r - ,y /?/' ¥.§ Philadelphia ' , PHILADELPHIA IVEDN '')AV !"! \ T ;NG, JANUARY 22, 1800. " \Vot.untK XVII. 2 207• J ♦ . . . ll IMHT " "-" " ■« 1111 '■■■ ■■■=* ■■" " ■■■" ' ' KO-nc*. MAIEMA WINE, PRATT 1 THE BEST UKENESS **»»*?L,fJZZ? Cclebruled Washington, HI the city of Philadelphia* am Qtoerspaj . ■ - _ v o 0 t Ui»» 10 t> sc cM>> r . , «. „ • -» »«• Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- £ are P r,dHce'<W f, i s v. ,*«;<*.• :ft ,ua„tity. [ lamnry the ,ft, ,Boo.] which ha. ever been puUilhed, reeflW ; ami unless.*** j*rson in this city k^ven<i am } thou indebted :!<««« to make yV . , 0 , S(mtl >% „ rf Ihe flowing GOODS, entitled to Draw- [S now ofcre.'for sal. at Dickms's Book-fiore, „7 ' - n -vmcir 11 , ' j back, which they offer (or Cile at mo- *• opposite christ Church, at the moderate priee K,? r it must be paid/. Ix lon • " N-'- .VI.nG. M° boxes and hale* Tu klenburgh., Hemp»o January n. - >y.h, iB,o , ByT i:N cffAR[W OWTON, J0 ",Tp«i2^S?*»K»« R»*» ran dat isjubuched, —I, I 11,11 I—lll Im——— vnriiH* i ■ r JLLQWING BRANCHES, viz IJ ditto Rillfield Li .en, QtitiAm,.,, Rr P.™b Q,_„ ■ N • -I*-, ... (t ditto Creas and Creas ala Morlaix, LJlcKins S Dtationary ik rJook-otOre, JOHN MILLER, Junr. ?)° ar.di.an. fcape,Map»,Ch r rtß, B . a ditto Britatwiaa, North 5,.„,. l Strc.-t, >ppof,t, Cbrijl Church, J " , , „ A I,L person. indebtel to the Eft ate of CAP ■; ml Pi omiffory Notes, Iyie a. d . _ No. So jDock, near Toird street, A rrir\ KEISAtf FfTZPATRJCK, ma- ..1 .Cuts, »1 Cuttuig., Jewellery and t.ilv. i . ~ * A sort** edition cf HAS KOH SAKE, rincr, tleceafe.l, :rj r..-qi.eiled te'eake inamedia:< ,c *ety -ride... the a'.ove line will be ">"° WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS Coffaes, payment to the rubfcri),e.»4 aai thafe «ho have c» v • ntatn-h and drfpatch, »n4 on the ' T o the P.opltof the Uuiteo Slate., on .etir.ng f lo ai "Mamoodics, L.J demind. at-alna the said estate are .equ.lu; . re.son •., -er us by applying at the south ™ S ' . Puhlic Life, n- ti- ■ 'to furni"h their'accqunu lor settlement to ■—«- u - Fourth and ;pi ß ce itr»et». i, , u r?t n,k o . r> /a /p ■ r nil \ liiffatiti, P FFRRAIi ) . V y—Order.-i ru «n a road will be thankfully Empty Oil Cloth:, Super Royal, Bdo. ( Prut Two Dollart) Striped Dorcas, THOH VS M'FlJfiN \ ® X,CUt<!r; ' • eivc lan ! pundluallyatttnded to. ■ Shoe* ard Slippers, Ornamented with a capital Portrait Ly one of th« •J-an|fes,- 1 HUMAb M ..Ll.n.) «fcy'*o. taw 4 w. Soal and Upper'.Leather. firft .mils, ; o-rtoua.,l 7«i!/«ry i:, ißco. "'J _ Qoill. and Sealing Wax, , t H„, a-rrlrefs Santipoor Ha»-keicne.s. «. rrn I A V JT>S BUILUirNCr LiU 10, 2 paflu Hocb reader this publication complete, aud altho all thf The foregoing will be fold very low in order to L Xba: t~ -i- ' T0 8.. LET OH CROUMD *EST. a, elk* NaiU, assorted, from 3to ao, material, aud workmao&ip are .-ptirely -tmerlcan, ' T ..Eown HEN LOTS ,6 cafclrounjoogery, aflbned, A PEW PACKAGES OF 1 County P.« ,f / lv.,„a, are Vrehy not.S- TT.-o.M Sevent:. ft reet, between Uefnut and Ipipe, old P..rt \\ ine, tempted in the Unifed States. A " ;v 1 that urilef. -the ) »xcs doe m. f ,ai«h. for the UVV► «t Ureets. Thcfe lots are in a neighbor- 15 boxes Tumbler., alTrted, ... ,0,0 German KjOOdS, v cavs -C, 9 7 . nr>A 179s i' ,r o i, >d where improvements ar-carry on, 200 boxes befl Hamburg Window Glass, Bby iJlCivlfM s and Book s.ore is '•SuitaWc to the Well India Market; the"hand.' il J.«t'i Wiims., bounty; ac d Property to. .eq-eptly much iucieafiog in to, &C.&C. removed from ?•'..! «I Market flreet, to the « rr'v»l bv the Fair American from Hamburgh, 'i reali -. r o» or b*W 'ht* aoth day ot February value The. is a:l a large qu uit.ty of budding' , chest aflorted I-ookiiig Glaflea, house lately occopud by Vv'. Cobbett, in be, ~ . ' 1; / . ih t .y uIU l e „;'vcrtifed for laie ai 'he Lw materials likely t■ Ik ready tor sal near the ipot Several large elegajit Litto, cond flreet, oppoftfb Chnft church ; where i!i r *is m a liuirt time, wh.= h circumllance» render tlule keg. l-'earl Barley, country store keepers an! others may be coi- — hberez'-r Demy, 1 Lot. anoojea wc.l worth attention. Aifo to let a fiw ton* Roll dri'mftonei flantly supplied with a complete and ,re«era» T///S DAY I* , r ;V; w r /' L Commissioners. Three other Lots, le kegs Yellow Ochre, affurtment of t» cry article in the book ard AN2> SOLO ItSiHtnZ' \ .w Seventh street, between Market and Arch A few barrels Naval Store., flationary tine, on the mod readable ten*. By R. AITKEtf, Mo. " Market Street, J-rttes JOtmson, J -, n I ftrr-ctr. jnd near the .v'iiitof the United Stares. : empty Demi ohns, I —— and Pittshu- o, November 5* 1 799* "> For lorther particulars please to apply to the 6 hogifoeads Civfl'ee Mills, >7- jt r ji y n • r\rr By W. YOUNCr, corner of Cheftfet —— t ~Z~ Suhicribera at thur No. 114, Sooth Fourth, 10 bhds. Uopsßriftles, Gift aad second quality, IriaXWCU S Jrt intVlg Ujp.Ce and Second Str- ctf. I AKE NOllCh, ®car Spruce flrctt. . 40 tons KufTun Hemp, is RiMOVEft >r.. „ T , r : r ,1 Nnvtfltian- t<H V ti,":li'ntinn •»» trade to tt*e LL & "-i J . H • :.d htctl, " To a house adjoining the hick part, f Dickin*'* nermome > - - *of the United State., for the renewal of January 10. codsw. 2 hhds Dutch Glue, BookStore, where PRINTING, in all its va- Strie< of tx\rim Ms jn ' UnAng following c*rtifi»*te» of Bank Ito k, which - ■ Toy#, Lentille., Slates and Pencils, riety, is executed in a flyle of superior ele toprivr afctrta- :!"' tit rdat, v< htat of rf | o ft it- the brig Paggy, Ca, tain Fluyer, the Following Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pickling Pota, ganee. tixfea ivstcr from Kmc to time, on from Amer.ca to London. VALUABLE LANDS .. &C - &e - «.-■ January 14. tt&ftf The nafT cos y. Ship thro the Gitlbt Stream, - January 4. — ——~ arc ft m vrp watef into rounditn s, N °' ? For Eight Share, of Bank Stock wm be o ff ere d fr sale, at the Merchants J;t:.t Published, and for Sale Vay be eiicov red in -.me to avoid danger; al- *| 6 ,5 m favour Samuel Ethndge. this cltjy ietv>etn tb , Drawing School. By JOHN MORGAN, No. 3 Frof.t St th.u h (owing to wmptftMM' w arher) it WILLINGS & FRANCIS. b«in of six and eight on the evening of « and may be in-.peffib' ■-o hefve th.- lead, SaVURDaT the twenty-second of Marsh PECK hawng been folicitsd l>y many of BENJAMIN DAVIiiS, Nr. 68 Hi h St. or obferv.- the heaven V >.ll«». Qflober ij, 5 next. iVL hi. Iriends to engage in a Drawing School THE UNITED STATES Zltraßcifnm th, American Phi!f.pbiul T, a mfaAn*i, NOTICE. In the County of GLYNN and State of tkes ths liberty of tnformirg them and the pub- COURT CAIFNDAR v 1 11 and 111 GiiORGIiV —all patented in tra&s be'h a t he mtecd. opening one at his house m ALiiINMR, wii'H r . Filth Greet, opposite th* State house yard, on and ADDITIONS AMJ IMPROVEMENTS. ALL persons indebted to the EiUte of ° ! . cn a • Monday the 4th of November, on th« following GEVTLEMAN's "God helps them that help themfe!v«" Fnr F-übtri. State of Kemucky, deeeafe-d, aierequett.a . mon', fojmd, near the town of Brui.f. y ' Jy Dol* For the Tear of our LoVd Ujuary i. fo 3 w to n>akc ,raltlislu ' te P ;i y">er,t—All perions v Jck. I.adies from three till fiv., per quarter, 9 J ißco. —« having demands atfamtt ftftf tltatc ?re ue- a 3 a>ooo c 1 ihc waters of the great and GenHamen, <rom half past 5 till half past 7, 9 containing The Lay Preacher &f Pennsylvania, fired to furnifh their attelt- litaJc Satilia rivers, ar\d of Bsffaloe Private Ltffons, at home for one hour, 1 Every thmg useful iVt of the kind, TO BE LET, "1 to JACOB KfcESE, , From borne, '" O3 Beside. a great variety of article* __r ' . i c Tn>J p Store Adimmftrator. 41,000 Nra- the sboredeftri -d triifls. 1 LRSPECIIV E, (Combining utility with entertainment), A larae Wham and STOKE OTORE, , ay,ooo Near the above delcnted tract.. The efienual ground work of al 1 kmd. of draw- . I r,U r»,tria cfSouthwari, Phihdelph.a, Oaober 3 t, 1799- aßc>ooo Atre , 011 the wa , ers 0 f Ul , glfat S ,- ir , g> tiog ht by a much more Cmplc and short me- Not to be found .* any pub at,on whatfeever " 1 TK tilla and AlJtthama.' thodthan hitherto pradiifed. Amongf! tOije are, THB farni 1 where the hrijtate now ays NOTICE. 147,000 Ai res on the lame wattrs. Wharf ha. been - 50,00. Acre, on the water* of the great Sa- ivanTkd, ARMY a, d NAVY. Sf S S (11 hundred feet Irenton the ALL person. indebt-d to the estate cf Tuoma. tUla. A person '« dq h#ufe work; also * hoy to at- {Carefully revi/ed at the refpeaiv* Offices ;) Jjjfcfy W* fit of May /Jl Wilson, l»re of Sou'i.wark, dtceafed. are 50,000 Acrrs o" the »«er« of little Satilla and tend the family and take care of a horse. ' J - J cn ' " r^fe - r ' lift' -Th! Story Brick Hnofr ,-Jotniny are-wquctted to make immediate paymeut to the nlatamjha river, and Buffaloe creek. November ay. jtawtf ' «, T invjt nrnt *«V ~A , T f , ,(r (Tio,, ot which may be had im- futfiribers, and those who Ijvo wiiy demands i c ,ooo Near the above described tracts. correct Uatemest. of he ACTIONAL DEBT, mediately of aga.nft the said-state are rafted to fumiih their s ., te of V IRO- M -al! patented. LANCASTER STAGES. ANNU L RECEIt" ,ft EXPENDITURES JOSHUA HUMPHREYS. — for 44,0=0 Acres in the cn :y of BatU ou both _ ANNUAL RECEIHi ft bxPBNDI I URLS uw , w . SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. tides f Green U . river. Subject to r-p HE Propriotor9 0 f the Philadelphia and Lan- January 10. J_ JOEL W. WILSON, Administrate. to tooo a. res 1 prior furv.y., in- 1 uft „ )inc of s ta ge»lJlSPATCH.re:urn tluir — — Ho ioj south front flreet, Southwark. eluded within the Ijul 44,000 acres, „ rate f s | thanks to thtir frietids and the public in N. B. rhe« C*t ts D A"', nitwhhftarid'rg new line of s i AUtb but exclusive of that quantity. general, tor the pall favor# they have received,and the vaii variety ps it« con t*nis, is very small in j.-i 7 . /R . r jr' J f. p!n, p 41/000 Acres in the county ot lhth, cn the j n j orm th.m that in addition to the regular Line, bulk. It if bound iu rt ! i otco, ii the neat -10 viCW A , ealt lide nf th* C w Pasture r.ver and i ai. p ovided with Carriages,fcber andcarcful et 1 manner, and aiay he irrien very cOSvenU d ,L (hnrteft and in- ft plcafant road —pafling Sufficiently large to .outain ni.ie Hcrfas. y . U L ,„ '| Rnftleton. Newtown. ALSO, Road leading from the Warm Spring. ' through I rink , . For Sale or Let, to Staunton, fubjecr a. ftforefaid to of tr.v.lling cau lie accommodated at the Stage —« Pennington, Miltfteie, UjMon FR.A.ME CARRIAGE HOUSE. s<™> P rior ,Virve >'« .. . I rOl u,,iti:d Sutes& Ms, ' k " flre "' BOONETON IRON WORKS. Camp. Scotch Plains, Spunfitield and New- "• 4 r,occ Acres m the county ot Randolph, on Philadelphia. t Nov t, *799- . ' Buchanan river, fubjeti as afort-fiid Sfoitgh. Downing, Dunvoody If Co. TTJJ7 SWIFTSURE to be reiiANCEB to 4588 :cres prior ft.rvry*. $ SOLI), IHH-0 ViriOUlVE, TO BE kxchanged Acr«» in {he couwy of Bath, on the 1 or leased for onf, ykah-that start. from the Green Tree, No- Jo North For a PLANTATION in A*a> Jersey, taft fide of Calf Palluie river, subject Valuable Estate, Fourth Street, at 8 o .lock every ipormng, and a vu vai oa.le „ aforelaid to jooc acre, pri.r fur- Ear Sale, or to Let, » Grift MiU and Plantation, veys. A hyo story Bfick House, in t" th'e fc ,oooa™™!io"Sl.S«.S,. 7 .r,,. »*— "■» dtlphia, e ily the next evening. of Silent, and about one mrte and a half irom a veyed and returned. TTAVINO two room, on a floor, fire places in with two Run of flerc , aud Saw mill allingood Fate for pafiengtrs 5 -lollar., way pafrT.pers on AUov/ay'» ercek, fhallops con- 46,800 Acre, in Northumboi land county, fur- ath( .. ant ) wl fl, houf. ; all in eicsl- order and r.»w fa use, tog.-ther with an cicllent, i cent-mil. • Eich p.fi'mger allowed 14th fta nt ly ply to fhila itlj-hia The Mill lias two veyed and returned. krt order':.o.l built of the be-t materials. For fur- large, nd convenient house, with out houfr. of ofb" 'e. One lundfctl amffifty weight of W j t er wheels, (over-fh't) two p«ir »l Done., owe 40,400 Acres in Bediotd cour.ly, surveyed and iter iihorn.ation irqtnr< at No. 39, Ar»h street. every kind j among which are an Ice boufc, and ba"! 1 pay '.be lame as a pafteiger. of which ate burr. The bolting aod hoibi«gge«r reatlvl* \>e returned. All'" a HOUSE, No. 106. foutl) Second Cone milk :-oufe, with a remarkable fine spring in ... -..h* >r »hr rifle of the mi'nir sfo bv water, and attached to the Miifi* a large , . , . , ' . - it, a large Garden, and an eacsllcnt eollediion of A 1 bsggwto beatthe i.ft gJ f « coru> bnn , upon th . mo st 4- *s* F«r th. greater part of the purchafc llreet, to »aaove. J £ „ jud n atre , o( , ood> unlef. Infu'jnce proved »la. ; the whol. mill work and bolting monvf a liberal credit wid he allowed the pur- Dec . 30 . . ,a»y.6,W. waU . Jlld a g,«- t number of of the different offices. Rzte of .niurance « e „ ew * giving unquefl.onal.le fecuniy. and Juimedia, . «fl. ffio» P^ r ccnt * f completely repauud. The pit v. ration Perfons particular information will lj] STRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. will he jnven of houses and Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 ORC | iun( jred and fifry acre» ot land. Tkr *uild- pleaf# to apply at No. 41 Arch itrtc.v-where wit • providing (tock the present winter, and North i*»urth Street, PhtJadelphia, and t< exclusive of the mill house ltdn, arc a tUe patents and drafts, and also cei*t*ificatefc of w«»-«Tlmt on th#» #> of the whole in the spring- WILLIAM VANDERVOOi<T, No. 48 large dwelling hjuC:, a barn, [Lj.cb, corncrib, the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands mil HLME , jimuiu, nar on nee- F or urxtti snquire of Uavid B Ogden at New- Courtland Street, N.E. corner of Orcenwkh & c &c. I are deposited |-D leventldiy of January, m thetwenty-fourth | ark n;r Voter Mackie in New-York, mr, David Street, New York. £j- For particular information apply »o THOMAS FITZSITvIONS, r ar . " f '!"''WlsSnN' mn' .rd t'""*. MnTr " Jacob-kd ch. January 3. -»» " HICHARD WISTAB, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, - .W Ml«! "i To the Holders of Droember al tuih&l'a6w Philadelphta, Jan. 7. aawtS . . w herrnf tbev claim as Protirietors, i 8 " , ~ , , MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. - the word, following to wita A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Twenty Dollars Reward. « BLANK DECLARATIONS, DOLLARS TPHE Skibfcriber having lately returned from IVbo ca* work well at the Fat, ~. M , w ~. f Snrinc F< r.»e in York j . n 1 . ~XJ[T A-S delivered to the POSTMAS -1 viewing the land, surveyed and appropri- will meet with good encoungtment by applying i'V CmiiMy,a nrgroman, na-. Ed ISAAC, other- Elegant y en. 1 av : „ nn opper p.le, vi . TER here, in the Post-Office, ated tofatisiy the land warrants, iflued by the it N - 0 , C 4 K ot th Frou'- Street. wife CVOJO, about at year, «ld, the propurty '• Debt on 6. J -*> - e rui ; Qn t j ie even y,. Tutl'day the 27th ult. in secretary at war, to the officer, and fold.er. of d tf. of «,:hert Cclemar,; ffq. He is about 5 tect 8 a. by Affigne, j Vale: ,ant L 2TTE R direfled *0 Mr. John Mills, the late continental army; and having made inches high, ha- a bler.ift in hi. eyes, viore -ite 3 nfingkbi 8. On Promiflorj note * BaltimohE canteiniiur two arrangement, with Mr. Jame. Joknlon, of prMTEFT ACCOMMODATIONS .in them thaneommou.' y trade a F.ige man; had 4. on penal hi,. 9. Same by Int ee , - Chelter county, Pennsylvania, who he left on LLiMJiI-L ALtUIVIMUUA 1 IUAS, on and took with him - 'rab coloured brnad cloth 5. Indebitatus As- 10. 1 relpa.s and E- . ALEXANDRIA E.-i.\K NOTES, No. the land, and who with the assistance of an in- For fever al Gentlemen, coat, almofl new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons 6. futr.pfit jedlment. 43,20, in favour of IV iiUani Taylor, ani telligent inhabitant of that county, will spend North Sivth Str|.ft printed fancy eoxd, a Hvanfdown flriped under p or t }, e use 0 f lot Professors of the Lav), dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE 1 HOU five months in exploring the different feefcons. Al wo ' 39> i,,orul - 1 * 1 " °"" 1, ? cket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse I SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, in fa- He will take regular notes, descriptive of the January 10. dtf stirs one truflin handkerchief, fpngged. two , , v , cnxT „ rin n j vm.r if tchn P. PUdsant*, and dated the 4V»il fituatioit. and natural advantages attached ■ 1 ' ' ditto striped a blue Persian u» dcr jacket y, , u i?TW uttmi W Lh"Sin the wholefurvey-Which notes TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. , n d two pair cottou Cocking Whoever tak.. up In conformity .o the aA «f the Conpref. of ■ .oth o» DecernJer, .. /9 1 8, 10. U\ E HUNj willbeulaced in the hands of the fubferiber pre- faiJ ftegro and lodg*n him in anv- this <}r any t fi e United Ptates. intituled An ad foi the 1 DRED DOLLAI ,r. h.tr L .tei has b.eo viou. to the period for locating, thereby ena- -q AN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th of the neigabouring Hate, (hall have «$•«"«*» r«- enconrjg.ment oflcammg by ieennng the co- I J RESSED m a FOSiO; ICE, and bline him to make the most advantageous lo- K. July instant, tram CnJebrook Furnace, ward or reasonable ' pie6 0 F Map-, Charts and JJooks to the Auth. rs { , ie ;. jANK NOTES nkt-n out >s the cations the priority will admit. Lancalter county, a Negro Man named Cato, JOHN bRIEN. an d Proprietors of fnch copies, during (be time py BLIC MAIL w..s not STOI PED, He offer, hisfervice to the holder, of land be is about 40 ye>. S of age, five feet fix rr fe. Spring Forge, oaobera 3> 1799- there.n .nentioitrd MOLESTED, or ROBBED, warrants of the above description, throughout »« inchc. high, tolerable black, with,,down M. B. A.l f^^f urn the »,. ' 0- s 0 D. V.A J.v ELL, Bankers a.xl merchants are p.rticulry the United States, to receive their warrants, clif. ' H ftS liioo? November 5 Clerk of the Dtstr. ;of Pennsylvania. ,,, v d , tte circo l at ion of said b h th" n B the [em- notes , and stop then ; and any p,,fon giv rhem rendered asreeable to law, and attend to very handy at any kind of laboring work ;he ™ blance ol fine writing y. u 1.. ). c \ B g s uC h iiifdrmatio* s will lead us to our r 2ps-»'«■**♦*- ■»—- " ve h ™ dreb tebruary next. money). It i. expend ho has ftieped his course earned EKiabeth HowcUel, had on And took with pub lished, and foi lale at DOLL. A e WA >J>I For tranfa«slir.g the business, one tenth part f or phii a( ielphia or New York. her three different chant/es of garment and money, GTORGF DAVIS's WILSON o bWArsiN. of the land fpecified in the warrant, will be re- reward will be Mid for.fe- proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any P w- AW-BOOK STORE, Fredericklburg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. quired, and no other charge, except the poflage T } neaoove rewar.a win oe pan, or ie a pp r e h shall tie cstitled to the «fcove LA W - DULiiv 6 of letters. All warrant, forwarded and letters curing him in any g»ol wi the U nted otate , rtward _ no coSs or charges will be paid. No. 319, Higii-StKl-.i t. '' c„„ 0 addrelTedtothe ftibfcribtr,atNo.3,Penn-ftreet, with realonable charge. 1 roug lome. N. B, She had a years and fame month, to serve Where always may be had, every book want- All Printers in ~c m e , reccive'immediate attention. SAMUEL JACOBS. ZuWi FITZPATRICK. line/ ' -'e r.quefHd to pubUfh the above, and we JAMES E.SMITH. CoUbrook Furnace, July 16, 1799? GofhenTowafbip, Cheflor County, Js y »9- T anU arv I 4» tutham. will p«y thero. Septemer 1 «wftf. (Oi8) dtm august 6 3' * ■ llfli i-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers