Treasury of the United States. NOTICE is hereby given to all perions who are or may be Creditor* of the United States, for any fumt I of the FurnUA Debt, «r Stock, tearing a present intcnf of ft* per centum per annum. ' rft, That purfuartt to an A<s of Congress paHed on the 28th day ef April, 1796, intitlcdan a<ft in addition to as 0 aft, intituled " An aift making further prevision for tlx 1 support of public cr.dit, and for the redemption of the public debt," the said debt or Aock will be reimbursed and. ' paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends 0 " to be made on thelalldays of March, June and Septem " ber for the present year, and from the year onethopfand " seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year oprflfhou " sand eight hundred & eighteen inclufive,at th« rate of 1 one and one half per centum upon the original capital. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the last day of 0 , " Deccmbsr for the present from the year one " " thousand fever, hundred and ninety-seven, to the year ' <jr.» thousand eight hundred and seventeen at " the rate of three and one half per centam irponthe ori f ginal capital; and by a dividend to be made ob the last " day of December, in the year one thoufend eight hun- " "died and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then a He- I " quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp " tion of the said stock." id. All diftin<sHon • between payments oft account of Tntercfi and Principal being thus abolilhed by the eftablilh- r ment of the permanent rule of reimbursement abovs de ferred, it has become necessary to vary accordingly the f powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the pnblic. „ creditors will therefore observe that the following form is established for all powers of attorney which may be granted after the due promulgation of this notice, viz. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that g I of in do make, conjlitute and appoint cf my true and lawful At' me, and in my name, to receive the dividends ivbcb or shall be payable aceording to /aw, on the (here tht' , ilock) flanding in my name in the books of (here describing , books of the Treasury or the Comraiffioner of L«ansi where the flock is credited) from (here insert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power p attorney is to continue) xvitb poiver also an attorney or attor nies under him, for that purpose to make andfubjiitute, and to do all laivful r,3s requifttefor qffe£ting tbepremifes, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or bitfubjlitute ,Jbali lawful ly do, by virtue hereof. ■In Wiintfs hereof I have hereunto Jet my Hand and Seal the day of in the year Sealed and Delivered in presence of, : BE IT KNQJVNt that on the day of c before me personally came a •within named and acknonAedged tbe above letter of attorney to %e a (lis aB and deed. • t In tejiimony tu hereof 1 have hereunto Jet my Hand and affix- { ed Scat tbe day and year lafl afor said, c Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, thistwen- r tieth day of July 179.6, pursuant to Aire&ions 2 from the Secretary of the Treasury. ( SAMUEL MEREDITH, > Irea/mrer of the' United States. < July %$* &stl J. ( Plans of the city of Philadelphia, ! : Including the Northern Liberties and diltri<a of ! SOU TRW ARK ; Published, and fold by , benjamin davies, No. 68, High street, , J ( Price one dollar.) ' THIS plan is s6 inches square, and has teen en graved by one of the fir# artists In the city, from a late ' and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam- ' phlet with each plan, giving " some account of tbe \ city, it* population, trade, government, &c. July 19 ta fcftf _ Samuel Richardet, T> ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia; The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the i daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the ufuai refrefhments, will at all tima be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the raoft approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest productions of tho Season. Large and fnaall Parties, or Angle Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at hours most convenient to themselves—a cold Coliati#n is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at tho bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every ether requisite. < Samuel Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at larg«; acd with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre fer ve that patronage with which he has been so diftinguifh ingly uonored. , Philadelphia, April 19. e0 Philip Nicklin & Co. have for SALS, s Souchong ( Hyson Skin / ] Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS ' < Hyioa and \ Imperial Yellow Nankeens Ccina Ware, aflTarted in Boxes and Chests , Quicksilver Bandtn&d Racdkerchiefs of excellent quality ih ! chests London Market } MADEIRA WINE London particular in pipes, liogfheads, & t New-York Market j quarter calks Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogfceads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead in sheets : 3 Calks of Cutlery assorted A few chests of Manchester Goods, assorted thick- 1 sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. ■ < 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks K Tierces Virgi»ia Snake-noot. ' Nails assorted m calks T» lyl ß. mwflf Twenty Dollars Reward. WAS STOLEN, last evening, from the pasture of the fubferiber, a black Rockingham GELDING, I r 1-2 hinds high, has a star, and some white under his throat, (the pan«j;ing formerly chafed) ; has a leather on j his neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-iocks fretted with a dog, and is a horse of much bone and size. Who- t ever secures him -with the thief, (hall have the above re- ' ward, or for the Horse alons a very generous compensa tion JOHN LAWRENCE. 7 CO4W JOHN PAUL JONES. INFORMATION is hereby given, that th" f late John ] Paul Jones was a proprietor of nvc (hares (amount- - 1 ing to about 5867 teres) in a tract of land purchased by the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United States w of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his u heir*, or legal on application to the direc tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory afore faid, will receive a deed of the said five faare§ ? or rights of land. The application maybe made personally or by an agent, but proper documents nmft be produced to prove, the claimant or'claimants the legal heirs or representative ol the said Jones. n.b. As'it isftot -kaown in what country the person or persons interested reside, it will be an a& ps benevolence in every Printer in America and Europe, who shall insert this advertisement in his paiper. In behalf of thediredors of the Ohio Company, RUFUS PUTNAM. Marietta, May 10,1776. [June 4 ] 3awgw UNITED STATES, ? Pennsylvania Distsict, 3 Notice is hereby given, THAT pursuant to a Writ to me the ho norable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Di ftrift Court 0i the United States ir. and fcr the Pennsylva nia DiftricS, • ~ Will be ezpafed to Sale, at the Custom-House, on Monday, the ljth day of Au gust, 3 Bags of COFFEE I Bbl. SUGAR J 1 Half do. do. » 1 Do. do. TAMARINDS ,ti 2 Kegs do. g » Bags of Sugar and t: 3 Do. Coffee c The fame having bees libelled prosecuted, and v condemned as forfeited, in the said court' WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. h • Marlhal's Office, 30th July, 1796. For Salt, | A LARGE ELEGANT A EI Three-story Br * | (The late residence of Genersi ■tTTITH a LOT of GROUNI < J VV the weft fide ef Third-u . V-: i , containing in front 3% feet, and . ect - ; • alley leading into Union-street. iteuuxi. a „ and 50 feet deep j the several rooms containd in it are n large, commodioas, andcompletely finifhed; he two firft x flories are each 13 feet high; there are K mahogany ( doo-s in the house ; a geometrical flaircafe, wth mahoga ny rails and a good Iky-light. The kitchen isin the cell ar, which is spacious and convenient, and firtifled with an oven, stew-holes and pantries, a servants' hal and large wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of .yhich is an area in which there is a pump. The yard k vaulted. Communicating with the said building is a neatt|iree-ftoiry brick hcj/fe, on the north fide of Union-street, contain ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which , is at present occupied as a compting-houf«, ani the upper f part divided into wsll-finifhed large chambers. This house may at a small expense be converted into a convenient dwelling: The Sreet door is very handsome, andthe front and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the last hoirfe, upon the lot belonging to the firft, ire erected bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach house and stables finilhed equal (or nearly so) with any in the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and J in depth on the waft fide of said alley 54 feet. There are good cellars undei the whole of the buildings, aid a wine . room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft or.r the re mainder. For further particulars enquire of -i —r . ~ Lt/vv #KU BUNS ALL St Co. ' At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnst A Pear 1 ~ , TO , streets. 6ih month 14th, 1736 FOR SAL E, A very Valuable Estate, CALLED rwiTTENHAM, situate in the townlhip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware, J 7 t-i miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the \ new Wefternroad: containing X3O acres of excelfent land, ' 45 of which are g6od watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- ' land, and the reft arable of th« firft quality. Tlere are ' on the preniifes a good two story brick house, with » rooms ' on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well ! of excellent water in front; a large frame barn stables, and other convenient buildings ;,a smoke-house ajd stone, spring-house ; tw» good apple orchards, and one o: peach es. The fields are all in clover, except those imntdiately I under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage < of water in each of them, which renders it peculia*ly con- ( venient for grazing. The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the vicinity to the city, it is very P'tVok :" r country feat. The foregoing is part of tb deceafed, acd offered for sale >y \ Oft. 9. eo.] So ' \* Lottery and B N" 64 Souths... TCKETS in the Canal Lottery No.. 11, are now rea- 1 dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any of his friends who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock Certificates, Bills of. Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands', Lottsor Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money ' on deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. ■SJ° Shares an 1 Tickets in the late Newport Lone MTharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined * a complete lift of all the prizes having been received at this office. j« ne 6 - w&s Jsjheton and James Humphrey? CONVEYANCERS, TTAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-street, t. D^ t , T two t0 t^lc cornc r of D®ck-ftreet where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn"' a modeme charge, with care, acc.racy and dispatch.- They likewise buy and fell Real Estates upon commis sions and procure Money upon Loan on good security.- MPmnr a ",r ATT ??f AT LAW audNOTA RY PUBLIC is also tranfafted at the said office as usual M R I « , r ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. N. B. Good Notes discounted. eo6w hifurancecomp. of the state of Pennsylvania. The DireiSors hare declared a dividend of fixtcen dol larsoneajh fcareofthe capital of said company, for the last fix months which will be paid to the stockholders or thntjrgal reprefenutives on every day after the loth S. W. Fisher, '• ""SJ George Dorson, BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and Couftfrv, that he has removed from Market-Street to N°- 25, south Third-ftreer, ' where he is opening a Large and Elegant Aflbrtmeat of the 5 undermentioned articles—viz.. Superfine-London Cloths and Kerseymere*, Yorkftiire second Do. Do. > Elaltic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings , F1 annc* lis, &c. Manchester Printed Caliicoes, [ London Chintz £itro, Blue and ditto Furnituies, , , India ditto, Long Cloths, .CofTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Conjevrems, , 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muflin\ 4-4 and 9-8 India 3ook Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 <5c 6-4 plain do Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 Britifn Jaconets, 6-4 Briiilh Cheeks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. cfo. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, Sec. A large afloument of figur'd and plain Muflinet«, Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatings, Ginghams of the firftQuality, fabje& to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's Whireand colaured Silk (lockings. May 9 . , - — 1 To be fold, A PLANTATION, in thetown of Woodbury, coun- 1 ty of Glsucefter, and it arc of New-Jersey, contain ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propo'r- ' tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A great part of the arable '.and is in a high state of cultiva- ! tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clover. ' On said plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house, • [ with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under 1 the whole; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage- ' house. The garden is large, and contains a go»d codec- • tion ®f the bed kinds of grafted and moculated fruit trees ; 1 . the orchard confiftsof about three hundred grafted apple *~ees. Any person inclined to purchase (aid premises, may ' be fonSsed «f the terms by applying to Andrew Hunter. J-'r 19 f i On Monday next, 25th infl. (July,) 1 ( be landed at South street wharf, the cargoes of Superb, ! ! Weitlndian and Isabella, from Jamaica and Havanna, con- 3 nuing of ! MolaiTes in Hogsheads, ; Coffee in hogsheads, barrel? & 1 FCR SALE BY ; PETER BLIGHT\ Who has also for sale, . 1 A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, Pimento & 7 T n ; Cocoa, } Inßa S 8 ' And 159 boxes Harabro.' WINDOW GLASS, by 9, will . be fold cheap. ' : July 20 diot & tuth 4 j lot ; FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the fubferiber living near Church t Hill, Qu'en Anns County in the State of Maryland' j about the firll of January last, a black negro man, named ' „ Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8- or 9 inches high, 1 I has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foot ] smaller than the other, somewhat round-Ihouldered, his cloathing unknown. Any perfon.jwlio -wilL •, — feTtng laia rellow home, To that I may get hira again ihall 1 r have the übove reward with reasonable charges. WILLIAM JACOBS. Jtaife 4. "iawim. For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, e TN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. 1 Th.-Grift Millisfixty by forty feet, two water wheels, ' and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, &c. TheSaw-Millhastwofaws,and capable ofcuttingfive to 6 100 thousand feet of Boards per ~ c year. A valuable piece ,ef Cedar Swamp, within a mile s and a half of the Mill, an 4 within three quarters of a mile . of a Landing. The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water from the mill tail. also ri>R SALE, I' Several Valuable Tra£ts of Land, f In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be receiv e ed in the notes of Messrs. Morris and foichelfou, or in - Cash. For further information apply to tl.e Printsr. 1 May 17- , saw No. 134. A of Pennfylva»ia, to wit. tj QI -membered that on the 23d day cf May, in the eth year of the Independence of the Uni.ed'States Frakci. Shallus, of the said difltia hath' this office, the title of a book, the ri K ht whereof ... .; v s, proprietor in the words following to wit "• THE ■ APPOiNtMSNT, or THE FORCE Or' CREDULI -1 w Comic Opera in three acts, by Andrew Barton, Uie Ijthor »° n ,CT ° ° d with lir 6 c Editions by n " Enchanting gold ! that dost conspire to blind, « Mans- empg judgment and misguide the mind, r In search of thee, the wretched worldling goes, :, " Nor dangers (ears, tho' fiends of night oppose." i, e In conformity to ihe aft of the C«ngrefs of the United y States, entitled "An aft for the encouragement of learning by fecnng the copies of map,.charts and books to the authafs .nd propr.etorsoffuchcop'esduriHg the times therein men! tionea. SamuilCaldweli, Clk Dift P-nn in " U c °» r f c °S"»'"r thru g __1 I 4t ,t Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN away this morning from the Snbfcriber, living in the county of Monmouth, New-lerfev a " ably black Negro Man, named B£N—about 40 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 .nehes high, ftrfut made, bald on the crown of his head ; had on and took with him a grey , homespun coating coat and jacket, a brown cloth coat t, with a black collar, homespun tow shirts and trowfers' « with other fh,rt» and small cloaths cannot be e, u f. m wh n * comp'aifant, artful .and deceitf«l fellow. - W t"P a " Cure the said Runaway, so that hu owner may him again, thall have the above re ward > an d reasonable charges paid if brought home. , Eli/ha Lawrance. July 38-Aug., f Wanted, THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATIC from September, 1?95 , to the ArtlJt 1. P t,ce Wlil be given. Enquire of th a Editor S AU?. t f - 6 *§6t I disposed of, I HE time of a strong, healthy NEGRO MAN who has from 8 to 9 years to ferv<» ' • With farming and " acquainted Enquire at this Office. V July »9 3 City cf Wathington. i SCHEME i)ft he. LOTTERY, No. II• j for 'rut: wPßortuEKr of the FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) so,poo dollars, & ) dwelling-house, 5 30-000, ire 5 -s°'®°° I ditto 15,000 & cask 25,000 40,000 ' I ditto 15,000 & oafh 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 1 ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,0 00 & cash 5,000 10,000 1 ca(h prize of " 10,000 2 do. 5,000 each, are, « ic,ooo 10 do. 1,000 - - io,coo so do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - • 10,000 200 do. 5.0 - -■ 400 do. 25 - - i«,ooo 1,000 do. 40 - 20,000 15,000 do. 10 • • 150,000 16,739 Prizes. 3i,»6l Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000 N. U. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawa ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : And approved notes, securing payment in either money or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for any number not lets than 30 tickets. , This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri vate buildings to be ereiled in the City of Wafhington-- Two beautiful designs are already felecfted for the entire fronts on two of the public squares; from tnefe prawings it is proposed to erect two centre and four corjter buildings, as soon as pollible after this lottery is fold, and to convey them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray the necelfary eipenfes of printing, &c. and the surplus will be made a part of the fundintended for the National Univerlity, to l>e cteded within the city of Washington. The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is finilhad ; and ary pr.zes lor which fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve months afttr the drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards | the fund for the University ; it being determined to the whole business in a year from the elding of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as security. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the Prafideot and two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a mount of the lottery. 1 The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment o£ the late Commiflioners aflifted in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous tafic a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficierit num ber of these having kindly Accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National Univeifity and the other federal ob jects may continue to favor the design. By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets I have been sent for sale, the public are allured that the v drawing will speedily commerce, and that the care and caution unavoidably necelTary to insure a fafe disposal df the tickets, has rendered the fnor- suspension indilpemable. SAMUEL BLODGET. ! «§« Tickets may be had at the Bank of Colum'iia ;of , James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilmafc, Boston ; j of Jo!m Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry. S Univerfitjrof Ppnnfvlvania, r July 16, 1796. 1 r "PHE Summer Vacation will take place on Monday, next, *■ the jßih inft. and continue for Four weeks.—The differ ent Schools wiihthe several Tutors will accordingly re» aifemble on Monday, the 15th day of August. By the Faculty, Wm, Rogers, Sec'y• For sale by the fubferibers, IN PENN-STREET, J 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea: j sto ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; r 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4» . pieces; . 400 pieces Bandanoes. r Willings Francis. January 30 3taw. ; Lottery FOR railing fix thousand fix hundred and fycty-isvett dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. I Prize of 5000 dollars k dollars 5050 I 1000 iDoo I 500 500 . 5 200 JOCO g 20 IQO | M ' 2QOO 1' 99 5° 4950 f 200 25 5000 1 2000 IO 20,000 5 Last drawn numbers of XOOO dollars each, 5000 '» ————— » ' ■ 1 2332 Prizes. 44,450 4018 BLinks. 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 By order of the Directors of the Society for establish ing Ufeful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the Pat r erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the ' s ' foregoing Stheme to the pubjic, and have directed them to refund the money to those persons who have purchaftd in the former Lottery," or exchange the tickets for tickets , e in this Lottery. The lottery has adually commenced drawing, and will continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64 south Second street, who will give information where tick ill ets may be procured. Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. >f J. N CUMMING, 7 JACOB R. HARDENBERG, > Managers. I JONATHAN RHEA, ) s ' June 18 eo I- " ■ 0 " To be Sold, At No. 128, North Second-Street, and bj several of the Apothecaries in this City. r I TRANSFERS of the right to remove pains and iaflsmma* -*• tions from the human body, asfecured to Dr. ELISHA PERKINS, by patent, with iriftruments and dirf&ions ne ceffaryfor rhepra&ice. This mode of treatniec'- is particu larly ufeful in relieving pains in the hcatl, face, teeth, brealt, fide, stomach, back, rheumatisms, recent gout/» & c « Ac. 5 Notwithstanding the utility of this prafticc. it is not pre is b ut there are cases in which this and every other remedy may sometimes fail. June 18,' iwa 10 PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, d —No. 1 /9 — CHESHUT-STXEST. [Prise Eight Dol'm per 4nnn*7.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers