"* \ - Treasury of the United States. |< NOTICE is nereby given to all persons who are or fSFOt may be Creditors of the United States, for any sums p au l of the Funiri Debt, or Stock, iciring a present inUrcJt of fix tQ j per centum per annum. Qhi< i ft, That pursuant to an Act of Congress patted on the of 28th day of April, 1796, intitled an aft in addition to an m aft, intituled " An afl making futther provifiyn for the ( support of public cradit, and for the redemption of the ;j public debt, 1 ' the said debt or flock will be reimbursed and Jand. paid in manner following to wit. First, by dividends! ■j-j u , ;i lL to be made on the last day* of March, June and Septem- | fl " ber for the present year, and front the year one thousand c ] a ; man " seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one thou- jj, e ,f a y " sand eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at the rate of n.b. " one and one half per centum upon the original capital. 11 Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of evcr " December for the present year, and'from the year one t j,; s a< j^, " thoufar.d (even hundred and ninety-seven, to the year i n be " one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclusive, " the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma eon the last " day of, December, in the year one thousand eight hun " dred ind eighteen, of such Turn, as will be then ade- UIVI " quate, according to the contrast, for the final redemp- Pj " tion of th- said flock." ad. All diftinftion between payments on account of Tntrrr'l a!ici Principal being thin abolished by the eftablilh- I "H. ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement abovs de- ' n scribed, it has become necessary to vary accsrdingly the ftrifl C powers of attorney for receiving divider, Js; th public nia Dil creditors will therefore observe that the following form i» established for all powers of attorney which may be at the 1 granted after the due promulgation ot this notice, viz. (j KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that J ,/ in do make, conjlitute and appoint my true and lawful At- me, and in my name, to receive the dividends ivh cb are, or Jhali be payable according to law, on the (here describing the ftock)/landing in my name in the books of (here defcribmg the The books of the Treasury or the Commifiioncr of Loans, . con( j el the (lock is credited) fro™ (here mfert the com- I mencement and expiration'of time for which the power of I jyj ar (] 1 attorney is to continue) with power also an attorney or att:r- sties wder him, for that parpofe to make andfubjlitute, and to do all lawful aas,reqnifttcjor efferting thepremifes\ hereby ratifying and 'confirming all that my said Attorney or his fubfitute,pall lawful ly do, by virtue hereof T J n JVitnefs hereof I have bercuntv set my Hand and Seal the day of ' in the year ( Sealed and Delivered WJ in preface of } . BE IT KNOIVN, that on the day of contai before me personally came I a^e 7 'within nam id and acknowledged the above let-ter of attorney to be and 5 bit aft-and deed. T Kirge, In tefimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my Hand and affix- none ed, Seal tbt day an iyear las afotvfaid. doors Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- ny rai tieth day of July 1796, pursuant to dire&ions ar, w from the Secretary of the Treasury oVen* SAMUEL MEREDITH, wine . Ireafurer of the United States. area y'uly 23. ' • • w&st IJ* Comi ' • ' 1 brick Plans of the city of Philadelphia, ' £ g at 3 Including the Northern Liberties anil diflriil of p ar t SOUTHWABK; may Published, and fold bv dwei BENJAMIN DAVIES, f' d ' No. 68, High ftre'et, J J (Price one dollar.) THIS plan js ih inches square, and has been en- A£ c graved by one oif the firft artist« in the city, from a late , an<J accurate forvey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam- ; phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the roon city, its population, trade, government, &c. ma ; r July 19 ta & f tf — — Attl Samuel Richardet, 6l RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philadel- hia. • The Subscription Room will be furnilhed with all the I daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal com- ? 1 mercial citixs of Europe—; They will be regularly filed ; ncw and none permitted to be taken away on any account. f Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety lanC of French Liquors; with the ufaal refrelhraents, ' on ' will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemes may depend oft being accommodated with ° J . the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most . approved Malt Liquors froraLondon and other breweries. 'P rl The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest j production* of tlio Season. I Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be ° accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at vcn hours most convenient ta themselves—a cold Collation is regularly k«pt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had cu at the bar. Vl The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and c 0" the utmost attention paid to.cleanliness, and every other requiCtc. cc gj', S\mvel Ricbardxt will be happy te receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges " himfelf that nothing on his part Hull be wanting tp pre ferv»tKat patronage wish" which he has been so diftinguifli- Ingly fijnored. "Tj Philadelphia. April 19. eo J Philjp Nicklin 6c Co. of HAVE FOR SALE, an Souchong Hyson Skin / Young llyfon > on Hy-fon and \ Imperial J Yellow Nankeens China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Chests » w QuickfJyer cc Bandanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in tl chests London Market MADEIRA WINE London particular ■ >in pipes, hogfbeads, & New-York Market J quarter casks Teneriffe Wine in pipes and liogft Sugar Candy 1)V the Box J Sail Canvas No. i a 8 v Lead in sheets -3 Casks of Cutlery xfjortcd •[ A few chests of Mauchefter Goods, afTortcd thick sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. ' 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks 8 Tigitfcs Virginia Snake-root. Nails assorted in casks Tulv 18 . mw&S - Twenty Dollars Reward. ' WAS STOLEN, last evening, from the pasture of the fuWcriber, a black Rockingham GELDINfI, 15 »-a hinds high, has a flar, and fotne white r.nder his throat, (the parfbeing formerly chafed) ;has a leather 011 his neck, the mane fn the near fide, his frmt-locks fretted ( \vith a clog, and isa horse of much bone and size. Who ever secures hiin with the thief, shall have the above re- ' w?rd. or for the Horse alone a very generous tompenfa rion " J»HN LAWRENCE. July 7 CO4W JOHN PAUL JONES. TNFORMATION is hereby given, that the 1 -John U 7 1 Paul Jones was a proprietor of fire lhares (amoun ine to about <867 lcres 1 ) in atraft of land .purchafeJ .5 the Ohio t ompany, in the territory of the United Mates wh( . r( . h( of America, r.orth-we!t of the river Ohio; and that Ins undermc heirs, or legal reprefer.tative, on application to the d>rec- Supei tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afcr;- York said, * ill receive a deed of the said five shares, or rights EWb< The application maybe made personally or by an :.gent, tj 3 ™; but proper documents mnft be produced to prove tie . n( , claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative o thefaid Jones. . India n.b. As it is not known in what country the perio Lon „ or persons interested re&de, it will be an of bcnevoleflce in eVery Printer in America and Europe, who inall miert ai thisadvertifement in his 4-4 a In behalf of the dire&ara of the Ohio Company, 1 : > 4-4 f. RUFUS PUTNAM. 4 . 4 4 Marietta, May 20,1796. , [June J 3awqw 6-4 1 UNITED STATES, Pennsylvania District, y Quih Notice is hereby given, I Ginp, THAT pu:fuant to aWrittomedireded, from the ho- Ind is norable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Di- Men 1 stria Cou't ot- the United States in and for the M nia Diftridl, Will be e%pofcd to Sale, at the Cuftom-Houfe. on Monday, the 15th day of Au gust, 3 Bags of COFFEE \ 1 ' 1 Bbl. SUGAR x \ ! 1 1 Half do. do. ingabc 2 Do. do. TAMARINDS t!on , 0 1 K«gs do. eat J • » Bags of Sugar and " on ' Do. Coffee j ° n « l - The fame having been libelled against. profecnted, and :r ' ; condemned as forfeited, in the said court- ! WILLIAM NICHOLS, MarfhaJ. heufe f ! Marfhil's Office, Jti'v. the"o^l V t c , trees. d 1< or Sale, beinfc A LARGE ELEGANT AND WELL FINISHED Three-story Brick Houfc, joi 3 (The late refi lence of General Walter Stewart) ~~ WITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, (J the weft fide of Third-street, near Union-street will b containingin'front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an Weft! alley leading into Union-street. The house is 32 feet front filling \c and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it arc fi.iQ large, commodious, and completely finifhed; the two firft (lories are eaph 13 feet high; thtre are 20 mahogany Cos" doors in the bouse ; a geometrical flaircafe, with mahoga -- ny rails and a good lky-light. The kitchen is in the cell is- ar, which is spacious and convenient, and finifhed with an oven, stew-holes and pantHes, a fer-tfr.nts' hall and large wine-cellar adjoining theAitchen, in'front of which is an area in which there is a pump The yard is vaultid. „ Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story 1 brick.hokfe, on the north fide of Union-street, contain- i £ I ing 30 feet front liy 20 feet deep; the lower part of which is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper " nd of part divided into \vell*finifhed large chambers. Thishoufe j may at a smalL expenfp be con/v *rted into a convenient dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front , ~ ijoid baclc have Venetian window-shutters. Adjoiningthe £ fact houfc, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are credled bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach house and o_able« finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in a^QU the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and 3 am Lte iin depth on the wall fide of said alley 5 a feet. There are as » good cellars unde* the whole of the buildings, and a wine j room over part of the (table, with a hay-loft over the re- c j o at mainder. For further particulars enquire of t_: n EDWARD BONS ,LL Sc Co. haye At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear eo llrects. 6th month 24th, 1796 ™ ~ FOR SALE, he A very Valuable Eft ate, No >he /DIALLED TIVITTENHAM, lituate in the ® o j- township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, ! 7 1-2 miles from Phiiad-lphia, and half a mile from the [ e( j new Western road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, j 45 of whidhare good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of ths firft quality. There are Fro j on thepremifesagood two story brickhoufe, with4rooms 'j on floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well Q of excellent water in front; a large frame barn," stables, Oi 10ft ot her convenient buildings; a smoke-house and stone th« fpring-hosfe ; tw® good apple orchards, and one of peach- nur ieli ■ -'* fields are all in clover, except those immediately eac I under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage qaa of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- ny t venient for grazing. son ' • The Puliation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high Do cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the ; vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's uni and countr >'fir ■ r The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, dcceafed. and offered for sale by r» ; and Mordecai Lewis, cat Oil. 9. eo.] Surviving Executor. re J Jfe! Lottery and Broker's Office, lifli- N Q 6± South Second street, — TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prfee* paid, without deduction. The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who wi(h to purch fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, * r Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money . e on deposit of property. As WILLIAM BLACKBURN, f Late 4gent for the Canal Lottery Company. pi Shares an Tickets in the late Newport Long Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined; a complete lift of all the prizes having been received at >' & this office. June 6. w&s & Asjhcton and fames Humphrey*, I CONVEYANCERS, al HAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-street, a : next door but two to the corner of Deck-ftrect' c: where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at h a moderate charge, with care, accuracy and difyateh. I v They lii>ewifje buy and fell Real Estates upon commif I v hick- f lons > ant ' procure' Money upon Loan on good fcCuritV. r The bufir.efs of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NO ( A RY PUBLIC is also tracfafted at tlie said office as usual t by ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. * N. B. Good Notes discounted. My 5- eo6w Infurancecomp.ofthe ftate.of of the Pennsylvania. e'r bis The Direilors have declared a dividend of sixteen dol hcr oil lars ou c:rch lhare ot thc ca pital of said company, for the retted ,no,l,hs which will be paid to the stockholders or Who- theil T e p?elefitatives on every dav after the joth re re penfa- • S. W. Fi/her, *'' Secretary. 14 w Aug lift 1. djof- GEO-RGE Dobscw, c | S (-T T JEGS leave to inform the Sto-e-Keener, ,n^Town W •3 Country, that he has removed from Mi.kct- N°« 2C, south Third-itreet, where he is opening, a Large fend Elegant AlTor.ment of .he A , undermentioned articles—viz. due. Superfine London Cloths and Kerleymcics, Yorkfhirc second Do. Do. Exilic do. do. MiK'd and Blue Coatings Flannells, «Scc. Manchcller Printed. C"U5.' - "oes, London CHin'z Jato, Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto, LoneClfchs, Colt.es, B.fts., Bat'illa»&Cotijevrems, 4-4 q-8 5-4 6-<t Superfine India Book Mutlins, ayd q-3 India .Kook Handkcr_hic>s, 4-4 and 5-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 o'ain do. Muslins, 1 4.4 & 6 4 British Jaconeis, ' 6.4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do, do- -re r 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. 16, A large alToitmcnt of figur'd and plain Muflinets, 3J., Quilnngs, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatings, ; -50, Ginp.hams of the firll Quality, fubjefl to Drawback, India Nankeens, . N. Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings. T; r !, • May 9 let To be fold, «rpr A PLANTATION, in 'hetown of Woodbury, coun- «>yjj ty of Gloucester, aad ftiteoT New-Jerky, contain- " in-about one hundred and fifty acres ; a fuitafcfe' proper- | vate tion 01 which is woodland and improved meadow. A | 4wo ereat part of the arable land is in a high state 01 cultiva- j ' r " n ' tion, and very natural to the prodmflion of R eel c '°^ r - 1 On fait plantation there is a genteel two-(lory brick hou.e, • { with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry c<':lar linden c the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage- j ™ heufe- Ihe garden is large, and contains a good collec- , nc tion of the bed kinds of grafted ana mocuUtcd fruit trees ; , tne _ the orchard consists of aboK t three hundred grafted apple- Vj>,« trees. Any person inclined to purchase said preraiics, may ; "j be informed of the terms by applying to ' j r Andrew Hunter., j V ter July 29 - * r :'-urn __—— — — ; ' i drav On Monday next, 25thinft. ( July,) the i c Will be landed at Soui'h ttreet wharf, the cargoes ot Superb, '1 e ' n Weft Indian and lfabdla, from Jamaica and Havanna, con- Wgj u ' na.n K of 3re I Molafles in Hogsheads, of iy Coffee in hogsheads, barrels & ba^s,' ™ *- FCR SALE BY | . . PETER BLIGHT, in re Who for lale, a fe > n A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, r r "; Pimento & j, n - jS jjjl Cocoa, J Cor __ And is® boxesHarobro 1 "WINDOW GLASS, 7by g, will | i;iv f I>e fold cheap. dra nt July 20 diot & tuth & j tot cau . Mr I " th* h= FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. cd -q AN away from the fubferiber living near Church • h- Hill. Qu'en - nns County in the State of Maryland' J^ n ' n : aliout thefirlt of January laft.ablack negro man,named ° f nd Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 feet Bor 9 inches high, * re has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foot lue smaller than the other, somewhat round-lhouldered, his re " cloathing unknown. Any person who will secure or bring said fellow home, so that 1 may get him again lhall ry have the above reward with reasonable charges. 1 car WILLIAM JACOBS. en t Jurre 4. " iawim, alfi To-Morrcw will- bs fiublifhed, — No. I, 11, andjll, (No. 1 embcllilhcd with a Aiperh En graving, representing thefirft introduction of the Maid of Or leans -to Charles VII, and N6. 3 with an ele ir ®' gant and highly ficifhed Head of Henry IV, from an j original painting) of the HISTORY OF FRANCE, are From the earliest times until the conclusion of the pre anis sent war. well QUCH gentlemen as wish to receiyp this work in vo iles, Olumes will be attended to by fignifying their wiih to one th« Publilhers and paying the firfl volume in advance, 25 _ ach- numbers making a volume, at three-Cxteenths of a dollar tcly each. To gentlemen of the Trade or others \vho t:ke :age qaaatities, a liberal allowance will be made—orders for a con- ny quantity of copies add reded 50 A. & J. G. Hender- T son, at Messrs. Bioren and Madan Printers, back of No. 77 liigh Dock-Street will be carefully attended to. c< the Subscriptions will be received at the pre/it& rate lan s until the middle of September, to those who <uiifh to sub scribe after that time the price will be advanced. "au, *x* Printers of Neiuf-paper* throughout the {foiled Statel <who would xuijh to encourage this undertaking by , receiving fubferiptions ivil/ please atj-vertife this in, their >r. refpeftive papers and transmit the number of fubferibers 2 on or before the icjtb. September. Augufl i. mw&fjt. rea- Mr. FRANCIS, 4 " ,pn [Of the New Theatre) if or I 'AKES this opportunity of returning thanks to his tock, Scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends, ; ands, Wls re turn frotn Maryland, to open a pubjic aca- 1 oney ,^ em y dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He \ natters himfclf that his attention to his pupils hi therto renders any promises of conducing his future i • ♦ schemes on the molt liberal and ftria«ft terms, of pro- i ' V. priety. tcually unnecellary. Long jY. B. Private tuition as ufuil. :d ; a June 3 red at w Twenty Dolors Reward. * RAN f wa y this morning from the Subscriber, living |,J , ' in the county of Monmouth, New-Jtrfey, a remark ably black Negro Man, named BEN—about 40 years of street, age, 5 feet 9or io inches high, flout made, bald on the Arret, "own of his head j had on and took with him a grey lWn at nomefpun coating coat and jacket, a brown cloth coat tch.— with a black collar, homespun tow shirts and trowfers mm if with other shirts and fmait cloaths wbich cannot be inu ■itf._ fcraatcd. He is a complaisant, artful and deceitful fellow. O TA- Whoever wilt take up and secure the'faid Runaway so ! usual that his owner m y him again, lhall have the above re- EYS. ward, and reasonable charges paid if brought home. d6w Tu!v El 'J ha Lawrance. . July 18— Aug., §lw eof "FORTY doIIarTIEWIRTV K , Ran for the (J N ths soth A P ril 'aft. a NEGRp^ A N, named ders or V , J ACK ' a " e< J about 30 year 6— 5 feet 6 inches e loth g • thc fingers on one of hisj)^ 5 vcr r nlu -<h contra^- Whoevcr will return b*^" e g TO to the fubferiber, liv ' in g in Saffex ° f Dciawa re, fnall receive the tary. above reward. / RALPH ROBINSON liot. Aug. 1 j " r City cf W:r.hia^ron. SCHEME '?/'the LO rn-utY, NalJ, ton tkf. iKcaarsmr. PF. rm feperal CITY. A magnificent \ 20,000 debars, & 50,1:3 a dwelling-hoiif'e, ) cnA jS-coo, ire > I ditto i?." 0 " & J S' OOQ 4 °' oo,} " 1 ditto 15,000 & cash i Sf W>q .?0,000 1 ditto 19,030 & fiu'n 10,00? 20,000 1 ditto ?,000 & c»th 5,"00 1 ■■>,»<■* 1 ditto v.ooo & cash 5, 000 I ~003 I cam prize of ado. f,oeo each, we, • ioy.uo 10 do. 1,000 - - J;'-. 00 40 do. S°° • • I 0"' 00 do. 100 - • I^oqo 400 do. s=> ' " lO, ' ?a ° 4co do. IS • - -± '• * , ~ -.0 OO 1,000 <10. TO - 1J 0,000 15,000 no. 10 J t6,7.-59 Prizes. 33,461 Blanks. - 50/100 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400 000 N. B. • To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets,'the prrae of 40,000 dollars will be the l,\st drawn ticket, and th,e 30,000 the last hut one: And approved notes, fe.curing payment m either money or prizes in ten days alter drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30-ticke^s. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of thepri vate buildings to be ®33tcd in the City of Wafhinjton— I ! Two beautiful designs are already fitted for the entire I fronts on t .v 0 of the public fquaren; from these prawings ~ ; it i=propofed toerecl two centreand four corner buildings is soon as pofiible actor this lottery is fold, and to convcy — I tiiem, when complete, to the fortunate adventursrs, ill 1 ' the inner defcrihed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray . I the necessary expenses of printing, &c. and the furphu 1 wiUbe made a part of the fundintended fw the National y : Univeriity, to he erected within the city of Washington, j The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are j fold off.- - The money prizes will be payable in thirty days > after it is finiihad ; and any pr zes for which fortunate t numbers a(e not produced within twelve monthsafur the drawing is closed, are to, be considered. as gi»en towards ) the funS for the Uaiverfity ; it being determined to fettU ' I the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the draw ' ®gi and to take up the bonds given as security. The real securities given for the payirient of the Prizes, are held by the Prahdeat and two Direfiocs of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued, at more .than hajf tfee a 5 mount o't the lottery. ' 1 The twenty tour gentlemen who hy appointment of ! the late CommiiTioiiers aflifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk a second time on behalf of the public ; a figficient num ber of these having kindly accepted.it is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal, oh je&s may continue to favor the design. fey accounts received from the different parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets 111 have been sent for sale, the public are assured that the drawing will'fpeedily com nerwe, and that the cart and » caution unavoidably ncceffary to insure a fafc disposal of — th« tickets, has rendered the fufpet>(ion indilpenfahle. SAMU&L BLODGH7. ch •§» Tiekets may be had at the Bank us- Columbia ;of James Weft, &, Co. Baltimore ; of. Peter Oilman, Boston ; ed John Hopkins, Richmond > and of Richard-, Wells, ,-h Cooper's Ferry. bi» UnLverfity of Pennfyl'vania, or ' July 16, 1796. jS§| all r-pHE Summer Vacation will take place on Mouday next, A the 18th inft.andcortimiefor Four week?. — Thediffir. ent Schools wilhthe fcveral Tutors will accordingly ft* . alfemble on Monday, the *slh5 l h day of; — By the Faculty, Wm, Rogers, Secy, ' ' ' ■— T* Jo- For sale by the fubferibers, " D .IN PENN-STR E,ET, 'e" 130 quarter Chests frefh Hylon Tea ; an i®o ditto ' do. frefh Souchong Tea ; 300, Boxes China, containing I'mjl] tea setts of 44 pieces; >re- 4 00 pieces Bandanoes. Willings Ss 3 Francis, s to January 30 3taw.. 45 —*r Hat < ke Lottery JT** T?OR raising fijc thoufcnd fix hundred and fixty-feyea i dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudlion of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two a prize, viz. I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 J, 1 iogo 1000 i 500 -s°° . , c 400 toco "i 10 X9O 1"° sb S o 495 0 hm 20 i 25 sooo bers JOOO , 0 40,000 5 Last drawn numbers of iopo dollars each, 5000 ;t. 2332 Prizes. 44>45° 4018 Blanks. 0 v; s I 635° Tiekets at Seven Dollars each, » 44)45° , u ! By order of the of the Society for eftablilh ca' ' UfefiilManufactures, the fuperintend;-its of the Pat r_r i er.'cn Lottery hwe rcquefted the Managers to oiler the ~e foregoing Scheme to the public, and have dire&ed them 3 l ~ to refund r.he money to those persons who have purchased Jture the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets P ro " in this Lottery. The lottery has actually commenced drawing, and w.nl continue until fiuifhed. A lift: of the Blanks and Prizes ?w may be seen at thr office ol William S)ackburn, No. 64 — south Second street, who will give information where tick ets may be procured. i- • Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. CVMMING, 7 arsof ? JACOB R. > MaiUgers. n the JON4THAN RHEA, ) 1 grey June 18 ec > coat, — —r To be S.old, el low. At No. 128, North Second-Street, and by fever al <f 'ay, so the Apothecaries in this City. >ve re- 'T'R ANSFERS to remove pains and ioflaia^* tions body, as secured to D r. ELl^ -P parent, with instruments and dircftio/ " c " 1 * ceffaryi^h e practice. This mode of treatment is S 2w laiJin relieving pains in the head, face, brca'.t, -—«— stomach, back, rheumatisms, recent gout*,/# c ' T\/ Notwithrtandiog the utility of this pra£l:ce/' r ' s not P r "" fumed but there are cafcs in ,which this every other remedy may sometimes fail. J lamed Ju " e lß ' ' Wa inches .''" 1 " ■«. mm ■■ ■*' ,m ' l )t r a sf 1 — J * PRINTED BY TOJ/N FEN NO. v * r, liv- T\T / ve the -ISO. I IJ o}i. CHHSNUT-s/itf T. [Pri«c Eight Dollys per A®"®.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers