) , of the llmfCfc States, 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. NUMBER ji 9 i.] SATURDAY EVENING, JULT 2, \YOl.vmu X. For Sale or Charter, I"T' THE SNOW BOSTON, £ BUX i'aut 2000 BbU. of flour —fee may be sent to •« I gjT S\mbel RiCHAapET will be hsppy to receive, and I execute the commands.of his.Friends, and the Public at j large; and with gratitude ior their lavours, he pledge J himfelf th*t nothing on his part fhalt be wanting to pre fer ve th4t patronage with which he has been so diftinguiih- 1 ingly itor.ored. N P'nifadelphia. April 19. [ I TO BE LET. \ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. U4 ML Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach, j _ House, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the worse for j nfe. June 2. eott George Dobson, BECS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and Coumrv, that he has lemovci from M»rket-Street to | ; N°- 25, south Third-street, • where he is opening a Large and-Elegant ASortment cf the I cnderme«Moned articles—rvia- | t Supeifine London Cloths and Kerfevmeres, Yorklhire second l)o. . Do. I Elastic do. ao Mix'd and $iue Coatings > Flannelli, Sic. J Manchester Printed Callicoes, j 1 London Chintz ditto, 1 Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto. Long Cloths, CofiaeQ, Baftai, Battillas& Conjevrems> i 4*4. S"H u P cr^ne India Book Muslins, j { 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 1 t 4 4 aod 9-8 Scotch ditto, I i 4-4 £.6-4 p'aindo Muslins, j < i 4-4 &. 6-4 Britifti Jaconets, 1 ( 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, I ] 4-4 India do. do, do. j j 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerch'ffs, t A large abutment of figur'd and plain Mufltnets, Qyiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fanev Wairtcoatings. j ' Qifighims ol.ihe firft Quality, fubjearto Drawback, India Nankeens, 1 . Meu's White and coloured Si 'k ftockiugs. M,y Q 1 Yazoo Lands. May be haJ at the Editor's Office 119, Chefnul-JlrtJ» t A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney j Geneial to Congress containing a Colledion of ■ Charters, Treaties auj other DoctiMTNTs, relative to and explanatory of the I ltle to the Land I Imiate in the South Weftem parts of the United I : States, and claimed by certain Companies under a j it law or the State of Georgia, passed January 7th. | : '795- I Lottery and Broker's Oflice, N Q 64 South Secant! street, _ ' npiCKF.TS in the Canal Loticrj'. No. 11, are now rea -1 dy fer sale, a Check Book kept for rise erimin ition of Tickets, and Pr:ze= paid, without deduSiou. The Subscriber solicits the app!ic;rion o'. the Public or | any ot his iriends who wilh to purch fe or fell Bank Stock, 1 Certificates, Bills.of Exchange, or Notes, Houf-'-, Lar.ds, „ Lotts or M rchaudiie of any kind, or to obtain iVJoney | on depoCt of property. ' WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Ager.t for the Canal Lottery Company. [ June 6. w&s RECEIVED, By the Brtg iPetc'-mc Refiin:, Jrbm Savannah, , 27 Bales COTTON. tSy the Schooner Ali'ail, from Cnjrlefln, 100 Caiks Prime RICE. And, by the Schooner '"John, from Bcuon, SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Bmdanno Hmdkchfs. For Sale by N. & J. Frazier, No. 9?, South Front ftre*t- V/h: hatx clfo ■on band, and for Sale, Prime Bniton b££F-, its — . feE 1 ,] W.KSS, Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 mw&fim r . A Small I;."Joict if CAMBRICS, Sitle, by N. & J. FRAZIER, No. 95, -SoutU Front-Street. June 18. rwjiatrt FOR SALE, A. very Valuable Estate, ALLEB TIV J T T£-N H A M, fituatc in the I V>i towrJhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaw: re, 1 7 1-2 miles from Phiiad Iphia, and half a mile from the I new Weft cm road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, 1 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prfine wood -1 land, and the reft arable of the firll quality. There arc on the preroifes a good two story brick house, with a rooms j on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well jof excellent water in front; a large frame barn, liabLs, : and other convenient buildings.; a smoke-house and ilone, 1 fprmg-houfe ; two good apple ordiards, and one of peach- I I es. The fields are ail in clover, except those imme *reln leas. , BEST HYSON, I ? IMPERIAL, J s J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea [ Sets generally afibrtsd. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of I Fi)H quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Salt-, by Philip Nicklin & Co. 4 April 8. t.th&s J >r PROPOSALS, By BIOREM Vf- MADAN, ~ For publishing by Subscription, that celebrated Work, d Godwin's Political justice. to From the last London Edition. I TERNS. I. It will be ptibliihedin tw» large volumes, diiode«imo. K j II; Price to Subscribers.two dollars,handfotntly bound, I to be paid on delivery of the work, I . 111. As! soon as a number of Subscribers appear, fuffi- I cient to defray the expeHce, it Iball be put to pref*. I IV. The names ef the Subscribers shall be prefixed. J: .. The following Chara&er of this work is eitrafled from the Monthly Review, p. 311, 312, for 1 . . Mkreh, 1793- I !' We have no-fmssll degree of-pkafnre in announcing j the work to our readers ; as one wh eh. from the I lietdom of itseoquiry, the grandeur of itsviews, and the j fortitude of its principle, is eminently defersing of atten- I tion. By thfreulogium, we would by 1.0 means be under j stood to fubferibe to all the principles which these volume j contain. Knowledge is not yet arrived at that degree of 1 certainty which is requisite, for any two men to think a j like on all fobjeds; neither has language attained that con- I fiftent accuracy, which can enable them to convey their thoughts, even when they do think alike, in a manner per fe&ly correct and intelligible to both. These difficulties I are only td be overcome by a patient, inceflant, and bene ] volent inveftigatien. " Many of the opinions which this work contains, are I bold ; foaae of them are novel; and fomc doubtless are er ' roneofc —but that which ought to endear it even to those — whose principles it may offend, is the strength of argu ment.adduced in it to prove, that peace and order moll ef- I feSually promote the happiflefs after which political re formers are panting ; —that as the progreli of knowledge L-y ! is gradual, political reform outfit not to be precipitate ; — of and that coiivntfive violence is dangerous not only to icdi s vidaals (for that rcfulc comparatively would be of small accoffnt) but to the general cause of truth. It i< the op -1 polite cf this principle that inspires the enemi?scf pofitic —■' I al enquiry with so much terror ; it is the fn 'pou" ion that a j change muft'inevitably be attended by the turbulence and h, injullice of commotion; an.l tjlit innovation c r.not be j made without the intervention of evils more dettru&ivc — than those which are intended tpjaexelormed. Under the I cocviclion of this philanthropic sentiment, of calm ami' I gradual refcrm, (which in its proper place he has fully :i- I luftrated) Mr. Godwin proceeds without firlltoen " j quire into prefeut evil, through its effetitial branches, ar.d I next to dciijomtrate future good. I "" Dividing his Work into eight books, and making tjil c ,J iufHTiNCC or Political institcti«vs the iubjeci of | the £rft, he begin s by an attempt to prove th* omnipo- I tence of government ovy the moral habits of mankind ; ' 1 »nd that cn thele moral+abits their wisdom, virtue an.l I felicity ceptnd." *'übK-ript; oni received by the. publifhcrs at their I PnuLing Office, ' Bi ck of ]