Pbi'ade!psia, ytb Sept. 1799. Mr. Fenno, Inclosed I fend you a letter from the committeeoor. r correspondence for Walhing ton county, covering a certificate from a number of the moll (cfpedable gentleme 1 in that county, proving Mr. JAMES ROSS of Pittsburgh's attachment to the Christian Rel'gion, in contradi&ion to a falfe a id fcandalotis report propogated and industriously circulated, by the friends to Mr. M Kean's eledKon. «' that Mr. Rofs is an Atheilt, a Deist," &c. I have known Mr. Rols from liis youth, and his father and friends of York county, where he was born, and a more religious and virtuous ia mily is not to he produced. In my long acquaintance wiih him, I have never heard an irreligious or indelicate exprelfion from him, and believe him to be a moral, wife and virtuous citizen, a good Christian, and well qualified to fill the important office of Go vernor. LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH. Washington, August 28, 1799. Sib, * THE committee in this county for pro moting the eleftion of Mr. Rofs, have learnt where Mr. Rofs is less known than here, cur- rency is given by the enemies to his election, (the fame conscientious men who Supported the election of Mr. Jcfferfoiv,) to a report, that Mr. Rnfs is a Deist. '1 o prevent the effect of this report, one of the committee in this town, where Mr. liofs lived more thau ten years, and until about five years ago, applied to fueh elders and other persons, noted for their piety and regard for religion, as have known Mr. Rofs during- the wlrole of this time, 2nd as easily could be applied to, and they chearfully figii ed th»* enclosed certificate. It w;>s regretted that the absence of the Rev. John M'Millan, (who is the minister nearest to this place, is intimately and has been about twenty years well, acquainted, with Mr. Rofs, aifd re zeal ous for his election,) and of* the other Pref- milliters in this neighbourhood, \vho are how fitting in Presbytery, mere than sixty miles from this town, preventtd the obtaining of their contradiction to this falfe and malicious repcrt. But it was not tho't prurient for the, fake of thts, to fuffer tVic "report to gain force, by the delay of another week's port: elpecially as .those who have fie;lied, are diilinguiOitd characters, for good sense, ltoneftyand piety, and refpe&able for their ftatimis in Society. Mr. 'Allifon is judge of this county, Mr. Swearenger, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Ritchie are ju(Vices of the peace, afid the last has been a member of af f-mbly. Mr. Cott 11 and iffr". Briee, arc county conuuiffionc rs, and the la ft has been a member of aflembly. Mr. Cunningham is a fubfhntial merchant and Mrj;Mercer a 1 farmer. Tlufe gentlemen being all in town at the time, were readily applied to, and yotvmny be assured, that the certifi cate, of any one of them, is fufficient to out weigh the report. Many more names could have been obtained, but to seek numbers was thought to be giving too much refpeet to the (lander, and a (election of a few unquestion able charafters was thought befi. Tlie presence of the Rev. John Smith, of CartiJon/Wrgb, a learned and respectable Se ccder iciniOer, who,, about three years ago, removed to this cpiintry from Ofton ra, in Lasestfter coumy, enabled us to procure his certificate ill'o, and upon ttiis'wi are content , to reftthe character ck Mr. Rofs and of our* j IVIVes. We could with as much 'ease have obtain ed as positive a denial of all the other mali cious leports lately propagated again# Mr. Rofs, and we do pledge ourfelves-that thry are falfe. But we thought it not of coiifr quence to do so, as-they are, we trufl, ge- ne.rally known to be falfe; and as such re ports from unprincipled and designing men are usually expected on such occafimis. But there are ft? few means of afiertaining the credit due to a report of infidelity and a' re fpem York county, were damn'd " fooll, aud that you coulJ not get them, to do what you wanted f" to which I replied that was the reason the county sent such men, for was it known that you had any in fluence over them, they never would b:- eled ed. At another time, I heard you fay York was a Tory coun y," and I then replied it was not, cor would I fuffer such dander. I have also heard you fay, that every word of the letter written by Mr. JeJftrfo-.i, to Mazz°i, was truer, and that " General Within ton, had done great deal " of rood during the Revolution, but a great " de 1 of niifchief lincethat period." Those who wish for further information, refpefting vouraffcrtions, and conduct, at the times and piacc* shove mentioned, hav.- an opportunity offati»fying tbemfelves, by applying to the . entlemen whose /iame» with relu&anae, I liava been thus pub icly obliged to inentien ;and as to the other aflcrtions, if neceflary, I am willing to make oath of lam lorry that you and those whom I have ahove alluded to,-have road ' it ne cessary for me, thus publicly, to state the fadts ; and the eonfequencej that may arise therefrom, you and 'hem will know to whose acco ;nt they ought to be placed. With a hope that you n.ay not be eledled Gevernor, and a wish that ymay re main in the llation you now huld, I ats, Sir, your most obedient, JOHN CLARK. York, Sept. 13, 1799. MILLY ANDRE Co. HAVE not removed out of town, and they have f«;- fjle at their healthy (lore. No. 88, Market-flrc-et corner of futuh Third street, A general affoitment of DHY GOOJ'S, ALIO, fyfl rtuivrd from Virginia, 1 g hogsheads of heft Virginia TOBACCO they will dispose of on reasonable term*. Sept. 23. 3teod i*o barrels Green COFFEE, TOR SALE, By SIMON 8c HYMAN GRATZ, No. 232, Market Street. . ' WHO HA-VE S/LSO ON HARD, 150 qr. chests Ifyfon Skin TEA,"} of latest 30 qr. chests Hyfoii dit W>> > impor -10 chests Rohea ditto, J tat ion. Sept. 18. . dim. Tins IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the fiibffiibtr living at George Town, croft roads in tliat county and state of Miry, land, lutli obtained letters ofailminiftration on the p'erfonal eftaie of William Dinsmoore, late of Kent County, merchant, dtceafed. All perfmis h'aving> any claims jgsinft the said deceased, are requested to exhibit them pro perly authenticated, either to the subscriber or to Willum Barroll, fifbry's promotion to the < ffiee of Prefid.-nt of the Council of Five hundred it ;io douut the reward of an escape, which per haps not o«e in five hundred could have ef fe'fted. The learned men whom Buonaparte carri ed with him on his expedition must have pro ved infinite feivice to him on various oc caftons; for although his army h's io okrn been totally cut off both by sword and fa mine, we find that they are i'oon again in a situation to take the Geld.—This eSc&doubt lefs must have been produced by some fcienti fic operation, for we cannot suppose that every man in the armywvas a John Debry, and by a miracle. The lailtr who ordered his limbs to be put into a gun and lliot off at the enemy, took a better method to br canonized for a hero, than the Pope himfelf could have sug gested f It appears from Mr. Park's travels, that in Africa crim. con. is pui'iiflicd with stripes. This is a clear proof of the barbarism of thefc people. How it would (liock the fee lings of a civilized tution to fee a fashionable ii trigvc punilhed like a petty laricnjf. Elopement—A young lady at Baden, in Wilts, has doped with a Rustic, diflinguifh ed in that neighbourhood as a famous wrest ler, determined, it leems, to try a fall with him. Improvement in the art of Priming.—Mr' Cunningham, of Southampton, has difcover eda method of making and keeping printing balls, withxjut the fmullefl tairii of that rtox ious and highly 0 (Ten five procefj hitherto made'ufe of, Bcfides cleanliness, the in vention hat econotfty to recom end it, as at least half the present expence of that article will i>c saved i and, what appears extraordi nary; the balls in a }''\r minutes may be al tered from black to red, or vice versa, with out the fmallen detriment to either^olour. To BOTANISTS, GARDENERS and FLORISTS. AND to all other ladies and gentlemen, curious in ornamental, tare exotic or foreign plants and flowers, cultivated in the green houft, hot houfa, of ftovc, and in the open ground—A large and numerous variety of such rarities is now #f fered for sale, heing the acquirement of many years earnefl application, great affidnity, and con siderable expencc. The present proprietor having, from the natu ral growth and fuccefsful incr great number of Ute citizsnt of Gpe noble, who ' demand tliat the ex-Direeiors be brought 6»- judgment. They demand also, that the Council revise, and cause to bt executed,the! laws providing; succours to the families of the? defenders of the country. The republicans o.f Marseilles and of Toll- * louse felicitate tlw Council upon the energy '■» it aTumed, and demand the of the tx-Direttors. • Reinhard, Miniftcr Plenipotentiary- to- Switzerland, fuccceds Talleyrand as Minified of Exterior Relations. ■<" .'-i Robert Lindet takes the place of RanteV the Financier. • ' \ The appointment of Lambrechts to t'.ie Miuiftry of Justice is revoked, and Caniba c