I ; #a?Ctte of the tEtlifttS plates, 6- Philadelphia Dally Advertiser. s Numfex 128 *.1 WEDNESDAr EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1796. {Volume X. —— * — — For Sale, Freight, or Charter, The Brig ZEP HY R, This vrfT.l'u ibour'J «ear" Hinrrh, wril found, has decks, and is bunheneJ about i»cj barrels: Ivin;; at firft wharf below Crcf, ui-Oreet. If not fold or chartered on or before the aotli iKltani, (be will like freight for Norfolk. For anolv t» the captain on board, or to PP ' . . BRECK, iun- No. 8q fsath Third-street.. 22 hhds. New,. England RUM, May be hid on board veflel. K-.ilad. OSober 14, 1794. d6t For Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, - The Schooner Ll/CT, Dcniel Prowfe, mailer; will fail in fc P&jS?, the course of a week, and take freight tl on moderate term?, for which, or \i-' passage, apply on hoard, or to Joseph Anthony, Iff Co. Otfober 15. dx For Sale,, - The brig FAIR AMERICAN, I " Richard Caliey, AN entire new veflel, and well finiflied f buih at Newbury-port, (N* E.) her plank { r=L> - • and timbers whife oak : Sails well, and < is completely fitted—her dimennon* are 57 feet keel, strait ; rabbit—e*2 feet h«am—B 8 inchcs hold, and *4 1-2 between decks. Shjr is now discharging spars, near the j StiH-honfe wharf. Southwark, an i if not disposed of a few days will be fold at public sale at the City-Tavern, ( evening of the 13th Lnft Apply to | i 5 South Water Street. lothmo, loth. — — _ dltr. | — — —■—■ ——— The Brig MARr, Lying at Messrs. Willing. and Francis's •wharf,burthen »000 barrels, bnilt in Philadelphia in 1793 f of live oak and led cedar.—She is well found, and nvay x * fce sent to sea at a fmaU expenct For terms apply to j G urney & Smith. c oa. 6. dtf. t C j ; FOR LONDON, r The capital ship CERES, „ To fail foen :—For freight or passage f< " DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or "John Vaughan, ai September 10. Front-street. <■' ' or Charter, li The DaniQi Barque Binftentura j j" riu I,S ?' r §SS > Samuel Stub, master, r( f" * " " - S A gsod—CaflH. of *"V.'o hnnHr-C tr tons burthen. T® Sept. 17. dtf M ah Jr; t*or Charter, * {gStiS : *§V "The Ship Dominick Terry, fti -- :V-' jn.cob De Hart, master : an excellent vessel, of about 300© barrels burthen. 1 ® Jefe Robert Wain. £ September sr. d ; R Benjamin and Jacob Johnson, p c No. 147, Market-street, Have received by the last arrivals from Liverpool and Hull, A very generalaffortment of DRT GOODS, ~ jt Weil suited to the approaching frafon, which they will JJ fell on the leweft terms by the piece or package. OA(»beri4. taw4w d c Boarding and Lodging du Two GENTLEMEN may be accommoda'ed with 10 Boarding and Lodging, in a private family and pleasant * l " part of Apply to the Printer of the Gazette of the United State?. ~ QAnhrr XT tt&stf ' ] Washington Lottery. on * The Twenty-eighth & Twenty-ninth days' drawing of re( the Lottery, No. a, are received at the office No. 234, Market-street, where tickets may be examined. N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other 1 lotteries may be procured. O&ober 13, 1796. d 'P For Sale, ( 30 Hogftieads of choice New-England Rum, Landing fremthe schooner John, at Vanuxem's wharf. For t>?r.nß apply to No. 71, North Water Street, at th; head of the wharf. ] v dtf. Sales of India Goods. rcc The Cargo «f the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- ro cutta and Bengal, COKSISTIN'G OF A Large and general affortmeot of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mufi.ins, Dorcas, Ufc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, !n boxes 2nd bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Sff Francis, No. a 1 Penn Street. June % § Wanted to Rent, A convenient, -jnell furnijhed Bed Chamber, 77. With a g'-rc firc-place, in an airy and healthy part of the city. The per for wlia wants to rent fnch a chamber, would HiVr ne objeiiion to board, or break fall only, with £ the faiaily occupying the house, as may be mod agreeable, to Apply to th' printer.. t }, e Stp;err,b« 29. taw S For Sale, This day Landing from on board ibe 'Jbip Cencord, Captain Tbompfon, from Amfierdam^ Gin, ia pipes Empty Gin Cases ~J Hock in caf«s of 4 do*. Glass Tumbler? Sweet Oil in cafe> Parte Graffe Chetfe . Jhfo I.an din %by tre l.ovvfa-, Cap*. Bsll, frCm Lijhon, t, 60 LSfbcn \» inc. On Hand, A quantity of Brandy, Hazle-Nuts in sacks, &c. Peter Blight. Oifcober 17. daw eo2w This Day is Published, Br William Cobl)»tt, opposite Chr : ft-Church, !n An Answer to Paine's Rights of Man, ? " By R. Makenzie, Esq. of Edinburgh. To which is added, A Letter to Citizen Swanwick, By Peter Porcupine. The whole is dedicated to Do&or Joseph Priestley, Fello*- of the Royal Society of London, Citizen of America, and Deputy to the National Conven- N, tion of France. OA. 18. | led The Subscriber requests every Man ink to whom he (lands indebted, to meet at the City -TaveAi and on Thartdey afternoon, at fobr o'clock, precisely, rait as he would wish, in the course of the evening, t# con -1-2 yince every i.HPARTiAt man he means to do him flrifi the justice. He will pcrivnally attend and bring his books *** with hirn, and be prepared to make such proposals to his rn, creditors, as »*ill, he hopes flatter? himfelf, be satis- j fe£ory. GEORGE MEADE. Plaiad. 14th OSaber, ifyt. On Sa.urday, the 22nd instant, at 6 o'clock in the - evening, will be fold by Public Vendue, at the City Tavern, (if not before disposed of at private sale) An Elegant House, No. 78, r "InutJlreet; , HICH is twenty-five feet iront by one hundred and v seventy-one feet deep, with a lot adjoining, zo 1-2 feet Wlde fa y 72 feet 8 inches deep—(Thiy lot is back of the - house occupied by George Willing, Esq.) The house is completely tinifhed in every It is fifty feet deep, has two large parlours, the front one 24 feet, the back o°* si feet by 18 i-ifeet; a handsome drawing-room 24 l-z icet ly 24 feet. The rooms below, thedrawing room and chambers adjoining, have mahogany doois, and t..cfe, as well as the rooms above them, hsve a com municate with each other. The heighth in ihe fir:t a»d ge fecocd stories is twelve feet, and havefloco cornices, and pj. nine rooms up-ftairs besides the gatrets, which are divid ed into three rooms: a good kitchen, waft-houfe, milk " bathiag-hcufes, a large ice-house, a pump in the yard, and a three leet three inch alley that leads into FoJrtfc ,l , pilars are laid with lime, and floored with two inch plank, and plastered. The yard is well paved and the house is clear of ground-rent. Two brick ftablcs jn Wamut-ftreet, with two coach-houses, one of th.na.wiil hold twe carnages the other one. The fniallefl stable has room for three, the lar s eft for four horses.' It-i, 2, fen " iront or. ilflut-llrecL bv «o 7 inrh#»»- As r> * in. uave exceuent Jdts over th\m~TEe k arefcd ~Q asd laid with lime and two inch plank, and will hold - ut on f hundred pipes of wine ;is clear of ground- , rmt. aed ha. the pnvi'ege of an n and 1-2 feet aUey „ tnat leads mto Fifth-ftreet. v Also, a latge, iirick Store, 33 feet front on Fourth- t street, by JO feet deep, wbich might, atafmaU exper.ee, „ lt be turned m.to a handsome dwelling house, hiving been ? f. contrived a the buiirting. It has a yard, 48 feet 6 , , -CC P' b y 14 fcet w, de ; has a rain water pump, f, andl other convenience., and the cellar is hid with two S is now rented at 40 dollar. r er month, f I h.s building is fubjed te a ground-rent of 11 3-4 dollars J P" r an " um - Purchaser. before the sale may applv to I the fubfcribcr, GEORGE MEADE, ?' d r A' ■ °/ r R PQOTMAN, & Co. Auctioneer.' 6t Condi-,ons of sale are—on the House and Lot in Walnut- } Steet 163. pounds on mortgage to be paid, this sum upon ° f 11 -"I7 g c 'T rt " may lay for one yar ccruin, wd lor a further time on the parties arreting. 4800 Pounds .u the fiift .f Augufl, t , 9J; tbr nmi „. der ot ihe purehate money will be uken in aopioved indor sed notes at 6, 9, and ia months. On the Store in Founh-ltreei, ten (hillings, cue7m November 1796 ; the remainder in approved indoiicd h notes at 6 9 and 12 m.mhs, with icc ur ity OQ the premises II ;1 the j whole is paid, r I 1 October 14. « T i h . e J^ ltlb t l ! S .. of th * Socict y of t h e Sons of St. George - Ivk," " Ph .'' a,i ; ! phia, for the advice ani affiaancc of In Englishmen in di Jrefs, are requested to attend a quarterlv meeting of the said Society on Monday the 24th inft. at one o clock P. M. at the City Tavern.-The member, are f requested to be punctual m their attcndairce, as the rule, e and regulations of the Society are to be considered. _n , „ . A - Humphreys, Sec'ry. r oa. 14, if 96. JJ Ihe Cargo of the Polacre Independent, cu /CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- V>< oon, fancing at th« fubferibers wh jrf— U 28 Pipes of Brandy 1 v 18 Bales of Spamlh wool 3 do. of Anr.ileed 7000 Bulhels of belt Lisbon Silt : 80 Boxes of Lemons For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. h ° also, fir Seventy Hogftieads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, . froTffinX e . ftipDOrainiCkTerry ' Cipt - DeHart > s i? ! - !.>• d s Just Imported, 9 Tin Plates in boxes Sheet and bar Lead Shot—all sizes, patent and common 1 Copper bottoms and fiieets EngliCi lhoes and boots in cafe. Taunton Ale in calks of 10 dez. each Balket Salt Bu Wool Ca,ds res Gold Watches. For Sale by n „ r Simon Walkefl 7 : n^ frm Dock-ftr,et. For Salej Pr By J. WARDER, PARKER fcf Co. cl An Invoice of Cordage sh ' to C^Z g f- d s Cren f t i 4l "' from ' 1 i«h cables down °? e ° f ?■ ln =h«, of different lengths: Imr .r'ed in Sept P l- HUI1 ' and c:titied t0 d."av.\j2ck. Co Just Landing, J, At Soith firt'e't-wharf, from on hoard the [hip Scdg let, Cnfitmn Hodge, from St. Pelzrjburg, The following Goods : Roiii Slil Dack, firft quality. . Do. Sheeting do. Diaper. Do. Huckaback. n po Crl{h. ' Do. Mould Candles, 4 T 5 and 6, te the ib. of the Engftlh size. Do. White Candle Tallow. t Do- White Socp in small boxes. Do. Cordage cf fine yarn. Ravens Duck. lfinglafs ill and and fort. Horfs Hair uncurled. » RuiTia Bar Iron. Do. Hoop Iron. Do. Nail Rods. 10 Tons Oakum and Junk. St. Petersburg Clean Hemp; For Sale by Philips, Crantond, Sc Cd. j, Oflober n.i I t SAIL CLOTH. _ On Monday, the 31ft injl. will be Sold n at Public Sale, at the Store of Ivteffrs. \ 'n George Hunter Is? Co. No. 153, Pearl j' flrect, Nezv-York, & 275 Pieces of the Belt " Englilh Weft Country Sail Cloth, By some pirfons called East Coken, a*d by others V, eft Coken.—lt i. of known excellency: wears white, and daes not mildew. Oflober 18 dt29th J To be Sold, ~ The Time of a smart, active Negro Lad^ Who has Eleven years to fcr\e. d • Enquire at No. 58, South Front-flreet. t Oflober 18. ij e — — 5 For Sale, ' Carolina Rice in whole and half tierces, ( Cotton of Cayenne ?.nd Trinidad, Soal Leather, entitled to drawback, Boston Bref, and ' Mould and dipt candles.—Apply to 1 ■ Isaac Harvey, jun. i No. 5, South Watcr-flreet. iothmo.T*. dj w. For Sale, By Jehu Holl ngfivorthy & Co. 25 fchdt. Weft-India Rum, 3d and 4th proof, j Barrels bed Indigo, and, i A few thoafand buiheli of Turk's lfland fait. , o<a. 17. a. - I N G, Jut of different •vejjch from England, and for Jule ly the fubjcrilers cn reasonable terms, Supeifine 2nd common cloths, and catlim:rs Ribbed and striped do. do. Blankets , mottled green and C!k rugs. ( Superfine blue, Claret,'ar.d cemmoii coatings, ] 1 Kerfevs, Bear-Ik ins, plains and Halftnicks, Sn anlkins, Serges and Fiaßaels, Britith Ingrain Carpeting, Hatsaflorted in cases cf 12 doz. each. Chocolate chintzes, printed Cailicow and Handkerchiefs, d ?carlet Cardinals, and Scarlet Snail, , Yarn, Woriicd, and-Cotton hofierv, n Beavers, Thickfetts, Velvets, Corduroys, &c. &c. i 6d. Bd. 12d. lod. nails, and frying pans, 1 AnafTortrncnt of Ironmongerry. Cutlery and a variety 3 of India cotton, and silk c Thomas & Jcjhua Fisher. v No. 5, Dock-fttreet. 11 Also by the Glasgow from Dublin, c t-8 and 4-4 Irilh Linens affortedin boxes of 30 pieces, do. Brown, Glazed Lißnen. Oft- 17- dtf. I v For Sale, 'f 1 50,000 Wt. Black Pepper, and a quan- I tity of Mace, Nutmegs and Clove 3, t Imported in the brig Mary, from Batavia, and entitled J to the drawback. Apply to John Wilcocks, c South Wharves, adjoining Ton Alley. r> Who,has It I.et, .< That spacious and <ron\*enicnt, three*ory, Brick n HOUSE, Nos. 59 ,-.nd 61 South Water-iilfeet, latelyV 1 occupied by Isaac Hazltl unl, Esq. and cal- j cu.ated fcr the accomraodation. cf a dry goott nner- J' chant in an extensive line. Also, fevcral excellent 11 Warehoijfes adjoining. , ft O(<V d 6 ti Madeira Wine. < A few pipes of Madeira Wine, landing from on D board the schooner Lucy, Capt. Prow;, at Chefnut- - t 11 feet wharf, and for sale by fhc fubferiber. Robert Andrews, Oa.T 4 . mwf Nn. 86, So. Wharves p Printed Calicoes. JOHN MILLER, jun. & CO. Have received per the William Pcnn, in addition to V " their own aiTor ment, 81 A consignment of twenty trunks of Calicoes, ele- e ' gant London patterns ; also a few cases of bandfome 31 Buttons—Which will be fold at a (hort credit, on very P by the package only. t< ° & • 14 dtf ft F O R SA L E, t! By N. and J. FRAZIER, " n • ~ No - 95> s - Front-street, ~ Prime Boacm Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. 11 Carolina Rice and Indigo. it Sherry and I enenffe Wines, of etcelitHt quality. P Ravens Duck. i h Indio Basdanno's. Sewing Silk«, various toiovrs 3 CofTahs ari Gurrahs. '1 ' . »U4W. J From the (BaltimoreJ Fedsral G.izhtts. 'v. Extrafl of a letter from a gentleman of this towrt • (now in Paris) to his fiiend here, dated 22d, 1796. " ! confefs I like France wonderfully, particu larly Paris—althuugh it must be allowed that here the moral duties, such as religion, chastity, &c. _ are laughed at. Amusement and present enjoy ment is fought after by all ranks and ages—never* tbelet-s, jUMMtgft ihc c;c>vd. ch-raiiers of realjter* ling value may be frequently met with—and certain* ly the infinite variety of entertainments, by which time may be eaf;ly and innocently enjoyed, lecon ciles one fhortiy, perhaps too foou, to the abfencc of those mote futeran duties, which educttion l.ja fixed in the mind. Religion, 'tis true, is no more I ehaflity is tare ! honefly is divided by felf-intrreil J —all that remains of the fit ft is fixed internally, but externally destroyed 1 the fecend may be found, but the public practice of it, even in appcarance, j would be ridiculous, because the triumph of nature I is conCdertd as that of reaf,n —and difhonetly is - every where guarded by cunning or pru j dence. The absence then of thrfe virtues is not I looked upon as injurious to society, and on the o ther hand every creature being in pursuit of what ; conftttutes individual happiness, it becomes a mat- S ' ter of 11s concern to others, what rhay btT my pur j suits, nnlefs fef intereji may be affectejj. Go where you will, all appear happy and contented (politics cut o"f the quetiion.) " There are eighteen theatres, every une of them crouded each night >n the week, «nc forae of rs them contain 10, coo fouls-;— The publi gardens trs and walks are innumerable,, and never empty. — Fire-works, concerts, public balls jkh rt>u will fee the African dance with the European, .sinl the natives of Asia, with those of America : in short, where'every creature is upon an equal fout- J ing) are every night, and almost every where— Conceive a walk surrounding the inner part of this gn'at city : that is, a circle far within its outer li mits, that goes diredtly round, except where it is ~ cut oft by the river, above and below ; without it are streets without number, within it, the tcoft populous part of Paris; this fireet then, with a tow of trees en each fide, and a walk between them and the houses, may be about ten mil.s round > neveithelefs, every evening the old, painted rnojl ridiculously, the young, n»JI lamentably—men, wo men and children here assemble ; chairs innumera ble are placed, and this imtntnfe walk may be tin* ~ dertaken with males ana females, seated promiscu ously on both fides so» the whole distance t—-Seated all the world, and Paris with all its slinks, and God inowt it is filthy enough, is the place maugre all its imperfe&ions, which (lands superior to all others under -heaven, if there was no other thing 1 _ to make it so, but the fi»g!e entertainment &f M the gallery of paiiJiings." which it 570 yards tn length -BTO-rorttinrraTlic mvris.l, ni th« .lublcft painiei. ti 3 world ever produced, feteftcd from every country into which Freach fuecefa iias penetrated—-Here o very llranger is permitted to enter whenever he pleases." Extract of another letter from a gentleman of thiV town, now at Paris, to his friend here, dated 23d July, 1796. " The rapid fuccefles of the republic absolutely 5. dazzles the imagination, and would be held roman tic, if related to have happened in former times.—» , The brilliant exploits of Buonaparte, for rapidity, iar exceed the memorable actions related of Aiex y ander. This young commander lias the glory of conquering Italy, in less time than a coniioiflcuf would take in examining its Curiosities j and 111 a (hort time, the extensive gallery of paintings will contain innumerable testimonies to posterity, of s ' every work of art, feut by him from the cities, where he planted in theirflead, the standard of the - republic. The emperor is efchaulted, and it is even laid that he is btcome melancholy. It is certain amhafTadors arrived here from Get many the dav be 1 " fore yefteiday. I have it from refpetiable authori ty, that their fir ft audience to»k place yefterday.—~ d They were introduced into the hall 01 the directory —They were received with tiie utmost llernnefs.— Carnot was the organ of his compeers—" This pa ir- pet," said he, presenting it to the ambassadors, " contains the terms upon which we are willing t<j ~ make peace : from them we will never recede, un« I* less obliged to do it on our knees. The meeting is r . added he ; and without deigning to speak , t another word, the directory retired. Methinks i iee the alionifhed princes (for to be Jure they are no thing less) of the most Holy Empire too.—-Ny doubt j 'he belt orator among '-.em wu- prepared to flaakc a long speech ; !>ut, alas ! how are the mighty call down ! the crelt fallen Auftrians mult bow to re -71 publican ftemuefs, and accept 01 such conditions as it ihjll please them to uffci I b ieve t Here is much di!TatisfaCtiu» however leigning a prefest at Paris, 3 will it lurprife trie to witnel'sa fpe. iy ex- olion. Rumors of frefh plots are every hour in circulatioa f anonymeus papers are conilaiitly handing about Lafl night tneie were thoirfands diiliibuted, calling upon the people to rouse themselves, and meet its various places to form afTocialions. The executive 0 are very strong, and the military guard will, when ever fix or eight people assemble together, mterpofc e am] disperse there : this I have been a witr.efs of. y Perhaps nothing is more alarming than the difcoa tents of the soldiery. The government itfelf is _ fupparted by military force ; nevertheless, one of the encampments in the vicinity of the city lately mutinied, in canfequence of their p;y beiiy, made in rnandats, now at 96 per cent, discount. and for which no eatable can be procured. This body of men were instantly removed to affother place ; buc it is new said their fucceSurs exhibit the fame dif. petition. Buonaparte is recalled, and Hoche, who has so fortunately terminated the internal war, waft appointed in in his roam. This was ir.tei ded whea the former accepted the command : but it is £ajd the cirediory thinks Buonaparte too mucu the fr ad Jt. Talieo."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers