tjris Dap's ©ail BOSTON, May 17. froii/ Papers brought by the Venus, which arrived yesterday from Liverpool. Defeat of the French. LONDON, MARCH ?4. Observer Office, Sunday Evening, 2 o'clock* The Hamburg Mail Bile this day, arrived at twelve o'clock, and brought the gratifying and important intelligence of The Defeat and Retreat of the French Army ill the Country of the Orisons, communicated through vari ous channels ; but particularly by a letter from Lindau, 011 tUs Lake of Constance, da ted on the evening of the Bth instant, to the following effect The French Army, under the orders of (general Maffena, on the night of'the jth, paffedthe Rhine near Sarganz, between Chur tod Feldkirk, and on the following- morning advanced with rapidity on General Auffen burg's Corps, which it drove back, and cut off its communication with main body of the Imperial Army. General Hotze, however, being appriied of these mo\ements, early on the morning of the 7th, advanced from Field- . kirk ; an aftion, dreadfully sanguinary, en ufti*d, «s«d was maintained during the greater prt of the day but'in the event, the French were defeated and compelled to cross the with very considerable loss. " Tfie loss of the Auftrians. was confidera the regiment of Stein had forty men billed, and several wounded. Small corps of the Republicans on the 7th attempted to cross the Rhine at four several points on the fkirts'of- the Grifon country and Voiarlberg, namely, at Haldenftcin, Ragatz, Werdenberg and Seltz, but were at each repulsed by the Auftrians. General Hotzc profiting bv his viftory, immediately penetrated from Chur into the Canton of Glar is, where thousands of Swil's malcontents were crowding to join him. Lindau on the 7th was occupied by four companies (if the Regiment of Bender, and a considerable train of artillery followed them. The news of these movements reached Ulm on the 9th, and was communicated to the aimv. ' The accounts from U!m are to the nth inft. At that period the Arch Duke Charles had his Head Quarters at Mindenheim, and his Ariny had advanced as far as Memmin gen. General Jourdan had, or the 9th, halted at Villengen, and General St. Cyrat Rothweil. Their Patroles had been pushed as far as Rothenburg, Tubingen, Reutlin gen, and Napold j but the part of the main k>dy of the Republican Army, which was advancing agairitt 'TJIm, by Stockade and fcdlengtn, had, Elmo, and fired a fewcannon (hot to tranquilifethe city. But the Lazaroni, who planned their cam paign, marched en masse towards Capua, to the very walls cf the fortrtfs; which they attempted to take by afiualt. The 19th and 20th of January were spent in efforts for that purpose, is which these unfortunate men were dreadfully cut up bydifcharges of cafelfhot frofn the cannon of the place. At length they learned on the 21 (I January, that the French column had ttuned Naples, and was at the gates of the city. They returned with the greatest rapidity, and flew to defend their comrades who had remained behind, arid who main tained the avenues to the city with a great deal of obftinlcy. The Lazaroai expefttd to render moll of the streets impaflable, by encumbering them with benches chairs &c. which tlwy took from the houses. After taking these precautions, they formed thtm felves into several tfoop>, for the purpose of driving back the French and were engaged in various conftidta during the whole of ihe 22d and part of the 23d of Jan. but they were unable to prevent them from at length entering the city. On their entrance the New Caflle, the fort St. Elmo and the caftlc of Oeuf, hoilted the tricolourcd flag, and surrendered to the French on the firft fummona; but the citadel of Carmelites, which was occupied by the Lazzaroni, re listed much longer j the French were oblig ed to besiege it for 3 hours. Meanwhile the Lazzaroai & peafaiitp, who were combating from street to flreet, were driven to the gate, where they rallied for the last time and at length, fell. At night, General Chimpion net entered the city. Such is the Iketch of the terrible events of which Naples lias been for fix or feyen days the bloody theatre. It is reckoned that upwards of 10,000 of the inhabitants have piiiillied. The losses. occa lioned by the plunder of the Lazzaroni are incalculable. The entry of the French is now regarded as the greatest good fortune that could happen to us ; for, from every ap pearance the city would have been destroyed by being entirely fucked and burned,. A great number the leaders of the Lazzs roni concerned in the infurre&ion have been arrested. The imprisoned patriots, who es caped the fury of the Lazzaroni, thanks to the energy, of Prince Militerni, have been set a; liberty. There now remains only a small number of armed peafanti, and of the Lazzaroni, wfao retreated Ln disorder towards Selerno, in pur (hit of whom General Cham pionnet has dispatched some troops. : ALBANY, May 14 Communication. '' r 'p»blicans in our next House of Afiembly, will be atfhe:p without a Jbepherd. To them the culling D f th£ Manhattan Chief mult afford a fubjcft of deep mourning and regret?—ne "juggler behind the jcenei" vo head t* plan, nor nod to dictate,'and" the whole intellefUial capacity of the party ' Capable of being comprifsd in a nut-Aicll ~"tbc Saratoga and fitfego saoes will be left to bear away the palm* of erator* and fair'wiifm %f)t r friends ; where thev may depend on being feivcd on the very best term* with the following goods : —hf.'z A general aflortment of Copper Bottoms and Sheets, for Co per •ruithsand other purpolrt, Pigand Bar Lead, Block Tin and C sow ley Steel, Tin in Bf xes, and Bra's Kt trlctin Nefti, With a la gc and general afiariment of Irorrcongery. Feb. 16. 01 w w&i.f New-York, May 21. Betsey, Mulberin, Favall• Rebecca is" Polly,, Hubble, Norfolk^ Jonathan Robefon, Lieut. To be Sold, Coffee-houfe, Connelly iff Co. Auct'rs. dt« Madeira wine. A few pipes of exsellefit old Madeira Wine For Sale by ARCHIBALD M'CALL, No. 187, south Second flrect, eoxw FOR SALE, 30 TIERCES RICE, TO LET, THAT LARGE AND ELkOANT, HOUSE, Inquire ©f ROBERT KID, No. 2el, Market Street. eoiw NOTIQE. KOSS & SIMSON Days. 10 tn th &f tf