Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 25, 1796, Image 4

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By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefout-ftreet, i
(Price I» 1-2 Cents) I H&ve I
The President's Address
T» the People of the United States, , ge»er
"Announcing his intention of retiring from public life
at the expiiatibn of the prefcat couftitutional term ei
presidency. ; Rofc
September Jo. a FLA]
Watson's Answer taGiBBOK. , hai
And for faie by J. OfcMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftriet, c<jm
Apology for Christianity, I ding Tl
In a ferte' of Letters, (tddrejfed to Septi
Edward Gibbon,
"Author of the Hiitory of the Decline and Fall of tie
Roman Empire;
Br R- WATSON, D. ». F. K. s. Eifhop of Landiff. "C'OR
(Price 75 cents bound ) f do
Wktfoirs Answer to Paine, <*ntfr<
To be h*d at the f:ime plate. 1
The enemies of Rih&ion are awake I Let not' her *
friends sleep. ~
Sept. 1. mw&ftf t %
Philip Nicklin & Co. j*
Souchong >. 5
Hyson Skin '■/ . —<—
. Young Hyson FRESK TEAS 133*
Hyson and \ 4018
: Imperial ; — 1
*' "Yellow Narifceens " 6350
China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Gheftt By
Quickfilyer _ _ in 8
Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in erfon
London Market 3 MADEIRA WINE tores
London particular >in pipes, hogfteads, & m «* c
.New-York Market } quarter calks m "J 1
Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogfi«eads
Sugar Candy by the Box
Sad Canvas No. x a 8
Lead In Iheets _ ct , m
3 Calks of Cutlery affortecl
A few chcfts of Mai.r.heitcr Goods,
f&i, eords, striped Nankeens, &c.
3 Small packages of black.fewing-'filks
8 Tierces Virginia Snake-rom.
Nails alTorted in calks 1
•yuly iS
70,000 Pieces Nankeens, j^:
Of the befi quality and on reafor.a&le terms,
iok SA£K BV a
tPhilip Nicklin & Co> 01
Autptft t6. daily
For' Bale, • £"; (
A Three-story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, In Chefnut ir( ; ,
street, between Front Mid Second ftraets, in which -j-
Messrs. lames Calbraith & Co. have for many (and of F
Bow do) carried on bofineft. w j[]
Foffeffion wijl b« given in one month, or sooner. G
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or .v-
April X,. L_
A Ma.nufadory FOR SALE. |P™
A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, fuutte accc
in a convenient part of the city ; the wopks dlmoft new,
on an entirely original conftruflion, and built of the b«ft
niatCrials, and may be fel to work immediately. Perfoils *y
who with to purchase, arc requested to apply at No. 273, a ~ _
Suuth Second Stteet.
' "" September 13. „ ttf tf the
-—— y — reqi
Brokers Omce, and i
Hoi 6j S*uth Third street, opposite the national new J l ; n
u hawe entered into co-partnerfhtp, under the firm of If ;n , T
FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers,
C<»»veyaiicerj and CommiHion merchants. They buy and
fell on commission every fpeeies of stock, nbtes of hand,
bills of exchange, houses and lands, &C.
Money procured on depoflts, &c. fee. all kinds e r "K
writings in the rt>!iveyaf>ciO£ line, done with neatness and J.
iifpatch; accounts adjiifted, and books fettled, in the )of
. »ioft correct manner. Constant attendance will be given. ! per
They solicit a fliare of the public favor ; they are deter- 1
Blined to endeavour to deserve it. 18
N. B. The titmoft a A
Wijlad. August 47. 1790- m&wtf 1 pai
Trcafury Department, i I
September zB, 1796. j"
NOTICE is hereby given, thit proposals will be re- "
ceived at the oflke of the Secretary of the Treatury | "
until the expiration of the firft day of "MaJ-ch rlext en- 1 "
fulng, for thefupply of all rations \#Ktch may he required j "
'for the use of the United, States, from the 'firft. day of "
jrane, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both "
riays inelufive, at the places and within tne diftrids lure- "
after mentioned, vii'. At Ofwego; at Niagira ; at "
Pjsfque lfle; at Sandu&y Lake, and on Sandulky "
River ; at Detroitat Michilimackinic; at Fort-Frank- "
lin; at Kttfburgh ; at Cincinnati; at ForfHamilton j "
at Fort Et. Clair; at Foi't-Jw-fifrfon; at Grenviile; at ''
Picqiie Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at
Fort Wayjle; at Fort Dcfiance j at any pdace- below Fort Tt
•Defiance on the Miami River to La&c Eric; at Fort m
Steuben ; at For; M; at any place from Fort MafTac fc
to the foutk boundary of the United States oh the river pi
'Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ou id tan on. ci
If fuppliej shall be required for any polls or places riot is
mentioned in this notice, all such supplies fball be ftlr- %
nilhcd at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the
polls beft!re recited, or as maj* be hereafter agreed on 7
between the United States and the Contractor.
The r'afions to be fdpplied are to confiil of the fol
lowing articles, viz. /,
One pc'uajl two ounces of bread or flotir.
One pound fwo Otuiecs of beef, Or fourteen duncel of fl
pork or bacoii. t
■Half a gill of rurij, hrantJy rr whiskey. t
One quart and half a pint of fait."} , t
85?»."ysr :
Ore pound of Candles, j 1
The rations are to be furrifhed in such quantities, as that c
there Iball at all times Juriug the said term, be Pj&cient /
- for the consumption of the troops at MichUimackinac, De
troit, Niagara, -and Ofwrgo, far the term of fix month# in
advance, and at each ot the other posts, fo*the term of
at least three'months in advance, in good shh wholesome
provifions,iffhc Tame &au"be required. It is to be un
derload, that the isto be at therjt«ente and
Ti(k of ifftiirgthe fuppliss <o the troops at each post, and
that all lofles fultained By the depredations of an enemy, or 1
Yy means'of the troops of the United States, ihall be paid
for at the price of the articl.s captnred or destroyed, on
the depo(jtions of two or more persons of creditaible cha
radters, and the'ccrtificatc ot a commifltoncd officer, af
certainiug the circumstances of the loss, and the aniouut
of ths at ticks fin which compensation (hall be claimed
( -Secretary of the Treasury.
I JOHN MILLER, Jun, fe Co.
1 Have Imported in the late vessels from Europf> occ.
A general afiortment of GOODS, to the fca.on
Amongst which are, I
C T>ROAD and narrow CLOTHS, , AC
JD Plain and twill'd COATINGS, LAN(rn
Rose striped a*d point BLANKEI*S, one ina
HATS alTorted in cases, , a Profs
INDIA GOODS, generally, , Oifto
t A Consigned Invoice of RV,
Comprising a capitalaffortnwinto open auore—inclWr »
. ding Thirty Catfm of NAILS. This invoice will be lol<\ - 11,
entire on very advantageous terms.
September 10. .
a£ Lottery
ff. t-'OR raising fixthoufand fix hundred and Cxty-fevcn ,
r dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudtion of fifteen per
cent frdm the r-rizee, aitd not two blanks to a prus. viz TH
I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 g r ivec
I tooo 1000 and ac
Hr t 500 J- 00 phlet '
5 ioo .city, i
— 10 ISO ICO ° Jul'
jo <95° —
Zl '-i
zoao lo .ipoo
5 Last 'dwWE tiwubers ef 1000 doliars each, <000 j
1331 Prizes. 44,4J0 A 1
4018 Blanks. 1° a«i
floor, ]
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,fi° l,oufe,
By order of the Directors of the Society for eltabhm
ing Uiciul Manufactures, the foperiutendants of the Pat- ot hc r f
in erlon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the JIK I v,
forgoing S.heme to the public, and have dircfted them otl ma
to refund the riioney to those persons who have purchaled wiilb
& in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets Notts
in this Lattery. , , ; u
The lottery his iSually colr.menced dfawmg, and will
continue tintilfitiilhed. A lift of the and PnZcs |
may be fcen at thcofficc oi William Blfrcltburn, No. 64
south Seeotid street, who will give iuformatian whei etitt
ets may be procured. iVI
. , Dated this 17th day nf June, 1796. w;)r
jck " y. N- GUMMING, 7. VV X
JACOB R. KARDENBERG, >■ Mafiigets.
1 . . . dtfe ° r Sef
Samuel Rjchardet,
■ o ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Th
£v Merchant*, that he has this da'/ openers the CITY
city of Philadelrhia. warr
* The Sttbfcription Ro i oni will be furr.ilhed with au the ■ q
daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-"\ork, Bos- „<
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial citirt of Europe—They will be regularly filed
:fnut md none permitted to be taken away on any account. At .
rhich Tea> Co ff ce> Spupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
( 11,(1 of French Liquors; together with the ulual refrefiitiicuts,
will at all tiihes be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with r^ K
the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
approved Malt Liquors iromLondon and other breweries. |
§ The Larder will befupplied with the pruhe and earliell
I produ&ior.s of the Season. s um .
Large and fnaall Parties, or Angle Gentlemen, may be rtm(
ltutte accommodated With Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
r ' cw ( : ; hcmrs most conv nient to thimfelves—a cold Collation is <ui.
-rfon- rsgulariy kept for couvenieticy, -the till of Fare to be had
"j,, at tho bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniftied, aao
tf the tftnioft attention paid to cleanlinefb, and every other
requilite. _ ;
SaUuel RieHAßDET\vill behappyto receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
Batik. ' himfelf that nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre- .■, ,
.EED, serve that patronage with Wfciah"he has Veen so diftinguilh- v
■m of h ingly honored.
okers, PHKadelphia, April 19. ! mwf
ly and ■ ;
hand, Treifury of the United States.
ads c r "KTOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or
:fs and IN may be Creditors of the United Stales, for any funis
in the of the Fwiu.d, or Siocl, baring a fttfenl infr,jl v/fx
given. ! per centum per ennurrt. -.
deter- 1 ift, Thri purfuan; to an A<st of Congress passed on the
aßth day of April, 1796, intitledan ait in addition to an
' aA, intituled " Au a<St making fuither provifmn for the
ES, support of public credit, and for the redemption of the
public debt," the said debt or stock will be re-imburfed and
tf 1 paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends 1
" ! " to be made on the'lall days of March, June and Septenv
i " ber for theprefe'ntyear, andfrOtti theyear onethoufasd T
]" seven hundred arid ninety-seven, to the year one thou- 2'.
be re- ' " sand eight hundred &. eighteen ioclu&ve,at the rate of -
reatury j " one and one half per cetrtum flpon the original capital. J
ext en- " Secondly, by dividends to be matk on the last day Of —
tquired |" December for the present year, and from the year one 1
day of : " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year Tic
5, both " one thousand eight hundred and feveuteen inelufive, at Cid
s " the rate of tbree and one half per centum upon the ori- j
ra ; at " ginal capital; and by 4 dividend to be male on the last ar
ndufky day of December, in the year one thoojind eight hun- all]
Frank- " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then adc
nikon } " quate, according to the cotitrad, for. the final redenip- Vat
lie; at il tion of the farfftock."
ms; at ad. All dlftindion between payments on account ef fro
w Fort TnStrtfl and Principal being thus aboliltad by the eftabiitti- it.i
at Fort ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement above de- as
MafTac scribed, it his becfltne neceifarv to vary accordingly the the
te river powers of attorney for receiving dividends-; the publid th<
creditors will therefore observe that the following form A
ices riot is for all powers of attpjifJy which may bo thi
be far- granted alter the due promulgation ot this notice, tiz. wi
d at the ° KNOW ALL MEN Br THESE PRESENTS, that Ui
reed on / • of
, do make, conjiitutc and appoint 1°
the fcl- r* my true andllivfitl At
tortey, fjrme, andin fry name, to rbitw tlx dividends iljfooh are, °u
or jLll 111 guarding it lav;, on ibt (hei# defcribitlg the
of stock) finding in my name in the books of (here defcribing«ihe th
books of the Tieafury or the of Loans, th
the flork is credited) from (here infirt the com- ' n
- mencemeni and expiration of time for which the gpwer of
1 fiti"!i» artjOrtHiy it tO"cb»tinOe) vAfb afo an attorney or attar- ir
nies under hint, for that purpuft to make andfubjiitute, and to do all ''t
laivful acts rcqjifttefor effecting theprentifej, hereby ratifying and m
s, asthat conjtrming ail that my said Attorney cr bufsJtituU,jZdll lawful
fj&cicnt ly do, b'i virtue hereof. tl
nac, De- In iVitnefs hereof, I Lave hereunto Jk my Haxi and Seal the H
lonth's in day of in tie -:ut . a
term of Sealed and Delivered x b
holefome I tn fl
to be un- BE IT KNOIVN, that oh the 1 cj' I
»ence and efore me personally came
post, and within named and iulnoiulc4gcd the ahtve Utter of atiorniy to be C
-near/, or Isa QC } and J.mj. h
li be paid J n tejlimwy, •whereof 1 have hereunto set my Han i end affix- d
"oycG, on ed Seal toe day and \aar lap afohjaid. C
table cha- Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- t
jfliccr, as- tieth day ps July 1796, pursuant to dirc&ions.
e amount from the Secretary of the Trcafury
Ireofurer of the, United States. C
reifury. J v l y & ,ti J. (
i *
Sheridan's Dictionary, •'
THB SIXTH _fqir/ov.
Is this Day PublHhed, . ;n No „
Cerirtr of Second a»d Chefnnt ftteets,
In one large Z-vV- ■volume, price 3
1 LANGUAGE. both with regard to found and cicam.ig,
one red in objefl '■( which is to cftabjilh i, plain «">'!*£;
manent Standard of Pronunciation. To which 15 prefixed, (
a Prol'edial Grammar.
Oitober 14. . . tt r s
' plans of the city of Philadelphia, , he
Wuding the Northern Liberties and dillria of feffi
' . Publilhed, and fold by
BENJAMIN davies,
1 3No. 68, High street, - 3
r (Price one dollar.) . 4
THIS plan is 46 inches square, and has been cn to
» graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a lave 39
3 and accurate ftirvey. Purchalers are entitled t» a pam-
3 phlet with each plan, giving » feme account 0t the
J citv, its population,'trade, government, &c. x
0 , I-
® FOR SAL E. •
~ a fctf'JT 13. miles from this City, (Uuate in Abii.g-
Q /V ton Townftip, Montgomery-County i containing
■to ««, a new ftbile house, two ft.ties high, » looms oil a
floor, tire places in each, a ilone kitchen and (tone fpnng
0 liaufe, over »n cJtcellent spring of water,* barn, (tablet,
Iheds, barrcclcs, &c. A large apple oichaid, and a varietyol h'>
other fruit, about 12 acres of good ificadow well \' ck "
«= jn d wood futricicot for fire,and fencing the place. rolloHi- JJrav.
m on may be had the ift of Ap, il next. Pmperty in thi. c*T p., 01
;d will be taken in exchang", or MORRIS and 1« I,
ts Notes in payment. Enquire at N0..37, Arch-otteet. Jvfcl
Philadelphia, September 13, >796. J£2L J am
c! For Sale, -
' 4 A Complete Font of Brevier,
L " 17 Htirelv ««•» /and yet unopened. The weight of this . r;
Xli font is about 312 lb. It is froift the Poundery ot a ij^ v
Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and will be told at colt & enarges. ing Q
, Also for Sale, a pair of fcuper Royal Chafes. are r
Enquire at the Office of the Gaictte of the Uiittd uria]
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Oi
— September 4,7, , """ '
_ —■—>■>. - —— y
YVa&ingtoti Lottery.
f" The 38th and 31ft Days Drawing are arrived at thi
. office No. 147, Chefnut-'ftrett. \\l
hc Prizes in the above Lottery are cachanged for. tickets
. warranted undrawn. , aCa
7 '■ torn,
to BE SOL»,
C At No. 12S, Iforth Second-Street, and by fever al oj
tt y the Apothecaries in this City.
Its TRANSFERS of 1 the right to remove pains and inflamms
-*■ tions from the human b®dy, asfecured to Dr. I.LISHA
: t h PERKINS, by patent, with inflrumenu and diteft ions ne
ccfl'ary for the practice. This mode of treatment is particu
-1 Ull y r clievmg pains in the head, lace, teeth, brealt,
• .y ' fide* stomach, back, rheumatisms, reccnt gouts, &c. &c.
the utility •* this practice, it is not pre
. fumed but theicf are cases in which this icd dvciy 6thei
remedy may fumctimes tail.
»at June I,
1 is - y . —— — —
ha ' J City cf Waftiington.
and "» '' r A w C
!ier SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No.Tl,
'S! . A magnificent ) 40,000 dollars, & 7 #0 notl
• iiwslßng-houfe, 5 cajh 30,000, arc > 0
1 1 ditto 15,000 & cacti 45,000 40,000 d^ a 1
f 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 thc
1 ditto 10,000 & cash . so,ooo
'1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5)00(5 10,000
or I tjft! prize of 10,000
urns 4 do. 5 ,000 each, are • 10,000
r J* x 10 do. i : % 0 ■ • So,ooo
'io do. 500 • - 10,000
00 do. ico - - 10,000 _
0 1" soo d» *JQ - - 10,000
400 do. 4j - - 10,000
1,060 do. 40 • 40,000
, JK I, 15,000 do. JO • - 150,000
:snv- ————— ..
fasd "t« ) 739 Pnzes. tn «
hou- 33.»6i Blanks'.
,ital. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Bolkii, 400,000
y a ;' ci
■ one N. B. To favour thufe who may take a quantity of
year Tickets,the priie of 40,000 dofterswillhethe Ln»T drawn 01
u, at ticket, and the 30,000 the last but' out:
: ori- And approved notes, fecuting payment in either mor.«y
c kit or prizes, in tei days after drawing, will be received for
hun- ally number not Ui's than jo'tickets, el
atle- This.Lottcry "a ill afford an elegant specimen of c .
cmp- Vate buildings to t:a ereiled in the City of Washington— f
Two beautiful'de'jgns are alriady ftlftSed for the entire ? '
lit ct fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings tDI "
biilh- it.ispropofed to erect two centre and four corner buildings,
s de- as soon as fioflible after this lottery Is fold, and to convey ]
f the them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in "
mblit the mannerdefcribed iti the scheme for the Hotel Lottery.
form A nett deduction of tivf per cent, will he made to defray
ly be the ucceffary expenses of printing, &c. and the furphis
tiz. will be made a part of the fund l'.ittcded for the National f
I, tint Ueiverfity, to be ere<Red within the city of Waihington. V
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets arc 7
fold off.—The ivoney priacs. will be payable in thirty days ne
1 / At- *'ter it is finifliad ; and any prizes for which fortunate. 45
>4 are, numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the !ai
ng the drawing is Clalsd, are to be confidercd as given towards on
lgUhe l he fur.«i for the Univerlity ;it being determined to fettle 011
oans, - the whole bufiaefc in a year from the ending of the draw- of
com- i n g> and to take up the bonds given as security. v au
,ver of rhc real fccurities given for the payment of tKePrizes, lp
Hilar- are held by the Prefidetit and two Diredtors of the Bank es
>do all of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- ur
71g and mount of the lottery. v of
dviful- The twenty tovrr gentlemen who by ftppoiutmsnt of vt
the late Commit Goners a&ilfed in the management of the
itvl the Hotel Lottery are requefled to undertake this arduous talk ci
a second time on behalf ef the public ; a fufiicieet num vl
ber of these hating kindly accepted, it is hoped that the c<
friends to a National UniVersity and the other federal ob
jects may continue to favor the detign. J
By accounts received from the difterent* parts of the
ly it, ic Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the
1 d affix- driving will fpledily coif.meiwe , and that the care and *
i. caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafc difpoLU oi •
i twen- the tickets, has rendered tlie ltvor' fufptufion indifpeni'able. t
edions. &4MUEL BLODGET.
Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; cf
James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilmin, Boston : '
fftito. of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard W«llf,
IJ. Cooper's berry. ca
' "Wniverfity of Pennsylvania,
OP.ober 5, 1796.
The Medical Le&ures will commence the Erst Monda
in November. MW3W
By Authority.
Schuylkill Bridge Lottery.
Stuth SecondJlreet.
For riififig Sixty Thousand Dollars, agieiably to an Aft of
the Legislature of PennlJvasia, faffed during the Iji*
feflian, for building a i>to«e Bridge over the River
Schuylkill, at the Borough of Ridding, in the County c.
Berks. Dolljrr
1 Crize of so 00a Dollars - so,e;-*>
t do. of 10,000 do. • . 10, Co,
3 do. ef 5,4.00 do. - . - 15 .' so
4 do, of 2,000 do. 'fc - B,oco
80 do, of ijQoo do, . e 0,000
; 39 do. of 500 do. . .4 ig-joa
80 do. of 200 do. . . . 16,009
, do. of ido do. - 2c/
300 do. of jo do. . 15,000
1 do. of £00 to be paid the pofleC- )
lor as the firlt drawn no. J
5 <Jo. of 3,000 do. to be paid podeflTors >
of the five lalt drawn iios $ >s:°°®
j 5,400 do. of «5 do. : . 141,000
Prizes 1300,000
r ftfcllks — 1
a '
j, 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000
AH (hall be paid fifteen da\ s "f'er the dividing is
I finifiicd, upon the demand of a poflefi >r of a fortunate
, ticket, fulled to a deduction of'.y per cei.t. The
- Drawing .will commence as foonas the Tickets are difpoft'ii
y of, or perhapsfooner. of which public notice will begiveu,
j Philip Miller, Ptfer Kerjhner, William IVitman,, Jmucs Ditruer, 'J 60mas Dundas,
- James May, John Otto, Jbhn Keim, bantu Crat£\
ScbaJliatrMilkr, Commissioners.
Reading, May the g:h, 1595. >
'* Tickets in tkcCanal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the
above office, where the earliefl iniormation of the draw- f j
'• ing of the Wafilington No. a, and Pattcrfon Lr.ttery'i,
are received, -andchetk biteks for examination and regtf«
tering are kept.
j; Q&ober 7. law tf
"* Wafhmgton Canal Lottery,
n°. 1.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorif«<i
ia the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hnndred, and fifty dollars, for'the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Walhington, Trow th P«:
- toma: to theEaftern Branch Haruour. r
i The following i# the SCHEME of No. 1.
Viz -T Prizetoi dollars, 2c,00a
■J x ditto 10,000 1 10,000
V 6 ditto 1,000 6,005
Jj* ;iO ditto 420 , i
o" ao ditto uo 2jooo
is ditto JO 1,75®
e _ 57S° d ' tto 11 69,0^3
, ei ■ To be raifnj (or thi Canal,
,5850 Prizes, 1 yjpoo
- '11650 Blanks, not two tot prize.
17500 Tickets, atTcn Dollar*, - 175,00s
£js* The Qitnmiflioners hav# taken the Securilie* re
J quired by the aft for the punctual payment of
' the prizes.
The drawing ef tins Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of whidh timely
notice will be given.
Such prices as are not demanded in fix months after'th«
drawing is Sniffled, flial! be relinquished for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.,,
City of Feb. 11. $
Lottery and Broker's Office,
No. 64, South Second street.
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 1, for sale—i
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
Check Books kept for examination and rejiftering, for
the City of Washington, No. 1, and Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information where
tickets arc to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn
, r tickets. A complete lift of all tilt prizes in the late Ncw-
WB Pert Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
The fuhferiber solicits the application of the pnhtie
and his friends, who wilh to purehafe or fell Batik Stock,
Certificates, Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houf«, Lands,
• &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property
*,'* Also Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery for
sale at Ten Dolkrs each, which will be drawn early in
n ' TS the Spring,
ng„ b , Wm. Blackburn.
vey Phrladclniiia, Ausufl 18, 17^6.
- n — — -
ery . F 0 R 6 A L ii, j
A. very Valuable Eitate, •
anal /CALLED ¥W IT TENH AM, situate in thdL
in. t«wnlhip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware^
are 7 1-2, miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the
iays new Weilernroad: containing a 3©▼-res bfK xcelJent l an^» r '*
nate. 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 oi prime wood
the Iwid, and the reii arable of tha f:rft quality, lhei c are
ar-ds or thepremife6agood two story brick houle, with 4 rooms
ettle on a floor, aijd cellars under the whole, with a pti^lp-werl
:a\v- of excellent water in front; a large frame Win, liajkb,
and other convenient biiiidings ; a smoke-house and itone^
izes, fpring-lioufe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peaui- #
sank cs. The fields are allin clover, immediately
e a- under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of waterin each of them, whick renders it peculiarly con
nt of venient for grazing. .
F the The iituation is pleasant and healthy, and from the m£h
5 talk, cultivation s os the land, the good neighbourhood, and tn«
uum vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a P
: the country feat.
dob- The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman r
decealed 3 an 4 offered for falc by
f the Mordecai Lewis,
fthe Oa. 9. tt&l' Surviving Executor.
•e and ; 1 ■... ——-
Cal oi — -
a ; cf NO. 11 9
[Price Eight DeKars p«r toM'i