WBSawMti—fc jforrigtt Jntelliseitte. FRANCE. PARIS, August 27. Suwarrow commanded in person that bo dy of troops which chirjred ours four times and ended ■in being all drftroysj. There have feldoui been seen battles equally bloody. Our artillery did not retire until they had expended all their ammunition. The new minister for foreign affiirs, Rein- H Maflena, notwithflandiug the fucrefs hf has obtained, perfifls in giving in his rrfig nation. He is waiting for his successor. The falari«s of the deputies a.re one montl in arrears : thofeof the direflors and of thi ministers, are dill more so. To the CounciL of FK-e Hundred. >,.' v cause of the dangers of the country undouht M ealinefs with refpeft to that power, havi sent against hs superior forces, and may flil fend to their lafl man. The expedition 01 Egypt, which besides was made in contrmpi of the Conilitution, and of the national re. prefentatlon itfelf, it the nioft real, and tht moll serious confpiraey that has yet exiftec against tfe interior and exterior fafety of th( republic. Let it not be said, that it is tht want of abilities in the Ex-Direc\orj, which has occasioned our present reverie ; it is real ly their treachery, for we fee thattliey brokt ■with the United States of America, at tin very moment of their rupture with the Otto man empire, thus to give more (lability and extent to all the branches of the new coali tion ; this opinion is farther supported when we add to these two events, all the othei enormities which their agents have been committing for these two year* in Holland, in Switzerland, and in Italy. What ! the Ottoman empire, the powers of Barbary, and the United States of America, who ne |B ;: L j to keep tip a good underllanding- with them > at all events : and do not thele circumfhnces clearly denole a correfpondenre with the coalesced parties ; in Sue, a perse& coinci ' against us ? But do we v.-.fh to crush this confpiraey, t® force the Ruffians to return to their country, deprive the English of their influence in America ? If this be our dcfire, w- tnull irake peac:; with the Turks and the Americans ; we mud present them .with a national disavowal of the vio lences, which they have fufferoid. W.e must ; but as the Bef:. method of expre(Ti >e the dis avowal in question. is*ta accufc the.mem» bers of the Directory who are the authors of the violation of the Ottoman and of our rupture with thv United States of America, I am of opinion, citizens''re. that all your atteiifion be dire&ed to this measure." / . V A -; . - •t ***** / •*. f -. . f/' ( /> r ' t-'- n *>}s' Krr v - :• ' /- ■ y «*T . , t- ■ ' .'-v '■ *• ' >?Av. f v \ * ' . . • . 1 LONDON, September 1. It is rumoured, that the Jupiter, of je guns, Commodore Lofiack, with a'ftjuadron of frigates, has fallen in with the French fcjuadron on their return to the Mauritius, driven themalhore, and destroyed the whole .of them. It is affcrted, we know not on what au thority, that several Briti{h officers, suppo sed to have died in the prisons of Hyder Ally and Tippoo, have been found still living in tlir dungeon of Seringnpatam. The iuccefsful termination of. this short war lVcures to us the foveitignty of India. The Nabob of Arcot, who oruce fliared tl e Carnatic with Hyder Alii, is no longer powerful, and the Mahrattas alone poflefs extenl'ive territories, and a considerable mili tarv force. But the Mahrattas are attached to us, and even if they were not, the de ftru&ion of Tippoo would tffe&ually prevent them from rifkng a eonteft. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. The famous strong pass, called the Bo chetta, is again mentioned in some account: to have been taken or. the 18th, and the al lies, it is added, had entered Genoa on the 2iftult. at which time an English fcjuadron was cruizing before that city. , A letter from the commander »f the Da nifk naval force in the Mediterranean, con tains the disagreeable intelligence, that the Dey of Tripoli has declared war against the Hanfe Towns, Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bre men, and that a Tripoline eorfair has. alrea dy captured oft" Alicant, two Danish ftiips and sent them to Tunis, under the pre tence of their cargoes being Hamburgh pro- t . , perty. We have great realon to believe that the Gbouans are again in great force ; and ve- ry attive, though secret preparations are making in a certain quarter, for powerful succour to be sent them. The dire&ory have published throughout Paris a proclamation) in which they endea vour to alarm the people with the idea cl the return of Royalty. In this proclama tien, both the danger and the exhortation to provjde against it, tre dated in the most general terms. The Directory how ever do not appear to rely fer the support of their authority merely on their powers of conciliation. Letters from Venice state, that a con clave is to be held ehber in that city or Pa dua, for the elc&ion ef a new Pope. No less than three or four candidates are mentioned for this dignity ? f 'i V*. WILLIAM HUDSON, No. 8 Cbe sr. u.t Street, J SSPECTf UIA.Y informs hit friend, and the iV. public, that he has received by the late ar ivali from liurope, ia addition tu hi* farmer itock, A complete A£'ortment of Goods, which are now opening, suitable lor the approach ing season; Amanpt which arc— Superfine Cloths, and CaffimereSj Double milled Drab Cloths, Superfine Nap Cloths, alTorted colors, Blue and Drap Plains, Swanldowns and Swanlkins, Drapery, Baifes, aflorted colors, Blue, green, white and spotted Bookings, Blue and grey Coatings, y Scarlet, white, red and yellow Flannels, Velvets, Thicksets, Corduroys, and fancy Cords, Striped elafl'iG Cloths and Coatings, Fancy Marseilles WVittcoatiugs, Mens' and Womens' fine worthed Hnfe, do. worfled Gloves and Mits. Mens' Socks. CUmtanoocsi Duraiitt 8c Joam SptudogSi 6 baies of Rafc SlanWeUi compi«fljr »£■ fotteJ, fey the hale, kt. kc, Ma«. 6 *•<*. THE REV. RQBERT ANDREWS Has opened a SCHOOL No* no, Walnut Street, IN WHICH YOUNG GENI"MMEN will b.; inftruSed by him in the different branches of ClafTical and Polite Literature, viz. the Englilh, Latin and Greek Languages, Hitlory, Antiquities, Geogra phy, the Ule of the Globes, Arithmetic, and the Practical Branches of the Mathematics. •$5" Unqneftionable tcftimonials can be given of Mr. A.'» experience and qualifications is a Novrmbjr ?. REMOVAL. < i SAMUEL REYNOLDS, TA YLOR, RESPECTFULLY acquaint those gentlemen who pleaft to favor hnn with their cilftoui, and his friend* generally, that he ha« remoted to his stop, No. 40 South Third tireet, where he wilt be glad to serve them. N. B. All orders attended with the ufaal pu.ic tuali'.y, OJliiwr li. ALL perrons indebted to the Estate of Rachel Bairmore, defoafcd, arc requeued to maka payment, aad person» having claims against the fame, them properly attested to JONATHAN JONES, Adm'r. November q, 1799. dlw Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treasurer, BY Direction of the Comm'iJJianers of Lyco ming county, abends at r» re ceive the Tajtfrs ass fled upon arif«atetpay file with thp above- Trealurer, their lifts, flafi*g the (quantities re turned, number ai«l_dats» ps the warrants aud names of the warrantees, under " which they hald their land'. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy'* No. 98, Market ilreet for thit purpolii until the 18th inftafit." November 9. TO BE SOLD, TMRP.E or f good. tip" Enquire of Mr. William Bell Merchant, or on the premifcs. N. B W ill not be answerable for accidents or escape, but will take every precaution to prevent either. November it TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY oh Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Colebrook' Furnace, Lincalkr ccunty, a Negro Man named Cata, he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down ill look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of llrong liquor, bas been brought up to the farming bufinels, is very handy at any kind of laboring work; he took with him a number of clothing, amoiigft which uere, one suit plain. Nankeen; (some money). It it expired h< hat flwped hie course for Philadelphia or New York. *f* The above reward will be paid for se curing him i* any giol in the United States, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrook Furnace, July 16, 1799; {O18) d6tn IMPORTED this fall and immediately before the late fickoit*, comprehending alnu'ftevcry Book in «le, of the late (I London and Irifn edi uons. They will be disposed of from a single vo lume, to »ri entire Library at the fame prices as have heretofore giveß such general fatistaflion. liy sundry vclfel« daily cxpeded Irom London and Dublin, his (lock will as uf»al be kept up, To that gentlemen will fellow be difappotr.ted when applying at his (lore. N. ii. This day i* pulm&ei, Dan* « I .aw Cata logue for 1709, *>f li«oks-Cor £alc f which may c had gratis, on application at above. November 8 tuth&fztn w&ftf tvth&f3w ' v) tawtf. 3tawtf No*), Ready for Salt, AT GEORGE DAVIS's Law Book Store, No. 319, Hicn SrsEEf, - A very valuable xnd cxtcTilivc AtToTtTnent of Law Books, PRATT KIN i ZING, No. 95, north Water street, HA?£ RECEirhD By the Clips Wilmington, Lonne&icut, Fair Americin, and oilier late arrivals, trom Harabuig and Bremen, A grei:t variety of GERMAN GOODS, Among which are Ginghams Handkcrshiefi PlatiAUa 3rit»aniw Cm* a la M«]»!» {touJCna DMIH Roitun Pattertorne* BielefWld Lines Waarendorpa Table Lin «ti Ticklenburgs' Oxnjbrij!s 1 lieflitn R''l!« Brown ditto ■ Polito ditto CoSee Bigs Liftado; Carraadole* Checks andStripea Ara&ia* Bradrantec* CaSarttlo* Cootik Cfeotet* / Laces Siamois Bedtickt Oil Cloth • Slippers Window Olafs Yellow Ochre Quille Siat«s and Pencils Pearl Barlijr Claret in caftt CoMee Mills Nails and Ironmongery Defnij^hns Ler.tilles Glue Hogs Brittle* Looking GlafTes ALIO, I o hhd. M.ufcovad Roll Briinflone, a few pipe* >)'•' f" r ' '''me, a parcel of fnal and upper Lrat' «t. men'- "irfe Shoes in trunks, a few low prir Glirtr li es, &c. &c. All which they o?- r fcr Lie at th loweft prices and in oft exlerlivt credi Nov. j MEDFORD and HAVE rot) SA .3 caiks Basbury Locks, Curry cr i bale Swanfdowns, i calk Pewter, , z boxes Watches, > j trunk*, Cardinals, 9 trunks'Hofiery, 6 cases Buttons, . .6 bale* Blankets, i Jit to Kttps, i cafe .patent pipe ftfaw Hats Ic Bonnets, 11 tons clean Pcterlburg Hctnp, Zj pieces Sail Cloth. 95. boxes' Crown Gijfs, . 1 box containing Pulicat Handkerchiefs, Swanfdowns and Glare*. A.L SO, Srigantiac AMIABLE ADELLE, Apply to - JOHN DORSET. mwiow. 3 *. . . f -; - M ur:t founder, who, in the days of )'oi , was honored with .the title of •• That pe : the DevH." His partizans and fol!o'»trs 1 ve since been denominated " tons e B-. ;