Mr. H. faij, if he believed all that had been fat«f ! ° Ul "'"ahility, of tliat fibmifllve fnirit which had .ieen fpo.ien of, he would join witti gentlemen in their opinion. Sc. weak, so outcast a let of men, mould no- difrra ;e filch fentimenta by uttering them. But he believed they should do right to utter them (Mr. W. Lyman called Mi. Harper to order.) Ihe speaker said the gentleman was out of or der- r * wast about to go,on, but the fpe;ik er informed him he could rife only to explain. (The speaker read the rule on this fubjed.) Mr. Harper rose, and the fpesker wiflied to know whether he appeaieo from 'hechair to the house. He arfwer ed 111 the affirmative; and on leave being given, be explained to the house, that he meant to (hew that "the maui quellton ought to be put, as a proper de claration to be made at this time. He complained of tl.,e ..littnefi ajjainll him, whii;h was closing his mouth on an important queltion—he however sub mitted to the house. The sense of the house being t-ken, he was declared out of order, 50 votes be ing againlt him. The previous question was then taken by yeas and 'nayand carried 49 to 30. On motion of Mr. lilount, the yeas and nays were next taken on tUiking out the last sentence, and I.>ft, J4. to 24 ; and dn motion of the fame gentleman, they were also taken upon the answer as amended, and carried, 67 to 12. The yeas and nays have already appeared in the minute of the day. In Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, 22d December, M 796. " Refulved, 1 bat the Mayor be autli. used to offer a leward ot FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS f«*r apprehending and prosecuting to con viction any person or persons who may Ve found at tempting to set fiie to any part of the city j and that the Mayor be rq ietted to dtaw an order on the Treasurer for the money.'' Ex;ra£ from the minutes, WILLIAM H. TOD. Clk. S. C. EDW. J.COALE, Clk. C. C. PROCLAMATION. City of Philadelphia, fs, WHEREAS the city 01 Savannah in the state of Georgia hath lately been greatly injured from a mod ter.ible conflagration, and by authentic infor rnition from the cities of New-York and Eakimotc, I it appears that attempts have been lately made to ft fire to those populous «nd wealthy cities; and from certain circumstances which have lately occur red in different parts of this city, there is reason to apprehe-id that there are persons lurking within its limits, who aie inftigsted with the ot letting it on hi e. 'Now, in order to exert the vi gilant attention of all welldrfp«fed persons to deleft ai'.d bring to punilhment fucbattrocious incendmies, I Hilary Baker, Mayor of the said city of Phila delphia, in pursuance of the foregoing rcfolutioiis of the Sele£t and Common Coßm-ilaof the said city, do hereby offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be paid to any person, or per sons who (lull apprehend and profecuteto convicti on* any prrfon or persons who may be found at tempsii.g to set lire to any part of the laid city of Philadelphia. , Gi'.en undei my band, at Philadelphia, the twenty third day of December, Anno- 1 Dominj One Thousand Seven Hundred ' and Ninetv-Six. HILARY BAKER, Mayot of the laid City of Philadelphia. 1 —_ STOCKS. I Six per Cent. - - .... l^/iotoij Three )»r Cent. ------ . jq/b I 4i per Cent. - - per Cent 16/4 1 Deferred Six per Cent. .... 11/81012/9 is.AJ\K United States, ... xjtoioperct ' P»nnfylvariia, ... . >3 to 24 do. I Korth \inerica, - . - - 40 to 45 do. \ Inlurance Comp. N. A. shares, - 37 1-2 to 40 per et. | Pennfylv 2 1-2 to 5 per ct. belsw par. , COURSh OF EXCHANGE. ! On London, at 30 days, par to iys < at 60 days, par to 170 I " at 9° days, 162 1-2 to pir. t Amsterdam, 60 days, per guilder. . 40 90 davs, 42 ' t • — a SWAN N'S 5 Riding School, fJorfc Academy Infirmary. k Adjoining the Public Square, Market bticct. l T. SWANN a URNS his finceie thaiikt to those gentlemen by whom i he has been employed, during his refideuce in thi, Ctty, and flatters himfeif thai the fucccfs ot his effbits, in the numerous, obdinate and. dangeious diseases in Horses, in which he has a been consulted, together with his moderate charges, will (e- A uie their futurctavors and recommendation. He now beg* leave to inlorm them and the public a; large that hts ipaciou and commodious premises, erected for the purposes <ibo\c d<-ftr.bed arc open lor the rccepiion of pupils al of either iex, who wifhto bcioftrufted in the Art of Hiding, f r and the light method oi governing their horses, so as to ride them with eale, elegance, and fatety—their horses will be , carefully and expeditiouliy broke, for every purpose, and it made obedient to the will of the riders i the natural powers ci whicn are fhui up,i« them, will be unfolded by art, calling • ' forth uniformity ot motion, and giving to that noble animal . 1 ali thole beauties of adion which providence has so bounti iuljiy bellowed on them. w Also, at' his hospital, every difor er to which the horse is a ( liable will be treated according to the rules of art, confirmed • Py long and repeated experience. 1 he utility of the above invitation has never bean qneftion. Ed, that it has long been wanted in this city, gentleman's fc Jlud will and T. as the firft eftablifher of the veterinary m, solicits and relics upon the fuppoit of that public (which he is ever anxious in serving) to enable him to biingit to perfection. The idea of a fubfeription for fhat ad purpose hjs beeu hinted by feveial gentleman, who wish to promote tije institution—the amount of each fubfcrip;ion to »e returned by services in any of the departments he profeffes, agreeable to the rate of charges ftatcd in his haud bill. Such fjblcription is now open, and the signatures of many refpeft able gentlemen already obtained. He therelore injorms his liieuds and fu. h Ladies and gentlemen to whom he has not , ' lf>f^ 0r being known, that,he (hall in a few days take B the liberty of waiting upon them aud folic king their support ai * n d protjftioo. pt N H. Horses are properly prepared for those JLadiet and 0 f Ceu lemen wht/wilh to be n, Nov. Hh&f' PENNST"L VJKL4 LEGISLATURE. in Extra& from the Journal of the Senate. ' Saturday, December 17, 1796. to The committee appointed to confer with the di to rectors of the bunk of Pennsylvania, chosen by thehenatc, having, according to the directions of r _ the Senate, joined the committee of the House of It Keprefeutatives, appointed "to -eceive, from the In- dircdor. of rhe bank of Pennsylvania who have er bee. appointed by the any communi lt. c*tton( they may make relating to that institution," r . report—j " r 'a""* 3t the srft conft,t ' nce w '«h the faij ' st directors, they informed your cemmiitee, that : c . John Barclay, Esq. pi fa-dent of the said bank, had •d applied, to his own use, a large sum of money, is 'he property of the bank ; that the said director,, ' j. as the immediate repr< Tentative. of the state in that K '"ft'tU'ton, conceived it to be their duty, 10 make an early commu lication of t"ne circuro(h»ce to the Le b iflaiure, not only for their information, but „ that a committed might be appointed to receive, fiom time to time, an account of any other cir rs cumllances which, on itiv C l>iga:ion, might appear ; to demand attention. Ie At a subsequent conference with the said direst- T |ors, your committee were, that a more „ | accurate investigation nf the atcounts of the bank ,f :ake "- P lat ' C ' Wl '^ n il appeared, that Jonathan Mifflin, the late calhier, and several »iher persons, . had, by over drafts and other means, obtained from ! ,f the auk sundry fnms of money, the property of ! the : ank ; that, in consequence of this difeovery, 0 the diltdtors applied for payment of the several < (linn so procured, a confide*ask portion of which i has been paid in money, and security taken for the remainder, except to a fmali amount. J Upon the whole, your committee are of opinion, „ that thelffs which the ftocklioldcrs of the bank of; Pei<nfyl»a;.ia may sustain, by the <iifagree*ble trai.f atftions above fpeciticd, will amount to a very in. coi.hdeiable sum, being, in the estimation of the ■ diteflors, lefn than Bfieen thousand dollars, from every canfe, fiuce the commencement of the insti tution. Your committee think it proper to (late, for the iiifoimation of the Senate, that the whole amount of ovcr-dia!ts was about two hundred thousand : dollars. 1 J They, with pleasure, add, that the conduct of • I the direclor. on the part of the state, throughout , , this bulinefs, merits the approbation of .-,11 who arc | lnterelted 111 the welfare of that :nftitution ; and I th;t they have reason to belies, the Bank is in a ■ fit j*.on perfeftlr fafe, and, therefore, dcfcrving 1 the confidence of the public in general ' 1 __ I Ho'jfe of Keprefentatives. j Yeilerday the house w s engaged in hofinefs re la'ive to the bank of Pennfylvan.a. Some Jays ! fil". a leloluiion parted their body, appointing a joint committee of the two houses to it-ipme o*l he Direflom of that bank, for the purpose of laying before the fioule, a llatemeut of the accounts of the said Bank, includiag an of the notes 111 circulation, notes and cafa in, &c. This refolntion was sent to the Senate for concurrence ; ' but inltead of concurring in this reioiiuiosi, they sent a diffe rentone to the house of Reprefentn- 1 rives, upon a principle which had already been v overruled in that house, appointing a committee f to make the enquiry, and to report generally. ' Fhis lefolution was yesterday under consideration, v when Mr. Lieb moved-to puflpone the bufiuel". lor 1 the ptirpofe of appointing a conference betwixt the two houses. This was objt&ed to on the ground of unneceffariiy protra&iug the bufinels, which, it was would unnoceffarily injure ,ne credit of the Bank, by rxcitu g unueceffary " alarm. On Mr. Evans obferviug that if the house a h d been more particular in its enquiries hereto- d toi e, the mifehiefs which had arisen by the over drawing of individuals, would m l probably have happened, Mr. Wain replied that the gentleman was miltaken iti fuppotmg *wy enquiry the Legif- 11 lature had a right to make could prevent the over- t drawing of individuals, fjnee a committee from the v two houses had not power to look into the ac- c* counts oi iadividujls, but merely to obtain a grne- t ral flatement. He was in favour of the refolu- C Hon from the Senate, as comaiaing all that was d neceffaiy, though he said he doubted not the cob- b ctrns of the Bank would bear the drifted fciutiny, si and particularly at this time, as the preferit was a •' season peculiarly favourable to the Banks in Phila- w delphia. But, if gentlemen supposed (as it had 1 been hinted in the courfc bf the debate) that the H bank of Pennfylvawia, or any other Bank, eould at any moment answer all the demands which might " be made upon it, they were miflaken. If this were tbe ease, laid he, how ciruld we receive nine per d cent for ourmoney, when the Batik onlv charges h Jix to its ruftomers ? ' a< If this were so, dockhqlders could receive 110 ! more than would remain out of 6 per cent, when | all the expences of conducing the business were de ti fiayed. But, Mr. Wain added the profits of a bank arise from its being able to discount beyond b its capital, and any step taken which had a tenden- £ cy to lefien the good opinion of the public in an -- institution of this kind, would necefTariiy rsnder it ~* less produflive. At length the sense of the houle was taken by yeas and nays, when there appeared ?! 40 in favour of the podponement and 22 ajrainii it. Mr. Leib then moved that a committee of con ference with the Senate be appointed 5 but en some objeftioHs being made to it, he withdrew his mo tioi, and the house adjourned. The answer to the address did nAt come under coofidention. For Sale, Seven elegant Scites for Buildings, Oppofitc the State-Houfc Garden and ComjreJs- 1 Hall ; each Lot being 35 f«et front on Sixth-Rreet, p, and iso feet deep to 1 14 ect Court, agreeable to > 3, pian which may be fcen at the Coffce-Houfe or at the sa office of Abraham Shotniaker, No. 124, So. Fourth- K flrect, where the terms will b« raaJe known. W. Dseembcr *toj Philadelphia. j 1 c SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1795. ' 'y RetUKN OF VCTSS , ' R - -g y if FOR ■; *■ a £?- . ,5 J 5 , ,f PRESIDENT MV,|| .I f | I le AND 5<5 % - .S> J "*1 3 ~ VICE-PRESIDENT s >• v j_ New-Hampftiire, 61 1 " S „ I Massachusetts, 16 I ? 1 . F j Khode-Jfland, 4! 4 V | Conneflicut, 94 . G J 1 Vermont, r 1 4 1 4 V t ; New-York, ,»! IS E d New-Jersey, 7 7 G , Pemifyiviuia,' r 2 1413 D Delaware, ,1 <1 I I _ t Maryland, 741 4 1 3' a . £»,, ' 1 » y » ■ f c T i-nnciFee, I t North-Carolina, I 111 6 1 M J South Carolina, g 1 g Georgia, ' Pi - T - u! ' '7X : 59 57 15 2 5 1~ a a ,~7 • P 1,1 North - c '' r ol'na, one rote was given for Charles B< ; Pincknev ana three for Judge Iredell. M L ' '''I" Ncw : Ha mpn,ire of the firft authority, reeved yetlerday, mform, that the Kfefloh of that state F 6 gave 6 votes for Mr. Adams and 6 for Mr. Ellfworth — w , Ihe account heretofore publiftcd, of 6 votes having been D< I 6 ™ * l waitonfequently erroneous. c F! ceiled Sr were re- ° I I Notwitlißanding the .'ll fucctfs of the Adams ticket in Suuth-Carolina, produced by slanderous n.if.eprcfent.t'on.uf the Vice-Prefideot, it Is with 5 1 much fatiifachon we notice the Barnes of the eight ; candidates who were on that ticket, as they a,e all Le kntjwn 10 be among the very firft and most refpec table charafiera, hot o»lj in that Hate, but in any w part #f the United State,. We repeat their names M with pleaiure. Governor Vanderhsrft, Governor of S. C. Gi General Washington, ' Ar Mr.. H. W. Defauflure, late director of the Mint. Ril General Barnwell, g' Dr. Ramfajr, the Hiftorias, President of the No Senate. Mr. R. Barnwell, late Member of Congress, J Speaker o>f the House. No N-tliai'iel RufTcll, Esq. John Bull, Esq. late Member of Congress. Pe*. When lucb men Alport the federal inlerejl, tfiere tan be no doubt, that the aberrations tefultinu from Pl pariy and personal views, and a,want of informal!- on will be of (hurt duration, and that light and te- Ch *"*!' Wl " '" oa re ' lo " ; South-CaruKna to that dif Ho inguifhed liation in'the federal union, which flie Col has alway; held. Bm Ga Ye,»er<liiy Jonathan Smith, esquire, of Chester Ab county, was < ii.>fen by the dircdW, calhierof the Re> Bank of Pcnufylvauia. I c 1 . Bio For the lad two d.-ys the weath.r has Seen fe c ' vere-ly cold. On Thursday the Mercury in r Famibeu'i Thermometer was 26 degrees below Co: ■ erasing point ; and ycftsrday morning the Dela- ®'° ware liver was frozen, so that many persons crof Bus led 011 the ice. Nearly op-ofite to Spruce Street it broke undet a youwg man, and he fell into the t water. With gr*at diffi l uhy he was saved, after Ne> being uearly c*hati!icd with thecold. P' ai BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. Ll l NEW YORK, Dccemb.r 22. Ho We have received by Capt. Wood from Gre- His nock, London papers to 03. 17. The French r at counts aie later, but the German accounts give a r f different complexion to many tranfaitions. p l ' Private Correfpomlence. Bremen, Oflober 7. Por The enemy'* daring plan of uniting in Gtr- Far many their tinee-defolatiug aimies, has met with Tr, the fate which its temerity deserved, and, for the Thc welfaie of focietjr, is totally defeated. Jourdaa completely routed, Ins late army fcattcrcd by twen ties, anil ft ill pwiiued by the honeli peafan r ry of \y\ Germany — Moreau retreating in the utmolt difor- b der, every day alteiing his route, but now said to Frt be mauhmg towards Bnfgau j Buonaparte, necef. fiuted to abandon bis darling projeit of p netrat- r^' x irig into '1 yrol, where every man, nay where every 1 p.'' 1 woman and child, is under arms, instead of palling Trent, has retrogaded beyond Verona ! The Auf- flsli triaas art in full poffeflion of the city of Ulm, Pin lince the 25th ult. T:,e French garrison of 800 Kin men became prisoners of war. Mai The King of Prussia has thought proper, mo- 0< deftly, to withdraw his garrison from Nuremberg— i h ,j he did not think thc moment an opportune one to add that tohisother political robbenes. Ld v The French, through absolute want of provision, Bell meant to marc a to the -Hundfruck, leaving only Jon two diviiions behind them. Ou- The enemy not being able to cope with the Wo brave Aulliians, ate now trying in the environs of Dufleldorff, what they can eftedi among themfelvei j jet --lcarcely a day passes without feme bloody lencontre Git —and latterly—as a letter before me states—live Git hundred oF them were killed. Col New Books. Bo< —— Dul Robert Campsell & Co. No. 40, South SecondJlreet, Are just opening a large and extenlivt affortmeut of P the latest and heft London editions, among which real are the following new, valuable and scarce Books. I Collodion of State Papers, relative to the present Wars > between Euglaad and France, containing authentic copie of all the treaties, manifefloes, proclamations, &c. made by the different powers, 3 vols. 8 vo. Stedman's History of the American Revolution, 1 vols 4to, with elegant maps, plates, £cc. Fexgufon'« history of the Roman republic, 3 vol 4 to. British Poets, 75 vols, with the lives by Df. Johnfgn. it E Same book, 44 vols. 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J n h H Halt Stephenlbn's works, J vols. Bvo. Langhorn's Plutarch, 6 vols, 14 mo. Beauties of thc Drama, 4 vols. Muller s Illustration of the Sexual systems, 2 vols. Bvo. with plates Priestley's leAures on hiftofy, a vols. Bvo i — Chambers'sDiilionary of arts and sciences, by Dr. Rees» t j 5 vols, folio. Beawe s history' civil, commercial, political and literary ies of Spain and Portßgal, a vol" in one, folio, Manftein's memoirs ofßuffia, trOrn 17*7 f0 1744, With y. maps, plans, &c. 4to. te Forreft's voyage to New Guinea, with plates, 4to. Wright's travels thro' France, e vols Bve :Q Douglafs oa the antiquity of the ear>-h, 4to Clavigero'shiltory of Mexico, translated by Cullen, i Vols e- 4to- plates. Condorcet's life ofTurgot MarcttiU travels tkro' Cyprus, Syria, &c. i vols. IS I-avater's eflays on Physiognomy, 3 voU. Bvo. jj World Difplay'd, ao vols, bound in 10. , Memoirs dc Dumouricz. 1 Foundlinghofpital for wit, a collcAion of fugitive " 10 vo:s. nmo. !1 Letters from Paris in 1791 and With a reprefentatioA s* capture of Louis XVI. at Varennes, z vols* y 8 vo ; Moore's view of Society and manners in Italy, France* Switzerland and Germany, 4 Vols. Bvo. RufTel's modern Europe, j vols. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 1 Vols, abridged. Andrew s hifto,yof the war with America, France, Spam e and Holland, 4 vols. Bvo with portraits, maps, plans, &c» Riheaut's history of the French Revolut on. Ulloa's voyage to South America Burke on thc sublime and beautiikil C Neckar on the a immifiration of she French finances Mortimer's complete diAionary of trade and commerci , folio. ' Northern antiquities, I vols. Bvo. Dodfley s collection of Poems. 6 vols. Bvo. Radcliffe's journey thro' Holland, 4to. Pennant s history of Quadrupeds, with elegant engravittgsj e 4 vols. 4to. n Pl.ilisiiiphical Diislionary, 4 vol. tl mo. 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With Plans for the government of Brnifh India, pubhfhed un der the auipiccs of Mr. Dundas as Secretary, 4to. Lord Hau kelbury on the condu& of Great-Britain, ta Neutral cations. Hoyle's Dictionary, or treasury of music, Bvo. . History of Francc, from the firft cftab ilhmtfnt of thai ! monarchy, to, arid including a narration of the late revolution, 3 vol. Bvo. History of Spain, 3 vol. Goldsmith's experimental yhilofophy, 1 Vols. BtfOi Kippax's Taeory and Praclice of Commrrce* Portlock's and Dixon's Vcyages. Family Brewer. 1 Travels of Anaicharfis. , Thompson's Seasons, elegant t-'ditiett Payne's Geographical Extraits Syltetn of natural history, » voh ft-oni the Gertnan of ' l'rofeflbr Raff f Williams's letters froin the 28th of July to the efti' blilbment of the lionftitutioh of '95 1 Frend's Algebra Chalmers's collection of treaties* 2 Vol. >Six on the conftrui£lion and tife of thermonletera , i Ned Evans, 4 vol. ! Clarentine, 3 vol. Sullivan's view of nature, 6 vol; Btloe's translation of Herodoti.s, 4 vol. Pindar's works, with a new volume 1 King of Prussia's work, »o vol. in French Marshal's rural ornaments, 2 vol. I Hoole's translation of Ariofto, i vol. The kifles of Johannes Secundes Bclliham's memoirs of the reign of Oeorgi ill, 1 Letters of an Hindno Rajah, 2 voh Edward's history of the Weft-Indies, 1 vol. Bells Bntifii theatre, 15 vol. elegant ■ Jones's do. le vol. do. Ouvres de Voltaire, 70 tojn. do. Works of the king of Prussia, 13 voi. (Enjliih) ddt Abbe de Caloune's view of the political ltate of Europe, Swift's works, 27 vol. 1 Letters from Scandinavia, 2 vol. Gibbon's miscellaneous works, 3 voh Gibbon's Roman Empire, 6 toI. Collection of Farces, 6 vol. K. C. & Co. have received in immekfe cßtleitioh of Books in every department of literature—Ltindbn and Dublin editions—amongst which are a capital iffo/t ---ment of LAW-BOOKS, MEDICAL B -OKS, &c» all in the neatest and Tome of them in the tnoit fpleit did bindings. Public and private Libraries supplied on the tnoft reasonable terms, December 24 oaW3w I £ ' - .. . . - ■ - - - . , . .... A Card. If Motif ear G H. SoHli, Who left Bordeaux the 10th June last, and arrived at Boston about the middle of Attguft, in the fchdonef Jane, is in Philadelphia, he it rrquefted to call ©ri Joseph Anthony & Co. No. 5, Clitfnut-ftrect, wh<* , who will give him fomt information ef importance. Dea«nber n t 1794. j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers