Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 22, 1799, Image 3

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    tjris Dap's ©ail
BOSTON, May 17.
froii/ Papers brought by the Venus, which
arrived yesterday from Liverpool.
Defeat of the French.
Observer Office, Sunday Evening, 2 o'clock*
The Hamburg Mail Bile this day, arrived
at twelve o'clock, and brought the gratifying
and important intelligence of The Defeat and
Retreat of the French Army ill the Country
of the Orisons, communicated through vari
ous channels ; but particularly by a letter
from Lindau, 011 tUs Lake of Constance, da
ted on the evening of the Bth instant, to the
following effect
The French Army, under the orders of
(general Maffena, on the night of'the jth,
paffedthe Rhine near Sarganz, between Chur
tod Feldkirk, and on the following- morning
advanced with rapidity on General Auffen
burg's Corps, which it drove back, and cut
off its communication with main body of the
Imperial Army. General Hotze, however,
being appriied of these mo\ements, early on
the morning of the 7th, advanced from Field-
. kirk ; an aftion, dreadfully sanguinary, en
ufti*d, «s«d was maintained during the greater
prt of the day but'in the event, the French
were defeated and compelled to cross the
with very considerable loss.
" Tfie loss of the Auftrians. was confidera
the regiment of Stein had forty men
billed, and several wounded.
Small corps of the Republicans on the 7th
attempted to cross the Rhine at four several
points on the fkirts'of- the Grifon country
and Voiarlberg, namely, at Haldenftcin,
Ragatz, Werdenberg and Seltz, but were
at each repulsed by the Auftrians.
General Hotzc profiting bv his viftory,
immediately penetrated from Chur into the
Canton of Glar is, where thousands of Swil's
malcontents were crowding to join him.
Lindau on the 7th was occupied by four
companies (if the Regiment of Bender, and
a considerable train of artillery followed
The news of these movements reached Ulm
on the 9th, and was communicated to the
aimv. '
The accounts from U!m are to the nth
inft. At that period the Arch Duke Charles
had his Head Quarters at Mindenheim, and
his Ariny had advanced as far as Memmin
gen. General Jourdan had, or the 9th,
halted at Villengen, and General St. Cyrat
Rothweil. Their Patroles had been pushed
as far as Rothenburg, Tubingen, Reutlin
gen, and Napold j but the part of the main
k>dy of the Republican Army, which was
advancing agairitt 'TJIm, by Stockade and
fcdlengtn, had, <bn advice of the disaster
sustained hy the Column under Maffena, fled
with great precipitancy to'wards Schii'haufen |
Unce for bis support.
dar.' rcarhen Ulm on the lothinft. The
advSKCCtI corps world have previously met at
Mindwrheim and Mofkirch. His' Army had
been reinforced by foine columns from Swit
Fribeurg, and the whole of the Btifgaw.
The Imperial army in Bavaria eomprifed
115,003 men ; of these 80,000 had, on the
Bth inflant crcff.d the Lech. Thev arc re
presented by accounts from Ulm, Frankfort
&c. as full of animation and confidence.
and three "hundred supernumeraries ;—and
were complete and better appointed than at
any formerperiod. One hundred and twen
ty pieces of ordnance had been collected at
Ulm on the 6th, and the Archduke Charles !
had imprefied 5000 waggons, and all the
horses of the adjacent country, tojiaften the
conveyance of troerps, cannon, &c. to the
theat'e of war, and all the Staff Officers at
V«"ina ha-." been ordered to the Armv.
Hoftilitit* had not commenced in Italv,
but the Armies sre all in motion.
Jn Switzerland 20,000 Millitia had been
oiMred to the frontiers.
Ti»e Cabinet of Vienna has appointed an
Berlin, and on the 9th inft. he was on the
eve of his departure.
Field Marshal Suwarrow left Petersburg
on the 27'ih ult. to join the Austrian army
in Italy.
The Archduke Charles, in an address to
the Generals and armies of the Emperor and
the Empire, dated Augsburg,' March 4, ref
pc&ing the recommencement of hostilities
hy France, obfe:ve6 that the forces of the
Emperor and Empire had scarce retired un
der the faith of the solemn Treaty conclud
ed a year since with France, then that pour,
er (übjugateil the Swiss for the purpose of
obtaining an establishment on the flank of
Germany; " refufed to let provisions ehti r
the fortrefs of Ehrenbreitftein, in opposition
to the most precise agreement." and ulti r
"lately forced the starved, but gallant garri
son to evacuate the place.— His Royal
Highness proceeds 10 recapitulate the ag
greffionsof France, which, infteadof making
atonement, demanded it the Germans,
" were disposed to prepare any refinance to
future operations of that kind."—To our
anfarer, If hostilities were put an end to
by th«. French—if Ehrenbrt-itHein was e
vacuated—if the Fren-h army was retreat
ing from the Right Bank—if the French
toops in Switzerland, which threatened Ger
many, were withdrawn and if a reafunable
peace was concluded it Raftadt, founded on
the R glits, nt the slavery of the Empire,"
no other reply was made 00 the patt of
France, than that it was scoped the Diet
would agree to such a refutation as France
wnu'd wifli."
The Deputies at Rafladt prepared to de
pait from thence infant they were in
forrred that the Frerch had required Phil
lip(bii-gh tofurtender.
A Brit'fh fqu.dron blocks up the port of
Naples } a fca city of Provilioris bad already
been the confcquei:ce. »
Intelligence was lanight received in
town that tiie DvUeli Fleet, in confiderablc
Force, and with a large body of troops on
board, had failed from the Texel. The pub
lic has been some time apprised of the ex
traordinary preparations for the equipment
of this fleet, and were, by our last number
informed that they were ready. It is there
fore highly probable, that, profiting by the
absence of our ships, tjify have pat to sea.
In the much wi/hed of falling in
with them, there is every rejfon to look for
an additional wreath to that (lupendous
laurel which we trult, will bloom forever.
A person arrived in town last night from
Flanders allures ns, that the Belgique Re
bellion, as the French are pleased to stile the
exertions of that gallant people for their li
berty, so far from, fupprefiion, has acquired
considerable strength : by the accounts from
Germany, ammunition alone prevents the as
semblage of fuc'.i an army as would insure the
retreat, or extermination of their oppreflors.
In the Council of Five Hundred, on the
9th, it was prepofed, that women andforeign
ets should be precluded wearing the national
cock ade, and that any Frenchman who should
disgrace it, (hould four years in i
Letters from Constantinople of the I.3th
ult. speak with confidence as to the result of
the preparations tmkiitg. for the Egyptian
expedition;—they mention a report being
prevalent that Buonaparte h*d caufrd bim
felf to be proclaimed Sultan of Egypt. A
division of the Ruffian and Turkish Troops
which had been dedined againfl Pafwan Og
lou,had proceeded to join the Pacha of Acre,
who allures the Porta that Buonaparte, not
withflanding the strong fortifications which
he has confbufted for his defenca, would
shortly be in his power.
The Hamburgh Gazette of the 9th inflant,
states, that 011 the departure of the Mail
from Vienna, a report was general there, that
two English Regiments, under the orders of
General Doyle, aided by a flrong corps of
Ruffians and Turks, had landed at Salerno,
and in conjunftion with the Lazzaroni, at
tacked and re-taken Naples from the French.
March 26.
Yesterday morning a Cartel arrived at Do
ver from Gravelines, with sixty one Mailers
and Mates of merchantmen. These persons
bring a confirmation of the -dtfefct of the
French by the Auftrians in the-Grifon, coun
try. Their account adds, that the French
had experienced a very severe defeat indeed.
Yesterday two persons of the name of Pier
re-point and Mitchell, who represent them
selves to be American Merchants, were ar
retted at their apartments in Surrey street.
Strand, by Sayers and Townfend, two of the
Bow-street Officers, under authority of a
warrant from the Secretary of State, on sus
picion of being concerned in treasonable prac-
Ms. Mitchell's Servant, a Frenchman, was
also taken intocuftody and committed to the
House of Correiflion, Cold Bath Fields. Mr.
Pierrepoiiit and Mr. Mitchell were commit
ted to the care of diffi'ient Meflengers. •
' A large quantity of papers, Etc. were'feiz
edand brought away by the Officers;
Eremen, March 19.
The Archduke patted the Lech on the
4th, at Augfburgh, and after having thrown
'fix battalions into Ulm, he advanced rapidly
against the enemy, and will lose no time in
meeting with them, while the enemy on
their part have penetrated rapidly into
It wae reported at Raftadt on the 9th,
that a little skirmish of posts had taken
place on the frontiers of the Grifons, and
the French ministers asserted that it termi
nated favourably for Mafiena. It is not,
however, ia this quarter that the great blow
will be ftriiek ; and it is about three or four
marches from the Lake of Conftartce that
I expeft to hear of the greot engagement
between the Archduke and Jourdan. The
plan of the French is t-o cut t 4 is Prince off
rem the Tyrol, in order to take the coun
try in flank, ur.d thus to penetrate more
easily into the Hereditary Dominions.
1 he letters from Upper Germany inform
u , that the Archdtike Charles has joined a
great part of his forces at Memingen, on
the heights of Luc Prtparalion3 are ma
king in Italy, on both fides, with great a
lacnty but we do not yet know that hof.
ttiities have taken place, ai.d we are also
.gnoran: whether admiral Nelson has dlfein
barked the Ruffian and Turkish troops i„
t kingdom of Naples- The fituatioi, of
the republicans is, howev.r at all events
very precarious there, and it is with diffi'
culty they are able to maintain their positi
ons. .Cevita Vecchia, so far from having
surrendered, maintains 3 v©ry vigorous rt
fiftance to the French.
Philiplbiirg still holds out. Its garrison
consists of 2000 troops of the Empire ; bur
they are chosen troops, and diltinguifhed
themselves at the end of the campaign of
1795, and in that of 1796. , There is
little d übt but that city will defend itfrlf
vigorously* The Langrave of Hesse Caffel
is employed in raising 12,000 men near
Wurtzburg is in the pofllffion of the
Austrian?. The Hans Towns, and parti
cularly Hamburg, appear to be under great
apprehensions, though I know not why,
that the armament in the Texel, which con
fifls "nly of 6oco men, is intended to aft
against them.
According to the rep®rt of a person of
my acquaintance, who had arrived yester
day from Rotterdam, the Belgic insurgents
had advanced as far as the Forest of Soignes,
and one of their small cotpn lias appeared
about two leagues from Bruflels ; they have
t.lfc been able to excite new commotions in
the ci devant I'landers, and arc it ill with
the [Tfajor-part-of their' force? in tfte Cam
NAPLES, Jani 26.
It will be matter of some lurprife to fee
the late Prince Militerni appointed Prelident
of the new Government, though lie had'dif
charged for five or iix days the fun ft ions ot
General of the Lazzaroni—but this surprise
will cease, when it is known that Militerni,
after unavailing efforts to rcftrain the fury of
these Brigands* became in consequence the
cbjeft of their suspicion—and feeing hiuifelf
menaced with the fate of Gen. Mack, pri
vately withdrew to Caferta, there to concert
with Championet the means ofpreferviiig Na
ples from general mafTacre and conflagration
■r—and the entry of the French' into that
city, -with all the events that preceded it, have
been the refitlt of an agreement, the details
of which are not yet known with precision,
but maybe guefTld at from the following ac
count : The two firft dnvs of the infurreftion
of the Lazzaroni pafTctl in bravadoes? in me
naces, in preparations for attack and de
fence. Prince Pignatelli and the other mini
sterial chiefs, feeing the storm rifmg, con
cealed themselves, and Prince Militerni, -who
gained the confidence ef the Lazzaroni by
the vigorous defence he made at Capua, was
proclaimed Captain General. At firft he
attempted to restrain this unbridled populace,
but all efforts proved in vain. The Lazza
roni declared those who %ned the armistice,,
or advised its being carried in eft eft, enemies
of the King. They began by making them
selves mailers of the castles, and rekafing the
state prisoners, in the manner practlfed by
the Sanf-culottes at Paris in the' beginning
of September, 1792 Then they trsverfed the
city in pursuit of all the partisans of the
French, or who pafied for such, in their opin
ion. In the lift »f these viftims are reckoned
the Duke Torue Pilomarlo, and his brother,
the Abbe, whom they burned in the Court
of their palace, after they plundered it.
A body of patriots aflcmblrd in the con
vent of Celeftine, where they entrenched
themselves as in a fortrefs. The Lazzaro
ni attacked them with fury, stood several
discharges of cafe (hot, and after having loft
a great number of men, force the convent
andput to death all who fell into their hands.
After this exp'oir they Spread themselves
again over the city, plundering and mafla
creeing, without diftinftion, every one
pointed out for a patriot.
Ic was in this dreadful situation ef affairs,
that Prince Militerni repaired to General
Championnet, and agreed with him that the
French array ffiould marsh to Naples, and
present itfelf on the fide of Capo di Chino
and of Pogg o, while the Lazzaroni were
declaring their intention of marching thro'
the quarter of Little Mole arid Sainte Lucia
to attack the French at Capua. On his re
turn te Naples, Prince Militerni placed him
felf with some troops at Fort St> Elmo, and
fired a fewcannon (hot to tranquilifethe city.
But the Lazaroni, who planned their cam
paign, marched en masse towards Capua,
to the very walls cf the fortrtfs; which
they attempted to take by afiualt.
The 19th and 20th of January were
spent in efforts for that purpose, is which
these unfortunate men were dreadfully cut
up bydifcharges of cafelfhot frofn the cannon
of the place. At length they learned on
the 21 (I January, that the French column
had ttuned Naples, and was at the gates of
the city. They returned with the greatest
rapidity, and flew to defend their comrades
who had remained behind, arid who main
tained the avenues to the city with a great
deal of obftinlcy. The Lazaroai expefttd
to render moll of the streets impaflable, by
encumbering them with benches chairs &c.
which tlwy took from the houses. After
taking these precautions, they formed thtm
felves into several tfoop>, for the purpose of
driving back the French and were engaged
in various conftidta during the whole of
ihe 22d and part of the 23d of Jan. but
they were unable to prevent them from at
length entering the city. On their entrance
the New Caflle, the fort St. Elmo and the
caftlc of Oeuf, hoilted the tricolourcd flag,
and surrendered to the French on the firft
fummona; but the citadel of Carmelites,
which was occupied by the Lazzaroni, re
listed much longer j the French were oblig
ed to besiege it for 3 hours. Meanwhile the
Lazzaroai & peafaiitp, who were combating
from street to flreet, were driven to the gate,
where they rallied for the last time and at
length, fell. At night, General Chimpion
net entered the city. Such is the Iketch of
the terrible events of which Naples lias been
for fix or feyen days the bloody theatre. It
is reckoned that upwards of 10,000 of the
inhabitants have piiiillied. The losses. occa
lioned by the plunder of the Lazzaroni are
incalculable. The entry of the French is
now regarded as the greatest good fortune
that could happen to us ; for, from every ap
pearance the city would have been destroyed
by being entirely fucked and burned,.
A great number the leaders of the Lazzs
roni concerned in the infurre&ion have been
arrested. The imprisoned patriots, who es
caped the fury of the Lazzaroni, thanks to
the energy, of Prince Militerni, have been
set a; liberty. There now remains only a
small number of armed peafanti, and of the
Lazzaroni, wfao retreated Ln disorder towards
Selerno, in pur (hit of whom General Cham
pionnet has dispatched some troops.
ALBANY, May 14
'' r 'p»blicans in our next House of
Afiembly, will be atfhe:p without a Jbepherd.
To them the culling D f th£ Manhattan
Chief mult afford a fubjcft of deep mourning
and regret?—ne "juggler behind the jcenei"
vo head t* plan, nor nod to dictate,'and"
the whole intellefUial capacity of the party
' Capable of being comprifsd in a nut-Aicll
~"tbc Saratoga and fitfego saoes will be
left to bear away the palm* of erator* and
%f)t <sasette.
Philadelphia, May 17
Six per Cent,
Three per Cent.
Deferred 6 per Cent.
B'VNK United States,
—— Pennsylvania,
North America,
Infuran«e comp N. A. (hares 31 ditto
Pennfylvania, fliares, 34 ditto
8 per cent Scrip 5 per cent below par
East-India Company of N. A. 5 per cent, advance
On London, 51 at 30 days
50 at 6c a 90 days
Amsterdam, 35 a 37100 per florin
Hamburgh 30 23a -100 per Mark Banco.
The Fredericklburgh Packet, Bender,
from hence to Gibraltar, was taken by the
French and sent into Algeziras—Releafed
by paying 2.500 dollars.
A Liverpool paper of March 28, contains
the information of the capture of the Itifur
gent by the Cvnjlcllativn. The news was well
on its way to tickle the cars of the French
Directors. The next arrival may inform us
how their pulse* beat on the occasion—is
their troops have really been defeated by
the Auftrians they probably exhibit fymp
torus of a " galloping consumption."
|Cj® Mr. Wignkll regrets that he is
unavoidably compelled to postpone his Be
nefit till Friday evening. The Scenefy and
Decorations for the Grand Dramatic Ro
mance Bluk Be arb, though for months
in preparation, are not so complea* as to
juftifv an earlier exhibition."
It is some confi'lit'on however, that the
deity wi]l enable him to gratify the public
not only with a fpedacle which he hopes
w'.ll surpass every tiling of the kind, that
has hitherto been presented in America, but
to precede it with the celebrated play of
« LOVER'S VOWS," being its firft per
formance in this city.
Theatje, 22d May.
Csa3ettc sparine %ift.
Port of Philadelphia,
Ship South Carolina, Garman, Charleston
Lexington, Scott, Baltimore
Brig Maria, Woodward, La Guira
Schr. Sally, Coffin,
Favorite, Woodman,
Two Brothers, Funnel,
Sally, Southward,
Sloop Polly, Whaley,
Left Ne w-Ca file on Saturday la ft ;
Ship Samuel Smith, Stile*, for Lisbon
New-Jerf.y, Roffeter,
Brig Angelice, Griffen,
Newton, Riley,
Bojlon, May 15.
Arrived, barque Columbia, Bridges, Sur
inam, 48 ditys.
Schooner Rover, Griffin Lisbon 47 days.
Left there George, Salter, Portsmouth,
bound to Russia ; {hip Charlotte, Tyler, of
Providence, ready to fail for home; brig
Rover, Tubs, of do. t fail in 5 days; fchr.
from Salem, Silfby, juli arrived, bound to
Russia; and several vessels names urknown.
Spoke off the Isle of Sables, fchr. William
Goodhue, of Newbury-port, from fionav f
ta, blown out of the harbour with loss of
cables and anchor, and fails veiy much torn :
supplied him with water, nnd left him 6th
May in lat. 43. 37, long 63.
Vessels advertised in a Liverpool Paper of
March 28.
For Charleston, S. C. The Ruby, Safford,
with 11 fix pounders, to fail soon.
. For Philadelphia, British ship London,
Roper, to fail middle of Apail ; and to call
at Cork ; American ship Clothier, Gardner,
of 20 fix pounders ; Orono, Choate, cargo
nearly ready ; Arethufa, M'Kown ; Stock
port, Stoddard, of so carriage guns, fix and
nine pounders, to fail with the spring con
voy, ' . '
For Niivburyport, Minerva,. Davis, to
fail with convoy.
For Boston, the Commerce, Watts, of 16
guns, to fail soon ; Eliza, Noble, to fail
middle of April ; Hiram, Whitney, cargo
nearly ready ; Atlantic, Collins.
For Baltimore, the Six Sifters, Baker.
For Savannah, the Diana, liolton, to fail
early in June.
For N. York, the Portland, Huffey ; Cal
ledonia, Mallaby, to fail April 10 ; Fadlor,
For Norfolk, Nancy, Cunningham, to fail
in 14 days Hero, Stewart; Derwent, Fox.
The Cornelia, Prince ; and Commerce,
Wood, are advertised for freight or
Sailed from Liverpool.
March 17, Dun C.aftle, M'Bride, Virgin
ia, ; Jane, Robinlon, Massachusetts. March
21, America, Mackie, N. Scotia. 22, Ste
phen, Major, Virginia. 24, Virtuous Grace,
Hunter, Virginia ; St. Tammany, Danger
field, Maryland ; Catherine, Kourney, do;
Caroline, Motley, Philadelphia.
The Patfcy, Peacock, from N. York, has
arrived at Liverpool.
Deal, March 24. Remaining in the
Downs, the Adrianm, Charlton, for Phi
ladelphia, and Little Sa.ah, Ruffel, tor N.
March 25. The Adrianna, and Little
Sarab failed.
1 Mtu 14. . i.ii'iri'-
bprfc »ncl I'T/aofti) tor V irgniia ; "jf;;Y: n,
for N. Yprk ; S. Carolina, for Charleftoi) ;
Harmony, and Th. ClialVly for Pli'.|ade)ph!?.i
March j|., the John Jav, for Button •; Tync,
for Viiginia, and Amiable for Pliila'delfjfu t.
The Scipio,' Watfoli, from ,N. CaroliiSt,
has arrived at Newry..
The Ret ley, Goodhue, frorn Gh'arlefton
for Hamburg, was taktrn by a French priva
teer, retaken by th? Britifli frigate Boadiceu,
and arrived at Falmouth.'
.2/S .
20 to st percent.
19 to 20 ditto.
46 per cent.
I ( , The Marv., Hall, of Boftoo, has been ta
j ken off Goree, by a French privateer, and
I sent into Helvoetfluys. '
We hea'r that the Galen, the Minerva,
arid several other American vefltls, coivfti
tuting a fleet, were to fail from En
gland, April 14, under Convoy.
A ketch-rigged Salem built, be
longing' to one Savage, at Bourcie"uy, has cap
tured feve-cal American vellUs on the Euro-'
Sh : p America, Sands, H. v mnct,
Fair American, Provest, Greenock 56
Brig Bristol, Miller, Neii'port
■Bayonne, Setterlee, Sitrrinam
Betsey, Attvood, Havanna 18
Polly, Randall, New-Bedford 3
Sotbill St. Croix \
Letter Bags up at the Cojfee-lloufe.
The armed Ship Delaware,
Captain Clay, for London.
(C/* Araied (hip Farm;, Captaia Ricard",
for Hamburgh.
O" Brig Sea Nymph, for Hamburgh.
g? The Second Voluoteer Troop
of Cava ty, of the United Stares, are requcfhd
to attend a meeting st Ogden's Tavern on Fri
day evening the 44th inft at 7 o'clock on bti
For approved notes at 90 day(, on Wednesday
evening the 29th iufiant, at the Merchants's
nearly new.
Very (lout, and built of the b«ft materials, lhe
is now in complete order, burthen uoo bushels of
grain, and of an eafjr draught of watsr.
Timbers mulbci ry and red ce-
Has just undergone a thorough repair, t« ren.
der her fit for immediate service ; burthien from
I»t» 130®bulbels grain, and of an easy draught of
Both, of the above veffe!« were employed as
pickets in the Baltimore line, via Appoquinimick {
arc in every Tefpeft calculated for the river trade,
and will suit aa lighten to ceiivcy goods to and
from the Lacaretto.
may u
St. Croix
Of the very firft quail y;
Apply at No. 108, south Second llreet, or at
No. 48, south Sixth street—or at the printer's
may 21 dtf
The creditors of the subscriber,
ARE requeued to take notice ikat he has appli
ed to the court of common pleas, for the
county of extend to him the benefit of an
ail of.the legislature of this state, palled the 4th
of April, 1798, for the bene tof insolvent debtorsi
and the said court have appointed the ill Monday
Vi August next, to hear him and his creditois at
the court house in the borough of Reading, in th«
county of Berks. JOHN MORrOW.
Reading, May 18* (ai) Jj w
No. 192, Market Stkeet,
Next door'above the Prelident's. 1 or tetmt
may »t
'"pIIE public are rt quested not to receive any
-*• drafts in favor of Abijab Hunt, drawn by
Capraiu Isaac Guionon the Secretary at War—
Daniel on William Hell, or Fiancis
Jones on John Wilkirts.
Thole on whom they are drawn are desired
to suspend acceptance until reference be had t»
the fublcriber.
Twenty five thousand dol!ariof the above
described bills have been taken from the Carrier
nearthe mouth of Tennessee river by a party of
may iS
_ The Briti/h Letter-os-Marque
For KINGSTON, (Jam.)
caN'oit ready to take her carpo on
boar , can receive some freight. For terms
apply to
may 15
Copper Warehouse,
No. 201, Market-Street,
HAVING purchased the Stock of tbe above firm,
Solicits tfce patronage of the publica d ch t >r
friends ; where thev may depend on being feivcd on
the very best term* with the following goods :
A general aflortment of Copper Bottoms
and Sheets, for Co per •ruithsand other purpolrt,
Pigand Bar Lead,
Block Tin and C sow ley Steel,
Tin in Bf xes, and Bra's Kt trlctin Nefti,
With a la gc and general afiariment of Irorrcongery.
Feb. 16. 01 w w&i.f
New-York, May 21.
Betsey, Mulberin, Favall•
Rebecca is" Polly,, Hubble, Norfolk^
Jonathan Robefon, Lieut.
To be Sold,
Connelly iff Co. Auct'rs.
Madeira wine.
A few pipes of exsellefit old Madeira Wine
For Sale by
No. 187, south Second flrect,
Inquire ©f
No. 2el, Market Street.
tn th &f tf