THIS PAT PUBLISHED, ;| JC By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefout-ftreet, i (Price I» 1-2 Cents) I H&ve I The President's Address T» the People of the United States, , ge»er "Announcing his intention of retiring from public life at the expiiatibn of the prefcat couftitutional term ei presidency. ; Rofc September Jo. a FLA] Watson's Answer taGiBBOK. , hai irvlbi JUST RECEIVED, IN^' And for faie by J. OfcMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftriet, c. 5 Hyson Skin '■/ . —<— . Young Hyson FRESK TEAS 133* Hyson and \ 4018 : Imperial ; — 1 *' "Yellow Narifceens " 6350 China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Gheftt By Quickfilyer _ _ in 8 Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in erfon forug.. London Market 3 MADEIRA WINE tores London particular >in pipes, hogfteads, & m «* c .New-York Market } quarter calks m "J 1 Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogfi«eads Sugar Candy by the Box Sad Canvas No. x a 8 Lead In Iheets _ ct , m 3 Calks of Cutlery affortecl A few chcfts of Mai.r.heitcr Goods, f&i, eords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages of black.fewing-'filks 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-rom. Nails alTorted in calks 1 •yuly iS 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, j^: Of the befi quality and on reafor.a&le terms, iok SA£K BV a tPhilip Nicklin & Co> 01 Autptft t6. daily For' Bale, • £"; ( A Three-story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, In Chefnut ir( ; , street, between Front Mid Second ftraets, in which -j- Messrs. lames Calbraith & Co. have for many (and of F Bow do) carried on bofineft. w j[] Foffeffion wijl b« given in one month, or sooner. G For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or .v- HfcCTOR CALBRAITH. ( " April X,. L_ A Ma.nufadory FOR SALE. |P™ A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE Manufactory, fuutte accc in a convenient part of the city ; the wopks dlmoft new, on an entirely original conftruflion, and built of the b«ft niatCrials, and may be fel to work immediately. Perfoils *y who with to purchase, arc requested to apply at No. 273, a ~ _ Suuth Second Stteet. ' "" September 13. „ ttf tf the -—— y — reqi Brokers Omce, and i COMMISSION STORE. Igg! Hoi 6j S*uth Third street, opposite the national new J l ; n C jA IRAUNCFS and JOHN VAN REED, fen u hawe entered into co-partnerfhtp, under the firm of If ;n , T FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in the business of Brokers, C<»»veyaiicerj and CommiHion merchants. They buy and fell on commission every fpeeies of stock, nbtes of hand, bills of exchange, houses and lands, &C. Money procured on depoflts, &c. fee. all kinds e r "K writings in the rt>!iveyaf>ciO£ line, done with neatness and J. iifpatch; accounts adjiifted, and books fettled, in the )of . »ioft correct manner. Constant attendance will be given. ! per They solicit a fliare of the public favor ; they are deter- 1 Blined to endeavour to deserve it. 18 N. B. The titmoft a A SAMUEL M. FRAUNCES, fuj JOHN VA'N REED. pu Wijlad. August 47. 1790- m&wtf 1 pai Trcafury Department, i I September zB, 1796. j" NOTICE is hereby given, thit proposals will be re- " ceived at the oflke of the Secretary of the Treatury | " until the expiration of the firft day of "MaJ-ch rlext en- 1 " fulng, for thefupply of all rations \#Ktch may he required j " 'for the use of the United, States, from the 'firft. day of " jrane, 1797, to the thirty-firft day of May, 1798, both " riays inelufive, at the places and within tne diftrids lure- " after mentioned, vii'. At Ofwego; at Niagira ; at " Pjsfque lfle; at Sandu&y Lake, and on Sandulky " River ; at Detroitat Michilimackinic; at Fort-Frank- " lin; at Kttfburgh ; at Cincinnati; at ForfHamilton j " at Fort Et. Clair; at Foi't-Jw-fifrfon; at Grenviile; at '' Picqiie Town and Loramies Store; at Fort Adams; at Fort Wayjle; at Fort Dcfiance j at any pdace- below Fort Tt •Defiance on the Miami River to La&c Eric; at Fort m Steuben ; at For; M; at any place from Fort MafTac fc to the foutk boundary of the United States oh the river pi 'Miflifippi; at Fort Knox ; at Ou id tan on. ci If fuppliej shall be required for any polls or places riot is mentioned in this notice, all such supplies fball be ftlr- % nilhcd at prices proportioned to those to be paid at the polls beft!re recited, or as maj* be hereafter agreed on 7 between the United States and the Contractor. The r'afions to be fdpplied are to confiil of the fol lowing articles, viz. /, One pc'uajl two ounces of bread or flotir. One pound fwo Otuiecs of beef, Or fourteen duncel of fl pork or bacoii. t ■Half a gill of rurij, hrantJy rr whiskey. t One quart and half a pint of fait."} , t 85?»."ysr : Ore pound of Candles, j 1 The rations are to be furrifhed in such quantities, as that c there Iball at all times Juriug the said term, be Pj&cient / - for the consumption of the troops at MichUimackinac, De troit, Niagara, -and Ofwrgo, far the term of fix month# in advance, and at each ot the other posts, fo*the term of at least three'months in advance, in good shh wholesome provifions,iffhc Tame &au"be required. It is to be un derload, that the isto be at therjt«ente and Ti(k of ifftiirgthe fuppliss occ. i . AND HAVE bQR SALE, B r A general afiortment of GOODS, to the fca.on Amongst which are, I C T>ROAD and narrow CLOTHS, , AC JD Plain and twill'd COATINGS, LAN(rn Rose striped a*d point BLANKEI*S, one ina FLANNELS and BAISES, manent HATS alTorted in cases, , a Profs | ' IRISH LINENS, -I INDIA GOODS, generally, , Oifto t A Consigned Invoice of RV, Comprising a capitalaffortnwinto open auore—inclWr » . ding Thirty Catfm of NAILS. This invoice will be lol<\ - 11, entire on very advantageous terms. September 10. . a£ Lottery ff. t-'OR raising fixthoufand fix hundred and Cxty-fevcn , r dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudtion of fifteen per cent frdm the r-rizee, aitd not two blanks to a prus. viz TH I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 g r ivec I tooo 1000 and ac Hr t 500 J- 00 phlet ' 5 ioo .city, i — 10 ISO ICO ° Jul' jo <95° — Zl '-i zoao lo .ipoo 5 Last 'dwWE tiwubers ef 1000 doliars each, <000 j 1331 Prizes. 44,4J0 A 1 4018 Blanks. 1° a«i floor, ] 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,fi° l,oufe, By order of the Directors of the Society for eltabhm ing Uiciul Manufactures, the foperiutendants of the Pat- ot hc r f in erlon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the JIK I v, forgoing S.heme to the public, and have dircfted them otl ma to refund the riioney to those persons who have purchaled wiilb & in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets Notts in this Lattery. , , ; u The lottery his iSually colr.menced dfawmg, and will continue tintilfitiilhed. A lift of the and PnZcs | may be fcen at thcofficc oi William Blfrcltburn, No. 64 south Seeotid street, who will give iuformatian whei etitt ets may be procured. iVI . , Dated this 17th day nf June, 1796. w;)r jck " y. N- GUMMING, 7. VV X JACOB R. KARDENBERG, >■ Mafiigets. JONATHAN RHEA, 3 Stat£l 1 . . . dtfe ° r Sef Samuel Rjchardet, ■ o ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Th £v Merchant*, that he has this da'/ openers the CITY TAVERK andIvIERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the pr city of Philadelrhia. warr * The Sttbfcription Ro i oni will be furr.ilhed with au the ■ q daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-"\ork, Bos- „< ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial citirt of Europe—They will be regularly filed :fnut md none permitted to be taken away on any account. At . rhich Tea> Co ff ce> Spupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety ( 11,(1 of French Liquors; together with the ulual refrefiitiicuts, will at all tiihes be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with r^ K the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors iromLondon and other breweries. | § The Larder will befupplied with the pruhe and earliell I produ&ior.s of the Season. s um . Large and fnaall Parties, or Angle Gentlemen, may be rtm( ltutte accommodated With Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at r ' cw ( : ; hcmrs most conv nient to thimfelves—a cold Collation is '!*£; manent Standard of Pronunciation. To which 15 prefixed, ( a Prol'edial Grammar. Br THOMAS SIJERID.INy A. M. Oitober 14. . . tt r s ' plans of the city of Philadelphia, , he Wuding the Northern Liberties and dillria of feffi SOUTHWARK, p" ' . Publilhed, and fold by BENJAMIN davies, 1 3No. 68, High street, - 3 r (Price one dollar.) . 4 THIS plan is 46 inches square, and has been cn to » graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a lave 39 3 and accurate ftirvey. Purchalers are entitled t» a pam- 3 phlet with each plan, giving » feme account 0t the J citv, its population,'trade, government, &c. x 0 , I- ® FOR SAL E. • 1 A PLANTATION, ~ a fctf'JT 13. miles from this City, (Uuate in Abii.g- Q /V ton Townftip, Montgomery-County i containing ■to ««, a new ftbile house, two ft.ties high, » looms oil a floor, tire places in each, a ilone kitchen and (tone fpnng 0 liaufe, over »n cJtcellent spring of water,* barn, (tablet, Iheds, barrcclcs, &c. A large apple oichaid, and a varietyol h'> other fruit, about 12 acres of good ificadow well \' ck " «= jn d wood futricicot for fire,and fencing the place. rolloHi- JJrav. m on may be had the ift of Ap, il next. Pmperty in thi. c*T p., 01 ;d will be taken in exchang", or MORRIS and 1« I, ts Notes in payment. Enquire at N0..37, Arch-otteet. Jvfcl Philadelphia, September 13, >796. J£2L J am c! For Sale, - ' 4 A Complete Font of Brevier, L " 17 Htirelv ««•» /and yet unopened. The weight of this . r; Xli font is about 312 lb. It is froift the Poundery ot a ij^ v Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and will be told at colt & enarges. ing Q , Also for Sale, a pair of fcuper Royal Chafes. are r Enquire at the Office of the Gaictte of the Uiittd uria] States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Oi — September 4,7, , """ ' _ —■—>■>. - —— y YVa&ingtoti Lottery. f" The 38th and 31ft Days Drawing are arrived at thi . office No. 147, Chefnut-'ftrett. \\l hc Prizes in the above Lottery are cachanged for. tickets . warranted undrawn. , aCa 7 '■ torn, to BE SOL», C At No. 12S, Iforth Second-Street, and by fever al oj tt y the Apothecaries in this City. Its TRANSFERS of 1 the right to remove pains and inflamms -*■ tions from the human b®dy, asfecured to Dr. I.LISHA : t h PERKINS, by patent, with inflrumenu and diteft ions ne ccfl'ary for the practice. This mode of treatment is particu -1 Ull y r clievmg pains in the head, lace, teeth, brealt, • .y ' fide* stomach, back, rheumatisms, reccnt gouts, &c. &c. the utility •* this practice, it is not pre . fumed but theicf are cases in which this icd dvciy 6thei remedy may fumctimes tail. »at June I, 1 is - y . —— — — ha ' J City cf Waftiington. and "» '' r A w C !ier SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No.Tl, ant , FOR THE IMPROVEMENT 0 t THE Ps FEDERAL CITY. del a 'S! . A magnificent ) 40,000 dollars, & 7 #0 notl • iiwslßng-houfe, 5 cajh 30,000, arc > 0 1 1 ditto 15,000 & cacti 45,000 40,000 d^ a 1 f 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 thc 1 ditto 10,000 & cash . so,ooo '1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5)00(5 10,000 or I tjft! prize of 10,000 urns 4 do. 5 ,000 each, are • 10,000 r J* x 10 do. i : % 0 ■ • So,ooo 'io do. 500 • - 10,000 00 do. ico - - 10,000 _ 0 1" soo d» *JQ - - 10,000 400 do. 4j - - 10,000 1,060 do. 40 • 40,000 , JK I, 15,000 do. JO • - 150,000 :snv- ————— .. fasd "t« ) 739 Pnzes. tn « hou- 33.»6i Blanks'. ,ital. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Bolkii, 400,000 y a ;' ci ■ one N. B. To favour thufe who may take a quantity of year Tickets,the priie of 40,000 dofterswillhethe Ln»T drawn 01 u, at ticket, and the 30,000 the last but' out: : ori- And approved notes, fecuting payment in either mor.«y c kit or prizes, in tei days after drawing, will be received for hun- ally number not Ui's than jo'tickets, el atle- This.Lottcry "a ill afford an elegant specimen of c . cmp- Vate buildings to t:a ereiled in the City of Washington— f Two beautiful'de'jgns are alriady ftlftSed for the entire ? ' lit ct fronts on two of the public squares; from these prawings tDI " biilh- it.ispropofed to erect two centre and four corner buildings, s de- as soon as fioflible after this lottery Is fold, and to convey ] f the them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in " mblit the mannerdefcribed iti the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. form A nett deduction of tivf per cent, will he made to defray ly be the ucceffary expenses of printing, &c. and the furphis tiz. will be made a part of the fund l'.ittcded for the National f I, tint Ueiverfity, to be ere4 are, numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the !ai ng the drawing is Clalsd, are to be confidercd as given towards on lgUhe l he fur.«i for the Univerlity ;it being determined to fettle 011 oans, - the whole bufiaefc in a year from the ending of the draw- of com- i n g> and to take up the bonds given as security. v au ,ver of rhc real fccurities given for the payment of tKePrizes, lp Hilar- are held by the Prefidetit and two Diredtors of the Bank es >do all of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a- ur 71g and mount of the lottery. v of dviful- The twenty tovrr gentlemen who by ftppoiutmsnt of vt the late Commit Goners a&ilfed in the management of the itvl the Hotel Lottery are requefled to undertake this arduous talk ci a second time on behalf ef the public ; a fufiicieet num vl ber of these hating kindly accepted, it is hoped that the c< friends to a National UniVersity and the other federal ob jects may continue to favor the detign. J By accounts received from the difterent* parts of the ly it, ic Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the 1 d affix- driving will fpledily coif.meiwe , and that the care and * i. caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafc difpoLU oi • i twen- the tickets, has rendered tlie ltvor' fufptufion indifpeni'able. t edions. &4MUEL BLODGET. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; cf James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilmin, Boston : ' fftito. of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard W«llf, IJ. Cooper's berry. ca ' "Wniverfity of Pennsylvania, OP.ober 5, 1796. The Medical Le&ures will commence the Erst Monda in November. MW3W By Authority. Schuylkill Bridge Lottery. Sold by WILLIAM BLACKBURN, No. 64, Stuth SecondJlreet. SCHEME of a LOTTERY, For riififig Sixty Thousand Dollars, agieiably to an Aft of the Legislature of PennlJvasia, faffed during the Iji* feflian, for building a i>to«e Bridge over the River Schuylkill, at the Borough of Ridding, in the County c. Berks. Dolljrr 1 Crize of so 00a Dollars - so,e;-*> t do. of 10,000 do. • . 10, Co, 3 do. ef 5,4.00 do. - . - 15 .' so 4 do, of 2,000 do. 'fc - B,oco 80 do, of ijQoo do, . e 0,000 ; 39 do. of 500 do. . .4 ig-joa 80 do. of 200 do. . . . 16,009 , do. of ido do. - 2c/ 300 do. of jo do. . 15,000 1 do. of £00 to be paid the pofleC- ) lor as the firlt drawn no. J 5 of the five lalt drawn iios $ >s:°°® j 5,400 do. of «5 do. : . 141,000 Prizes 1300,000 r ftfcllks — 1 a ' j, 30,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars 300,000 AH (hall be paid fifteen da\ s "f'er the dividing is I finifiicd, upon the demand of a poflefi >r of a fortunate , ticket, fulled to a deduction of'.y per cei.t. The - Drawing .will commence as foonas the Tickets are difpoft'ii y of, or perhapsfooner. of which public notice will begiveu, j Philip Miller, Ptfer Kerjhner, William IVitman,, Jmucs Ditruer, 'J 60mas Dundas, - James May, John Otto, Jbhn Keim, bantu Crat£\ ScbaJliatrMilkr, Commissioners. Reading, May the g:h, 1595. > '* Tickets in tkcCanal Lottery, No. 1, to be had at the above office, where the earliefl iniormation of the draw- f j '• ing of the Wafilington No. a, and Pattcrfon Lr.ttery'i, are received, -andchetk biteks for examination and regtf« tering are kept. j; Q&ober 7. law tf "* Wafhmgton Canal Lottery, n°. 1. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorif«