" Hefolred, Thit enquiry oaght to be made in tith« ft ate of the navy eftacflithment ordered by 1 rmer a&s of «ongrefs, and whether any and what m*»l force may be necefTary for the protection of t!ie commerce of the United States, and for the ftmport of her flat;." Referred t« a feleft com mitt«e of fi»e memhers. " Refol»ed> That so much of the President's fp'*ch at relate* to the enroaragement of manufac tures, he committed to the committee of com merce and manufactures " .RtfoWed, That so much of the Prefident't speech at lelatei to the promotion of agriculture, be refeired to a feleft committee." A committee of three members was appointed. " Resolved, That an enquiry be made whtther any, and what further mealuretare neceflwry to re inforce the existing provifiong for the discharge of the public debt." Referred te the'committee of ways and meam. •' Resolved, That an enquiry be made into the afttnl fta'e of the fortification!, ports and harbors of the United States, and whether any and what further provisions are necefTary to be mule on the ftt> je<3." A committee of seven members was *>"' pciiired. • *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers