tfOT I C E. THOMAS HAWTHORN, Of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, HAVING ON the 9th i-iy of Aug. 1799. f state, real, perioral and mix d, to JOHN M.NESBITT Mid JON A I HAN MEREDITH - Haw thorn or to tho late ho»fe of Hawth rn and Kerr, iie defirtd to pay their refpc pa fled on the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred aodnine tynine i-o Boo and prior to the firft day ot January, 180 a, be al lowed to rcgifter the fai-d warrants iu manner a forefaid, and forthwith to make lecatSon? therefor on any tract-or tra&s of land not before located. VI. All warrants or claims for lands on account of military fcrvicCs, which fhallnotbc registered and located bsfore the firft day of January, 180*, are by the supplementary a& of Congress herein before recited, passed on the second day of March, declared to be forever barred. Given under my hand at Philadelphia,- the dar and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT. f Sec* of the Treasury. TREASURY DEPARTMENT May 29tb y 1799. THE proprietors of certificates iflued forfub fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment lhall have been made of the sth instilment, which will become due during the firft ten days of the month of July enfning, Certificates of Funded Stock may at their option he obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpe6ively, for the amount of the four firft instalments, or owe moiety of thefoms ex prefTed in the fubleription certificates:—N© cer tificates of Funded Stock, will however be iflued forlefs than one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates *s mJy be pre ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con eqaence of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndorfed and diftindtly marked so as to denste, that a raoetv of the flock has been iflued. eoiw jawtf. ?/iwuy OLIVER iVOLCOT7, Secretary of Treasury, LAW BOOK STORE, 319 Street, GEOROE DAVIS has just received from Dub lin, via New York, a very large Parcel if Law Books, all of the htcft editions, which ren ders his assortment he believes the most «xtcnfi*e and valuable on the continent. They will be opened this day, and ready for sale at any time af terwards. The subscribers to that important work, Wtnt worth's Syfitm of Pleading are informed that it is now #rived, and will be delivered ®n application. Ula.iU Declarations fettled and approved ty tlie most distinguished Law characters, to be had cf G. D. March rr, a new ' MUSICAL REPOSITORY IS NOW OPENED At Chalk's Circulating Library, No. 75 North Third Street, WHERE may be had, all thi Muiic comoofiog the songs &c. lately fold at the Rcpofltory in South Second Street. To which, in a few days, will be added, some PIANO FOK.TKS of a very fuperi.or tone and «jHality, Flutes, Fifes, Violins best Roma* Violin Strings, and every other article in the musical line, which will be fold in prime order, and oa the most reasonable terms. Subscriptions received for tlie Mujical journal lor the Piano ForK, a id the Flute or Violin, th« firlt fix of which are already publilhed, and may he pttrchafed together or ftparately by non subscribers. March 6, 1800. NOTICE. WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth day of July 1797 make au aflignm#ntof his estate ana effe&s, to us the fubferibers, for the be nefit of such of liis creditors, as fhculd on or before the aoth of September, 1797, execute to him a full and final discharge—Now those of his creditor? who are entitled to a dividend under laid aflign ment. are requested to furnilh their accounts to Samuel Meeker, with interefl calculated up to the Bth day of July, 1797, as a dividend will abfolutc ly be struck on the fiHt day of April next, and those who ncgleift te comply with this notice will there after be excluded from the benefit of the fame. Philip Nichlin Samuel Meeker Natß'l Lewis, by bis Ads. J>Afiignees. Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor J Philadelphia, March 14 NOTICE. THE Parterftiip of JOHN' HAINES & IVIL LIAM JONES, tvadinglinder the firm cy do. do. Women's do. di Do. d «aw4W Do. do hats Fancy bugle shoe roses Do. do. trimmings , ■> , Black, whit?, blue,yellow, pinlc and orange crape Black, white and green gauze veils Do. gauze cloaks N. B. And per Harrr.oijy, just arrived, a further assortment of Millinery. June 26 JUST RECEIVED, From the BOSTON Manufactory, A QUANTirr OF WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes y FOR SALE By ISAAC HARVEY* Jvn. N. B. fizesthat msy be warned cat larger than 18 by i2_can be had from said manufa&o ry, on being ordered; and attention given to forward on arty orders that may be left for that purpose— Apply at No. 9, South Water-ilreet, as above. juJy 8 dif ACERTfFICATE of one Share «f the Bank of the United States, No. 29120, in rhe name ot Lewis Peter Quirtyn, and a Certificate of two Shares »f the said Bank, No 29119, in the name of George James Earl i>f Cholmoa dely, were forwmded from New-York by the Chafterfield Britilh Packat for Falmouth, which was captured by the French, and the Certificates loft or (ieflroyed, and for whifch application i« made at said Bank for the renewal thereof, of which all persons concerned are desired te take notiee. February 11 Or ,to be exchanged for a good Veflel, AN elegant new two flory FRAME HOUSE, twenty seven feet front by thirty-four in depth, with a commodious piazza and kitchen, to* gether with a coach hou r e and ifablo, situate itx the flourilhing village of Frankford. The house, which may be entered the flrft of June next, will be finifhed in the r.cateft stile with many conveni» ences, and will b« well adapted to a large genteel family who may wifli to reside in the country du ring the fumnier season. In exchange, it will be valucti low, if a veflel offer that may be suitable. Further particulars will be made known by ap plication to m& February 24. TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OR KXCHANGED, For property in the City, or within thirty milts of it y A PLANTATION or tradl of Land in Mifflin County and S'ate of Pennfylva r.ia, within £x miles of the river Juniata, con taining about 3cd acres. There are about fifty acres cleared, part of which is a rich bottom, watered by a ronftant fiream that is strong enough to work an oil or a grilt mill. Any perlon inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying at the offic • of thia gazette. 3taw3w N. B. If foid, credit wiW be given for part of the money. O<£)tober 17, 1799, j HE Public arcautionedagainft receiving the J Subscribers Note in favor of, and indor sed by Thomas W. Francis, dated yefterday> at 60 days after date for eight hundred dollars. The note is in the hand writing of the Sfbfcri ber, and at the bottom a memorandum by the indorfer, to the credit of the drawer, Thomas VV. Francis. This note together with a con tra<£l between Charles Williamfon, and Charles Hale for lands in township, No. 4, ip the sth range of Stru&er county, state of Newjerfey, and fundiy other papers contained in a Poeket Book, were taken from the Subscribers d