Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 26, 1799, Image 2

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    Pbi'ade!psia, ytb Sept. 1799.
Mr. Fenno,
Inclosed I fend you a letter from the
committeeoor. r correspondence for Walhing
ton county, covering a certificate from a
number of the moll (cfpedable gentleme 1
in that county, proving Mr. JAMES
ROSS of Pittsburgh's attachment to the
Christian Rel'gion, in contradi&ion to a
falfe a id fcandalotis report propogated and
industriously circulated, by the friends to
Mr. M Kean's eledKon. «' that Mr. Rofs is
an Atheilt, a Deist," &c. I have known
Mr. Rols from liis youth, and his father
and friends of York county, where he was
born, and a more religious and virtuous ia
mily is not to he produced. In my long
acquaintance wiih him, I have never heard
an irreligious or indelicate exprelfion from
him, and believe him to be a moral, wife and
virtuous citizen, a good Christian, and well
qualified to fill the important office of Go
Washington, August 28, 1799.
Sib, *
THE committee in this county for pro
moting the eleftion of Mr. Rofs, have learnt
where Mr. Rofs is less known than here, cur-
rency is given by the enemies to his election,
(the fame conscientious men who Supported
the election of Mr. Jcfferfoiv,) to a report,
that Mr. Rnfs is a Deist.
'1 o prevent the effect of this report, one
of the committee in this town, where Mr.
liofs lived more thau ten years, and until
about five years ago, applied to fueh elders
and other persons, noted for their piety and
regard for religion, as have known Mr. Rofs
during- the wlrole of this time, 2nd as easily
could be applied to, and they chearfully figii
ed th»* enclosed certificate. It w;>s regretted
that the absence of the Rev. John M'Millan,
(who is the minister nearest to this place, is
intimately and has been about twenty years
well, acquainted, with Mr. Rofs, aifd re zeal
ous for his election,) and of* the other Pref-
milliters in this neighbourhood,
\vho are how fitting in Presbytery, mere than
sixty miles from this town, preventtd the
obtaining of their contradiction to this falfe
and malicious repcrt. But it was not tho't
prurient for the, fake of thts, to fuffer tVic
"report to gain force, by the delay of another
week's port: elpecially as .those who have
fie;lied, are diilinguiOitd characters, for good
sense, ltoneftyand piety, and refpe&able for
their ftatimis in Society. Mr. 'Allifon is
judge of this county, Mr. Swearenger, Mr.
Mitchell and Mr. Ritchie are ju(Vices of the
peace, afid the last has been a member of af
f-mbly. Mr. Cott 11 and iffr". Briee, arc
county conuuiffionc rs, and the la ft has been
a member of aflembly. Mr. Cunningham
is a fubfhntial merchant and Mrj;Mercer a
1 farmer. Tlufe gentlemen being
all in town at the time, were readily applied
to, and yotvmny be assured, that the certifi
cate, of any one of them, is fufficient to out
weigh the report. Many more names could
have been obtained, but to seek numbers was
thought to be giving too much refpeet to the
(lander, and a (election of a few unquestion
able charafters was thought befi.
Tlie presence of the Rev. John Smith, of
CartiJon/Wrgb, a learned and respectable Se
ccder iciniOer, who,, about three years ago,
removed to this cpiintry from Ofton ra, in
Lasestfter coumy, enabled us to procure his
certificate ill'o, and upon ttiis'wi are content
, to reftthe character ck Mr. Rofs and of our*
We could with as much 'ease have obtain
ed as positive a denial of all the other mali
cious leports lately propagated again# Mr.
Rofs, and we do pledge ourfelves-that thry
are falfe. But we thought it not of coiifr
quence to do so, as-they are, we trufl, ge-
ne.rally known to be falfe; and as such re
ports from unprincipled and designing men
are usually expected on such occafimis. But
there are ft? few means of afiertaining the
credit due to a report of infidelity and a' re
fpe<fi for religion is of fu«h importance in
public iVcitions, that we thought it a duty to
our fellow citizens to disprove the aspersion
of deism.
Least, therefore, tkis aspersion should ruif
lead good people, unacquainted with Mr.
Rofs, the committee here request that you
will publish, if you think proper, theft; do
cuments in the newspapers or in hand bills,
as you think heft, and in filch wanner as
you think most fit. The original o£ thele
certificates is in the hands of the committee
of Franklin county.
Cbairmau of the committee of Washington co.
IVaJhington, (P.) Aug. 26th 1799.
WE tlis fubferibers, regular members of
sundry Presbyterian congregations in the
county of Washington, have heard with
surprise and regret, that among the many
Glanderous reports prupagated again ft the
refpe&able charafter of Jame6 Rofs, Esq.
of Pittfiburgh, who has been proposed to be
chofeti governor of Pennsylvania, one is
that he is a Dt-ifl.
We trust that we have a firvoere regard
so truth and religion, and we feel ourfeNts
bound by the duties we owe to both, so far
as our tellimony can go to remove from our
fellow citizens, this obftruftion to the free
excrcife of our votes in favour of Mr. Rofs.
God forbid that we should aflift in placing in
fuck an important a Ration,.a man defective
in refpeft for religion. And we but obey
the dictates of our own conscience* in ma
king the following declaration of what we
know of Mr. Roi'd, from our own observa
tion and indubitable information.
Mr. Rofs was born of refpe&abls and
pious parents, of the Presbyterian churc'i in
York county rn this state, and received fiom
them a religous education. He is well in
ltru&ed in the scriptures and the do&rmes
of chrilUauitY as held by our church ; and
we are persuaded believes and refpedls
them. He lived long in this town, and long
er in this county, and we have had good
opportunities of knowing him. Where he
has lived, there has not been any stated
minister, and only occasional supplies for
public worship. But he has contributed to
the support of public worship where he liv
ed, and attended it regularly and.there is
nothing known to us to juftify the imputa
tion that he is an infidel or deist, apd we
think this imputation falfe and malicious.
; In witness whereof we have Jjercto fci our
hands. *
Jofcph Wherry J Congregaupn.
John Cotton") Elders of Congre-
Jaires Brice y gation.
James Mitchell, Elder of Peters Cosgrega.
John Mercer jj Elders of Chartiers
James Allifon 5 Coagregatioa.
Craig Richie
Alexander Cunningham.
Since I lived in VValhington county, I
have had opportunity of converting and
being wel! acquainted with James Rofs.Efq.
of Pittfbijrgh, and of knowing his chara&er
from (er-ioHS and refpeftable persons well
acquainted with his opinions and cenverfa
tion, and I am well persuaded that he 19 fin
ccrely refpe&ful of the Christian Profeftant
Religion, and do verily believe that the re
port of h's being an infidel or deist. is alto
gether without foundation.
Miniflerof jljfocialtd Congregation Chartiert.
At a meetirg of a number of the ci izenj
cf Philadelphia, convened by public no
tice, at the Union school-house, in Ger
mantown, on Saturday the 2t(l of Sept.
1799, for the purpose of nominating suit
able persons to fill the federal offices
which wilt become vacant atthc ensuing
was appointed Chairman :
Whereupon it was unamniouily resolved,
That the wifiiom, integrity, real patriotism,
uniform principles, anid affjile demeanor of
JAMES ROSS, of Pittlburgh, eminently
qualify him for the dignified ftauon of Cbief
Magistrate of this commonwealth, and jull
ly entitle him to the fuflrages of his fellow-
Citizcns; and that the pcrfons conipofiiv'
this meetiug will give their votes, and ex
ercif- their influence, to promote his ele&icn
to that office.
Rtfoived uninimoufly, That this meeting
approves of thje nomination of John Jonf.s,
of Lower Dublin, by their fellow, ckizens of
this county ; and will fnpport him and Jo
s*ph Bali/, at the enfuingeleflion, as Se
nator*, for thf"~dilkritl composed of the city
and county of Philadelphia and of the coun
ty of D-Uware.-
Rrfojved unanimoyfly, That Micbtici
Ktpfele, Samuel W. Fisber,. William Hall,
George ■ Fox, Godfrey Haga, and Robert
frazil-, d'eferving and poiTefßng the coufi
dehce of this meeting;, be recommended to
th« choice of our fellow-citizen* as Mem
bers of the House of Rrprefeiuauves,
Rei'olv.'d unanitnoiafly, that the gentle
men Whole names are mentioned in the fol
lowing tickets, are well qualified, tp fcrve
our Alloy-citizen* in the coiporation of
Seleft Council.
Samuel Mickle Fax, Samuel Coates, John
Millet, junior, and Abijab Davits.
'Common Council.
Kearney Wear ton, John Rvgan, 1 bom as
Cutbbert, Joseph M-Gqfiiii, Laurence Her
bert, Daniel Smith t Henry Drinker, jut}
Michael Keppele, Thomas P. Cope, Joseph
Hopkinson, Tbomcs Parker, George Plvm
sled,, Gideon Hill Wells, Maleom AFDon
nald, Caspar W. Morris, Jonathan Jones,
Paschal Holliogsvt!ortb r Ediiiarif Penning
ton, Timothy Paxson, and James Milnor•
Resolved, That J. Wall, M. Keppele,
Land Joshua Humphreys bo a committee to
I ieform our fellow-citizens of the county of
I Delaware, that this meeting approves of the
i nomination of John Jones, of Lower Dub
! lixv, and requefts dieir concurrence
|and Tuppoit in favour of the said John
i Jones and Joseph Ball, at the ensuing
Ordered, thac the minutes of the proceed
ings of this meeting be figtied by the Chair
man and Secretary, and publilhcd in the
Philaderphia newspapers.
Ltvi Hollingsivortb, chairman.
Z. Pcu'ion, jun. facretary.
To tie Editor of tit Tork Herald.
Sir, 1 '
Please to infer', the following letter*
and oblige y«ur's, &c. J. C.
To the Htnouraile THOMAS M'KEAN,
Dollar tf Laws, Chief Juflice of
the State of Pennsylvania, &c. &c. (Sfi.
I scarcely thought it pofiible among the
vicifihudes of human affairs, that I should
have to address you through the channel of
a Newspaper ; but it seems the period has
arrived, when it has become necessary for
me, in order to contradift the vile slander
that has been propogated, and the odium
attempted to be thrown upon me, by those,
who I presume, aft by your authority ; I
mean certain AdJre[fers of the Public in this
place, that have, through the medium of
your sif i tend Solomon Myer's press, among
other things dated, " Another charge is,
" that M'Kean should have said, that York
•' county was a Tory county ; but the truth
"is, Mr. M'Kean never either expressed |
"or entertained fa'ch an opinion. It is the
" fabrication of party men, and circulated
" with a view, to prejutfiee the people of
it York county againlt our Republican can
" dida'e."
Whether the above charge is true, and
the assertion of yow friends untrue, I leave
you and the public to determine, when I
solemnly declire. that you, at the house of
JohnWatfon, Esq. in Miffim county, ii."
the presence of the honorable Edward Ship
pen and Edward Shipprn Burd Efcjs. did
assert, without any pTevioU3 prorocaiion,
" that the people of York supported the
" Briufli Corporal, and were a pack of
•' damn'd Tories ; ' and I replied they were
li a? good IVbigt ai your Honor3cc,
At another time, at Hartley's iavern,
near Bedford," in the prefenee of a Mr.
" Shields. yoJ said " the members of Af
"fembly fr >m York county, were damn'd
" fooll, aud that you coulJ not get them, to
do what you wanted f" to which I replied
that was the reason the county sent such
men, for was it known that you had any in
fluence over them, they never would b:- eled
ed. At another time, I heard you fay
York was a Tory coun y," and I then
replied it was not, cor would I fuffer such
dander. I have also heard you fay, that
every word of the letter written by Mr.
JeJftrfo-.i, to Mazz°i, was truer, and that
" General Within ton, had done great deal
" of rood during the Revolution, but a great
" de 1 of niifchief lincethat period."
Those who wish for further information,
refpefting vouraffcrtions, and conduct, at
the times and piacc* shove mentioned, hav.-
an opportunity offati»fying tbemfelves, by
applying to the . entlemen whose /iame»
with relu&anae, I liava been thus pub icly
obliged to inentien ;and as to the other
aflcrtions, if neceflary, I am willing to make
oath of lam lorry that you and those whom
I have ahove alluded to,-have road ' it ne
cessary for me, thus publicly, to state the
fadts ; and the eonfequencej that may arise
therefrom, you and 'hem will know to
whose acco ;nt they ought to be placed.
With a hope that you n.ay not be eledled
Gevernor, and a wish that ymay re
main in the llation you now huld, I ats,
Sir, your most obedient,
York, Sept. 13, 1799.
HAVE not removed out of town, and they
have f«;- fjle at their healthy (lore. No.
88, Market-flrc-et corner of futuh Third street,
A general affoitment of DHY GOOJ'S,
fyfl rtuivrd from Virginia,
1 g hogsheads of heft Virginia TOBACCO
they will dispose of on reasonable term*.
Sept. 23. 3teod
i*o barrels Green COFFEE,
No. 232, Market Street.
150 qr. chests Ifyfon Skin TEA,"} of latest
30 qr. chests Hyfoii dit W>> > impor
-10 chests Rohea ditto, J tat ion.
Sept. 18. . dim.
That the fiibffiibtr living at George Town,
croft roads in tliat county and state of Miry,
land, lutli obtained letters ofailminiftration on
the p'erfonal eftaie of William Dinsmoore,
late of Kent County, merchant, dtceafed.
All perfmis h'aving> any claims jgsinft the
said deceased, are requested to exhibit them pro
perly authenticated, either to the subscriber or
to Willum Barroll, fif<j her atterney, living
in CheQrr Town Maryland.
All persons indebted to th« deceased, either
on Bond, Bill, uote or account, are earneltly re
queflcd'to discharge the fame without delay,
•stherwifc suits will he commeuied igamit them.
of Wirtiim Dinsmore deceased
Qtorge Tovjn Croft-Roads Kent County.
Anguft 31, 1799. • dam.
On Tueldav the ift of Oftober next, «t the
Robih' Hood tavern, on the F»lli road, at II
o'clockA- M,-will be fold by public audion,
About eighty acres of Land,.
LAYING 4 miles from Philadelphia, on the
east Gde of the Falls read, which bounds it on
tbeweft, and contiguous to land* of Mr. Clement
Biddle, Mrs. Elfmbrey, Mr. Thomas Ketland,
Mr. Mommollm, Mr. Thomas Clifford, Mr.
Wijfon and others. A road »f two perchat,
trading from the Falls road, at the top of the
Robiii Hood hill, runs east through this land,
anff gives an easy access to the whole, which
will be divided into lot* of 7 to 10 aires, to suit
the purchafc-rs. "The number of beautiful fcites
on this land, its healthy situation and pleasant
neighbourhood) will no doubt attract the at
tention of the public. The whole now lays
open, anil a plot -of it may be fecn at 'he Ro
bin Hood tavern after the 10th inft. Th« terms
will Ue made known at the time of sale.
CONNELLY & Co. Auit'rs.
Septemper 14
Philadelphia, Sept. 24th, 1799.
"to/" the following Lois,
advertised the loth infl. poflpoued in confe-
of unfavourable weather, until
FRIDAY, the 17th infiant,
At cne o'clock, AM!
At.whxh time will bt Sold,
On the Premises,
ONE TRACT, containing abput jo acres,
lying in Springfield townlhip, Montgo
mery county, fronting on a public road leading
from Abingtoh, distance therefrom four mile-,
and one mile and. an half from Flour Town.
The country ii remarkably healthy, and situa
tion for a farm or country feat beautiful, foil
good, and lime stone plenty.
Also upwards of filty acres, choice young cheji
nut timber land, divided in convenient lots, litu
atc in Upper Dublin townlhip, nearly opposite
to the above. To be fold as part of the cftate
of the late Caleb Eiiilen, dcreafed, by
Atttrneyi in fa& to M~ Emkn Jole Executrix.
TURKEY, June io.
F<*m the Vienna Gazette.
Xte following authentic accounts have I
been rtc?ived of the titration of affairs is
Syria. On of April, Commodore
Sir Sidney StflUh had sent intelligence trom
Acre, that Buonaparte (who conduits the
fcife of St. John d'Acre in perlon) had al
ready wajled fix weeks before that wretched
place, without having made any imprcJ&oii
on it. The tire of two Engiilh (hips of
war and fix gun-boats, in the whole 80
pieces of artillery, whictT, at ever)" ailault,
played Ujwn the flank of tiie French, killed
great of their men. Smce tbien a
letter, da:*d the 16th of May, has been re
ceived from a secretary of the Commodore,
Smyrna, from which it appears that. Buo
nipate had made nine unfuccelsful attacks,
and that the Pacha had made a fnlly, in
which eight French generals, (Caffarelli,
Lafcalle, Langier, Lafne, Devoz, V aux,
Rampen,. and Dnguet) 8o officers, and
common men, were killed.
The Druffes, fn'.l of confidence in the
Commodore, and love for the Englifli, be
haved excellently. The bed underflanding
prevails between the Englifii and the I urks.
\ The enemy's army is greatly weakened, both
I in number and physical strength ; full of
1 discontent, which js loudly expjefled ;-in
want of every thing, and has loft all credit
among the inhabitants of the country, on.
account of the ill success ol the undertak
"According to some private accounts, the
communication between Buonaparte and
the reft of his troOps is cut off.
The Grand Viz'er was y»ft?rday at Nico
media, on his march for Syria^
LONDON, July 14.
Mr. is said to be so much in love
with the habits and-comforts of moral life
and retirement, that 'tis thought lliould his
friends forcibly draw him out to the battle
of politics and public life, he would be auk
ward at any Game. *
Jc«u l>bry's promotion to the < ffiee of
Prefid.-nt of the Council of Five hundred it
;io douut the reward of an escape, which per
haps not o«e in five hundred could have ef
The learned men whom Buonaparte carri
ed with him on his expedition must have pro
ved infinite feivice to him on various oc
caftons; for although his army h's io okrn
been totally cut off both by sword and fa
mine, we find that they are i'oon again in a
situation to take the Geld.—This eSc&doubt
lefs must have been produced by some fcienti
fic operation, for we cannot suppose that
every man in the armywvas a John Debry,
and by a miracle.
The lailtr who ordered his limbs to be
put into a gun and lliot off at the enemy,
took a better method to br canonized for a
hero, than the Pope himfelf could have sug
gested f
It appears from Mr. Park's travels, that
in Africa crim. con. is pui'iiflicd with stripes.
This is a clear proof of the barbarism of
thefc people. How it would (liock the fee
lings of a civilized tution to fee a fashionable
ii trigvc punilhed like a petty laricnjf.
Elopement—A young lady at Baden, in
Wilts, has doped with a Rustic, diflinguifh
ed in that neighbourhood as a famous wrest
ler, determined, it leems, to try a fall with
Improvement in the art of Priming.—Mr'
Cunningham, of Southampton, has difcover
eda method of making and keeping printing
balls, withxjut the fmullefl tairii of that rtox
ious and highly 0 (Ten five procefj hitherto
made'ufe of, Bcfides cleanliness, the in
vention hat econotfty to recom end it, as at
least half the present expence of that article
will i>c saved i and, what appears extraordi
nary; the balls in a }''\r minutes may be al
tered from black to red, or vice versa, with
out the fmallen detriment to either^olour.
AND to all other ladies and gentlemen, curious
in ornamental, tare exotic or foreign plants
and flowers, cultivated in the green houft, hot
houfa, of ftovc, and in the open ground—A large
and numerous variety of such rarities is now #f
fered for sale, heing the acquirement of many
years earnefl application, great affidnity, and con
siderable expencc.
The present proprietor having, from the natu
ral growth and fuccefsful incr<afc of his plants, as
well as from Freqwest other acquirement: anil ad
ditions to his collection, so far increnfed it as to
render the allutttd apartments not fuliciently
large and commodious, is induced to maku this of
fer, or facritke. Alter r-ferving a g-icral and
fuitahle fleck, he has to spare a well alforted and
great variety of those things, compti.wg a beau
tiful collision, fafsci»nt to dicor.ite, furaifh, and
ornament a fpatiuu* orba'tdfomegreen-hovft at oNlt■
Hie' whole collc&ion, for that dcjturlmtnt, will be
fold on very moderate and easy terms; or the pro
prietur miy he induced to divide it into two equal
lots; but he does not on any account intend to al
low them to be fcle&ed or culled out by feparatc
ly felling fingie plants or fmal) lots in any thing
like a retail way.
Thj whole it a truly valuable eolleflion, such
as is very rarelj'to be met with for sale on this fide
the Atlantic—indeed a moiety of them would com.
fife a v ry dtfirablc and txti'nfive variety, con
filing of many or mod of the tropital Ifuits, ajd
other rare and curious finely ornamental trees,
shrubs, and plant, wi-.h a numerous aud abundant
aflottment of choice bulbous,tuberous, and fibrous
root*., flowering and ornamental plants in mix
tures; all of good or fnperior kinds, as may be fcen
by the catalogue. For which, and £pr any further
necessary information, please to apply to John
Curamiaps, tit the Atms-house, Meifrs. David and
Cuthbert Landrith, gardeners and nurfcry-men, in
in High street, above Tvvelfth-tlreer, Philadelphia,
Mr. William Booth, in the fame itne of business,
, Baltimore, or Mr David Williamfon, Oreenwich
(lreet, New-York.
N. B. It is now a good time and proper fcafoa
te build a green-houfc, and to remove plants.
Scj.t. 1 4 . Jtf.
%\)e (©ajette.
From a F. iend ia Europe, by an arrival at
New-York, I have received Files of several
Virii papers from the ift Messidor to the 6th
Tbermidor ; amongst which are the Amides
Loix, the Redacteur, and the Patriote Frtfn
gais, the latter of which, in the true fanati
cal cant of the day, bears the following in
scriptions in finking characters at its head :
ll On the 9th Floreai, at 9 o'clock in the
evening) the Aiiftrian government caused to
be affhfliiiated by its troops, the French
Plenipotentiaries charged by the Directory
to negociate a peace at Raftadt.."
Ifar zmto Death to tie English Government
and the House of Austria !
vengeance !
It is minted in the rue d'lnfer,
We give to day an hasty abftraft of the
principal articlesjcontained in tlicfe Gazettes,
reserving the details for succeeding papers.
It appears that Royalifm is every where
dire&ing assassinations ajainft the Repub
licans. '• The Council of 500, considering
that at the moment when the Lcgifljtors are
occupied in offering to the Republicans a
guarantee against the aflnffinations which
royalifm diredts againfl them, it is not lefj
important to open the eyes of the univer
sality of the French people upon their civil
difientions, declares that there is urgency."
The Council, after having declared urgency,
proceeded to decree an address to the French
people, wherein it appears, u bitter ci
vil diffsniioos have already tpiung up afrefh
in the departments of #ie well and the-fouth,
threatening to extend their ravages to other
parts of tbe Republic." Ii; :h: mean while
bands of royal afLißns fliew themselves in
divers departments, and attack the Republi
l;i the Council of 500, on the ill Tbtr
mi dor, Talot, by a motion of order, de
nounced an intention, (which he charges to
Royalists) of reafl'rmbling a National Con
vention. A committee was appointed to
make a law igainll such organization.
The Commune ot St. Claude has been,,;'
consumed, and-the wretched inhabitants, rerj*
duced to a fla;e of nakedness, apply to the
Council o£ Ancients for fucceur. Sent toi :
the Diredlory. i
IXcombirouSe, in the Council of Art-.;
cients, presented an address signed by t> great
number of Ute citizsnt of Gpe noble, who '
demand tliat the ex-Direeiors be brought 6»-
judgment. They demand also, that the
Council revise, and cause to bt executed,the!
laws providing; succours to the families of the?
defenders of the country.
The republicans o.f Marseilles and of Toll- *
louse felicitate tlw Council upon the energy '■»
it aTumed, and demand the
of the tx-Direttors. •
Reinhard, Miniftcr Plenipotentiary- to-
Switzerland, fuccceds Talleyrand as Minified
of Exterior Relations. ■<" .'-i
Robert Lindet takes the place of RanteV
the Financier. • ' \
The appointment of Lambrechts to t'.ie
Miuiftry of Justice is revoked, and Caniba
c<r?s, ex-convcntionulift, is appointed to
succeed him.
The Piedinontefe, the Swiss, heretofore. "
in the service of the king of Sardinia, the »
Poles, Cifalpiries, See. with the army of '
Italy, were in the course of the last winter
united to the French army. All that remain,
of thofc troops, it appears by a
the Direflory to the Councils, are fuffering ;
under privations of every kind, « Ville
Franche, Chambery, Grenoble, Bec. and their
(ituation becoming daily more painful. .
It appears by a letter bf (the
new War Minister) to the generals in chief
of the armies, that the old soldiers not only
treat the young conscripts with great con
tempt, but aftually bqat them on their arri
val at the armies.
The Municipality of Amiens denounces
many incendiary writings distributed by the
The conscripts of the department of Cher,
are stated to have deserted en mafic.
The head-quarters of Maffena's army were
at Huninguen.
A body of 60,000 Ruffians is aff.-mbling
in Poland.
It was with the utmost difficulty that the
ravages who funendered in the citadel of
Turin, were preserved from popular fury.
Many of th«rn fell viftimi to the raje (if
the mob.
We regret to find tlwt a chief of the
coupe-tdtes named Travot has by (traugem
made prisoners, four Generals of .Chouan-;.
They are, the Chevalier da Vezins, Du
pifieau, Gourreau, and Blouin, Emigrants.
The general Vimeux has been authorized
hy the central acjminifbation of Maine artd
Loire to caufc to be disarmed the inhabitant! '
of those communes which have furnilhed
troops to reinforce the Chouans.
The Dv.-y of Algiers, at the intercession of
Messieurs. Bacry and Bufchac, has set at li
berty the French who had been some months
iinpriloncd there.
The department of the upper Loire is in
ftfted by numerous troops of brigands. One
of these on the sth Meflidor, attached the
gensd'.irmcs of St. Didier and Moriiftrol)
and gained some advantages over them.
The Department of Vauclufe is the prey
of brigandage. Precautions are taking, thai
the Chottans, who 3efolate the department
"of the V;:r, may not penetrate into the de
partment of G?rd. Barere is recalled.
Cambe inveighs against the rich men, and
proposes that the Jury be inftrufted to at
tend as a principal objeft to the attainting of
'men gorged with the public fort tine, arid
tliofe who by, the effctts of the revolution,