «rr
less the Taxes due on laid lands for 1798, are paid
into the hands of John Brandon, Jsfy. treasurer ot
said county, on or before the aoth of April next,
they will be advertised for sale, as the law directs
January iS.
treasury department.
March nth-, 1799.
Pursuant to the. a& of Cengrefs pafTcd on the
ifl day of June* one thousand, seven hun
dred and nmcty fjx, entitled u an regulat
ing the grams ofland appropriated for mili
tary fsrvices, a*id for the society of United
Brethren for propagating the g/afpel among
the Heathen ; and the a-5* supplementary to
the said recited a<s> pa fled on the second day of
March, one thousand seven hundred aodnine
tynine i-o <iuit:
THAT the trafl of Land herein after de
ferred, nan ely, " beginning at the North Wed
corner of the seven. ranges of townships, and
running thence fifty miles due south, along the
western boundary at the said ranges ; —thence
clue Weft to the Mai" Branch of tire Scioto ri
ver ; thence up the Main Branch of the said ri
ver to the place where the Indian boundary line
cniflea die fame; —thence along.she said boun
dary line to the Tufcjroras branch of the Muf
kiigum river at the crofting piice above Fort
Lawrence ; thence down the said river, to the
point where a line run tlue weft from the place
of beginning, will imerfe<£l ,the fakl river;
thence along the line so run to the place of be
ginning has been dividtd into townfliipj of
live milea ftjuare, and frailionalparts of town
ihips; and that plaU and furvtys of the laid
townlhip» and fraiSional parts of townihips are
rlepoSted in the uffices of the Uegifter of the
Treasury and Surveyor General, for the inflec
tion of all pei'ions concerned,
The holders of such warrants as have been
©r shall be granted fop military lervices perform
ed during the late war, are required to present
the fame to the Regifler of the Treasury, at
some time prior to the twelfth cky of February
in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for
the purpose of being regiflered ; No registry
will however be made of any iefs qua nt'ty than
a quarter townlhip, or four thousand acres.
The priority of location of the warrants which
may be prefbnted and pegiftera&in manner afcre
said, prior to the lath day of February in the
year one thousand eight hundred, wiil immediate
ly after the said day, be determined by lot, ic the
mode drefcribed by the ad firft recited.
The holders of regiflered warrant!, (hall on
Monday the 17th day of February, in the year
(800/1 n the order of which the priority ©f locati
on (ball be determined by lotas afercfaid, pefon
ally, or by th«ir agents, dcfigaate in u ritifig at the
office of the Register of the Treasury, the particu
lar quarter townibips cledted by them ref|:ed-ively,
and such of the said hwlders as fliall not Jefignatr
their locations on the said day, (hall be postponed
in locating such warrants to all other hcMers of
regiflered warrants.
The holders of warrants for military services
fufficient to cover one or more quarter townships
or trails of four thousand acres each ; shall, at any
time after Monday the 17th day of February, >Boo
and prior to the firft day ot January, 180 a, be al
lowed to rcgifter the fai-d warrants iu manner a
forefaid, and forthwith to make lecatSon? therefor
on any tract-or tra&s of land not before located.
All warrants or claims for lands on account of
military fcrvicCs, which fhallnotbc registered and
located bsfore the firft day of January, 180*, are by
the supplementary a& of Congress herein before
recited, passed on the second day of March,
declared to be forever barred.
Given under my hand at Philadelphia,- the
dar and year above mentioned.
Sec* of the Treasury.
May 29tb y 1799.
THE proprietors of certificates iflued forfub
fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at
eight per centum per annum, are notified, that
at any time after payment lhall have been made
of the sth instilment, which will become due
during the firft ten days of the month of July
enfning, Certificates of Funded Stock may at
their option he obtained at the Treasury or Loan
Offices, refpe6ively, for the amount of the four
firft instalments, or owe moiety of thefoms ex
prefTed in the fubleription certificates:—N© cer
tificates of Funded Stock, will however be iflued
forlefs than one hundred dollars.
Such fubfeription certificates *s mJy be pre
ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con
eqaence of the foregoing arrangement, will be
ndorfed and diftindtly marked so as to denste,
that a raoetv of the flock has been iflued.
eoiw jawtf.
Secretary of Treasury,
319 Street,
GEOROE DAVIS has just received from Dub
lin, via New York, a very large Parcel if
Law Books, all of the htcft editions, which ren
ders his assortment he believes the most «xtcnfi*e
and valuable on the continent. They will be
opened this day, and ready for sale at any time af
The subscribers to that important work, Wtnt
worth's Syfitm of Pleading are informed that it is
now #rived, and will be delivered ®n application.
Ula.iU Declarations fettled and approved ty tlie
most distinguished Law characters, to be had cf
G. D.
March rr,
a new '
At Chalk's Circulating Library,
No. 75 North Third Street,
WHERE may be had, all thi Muiic
comoofiog the songs &c. lately fold at the
Rcpofltory in South Second Street. To which, in
a few days, will be added, some PIANO FOK.TKS
of a very fuperi.or tone and «jHality, Flutes, Fifes,
Violins best Roma* Violin Strings, and every
other article in the musical line, which will be
fold in prime order, and oa the most reasonable
Subscriptions received for tlie Mujical journal
lor the Piano ForK, a id the Flute or Violin, th«
firlt fix of which are already publilhed,
and may he pttrchafed together or ftparately by
non subscribers.
March 6, 1800.
WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth
day of July 1797 make au aflignm#ntof his
estate ana effe&s, to us the fubferibers, for the be
nefit of such of liis creditors, as fhculd on or before
the aoth of September, 1797, execute to him a full
and final discharge—Now those of his creditor?
who are entitled to a dividend under laid aflign
ment. are requested to furnilh their accounts to
Samuel Meeker, with interefl calculated up to the
Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend will abfolutc
ly be struck on the fiHt day of April next, and those
who ncgleift te comply with this notice will there
after be excluded from the benefit of the fame.
Philip Nichlin
Samuel Meeker
Natß'l Lewis, by bis Ads. J>Afiignees.
Pearson Hunt
John M. Taylor J
Philadelphia, March 14
THE Parterftiip of JOHN' HAINES & IVIL
LIAM JONES, tvadinglinder the firm <sf
H 'iINES ts* JONES, was by mutual agreement
diffolvedon the 14th of January last. All persons
intercOed) efpt-cially those incltfbted to them, will
plfafc to call zi early as noilible on William Jones,
who is duly authorised toadjuft their concerns.
The business will in future be conduilcd by
Willijm Jones, at the former {land No. 132 Mar
ket street. 2d door abovw 4th, where he has- on
hand and means to keep a regular supply of the
best and moll iafcionable saddles and bridles. Pla
ted fr.ddlery and Clver mounted whips. Harnafs
of all kinds end fire buckets, together with a gen
eral assortment of every other article usually at
racked tothat liueoflmfiHtfa.
March 11
valuable lands
Will be offered for sale t , at tbe Merchants
Coffee House in this city, between the
hours of six and eight on tbe evening of
Saturday tbe twenty-second of March
In the County of GLYNN and State of
GEORGIA —all patented in tra<sU
of 1000 acres.
7,000 Acres at the confluence «f Frederica
and Turtle rivers, and head of St. Si
mon's found, near the to* n of Brunf
1.82,000 Acres on the liters of the great and
little Satilla rivers, and of Btoffaloe
41,000 Near the above described tra<f\s.
45,000 Near the above described tracts.
280,000 Acres on the water* of the great Sa
tilla and Ahtaharna.
247,000 Acres on the fame waters.
50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa
50,000 Acres on the waters of little Satilla and
Atatamaha rivers and BvfTaloe creek.
60,0c0 Near the above described tracts.
In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented.
44,000 in the county of Bath, on bath
fides f Green Briar river, subject to
to 3000 acres of prior furvcys, in
cluded within the said 44,000 acres,
but exclusive of that quantity.
41,0c0 Acres in the county of Bath, on the
east fide vf th*» Cow Pasture river ami
and on both fides of the Waggon
Road leading from the Warm Springs
to Staunton, subject as aforefaid to
5000 acres prior surveys.
40,000 Acres in the county of Randolph, on
Buchanan river, subject as aforef,id
to 4588 acres prior fur\eys.
30,000 Acres in the county «f Bath, on tbe
east fide of Calf Pasture river, subject
$ aforel aid to 500 c acres prior fur-
60,000 Acres in Northumberland county, sur
veyed and returned.
46,800 Acres in Northumberland county, sur
veyed and returned.
40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and
ready to be returned.
*§* For the greater part of the purchase
money a liberal credit will he allowed the pur-
giving unquestionable security.
rerfons wifiiia.g particular information will
pleafa to apply at No. 41 Arch iireet, where
the patents and drafts, and also certificates of
the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands
are deposited
ggj 3 * Also, at the fame time and place,
40473 acres and one-third of aij acre in
Mason county, in the State of Kentucky,
on the North Fork, witjiin four miles of
its junftion with the Middle Fork of Ken
tucky river—this traft was surveyed in Vie
year 1784 : a draft of it may be fee 11 by p
plytng as above dire&ed.
Philadelphia, Jan. 7.
Fashionable Millinery
HAS just received per (hip Thomas Chalk ley
and Adriana, from London, an elegant affoTttrtunt
of the mo ft falhionable Milliner r, viz.
Chemille rofctte FEATHERS
Fancy flowers
Blark tiffany flowers
Pick, yellow and blue crape, full d®ef« cae»
Do. do. and do. hUlfoQ*s bonccts
Infant's pips straw bonnet*
Maid's !'ar>cy do. do.
Women's do. di
Do. d
Do. do hats
Fancy bugle shoe roses
Do. do. trimmings
, ■> ,
Black, whit?, blue,yellow, pinlc and orange crape
Black, white and green gauze veils
Do. gauze cloaks
N. B. And per Harrr.oijy, just arrived, a further
assortment of Millinery.
June 26
From the BOSTON Manufactory,
Of different sizes y
N. B. fizesthat msy be warned cat
larger than 18 by i2_can be had from said manufa&o
ry, on being ordered; and attention given to forward
on arty orders that may be left for that purpose—
Apply at No. 9, South Water-ilreet, as above.
juJy 8 dif
ACERTfFICATE of one Share «f the Bank
of the United States, No. 29120, in rhe name
ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two
Shares »f the said Bank, No 29119, in the name
of George James Earl i>f Cholmoa
dely, were forwmded from New-York by the
Chafterfield Britilh Packat for Falmouth, which
was captured by the French, and the Certificates
loft or (ieflroyed, and for whifch application i«
made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which
all persons concerned are desired te take notiee.
February 11
Or ,to be exchanged for a good Veflel,
AN elegant new two flory FRAME HOUSE,
twenty seven feet front by thirty-four in
depth, with a commodious piazza and kitchen, to*
gether with a coach hou r e and ifablo, situate itx
the flourilhing village of Frankford. The house,
which may be entered the flrft of June next, will
be finifhed in the r.cateft stile with many conveni»
ences, and will b« well adapted to a large genteel
family who may wifli to reside in the country du
ring the fumnier season. In exchange, it will be
valucti low, if a veflel offer that may be suitable.
Further particulars will be made known by ap
plication to
February 24.
For property in the City, or within thirty
milts of it y
A PLANTATION or tradl of Land in
Mifflin County and S'ate of Pennfylva
r.ia, within £x miles of the river Juniata, con
taining about 3cd acres. There are about fifty
acres cleared, part of which is a rich bottom,
watered by a ronftant fiream that is strong
enough to work an oil or a grilt mill. Any
perlon inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur
ther information by applying at the offic • of
thia gazette.
N. B. If foid, credit wiW be given for part
of the money.
O<£)tober 17, 1799,
j HE Public arcautionedagainft receiving the
J Subscribers Note in favor of, and indor
sed by Thomas W. Francis, dated yefterday>
at 60 days after date for eight hundred dollars.
The note is in the hand writing of the Sfbfcri
ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the
indorfer, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas
VV. Francis. This note together with a con
tra<£l between Charles Williamfon, and Charles
Hale for lands in township, No. 4, ip the sth
range of Stru&er county, state of Newjerfey,
and fundiy other papers contained in a Poeket
Book, were taken from the Subscribers d<r(k last
evening. As the above can be of no use to the
person who has carried them off, (hhould they
be returned, no questions shall be asked.
February 6,
To all persons who own unseated Lands tit
Franklin County, State of Pennsylvania :
THAT they come forward and pay their
rdpedive Tastes, (as there is a number
of years now due) 10 PATRICK GAMP
BELL, Esq. Treasurer for said County—lf
they do not, we will be obliged to proceed
to iv.ake sale of them agreeably to law.
Commissioner's office,
Cbambersburgb, Jan. i, ISOO. \ iaw3m.
F) AN AWAY oh Saturday evening the rqth
V July instant, tram Cnlebrook Furnace,
Eancaller county, a Negro Man named Gito,
he i« about 40 -years of age, five feet fix or se
ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down
i! 4 look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow,
a great liar, and very fond of*ftrong liquor,
has been brought up to the farming business, ii
very handy at any kind of laboring work; he
took with him a number of clothing, amongst
which were, one ffcit pjain Nankeen; (some
money}. It is expected h# has shaped his course
for Philadelphia or New York.
*■)•* The above reward will be paid for ft
cormj: him i n any g»ol'm th« United States,
with reafonablc charges if brought home.
Colebroak Furnace, Jaly 16, 1799s
Jajjf.s Irvin, ")
John HALLiDAy, v-Com'r?;
Nathan M'Dowel,J