WxTsOy's AXS'VZR (C- Gibxon. JUST RECEIVED, for file by J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefiuit-ftrcet, Apology for Christianity, In a frrin »f Letters, addrptfai to Kb ward GlnpoN, Esq/ Author of the Hi ft orj' of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Sy R. IVATSO N, d. d. f. r. s. Biihop of LandafF. (Price 7,5 cents bound ) Watson's Answer to Paine, - To be had at the fame placc. The enemies of Religion are avjake ! Let not her friends Jleep. . Septal. eotf Treasury of the United States. "\TOTICE is hereby given to all persons H"ho are or may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums ° : Funded Debt, or Stack, baring a present intereß of fix per centum per annum. ' ft, That pursuant to an Aol of Congress passed on the ■ •28th day of April, 1796, intitled an a<S in addition to an act, intituled " An ail matin? futther pravifion for the lupport of public ensdit, and for the redemption of the Public debt," the said debt or stock will be reimbursed and paid in manner following, to wit. « First, by dividends (r to be made on the lad days of March, June and Septem <( ' ler for the present year, and from the year onethoufafid {even hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou- sand eight hundred & eighteen iticlufive, at the rate of <( one ar| d one half per centum upon the original capital. J Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lad day of " December for the present year, and from the year one thoufaw! l . seven hundred and ainety-feven, to the year thousand eight hundred and seventeen indufive, at ( t r:1 * ? 0 ' three and one half per centum upon the orl '/ g»nal capital; and by a dividend to be made on the last day of December, in the year one thousand eight hun and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then arse ' quite, according to the contra6l, for the final redemp -4 tion of th.*: said stock." ad. Alldiftin&iou between payments, on account of Lntercß and Principal being thus abolilhed by the eftablilh jnent of the permanent rule of reimbursement abovs de scribed, it has become necessary to vary accordingly the powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public creditors will therefore obTerve that the following form iseftablifhedfor all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgation ol this notice, viz. KNOIV ALL MEAT BY THESE PRESENTS, that * 'J. do mate, confiitute and appoint °f my true and lawful At torney, for me, and in my name, to receive the dividends -which are, or Jball be payable According to law, on the (herts describing the stock) Jlaniing in my name in the boobs of (here defcriWing the books of the Treasury or the Ccmmiffkmer of Loans, whtre the ftbok is credited) from (here insert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to continue) with power also an or attor nies under bim,for that purpose to make andfubftitute,andto do aU lawful ails rajuifitefor 'pßing tbepremifes, hereby ratifying and confirming all that nyfdid Attorney or hisfubfiitutc,Jball lawful ly do y by virtue hereof. Ln IVitnefs hereof., I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day of in theyatr Sealed and Delivered in prefenczpf, BE I t KNOIVN, that on the day of efore me perf on ally tame luitbin named and bcknoivlcJged the above letter of attorney to he bis aft and deed. Ln tcjlimony whereof L have hereunto set my Hand and affix e<l Seal the day andyear last aforejiiid. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions from the Secretary of the Treasury. SAMUEL MEREDITH, Ircafarcr of tie United States. To b« fold by public sale, ON Wednesday, the 7th day of September next, on the prenftfes ia Mount-Holly,Burlington county,-Jiv the Subscriber, The Dwelling-Houfeand Lot hereon it flajids, having been in part occupied as a ftorc for l'everal years past, and in a good stand for buiinefs, to gether with the store-house, stable and buildings therein erected, having two large cellars under them. Also, the ffiop goods and houfehoM "furniture. A clear title will be given to the pur chafer on payment of the.motley or fuf ficient bond therefor, and poffeflion of the premises will be given in the said month of September. The sale is to continue 'till (the whole is disposed of. Mount Holly having become rhe County Town, makes this property more valuable than heretofore. The condi tions will be made known at the time and place of fa!e v by PETER SHIRAS. N. B. Alt pirfoßs indebted to the fubfe'riber, are request ed to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends soon to remove out of this irate. Any perfeo having a jiiil de m*nd agaia('- the fubferiber, it requested to produce the fame for fc'Jement. 5 jaw Mount Holly, Aug*ft 16, 1796. Lands of the United States Treasury Deparftmntf/fagvj! 3, 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, IN jftirfnance of an aft of Congress, pafled on >be 18th ' day of May, 1796, entitled " An »& providing <f for tke frle of the lands of the United States, in the Territo ry north weft of the river Qhi/>, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," that the fc&ions or lots of land descri bed in the annexed fcWule.lying ia the seven ranges of townships, which were fur Keyed in puriuance of an ordi nance of Congrefs,paffed on the twentieth day of May, in the year one thousand fevi:i hundred and eighty-five, will beexpofed forfale-at Public vendae,in llie town ol Pittiburghip. Pennfylvar.ia, on the twenty-fourth day of OiSober next, and thenceforward, from day to day until the firft day ofDccember enfuing,unleft the said lot* shaH be sooner fold, in the manner, and-on the terms and con. ditions herein after mentioned, to wit: ill. The said fe&ions or lots lhall be fold under the di rection ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter ritory, and such peribn as the President of the United States may fpectally appoint for that purpose. 2d. The said or lots lhall be foil! to the highest bidder, but no sale can be made for Irk than two dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in fudi lot or feOlion. 3. The liighett bidder as before mentioned, njuft depo- Ct at the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pure hale monqy, in the hands of foch pcrfon as the President of the United States fha'l appoint to attend the faj« for that pur pose, which will be forfeited, if a moiety of the sam bid, including the said twentieth part, (hall not be paid witnin thirtydayt from thetime of sale. 4th. Upon payment ofa moiety of the parchafe money , in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser will be entitled to one year a credit for the remaining moiety ; an* ihall receive frort the Governor er Secretary of the Western Territory, and the perfpa who shall beappointed foi ly the President of the UnitedStr.-es, the lal«,a Ui ccrtific.te defcribingtha lot or f-Sion purcbafrd, and de- ? .- claring thefum paidtnaccount, the balance remaining doe, p a . the time when iuch ba'r.r.ce becomes nayable. and = tbat J tks whsieland therein tnrntioncd ,will be ftwfeited, if the | be fAidTrahHice pnJd ; i*ut u tKc HaI.I balance lha!l be duly p.tying t:iic fam.c tothfc rrcafurrr of the United purch'ifer or his rtflignce athcr rcc r repr be .entitled to a patent for 11" rCC ' said lands, oh his the.Secrctary of State a re ceipt for fuchT>:\b:ice endbrfed certificate. Bit if any purchaser shall make payment of whole of the purchase money, at the time when the of the , firft moiety is direited to bem«de, fee will be dedu&ion of ten per centu-n on til * part for which a cre dit is authorized to be given; and his patent fhall-be im * mediately ilTued. Given under ms hand at Philadelphia, *and yeai' above mentioned. GIJVER WOLCOTT, b er Setretary ef the Treasury Schedule of fefl'tens of towtifhips, or fractional parts of tOKun/hips, to he fold at Pitt/burgh, in purfwince of the 6th fcflion of an act of Congress, pajpd on or the iB/£ day of May, 1796. urns « _ ■ f tx ? ' o\ \ . J . ►J * Mw i 2 , 9/ IA It f—* V rC . own 00 Oy 1 o <-jo • an .<0 •< g , O oO M ° the « I z z the 1 ' 11 an( j ift Range. 6thTownfhip. 6th Range. nds ift Township. San 640'tach illTownfhip. ;m- 28 565 14 640! j 7 3jo ahd 29 156 95 i7aio 640 each : ig 27 6 ou- 30 250 75 25336 640 eacfi 21 8 of 34 240 pe BthTowhfhip. 166 40 tal - 64oeach 3ai4j64ojeach 6f 2d Townihip i7aioj64oeaLh 24 640 one r 9 14° 25 1640 37 Tsl 80 ear 20 170 7® i5330640each ißa3o64oeach 21 185 33 a 36'64C each 58 ? r jT 22 730 iothTownfliip. '34a36!64o'each ' a 25 488 80 iai [640 each I2d Townihip. 640 each 5 314 640 each 1 126 28 560 173201640 eaoh 2 440 " p " 49 551 60 43336)640 each' 3 44 S of 30 564 l2th,Townfliip. 4 4,-6 flj. 31436 640 each 64oleach 5 464 de- 4thTownfhip. i7a2o | 64o|each 6 472 1 the J 9 6 4 23a36,6401each p 7 340 • " ic tl 6. 4thRINGE. 3ai4 640 eacli i ™ ■' " t T rfyr 34 445 20 30 MO 2 4?g 36 "!$ U Y- Ch 4 S jthTownlhip. 2dTownfnip. 4 494 he 6 r 39 20 »Mi 6 ° 6 eio f "• " sr, 1$» ' ' r 24 640 ° I -T« < aU I J. 14 >40 nd 640 '17320 '40 each * 5 j6 or oil 80 3 3 a 36 i 4° each 3 C 36 640 3dTownlhip. 4 54° be — lai4fi4oeach $ 2d Range. 17320 6 4 ojeach 6 S.s° ' J iftTownfhip. 23336 <4oleach 7314 640 esch 28 | 7"|20 ithTownftip. J 2O G 4 e each 34 I tfs* X3i 4 |64oleach 64C ?ch 3d Townihip. f7a20(640 each Ie 24326 640 esch 233361640 each 1 28 499 16 7thTownfhip. 1 57 1 4<> 29 640 ia2 64o|eacli 3 3' ta 33 64o|each 537 640 each 4 60 ns 4 thTownihip. 12313 64o'each { .593 M 26 40 ißai9 6 4 ®each OI 12 397 50 25 640 7*14640 each 13 Ji jo 30336640 each each 15 2750 9 thTown(h;p. *3*36 640 each _ l"S 25020 iaT4|64oeach 9 thl ®wnlhip. 17 524 17320^640e5ch 1 aI 4 640 esch 18 64c 23336 640 each r 7*2o 6 4 oe,ach in I? 635 nthTownlhip. *3*36 640 each ,y 20 584 80 iar 4 64o i each lltb 1 °wn<hip. 4 21 63621 17320 64o'e3ch lal 4 64o|each a2a36'64oleash 23336 640 each J 7 a 2o 640 each sthT®wn(hip. i3thTown(hip. 23 336(640 each J 1314 640 each l3thTownfhip. „ 6*7 64* each i7d«o64oeach lai 4j6 4 c each ie 23325 64c each 23336640 each i7 a 2cj64ofeach , e 27a18 64c each , n = »3 *3<ij64oreach f. 32336 64c each is thT °wnlhip. 1! 7lVTown(hip. J'tlownlhip. iai4 6 4 0 cach 3 1640! 1 j 74 40 17320'640cach f. SthTownlhip " S 7 5° 23336,640 each is 135 640 esch 42750 ?thR 7 NGE> 44s Town/hip. j 7 3 14 640 cscli 70 an , 17320 640 each *7 394 20 | | <{ 23336 640 each 2dTow»fhii> » JthTownlhip. J 9 a 3o 640 each 2dl.owsfhip. 6 *1640 31 18 3 35 11 64c 3 0 640 c!ch a 6 640 each - T *sffe ■ 19320 640 each * ISO ao r 23336 64= each 3 430 I7alg64oeac]t 3d Range. 5 47 6 T 9 J 4 id ToVvnfliip. 6 464 80 20 4 9^ 15 640 7 2j® 123*24 640 each 1 16 600 "8 618 !2S ,ißc ao 557 J® 9 a1 4 640 each z6a 37 each ; aias2 64oeach 17320 64ceach 4thTownfliip. 23 609 23 *36r64oleach lal 4|64o|each . 640 each 4 th townihip. I 7 a 2o|6 4 ojeach ! 3d Townihip. iai4 6 4 oe3ch 2 3*3 6 64o|e3ch 9 188 6a 17320 640 each JthTownlhip. 10 344 23336 64oeach la l464oiach 11 267 6thTownlhip. *7320 640 each 12 152 iai4|6 4 oleach 23 a 3$ 6 4 o|each I 14 202 50 17 a2O 6 4 oleach Bth Townihip. 15 63c 23336)640 each I*l4 6401e3ch 163i5 64oeach BthTownihip. , r 7*2c 640 each 19 217 50 !3i4|64o!each 2 3*3 6 bleach 20 616 75 i7a2cJ64oJe3cb j 3ia36 6 4 oeach 23a36!6401eac1i ; 1314164.0 e3ch [ 4th Townihip. iothTownlhip. ' J 7*2o 640 each - 1 170 iai4j64o|each *33361640 e3ch » 544 17320 640 each JthTownlhip. s 3 32Q 23a36t64o!each i lal 4 4 45° 12thTownihip. i r 7*2c 640 each J I 2» lai4|64c|each , a 3*36 6 4 c]cach 6 64c J?33oJ64cje3ch i l 4thTownfcip. 7 563 i3*36|64oleach ! la l4j64o|e3ch' : 829 64c each JthTownlhip. , I 7»2o!64o each 10 54c 80 I a 14!5 4 0ieachJ 2 3 *36' 64c each ' 11 529 70 I7a2nj64cjeach 1 12314 640 each 23 a 36'6 4 o]each lar 4 640 esch 17*10 640 each- 1 7320 640 each \ 31*56640 each 1 23336 640 each ; NOTE. ■ g-egate quantities m the several lold "-The ag , part.of townlhips, feive been ,r' r j 5 . ° r rraaion »! - | 5 the qtantitiesin particuW r T v aauil fur " l! ! Lands of the UmisJ Staf.es. | Treasury Department, 8, 1796. >" Public Notice is hereby given, ; jj e TfJ nurfuance 'of an ail of Congress palled ®n the, 18 th I day of May, 1796, entitled " an aft providing " for a the file of the Lands of the-United States, in the territory re " north-weft of the river Ohio, and above " the mouth, of "* Itcntu:ky rivecrM<the Quarter Tows (hips of land . di'fcribed in die ami lying in the seven rang ■n «sot town (hips whieh were furvcyed ia-purfnance of an ordinance of Congress, passed on the twentieth—dayoi May in the rear one thousand seven hundred and eighty five,'will be cxyofed for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at he Merchants' Co'Tee-Houfe in Philadelphia, r,n the 4-h rls j 3y 0 f January next and thenceforward from dijj today, He until the tenth day of February etifuing, unless the said on quarter townships (hall be sooner fnld, in the manner and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. lit. The said township; (hall be fold to ihe ~ highest bidder, but no fate can b? made fw less than two per acre of the quantity of land contained in such quarter towplhip. id. The highest bidder as before mentioned, mud de posit a> the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur- chafe money, in the hands ef the Treaftirerof the United States, which will be fwrfeited.if a moiety of the sum bid, including the said twentieth part, Ihall net be paid within thirty days from the time of sale; 3d. Upon payment of a moiety of the purcliafe-ma ney in khc manner bcfiorementioned, the purchaler will be entitled to one year's c.-»dit for the remaining moiety ; > and (hall receive a certificate describing the qualtar town- Ihip purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance ihall'be duly discharged, by paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United States, 'or liis affigneeor other legal representative, lhall be entitled tp a)jatent for the fiid latid, onr his pro dacing to the Secretary of State a-receipt for such balance, endorfedupon the certificate. Eut if any purdCfer fliall make payment of the whole of thepui-chafe-moneyat'the time when the piyttierit of the fiflt moiety is directed to be made, he will be entitled to a dedutfion of ten pet? centum on the part for which a credit i» authorized to be given ; and his patent fliall be immediately iflued. GIVEN under ray hand at Philadelphia, the day and year abovementioned. OLIVEK WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. SCHEDULE Of Quartef-Townlhips to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur suance of the 6th feftion of an aft of Congrtfs pa/Ted on the 18th day of May, 1796. ,0 QU *2 ei , (0 e d .£< j; c " *2 / o 6 g» <£ «| « o 1 f *• «s b ? t2 h "3 -t -S ' « t - ' a I s < o 0 t: z o 2«a • . I H 2 ISotth East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5J2p 20,480 3 .5 South. East ji ?n _- • § J '" A i No'th East Jl2o' South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480. 7 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North W«ft 5 120 20,480 9 South East 5120 North EaU 5120 South Weft j 120 North Weft ■ 5 120 ' „ , 30;,48O 11 South F.afl j 120 North East r 120 Sosth Well 5120 North Wefi ji 20 1 20,480 4 4 South East' 5120 • North East 020 f ° r< South Weft 5120 *5 North Weft 5120 ' Sfc 20,480 • °l 5: <3 South East SJ2Q X North East ji 2o South Weft r 120 North Well 5120 8 South East 77*T 20,480 Tl North East 120 totr South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 10 South East 5120 io >4 s o North East r 120 SonthWeft 5 , 20 North Weftj 5120 12 South East: 5120 2 °' 4B ° North East j 120 South Welt 5120 Nortb Weft 512Q 5 3 South East "4602" 20,480 urt | l quii South Weft 5120 the North Weft Cl2O 'I • del: 5 South East 512Q ' 9,,f96 not c ?° rt kw/n 5,20 dra ~ South vVeft 5120 the North Weft 5120 7 South East ; 20,480 Worth East j 120 South Weft! 5120 North Well 5120 6 9 South JUst "Tilr t 20,480 ~ on UT^ aft ' 5120 South Weftj CJ2Q . North W eft , 512q • J 20,4.8® \ ' \ , .•• »> " cL .2- » S-p u rz u =* to C; ~ - 5 o- >• W * <5 *5 > Ux o prf « O „; 3 R = b-l <u L , U-4 > L - Sj r! * £ «- -O t» r . r° S <J P £ , O R |j § " 1 f z h -- 2 1 Cf 3 JJ i y II South East y 120 ■——. f North East yi2o South Weft-yjjo 1 North Weft y 120 --. 1 V , 20,480 ?h —- 1 13 South East y 120 1 North East y 12© i-_-- —i South Weft yi2o North Weft y 120! j 1 {20,480 6 4 South East 4630 , • North East 4620 South W?ft y r 20 North Weft y 120] j [ 1 • _ '9,490 6 South East 47-30 North East 47 ry South Weft y 120 North Weft y 120 19,68 y 8 South East y 120 North Itaft y 120 South Weft y 120 North Weft y 120 20,480 . 10 South Eaft(yi2o j North Eaft'yi2C South Weftly 12®. North Weft y 120 20,480 12 South East y 120 North East y 120 South Weft y 120 North Weft y 20J j 20,480 14 South East yi2o North East y1 20 South Weft yi 20 North Weft yi2b 20,480 7 3 South East y 120 Notth East yt 20 South Weft yj 20 lNorth Weft y 120 „ 20,48 a , 5 South East y 120 j North East y 120 [ South Weft yi2o North We ny 1 zol J — 20,480 7 South East y 120 North East y 120 South Weft y 120 North Wfft y 120 20,480 9 South East yt2o North East ci 20 South Weff y 120 ~~ ~ a I North Weft y; 20 20,480 II South East y1 20 s North East yj 20 South Weft y i2o 1 North Weft y 1 20 20,480 13 South East yi2o INorth East y 120 .South Weft 5120 j North Weft y 120 20,480 15 South Eafl yi 20 iNorth East y 120 iSouth Weft y 120 , iNorth Weft y 120 20,480 v NOTE. 1 HE quantities of Lands in the ff veral townships be iofewwa.iremMKjf the Sections reserved by the United States. The aggregate quantities is the fevc raj townlhips, have been afcertair.ed by aclualfurvey; but Che quantities in the quarter tawnlhips, have been no stherwife ascertained than by caleulation., — *§i Waflungton Canal Lottery, n°. r. TTTHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifat g , to raise twenty-fix thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the putpofe of cutting a Canal through the City of Wafliington, from th P®' teniae to theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No.!. Vfe -'I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 2c,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 7laft drawn ■) Tickets, each j 5,000 3J.0& 0 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4, oop ao ditto 100 j,ooo 55 ditto 50 1,750 J750 ditto 11 69,008 To be raised for the 16,150 585° Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 00 Tickets ' "Ten Dollars, - 175/300 1 Cemmifiioners have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid atft for the punctual payment as the grizes. , - The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without elay, as.soon as the Tickets are fold, of wAich timely notice will be given. Such prizes ?as are riot demanded in {i*month?3fter thr drawing is finiihed, shall be considered as reiinquilhe" for he benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed) MOTLEY YOUNG. DANIEL CARROLL,«/P. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE VVAL-fER, Wm . M. DUNCA NSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY, City of Wafhingtoß, Feb. IX. § '■> 3RIN TE D EY JOHN FENN O-, —No. u 9 — I CHES NUT-STREET. t fPricc Eight Dnil*,-. p;r ■ipTiß'n ' j.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers