Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 11, 1799, Image 4

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    >\ P'..
bafhionable Millinery.
MO. 134, MjttLXBT-SrZEXr,
HAS juftjreceivcd per (1i ip Thomas Chalklcy
and Adriana, from London, an elegant affortmunc
of the most faftiionablc Millinery, vix.
Chemille rosette FEATHERS
Fancy flowers
Black tiffany flowerj
Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress caci
Do. do. and do. Nclfon's bonnMs
Infant's pips straw bonnets
Maid's fancy do. do.
Womea's do. do. do.
Do. do. {hades
Do. do hats
Fancy bugle flioe rofcs
Do. do. trimming
Black, blu?,yellow, pink and orange «rap«
Black, white and jjrt-c* giure veils
Do. gauze cloaks
N. B. Ai*.d per Harmcay, just arrived, a further
affortmwit of
. June %(t
. A • .•*.
At a meeting of a number of re
fpeElable inhabitants of the
county of Cbejier, convened at
fames fackfon's, in the town
oj Weji-Chejter, on IVednef
day the 21Jt of Augujl, 1799,
m order to take into confdera
tion, feme matters reJpeEling
the ensuing election.
' ' In the Chair,
i. Joseph M'C/.ellAn, Secretary.
ON motion of Mr, Whelen, it was una
nimously agreed, that a committee be up
•' pointed, to enquire into the flaiider, alledged
agrainft ROSS, Kfc>. of Pittfburg,
: •with power to enquire into the merits of
■. fai,i flaiider, and to publifli the result thereof
-: , x bnr motion, it was "unanijmoully agreed
that a committee, c®nfilting of twenty-fix
peffons, be appointed for the purpose oi iu
, vpftigatin# the validity of the charges alledg,
«d again ft Mr. Rofs,—in pursuance of which
the tollowmjj pcrfons were appointed, viz
: WiUiamGiibjiu, Esq. John fricL,
Joseph Jtf'Cle!l3n f David Morris.
Isaac Wayne, Esq. David Pennypacker.
Jos. Hemphill, Esq. Evan Evans.
.Jocaiu, Esq. Dr. Joseph Pierce.
F. Gardner. Philip Scott, Esq.
, JJevid 1 Jcmcj Kcltanl.
Dennis Wbe ten, Joseph Sharp.
Walter Finney, Esq. fiaxid Junes, Esq.
• Robert May, Jain tfinehart.
Samuel Haines, Jtodert Milter.
Jesse Jonest John Eowen.
pn motion of Mr. Finnty, it wjs uuan.
■ 'moufly ajrerd, that William Gibbon*, Jo
ftph M'Clellan, Isaac Wayne, Joseph Hemp
'hill,and Den n is Whelen, be a committee
;<o arrange and forwnrd to the Press, such
information, relative to the charges against
Mr. Hofs, as they may receive from time
, •
On motion of Mr. "Whrlen, it was unan
imously agreed, that a Federal Meeting of
the Inhabitants of Chester County, be held
at the Court house, in Wefl-Ghefler, on
Friday, the 6th of September, in order to
form a General Ticket, for the ensuing
It was moved, seconded and unaniruoufly
agreed to, that the proceedings of this mee.
ting, bepublilhed in Hand-bills, and alia in
everal News Papers of the city of Philadel-
At a refpeßable meeting of a num
ber of the Citizens in the south
ern part of the County of Phi
ladelphia, agreeable to public
notice at the house of Cadwal
lader Evans in Southwark, for
the purpose of promoting the e
leEtion of J AMES ROSS, esq.
of Pittfburg, Joseph Bird,
Esq. -was unanimously chosen
This meeting taking into consideration the
(riiical lituatloß of our country, aflailed
with implacable animolity by a vindi&ive
■and savage enemy, whom neither the laws of
God nor the ordinances of man have been
found to influence, and who lias not only
prattifed upon these United States every spe
cies of iufult, fraud and violence, but com
mitted unexampled ails of cruelty and mur
der upon our inoflenfive and defencelefs fel
low citizens—
Resohed, That in the opinicn of this
meeting the choice of a Chief Magistrate of
this state being intimately connefted with
the future happiness of the nation, we are
convinced that he fhotild be a man poffefling
a jufl regard for the honor, dignity and
prosperity of bis country, pci feftly free from
the influence of those perfidious and sacri
legious principles of Jacobiiiifm which have
already extinguished every republic on earth
but eur own—a man totally exempt from
foreign influence, interests or connexions,
to whose integrity and patriotism the Fed
eral government can look with implicit con
fidence for support in time of danger;
Mei>'ved, That this meeting are of o-
pinion that JAMES ROSS, Esq. of Pittf
burg pofleffes in an eminent degree those
qualifications and virtues that are indispen
sably rcquifite in the executive of a good gov
ernment—that his conduft heretofore in the
State Convention which adopted the Federal
Constitution and in the Senate of the United
States has been such as to merit our entire
confidence and approbation. Therefore we
are determined individually to use all honor
able means in our power te promote the
cleft ton os-laid James Rofs to the office of |
Governor ot"thii Commonwealth. i
Resolved, that the following persons be a j
committee to. exert therofelves in their ref
pefiive wards and furnifh tickets for the I
Joshua Humphreys, John lurner,
Wiit. Clifton, jun. Henry Moliere,
W. Robinson, jr. Esq. Capt. John Fleming,
Peter Miercken, Wm' Taylor,
John Hood, George Bundle,
Thomas Sbortall, James Moleneaux,
Nathaniel Hutton, Wm. Oak ford,
Isaac Pbipps, Thomas Wilson,
Martin Casper, Henry Weaver,
Neil M'Gitinis, John Clifton, junr.
Thomas Wi'.key, Dr. B. Duffieid,
James Hays, John Tbunr,
John Batten, David F'ickwier,
Robert Allen, Jobn Hot; key,
David Ellis, Johr. Pbipps,
Joel Wilson, Jobn Thompson,
Dr. Wm. Wallace, Geraldu-. Stockda'.e, ,
Jobn Everbart, Adam Keyser,
Isaac Jackson, Wm. Alexander,
Richard Tittermary, Joseph 11. Fleming,
Joseph huddel, jun. Nicholas Pickle,
George Reese, Joseph Johnson,
Joseph Williamson, Acron Musgrave,
George Burke, Charles Bastian,
Jobn Delevaux, Joseph Ogelbie,
Jobn Kelsey,
For Moyamensing.
Joseph Bird, Esq. David Shoemaker,
Alexander Read, Samuel Dixcy,
Samuel Stephens,
Wm. Corbet,
Resolved, That tliis meeting williupport
JOSEPH BALL at the enfuingekdlion, as
Senjtor, to repreicnt the City and County of
Philadelphia and County of Delaware, in
the Legislature of this State.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
mfeting be publilhed in the different news
papers in this city, figged by the Chairman,
countersigned by the Secretary.
JOSEPH BIUD, Chairman.
Joseph Huddell, Jun. Secretary.
Valuable Property for Sale.
The loth of September next, at 10 o'clock, in the
Will It fold, on the prcmifct, in Springfield and
UpptrDul&n t'ivjn/hipi Montgomery county,
About JJ milei front Philadelphia, one and an
half mile« fioni Flour tuw i.,a»d the fame dir.
tance from Whit* M irfh tavern,
One Tradl, containing fifty acres,
FRONTING ens public road, l.admg Iron the
old York road to White Maifh, North Wales,
&c It it handfoultly fituatei for a ''Summer i Tit
treat And well calculated lor a Fa:.* , good foil,
htltiy f,tuition, ard abundantly fuppiitd With lime
tlont, of tbijirji quality. The conditions of sale will
be on* third cafli, one third payable in lix, and the
other third in twelve months, with irfiercft and
sack fatiilaitury fecuri-y as may lie required It
will either b« fold ciitire, or divided in twa or
Fifty acres of choice timber land,
confilLing chiefly ot young ebefnut, nearly oppolite to
the above, in lots of 1 and 3 acre's each, lor con
venience of purchalers j— the intrinsic value of
ebefnut timber, is so well Known to every farmer that
it ii unneceflary particularly todefcribe it. Also,
a finall lot of one and three quarters acres nearly
adjoining, hut dillin.3 from the above. Conditions
gf f*le will be one half cafli and the other half in
fix months, with inured and fecurit scfore
Perfoin dcfirous of viewing th« lots previous to
the day of lale, may find a Plct of the whole as di
vided, at the house ot Cbirlei kedbrffcr, on the ad
joining premUo, who will atten.i and (hew the
pr perty.
To be fold as part of the estate of Caleb Emlcn,
JAMES VAUX, yAffyUi in f*a
J file Executrix.
■ ■ •' wfiMalw3aw.cS SO
august IJ
AT Public Vendue, «n Monday the 13d of
September next, at % o'clocks P. M. at
thchoufe of the Suhfcriber, living in the towß
•f New-Castle, State of Delaware, a number
of valuable
suitable for building on, being the South square
of the flourifliing town of New-Castle afore
faid, distant from Philadelphia thirty-three
This valuable property it highly capable of
improvement, being immediately on the river
Delaware, having a number of wharf lots on
n ; and from the depih of the waier (earth
and materials for wharfing being easily procu
red) there ia no doubt but wharves would
brine a handfoine interefi.
This property consists of five acres more or
less, in one body ; lays high, and it divided in
to lots to suit every description of perfoßs.
New-Castle it one of the most healthy and
fiourilhing town* «n the continent; and from
theinereafe of trade it has raised pi operty to
four times the value it was seven years past
The number of veflels bound out and in, which
flop for lupplies of flock, &c. &c. and tke
whole carriage of goods between Philadelphia
and Baltimore, is now through this plate. The
packets and stages from the aforefaid cities, &c-
Ac. make it very lively : ther« is irot, at this
time, ost bouse to be rented in the place ;
and the number of applications for houses make
it an objeA for perfont to improve. There are
a number of elegant and Hfeful buildings now
going on, a Public Academy and several private
Sehooli. The railignant Fever has never made
any progress, and the Ague scarcely known ;
the number of children in this place is a convin
cing praof of the healthiness of it. The prof
pe«ft of the river Delawrre, up aad down is de
lightful ; as far as the eye can diftinguiifh
you may view the veflels in different attitudes
There it reason to fupyofc that public piers for
the Navy will be built here, as veflels can fail
from this place when the river is fall at Phi
The conditions of sale will be easy and marie
known on the day of file. Place« of public
worihip, market and mills are very contiguous
N. B.—A plat of tlje above will be exhibited
any time previow, as well 3* on the day of file.
Augufta6, eoim.
Major Buckhait,
T AT 1.0 R,
RESPECTFULLY a«quaintt those gentleniei.,
who please to favour him with their cuUom v and
his friends generally, that he has removed fr««p
No. 4®, south Third ftrenand when up a tempo
rary reCdence i)ear the sign of ®<n. M' Pherfon
(RitersTavern )at Gcrmantown, where he will
continue his buiinefs until the return of the healthy
season, all orders attended to with theufual punc
Augutl 19.
AT a meeting of the vilitors and governors ot
St. John's oellege in the State of Maryland,
on the 13th day of Jnly 1799,
KefohtJ, That on the flrft day of Oiaober next,
this board will proceed to elefl a Profefior of Errg
lift and Grammar, who (hall receive, for his fer
viccs at th'e rate of £iOO per annum, to be paid
quarterly; and that public notice thcreui tc giv-
N. B. The office aforefaid hath just become *a
canf, by the resignation of a gentlsman, whose
affairs requirff; the immediate undertaking of a
voyage by sea.
It ii the duty of the (aid Profeflor (to whom it
al)ow<4 anafiiftant) to teach the English language
grammatically, and to prepare Budcnts for a supe
rior f'hool, by teaching them the Latin grammar
the Vocabulary, and Cordrry. Writing is to be
taught to all hi* scholars at stated hours; and to
those students who are not defliaed for the I'nperior
school, are to be taught, at the discretion ot their
parents, or guardians. Arithmetic, and other
branches of fcienceufually taught in Englift fshooli
—A complete knowledge then of Latin, Arith
metic, &e. is confidcred indifpi nflble in the profcf
for ; and it is expe&ed, that candidates who are
not known to the Board, will lubmit to an
nation, as well as produce fatisfaiftory testimonial*
of their good murals, and fair characters.
The Printers withiu the United States are re
quelled to insert ia their papersthe foregoing _ie
fnlution and remarks, and to repeat the publica
tion, as often as convenience will admit, until the
10th day of September nest.
July »» ]
'May 29 tjb, 1799.
TH E proprietor* of ccrtiGcatet ilTued for fut>-
fcriptieiM to the Loan bearing interelt at
eight per centum per annum, are notified, that
at any time after payment (hall have been made
of the sth inftaltnent, whick will become due
during the lirfl ten days of the month of July
enluing, Certificates of l ; uuded Stuck may at
their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan
Offices, refpedlively, for the amount of the four
firA inUaiin.nts, or one moiety of thefums ex
pre/Ted in the fubfciiption certificatesNo cer
tificates of Funded Stock will however b« iflued
for lei's than one hundred dollars.
Such lublcription certificate* as may lie prt
tntrd at the Treasury or Loan Offices in cor»-
equence of the foregoing arrangement, will be
niorGed a<d diftinilly marked lb as to denote,
that a moetv of the flock has been iflued.
Secretary of the Treasury
Purluant to the ail of Congrrfs parted on' the
ill day of June, one thus land, seven hun
dred and ninety fix, entitled " an a<fl reguht
ing the yrants of land appropriated for mili
tary service», and for the society of United
Kreiliren for propagating tbe gospel among
the Heathen ; ' and the a£l fupplemcntary to
the laid recited adl pailtdon the second day of
M.rch, onethoHland seven hundred andnine
ty nine to wit:
THAT the trafl of Land herein after de
scribed, nar*ely, «• beginning at the North Well
corner of the seven ranges of townlhips, and
running thence fifty miles due south, along the
western of the said ranges j—thence
due Weft to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri
ver j thence up the Main Branch of the said ri
ver to the place where the Indian boundary line
croflVt the fame» —thence along the said boun
dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf
kingum river at thecrofling place ibive Fort
Lawrence ; thence down the laid river, to the
point where a line run due weft fr<uii the place
of beginning, will int«rfr£l the fail] river ;
thetrce along the line lb run to the place of be
ginning has been divided into townlhips of
pve miles square, and fraflionalparts of town-
Ihips; and that plats and surveys of the uid
townlhips and fractional parts of townlhips are
deposited in the offices of the Rrgjftcr of the
Trealury and Surveyor General, for the iiifpec
tion of all perfoss concerned.'
The holdera of sash warrants at hjv.- been
•r fcall be granted fqr military Cervices perform
ed during the late war, are required to prcfcut
the lame to the of the Treasury, at
some time prior to the twelfth d iy of February
ia the year, one thousand eight hundred, for
the pmpo'e of being regiftercd ; No registry
will however be mode of any Ids quantity thaw
a quarter townfliip, or four thousand acres.
The priority of location of the warrants wjiich
may be prefonted and rendered in manner afore '
hid, prior to the jtthday of February in the
year one thousand eight hundred, will immediate
ly after the said day, be det-rmined by lot, in the
mode diefcribed hy the ail firft recited.
The hoi Jen of raftered warrants, flull on
Monday the 17th day of February, in the year
1800, in the order of which the priority el locati
on fbafl be determined by lotas aforcfaid, pefon
ally.or by th«ir agents, defigaate in writing at the
office of the Remitter of the -Ireafury, the particH
lar quarter townOtips defied by them rcfpeilifely,
and such of the said holders as fliall not defignatr
their locations on the said day, lhall be poftpsned
m locating such warrants to all other hidden of
regiftercd warrants.
The holders of warrants for military services
fulficient to cover one or more quarter fownlhips
or tradls of four thousand acres each ; (hall, at any
time after Monday the 17th day of February, ißco
and prior to the firft day ol January, 1804, be *l
- to register the said warrant* in wanner a
forefaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor
on any tracl or tra<sls of land not before located.
All warrants or claims for lands on account of
military services, which (hallnotbe rrgiflertd and
located bkfore the firft day of January, .804, are by
the supplementary ad of Coßgwfs herein before
recited, passed on the second day of March, 1790,
declared to be forever barred.
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, th«
day and year above mentioned.
Sec. ef the Treasury.
cod 3w.
[ln introducing this celebrated work to the Gen
tlemen and Ladies of America, I have endeavored
to give it a dress proportioned to its diftinguilhed
merit, and to the taie of t!*ofe for whose amufc
ment and delight it is intended. Ho exponce ha?
Ween {pared in the publication; and I flatter my fell
that the work doe 9 not yield, cither in paper or
print, to any •ne ever publifiicd in A'nerica ■
This edition has an advantage o»vr iomc former
tones, us it contains by way ol not« the minor
prod unions of the author ; and, it haw an advan
tage ever every other edition, i.i the Poetical
which is prefixed to it, and which mud be ex
tremely gratifying to every lover of literature in
this country, as it is a proof that there are Aroeri
cans who have the taste to admije, the juflice to
applaud, and the talents to rival the Geniifies ol
other nations.
ss* Some Copies have been (Jpnt on to Mr. Som
crvitlc, Maiden Lane, Nezv Fori, also to Mr. Hit,l
Baltimore, and to Mr. Young, CbarUflon.
Copies will be (out to Bufion and other peaces, as
soon as occaGons offer.] may
Of Richard Folwell, in Philadelphia,
Of tbe American War, in 1774, to tbe pre-
The Reports of Heads of Departments, of
Committees, and other Official and Pri
vate Papers of tbat Body, now first per
mitted to be made public.
THE work will be printed on a fine paper, and
a new neat tipe, in. large o&avo.
Each volume will contain above 500 pages,
neatly bound and lettered. •
Uniformity in size, paper, and binding, will be
obterved throughout the work ; so that, while the
fuM'cribers become poflelL-d of a valuable record,
an ornament may be added to their libraries.
The prica to fuhferibers will be a dolli. 75 eti.
pervoluaie, in boards, and 3 dolls whole bound ,
but, as thepßbliflier does not intend to print man
more tboH the nnmber fubferibed for, a eonlid«ra
bie rife on the price may be expc&ed to non-fuby
Each volume will contain about one third less
of letter-prefj than the original edition ; but, as the
puMilher ie uot yet enabled to determine tbe exient
of the Privatu Journals, which he m:»y be allowed
to make public, he cannot afocrtain the muuber ut
volumes which wiHcomprife the work.
£5" Paymenti to be made on deliverj 0/ rack
Subscribers will have it at their option, either to
fubferibt forth* whole of the Journals, up to the
present time, or to those only of the Old (Jungrels
prior to the organization of the Federal Govern
Marcb ritb, 1799
IN *ll countries, the proceedings in the com
mencement of their governments, are 101 l in dark
net's ami okfeurity, owing to a carelefsn.fs, in the
succeeding generation, to pref.rve the public re
cords,and the attenrion ol the nation,in thefcrude
ages, being cil I-J off from their domedic concerns,
to engage in wars and conqiicft. Of what infinite
value would the laws of Alfred be, had they been
tranlmittsd to eur days ? Time, that dedroys
every thing, enhances the value of well authenti
cated public record;, and renders them almofl in
eflimable. It i» hoped, thai Amcrim.s will, tlicrr
fose, chcarlully contribute their afliftanu: in trans
mitting to pollerity the labours of their anc-etlort
—founders of the Columbian nation.
*.* The work will certainly be advanced with
expedition and promptitude. The following will
ihuw the fupp<»rt it has already, acquired;
•• Philadelphia, June JJ,
" To the Honorable the Senate and Houic of Rep
refentativft of the United States.
" The MEMORIAL »f the Subfcribsri,Citizens,
&c. of Philadelphia,
" K;JprHfullyJr. e'Aeth,
" T hat having, in our refpe&ive avocations,
frequent oecafionstp recur to the Journals of Con
gtef», we experience inconvenience by the fcarc'i
ty of them: That we undwrlland that Richard
Folwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has had it in
contemplation 10 print that public record; and
that he hath obtained partial countenance from ma
ny individuals; fcm that he has delayed profecu
ting the work, iu expectation of encouragement
fr»m government, that may adequately indemnify
him. We, therefore, refpeilfi'lly Tolicit, as the
publication is nsceflary to be differainated acnong
public bodies, that Congress will, in their wifdoni,
render him such additionalencouragement, to that
which he has obtained from private individual*,
at to anabie kim to proceed with the that
your Memorialists may be enabled to purclufe co
pies of that record for tlieinfelves.
l iionia. M'Kean, John l> Cox<,ChatletHeatly,
Eamfoni Levy T. R e fs, Wm..Moorc Smith, John
Read jun. William 1 ilghman, John F. Mifflin, Jo
seph B. M'Kcan, John B cklv.W. Sergeant, John
Thompfcn, Jared fngei foil, Jasper Moyian .William
Rawie, J. 'J'liomas, William Levis, Janus Gibfon,
M.Xcppele, Moses Levy, Robert Porter, George
Davit, John Hallowcll, Jamct ©ldden, Walter
Franklin, Jamct Milnor, Jchn C. Wells John L.
l.eib, Alexander I. Dallas, JoiVph Rccd,Thonut
Willing, Samuel M Fox, John Nixo»,Robert Wain
Robert H.Dunkin, John Ewing.Jun EdwardPen
nington, Hi'ary Baker, William Nichols, William
Young,' Robert Campbell Septimus, Claypoele
James Crukfliank, Msthew Carey, Henry K Hel
mutfc, Peter D< Haven, John Duulap, Edward
Shoemaker, John R.. Smith, William Hall, David
C. _ Claypoole, Thomas Armilrong, Samuel H.
Sinirh.John Fanno.
" RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America in
©ongrefs aflembled.Tha; the Secretary of the Senate
and the Cls'rk of the House of Keprefentatives, be
authorised and directed, to fubferibe, on fu:h terms
as they may dasm eligible,for the ule of the Senate
and House of Representatives, for four hundred
Copies of the Journalsof Congress, which a,e pro
posed to be publifhedby Richard Folwcll and such
number of copies of deficient volumes cf the sets
now in print,as may be necessary to complete the
Speaker of the House of Reprcfentatives.
President ef the Senate pro tempore.
Approved, March 2d, 1709.
Br Willijm Gifford, Esquire.
To which is prefixed,
By an American Gentleman.
sent time,
" True copy from the original Memorial, pre
ferred to the House of Reprcfentatives of the
United Siatos, on Monday, thS 18th of June
President of the United Statu,
may 30.
The fubfcriberi being duly amharifcd to
receive all ihe debts and efftfts of J»met
Wilkini, of Philadelphia, all those indebted
to him are cautioned »gain(t making p a ».
meat to any other persons.
August 26th, '99, eodim. '
The Swift-Sure,
By ttie (hort and plcafant road of
Buftletan, Newtown, Scotch-Plaint, Sprinr.
JUldand Newark.
I"*HE excellence of this road, the populous
. nefj of the country through which it pjff
ei, with sundry other advantages, which render
it so far preferable »o tlia Old Road through
Uriftol, Brnnfwiek, &c. long ago fvtggefted this
propriety of its becoming the'Graßd 'fho.
rough-Fare from Philadelphia to New York.
Durißg the present year, a minute fnr*eyofit
his been taken,and its superiority ovfcr the Old
Read, both in winter and summer, has beta
clearly afceriained. —Tlmre are good bridge,
over all the other Waters but the Delaware,
and here the eroding is performed with great
fafety and in less than half the time required at
the Trenton Ferry. The road is fcvcral miks
Jhortcr than the old road, but thia is amongj
the least of its advantages, because daily expo
1 ienoe piovi-s to us, tltat dispatch as well as com
fort in travelling principally depend on the
goodnels of the road and the levelnefs of the
country, and, in these re:pei3s, the New Uoad
is, bey nd all companion, the belt. It prel'ents
nonf of thoi'c rocky hills, which render the Old
Koad fu fatiguing between the Delaware and
Newatk. The foil, too, for the greater part, is
I'uch as to produce but little mud in winter, and
v»ry litile i'uft in summer, which circumftince,
added to th# beauty of the country, and a con.
tiderahle proportion of (hide, luuft always reft.
tier travelling in the latterfeafon peculiarly!,
The Swift Sure flans from PHILAD£L>
PHIA, at 6 o'clotk every morning (Sundays
excepted) from the GIUWN TREE, opposite
the Lutheran Church, North Fourth street. It
goes through l»'rar>kford to Bnflleton, where it
ltops to Breakfaft ; from Bttftletown it goes
througli Newtown to Penny-town to dinner;
from Penny town through Hopewell, Millltont,
Bound-brook, Quibbletown and Plainfield to
Scotch Plains to lodge. The «ext morning it
(tops at Springfield to breakfaft, from whence
it goes through Newark and arrives at New*
York at noon.
From NEW-YORK it Harts at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon (from Paulus Hook) and arrive!
at Philadelphia the next evening. For feats at
New-York, application may be made to Ed«
ward Bardin, Old Coffce house, to A. Mathitu,
corner of Naflau and John ftieets, to B. Mivy,
no, 48, Courtlandt, corner of Greenwich ftrett,
and-to Michael Little, at hi* hotel, no. 42,
Broad street.
Fare tor paflengers, Five Dollars.
Way paflengers 6 Cents per Mile.
Each paflenger is allowed to take on of
toggle cirriage free ; but all other baggage,
taken on by a paflenger, will be'charged at'«
cents per pound weight.
With refpedl to packages sent on withs»t
paflengers, the proprietors prelume they have
adopted a regulation, which, though unknewi
to other lines of Hage?, they think mull meet
with general approbation, They pledge them*
(elves to make good every package on the soU
lowing conditions. The person who deliveri
the package at the office shall fee it entered ia
the ttage-book, for which entry he shall pay 6
cents ; he will then Itate the value of the pack*
age,and pay (exclusive of the carriage) one per
cent, on the v due, at infurancr, and for which
Le will receive a receipt. Thus, for inftanct,
il he ellimatcs his package at one dollar, he will
pay one cent, and it at one hundred collars, he
will pay one dollar insurance, and in like pro
portion lor packages of any other value.
Very few persons it it presumed, will dislike
this regulation j it will however, be optionabit
with every one to avail himfelf of this security
or not. But the proprietor! think it right to
Kate very explicitly, that they will be refpon
iible for the fife delivery of no- package, which
is not regularly entered, and for which an infor
auce receipt cannot be produced.
In the diflribution of the route, the greattft
care has bren taken to fix on such places and ta
verns as always afford a good accommodation
and entertainment for the paflengers at the m#3
reasonable rates The stages are well equipped
furniihed with fleet and flcady horses, and com*
innted to the care of intelligent sober and obli
ging drivers. The proprietors themfelvci live
at the different towns and villages where the
stages will flop, Jo that the conduct of the per
sons they employ is continual!) an objedl of their
attention.—They take care also to lee that the
paffengert are well provided for and politely
treated at the taverns, and that no fort of chica
nery or insolence is pratSlifed upon them ; in
short, they have I'paredneitlurpains nor expence
to render the SWIFT-SURE the very belt line
of flaget in America.
The line has now run nearly a month! dur
ing which time a great number of gentlemen
have gone through, both from Philadelphia and
New-York. Every palTenger ha» found the
road to surpass very fir all that hai been said of
its excellence ; and the Proprietors of the Swift
Sure are extremely happy to hear the behaviotii
of their drivers, and the treatment at Tavewsr
i'pokes of with the highest fatist'aflion.
JOHN M'C/ILLA, Philadelphlt
TIIUS. PAUL, Bujileton
T. KILLMAN, Miiffton.
LLLAS COMBES, Bound Brook.
K. SANSBURT, fcetcb Plains.
\SA AC RAIVLE, \ Ca . ~.
Juris 11,