E v - r otto (BnttttJ States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. •JW& 1854.1 THURSDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1796. [FoiW*e.X . " , ■■- ■ " ■ ■ j ' '— : f' I,* iw- ■' ■ .jiff V" For Norfolk and Baltimore, T 7*Sloc/p hONPAREIL, f V JOdN HAMLYN, Master, v WiH in ;.]1 this week- For freight i>an J ; apply te the Caot ori board, yV- N T »fth fide of JESSE and ROBERT, Wains whA;f, or to the Subscribers, Whc Ldi'r vyjj larrdiug f- om said Sloop > A few Hh J of hioh pr'oof Antigua RUM. The NONP REfLis intended as a constant trader, be tween R I iov*»rc and Philad&pnia, i luitablc encouragement is received. • rr LEFT !>~LIJKGSIVORTH, fcj* SON. £ September 13, 1756. g-r* FOR LONDON, ~ ( ' The capital <hip CERES, *V - To fail soon:—For freight or paflage to DAVY, ROBFRTS & Co. or John Vaughan, September ro. Frent-ftreet. FOR SALE, ~ The Schooner L A R K, One Hundred and twenty tons burthen. JRzfc A new w®* l wcl ' founll > weJl huilt, & 1 fills extremely fail. For terms apply jt to the master on board, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. If the a l !Ave vessel is not fold in a few dayt, she will i: taV.e freight on very low terms for Boston. j Sept. o. d j. " ' " g For Sale or Charter, B boston, ® BURTHEN Ibo« Jtcoc nth. 0? flour—fhe may ba sent to sea it a small expellee, hef fails and rigging being in C very good orde.- —apply to James Campbell, or ] " Gearge Latimer. f April 29, L_ I' FOR SALE, c j£|k|. The (hip STAR, £ John Vanneman, Master, G T Y!NO at Waluut-ftfeet wharf, Philadel- ' v y* * 1 phia built, of live oak and cedar, will" carry about 3:00 b'arrels is two year? old, and in com - c] plea order to deceive a cargo—For terms apply to f THOS.&JJHN KETLAND. f Who have aKo for sale said v.ffels cargo—consisting of— ( Wine and Porter bottles, Window G'afs, 6 by 8 to j6 by IJ. Pipes in boxes Earthen-Ware in cratr*. Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c. *9 tl At South-street wharf, 1 WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th in.l iuguft, I< by snow Hops-, from Jamaica, and Coop Sally, from Port-au-Prince, se<v5 e<v Hhds. CQEF3LE, 70 Hhds.SUGAR. Also, the cargo of 'be Swedish brig Gufaf Adolphe, " dipt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar, Tfi anrl 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. Harle Nuts in sacks • St. ÜbesSALT, for sale by PETER BLIGHT. Jr- 0 * For Charter, t— The said brig n Gustaf Adolphe, Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, a very fine vessel, about 200 tons bur then. -Arg- '3." jaweoiw- For Sale or Charter, THE FAST-SAILING SHIP LIGHT-HORSF, LYING at Meff.J. &R- Wain's wharf, , , 1 two hundred and seventy tons burthen, a stout, ftt-ong , vessel, and well found. For terms apply to i Joseph Anthony & -Co. < Sept. T. \ - t '' tt ( I. ' INDIA SALES. ON Thursday the iid inft. at 10 ®'clock, A. M. wil| j be fold at the stoWs of Willing*.and Frnn«s, a large I quantity of INDIA GOOD§, imported ia the Ganges, from Bengal, confiding of 3000 pieces Gutrahs 2000 do. Baftas, different kinds , 3500 do. Coffas, do. 450 do. Humhums.do. 600 do. Patna bdkfi. for women 100 ho. Addaties ' 80 do. Table cloth# " ( 300 <10. Eaicrties go do. Panjums Joo do. Fine Mulmul'. 2CO do. Fine Dacca hdkfs, 100 do. worked Muslins 100 do. Dorcas 160 do. Book Mufltn ' 100 do. black and cofored Perfims cr TaffttiM 1200 do. Bandannoes, chocolate, red and bluo iso do. Chnppa Romals ... 1 40 quarter ca&s of Hyson Tea of goed qnality 40 Souchong The coarse goods will be fold by the bale, the taffetas and bandannoes in lots to fcit the purchaser., the teas by the chest. The «hole is entitled to the drawback,and will be said for approved notes, on a iibcj al credit.. The goods may be fcen from the ijthinft. to the day trevious to the sale. .... , JOHN CONNELLY, Adlioneer. September o. Dissolution of Partner (hip. i THE Partnerfhio between ROBERT ANDREWS and. j DAVID MF.RFDITH.under the lirm of ANDREWS and J4ERBDITH, being t!i(Tolved All per Tons who are indebted to, or who have claims agaioft the teid house, arc rcquefled to jpply for lettiement to the fublcriber. 1 ROBERT ANDREWS, No- So. Whaivet. 5<;pt.6,1796. * d if ~ FOR SALE, A 'Complete Font of Brevier, ENtirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this ■font is about £12 lli. It is from the FoUiidrry of Wilson & Sons, and will be fold at cost & charges. . Aifo for.Sale, a pair of Super Royal .Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gaz'ette of the Unitize Statse, 119 Cljcfnut-ftreet, a j>ug. »9 54W The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alieant and Lis bon, landing at the fubfetibers wharf— 28 Pipes of Brandy x 8 Bales of SpaniQi wool 3 do. of Annifced 7000 Bulhels of best Lilbon Salt , 80 Boxea of Lemoii9 For sale by WILLINGS & FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hogflieads of JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the (hip Dominick Terry, Capt. De Ihrt, from Kingston. Sept. 13. d JUST A RR IV E D, from Lijbon, And for Sale by the Subscribers, Lisbon Wine, In pipes and quarter-calks; 5000 Bulhels Lisbon Salt. JeJfe & Robert Wain. Sept. xo. ' dtf MAI L S, For ike foUoiving PrJ} Offices, -will be rlofed at Philadelphia ON Friday afternoon at sun-set : — Mails from the fame Pofl- Offices ludl arril/e on ■ Friday morning— Ab'botftown, P. Hanover, P. PITTSBURG, P.. Abingdon, Va. Hagerftown, Md. Rockinghamc. h. v Bardltown, K. Harrodfburg, K. Sharpfburgh, Md. Bedford, P. Hancock, Md. Shepherdftown, Va Bathc.h. Va. fonelboro', Ten. SpringficM, K. Bourbon, K. Snoxville, Ten. Scevenfburtrh, Va. Brownsville, P. Lancaster, P. Stwlhurg, Va. Carlisle, P. Leefburg, Va. Staunton, Va. I Chamiierfhurg, P. Lexihgtan, K. Sweet Springs, Va. ! Cincinnati,'fl. w. r. Lexington, Va. Taney-Town, Md. Cumberland, Md. Lsmifville, K. Union, P.' Danville, K. Marietta, n. w t. Walhington, P, Downingtown, P. Milkrftowit, P. Walhir.gton; K. Franktort, K. Marti'lburg, Va. Williamsport, Md. Fredericktn. Md. Montgomery, cv. Wincheftcr, Va. Gallijjolis, n. w. t. Moxgantown, Va. Weft Liberty, Va. Greeniborg, P. Mafhville, K. Wheeling, Va. Gctiilburg, P. ew-Markct, Va Weodftock, Va. Green brier c. h. v. Oldtown, Nd. Wythe c. h. Va. Greeneville, Ten. Peterfbu r 2h, P. York P. j. The MAIL from Lancaster, at Philadelphia, _ every Motiday, Wedncfd y and Friday, at 6 P. M. ani Cloft's at Philadelphia the fame days, at 7 P. M. The MAIL for Pottfgrove, Reading, Lebanon, and Harrilburg, will close at Philidelphia, every Tucfday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 P. M. General Poft-Office, S<tptember 13,1796. d 4c. " Washington Lottery. THE Eighteenth in 4 Ninetsenth Days' Drawing of the Walhirgton Lottery, No. s, ire re<tWc<! at the c'uce No. 234, Maritei-ftrect, where tickets may be examined. N. B. information given where tickets in all tlie.other ;, lotter'ict may be procured. , September 9, 1796. df FOR SALE, „ parti"ular&t»(&S4» in pipes and hogflieads ' Claret, genuine oW, in cases Qip, in pipes, from Holland . Earthen s^' in trite? BasSet Salt, in hogfheadt Sho{» Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Ruflia, in barrels Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tafpolin canvas, Tin plates —An invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETt'ANJD. '! Mr 5 A very valuable Merchant Mill, A DISTILLERY and BREWERY, and sundry STONE QUARRIES to be let. I will rent my merchant Mill qt {he little Falls of Po towmac. for any term not less thanfeven, nor more than eleven years, from the firft day cf September next. The g mill-houf :is42by 40 feet, three stories high, built with stone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two overflioti 18 feet '.v«t f and .Evans's machinery complete, with every other thing proper and neceflary for ■* carrying on the bufmefs with dispatch, and at as little exr penfe as poflible, all in good order.—From the mill to my [], landihg on the Potomac river, (wlure craft, of any bur re then may deliver graiu and take in flour) it is about 40 ' 4 yards, and from thenCe by water to Gecrge-Town and the City of Walhington, about 3 miles, and to Aleian -1 dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficicnt capital, will command the produce of a very extensive back country, where large quantities of wheat ami other grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 to 10 miles less than to any raaikct town upan tho navi gation of the Potowmac. There are on the prcmHes a Urge stone Coopers'fh jp, a stone granary, and a commo dious miller's house. At thp landing aforcfaid a bridge is now building over the Potomac, which is in great for wardr.efs and probably will be finilhed the ensuing fall. There are also on the premife9, a Brewery and Diftilfc ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers or boilers, with every neceflary article, all new, and in good order, and fafficiently large to carry on the Brew ery and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop erty I will rent for the fame term of years. Upon jny lands adjoining the pre(mfe9, Ind along the banks of the river, where craft may lead with ease and dis patch, is an i cmenfe q iantity of building and founda- j J9 tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open,-and as many 1 more may he opened with ease : the ftose taken from these quarries is better, and has the preference at this market, to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries separately or together as may btft suit. On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac commodation of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, fmoke boufe, &c. aDd a garden, enc'ofed and in'eultiyation, the foiof which is equal in goodnofs to any in this state. I 4 will also rent this4>roperty. 'S Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Smith's re (hop, in which is a complete set of Blackftnith's tools, re which I will also rent, and "if agreeable I will hire to the tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete workman. II I rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts,' which were built For the purpose of carrying ftont : they wili altogether bring upwpjds of 90 perch. Immediate possession will be given. For terms apply to th#fubfcnb er in this to\tn. lis The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, withthe'f apptirtcn of anccs, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in gobd -5- repair, and must be so returned, at the expiration ol Irr lease or leases. le PHILIP RICHARD FEN DAL'.. Alexaodrij, Aug. 16 —25 For Sale, (Ih an excellent situation for bufinrfs,) A three-story brick House and Lot of Ground, ' Eighteen feet fror.t and twenty-five feet In depth, on » the South fide of Market near Front-street, now in pofief fion of Samuel Read. Apj-iy to Israel Pleafants, or Charles & Jcfeph Pleafants. Sept. Xjj. - - - - drf -_ . . For Sale, A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and L«t, in Chefaut Meet, between Front and Second flrcets, in which Msfirs. Jamel Calbraitli &Co. have for many years (and ' now do) carried on bufmefs. PoiT'C.on will be given in one month, or sooner. * For terms apply to WII,I.IAM BEJ.L, or| HjECTOR CALBRAITH. April »I. _ § A Book-Keeper, . OR Clerk's place is wasted by a pcrfon properly quali- j fied, and whose cWailer will be found unexception able. A pply to the Printer. ~ r 'Aug. tits FOR SALE, COFFEE, jn hhds. hbls. & bags^ COTTON, of Demerara, and f entitled to drawback 1 r SOAL-LEATfiER > ' \ A lib, . BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5 south jfVater-ftreet. 1 8 mo. ao. saw Dutch Goods, Received by tbs PtnnfyJxKMua, frorr. Js%ifltrdam. , GIN, in pipes ( Mbrliix Ticklenburgs > In Bales • Ofnaburgs J £3™ } «•*<*'*<* Hollands \ XKCKXin ditto Parens J 14 in ditto . EE" j 1 l>cr"Sal:'by* 7HOMAS'& JOHN KBTLAND. au;. 29 t-* Sales of India Goods. The Cargo ef tbe (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, £fcm Cal cutta and Bengal, cov?:sting o» A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras CO TTOH and SILK GOODS. e AMONG WHICH A*t . A -variety fine worked and plain Mufiins-, r Poreas, ls?c. Alfa, ■■ A Quantity of ExreHeni Sugar, lr bojees and bags—afid BLAGK PEPPER, Fbr Sale by "Willings y Francis, Wfe. it P«an Stret t- I'.r.e 8 § v—- —■ — To be Sold 5 , At No. 128, AV. Hh Szcptrd-Streety.ar.d by several oj. the AtHitkecarhi in this City. r PRANSFERS of the right so remove pains and inHamroa *■ tiefns from the humanbadyj asfecuted to Dr ELISHA i PERKINS, hy patent, with inftruihents and dire&ions ne ' ceffaiy for the pra&ice. Thw mode of treatment is particn hYly u.ejul in relieving pains in the headj.facej teeth, breali, (ide, flomach, back, rheuinatiftns, recent gouts, &c. &c. Notwithftandiug the utility of this pra&ice, it is not pre "" fumed but there are cases in which this aro every other , remedy may sometimes fail* June 1, *aw DUTY ON CARRIAGES. - n —— :£ Notice is hereby Given, 41 agreeably to an aft of Congrcfs of the United '1 States of America, passed at Philadelphia, the eßth day * of May, *798 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey ,r ance of pet ions, and repealing the former acts for that pur pole.—That there (hall be levied, colle&ed and paid, upon y all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which (hall be kept by or for any perfoo, for bis or her own use, or to let o out to hirfc, or for the conveying of paiTengers, the several du» d ties and rates fallowing, to wit. 1- for and upon every Coach, 15 doll. it upon every Chariot, la dols 1 e upon every Pod Chariot, it ools; j* upon every Post Chaifc, 12 dols. g upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 doh ■ [m upon every Coachee, 9 dols. . r a upon othrr Carriages, having panne/ work above, )m with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols. upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and e • tops with (leel springs, 6 dols. upon foCtr wheel top Carnages, with wooden or iron " springs orjacks, 3 do^. upon curricles with tops, 3 go's.- rs upon chaises with tops, 3 dols._ n upoach-ifs with tops, 3 dols. upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. )- upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dob. upon two whe<l ca. iiages, with steel or iron springs, le .. 3 dols. f- For and upon all other two wheel carriages, a dols. upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posts y and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. I e The Collectors of the Revenue of the firft lurvey of the t Diftrift of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, urtt il the 30th day •j of September next, for the purpose of rece iag the duties on " Carriages, at No. in Race or Saffafras flreet, in the City I of Philadelphia, at the houie of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the ie I County ot Montgomery; and at the house of Abraham Du c~ | bois, Esq. in the County of Kucks; of which all persons pos e* 1 fefled of f«ch Carriages are defuedtotake notiee* 't Notice is also given, TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri /s tubus liquors, that licences', will be granted 4 tp jhem ; one li is cencc for carrying on the business ot retailing of Wines, in a le lefsquantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one te licence for carrying on the bufmefs of retailing Spirituous li quors in lefsquantities than 20 gallons, at the lime time and . at the fame placcs, by the o[Heirs legally authorised to grant ' fucU licences. -y WILLIAM NICHOLS, Infpettor of the kevenue of the firil survey ' 3 " of j the ditlrirfot Pennsylvania. Office of vor., at I <i 3® n " PniladrlphU, aiu Julv, 1796 j s :>d ' | 0? A N T P. D, An APPREX7 ICE to lit Pnrting Bujinifs. , , Brtqnire at this OHlce. ' a.uj. 1 .' • French Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Hatsre dc* Grace, SHOES of all colors/6rt= and fiz«3 I Cafe J ■ - ijiitto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS i*i>itto l-i:le I AWN I Ditto best fine CAMBRIC I Ditto Ladies' best fliammy and Grenoble Gloves For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KF I LAND. A Up.' %A ' ' V * ~ hAiii i- D, * Fat any teim from one to four years, A HOUSE, pleasantly fitiiatcd In any of the principal streets wifhin the pavement, and iV' very difunt from the S'tate-Houfc, capable f>l accommodating a small fami ly ; the house must have ftahjes and coach house, and would'be required to be ready by the firft week in No verr.ber'hcxt—Euquire of the printer. Sept. 14. " * , *tf A Single Woman, Of a good charafker, that would take part ol a small House, may hear of one by applying it No. 210, North Front-ftfett " 3t*pt. 14. dj"" ■■■■LJILU IJ. I. I „ -.iir i- HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. A QUARTERLY MEETING of the HtßETtNtAsr ScqtiTT for the Relief of Emigrant- from. Ireland, will be held at Mr.'M'Shane'.s tavern, in 1 hird-ftreet, od Saturday the 17th inft. at seven e'ilock in the. Evening. MaTßest Caret, Sec'ry. ' September 13, 1796. ' d 5 ' . >. 8. It ia particularly requested the members wi}l te punfiual in their attendance. N O T I C E. THE Snbfcriber, having been in bis (lances, by sundry misfortunes, and being thcrelir enable to his Just give* notice to Hi* Creditors and to all perfens concerned, thSrt He int4BdS'->o apply to the General Assembly of Maryland at their next feffipn to be held on the firft Monday of November next, for the benefit of an a& of insolvency. WILI.IA -.1 EDMONDSON E aft on; Ift of the sth ffiohth.'Y-'jjS."*" " iawtiKNTNI . — 7His DAT IS' PUBLhV.tD, 1 And fold by W ILLI A M GOBBET T, oppo£te Chbrft Church, . . MISS WILLIAMS'S Lafl Lefifon to the Admirers of French Liberty. Let tb"& whof cfluSt of 'tlnr Lfts {rated in Porcupine's Bloody Buoy, read here and be convinced- At the fatnf place may ie had, Watson's Apology for the Bible } Being a complete refutation 6f that W?fjf>>.emous work falfciy called the " Age o!f Reaion." •' As 41/. All the Grub-flreet Pamplilets, vcm'itcd forth frc» the lungs of filth ar.J fa'fehood, against Peter Porcuploe- Sept. 14- **3 Great Js Tpvrit and must prevail. tffST FOBtl-SIU B, . And. for fab at i\V 41 Qhefnut-Jlreit b'y J. OR M ROD, An Apology for the i>ible ; '■ By R. Watson, p. b. f. x. s. Bi/kcp of Lanilffi iSt. Being a complete refutation of Fainc's Age of Reason, And the only anf»cr to the Second Part. >Mt Aufuft'jo.' ' * f ' , Wm. HOLDLRNKSSE, Nb. 76 High Street, HAS received, liytl.e latest arrivals from Europe and the Baft 'Indies, a well feleifted afibrtmcnt of Siik Mercery, Linen Drapery and Htiherdalhery Goods'; which he will f«U, Wholcfale and Retail, en theloweft terms ' amongst which are, Some fine Indla'mafllns em'ntbidered with gold and fflvcr Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto Co do do 00 Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffeties,lutsftrkgsand colored Perfiani B.'.ndaho Handkerchiefs Long and flibrt'Nankeins English Mantuas of" the firft quality Damalk tab(e linen and napkins, Very fine Silk Hoficry, ap elegant aiTprtmsnt Thead add cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do clstb French cambrics, very fine trilh Linstis, a<J.' *&c. Ac. June 14 § 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, I Of tfre bejl quality and on rtafonablc terms, roni sale sv '■ £$$$! & Co.. A Ben ft 16. 1 ■ 11 ——~' Just Arrived, •• - In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatriclt, master from Li. verpool, ■ 5000 Bushels SALT ; 100 Crates W ARE; an 4 An Afiortment of SHIP CHANQLERY ; for s A'L E j. On board, at Pine-street wharf.- Apply to y James Campbell, or " Gearge Latimer. e April 29. 5 " CABL ES, * From 16 to 9 £ inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warder, July 21 I No 12 north Third-street. - At a Jpecial meeting cf the Board of Di :l feelers for ejlabli/bing isfeful Manufaclures, boldest at Paterfon, July 8, 1796, RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be call«d on the firft Monday, being the third ay of Odobcr next, at Paterfon, by ten of the Clock of the fame day; then and .there to take into confutation the propriety of diColving the faii ~ corporation, agreeably to the law hi luch cafe made and provided— »nd the Stockholders are earnellly rcquefted to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy. ' August *7. ■ it jothO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers