% of the Unttet) f^tat Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Number 1347.] INFORMATION. IF Ann Burns, who eame to Philadelphia frain Bristol, in the ftip Fouii Friei«»s, captain Wad dell, in Maylaft, will apply to J*(Te and Robert Wain, (he will receive Yery agreeable and mtertft- Jng information. dtf Dec. 31. FOUND, At the Daneing AfferoUy, last ThurfJay evening, * 9 th inft. a GOLD BRACELET.—The owner may have it by applying at this offiee December 31 3 The Elephant, .Now exhibited, was bought for Ten Thoiifand Dollars, He is 3 years old, 6 feet high, growing to 18 feet. He cats 150 weight a-day, and drinks a barrel of ■water ; he his drink some days forty'bottles of porter, drawing the corks with his trunk. He is perfeilly inoffenfive; travels loole, at the rate of five miles an hour, and is the greatest curiosity ever brought to this Continent. He is to be feert 'till the 15th of January, in Market-street between Third and Fourth-streets, at a quarter of a dollar, that every one may fee him— after which time the former price of half a dollar will be resumed. ' He will leave Philadelphia as soon as the weather will permit. December 3.1 WANTED, A MECHANIC, to erect Spinning and Weaving Machines by water, such as are used tory—Apply to JAMES DAVENPORT, y V No. 401, North Frorit-ftreet. N. B. None need apply but a complete mechanic, and a man of liability. Globe Mill, December t<), 1796 THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES to afeertain, whether a certain EDWARD NEVILL, by trade a Stone-Cutter, or Brick-Layer, who quitted Ireland in 1783, or 1784, and came into this Country, ('tis fuppsfc-d to Philadelphia) about four years since, be living or dead. As this intelli gence i« of thehigheft importance, it will be thankful lr received, by GEO. D.AV , No. 313, Hijih-ftreet w & sim December 31 Elegant Brussels k Tarkey Carpeting, For sale by Qeorge Dobfon, No. 15, South 1 hird-ftrcet. December 15. , FOR SALE, f a ct"S ai^in S feh° oner ORION; 1" Seventy tons burthen J fifteen months ... her frame is of the belt of white oak : ibe is & faithful built veflel, handforaely finifhed oft and well found in every particular ; is ready to receive a cargo on board, and can be put to sea without any cx pence on her hull, fails or rigging : flic ftowg fix hundred barrel* ; has a kandfome cabin and fteeragc, and a half dcck which wiit stow from feventy-five to eigh.y barrels; has been newty caulked, graved and painted. For terms applT t0 BENJAMIN RHODES At No. 170, corner of Mar&et ar»o riith-itreets, Or to the Captain on board said/schooner at Melfrs. Willis and Yardfley's wharf, adjoining Chefnut-ftreet wharf; where there is for sale Excellent pipkled Salmon in barrels, thebeft of American Mess Beef, and some very excellent Boston manufaitured Chocolate. December a 6 For Sligo and Killibegs, wjffiEobj The Atnerichn Ship IS an cr^ JSGaKKyL Cuthbert Riggs. master. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflage apply to Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottons, well aflbrted 3 Bales Irish Flannels, and i boxes Linent 15 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine; Indigo. Raffia Mitts. few barrel? Prime IRISH BEEF, PORKj OATMEAL, &c. November n, 1796, for Sale, 1 HE SHIP M ART, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, 3Sfe2£3Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, Ihe will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above. Otfober 31. ___ d For Sale, or Charter, The Ship DIANA, oSjGgC. Samuel Pile, Master,' Burthen a OS 47*95 < on » rc S ifter ' , hui,t SSS^SSS?Philadelphia in the year I 79 J > ot Ilve °» k tfTTTur and was fhesthed 13 njonths ago, Ihe it a very triflisg expence. For terms apply »o Philip Ntcklm Ess Co. . irho haw for sale <"> beard/aid vefel, * 7 calks of fine yellow pamt. • boxes and 12 bundles of writing Hates. ' box ink stands and note presses. 14 bales of fail canVaft. And on handy teas. SsjtjLc"<,( .h. M irftr. ig tub* QoickfilTer. . c r durovs, thicksets, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, &c, 3 boxes black fewingfilk jgo crates Qneens ware well afibrted. lo tons sheet l?ad. . . Nails assorted, flat andfcarp points. London FarticnUr, } Madeira Wine-in pipes London- Market, C and hoglheads. New-York Market. •> 4 o pipes and iokogflseads-Tenenfe wine. , 8 tierces SjtaVe Ro«t« $30 '"g' Mahogany. 'V»v f. William Bell; Also, mwftf tthfcftf MONDAT EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1797. Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road Company. A Me»tirig of the Stockholders for the Ele&ion of a Prefidwit, Managers, and other officers, will be held at tke Company's office on Monday the 9th Jan. naxt, at 10 o'clock. By the Board. WM. G OVITT, Se«'ry. iawtiftj.dt9.h December 8, 1796' Brokers Office, and COMMISSION STORE. No. 63 South Third ftreet,oppofite tjie national new Bank. QAMUEL M and JOHN VAN REED, J have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of FROUNCES & VAN REED, in the bufinels of Brokers, Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. They buy and fell on commiflion every species of flock, notes of hand, bills of exehange, houses and lands, &c. Monet procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds c' writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnefsand dispatch ; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the most corresft manner. Constant attendance will be given They solicit a lhare of the public favor ; they are deter mined to endeavour to deserve it. N. B. The utmost secrecy observed. S.4MUEL M. FRAUNCES, JOHN VAN REED. Phflad. AKgult 17, 1796- m&wtf Lottery and Bro No. 641 South Second stkeet. TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. a, for file—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in the late lottery. Check Books kept for examination and registering, for the City of Waldington, No. I, and Pattefon Lotteries, both of which are now drawing—infermatiou what tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Motel and Public School Lottery, for examination. The futafcriber solicits the application of the public and his friends, who with to purchase or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for fale*at Ten Dolkrs each, whiah will be drawn early in the Spring. Wm. Blackburn. Phftadolphia, Augufl iB, 1796. mth SALT. P E T R E. A large quantity of Double-Refined Salt Petre for sale at No. 15, South Third-fU'eet. November 5. ACA R D If Monjirur G H. Souli, ■ Who left Bordeaux the 20th June last, and arrived at Boston tbout the middle of August, in the schooner Jane, it in Philadelphia, he is requested to call on Joseph Anthony & Co, No. 5, Chefhut-flreet. who will give him forat Uformation of importance. \ December 14, 1796- § Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 45, SOUTH THIRD-STREET, Has received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanish Svvanfdown Clouded ErminaU and Molelkkis Striped do. and do. Figured Manillas Scarlet figured Erminets Printed FlorineUs Do. Caffinsts and Cafliraerei Superfine printed Quillings. new-eft pa*terf» Also, per different arrivals, A large and general assortment of Dry- Goods, Suitable to the present and approaching season November 5. dtf FOR SALE, About 1,600 acres of Land, WELL Gtuated, laying on and bet'.veen Marth and Beech Creeks, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in famr separate Patents. For terms ot sale apply to Wm, Blackburn,' No. 64, South S^cond-flreet. Oflober 31 FOR SALE, At Whitefides' Tea Ware-House, No. 99< North Second Street. Imperial ~) C Hyson Skin, Hyson, >• Fresh Teas. < Souchong, Young Hyson, J C.Bohea Dec, q Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. THE Stockholders are hereby notified, tha> an eleflion for thirteen Diretflorn to serve for one year, will be held at the Company's Office, on Monday th« 9th January next, at IX o'clock.—And agre*ably to the act of incorporation a fiatement of the affairs of the company, will then be laid before them. SAMUEL W. FISHER, 3ec'y- Philadelphia, December 19, 1796. d t 9th Jan. Imported from London & Liverpool, EARTHEN .WARE, in crates and hogshead*, well aborted Wine Bottles in hampers Window GU'fs of all fi/crs Two cases of stationary One chest of yellow Jeluits Bark Two cases of R«U Arnctta 1 A fmaU consignment of Rose Blankets. Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plain*, See. Paints of various colors. Basket fait in hoglheads. Also on handy Madeira wins, very qld, in pipes, hoglheads and quarter calks Holland gin in pipes, 'firft quality Anchors of different sizes A few trunks of ladies French Ihoe* aflorted Silk nankeen,&c. Ilikewife an assortment of Dutch goods, can filling of Ofnaberf s, bed-ticks, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Britannias, &c. And for sale by the package only by ' . Thomas Ss 3 Zetland. Vtal#u|-ftreet Wharf. ■ <otf Nov. 15. Imported in the late arrivih from Europe and the Weft-Indies, Holland Gin, in pipes Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique Moiiflfcs, »• ho^flieads Choice old Lilbon Wine, in pipes and quartef-calks London Particular Sc London Market Madeira Wins, in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-calks Malmsey Madeira Win*, in pipes and quarter-calks Teneriffe Wine, in pipes Russia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Duak, in cases Window Glass, 8 by 10, i* boxes Coffee Milk and Straw Knives, in cases Milk Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes jilfo, on hand, A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark 5 Aflafoa- A few hogflieads of choice N. E. Rum, a»d a quantity of LAKD, for sale; Enquire at No. 71, North Water-street. December 24 d ,w Frejh Garden, Grass and Flower' Seed s, Rootsj isfc. &c. This day landing from the ftiip Eagle, captain Fofdick, from London, And FOR SALE by ice, :cr s Corner of Walnut a*d Second-streets, A mo/l capital and txtenfive Ajforlment of GARDEN, GRASS and FLOW£R-SEEDS : ROOTS, &c. &c. Five Four Twenty-five Six Eleven Twenty-fix Six Three Five mwftf jtawjm, tida and Tapioca ; and a few bates of Coffaes, Baftae, Garrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker chiefs, and a complete assortment of 5-4 and 6-4 Boulung Cloths. Foi- Sale by Pragers £3* Co. dawm&tham October jo GOLDTHWAIT & MOORE, Among which arc, Asparagus Three Berecole Twelve Beans Thirteen Beets Fifteen Brocoli Fifteen Cabbage Six Carret Four Cauliflower Twenty-three Celery Twenty-one Cucumber Common and emon Thyme Curled leaf and sprigged Parsley Pot Marygold Pot Marjoram Balm Thyme Mangel Wurtzel Leek Kail Shallots Rape Seed Rye Grass Saint Foin Lucerne Red and white Clover Timothy, &c. &c. With a curioui colle&ion of the most esteemed kinds Ten FLOWER-SEEDS and* ROO TS, Being the moil extensive ever imported into this city. The above are from a capital Seedsman in London, and are warranted frelh and good. Printed catalogues may be had by applying as above. Dec. 17. dtf. Just Landing, At South fireel-whflrf, from lh hoard the /hip Sedg leyj Captain Hodge, from Si. Peterjburg, The following Goods : Rullia Sail Duck, fiffi quality. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. Do. Cralh. Dq. Mould Candles, 4, 5 and 6 thsjlb. of the English Ho. Candle Tallow. Do* Wfvite So;.p in small boxes. Do. Cordage of fine yarn. Racvens Duck. lfinglafs, #ift aad fort. Horse Hair uncurfod. Rullia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Peterftxirg Clean Hemp: For Sale by Philips, Cramond, & C© 5 Oflsber 11, Old London particular Madeira IVim, Landing from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates, and for file by ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, South Wharve®. eodtf November 19 Cheap French China. THE subscribers finding it impoflible to supply their store with any more China from France, the prices being too immoderate in the matiufafleries, give n»- tice that they will fell at prime colt the remaining fisek on hnnd, consisting of Dessert Setts, Tea-TaMe Setts Separate Cups and Saucert Groupies and Figures Alabaster Vr.fes Looking Gliffes, in gilt frames, Betides India Japan'd Toilet Deiks, Chairs, Tailes nad Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIER 3c Co. No. 91, South Seeond-ftreet. December 5 th. For Sale, By J. WARDER, PARKER C- An Invoice of Cordage, ConQiling of different fizee, ll'om 12 inch cables down to rope of % inches, of different lengths: Imported in the (hip Swift,, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Septl 17. dtf NOTICE Tbtofe Gentlemen who hold any of the undermen tioned Notes or Draughts ('whether due or itetj arc requested to meet at the City-Tavern oft Wednesday liilT, at 6 o'clock in the evening ; at which time an arrangement will be j;ropofed which it is expected will be fatisfaflory to the holders. Edward Fox's notes in favor of James Greenleaf. James Greenleaf's notes in favor of Edward Fox. J imes Greenleof's. draughts on Edward Fox. Abraham Dubois's note to Edward Fox, Edward Fox's note to Abraham Dubois. ■ JamM Greenleaf's draughts on Abraham Dubois. At the reqiieji of a majtr fart of the Gentlemen intertfiid. December 29.' NeW'England Rum, Salmon, Beef* Chocolate, Rice, Boston mould and dipt Candles, a few quarter-calks of Sherry Wine, a few barrels of Cyder, ami a few quintals of excellent Tible COD FISH—for sale by December 14th, 1796. Per schooner Daphne, Captain Morft, Jrsm Aum- Cayes, A Cargo of Sugar and Coffee. AIJo, per brig Betsey, Captain White, from the IJle J ' _ 7 1 Hogflieads, i puncheon, and 15 canisters, m Batavia Sugar 45 Hogsheads Pepper of Malabar 65,000 lb. Coffee 23 000 CottOD 4,000 Indigo- 11 For Sale by F. Coppinger, No. an, South Front-street December »t By the Subfcribers—ln PENN-STREET, 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wioe, Nov. 30 AT a Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of Pennsylvania, at the Bank, December 29th, 1796, It was unanimously resolved, That, from the informa tion this day given by the Board of Directors, and cbe Do cuments exhibited, the Stockholders do fully approve-the condu<s of the DireAors; and that the thanks of th» meeting be returned to the said Dire&ors for their activi ty, zeal, and fuccefsful exertions in the discharge of their duties in relation to the abuses lately pra&ifed upon this Cresses Onion RadifU Turnip kind* nftitution, Peas Re(blve4, That the foregoing Resolution bejpublifhed 1? the Newspapers of this city EDWARD SHIPPEN, Chairman. BFNJAMIN CHEW, Jr. Secretary. Dec. 30. $ Savoy Parsnip Melon Lettuce No. 25, South Third-street, Has just reeeived, per Eagle, Capu Fofdick, via LoiP> don, an aflortment of Scarlet "J - Drab / Cloaks trimmed with tur and Purple and erftiinc. Pftarl J December 15. § A few days ago, in the lower part of Second-ftreeS. The owner, on calling at No. i»7 in laid street, and proving it to be his or here by a description in writing 1 , may receive it on paying for this advertileraent. Pet ember 29 LESLIE AND PRICE, No. 79, Market-street, Pbimbeifhij, HAVE IMPORTED, by the late arrivals frort» London, » Urge afinrvment «f IVAR.RANTED Jf'J'i CHE S, confiftiug of horizontal, capp'd and jewel'd Gold Watches, with seconds, of ftiperier workmanship and elegance ; also capp'd and jewel'd and plain Gild Watches ; capp'd icjewdl'd, capp'd, seconds, day of the month, and plain Silver Watches ; eight day & chamber Clocks; elegant French Clocki with marble frameß ; eight day and thirty hour, bract works, &c. Decembet 22, 1796 HIGH-STSEMT, Has received by the late arrivalr, A Well Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, anct Haberdashery Goods, Which he will fell, wholesale and retail, en the very lowest terms ; Amongjl which are Some elegant 4-4 and 7-8 Chintses and Cottons, new patterns * Ditto Fnrniture ditto Ditto Dimity Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muflinrs Ditto in Gold and Silver Ditto Neckcloths, very fine Mantuas of the ilrft quality Silk and Cotton Hosiery Umbrella* of the fir ft quality, aflorted lrifti Linens, very fine, and Table Linens Marfeillas afid Cotton Counterpanes Rose Blankets alforted—-Ac. &c. O&obtr a 6. For Sale, By George Difchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrefe and half barreU Ditto Herring and Mackarel. , Smoaked Harring in barrels and ke§» Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single one Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kentaU Fine and coarse Salt Nova-Scotia and French Plaster of Paris, in the ft one and ground, for manure and stucco-work December I. * 'stf A BBUT T2 miles from this City, (ituate in Abingtoa jLX. Township, Montgomery-County ; containing 70 acres, a new stone h6ufe,two stories high, a rooms ,on * floor,fire places in each, a stone kitchen and flo«« jprii g house, over an excellent spring of water, a barn, ttablc, sheds, barracks, &c. A large apple-orchard, and a -variety of other fruit, about 11 acres of good meadow well water ed, and wood fufficieht for fire, and fencing the PofTefiion may be brad the ift of April next. Property in this City will be taken in flschange. Enquire at No. 37* Arch-Street. Fhiiadcl-phte, September 13, 179 6 - EDWARD FOX. dtw Ezekiel Hall, Nft. 4t, North Water-ftceet. Just Arrived, of France, Sale, For Imported by the Eagle. WILLINGS & FRANCK. Bank of Pennsylvania. Women's Cloaks, GEORGE DOBSON, A Gold Watch" was Found Clocks and Watches. Wm, Holdernesse, No. 76, FOR SALE, A PLANTATION, [Volume XI. w&r dim ttftf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers