Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 02, 1796, Image 1

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    ) ,
of the llmfCfc States, 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
For Sale or Charter,
BUX i'aut 2000 BbU. of flour —fee may be sent
to <ti at 1 i .nil expnce, her fails and riggin* being m »
▼cry good order—apply t« v
"James Campbell, or
Geerge Latimer.
April, 2<J. t —
Imiow Hebe.
I'm Show 11 E It E, ci
A fiit'i.'ul Philadelphia built veUel, car
n?T-ooobuaielsot" grain or 2600 barrels Sour, is rea- -
rJSy SktU 'pErtß r SG°HT. .
Who has for file,
Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento.
Also, i,
June 6 u
For Cadiz, ai
To fail on or about the 2,5 th inft. from 3
The Ihip Hazen,
Excellent accommodations for palfengers. For piflage
only apply to Miller and Hoop;, at N:wA r ork; or to -
the Printer hereof. [June Ij. jjwj
THE c-areo of the Ihip Catharine, John Farraday, mas
ter, from H'.fpaniola, at the wharf of Messrs. Jeffe & Ro
bert Wain,
Consisting of
156 Hog&eadsof SUGAR
fj Haglheads") COFFEE
s?8 Bags i
44 Hhds.of Clarified MOLASSES
72 Bales of Cotton
, ALSO ro* SALE,
The said fiiip,.
BURTHEN about 24 or 1500 barrels—
Stroog, well found, and may be sent to
at a frnall expense. Apply to
John Crhig.
fuce IX §
Pennsylvania District, j
Notice is hereby given, 0
That in parfuanceof a Writ to me dire&ed, Jrdnatfie i.
honorable Richard Peters, Efquite, Judge of tb<e j.
jßifiridl Court of the United States in and for tlse Penu-
fylvania Difl.ri<si, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the c
Merchants* Coffee-Houfe, in the cjty of Philadelphia, on
Tucfday the sth day of July next, at 12 o'clock at noon, f
Xhe Schooner or *efTel<*lled the
With all a»d singular her tackle, &c The
fame having been condemned within said court for the
payment of Mariners' wages, &c.
William Nichols, Marjhal.
Marflial's Office ") " —§
June 11, 1796. / "
For Hamburg,
Thomas W. Ncrman, Commander,
A remaikable fine, fail-failing (hio, with excellent accom
faodaiions for paflengers. "A confiderablepartof ler cargo i§'
engaged and read\ to go on board, and is expe&ed to fail in
10 days. For freight or passage, apply to the faptain on
board, the lower fide of Walaut-ftreet wharf, or to
Peler Kuhn.
' «, ,June 28 ? o
TD ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the j
public that he has removed his office to his house Mo. ,
i 47»Chefnut Street, next door to his former residence, where, {
Bbfinefs in the line of a Broker, are faithfully tranf*
afbe d : Money procured to any aoiount at a momerJi's r.etice. ! t
also, i e
WILL be kept a numerical book of the drawings of *W ;
the Lotteries now extant —Eor the purchase of Tickets, infor- | '
mation w|ll be given asufual. Canal Tickets iff the second {
Claifs.are now for sale. From every information received*,
Lottery will abfo'utely commenced a few day*.
June 24. d t.f.
j. (Of the New "Tbealrt)
TAKES this oppormnity a£ returning thanks to his
frholars and to .the public, Mr. Francis intends,
on his return from Maryland, to open a public aea
dpmy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. H$
flatters himfelf that his attention to his pupils hi
therto renders any promises of conducing his future
Schemes on the moil liberal and ftri<fteft terms, of pro
priety, totally unneceflirv.
N. B. Private tuition as usual.
Readv furntftied, for three or four months, certain,
\ GENTEEL three hrick house, No. 70,
/\ North Eighth-street. For terms enquire of '
Mr. Francis as above.
ywie. 28. 1
Tlrfo Day, at Willings & Francis's wharf, from Jtbe Brandy
wiae Miller,
A cargo of Rurn &
from St. .Croix.
For Sale by
John Nixon & Co.
•Jonr-rig ;" .
4 Poft-Chaile wanted.
« WANTFD immediatelv to ourchifc, a fWone-hand Pjft-
Chaise, \yith Haruefs for two horses and Brass Furniture.
It mult be in good cond'.iioo. ~
Enquire at No. 73 south Froht-ftreef.
" *3 _
Bank of North-America.
J*ly i, 1796.
AT a meeting of the Dl'tSirs, = Dividend «!< o«cUred
&ix rr* cknT. for ihc bft half \ear, which will
bt ptiil 10 ihe&octbold«i» any time ifier the : oth ii.Han .
By crtder of th- B^ari,
bo JOHN NIXON. •• T'cfideni.
Take Notice,
' 1 'HAT the Subscriber intends to mass applica-
X tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609,
for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795, bearing {-
interefl at 5 per cent, from/ift January, 1796, in the
name of D2vld Dunderdale & Co. of L»eds, in Y<irk- *
1 fliire, merchants. The fame is supposed to have been loft e
on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker &.
March, of that place, on the 6th of January lalV
Thomas M'Euen.
Philadelphia, sad June, 1796. §6w
A YOUTH of from 12 10 i£ years of age, of rcfpe&able
character js an Apprcatlce to the Mer
cantile bufmefi.
Apoly to the Printer.
.1"" e 8
THE Members of this Stare Society are herebv notified I
that theii Anniverfiry Meeting, for the purpose ol e!e£b»
ing Officers of the Society, and tranfa&ing such other bufi- PI
ness as may come before them, will be held on the 4th day of bl
July next, in the Stare House, at 10 o'clock in the morning :
where their pun&ual attendance is rerj efted. After the La- Y<
sines» is the iiciety will adjourn to Mr. O'Ellers s; e
Hotel, in order to celebrate the birth-day of our Fr e edom
and Independence. The dinner will be on the table at
1 3 o'C'ock. The Members of the other State Societies of the In
Cincinnati, who may be in this city on that day, arc particu
larly invtied to join in celebrating it. *
By order oft the (landing Committe,
, J une *4
A small Invoice o
PER the ship Harriet, capt.Thomas W.Nprraan, from
Hamburgh, oonfifting of
3 Ravens Duck,
Dam?(k and 1 Tjblc c , o , hs
JUiaper j
Holland Linen i
Cambrics, &c.
/ o<
a skat Assortment or
Gold and silver Watches.
Which will be difpefed of together or by the package*
Apply to
Isaac Harvey, jun.
0 No. 5 South Water Street. .
June 2s §3w I
LOS T, «
JUNE fjth, between Shippenand Market streets, a red
\ OROCCO POCKET BOOK, containing a Check f 5
on the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and lC
e Henry Mierckenin favor of Mr. R. Potter, (or i ,oOC» dol- "
J lars. axtd fevecal' rotes of hand past due; together with a
~ share in the New Theatre, and several Other papers of no
e conlequencc but to the owner.
n Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market street, shall
» receive the above reward. , ,
Payment of the Check is flopped at the £ank.
Jane 15. § a]
e Sales of India Goods.
■ a;
The Cargo of the ship Gan^ 5 , capt. Tmgey, from Cal'
cutta and bengal,. r ,
A Large and general affoftment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Muslins,
- Doreas, Isfc. A!fo,
A Quantity of ExceVtnt Sugar, i;
4n boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER.
15 ". i. . For Sale by
" Willings & Francis,
No. m Pern Street.
June 8
Fifty Dollars Reward. j!
L 0 S Ty ' c
THE last evening, between 5 and 7 o clock, a larpe Red
MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK, cootainin® 20 or 30
e Kotesof Hand (inclosed in a Parchment) to a confioarable a
mount. Also, sundry pa)wrs. l "ol • 6 per crnt.
• Hock, a deed of a house a id lot in Middjetown, Stc <4; &c.
f* j The above reward wiH be paid on delivering the fame t«
j the Printer hereof. Asiiisdl great confeqaence to the own- v
; er, it is hoped it will not be withheld. u
| The payment of the Notes is stopped.
ill j June 99 v
f I New Hat and Hosiery-store,
No. 134 Marhet-Jlreet,
Third door from the corner of Fourth, feuthfide
Men's Black American and Engtifh HATt, of various qua
-1 litics and prices
Ditto Drabs and Green unders
Ladies' ditto, black, and a large aflorrmertt of fancy do.
. Coloured Beavsrs, With a great variety of elegant and
lI " fashionable Trimmings
re Youths Black and Drab-coloured do.
o- Children's fancy do
All kinds of Silk, Silk & Cotton, Cotton & Thread HOSE
Knit, coloured Paataloons
Do. Drawers
Do. Breeches Patterns
, Silk Gloves.
o, Knoaed, coloured do. Cotton
G f A'quantity of Mending Cotton, sorted c«Tonrs.
The Hats finifhed in the newest fafhion.
June 27. eo«m
Rofs & Simfon,
French Checks 1
Printed Cottons
Table Cloths and Napkins
Nankeens of an excellent quality per the package, fit
for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback
~~ Grey jn bags
Superior cldSKerry in quarter calks
A few pipes and quarter calks Lisbon Wines
June 22 5
For sale by the fubferibers,
130 quarter Chtfls frelh Hyson Tea;
ico ditto do- frelh Souchong Tea;
360 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 42
' f d pieces;
- 400 pieces Bandanccs. s
Willing Francis.
January 30 3taw.
No. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the lateil arrivals from Europe and
the East It dies 1 well fele&ed affortmexit of Silk
Mercery, Linen DrapeTy and Haberdaibery Goods; which
he will fell, wholesale and Retail, on theloweft terms ;
a,mongst which are,
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmu! ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some ettra black taffeties,lu« firings and colorad Persians
Bandano Hanakerchiels
Long apd fliort Nankeens
EnglWh Mantuas of the firft quality
Damatk-tabfe Mdimpkins, fiaS,
Silk Hoficry," an elegant assortment '
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
Irish Linens', do. &c. &c. . June 14 $
A Genteel family wiih to rent a CO(JN FY SEAT? *
in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of
Philadelphia." If Furnilhetl, it would be more agreea- r
ble. V "
Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. 1
Yeatman's, No. 225, South second street, corner of
Second street- June 6. j
Just Arrived,
In the Soow Boston, James Kirtpatrick, master from Li- I —
Jooo Bulhels SALT ;
ico Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLEKY j I ✓
forsale |V
On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apvly to 7
yanies Campbell, or nc
George Latimer.
April 19. $ on
For Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and 1.01, in Chefnut | ar
street, betweea Front and Second ftrcets, in which f p
Meifrs. James Calbraith &.CO. have ior many years (and cs
now do) carried on business. ! ur
Pofleflion will be given in one month, or sooner. 1 G f
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or Jve
April 21. $ jeu
Samuel Richardet, co
p ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen |
fv Merchants, that he has this day opened the CrrY j dc
city of Philadelphia. j
The Subfcrii "ion Room will be futnifhed with all the 1
daily papers puMiftied in Philadelphia, New-York, Los- I
ton, Baltimore, together with thoie oi the princ»p?l com- I
merci&l citi%s of Europe—They will be regulajiy filed 1
and none pcr/iiitted to be taken away oil any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety ;
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, I Cu
will at ajr times V.- procured at the bar. I
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with J
the choicoft of Wines, Liquors, and the moil 1 P
approved Malt Liquori froLC.Londcn and other breweries. J L
The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest | S;
of tho Season. J S<
Large and fniali Parties, or single.Gentlemen, may be 1 V
accomodated with Breakfafta, Dinners, or Sappers, at 1 C
lionrs mox*! C3nv nientto themselves—a cold.C.dfl 3 " oll Q
reguUrly kept for ccnveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had I
arths bar. j
' The Rooms will be completely furniftied, and 1
the attention paid and every other I
requiiitc. v • ' £>•« I
gjT S\mbel RiCHAapET will be hsppy to receive, and I
execute the commands.of his.Friends, and the Public at j
large; and with gratitude ior their lavours, he pledge J
himfelf th*t nothing on his part fhalt be wanting to pre
fer ve th4t patronage with which he has been so diftinguiih- 1
ingly itor.ored. N
P'nifadelphia. April 19. [ I
\ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. U4
ML Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach, j _
House, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the worse for j
nfe. June 2. eott
George Dobson,
BECS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and
Coumrv, that he has lemovci from M»rket-Street to |
; N°- 25, south Third-street,
• where he is opening a Large and-Elegant ASortment cf the I
cnderme«Moned articles—rvia- | t
Supeifine London Cloths and Kerfevmeres,
Yorklhire second l)o. . Do. I
Elastic do. ao
Mix'd and $iue Coatings
> Flannelli, Sic. J
Manchester Printed Callicoes, j 1
London Chintz ditto, 1
Blue and ditto Furnitures,
India ditto.
Long Cloths, CofiaeQ, Baftai, Battillas& Conjevrems> i
4*4. S"H u P cr^ne India Book Muslins, j {
4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 1 t
4 4 aod 9-8 Scotch ditto, I i
4-4 £.6-4 p'aindo Muslins, j <
i 4-4 &. 6-4 Britifti Jaconets, 1 (
6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, I ]
4-4 India do. do, do. j j
4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerch'ffs, t
A large abutment of figur'd and plain Mufltnets,
Qyiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens,
Fanev Wairtcoatings. j '
Qifighims ol.ihe firft Quality, fubjearto Drawback,
India Nankeens, 1 .
Meu's White and coloured Si 'k ftockiugs.
M,y Q 1
Yazoo Lands.
May be haJ at the Editor's Office 119, Chefnul-JlrtJ» t
A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney j
Geneial to Congress containing a Colledion of ■
Charters, Treaties auj other DoctiMTNTs,
relative to and explanatory of the I ltle to the Land I
Imiate in the South Weftem parts of the United I :
States, and claimed by certain Companies under a j
it law or the State of Georgia, passed January 7th. |
: '795- I
Lottery and Broker's Oflice,
N Q 64 South Secant! street, _
' npiCKF.TS in the Canal Loticrj'. No. 11, are now rea
-1 dy fer sale, a Check Book kept for rise erimin ition
of Tickets, and Pr:ze= paid, without deduSiou.
The Subscriber solicits the app!ic;rion o'. the Public or |
any ot his iriends who wilh to purch fe or fell Bank Stock, 1
Certificates, Bills.of Exchange, or Notes, Houf-'-, Lar.ds,
„ Lotts or M rchaudiie of any kind, or to obtain iVJoney |
on depoCt of property. '
Late Ager.t for the Canal Lottery Company. [
June 6. w&s
By the Brtg iPetc'-mc Refiin:, Jrbm Savannah, ,
27 Bales COTTON.
tSy the Schooner Ali'ail, from Cnjrlefln,
100 Caiks Prime RICE.
And, by the Schooner '"John, from Bcuon,
SEWING-SILKS, various colours,
COSSAHS, and India Bmdanno Hmdkchfs.
For Sale by
N. & J. Frazier,
No. 9?, South Front ftre*t-
V/h: hatx clfo ■on band, and for Sale,
Prime Bniton b££F-, its — .
feE 1 ,] W.KSS,
Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c.
May 31 mw&fim
r .
A Small I;."Joict if
Sitle, by
No. 95, -SoutU Front-Street.
June 18. rwjiatrt
A. very Valuable Estate,
ALLEB TIV J T T£-N H A M, fituatc in the
I V>i towrJhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaw: re,
1 7 1-2 miles from Phiiad Iphia, and half a mile from the
I new Weft cm road: containing 230 acres of excellent land,
1 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prfine wood
-1 land, and the reft arable of the firll quality. There arc
on the preroifes a good two story brick house, with a rooms
j on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
jof excellent water in front; a large frame barn, liabLs,
: and other convenient buildings.; a smoke-house and ilone,
1 fprmg-houfe ; two good apple ordiards, and one of peach-
I I es. The fields are ail in clover, except those imme<tiate!y
1 under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
I of water in each of them, whick renders k peculiarly con-
I venient for grazing.
The situation is and healthy, and from the h»~r
j cultivation of the land, the good and th:
vicinity .to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's
country feat.
! j The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
' j deceased. and offered Jorfale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Oil. 9. eo.J Surviving Executor.
: China Goods.
I ' I H E Ship Atlantic, SHuj Swain*, -Commander,
. J A ' from Canton, will commence the difciaarje. of her
I cargo to-morrow mOrning at VVilnut-flreet wharfr
I _ ConJJling of
1 Yellow and white Naukeeu&of excellent quality
I jPcrfiao Taffetics, black and coloured
i. Luftrinps, do. do.
1 I Sat tins black as various qualities
I Sewing silks in allotted colours
c J Vermillion in boxes *
£ 1 Cassia in cheils , ,
' I Quicksilver in jars
d iJOHEA, 1
d HYSON SKIN, *; T, /i, nr
r young hyson > *reln leas.
s J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea
[ Sets generally afibrtsd.
WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of
I Fi)H quality Bengal SALT PETRE.
For Salt-, by
Philip Nicklin & Co.
4 April 8.
~ For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Work,
d Godwin's Political justice.
to From the last London Edition.
I. It will be ptibliihedin tw» large volumes, diiode«imo.
K j II; Price to Subscribers.two dollars,handfotntly bound,
I to be paid on delivery of the work,
I . 111. As! soon as a number of Subscribers appear, fuffi-
I cient to defray the expeHce, it Iball be put to pref*.
I IV. The names ef the Subscribers shall be prefixed.
J: .. The following Chara&er of this work
is eitrafled from the Monthly Review, p. 311, 312, for
1 . . Mkreh, 1793-
I !' We have no-fmssll degree of-pkafnre in announcing
j the work to our readers ; as one wh eh. from the
I lietdom of itseoquiry, the grandeur of itsviews, and the
j fortitude of its principle, is eminently defersing of atten-
I tion. By thfreulogium, we would by 1.0 means be under
j stood to fubferibe to all the principles which these volume
j contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree of
1 certainty which is requisite, for any two men to think a
j like on all fobjeds; neither has language attained that con-
I fiftent accuracy, which can enable them to convey their
thoughts, even when they do think alike, in a manner per
fe&ly correct and intelligible to both. These difficulties
I are only td be overcome by a patient, inceflant, and bene
] volent inveftigatien.
" Many of the opinions which this work contains, are
I bold ; foaae of them are novel; and fomc doubtless are er
' roneofc —but that which ought to endear it even to those
— whose principles it may offend, is the strength of argu
ment.adduced in it to prove, that peace and order moll ef-
I feSually promote the happiflefs after which political re
formers are panting ; —that as the progreli of knowledge
L-y ! is gradual, political reform outfit not to be precipitate ; —
of and that coiivntfive violence is dangerous not only to icdi
s vidaals (for that rcfulc comparatively would be of small
accoffnt) but to the general cause of truth. It i< the op
-1 polite cf this principle that inspires the enemi?scf pofitic
—■' I al enquiry with so much terror ; it is the fn 'pou" ion that
a j change muft'inevitably be attended by the turbulence and
h, injullice of commotion; an.l tjlit innovation c r.not be
j made without the intervention of evils more dettru&ivc
— than those which are intended tpjaexelormed. Under the
I cocviclion of this philanthropic sentiment, of calm ami'
I gradual refcrm, (which in its proper place he has fully :i-
I luftrated) Mr. Godwin proceeds without firlltoen
" j quire into prefeut evil, through its effetitial branches, ar.d
I next to dciijomtrate future good.
I "" Dividing his Work into eight books, and making tjil
c ,J iufHTiNCC or Political institcti«vs the iubjeci of
| the £rft, he begin s by an attempt to prove th* omnipo-
I tence of government ovy the moral habits of mankind ;
' 1 »nd that cn thele moral+abits their wisdom, virtue an.l
I felicity ceptnd."
*'übK-ript; oni received by the. publifhcrs at their
I PnuLing Office, ' Bi ck of ]<J 0 .77 Dock-ftrcet, Philadelphia, i
s Jane 18 § iweoim