#a?ttte M ©tlitCH States A Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. MONDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 179 6 - [Volume X, Number 1287.] ——— j 1 - A CAPIT AL ASSORTMENT OF — rn ij s a T. F. ror bale, rvnxr Landing this day, From on board the Brig Caroline, at Chefnut-flreet wharf, FORTr PIPES London proof Holland Gin. 1 For Sale by Joseph Anthsny & Co. r>A>nW 11. * ii ■ Best Boston & Nova-Scotia Mackarel, Excellent Halifax Salmon in bbl». 1 a 7 hhls. pnme Coffee, Best Boston Beef, > n hd». Spermaceti Candles, Spermaceti, and 1 qI L. Northern J . . 1 Mould and dipt, tallow candles, of a luperior quality. ; A few boxes excellent brown loap, and A few bales India Muslins. FOR SALE BT JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. Oflober 21. , - Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to cheir own afTorment, A confienment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele rant London patterns; also a few cases of handsome Buttons—Which will be fold at a short credit, on very reasonable terms, by the package only. oa. T4. Ktf ..'•-Hr For Salvia.. . l By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, Confifling of different files, from 11 inch cables down to rope of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in the fliip Swift, from Hull, and entitled to drawback. Sept. 27. Madeira Wine. A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on tovd the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prows, at ChefnUt ftreet wharf, and' for sale hy the fubferiber. Robert Andrews, 0f1.14. mwf No. 86, So. Wharves For Freight or Charter, <3-, The fliip COMMERCE^ * Gtlf3L NATH -.NIEL CUR I IS, Matter. Almofta new velTel, 344 tons burthen, and will be ready to receive a cargo in a few days. For jgjterms apply on board at Bright* s wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. For Sate on board the above Vessel, A-quantity of excellent COAL. tar*- sons 'aving goods *Tu v».-ni} rcjucft- 1 ed 10 fend tr-tir pcrm:u. ' Oflobrr ' I■ diot FOR SALE, 7 HE SHIP MARY, SAMUEL PARKER, Master, Two hundred tons burthen. Apply to JOSEPH ANTHONY, & Co. If the MARY is not fold in a few days, she will take for Hamburg. Apply as above. O&ober "• diot 1 For Boston, Newbury-Port and Ports mouth, New-Hamplhire, i**"*""" The Schooner LUCY, V •Sjr?* Daniel Prowfe, matter ; will fail in j 'he course of a week, and take freight £ A on moderate terms, for which, or i. passage, apply on board, or to Joseph Anthony, fe* Co. October 15. dx For Norfolk, (Ta fail in three or four days) The brig Zephyr, \ Captain Hinchman; lying at Landenbergcr*s wharf— She has excellent accommodations for paflengers—For which or freight, apply to the captain on board, or to Samuel Breck, jun. No. Bg, South Third-street: Where may be had A quantity of N. E. Rum, Sherry Wine in quartcr-cafks, Sail Cloth, Nos. 1 and 2, afld a few hundred pieces of Bandanna Handkerchiefs. O&ober 20. 6, The Brig MARY, Lying at Messrs. Willings and Francis's wharf,burtTlcn 4000 barrels, built in Philadelphia in 1793 cf lite oak and red cedar.—She is well found, and may lie Tent to sea at a small cxpence. For terms apply to Gurney Smith. oa. 6. dtf. FOR LONDON, The capital (hip CERE'S, To fail ioon: —For freight or passage | to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or John Vaughan, September 10. Front-street. For Charter, The Danish Barque Benetentura, jfecSamuel Stub, matter, A good vtffel, of about two hundred tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WaLN. Sept. 17. Jor Charter, The Ship Dominick Terry, De Hart, mailer : an excellent vessel, of about 3000 barrels burth.n. Jeffe & Robert Wain. September si. i FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and ... HOLLAND GIN. of the firft qualities in Pipes. FRAUNCF.S and VAN REED, Brokers and Commiflion \ierchants,No. 6J,So. jd St. Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. September 14. mwf Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, South Frtnt-Jireet, h Hare received t>y the late arrivals fr#.m London, Liver pool, and Hull, and hy the Ohi® arrived at N. York 4 from Glrfgow, A large & general afTortment or Goods, Suitable for the Season, confifling of Duffle, Point and Rose Checks, in small packages Blankets Oznaburg» and Brown Hol- White, Red, and Yellow lands Flannel, Brown and whit* Roiua Bocking and other Baizes Sheetings Second and coarse Cloths Drillings and Diapers Plain and mixed CaflimerCs Calicoes and Chintzes Plain, twilled, and striped Jaconet and Book Muslins Coatings 80. do. Tamboured Plains, Kerseys, and Half- Do. do. Handkerchiefs thicks Printed linen snd check do. " - White & spotted Swanskins Roma! and Madrafs do. r Lainet and fwanfdown vest Muslin and Chintz Shawls lhapes Bed I icks Carpets and Carpeting TableCloths Calimancoes and Durants Laces and Edgir.gs w j Moreens and Taboreens Falhionable Ribl^ins Joans Spinning and Crape# Do. Hats and Botnets - Camblets and Wildbores Cotten & Worsted Hosiery j Bombazeens & Bombazets Gloves and Mitts Rattinets and Shalloons White & coloured 'IHreads Plain, Genoa and printed Italian Sewing Silks Vtlverets & Thicksets Ivory and Horn Comb; - j-S, 4-4, and 11-S Cotton | Tapes, Bindings, Pins, See. ' S They have on hand a lar»;e afforrment of India Muilus and Calicoes, black and coloured Pcrfians, Bandanno and . Pullicat Handkerchiefs, &c. and a quantity of Nutme«s and Macc. OAober 17. m* sim " Win. holdernessh:, No. 76 High Street, ' TTAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and O. the Eafl Indies, a well fele&ed affortmcnt of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdathery Goods ; which he will fell, Wholefaie and Retail, on theloweft ternu ; 1 AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and IHver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulniul ditto Do do do «■» do Handkerchiefs , Some extra black taffetiesjuuftringsaad colored Pcrfians Bandano Handkerchiefs , Long and short Nankeens ' English Mantuas of the firft quality Damaik table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflbrtment ' Thead and cotton do 1 r Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cleth ( French cambrics, very fine { Irish Linens, do. &c. Stc. June 14 5 ■ I Just Imported, t Tin Places in boxes ' iiicet and bar.Lead - - UIML —an TUSM, jtfiamßuiiiiiii "■— Cqpper bottoms and sheets , English shoes and boots ill cases , Taunton Ale in calks of xo d»z. each Balket Salt t Wool Caj-ds v. Gold Watches. r > For Sale by n Simon Walker, ? 051. 7. mwfim Dock-ftrc^t. — t The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, . CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alkant and Lis bon, landing at the fubfe/ibers wharf— i 8 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanilh wool 3 do. of Annifeed * 7000 Bufhals of best Lilbon S*!t 80 Boxes of Lemons r For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, " from Kingston. Sept. 13. d 1 For Sale, - This day Landing from on board the Jhip Concord, r Captain Thompson, from Amfierdam, J Gin, in pipes Empty Gin Cases 4 Hock in cases of 4 doz. Glass Tumblers in cheftg > Sweet Oil in cases Patte GrafTe Cheese in boxes, &c. Also landing by the Louisa, Capt. Bell, from Zi/iin, 60 Quarter-casks Lifton Wine.} On Hand, A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &c. Peter Blight. oaober 17. daw eo2w 5 This Day is 'Published, By William Cobbett, opposite Chrift-Churth, An Answer to Paine's Rights of Man, J By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. To -which is added, '' A Letter to Citizen Swanwick, i By Fcter Porcupine. 1 The whole is dedicated to Dot2or Joseph PrielUey, > o Fellow ef the Uoyal Society of Lonoiop, Citizen of C America, and Deputy Eieft to the National Conven- r tion of France. f OcTt. 18. DANCING SCHOOL. J WILLIAM will open his school on Mon- J day the 31 ft inft. at ten o'clock in the morning, at hit 1 Elegant Aew Ball Rooms, \ 4 In Fourth, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets. * Hours of tuition for young ladies, from 10 to i o'clock * on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday mornings; and for * men 6 t0 ' °' elock on the evenings o In addition to a number of new cotillion., he means to introduce a variety of Scotch Reels. Note. The firft pra«i£ug ball to be on Tuesday c t leni?,£'I eni ?, £ ' 1, e November, and to be continued every X Tuesday, during the season. ' 7 ftrfeT term '' £ ' C ' en l u ' rt lt bis house, No, 134, Market od ' eotf. 1 For Sale, By Jehu Hollingfivorth, & Co. 1$ fchds." Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, 5 Barrels bell Indigo, and, A (ew thousand biifhels of 1 urk'i llland fait. oa 17. d - 1 Irish Linens, &c. Imported per the ships Glafgo<w, from Dublin, Liber- ( US from Cori, und brie Mentor, from Belfafi, f 4.4 and 7-3 Wide IRISH LINENS, i In whole and half boxes, Assorted from I id. to 4s. sterling—Also 5-4 wide Sheetings, and low priced yarn and worsted Hofc. On Hand, s 7-g Wide Lawns. j Diapers and Table-Cloths A few boxes Titkens and Checks A few bales Flannels J Cork and Belfaft Sail Cloth, Nos. X and 6 15 Boxes 'I f 6 ly S, 10 Eitto > Window Glass, s 7 by 9, 5 Eitto j C 8 by 10. The ibove mentioned Goods are all entitled to the drawback, and will be difpafed of by the package on reasonable terms. James, Clibborn & Englilh, No. 6, N. Front-street. loth mo. 19 th. dtf Just Landing, At Sotth flreet-ivharf, from on board the ship Sedg ley, Captain Hodge, from St. Petirflurg, The following Goods; Raflia Sail Duck, firft qunlity. Do. Sheeting do. Do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. TJft. Crash. Ib. Mould Candles, 4, J and 6, to the lb. of the Enghfh fjze. D). White Candle Tallow. IV White Soap in small boxes. Dc. Cordage of fine yarn. Rarens Duck. 1 IGnglafs, ift and and fort. Herfe Hair uncurled. ! Ri!Ha Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rod'j. 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Petersburg CUian Hemp: For Sale by ' Philips, Cramond, & Co. October 12. STOP THE THIEVES!!! LAST Weflnefday Evening, October 19, oetween the laursof7and lOo'clock, the bed room of Mr Ricketts in OiEHcr's hotel was emered, either bv means of falfe keys, orat the window, by some villain or villains, who must have teen acquainted wirh the fiLuatlon of the house (as the door was found locked after they had committed 'the theft) who tookawayfrom amongst several trynks, ONK which con taiptd a valuable part of Mr. R:ckett*s propeity. but of which he i; not /yet-able to afctruin the contents par.icularly. As- J £airl..f away, and emptying it of up wards of a thourantf dollars in C&th and JjanX notes, the vil- Uios left it behipd the circus, during iheiime that the per formances of tJie evening were going forward* It ia earncftl, requeued, (hac.alf tavern-keepers on the stage roadi, andtbeferry houses, as well as all civil officers,,may be watchfjl in fccurlog suspicious perfans, who nidy have a redundance of c.ifh, which their appearance would by no qjeans bespeak item to De poficlTcd of. One Hundred Dollars Reward . Will W given for securing tUe thief or thieves, aud a fur ther reward for fee tiring them with the property. 061. 31. A -*■ , For Sale, Carolina Rice in whole and half tierce 9, Cotton of Cayenne and Trinidad, Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, Boston Beef, and Mould an 4 dipt candles.—Apply to Jfaac Harvey, jun. No. 5, South Wateiyftieet. 10th mo. 17. d3w. Sales of India Goods. The Cargo ef thelhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta, and Bengal, CONSISTING OF A Large and general aflbrtment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SlIaK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A -variety fine worked and plain Mu/liru, Dorcas, ?SV. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Sff Francis, No. 11 Penn Street. June 8 § New Hat and Hosiery Store, Wholesale, and Retail, By WILLIAM M'DOUGALL, No. 134, Market Street, 3 d door from the corner of Fourth, South Side. ,Mens' Black American and Englih Hats, of various qual ities and prices. Ditto Drabs and Green-und«r». Ladies' ditto black And a large aflbrtment of fancy ditto Coloured Beavers A With a great variety of ekgant and falh ionable trim s mines' &c. Yoifch's black and drab coloured ditto. Children's fancy ditto All kinds of fifk, silk and cotton, cotton and thread hose Knit coloured Pantaloons Ditto Drawers Ditto Breeches Patterns silk Gloves Knotted, coloured ditto, cotton. A quantity of mending cotton, sorted colours. N. B. rhe hats fiiiifhed in the newest fafhon. r yl' eodim. Washington Lottery. The 30th and 31ft days' drawing of the Washington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office No. 434, Mar ket-street, where tickets may be examined. N. B. Information given where tickets in a!! the other lotteries -may be procured. O&ober »o, 1796. 4 A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. John Miller, jun & Co. Exclusive of their own Importation now opening, Have received by the William Penn, Caroline and Disna CONSIGNMENTS, Which comprize a.capiral aflbrtment to open® Dry Good* Store. —Amongit them are— Common, super and luperfine Clothi, Plain, twill'd and flrip'd Coatings, Baiievand Flannels, Point, rose and ilufFil Blankets, Plain and pnntea Caflimeres, Swanfdowns, Printed Calicoes, Scotch Threads, Hosiery. They will be fold either in whole, or in part, by the package, on terms which render them an objedl worthy at attention to purehafers. dtf Oil. 21. LANDING, Out of different vefjels from England, and for sale by the fubjerihers on reasonable terms, Superfine and common cloths, and caffimers Ribbed and flriped do. do. Blankets, mottled green and silk rngs. Superfine blue, Claret, and common coatings, Kerseys, Bear-skins, plains and Halfthicks, Swauikins, Serges an* Flannels, Britilh Ingrain Carpeting, Hats assorted in cases ot 12 doz. each. Cbocolat chintzes, printed Callicoes and Handkerchiefs. Scarlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, Yarn, Worsted, and Cotton hosiery, Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, ice. &c. Buff and drab Genoa Cords of a luperior quality. 6d. Bd. iod lid. aod. nails, and frying pan's, An affortmcnt of Iron monger ry, Cutlery and a variety of India cotton, and silk goods. : Thomas & JoJhua Fisher. No. 5, Dock-fttreet. Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, 1-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens assorted in boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Linnen. OSI. 17. dtf. To be Rented, A Small and Convenient BREWERY, at MorrisVille, opppfite Trentsn. ALL the Apparatus for brewing new and in gopd repair: A number of Barrels and Half Barrels will also be rented. Poflefiion may be had at any time. Enquire of Mr. Garrett Cottringer in Philadelphia, or Mr. Robert ftlorris, jun. or Daniel Mun at Morris- Ville. October 30, 1796. mtli&siw THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, n >, By Benjamin Davies, e No. 68, High-flreet, o The American Repository of ufeful h information, for 1797. CONTAINING, A Calendar for the ytir A complete Regiller of the Executive, Lfgiflatiye, and Judic-ary Officers of the General Government. ' , c A Lift of the Military Forces of the United States, y Poll-Office Establishment—times of receiving aad a dosing the Mails.at, Philadelphia. o The poll roads and towns, and their diftanaes, Times of holding (he Supreme, Circuit and Diftriifl Courts. A table of Impost duties, alphabetically arranged. A lift of the cuftorn-houfe officers and their fees. Rules for reducing the currencies of the several _ states into one another, and all of them into the mo ney ef the United States. Ufeful tables of the value of pounds, shillings and pence, in dollars and cents. A register of the officers of the civil government of Pennsylvania. A girdiner's calendar for Pennsylvania. And a great variety of other articles of ufeful informa tion. Embellilhed with twelve elegant vignettes, an en graved title-page and frontispiece,—making together, a . handsome, as well as very ufeful, little pocket companion. O&ober 20. 2awtf Country Rum, And a few pipes of Vinegar, as For Sale by Ezekiel Hall, . At the flores of Mr. Edward Stow, jun. No. 4, South ' Water-street O&ober 20. d Imported in the late arrivals from Europe and tie Wejl-Indies, Holland Gin, in pipes Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum Martinique Molaflis, in bogfheads _ Choice old Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qoarter-c»fk» London Particular,& London Market Madeira Wine, in pipes, half-pipes and quarter-ca/ks Malmsey Madeira Wins, in pipes and quarter-caits Teneriffe Wine, in pipes Russia & Flemish Sheeting and Ravens Duck, ia cafac r Window Glass, Bby 10, in boxes Coffee Mills and Straw Knives, in calks 1- Mill Saws and Cross-cut Saws, in boxes Also, on hand, A few chests of Bohea Tea ; Jesuits Bark ; Aflafcc tida and Tapioca ; and a few bales of Coflaes, Baf'tas, Gurrahs, Bandanna and Muslin Handker chiefs, and a complete aflbrtment of 5-4 and 6-4 *" Boulting Cloths. For Sale by Pragers Ss 1 Co., Oflober 20 d2wm&th2m SAIL C LOTH. On Monday, the 3 \JI injl. will be Sold at Public Sale, at the Store of Mejfrs. _ George Hunter its Co. No. 153, Pearl Jlreet, New-Tork, 275 Pieces of the Best >n English Weft Country Sail Cloth, By some perfofis called East Coken, and by other* Si - Weft Coken.—lt is of known excellency; wear* white, and does not mildew. October 18 ' dtjjtl*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers