>\ P'.. bafhionable Millinery. ELIZA M'DOUGALL, MO. 134, MjttLXBT-SrZEXr, HAS juftjreceivcd per (1i ip Thomas Chalklcy and Adriana, from London, an elegant affortmunc of the most faftiionablc Millinery, vix. Chemille rosette FEATHERS Fancy flowers Black tiffany flowerj Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress caci Do. do. and do. Nclfon's bonnMs Infant's pips straw bonnets Maid's fancy do. do. Womea's do. do. do. Do. do. {hades Do. do hats Fancy bugle flioe rofcs Do. do. trimming Black, blu?,yellow, pink and orange «rap« Black, white and jjrt-c* giure veils Do. gauze cloaks N. B. Ai*.d per Harmcay, just arrived, a further affortmwit of . June %(t . A • .•*. ELECTION. At a meeting of a number of re fpeElable inhabitants of the county of Cbejier, convened at fames fackfon's, in the town oj Weji-Chejter, on IVednef day the 21Jt of Augujl, 1799, m order to take into confdera tion, feme matters reJpeEling the ensuing election. RICHARD DOWNING, Jun. ' ' In the Chair, i. Joseph M'C/.ellAn, Secretary. ON motion of Mr, Whelen, it was una nimously agreed, that a committee be up •' pointed, to enquire into the flaiider, alledged agrainft ROSS, Kfc>. of Pittfburg, : •with power to enquire into the merits of ■. fai,i flaiider, and to publifli the result thereof -: , x bnr motion, it was "unanijmoully agreed that a committee, c®nfilting of twenty-fix peffons, be appointed for the purpose oi iu , vpftigatin# the validity of the charges alledg, «d again ft Mr. Rofs,—in pursuance of which the tollowmjj pcrfons were appointed, viz : WiUiamGiibjiu, Esq. John fricL, Joseph Jtf'Cle!l3n f David Morris. Isaac Wayne, Esq. David Pennypacker. Jos. Hemphill, Esq. Evan Evans. .Jocaiu, Esq. Dr. Joseph Pierce. F. Gardner. Philip Scott, Esq. , JJevid 1 Jcmcj Kcltanl. Dennis Wbe ten, Joseph Sharp. Walter Finney, Esq. fiaxid Junes, Esq. • Robert May, Jain tfinehart. Samuel Haines, Jtodert Milter. Jesse Jonest John Eowen. pn motion of Mr. Finnty, it wjs uuan. ■ 'moufly ajrerd, that William Gibbon*, Jo ftph M'Clellan, Isaac Wayne, Joseph Hemp 'hill,and Den n is Whelen, be a committee ;'ved, That this meeting are of o- pinion that JAMES ROSS, Esq. of Pittf burg pofleffes in an eminent degree those qualifications and virtues that are indispen sably rcquifite in the executive of a good gov ernment—that his conduft heretofore in the State Convention which adopted the Federal Constitution and in the Senate of the United States has been such as to merit our entire confidence and approbation. Therefore we are determined individually to use all honor able means in our power te promote the cleft ton os-laid James Rofs to the office of | Governor ot"thii Commonwealth. i Resolved, that the following persons be a j committee to. exert therofelves in their ref pefiive wards and furnifh tickets for the I ele&ion. For SoUTHtTARK. Joshua Humphreys, John lurner, Wiit. Clifton, jun. Henry Moliere, W. Robinson, jr. Esq. Capt. John Fleming, Peter Miercken, Wm' Taylor, John Hood, George Bundle, Thomas Sbortall, James Moleneaux, Nathaniel Hutton, Wm. Oak ford, Isaac Pbipps, Thomas Wilson, Martin Casper, Henry Weaver, Neil M'Gitinis, John Clifton, junr. Thomas Wi'.key, Dr. B. Duffieid, James Hays, John Tbunr, John Batten, David F'ickwier, Robert Allen, Jobn Hot; key, David Ellis, Johr. Pbipps, Joel Wilson, Jobn Thompson, Dr. Wm. Wallace, Geraldu-. Stockda'.e, , Jobn Everbart, Adam Keyser, Isaac Jackson, Wm. Alexander, Richard Tittermary, Joseph 11. Fleming, Joseph huddel, jun. Nicholas Pickle, George Reese, Joseph Johnson, Joseph Williamson, Acron Musgrave, George Burke, Charles Bastian, Jobn Delevaux, Joseph Ogelbie, Jobn Kelsey, «otf. For Moyamensing. Joseph Bird, Esq. David Shoemaker, Alexander Read, Samuel Dixcy, Samuel Stephens, Wm. Corbet, Resolved, That tliis meeting williupport JOSEPH BALL at the enfuingekdlion, as Senjtor, to repreicnt the City and County of Philadelphia and County of Delaware, in the Legislature of this State. Resolved, That the proceedings of this mfeting be publilhed in the different news papers in this city, figged by the Chairman, countersigned by the Secretary. JOSEPH BIUD, Chairman. Jtteft, Joseph Huddell, Jun. Secretary. Valuable Property for Sale. ON FRIDAY, The loth of September next, at 10 o'clock, in the Will It fold, on the prcmifct, in Springfield and UpptrDul&n t'ivjn/hipi Montgomery county, About JJ milei front Philadelphia, one and an half mile« fioni Flour tuw i.,a»d the fame dir. tance from Whit* M irfh tavern, One Tradl, containing fifty acres, FRONTING ens public road, l.admg Iron the old York road to White Maifh, North Wales, &c It it handfoultly fituatei for a ''Summer i Tit treat And well calculated lor a Fa:.* , good foil, htltiy f,tuition, ard abundantly fuppiitd With lime tlont, of tbijirji quality. The conditions of sale will be on* third cafli, one third payable in lix, and the other third in twelve months, with irfiercft and sack fatiilaitury fecuri-y as may lie required It will either b« fold ciitire, or divided in twa or thrrelott. Fifty acres of choice timber land, confilLing chiefly ot young ebefnut, nearly oppolite to the above, in lots of 1 and 3 acre's each, lor con venience of purchalers j— the intrinsic value of ebefnut timber, is so well Known to every farmer that it ii unneceflary particularly todefcribe it. Also, a finall lot of one and three quarters acres nearly adjoining, hut dillin.3 from the above. Conditions gf f*le will be one half cafli and the other half in fix months, with inured and fecurit scfore mentiontd. Perfoin dcfirous of viewing th« lots previous to the day of lale, may find a Plct of the whole as di vided, at the house ot Cbirlei kedbrffcr, on the ad joining premUo, who will atten.i and (hew the pr perty. To be fold as part of the estate of Caleb Emlcn, deceafed,by JAMES VAUX, yAffyUi in f*a CHARLES PLEASANTS, C,™ 7 Em '">, J file Executrix. ■ ■ •' wfiMalw3aw.cS SO august IJ SPECULATION. 10 BE SOLD, AT Public Vendue, «n Monday the 13d of September next, at % o'clocks P. M. at thchoufe of the Suhfcriber, living in the towß •f New-Castle, State of Delaware, a number of valuable LOTS, suitable for building on, being the South square of the flourifliing town of New-Castle afore faid, distant from Philadelphia thirty-three mile*. This valuable property it highly capable of improvement, being immediately on the river Delaware, having a number of wharf lots on n ; and from the depih of the waier (earth and materials for wharfing being easily procu red) there ia no doubt but wharves would brine a handfoine interefi. This property consists of five acres more or less, in one body ; lays high, and it divided in to lots to suit every description of perfoßs. New-Castle it one of the most healthy and fiourilhing town* «n the continent; and from theinereafe of trade it has raised pi operty to four times the value it was seven years past The number of veflels bound out and in, which flop for lupplies of flock, &c. &c. and tke whole carriage of goods between Philadelphia and Baltimore, is now through this plate. The packets and stages from the aforefaid cities, &c- Ac. make it very lively : ther« is irot, at this time, ost bouse to be rented in the place ; and the number of applications for houses make it an objeA for perfont to improve. There are a number of elegant and Hfeful buildings now going on, a Public Academy and several private Sehooli. The railignant Fever has never made any progress, and the Ague scarcely known ; the number of children in this place is a convin cing praof of the healthiness of it. The prof pe«ft of the river Delawrre, up aad down is de lightful ; as far as the eye can diftinguiifh you may view the veflels in different attitudes There it reason to fupyofc that public piers for the Navy will be built here, as veflels can fail from this place when the river is fall at Phi ladelphia. The conditions of sale will be easy and marie known on the day of file. Place« of public worihip, market and mills are very contiguous JOHN DARRAGH. N. B.—A plat of tlje above will be exhibited any time previow, as well 3* on the day of file. Augufta6, eoim. Pastunk. Major Buckhait, forenoon, SAMUEL REYNOLDS, T AT 1.0 R, RESPECTFULLY a«quaintt those gentleniei., who please to favour him with their cuUom v and his friends generally, that he has removed fr««p No. 4®, south Third ftrenand when up a tempo rary reCdence i)ear the sign of ®- fcriptieiM to the Loan bearing interelt at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment (hall have been made of the sth inftaltnent, whick will become due during the lirfl ten days of the month of July enluing, Certificates of l ; uuded Stuck may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpedlively, for the amount of the four firA inUaiin.nts, or one moiety of thefums ex pre/Ted in the fubfciiption certificatesNo cer tificates of Funded Stock will however b« iflued for lei's than one hundred dollars. Such lublcription certificate* as may lie prt tntrd at the Treasury or Loan Offices in cor»- equence of the foregoing arrangement, will be niorGed a