> , • - : f /; VJ " " . - " 5 '- %* . . *' * < j #aiztu of the tEnitetj States, <& Philadelphia j MOVDAr EVENING, OCTOBER 3,, .796. .. — * * ' " No. 18, NORTH SECOND-STREET, j John Green & Co. c H»ve for Sale, on low terms, for Calh »r the usual g credit, j A General AJfortment of I Ironmonger)', Cutlery, Brass and Ja- | panned Wares, s And a quantity of Groorv! White Lead, and Spanilh j. Brown in Oil and Powder. I likewise, C A small invoice of Hats, of different qualities. S oaok-r 26. I - J To be fold by au&ion, t At the Merchant's Coffee-Hmife, on 4th * day, the second of next month, at 6o' 0 clock in the evening, WB&n. Ship WILLIAM PENN, Philadelphia bailt, of cedar and live-»ak; burthen about 360 toss; (he is in good order, nuw ready to take in a cargo —This ship being well known, It is needless giving a detail of further particulars, as any person in- " clining to purchase may be informed thereof by enquir- . inir of the Captain on board, Jefle and Robert Wain, or . John Field & Son. ' The terms of payment will b« approved notes At 1, 4, and 6 months. 10th mo. 29th. dtV> On TUESDAY, the ift November, at 7 o'clock, at the C'ofFee-Houfe, Will be Sold by Public AuEtion, The ship DOLPHIN, r Captain George Graham, as (he now at the Oid Diflil-Hoofe Wharf, the Swedes Church —this veflel is supposed to csrrjrHt&oo (0 iSoobarreU —the inven tory may be feen'at the fubicriuer*V-»aw l --«_t}ie CofTee- _» House. Footman Ss 5 Co. Auctioneers, O&ober 29. 1 For BRISTOL, L PHI LAD EL PHI A, TffiyaS Theodore Bliss, master. A new ship, on her second voyage, with the best accommodations for passengers, and is intended to lail with all expedition. For freight or pafl'age apply to the Master on board, or to Thomas iff John Clifford: Who have just imported in fiid veffsl, and have for sale, besides their general aflbrtinont r{ IRONMONGERY, A quantity of fine drawn and common iharp and flat point NAILS ; double & Angle roll'd Sheet Iron ; Iron Pots, Kettles, and Iron Weights, of all sizes ; London and Bristol Pewter in calks, aflorted j boxes ef Tin Plates ; «afes of Men's, Women's and Boys' Hats ; crates of earthen and flint Glass Ware ; crates of Phials; boxes of Window-Glass ; boxes of long and Ibort Pipes; Copper in Sheets; Oval Quart Bot tles in lilrrrpcrrr alio, a "ftrw Jaflts nLfesillcd Beer, and two bales of Superfine Broadcloths and Cafli meres. Oaober»7- m&th2v f or Charter) Ship Dominich Terry, Jacob De Hart, master : an excellent of about 3000 barrels burthen. Jeffe Iff Robert Wain. September «i. ■ d f or Charter, Danish Barque BenEventuf.Aj i M Yjs ! chamber bells ring in the garret, as well as in tl entry dpwn flairs. All the chambers have white tile v excep f, the f i>e , next . t0 the drawing room, which h; ai well as; he drawing-room and the two parlours b, ow, marble chimney pieces. The drawing-room, tl rr °r J r* , a,id ihe entr y> are „«, the thud story: In the room over the kitchen is a • f °r h IT -li" r a(h ,00m there is an oven, an - the back buildings, from the cellar, all the way u. have large closets, and in the cellar is a large bott rack, a wine store is; taken off of the cellar, fnd thre bins to hold bottled liquor are made in said roor „ with padlocks to them ; the whole cellar and the c«4 1 O, crcd as a "y room in the houfi r p r Jf « e Un u m evtr >' ref P ea completely finift f'yf® 0 " abc B' ve " in days after the ho,ii s fold. Two brick ftablcs in Walnut-street, wit two coach houses. one of them will hold two carr - ages, the other one. The smallest K ab le has room fc three, and the largest for fotlr horses. It } s isi , f front ."g_Walnut-sreet by 50 feet. , in.W ) have etciUent lofts qver thim. v and laid with lime and two-inch plank, and the cellars will hold about 100 pipes of wine: Is clear of ground rent, and has the privilege of an 11 1-1 feet alley, that e leads i«o I-ifth-ftreet. Also a brick store, 33 on rourth-flreet, by 50 feet deep, which might at a ] fmal. txpence beturned into a handsome dwelling house ] ..avinj b«n fo-tontrivedintbe l>uildi ng . I t has a yard 40 fee: 6 inches wide, by 24 feet deep, has a rain wa- ' ter punp, and other conveniences, and the cellar is laid > with two inch plank, and is now rented at 40 dollars per month. This building is fubjeel to a ground rent of . II dolars 3-4 per annum. The store and stables I would give immediate pofleflion of. George Meade, „ . /3, Walnut Street. l - _ dx. I 1- WANTS D, An APPRENTICE to the PnrUng Eufine*. \ inq«re at this Office. ' | ' ( Irish Linens, &£. Imported per the Jbips Glafgozv, from Dublin, L 'tbe ty, from Cork, and biig Mentor, from Self aft, 4-4 md 7-8 Wide IRISH LINENij In whole and half boxes, Affsrted from lid. to 49. fferling—Alfo j-4 wit Sheetings, and low priced yarn and vrerftcd Hose. On Hand, 7-3 Lawnt. Di.iptrs u»d Tayt-Clorhs At fevv'JfcxesTickens ancf Checks A few bales Flannels Cork and Bclfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. I and 6 35 Boxes } f 6by 8, 10 Ditto > Window Glass, < 7 by 9, 5 Ditto J > (. 8 by *4>. The above mentioned Goods are all entitled to t. drawback; find will be disposed of by the package 1, r?a£onable terms. James, Clibborn & Engiifli, No. 6, N. Front-ftrec loth mo. dtf Just Imported, In the fchocu:r Lucy, Capt. Prows, from Maderi and to he fold by ELLISTON y JOHN PEROT, A • - 0 - r --- ing Success. Bv GEOFFRY TOUCHSTONE. ■ totw, and Told tw Mr. Benjaraii D.-.vies, No. 68, Market-street, and-the principal Bookfcllers in the City. CVRoberaS, * eoj J" his Day is Published, By William Cobhett, opposite Clirft-Churdl, f An Aniwer to Paine's Rights of Man, By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. To which is added, , A Letter to Citizen Swanwick, B y Peter Porcupine. „ indicated to BodW Joseph Priertley, Fellow «f the Royal Society of I.cndo D , Citizen of America and Deputy- to the Nations! Convcn tion ot i ranct. OS.il hi ■ V".'On artel, c