#a?ette of the tUnttelS States, Philadelphia Dally Advertiser. Numbrx 1332.3 For Boston, Tie lri s NEPT UN E, James Town, Mailer, 6 Lying at Wilcocks's wharf, will fail with all convenieat speed—For freight or paflage apply to the maftcr on board, or No. 76, North Front Street. ] Dec. 13. $s'- For Sale by Public Audtion, jit the Coffee-Houfe, on Saturday the fjib inft. al 6 j l( ,j o'clock, in the evening, o ' c The SNOW WILLIAM, tr- SAMUEL RINKER, Maste*. j Vv> f yln' r at Bethell and Coopers f wharf—hurthen one hundred and _ "eighty tons, or thereabouts, is fup p®f?d to carry 3000 barrels : She is a good veflel, and may be sent to sea at a small expence, having been completely fitted last voyage. Inven- fnry maybe seen, by applying to Captain Rioker on board, or at the counting honfe of the fubfcri l-iers. FOOTMAN «c Co. Auctioneers. In December 12. For Sale, The Ship ADELAIDE, jwg&vl-" Of Nero Tori. \\ Lying at the fubferiber'. wharf—bur- pi, £ ato tons, Ihe is a (lout well built J veifel, was built by the day for a Houfc — in New-York,under the infpcftion of a oeefon concerned in her—hasbeen only to London andCharler ron and fails fader than any vessel out of the port of New York.—Apply to < C F WILLIAM BELL. J, Who has received by the said (hip from Chariefton— c aq Tierces frefli Rice, and a few cifks of Ground Nuts. » Dec. 6. $"• For Sligo and Killibegs, The American Ship Nanct, I! Cuthbert Riggs, matter. \ vvill fail with all convenient speed. For C freight or paflage apply to William Bell ; A Who has for sale, 4 Trunks Printed Cottor ~ well aflbrted 3 Bales Ivifh Fiannels, and 2 boxes Linens 15 Pipes Brandy Madeira Wine i Indigo. Rnflia Matts. Allb, A few barrels Prime IRISH BEEF, PORK, OATMEAL, &e. November 11. 1796, mwftf FOR S ALE, 7 HB SHIP MARY, SAMUEL PARKER, Mastir, Two hnndred ton. burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take freight for Hamburg. Apply as above, Ofloher si. rt For Charter, EUEKELT, i&Mfflr Ayris STOCKLty, Matter. tJSjg'S'J An excellent live-oak and cedar built kjlljSSpifhip, of about 3000 barrels burthen.—Ap- V 7 J e Jf e & Robert Wain. Ko«- • 1 J For Sale, or Gharter, The Ship DIANA, Samuel Pile, Matter,' Burthen i°s 47-95 [ ° n » rc B itltr ' I l ? u ' !,t Philadelphia in the year 1792, ot live oak aid red and was Iheathed 13 months ago, (he has just had a compleat out-fit, and miy be sent to sea at a very trifling expenre. For terms apply to pbilip Nicklin isf Co. Irho have for sale on board said vessel, 57 calks of line yellow paint. q boxes and 12 bundles of writing slates. 1 box ink ftandi and rote prtffes. 14' bales of fail .canvass. And onkkan t H,CS.d.? TEAS SS?S~. M vo tubs Qui^kfilver. •. Bandanno handkerchiefs. A few chitts Manchetter goodswel! aflorted in Cor duroys, thickftls, Ginghams, Muflinets, Dimities, ic. - boxes hlackfewnnv'filk. i»o crates Queens ware well afiorted. 10 tons (heet lead. K«i> aflbrted, flat and Ibarp poults. "London Particular, 1 Madeira Wine in pipei London Market, f md hoglheads. New-York Market, J 4 o «p« »»<! Teneriffe wine. g tierces Sn.-.ke Root. 330 logs Mahogany. tth&ftf Nov 7. — Muran'ce Company of North-America. THF STOCKHOLDERS in this compapy are desired » .«take not ce that the second Tuesday in JasiuarT, berrg the totli da" of the month) i, the day fixed by charter for if twenty-five Dire«ors for the enfumg year. will be held a. their oflice, and commence " " The the' bye-laws of the Oorporatiop will be fnV,iu<d to their Wry tthioj. X/«e. n FOR SALE, A PLAN I'AT I ON, t EOTT i» miles from this City, situate in Ahington /'V Towftlhip, MowtgomeVy-Connty ; containing 70 %7, a new stone houfc,two I'orics high, 1 room, on e ,: oor ,( ire places in each, a ftose kitchen and tton. Ipri.'g „v.:ran excellent fprirg of water, a barn, ftajle rv << Ac. A laigo apple orchard, and a vauotj •r* ood m " dow ,v v l "■ . wood fufiicient for fire, and fencing the place : K b*A the .ft of April »e*. 1 j, y wi» be taken in exchange, «t No. 37, "■X't'ii» -eyMwiC* '3. 1 79 6 - ttf,f THURSDAT EVENING, DECEMBER 15, 1796. For Sale, By the SuMcribers—la PENN-STREET, A 65 Pipes Excellent Madeira Wine, Imported by the Ea^le. WILLI N'GS & FRANCIS. A Nov, 30 Bank of North America. , cj THE STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified tint an eleil inn for twelve tlircaon tor the cnf«vrg year will be . held at the Bank on Monday the 9th or January at ten o'clock. *• RICHARD WELLS, Cefiiief. Dec. 6. _ For Sale, a- By Jehu. HollingCworth, & Co. IS hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, A 5 Barrels bell Indigo, aad, A few thousand bUshels of Turk s lfland fait# oa. 17. d - Jult Arrived, In the (hip Dispatch, Captain Morton, from Havre de-Grace, and for faie by Isaac Snowden, j«n, No. 141, SOUTH SECOND STREET, An invoice of Gloves of various kinds, Men's V White Silk Ilofe, Black and White Laces, and a few j pieces of Bljck. Silk. 1 December 2. ft xv* [ Imported in the tate arrh'ih from Europe and the IVeJi'lndies y Holland Gin, in pipes 1 Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum 1 Martinique MolalT.s, in hogsheads Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and quarter-calks London Particular & London Market Madeira Wine, in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-cJfts I Malmfev Madeira Win*, in pipes and quarter-calks I Teneriffe Wine, in pipes I Ruflia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Duek, in cases I Window Giafs, 3 by to, in bctee Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks Mill Saws and Cross-cut Sa«'s, in boxes Also, en hand, J, I A few chells of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Afiafca tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of Co.Taes, Baftas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Mufltn Handkrr- I chiefs, md a complete alTortment of 5-4 and 6-4 1 Bjulting Cloths. c For Sale by Pragers Isf Co. October 10 diwm&thim WILLIAM SHEAFF, No. 168, HIGH-STREET. Has torSSab, Wtiolf-sals and Retail, MADEIRA WINE, of ift quality, I Old Shrrry, Lisbon, and Port Wines, I Cegnoc Brandy, ' Jamaica Spirits 1 I Wine bitters and Claret iH cases. I Also fcr sale, A few barrels of excellent Be: f. I December 7. dx ~~ For Sale, ■ \By, J. WARDER, PARKER Is? Co. An Invoice of Cordage, I Confiding of different sizes, from 11 inch cables down j to rope of a inches, ot different lengths: Imported in " the fliip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept.--7- dtf Fashionable Waistcoating. GEORGE DOBSON, No. 25, M SOUTH THIRD-STREET, a j Has received per the Diana, from London, Clouded and striped Spanilh Swanfdown Clouded Erminats and Moleficins 1 Striped do. and do. I Figured Manillas I Scarlet figured Erm:nct« j Printed Ploririetts I Do. Caflinets and Caftimtrei I Superfine printed Quiltings, newest patterns Also, per different arrivals, j A large and general aifortnuent of Dry Goods, I Suitable to the present and approaching season, I November j. ] Old London particular Madeira Wine, r- Landing from on board the barque Eagle, Capt. Bates. c . and for sale by ROBERT ANDREWS, I No. 86, Seuth Wharves. November 19. tedtf Cheap French China. ,j I THE fubferiber' finding it impossible to supply their (lore with any more China from France, the prices 1 being too immoderate in the manufa&ories, give no- I tice that t'ney will fell a' prime colt the remaining I (lack on hand, conlifling of 1 Dcfiert Setts, ;f -Tea-Table Setts I Separate Cups and Saucers a. I Groupes and Figure. Ed 1 Alabaster Vsifes rg Looking GlaflirS, in gilt frames, for Belidcs India Jjpan'd Toilet Deflts, Chairs, Tables ar -1 rud Quadrille Boxes. PASQUIEK & Co. we I Ns. 91, South Second-street. December sth. i! s be Davis's Law Book Store, I No. 313, HIGH-STREET. 1 GEORGE DAVIS announce to his prolefllonsl friends, ~ anil the Gentlemen of the Law, generally, through the 1 Uni(*i, that his laie importation of BOOKS is now arrang ed, and ready for Sale, from a single volume to an entire li- I brarv, wiihout any advance upon his former exceeding lo» !0n 1 prices, which forfeveral years paik have in so dillmguilhed a 1 manner recommended them to notice. 1 " f .inted Catalogue, combining the mod extensive oollec '''B tinncf thelateft Englilh and Inlh Editions ever imported >le, J i r;o ,hii country, are pnblifhed, and will be delivered gutir e ty Igo apelication. er- [ Orders addrtffed to G. D. in writing from any distance ice. | n-.sHhe punctually atte"dtd to. in j A nuinber of T RUNKS lor Sale. 37, ALiO, TO BE LET, i A convenient LOFT, ne»r Market Street Wharf. | Xov.B. tu&f 3 W • RAISINS. A few Calks and Boxes of Excellent Fresh RAISINS, just received, and for sale by Jofepb A nth any & Co. Also anew n 1-2 inch CABLE, no fathoms long. December 5. THE Parmerfhip of JONATHAN HARVEY & Co. I) being this day DifTolved by mutual content, those in debt- ]") ed to said firm are reaucfted to make tyeedy payment to pj Jonathan Harvay, who is authorized to receivc the fame, aad those who have any demands will pteafe to bring in their accounts to him for fettlemont The Bujinefs will be Continued By Jonathan Harvey, E at his stor;; no. 106, s. front-street Where he has for Sale, A general alTortment of Dry Goods, w November 14, 1796. $ tm T Wm. Hoi.deßnesse, No. 76, ? HIGH-STREET, A Has received by the late arrivals, ' A Well Selected Assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery, and Haberdashery GooSs, Which he will fell, wholesale and rttail, ®n the very lowest terms ; " Amongjl twbieh are S<»me elegaot 4-4 and 7-8 Chintzes and Cottons, new A I patterns Ditto Fnrnitore ditto L Ditto Dimity C I Tamboured, Book, and Jaconet Muslin* IV Ditto in Goid and Siiver Ditto Ncckcloths, very fine I Mantuas of the firfl quality Silfc and Cotton Hosiery S Umbreltai of the firft quality, aflortrd J lrifli Liuens, very fine, and Table Lincu* MarfeilUrs and Cotton Counterpanes I Rose Blankets aflorted—&c. See. r J o<iVob«r 76. d Irilh Linens, &c. j Imported per the Jh'tps Glajgawx, from Dublin f Liber j ty y from Cork, and l/tig Mentor, from Be If aft t j 4-4 and 7.8 Wide IRISH LINENS, « In whole and half boxes, Afiorted from nd, to 4s. fterttng— ; AK® 5-4 wide 0 I Sheetinjrs. and low priced yarn and worsted Hose. v On Hand, J I 7-$ Wide Lawn*. I Diapers and Table-Cloths I A few boxesTic'iiens aad Check* A few bales flannels Cork and Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6 I i$ Boxe* "*) f 6 i<y 8, 10 Ditto > Window Glass, < 7 by 9, 1 I 5 Ditto J C, Bby 10. ' < j The above mentioned Goo ls are all entitled to the 1 J drawback, aid will be disposed of by the package on J reasonable terms. James, Clibborn & F.ngiiih, < No. 6, N. Front-street. j io'.h mo. 19th. dtf I * ; Best Boston & Nova-Seotia MackarcJ, ExceHeiit Halifax Salmon in bblj. 47 bbls. prime Coffee, j Bel! Boston Beef, I C<«3ft(h in hd». , Speimaceti Candles, 1 j Spermaceti, and 7 Oil 1 Northern 3 Mould atvd dipt, tallow candles, of a superior I quality. I A few boxes excellent brown foep, | I 6 Bales of Corks. I 40 Pipes excellent Litbon Wine. I A few lacks of Feathers. A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BT JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. I Qflober at. d Delaware and Schuylkill Ganal. The StocklioWcrs are hereby notified, that the an -1 mral Eleflion for Offiaers for the ensuing year, will I be held at the Company's office, near the Bank of the y I United States, on the firft M»nday in Jitiuary next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. By the Board of Manager*. WM. MOORE SMITH, Sec'ry. — I Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1796. TO BE SOLD, J A LEASE fcr ftven years,from tie "15th March next, in that capital and beautiful FARM, called P R O S P E C T-H ILL, j Situated within one quarter of a mile fron the Brandywine I Mills, and half a mile from the borough of Wilmington. „j r I dwelling house is built of stone, two stories high, I genteely finiftied, and contains four handf>me rooms on I a floor, befidcs an entry, with capital garrets, and convenient °" I cellars. It is generally thought to command the mod a 1g I greeable profpeft ot the Delaware, from the source of that I live! to tW Capes. This profpeft ia gieptly ernbeliilhed by I a full view of avail body ot meadow, through which the I Chriilia/ia and Brandywine crccks are seen winding in beau- I tiful meanders. Near the house are a Kitchen, a spacious I stone flable and hayloft a barn, a carriage house, mifk -1 house, See. and a well of as pute water as any on the conti j nent. The garden contains an acre and quarter of land, a- I hounding with fruit, and particularly with peach trees, iof I the very belt kind, brought tiora Maryland, and in tull bear- I ing. There is, moreover, on the place, a young, apple I orchard beginUw to bear, and leveral old trees that produce 118 1 abundantly, bcfide* cherry and other ornamental trees, in I great numbers. The farm consists of near sixty acres of Und, I of good quality, 'and clear of incumbiances, except taxes, I twenty ot which erenow iu excellent clover and timothy, ds, I and ten more will be ready lor lowing next spring. A re the I fid;nceot nearly 8 yearj has convinced the fubferiber that np- I the fituatien is rcmvtkably hcalihy. The great post road it- I from Philadelphia to the Southward runs within seventy ow I yards of the house. In a word, the beauties and conveni d a I ence of thiifituation cannot be enumerated in an advertise- I ment, and when examined, will probably command the at iec I tention of any person who isdcfimus of living at on« of the ted j moll elegant country feats on the continent. The purebefer ni! I may enter on the premiss nCstfpnnf, or perhaps, this fall, j if application be immediately made to Doctor NICHOLAS nee j WAY, in Philadelphia, to Do&or WHARTO.I4, on th« j premises, or, in his abience, to Mr. GECMG&TRUIIT, in I Wilmington. I A quantity of excellent Hsy, Grain in thr ground, some I *?tock, &c, may be had by the puicbafcr at ;!.c ;iine of sale* v I Nov. 7 cadtf For Sale, By George Defchamps, No. 91, NORTH SIXTH-STREET, Nova-Scotia Prime Salmon, in barrels and half barrels Ditto Herring and Mackarel. Smoaked Herring in barrel? and kegs Ditto Salmon, by the dozen or single one Dry Codfifh, from one to fifty kcntals Fine and coarse' Salt Nova-Scotia and French Flatter of Paris, in the ftonc and ground, for manure and stucco-work December r. §tf Imported from London £5° Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in cratci and hogiheads, w«'i assorted Wine Bottles in lumpers Window Glass of all ii/ei Two cases of stationary One chest of yellow Jesuits Bark Two cases of Roll Arnctta A small cpnfignment of Rose Blankets, Flannels, Baizes, Broad-cloths, Coatings, Plains, &c. Paints of various colors. Basket fait in hogiheads. Also on hand, Madeira wine, very old, in pipes, hogfkeads and quarter caiks Holland gin in pipes, firft quality Anchors of different fires A few trunks of ladies French {hoes a (Tor ted Silk nan keen, &c. Likewise an aflortment of Dutch goods, confift'.ng of Ofnafcerps, ticklenbergs, bed-ticks, stripes, checks. Morlaix linen, platillas, ravens duck, Britannias, And for sale by the package only by Thomas & "John Ketland. Walnut-street Wharf. Nov. 15. eojf MR. FENNELL Rt/prfifidly fubhiits to the public patronage his in tention of delivering, during the ensuing winter, A OOliRSk Of Readings and Recitations, Moral, Critical, and Entertaining } Consisting chiefly of detached picces, JeleiTted frqjm the molt admired authors, in prose and ver.fe: —Ar- luch .a planner as to exhibit a linking display of the human passions, and the gradml influence of vices on the mind contrasted with that of their Oppa fite virtues, in affesi»g th? happiness of man and the welfare of natieas. Ihe readings will be uccafionaUy interspersed with observations on the ipoft celebrated authors, And the ART of SPEAKING. The whole intended as a eombiued system of moral, critical, historical, and oratorical inftrwilion, calcula ted to form the patriot and .the mas, and lay a fomi daiion for the science of moral and political govern ment. The coarse will consist of thirty readings. Each reading will be delivered in the morning and evening of the fame day. The dayi of reading will be Tuesdays & Tluirfdays. i he morning readings will commence at 10 o'c.ock, and the evening at 7. None but fjbfcribcrs will be admitted to the morn* ir.g reaiinj». The evening readings will be publie, tif wTiTClllU# fubferiptions will be received. SuWcriptioo to the moruings 8 dollars. Subscription to the evening readings 10 dollars. Oceafional admillion tickets to the evening reading* half a dollar. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Foul fon, jun. at the Library, to whom the Ladies and Gentlemen who may be inclined to honor the underta king with thrir patronage, are refpe{lfu)l/ requited to \ fend their names. Dec, it. W*- For Sale, A capital (land for buGnefi— rhat well known tavern, the Ewe aud Lambs, North Front Street, No. 333* 111 th* Northern Liberties! a brick house containing nine fire places, and ten rooms well finiftied ; good (tables and „ chair-house, with a frame-houfe on Water street ; the building (lands on four lots, seventeen feet front each, ma king a front on front-ftreet, thirty four feet, and nearly the fame on Water-street, and is one hundred and forty i* feet deep from ftrcet to flreet, fubjeft to £S. 10s. each il I lot per annum, ground rent, this property is near the hay le scales, and public docks, easy communication with the t, Delaware waters and aivantageoufly Ctuated for buGfteft of various kinds. The above premises are now re«ted until December neat at £.17,5PPr* r annum.—Enquire of toe Printer. — Dec 11. §iwaaw6w. On Wednesday, the 28th inft. at At 6 o'clock in the evening tvill be fold at Public-Fen due, (if not before disposed of at private fate J at the City-Tavern, ne All that capital mansion-house, ftabies, out-houfes, See. and three contiguous traits »f land fituare on the Weft-fida H, of Schuylkill in the township of Blockley and cOnnty of >n Philadelphia, generally known by the name of Lanfdown, "t containing 199 acres let perches more or lefsand a nitlu. a- age plantation and tra£t of land in Blockley township a at forefaid.adjoining Lanfdown, containing 64 acres one ?V psreh. , hc The premises are so well known as to nted no particular u " 1 description. Few feats in America can compare with ul ! Lanfdown for convenience and elegance; it commands * .* variety of rich beautiful profpeds and is remarkably heal " t>.y. Terms »f sale will be made known by PHILiP NICKLIN, ■) Attoraiej in ° AND f fact to le ROBERT E. GRIFFITH, J James Greenloaf. ce Dec. la. $tig. j™ Mrs Grattan refpedtfully inforais the fubferibera to the y* Ladies' Concert, e " That the firft will be 011 Thursday the 2ind of December, and Mrs. Grattan takes the liberty of re " questing the fubferibers to fend for their tickets any day after Thursday the 13th, at No- 39. N. Sixth fe- street. it- Mrs. Grattan begs leave to inform the Ladies ana he Gentlemen of the City, that the subscription-book ia xt m her house, No. 39, North Sixth-flneet, for the re "» ception of those names who wish to honor her with their commands. A fubfeription for eight nights sixteen dollars, inckding a Gentleman and Lady'» ,D ticket, both transferable. Half fuHfcriptions eight T,e doliars, iifcluding one ticket. Single ticket two dot* lirs. December 7. I IW [Volume. X»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers