of the Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. NrwK* 1226.1 SATURDAT EVENING* AUGUST 13, 1706. ______ — S&SB X ' - • ■ —r? ZZ ~ 7~7~ . Tuft Arrivpd I NUMBER la^u.j ForHAMBURGH, - _ . THE SHIP Yi JOHN, £ Robert Jacksoh, Matter, . '•)' ' ■'"•'■ T° fail in fifteen days, 4 3/iiS!SiS«feSSHAVING two-thirds of her carg» en meed and ready to go on board. For freight or paHage M • applyto the matter on board at Wain s wharf, or to mer John Donnaldlon, No. 14 Walnnt-ftrcet» ' j-'y & A well-finiftied, commodious HOUSE I /"or Safe, and immediate popjfion given, . pt», SITUATE on the north fide of Spruce street, No HI,! between Fourth and Fifth streets. The houf», piazz? . and back buildings are threeftories in height, and pet fetft | ly we ]l adapted for the accommodation of a large family, & as they contain twelve good rooms, exclutive of two ciel- ed garrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are | ; one in a rain cittern, the other of as good water as any in the city i The cellars are dry and U'gc. H The terms of payment will be easy : a great part of the S »irr fhafe-money in all probabilit r may lay for years on in terest. Apply at No. 109, oejt d#or eattward. J u *? 3° ferv Landing ms t From on board the William Belcher, mas ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, conftftirg of— 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, ?i2 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret, 286 do. of 24 WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and x TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by — F. Coppinger. Joly 23. dt^ Just Arrived, c h« In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpstrick, master from Li ' verpool, , « 5000 Buftielj SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and An AlTortineßt of SHIP CHANDLERY; FOR SALE On board, at Pme-ftreet wharf. Apply to 'James Campbell, of • George Latimer. Ai>«i 19. i Wtfi. HOLDIiRNESSt, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, a well felefted afforttnent of Silk Mercery,LinenDrkpery and Haberdaftiery Goods ; which V 1 he will fell, Wholesale and Retail; on theloweft terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARB, ' Some fine India jnuflme embroidered with gold and filter Jy Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto J) 0 do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffetiesjut«ftring»«nd cokjred Petfians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and flnjrt N»nfce«os Englilh Mantuas of the firft qualify Damaft table linen and napkins, very fine ' Silk Hosiery, an elegant alfortment Thead and cotton do Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. arid do cloth French cambrics, very fine • Ai Irish Linens, do. &e. &c. Juiie 14 § * - 1 " ' 1 ' Insurance comp. of the state of Pennsylvania. i The Direifors have declared a dividend of fifteen ddl- f lars on each (hare of the capital of said company, for the last fix months which will be paid Co the stockholders or uc theii legal representatives on every day after the loth instant. n S. W. Fijher, Secretary. t j, Auguit . dtot. h« Wanted, th A partner with a small capital to unite m the business tr of a Mill and DiftiHery in Virginia. Inquire of bt the Printer. *rig' 9 . 1 UNITED STATES, ? PENifSrzrANJA DTSTXICT, 5 Notice is hereby given, THAT purfnant to a Writ tome ft ora the ho- J norable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Di- w ftriit Court of the United States in and for the Penniylva- a nia 1 Will be expo fed to Sale, ft at the Cuftom-Houfe. on Monday, the 15th day of A*- 1 gust, 3 Bags of COFFEE ,B I Bbl. SUGAR t b 1 Half do. do. 1 Do. dp. TAMARINDS 3 Kegs do. a Bagsof Sugar and 3 Do. Coffee The fame having bee* libelled atjainft. prosecuted, ind condemned as forfeited, in the said court* WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marlhal. a MaHhal's Office, 30th July, 1796. , a Mr. FRANCIS, , (Of the New fheatrt) ! * TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his c scholars and ta the public. Mr. Francis intends, on his return frora Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing, upon a plan entirety new. He flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupil" hi- I therto readers any premises of cond.uftiug his future t schemes on the molt liberal and ftriseft terms, of pro- < priety, totally unneceflary. A T . B. Private tuition as usual. ( Tune 3 "w To be Sold, i At No. iaß, North Second-Street, and by federal 0/ the Apothecaries in this City. TRANSFERS of ihe right to remove pa ; ns and inflamma- I titins from the human b«dv, atfccured to T) r. ELISWA PERKINS, hy patent, with ipfliumentsand directions ne- Ctfrary for ihe practice. This mode of treatment i« p»rtica iar'v ufeful in relieving pair*, in the head, face, teeth, brcaft, fide, ftonwrh, bjck, rlieumatifms, recent gouts, &c. Sc. Notwithftaodiug uie utility of this prai!«e, it is not pre- ; fumed but there are cases iq which this and every other tcmedv may (ometifri^ June 18, ,aw / Samuel Richardet, i 0 ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen 1 Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. where yhc SiAfcripuon Reom will be futniftied with all the unden daily papers publifheJ iu Philadelphia, NiwiYork, Bgf- Supi ton, Baltimore, with those of the principal com- YOl raercial cities of Europe—They will be rcgtilarly filed E |al And none permitted to he taken ayray cn any?>:cot:r7t. Tea, Coffee, So jpea, Jellies, Ice Creams, 4atf a va-iety of Preoch Liquors; together with the oftiaJ , f ' will at alt times be f rocored at thf bar. _ ' _ Gentlemen may depend, on being aicomsnddated v.ith jjj"j > the choiccft of Wine*, Spirituous Liquors, and the most L , lr | approved Matt Liquors from London and other breweries. | The Larder will be ftppfied with the prime and earliest pfoduiSions of the Season. 4-4 i Large and ftftill Parties, pr single Oentlemen, may be j accommodateil with Breakfalls, Dinners, or Suppers, at 4-4 hours moK conv nient to thcmfelves—a cold Collation is 6-4 regularly kept for convetiiency, the Bitlof Rre to be had at the bar. ♦"4 * The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifted, and A t 1 the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other Q u *i* Fji requilitc. . • Tii e Cs* S\muel Rich akdct will be happy to receive,, ana , 1 execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and tvith gratitude far their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre- —— serve that patronage with which he hasbeen so diftinguifti ingly fionored. Philadelphia, April 19. c 0 Philip Nicklin & Co. JS HAVE FOR SALE, ' crow Souchong ~ horn Hyfoti Skin / ■ w Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS Hyson and \ n,c^ Imperial J . Yellow Nankeens China Ware, aflorted in Boxes and Cheßi Qubkfilver Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality la Jt chests —-- i- Lo»don Market MADEIRA WINE 1 London particular Vin pipes, hog (heads, & New-York Market } quarter ca<ks , Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogOieads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas Nd. I a 8 T1 Lead in sheets V" 3 Calks of Cwleryaff«rted com A few chests of Mancheffer Goods, aflorted thick- alle tet», cords, striped Nankeens, &c. and _ 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks larg li Tierces Virginia Snake-raot. ftor Nails aflorted in calks ' - ' do ° July t8 * ny 1 Ik On Mondiy next, isthinft. (July, ) ! ovei :h Will be landed at South ltreet wharf, the cargoes of S u perfe, win Weft Indian and Isabella, from Jamaica and Havanna, con- arei Tiding oT . or st Molasses in Hogsheads, Coffee in hegfheads, barrel? & is & ns FCR SALR BY P ar • PETER BLIGHT," ™ Who has also for sale, j A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, - i.aft cZT & } In S And 15* box's Hambro' WINDOW GL\SS, 7by g-, wUI c be fold cheap. ° t - Tulv 20 diet & tuth & s lot, c ■ ma To be fori d, At AiPL ANT AT lON, in the town of Woodbury, coun ty of Gloucester, and state of New-Jersey, contain- _J J," e mg about one hundred and fifty acres ; a Suitable propor or tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A ith Brcat8 rcat P art ot arable land is in a high state of cultiva- » tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. On said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house, «rith four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cell&r under the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage-. _ house. The garden is large, and contain- a good collec tion of the be ft kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees j t(j] the orchard consists of about three hundred grafted apple* ,ess trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premises, may of be informed of the terms by applying to - Andrew Hunter. b» Jnly 19 F * els Asjheton and James Humphreys, C6NVEYANCERS, or TTAVE removed their office to No. 6t, Walnut-street, in a 1 next door but two to the corner of Deck-street, th Dl " where all INSTRUMENTS IN. WRITING are drawn at a moderate charge, with care, accuracy and dispatch.— They likewise bay and fell Real Estates upon commis sions, and procure Money upon Loan on good security— _ hr- The business of an ATrORNEY AT LAW and NOTA RY PUBLIC is al'fo tranfadted at the said office as usual by ass.heton Humphreys. N. B. Good Notes difcodhted. , July 5. eo6w •« " For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, TN New Jersey, near <He Forks of Little Egg-Harbsur. 1 1 The Gtift Millis sixty by forty feet, two water wheels, and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, Ac. The Saw-Mill has two Taws,and 7* capable of Cutting five to 6 100 thoufandfect of Boards per year. A valuable piece of Cedar Swamp, within a mile I and a half of the Mill, and within three quartets of a mile ,' of a Landing The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water I j s from the mill tail. ai Also FOR SALE, n He Several Valuable Trails of Land, n hi- In Pennsylvania, for all of whifh payment will he receiv- „ ttire edin the notes of Messrs. Klorrij and Nicholfon, or in pro- Cash. n For further Information apply to the Printer. I May 17. . . * aw C( !L Plans of the city of Philadelphia, n Including the Northern LißißtiES and «Kftri<6t of c , , SOUTHWARK; 1 V Published, and fold by e BENJAMIN DAVIES, >HA No- 68, High street, ne - (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 16 inche. square, and has been en- Ca ' graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a late r pr( ,. and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam >thc? phlet with each plaa, giving " some account of. the c city, its population, trade, gortrnmefit, kd. a iw July 19 *' &f tf George -l>bilso-si t | lo BtCS leave to inform the Swe-Keepers in To«« and J _, . Countrv, that he has remo"»d from Market-Street to I N°- i 5, foiith Tfiird-ftreet, I bort ' where he is opening a Laige ami Elegant Assortment of the I undermentioned articles—viz. I 1 ' Superfine Lo-vionCloths and Kerfeymcfc*f 1 YorkPaiie frcond Z>o. Do. . J [ Elastic do. do. * Mix'd and BiueCoaiingi r Ftjmncllj, <Bcc• 4 A W MarcJjcft?'" Printed I T London Chintz ditto, 1 Blue and d'utoTurtittares, I Julj J ?ndia ditto, J Long Cloths, Coffaes, Baftai, Ottilias & Cpn*evttattifc I 4"4 9"® 5"4 Siiperftwe Book 4-4 and 9.8 India 806k Handkerchiefs, | 4-4 and 9.8 $coech ditfp, 11^ : 4-4 ocS-4 Dlain do Muflini, I ?■_. t 4-4 &. 6-4 Brittih Jaconets, \ J , s 6-4 Qritilh Checks and Srripes, j J lidia dx>. do. do. ianyot 4-4 ditto Chilhjes, MadVaj Stc. J Certifi d A adoitment of figUr'd and plain Muflirtecs» J Lotts 1 r Quillings, Ditnities, and Striped Nankeens, J 011 dep Fancy WaiAcoatmgs, I Ginghams of tWe firft Quality, fubjHl to Drawback*, I t India Nankeens, i JLa Men's White and coloured Silk ftotkingt. 1 fry* . May 9 fo I *? o '* j Whar " Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away this morning fr6ni the Subfcribep, living I Jur in the county of Monmouth, New-]ierfey, a rttaark- j ably black Negro Man, named BJSN—abwt 40 yefirs of j age, J feet 9 or 10 -inches high, ftoiit made, bald on the j crown of his head ( had on and took with him a grey J homespun coating coat and jacket, a brown cloth coat, j with a hlack collar, homespun tow fliirts and trowfers, J t (, with other ihirts and Small cloaths which cannot be euu- I a t S nierated. He is acomplail'ant, artful and deceitful fellow. 1 1. Whoever will take up aid fecttre the laid Runaway, so j weei. that his owner may him agaia, stall have the above re- j Rc ward, *nd rcalenabte charges paid if brongfet hone. j rive a Elijhet Latvrance. te July aB—AUg. 1 S lw liavan For S&le, j Jtr I Re * A "LAkGK tLfcfLANT AMD W*Ll FilfUHt© • /» I nooQj Three-story Brick House, * rt a ; (The late residence of General Walter Stewart) j 'fj, c WiTH a LOT of GROOfD thereunto belonging, J tinuar the weft fide of neat Unioh-ftWet J in car containing in frout 31 feet, and in depth 100 feet, so an I propm k" alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The house is 32 feet front I Nr and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it .are I ORob 1 large, conimodiouS, and completely finiihed; the two firft I for, 1 stories are each 13 feet high; tliere are ao mahogany I doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mah.ga- I "fIAA ivy rails and ag«od fty-flght. The kitchen is in the ceil- I P rtv " "v ar, \vhfch is spacious atrd convenient, and finiflied with an I ' 1 5 J oven, fteW-hotesand pilitries, A servants* hall and large J 1 ' b. wife-cellar adjotmitig the kitchen, in frofit of which is an j ' >n- area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted, j r Communicating with the said building isa neat three-story J * y hriffk house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain- j jj ing 30 feet froiit by 20 feH deep; the lower part of which I 'Sj is at present occupied as atdmpting-hoWe, and the upper J- — r * part divided into well-finilh'ed large chambers. Thishoufcl may at a small expense be converted into a convenient | dwelling s Tfrelttfeetdotor fs very hatldfertle, and the front j !JaeV. have Venetian window-lhutters. j ( • last house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are erected j batliing'-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach- 1 p house and ftablcs finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in I the city, 011 a lot conuiiimlg on Union street 36 feet, arid I "V 1 ... in depth on the weft fide Of said alley 5 i sees. There are j good cellars under tJtti whole of the buildings, and a wihe J 0 f t t room Over part of the stable, with a hay-loft dVe'r the re- j p tr , mainder. i'or further purtiCtil.Yrs ehquire or 1 , IBWAkO BOttS.-LL & Co. At No. 64 Dock-street. betWeen Walnut & Pear I an- co streets. I f U p. L i n . 6th month 24th, 1796. _ I put, a |OHN PAUL JONES. If. va " TNFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John j re r r ' JL Paul Jones was a proprietor of five Ihares (amount- I _ j • ta about 5867 icres) in = tra-ft of land purchased by 1 1 the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United Stater, I f f e ~ of America; north-weft of the river Ohio.; and that his | - heirs, or legal reprefeiltative, on application to the diree- j 1 ;e ' ' tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore- j t Pe * said, will receive a deed »f the said five shares, or rights < "V of land. r « The application may be made personally or hy an agent, I _ f but proper documents must be produced to prove the I < F * claimant or claimants the legal heirs or seprefentative of I > ' the said Jones. 1 „ ' > n.b. As it is not known in what country the perlon I ' orperfonsinterefted r>:fide,it will be an aA of benevolence | ■eet, in every Printer in America and Europe, who shall insert | 1"' 'eet, this advertisement in his paper. I nat In behalf of thedireiSors of the Ohio Conlpany, tf" i.— RUPUB PUTNAM. P° mis- Marietta, May 20,1796. [June .] 3»wqW I crc L A ai " Published, W is - BY THOMAS DOBSON, J 7 „ At the Stone House, No- 51 South SccontJ Street, J neatly printed in one volume quarto, price fix I tor dollars the fine papw, or five dollars the eom- or v I fto ®^ on: ' 1 bo o" 1- - The Four Gospels, l w i f®' 5 ' YR ANLATED FROM THE GREEK; m< j With preliminary DifTerta ions, and Notes critical and ex- ail ' ana planatory. I »" By GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D. F. R. S. '*■ mile tifc. Principal of Marifchal College, Aberdeen. I -.ater * # * TTv. character of the author,for aeutenefs I and etudition has been t*ftablifhed by his essay on I miracles in answer to David Hun e," the greatest j rnafterpiece of the kiafl ever publiflied, and by his I :eiv " <« Philosophy of Rhetoric," arid to the merit of r the present • work, the result of nearly forty years I study and application, and the fubllance of his j w course of lectures io his official capacity, the j ——— reviewershave given ample tetlimony, but their ac j count,however honorable tp the woik, is too long | ° for a place in ttiis advertisement, the Vfoik howev- I er is now presented in an American edition it not I more than half the price of the London copy. July 20. 4*2 w Uniyerfity of Pennsylvania, ' H?' J ul y >6. '79 s - I r 1 THE Sumiher Vacation will take place on Monday »•*') j P jm ' t the 18 h inft. and ioi.tiiinc for a week'.—The differ-j the ent Schools withche several Tutors will accordingly re- I affemLle on Monday, ihe 15th day of Aujutt 1 1 tf By the Faculty, V?m. Rooeits, See'yi » tuft Arrived In th brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale by the fomcrSHM. _ Forty thousand wt. of very prime Coflee in hog Stead* and bags And. in the fehoonc Hope, from New Crleani. BEES 60TT0N HH>ES and LOGWOOD. A Bhenl credit wiiJ be give* for. Approved Notes. J&ichafd'and jsfmes Potter. JufrTa?- M Lottery and Broker's Office, ■ffP 64 Soyth Second'flreet, TICtCCI'S in the Canal Lottery No. H, are now rea dy for file, a Check Book kept Tor the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, Without dedudion The etWcrfber solicits the apjdieation of the Public or . any ot his friend* who wiftj to purch fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Hbnfes, Lands, Letts or fAerchandiie of any kind, or to obtain Money on depbfit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company, g? Shares an. Tickets in the late Newport Long Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined; a complete lift of all the prftet hating been received at this office. June 6. w^s ■ ■ ■ . j — ' ■■ — ; piLGPOSHLS FOR CAHUTI NO TBI Mails of the United States, , On the following routes, will be received by the Postmaster at Savannalt until the fir it day dl September next. 1. From Savannah by Stuibury to Newport once a - the Mail «< S«"»onah everv, Saturday bvb * M > ar " ,iv« at Sunbory by 6 f M, and at Newport Bwfie on Sun day by 10 AM. Rdtu&irs- Leave Newport Bridge on Sun| lay bv 3 PM, and a-rivr at Sunbury in the evening, and 3% Savannah o« Monday by.6 P M. «. 1. From Newport Pridgeby Darienand Brunftffck to St. Marv'i. tuct ih'tico &««, , / Receive the Wail at Newport Bridge every other Sundry noon, and arrive at St. Mary's the next Wednefd.iv by 5 H*. Returndi. Lea <- St. Mary's ihe r.cxt day. Thorfday hy RA. M, and arrive 3, Newport Budge the |*#tSundayby ie. M. Note 1. If titter of fa Mitts trcrfttridhlaw, Jtirtnt the.cn t,nuance ttf tkltmhds. the CMractcr uto efc re fuel, aluraVOnt t it, earning th mail, endhu p*) «» h n proportion to tkediftaiice entrnfid or diminifheii yfv "'' ' it Note 2 IhcCmtrafh an to be in operation-on the '/ e Qfioitr next, audio Wl« fir four years until the 30" ieptem. ft for, 1800, ineiaftt e. . . y Noie 3 . ThePofl may alter iheJwes ojarm at I and departure it any time daring (he toutinMnu oj te I ptevioujty flip stating an adequate compenfatwn- for any extra exp „ the mail at al! offices where m particular lime 1.1 Specified , Note ~ For every hour's Jelay (mavotdaUe accidents excepted) 1 ina'rriving after tfietimcs pnfoited in any ccntraß. the contrafKr y /halt forfeit one dollar And if \ the delay continue u, 1 t'e depart 1_ iire of any tfc'pMitig mail, whereby the mails defined for fueh «- :h pending m/til ptat mfe a trip, the cmUrlOor Jka/l forfeit ten toUtitt ■ T ' —to be deducted from his pen. fc JOSEPH HABERSHAM, nt Post-Master General. jfej* OrHcr, Philadelphia, June iB, 1796. lawbw in Treasury of the United States. id \TOTICE is hereby to all persons who are Or re j\( may be Crfediters of the Umtcd States, for acy sum* be of th- Funded Debt, »V Stock, btning a present inlerf of fx 'e- per centum per annum. ift, That pursuant to an AA of Congress pafled on the 2§th day of April, 1706, intitledan ?.<ft in addition to an :ar aft, intituled " Atva« making fuither pMvifion for the support rf public crtdit, and fbr the redemption of the ptblic debt,'' the (aid debt or 4ock will be reimbu'rfet! and paid in manner following,to wit. " Firfl, by dividends "to be made"on the latl days of March, June and Septem )in " ber for the present year, and fron\ the year ofte thousand nt . " seven hundred and ninetj-feven, to the year ont thbu by " sand eight hundred & eighteen a; the rate of tes " one and one half per centum upon the original capital, his " Secondly, by dividend* to be made on the last day of ec . " December foi> the present year, and from the year due re . " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, t-o the y>*ar hts " one thousand eight hundred and fever.teeh ifieMive, at " the rate of three and cme half ptr centum upon the ori ■nt " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma eoa the last the " day of December, in the year oili thousand eight hun cf " dredand eighteen, of such furri, as will be then c■ ie— " quate, according to the contrail, fbr the final redemp fon " tion Of th laid stock." t, cc ad. All diftinflion between payments on account of fert letter eft and Principal being thus aboliihed by the eftablilh ment of the pemianent rule of reimburlbihffnt abova de scribed, it has become necessary td vary accordingly the powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th, public / creditors will therefore observe that the following form _ iseftablilhed for all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgah»A,ot this nbtice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ttijf I of .it ■ do mete, conjtiiute and appoint eel, fyf ny'true andlaitful Al fix torney,for me, emd'tn my name, to receive the dividends ivb.eb are, )m . or ft ail be payable aairrding toJpW, on tbt fh'ete dfefcribmgthe stock) f aiding in my name m tie boots of (here describing the books of the Treasury or the Cotnmiffibner of Loans, where the dock is credited) from (here insert the cbm mencement and expiration of time for which the power of . ex- attorney is to continue) vritb power also an attotn'ey or attor mes under him, for that purpose to mate andfubfitute, and to do all .5. lawful ads requfttefor effecting tbepremijis, hereby ratifying and J confirming all that my fmid Aitorny or bisfubjlitute,flail lavful ' r ly dp, by virtue berets. 8 In Witsiefs hereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal th*. on day of in tbeyear itcft Sealed and Delivered hi* " preface of, Q f BE IT KNOWN, that on the day of before me personally came e3 |] within named and acknowledged the above letter of attorney to be ■"8 bis aa and dsed. the In trfitmony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand tnJ afpet ac ed Seal the day anJyoar l.ifi aforefuid. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&iona vcv " from the Secr«tary of the Treasury. not SAMUEL MEREiJrrH, 'Ireafurer of Ibe United States. (V July »3- » V'*. 1 7- To be disposed of, >6. { - me 0 f a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, w':o "S* 1 ' i haa between four and five year» to Server She u can be recommended for her fobrietv and honefly. For J particulars enquire at l 4«. r3», Chefoßt-flrtet. Anguft 3. *awtr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers