Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 16, 1799, Image 2

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jforrigtt Jntelliseitte.
PARIS, August 27.
Suwarrow commanded in person that bo
dy of troops which chirjred ours four times
and ended ■in being all drftroysj. There
have feldoui been seen battles equally bloody.
Our artillery did not retire until they had
expended all their ammunition.
The new minister for foreign affiirs, Rein-
Maflena, notwithflandiug the fucrefs hf
has obtained, perfifls in giving in his rrfig
nation. He is waiting for his successor.
The falari«s of the deputies one montl
in arrears : thofeof the direflors and of thi
ministers, are dill more so.
To the CounciL of FK-e Hundred.
>,.' v
cause of the dangers of the country undouht
ealinefs with refpeft to that power, havi
sent against hs superior forces, and may flil
fend to their lafl man. The expedition 01
Egypt, which besides was made in contrmpi
of the Conilitution, and of the national re.
prefentatlon itfelf, it the nioft real, and tht
moll serious confpiraey that has yet exiftec
against tfe interior and exterior fafety of th(
republic. Let it not be said, that it is tht
want of abilities in the Ex-Direc\orj, which
has occasioned our present reverie ; it is real
ly their treachery, for we fee thattliey brokt
■with the United States of America, at tin
very moment of their rupture with the Otto
man empire, thus to give more (lability and
extent to all the branches of the new coali
tion ; this opinion is farther supported when
we add to these two events, all the othei
enormities which their agents have been
committing for these two year* in Holland,
in Switzerland, and in Italy. What ! the
Ottoman empire, the powers of Barbary,
and the United States of America, who ne
;: L j
to keep tip a good underllanding- with them
> at all events : and do not thele circumfhnces
clearly denole a correfpondenre with the
coalesced parties ; in Sue, a perse& coinci
against us ? But do we v.-.fh to crush this
confpiraey, t® force the Ruffians to return
to their country, deprive the English
of their influence in America ? If this be
our dcfire, w- tnull irake peac:; with the
Turks and the Americans ; we mud present
them .with a national disavowal of the vio
lences, which they have fufferoid. W.e must ;
but as the Bef:. method of expre(Ti >e the dis
avowal in question. is*ta accufc the.mem»
bers of the Directory who are the authors
of the violation of the Ottoman
and of our rupture with thv United States
of America, I am of opinion, citizens''re.
that all your atteiifion
be dire&ed to this measure."
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LONDON, September 1.
It is rumoured, that the Jupiter, of je
guns, Commodore Lofiack, with a'ftjuadron
of frigates, has fallen in with the French
fcjuadron on their return to the Mauritius,
driven themalhore, and destroyed the whole
.of them.
It is affcrted, we know not on what au
thority, that several Briti{h officers, suppo
sed to have died in the prisons of Hyder Ally
and Tippoo, have been found still living in
tlir dungeon of Seringnpatam.
The iuccefsful termination of. this short
war lVcures to us the foveitignty of India.
The Nabob of Arcot, who oruce fliared tl e
Carnatic with Hyder Alii, is no longer
powerful, and the Mahrattas alone poflefs
extenl'ive territories, and a considerable mili
tarv force. But the Mahrattas are attached
to us, and even if they were not, the de
ftru&ion of Tippoo would tffe&ually prevent
them from rifkng a eonteft.
The famous strong pass, called the Bo
chetta, is again mentioned in some account:
to have been taken or. the 18th, and the al
lies, it is added, had entered Genoa on the
2iftult. at which time an English fcjuadron
was cruizing before that city. ,
A letter from the commander »f the Da
nifk naval force in the Mediterranean, con
tains the disagreeable intelligence, that the
Dey of Tripoli has declared war against the
Hanfe Towns, Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bre
men, and that a Tripoline eorfair has. alrea
dy captured oft" Alicant, two Danish ftiips
and sent them to Tunis, under the pre
tence of their cargoes being Hamburgh pro-
t . ,
We have great realon to believe that the
Gbouans are again in great force ; and ve-
ry attive, though secret preparations are
making in a certain quarter, for powerful
succour to be sent them.
The dire&ory have published throughout
Paris a proclamation) in which they endea
vour to alarm the people with the idea cl
the return of Royalty. In this proclama
tien, both the danger and the exhortation
to provjde against it, tre dated in the
most general terms. The Directory how
ever do not appear to rely fer the support
of their authority merely on their powers of
Letters from Venice state, that a con
clave is to be held ehber in that city or Pa
dua, for the elc&ion ef a new Pope.
No less than three or four candidates are
mentioned for this dignity ?
f 'i
No. 8 Cbe sr. u.t Street,
J SSPECTf UIA.Y informs hit friend, and the
iV. public, that he has received by the late ar
ivali from liurope, ia addition tu hi* farmer
A complete A£'ortment of Goods,
which are now opening, suitable lor the approach
ing season;
Amanpt which arc—
Superfine Cloths, and CaffimereSj
Double milled Drab Cloths,
Superfine Nap Cloths, alTorted colors,
Blue and Drap Plains,
Swanldowns and Swanlkins,
Drapery, Baifes, aflorted colors,
Blue, green, white and spotted Bookings,
Blue and grey Coatings, y
Scarlet, white, red and yellow Flannels,
Velvets, Thicksets, Corduroys, and fancy
Striped elafl'iG Cloths and Coatings,
Fancy Marseilles WVittcoatiugs,
Mens' and Womens' fine worthed Hnfe,
do. worfled Gloves and Mits.
Mens' Socks.
CUmtanoocsi Duraiitt 8c Joam SptudogSi
6 baies of Rafc SlanWeUi compi«fljr »£■
fotteJ, fey the hale, kt. kc,
Ma«. 6 *•<*.
Has opened a SCHOOL
No* no, Walnut Street,
YOUNG GENI"MMEN will b.; inftruSed by
him in the different branches of ClafTical and
Polite Literature, viz. the Englilh, Latin and
Greek Languages, Hitlory, Antiquities, Geogra
phy, the Ule of the Globes, Arithmetic, and the
Practical Branches of the Mathematics.
•$5" Unqneftionable tcftimonials can be given
of Mr. A.'» experience and qualifications is a
Novrmbjr ?.
< i
RESPECTFULLY acquaint those gentlemen
who pleaft to favor hnn with their cilftoui,
and his friend* generally, that he ha« remoted to
his stop, No. 40 South Third tireet, where he
wilt be glad to serve them.
N. B. All orders attended with the ufaal pu.ic
OJliiwr li.
ALL perrons indebted to the Estate of Rachel
Bairmore, defoafcd, arc requeued to maka
payment, aad person» having claims against the
fame, them properly attested to
November q, 1799. dlw
Taxes of Lycoming County.
JOHN KIDD, Treasurer,
BY Direction of the Comm'iJJianers of Lyco
ming county, abends at r» re
ceive the Tajtfrs ass fled upon arif«ate<i Lands in
thit-County, from (beholder* .thereof, in this
City. Those who hive .filed- wilh the Com
mifiioners, llatcmentt cf their Lands,'are re
quested tp call uppn hiu\, to knowtlif jt.irouw
of Tatfatliereoii, aud pay tlicOi'; ntherwift;, be-.
; foce hit leaving the City, thfy will be put into
the*hjij(4s ot the Sheriff for collection, ajjreea
Wy ail for raififig county rites and levies
Thof«' who have not ftlcd flaiementr-of theif
libds with the Commtffioncrs, and -ire defirout'
ofhivingit done. to prevent files. without pre
1 vidus personal Notu,e,">tpay file with thp above-
Trealurer, their lifts, flafi*g the (quantities re
turned, number ai«l_dats» ps the warrants aud
names of the warrantees, under " which they
hald their land'. He will attend at Mr. Joseph
Hardy'* No. 98, Market ilreet for thit purpolii
until the 18th inftafit."
November 9.
TMRP.E or f<ur lot» oi about 30 or 40 acres
each, more or leCs as may suit a purchafcr.
On each of which there is a good titration for a
houfe—yiz.' one on tW river Delaware, suitable
either for a gentleman's feat, or for a person who
might wish to engage in the lumber boGnefi hav
ing a landing. One < mtnanding a good
view of the river from the highefl ground between
the ftonypack and Pogueffin creeks ; and another
on the Briftolßoad. Enquire of Mr. Gilpin near
the 11 mile Hone on the said road.
Of about 10 acres each with good fituationt for
bnildtng; one of which is suitable for a tan.yard,
and a small fione house and a young bearing
orchard on it, on the Newtown road near Snider'*
mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and one
other lot of about 30 acres on eke P«n»ypack.—
Enquire of Jonathan Clift who lives on the promi
ses or of Mr. Giipin.
PoflWDon will be given in the spring, but build
ing matinils majr be collected fooncr.
November 8
Horses to Winter.
HORSES will be taken to winter at Pro/fell
Hill, at the li rniiM (lone on the Briltol
Road, where they will ha»c good Timothy and
Clov r Hay, well littered and cleans! ania field
to ran in when the weather i> good.
tip" Enquire of Mr. William Bell Merchant, or
on the premifcs.
N. B W ill not be answerable for accidents or
escape, but will take every precaution to prevent
November it
RAN AWAY oh Saturday evening the 13th
July instant, from Colebrook' Furnace,
Lincalkr ccunty, a Negro Man named Cata,
he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or se
ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down
ill look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow,
a great liar, and very fond of llrong liquor,
bas been brought up to the farming bufinels, is
very handy at any kind of laboring work; he
took with him a number of clothing, amoiigft
which uere, one suit plain. Nankeen; (some
money). It it expired h< hat flwped hie course
for Philadelphia or New York.
*f* The above reward will be paid for se
curing him i* any giol in the United States,
with reasonable charges if brought home.
Colebrook Furnace, July 16, 1799;
{O18) d6tn
IMPORTED this fall and immediately before
the late fickoit*, comprehending alnu'ftevcry
Book in «le, of the late (I London and Irifn edi
uons. They will be disposed of from a single vo
lume, to »ri entire Library at the fame prices as
have heretofore giveß such general fatistaflion.
liy sundry vclfel« daily cxpeded Irom London
and Dublin, his (lock will as uf»al be kept up, To
that gentlemen will fellow be difappotr.ted when
applying at his (lore.
N. ii. This day i* pulm&ei, Dan* « I .aw Cata
logue for 1709, *>f li«oks-Cor £alc f which may c
had gratis, on application at above.
November 8 tuth&fztn
' v)
No*), Ready for Salt,
Law Book Store,
No. 319, Hicn SrsEEf, -
A very valuable xnd cxtcTilivc AtToTtTnent of
Law Books,
No. 95, north Water street,
By the Clips Wilmington, Lonne&icut, Fair
Americin, and oilier late arrivals, trom
Harabuig and Bremen,
A grei:t variety of
Among which are
Cm* a la M«]»!»
BielefWld Lines
Table Lin «ti
Oxnjbrij!s 1
lieflitn R''l!«
Brown ditto ■
Polito ditto
CoSee Bigs
Checks andStripea
Cfeotet* /
Oil Cloth •
Window Olafs
Yellow Ochre
Siat«s and Pencils
Pearl Barlijr
Claret in caftt
CoMee Mills
Nails and Ironmongery
Hogs Brittle*
Looking GlafTes
I o hhd. M.ufcovad
Roll Briinflone, a few pipe* >)'•' f" r ' '''me,
a parcel of fnal and upper Lrat' «t. men'- "irfe
Shoes in trunks, a few low prir Glirtr li
es, &c. &c. All which they o?- r fcr Lie at th
loweft prices and in oft exlerlivt credi
Nov. j
HAVE rot) SA
.3 caiks Basbury Locks, Curry cr
i bale Swanfdowns,
i calk Pewter,
, z boxes Watches, >
j trunk*, Cardinals,
9 trunks'Hofiery,
6 cases Buttons,
. .6 bale* Blankets,
i Jit to Kttps,
i cafe .patent pipe ftfaw Hats Ic Bonnets,
11 tons clean Pcterlburg Hctnp,
Zj pieces Sail Cloth.
95. boxes' Crown Gijfs, .
1 box containing Pulicat Handkerchiefs,
Swanfdowns and Glare*.
Apply to
3 *. . .
f -; - M<w«kiber 8.
J/j. 131 Market Street',
Has itcoived by the lare »rriva!i frois Liverpool
and Hull,
Point duffil Bldiikets in ba!rs,
Blue Strouds
4J.iiaes, ■
Coatings, k:. &c.
November j
rox SALS,
At No. 103 Market Street,
Ob reasonable terms, for Cash or a (hort Credit,
Of GEORGE PENNOCK, dictated,
Dry Goods,
A WELL a Sorted invoice of German goodt te
le&ed ior the Weft India market, as wtll as
suitable for home coufuraucion.
_ Also, jaft arrivfd in the &ip America, 100
piece* Blue Plains, 3 fancy Chimt, »
tranfca mufliw, r trunk Clifcto, and I trunk
Liktwife a handsome Coaebee and a pair «f
quiet, large, well brake B»y Horfea.
Aaing tjmixijlratcr to tit tjlatcvf Geo. Penned, dactfid.
Novc-ibcr Q
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAV from Sprifig forge, in York
Count), a negro r.nn, named ISAAC, othea
wife CUD']O, übout 11 years the property
of Robert Coleßwn; Esq. He is about j ieet 8
inches high, hu a blemiih in Kis eyes, more -write
in them than common, by trade s Purge man ; had
on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons
printed fancy cord, a fwanfuown striped under
acket» a rorura hat; one fine and one coarse
shirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggtsd, two
ditto striped border, a blue Pcrfian under jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Whoever takes up
fai«l negro and lodges him in any jail is this or any
of the neighbouring dates (hall have the above r«-
ward or reafonabie expcncesif brought
Spring Forge, Odobcr 23,1799.
N. B. As f*id iiegro formally lived in Chefler
count y, it is probable be may return there.
November j
/. ''-y/
A few tons Hemp
&c. &
%f)t <&a : jette.
Juftum et tcaacem propofiti virum,
Non ciTium ardor prava jubentium,
Non vultus tyranni,
Mente quatit foltda.
FROM these words the preacher migh l
naturally be led to a confederation of th e
aftoniftiing scenes which are st this time dis
played in evory part of the world ; and to
notice the general " afflidlion, fucli as was
hot from the beginning of the creation which
God created, unto Ais time." " Wars and
rumours of wars" are daily founded in our
ears—" Nation rifeth up against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom," and " the
earth is filled with violence."
These are gceat and awful scenes worthy
the contemplation of the philol< Mier, the
politician and the chriftian. My detign,
however, leads me, more particularly, to
notice the source and nature of the " ven
geance' 1 which " evil minded men" are en
deavoring to bring upon our own country,
by flipping the foundation of morality and
civil subordination.
It is worthy of remark, that thoujh
haughty and tyrannical men often put on
the appearance of humility and moderation,
for the purpose of cotnpailing an end, the
days of vengeance" will assuredly follow
when they will relume their proper cl.arac
ter, and "<otne down with great wrath"
upon such as have opposed their wicked pur
poses, and with as great insolence and scorn
upon such as have been their devoted abet
Since jtfc; world began, there has ever
been an order ©f beings, *o wham the fcop
tre of virtue has beeti Wte a rod of iron, and
tie reftrarnts of law, morality and religion,
| grievous as th» bands of death. This order
mar be lineally traced, through every age,
> ur:t founder, who, in the days of
)'oi , was honored with .the title of •• That
pe : the DevH." His partizans and
fol!o'»trs 1 ve since been denominated " tons
e B-. ;<i"~_ "defpifers of government," leyel
!;r , cofci is and democrats. Though by
,-r wicked intent, foine have beeu
" ly Co called;" and others " among
th», ipl- ones" have been unwarily decoy
the paths of error, the great body
rave ftipported & conlittcncy and
of chara&er, and proved them
forthy of their fire." " Liiertji
tj" was throrigi nal. motto of the
■ continues, at the preient day, to
be the signal of attack upon every sacred in-
Ed t
ftitution, human and divine.
To pass o.vev the fir ft revolution in which
the aich-democrat loft his francbile in Hea
ven, we next find him inculcating the doc
trines of his order upon the minds of our
progenitors. He firft perfitades them to
exrrcife the * liberty which they mani
feftly possess, of revolutionizing the consti
tution of Heaven, and backs the persuasion
•with the resistless argument of " tquality,"
telling them "ye (hall be as gods." Elated
by tliefe flattering profpedts, they greedily
make the experiment. But when they fondly
look to become the equals of Cod himfelf,
•* behold, sudden deftrudtion Cometh upon
them-1" and the dnyi «f their anticipated
glory ftdly prove to " be the <Uyi of ven-
The difciplrs of the adversary, in this and
ia every age, have faithfully copied-tiis ex
ample,—flattering to deceive, vnd deceiving
Ito deftrov. " Ungodly men, who walk af
ter their own lusts,"—" riotous mm" and
" wine-bibbers" have long b«in pra&ifing
theif fublile art? to ptrfuade the people of
ikis country to prostitute tlieir hard-earned
liberty, like our parents of old, to the pur
port of their own dcftru&ion. They exer
cise every artifice, which they inherit from
; tfye original fuunder of theirTeft, to bring
into contempt and disrepute the venerable
inflitutions and wholesome ui'agcs of our
fathers, and to set in the " high places" of
authority, men of their own fort, who ",have
a like proportion of lineaments, cf manners
and of iphit." They slander and traduce
those men and those mcftfures that alone con
tribute to the l'upport of our dignity and our
i happiness. " The baser fort" they employ
in writing and printing evil reports " of
those things wh i*h they underfland not,"
reviling religion, science and government.
They tell you from the pen of an unlettered
scape-jail that your peaceable brethren, in
the east country, are conspiring again.!! your
liberties : That the clergy and the col
lege? arc uniting their efforts to bring you
into fubjeftiou to a clerical despotism. But
" believe them not" for " they are liars and
the truth is not in them." It is one of the
" lubtile arts of the adversary" to lead your
afFeftions astray frbm each other, and induce
you to (lop your ears against the salutary
truths of religion, and t» deinolilh your fa
minaries of science, those strong holds of
rational liberty and dignified
" Thel'c be the days," in which you who
are friends to good order and good govern
ment ought to support, vigorously, the i»fli
tutions of religion ; to " encourage the
hearts and strengthen the harnis" of those
who « minifterin holy things to inflruft
your children and form their minds to ha-
bits of order, .science and virtue. The " font
of Beliel" are striving, '« bjrgood words and
fair speeches" to place themlelves and their
adherents in the feats cf power. Be watch
ful, therefore—be circumfped\, and ufc your
liberty of fuffrage " as npt abufmg it;" for
should the " defpifers of government" ob
tai» their end, tl*y will cxprcjife (c vert
geance" equally on tlieir eppofers and
tors ; for
" 'Ti» in common proof.
That lowlintfs is young ambition's ladder.
Whereto the climber upward turns his fact;
But when he once attains the upmofl round,
He then unto the ladder turns hj» back,
Lotks into the Clouds, fcorinnjj the base decrees
By which he did ascend."
In tbesc diijs the. " fcrvants of fin," in some
uit-afure, triumph. Havkig insinuated them
selves into favor, they use their power, as
their father did his, for the ruin and inifery
of those whom they have deluded. The
virtuous and the upright are beginning to
defpor.d, bteatife their '• good is evil fpr .ci■
of," and " wliat is comely envenoms
that bears it," Some, for fear of the" -xn.
geance," are beginning to desert the cauiV
of truth and virtue, and are becoming • t-..
fenfints of corruption." But beliei ■ uie,
my brethren, they are leaning upon . bro
ken reed. Let us rather "continue ft adi'aft the end" and << not be weary ci
doing; for, in doe time, we Ihall rea twc
laini not."
1 -
The Lay Prcacbtr of Ptnnsj tan:,.
" The rampant scrment of the pre;., dav
in Franco is " war unto death, the go
vernment of England and th. houl'e c f Aus
tria !" Those moon-ftrufck uiaii.acs ; ; .m in
deed, to be in no unlikely way of warring
thenifelves unto death, against England.
If it be true, as t.n.t.dcei- ones have fur
midd, that the ijonib.iicd p . ers have resolv
ed to make the Jus l'ubl uhi yield to the
Cannon Law, find to k jw no neutrals, in
the prcftnt cojittH, tli. cuation of Ameri
ca will, indeed, btco. aakward and criti
cal —.dmitti: of . f even from the
brave and niarii/ s of abui'e, hurled
at thole by #ic and timc-ferv
ing gazettes ; fince,theircitnunciations fuuft
f*ll hurtlefs by the fide i cefpots, whole
crimes leave no room lor abuse ; and since,
even wete it just, a wound is not less a.
wound, for that it is unwisely or d;(honor
ably flricken. If fucb a peiplexity fhouid
await us, therefore, it will be refitted by fix
perior wildore, to that which talks of it,
.as one of the common trivia of national
intercourse, But, it is not believed, that
their is reason to talk about it at all ; and
it is believed, that it has been talked of, on*
ly with evil intentions,, by men who delight
.to dilplay, an unnatural and inhuman spirit
of repugnancy to all mankind; and who,in
order to have an .opportunity of indulging
this wolfilh disposition, in order to set Ame
rica .completely apart from, and at odds with
all the world, occupy themselves in fabricate
ing evidences of dispositions, calculated to
add fuel, to the mephitic flame.
In about three weeks, tlic next session of
Congrefi commences. The lirft workings of
the unrighteous leaven, wherewith it is lea
venened, will be an attempt to draw from
the new pacific advance towards the French
Republic, arguments for the abolition of
the army and na*J. Whatever other bene
ficial 'or ndverle results may arise out of the
negotiation te be attempted, one thing ap.
pears certain j viz. the impoflifeility of any
cessation taking place in the depredations of
the French, upon the commerce of
try. In the fiift place, the fvflem of priva.
teering is a prime i'ource of their revenue ;
and in the second, that government poffeffe*
not the power to retrain its fobje&s, from
pursuing their aggrandizement in this, as
well as other ways, per fas et nefas. Ter
tio, it would be a concession and an acknow
ledgemeiH of crinie, which woald be eon
veited even by acceftiries, into engines of
deilruAion to the reigning powers. Our
navy will therefore, if there exist any true
policy (a tiling not to be doubted) receive
additional strength and encouragement.
Our information dates, that Serious dif
coutcnt has been excited, even in New En
gland, thro' the usual means of democratic
artifice and intrigue : The principal topic
converted to this puvpofe, has beer, the army
of tbe United States. The absurdity of de
mocrats being equal to their viciottfneSs,
'twere folly to attempt inftillingaay ration
al ide»s into their minds ; it is, neverthe
less, obvious, that to organize the Sovereign
people into an armed force, is to realize, ill
the completed degree, the very favorite SyS
tem of their hearts; for it is certainly no
petith prmcipii to assert, that men when
congregated together, and pofifcffcd of the
means of enforcing that Sovereignty of their
natures which is inalienable, are more truly
in the enjoyment of said rights, than when
in a dispersed state, and without those means.
Now, no one will pretend to deny that in
an armj', the firft mentioned date exids. It
may perhaps be preteijded, that, being under
command of their officers, they will be in
fluenced against their wiibts; but are the
officers leis Sovereign than they ? and ar»
they not endowed with the fame natures and
the fame delires ? If, therefore, men when
in that Situation where they enjoy mod of
the attributes of Sovereignty, are found lead
Sovereign, what is it but nil evidence that
they were never de Signed to be So ?
Si. Jonathan Robbins ranks as First
Martyr in the American Democratic Calen
dar. Marat, the ruffian revolutionist of
France, was the firft faint of the original
Jacobins ; and who more proper to enjoy
the of martyrdom, amongst their
dives, and imitators than a Pirate and a
Murdtrer ? Is there not a Jitness of things,
in it, as casuists fay ?
We are informed that the commifllonere
on the part of Spain, and of the United
States, for running the lifie between the
Floridas and the United States, have arrived
at St. Mary's, and are now proceeding to
afcertair. thi fourse. of the St. Mary's river*
[Co/. Museum,
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