Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 31, 1796, Image 1

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" " . - " 5 '- %* . . *' * <
j #aiztu of the tEnitetj States, <& Philadelphia j
.. — * * ' "
John Green & Co. c
H»ve for Sale, on low terms, for Calh »r the usual g
credit, j
A General AJfortment of I
Ironmonger)', Cutlery, Brass and Ja- |
panned Wares, s
And a quantity of Groorv! White Lead, and Spanilh j.
Brown in Oil and Powder. I
likewise, C
A small invoice of Hats, of different qualities. S
oaok-r 26. I
- J
To be fold by au&ion, t
At the Merchant's Coffee-Hmife, on 4th
* day, the second of next month, at 6o' 0
clock in the evening,
Philadelphia bailt, of cedar and live-»ak; burthen
about 360 toss; (he is in good order, nuw ready to take
in a cargo —This ship being well known, It is needless
giving a detail of further particulars, as any person in- "
clining to purchase may be informed thereof by enquir- .
inir of the Captain on board, Jefle and Robert Wain, or .
John Field & Son. '
The terms of payment will b« approved notes At
1, 4, and 6 months.
10th mo. 29th. dtV>
On TUESDAY, the ift November, at 7 o'clock,
at the C'ofFee-Houfe,
Will be Sold by Public AuEtion,
The ship DOLPHIN, r
Captain George Graham, as (he now
at the Oid Diflil-Hoofe Wharf,
the Swedes Church —this veflel
is supposed to csrrjrHt&oo (0 iSoobarreU —the inven
tory may be feen'at the fubicriuer*V-»aw l --«_t}ie CofTee- _»
Footman Ss 5 Co. Auctioneers,
O&ober 29. 1
TffiyaS Theodore Bliss, master.
A new ship, on her second voyage, with the best
accommodations for passengers, and is intended to lail
with all expedition. For freight or pafl'age apply to
the Master on board, or to
Thomas iff John Clifford:
Who have just imported in fiid veffsl, and have for
sale, besides their general aflbrtinont
A quantity of fine drawn and common iharp and
flat point NAILS ; double & Angle roll'd Sheet Iron ;
Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes ;
London and Bristol Pewter in calks, aflorted j boxes
ef Tin Plates ; «afes of Men's, Women's and Boys'
Hats ; crates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crates
of Phials; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of long
and Ibort Pipes; Copper in Sheets; Oval Quart Bot
tles in lilrrrpcrrr alio, a "ftrw Jaflts nLfesillcd Beer,
and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli
Oaober»7- m&th2v
f or Charter)
Ship Dominich Terry,
Jacob De Hart, master : an excellent
of about 3000 barrels burthen.
Jeffe Iff Robert Wain.
September «i. ■ d
f or Charter,
Danish Barque BenEventuf.Aj i
M Yj<v Samuel Stub, master, '
A good vcflcl, of about two hundred
tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WAJ.N.
Sept. 17. dtf
Ths capital/hip CERES,
f° on : —freight or pafl'age
to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
_ _r - yohn Vaughan^
September 10. Front-street.
The Brig MART,
Lying at Meflrs. Willings and Francis's
wharf,burthen 1000 barrels, built in Phihdetphia in 1793
of live oak and red cedar. l —She is well found, and may '
be sent to Tea at a small expeace. For terms apply to
Gurney & Smith. ,
oa. 6. dtf. 1
For Bolton, Newbury-Port and Ports- i
mouth, New-Hampfliire,
- The Schooner LUCT, !
• ( V Daniel Prowfe, master; will fair in 1
t the cour! " e of a week, and take freight '
on moderate terms, for which, or '
• ' pjfTage, apply 011 board, or to f
Joseph Anthony, & Co. '
Ociober 17. j ®
For SALE, \
The Schooner INDUSTRY, 1
J'- r hs fixty-fcyen tons burthen, almost a new s
veifel and well found. Eor terms apply to 1
]Joseph Anthony & Co. '
I f the Industry is not fold ;n a few days, (he will take
freight very law for Boston.
Ofttber 24. ' <J7 j
For Fr.eight or Charter,
ran The ship COMMERCE, !
AWfbfti new veQel, tans burthen, and will
be.ready to receive a cargo in a few days. For
trims apply on board at Bright's wharf, or to
Joseph Anthony & Co.
For Sale on board the abov; Vrjftl,
A quantity of excellent COAL.
Q. a Persons having goods oa board, are eafneftly icqueft
«d to tnd their pcrn»i;».
October ai. di 6t
Out of different vejfels from England, and for sale
by the fubjcribers on reasonable terms,
Superfine and common cloths, and caflimers
Ribbed and striped do. do.
Blankets, mottled green and silk rugs.
■ Sajicrfine blue, Claret, and c»m;na:i coatings,
Kerseys, Bear-Jkins, plains and Halfthichs,
Swaolkins, Serges and Flannels, \
' Britilh Ingrain Carpeting,
Hstsa£brted ui cases of 1 a dpt. each.
Cikocol'dtc chlnties, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs.
Scarlet Cardin&ls, and Scarlet Snail,
Yarn, Worllcd, and Cotton hosiery,
. Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c.
Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a superior quality.
Gdk;Bd. lod Ud. aod. naih, and frying pans,
1 Anaffortmcnt of Ironmongcrry, Cutlery and a variety
' of India cotton, and silk go.,ds.
Thsmas Iff JoJhua Fijher.
No. 5, Dock-fttrect.
1 Also by the Glasgow from Dublin,
1 1-8 and 4-4 frifti Linens alforted in boxes of 30 pieces,
' do. Brown, Glazed Linnen.
s Oil. 17. dtf.
■ The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis
bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf—
[ 28 Pipes of Brandy
18 Bales of Spanilh wool
3 do. of Annifecd
7000 Bulhels of belt Lilbon Salt
80 Boxes of Lemons
Seventy Hoglhcads of prime JAMAICA SUGAR)
received by the ship Dominkk Terry, Capt. De Hai
' from Kingston.
' Sept. 13. d
Just Arrived,
Ay the Fly, Caftciirx fiubher, from London,
Double racked, Brown Stout Porteb
in hpgfheads.
Painters' Colours, in i-a and 1-4 eWt. kegs, packed
Copperas in hogsheads.
Whiting, &c. For Sale by
, Peter Blight.
Oitober 25. dxttsaw
} For Sale,
0 This day Landing from on board the fliip Concur:,
Captain Thompson, from Amjlerdam,
Gin, in pipes
r Gin Cases
Hock in cases of 4 doz.
Gllifs Tumblers in chests
, Sweet Oil in eases
Patte Graffe Cheese in boxes, tp"c.
Also Landbig by the Louisa, Capt. Bell, from Lifb
60 Quarter-calks Lisbon Wine.|
On Hand, ■
A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, See. '
Peter Blight.
October 17. da\% eozV
Tor Sale,
By Jehu Hollingjworth, & 'Co.
25 hhds. Weft-India Rum, 3d aad 4th proof,
5 Barrels bell Indigo, and,
A few thousand bulhels of Turk's llland fait,
oa. 17. d,
An elegant HOUSE, No. 78, Walnut
WHICH is 25 feet front, by 171 feet deep, with
lot adjoining, 20 1-2 feet wide, by 72 feet 8 inche
deep. (This lot is back of the house occupied b
George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely finift
ed in every refped. It is 50 feet deep, has tw
d large parlours, the front one 24 feet, the back one i
22 feet, by 18 1-2 feet, a handsome drawing-room
24 1-2 feet by 24 feet. The rooms below, the draw
- ing-room and the chambers adjoining, have mahogan
doors, and these as well as the rooms above them hav
a communication with each other. The height in th
ftrft and second story is 12 feet, And have ftoco cor
re nice?, aad nine rooms up flairs, besides the garrets
)r which are divided into three rooms, a good kitchen
waft-houfc, milk and bathing-houses, a laree ice
We,-* primpin the yard, and a 3 feet 3 inch alley
_ that leads into Fourth-,lreet, The cellars arc la.d wit
lime, and floored with two inch plank, and p] a ftere<
The yard is well paved, and the house is clear <
ground-rent. All the rooms have bells in them, an
>s ! chamber bells ring in the garret, as well as in tl
entry dpwn flairs. All the chambers have white tile
v excep f, the f i>e , next . t0 the drawing room, which h;
ai well as; he drawing-room and the two parlours b,
ow, marble chimney pieces. The drawing-room, tl
rr °r J r* , a,id ihe entr y> are „«,
the thud story: In the room over the kitchen is a
• f °r h IT -li" r a(h ,00m there is an oven, an
- the back buildings, from the cellar, all the way u.
have large closets, and in the cellar is a large bott
rack, a wine store is; taken off of the cellar, fnd thre
bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said roor
„ with padlocks to them ; the whole cellar and the c«4
1 O, crcd as a "y room in the houfi
r p r Jf « e Un u m evtr >' ref P ea completely finift
f'yf® 0 " abc B' ve " in days after the ho,ii
s fold. Two brick ftablcs in Walnut-street, wit
two coach houses. one of them will hold two carr
- ages, the other one. The smallest K ab le has room fc
three, and the largest for fotlr horses. It } s isi , f
front ."g_Walnut-sreet by 50 feet. , in.W )
have etciUent lofts qver thim.
v and laid with lime and two-inch plank, and the cellars
will hold about 100 pipes of wine: Is clear of ground
rent, and has the privilege of an 11 1-1 feet alley, that
e leads i«o I-ifth-ftreet. Also a brick store, 33
on rourth-flreet, by 50 feet deep, which might at a ]
fmal. txpence beturned into a handsome dwelling house ]
..avinj b«n fo-tontrivedintbe l>uildi ng . I t has a yard
40 fee: 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa- '
ter punp, and other conveniences, and the cellar is laid
> with two inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars
per month. This building is fubjeel to a ground rent of .
II dolars 3-4 per annum. The store and stables I would
give immediate pofleflion of.
George Meade,
„ . /3, Walnut Street.
l - _ dx. I
An APPRENTICE to the PnrUng Eufine*. \
inq«re at this Office. '
| ' (
Irish Linens, &£.
Imported per the Jbips Glafgozv, from Dublin, L 'tbe
ty, from Cork, and biig Mentor, from Self aft,
4-4 md 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENij
In whole and half boxes,
Affsrted from lid. to 49. fferling—Alfo j-4 wit
Sheetings, and low priced yarn and vrerftcd Hose.
On Hand,
7-3 Lawnt.
Di.iptrs u»d Tayt-Clorhs
At fevv'JfcxesTickens ancf Checks
A few bales Flannels
Cork and Bclfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6
35 Boxes } f 6by 8,
10 Ditto > Window Glass, < 7 by 9,
5 Ditto J > (. 8 by *4>.
The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to t.
drawback; find will be disposed of by the package 1,
r?a£onable terms.
James, Clibborn & Engiifli,
No. 6, N. Front-ftrec
loth mo. dtf
Just Imported,
In the fchocu:r Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Maderi
and to he fold by
A • - 0 - r ---
ing Success.
■ totw, and Told tw Mr. Benjaraii
D.-.vies, No. 68, Market-street, and-the principal
Bookfcllers in the City.
CVRoberaS, * eoj
J" his Day is Published,
By William Cobhett, opposite Clirft-Churdl, f
An Aniwer to Paine's Rights of Man,
By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh.
To which is added, ,
A Letter to Citizen Swanwick,
B y Peter Porcupine.
„ indicated to BodW Joseph Priertley,
Fellow «f the Royal Society of I.cndo D , Citizen of
America and Deputy- to the Nations! Convcn
tion ot i ranct.
hi ■
V".'On artel, c<B.i Sw -
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes.
Enouire it the Office of the Gazette of the United
States, «I 9 Chefnut-ftreet.
September 27.
A CLOSE COACH, which has run about 7 months
a P air of brown, able-bodied horsks, for sale
0 " e " termS - A PP'y at No * 6 3. foXth Third-
P. S The coach is more particularly calculated for the
winter season, ha»mglarge glafc lights and Vcauiaa blinds.
October s 4 . dlw
' ■ '..s# Ct "')• ••