Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 27, 1794, Image 3

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    fervation, and only intent on arreting the
progress of the malignant disorder, with a
magnanimity and patriotism meriting the
highest eulogiums, itood forth and by eve
ry generous and indearing exertion pre
served the lives of many of their fellow
citizens from death, by conveying them
to a iuitable hospital which they had pro
vided at Bush-Hill for their reception,
where under the meritorious exertions and
peculiar care of Stephen Girard and Peter
Helm two of the citizens above named,
every pofiible comfort was provided for
the sick, and decent burial for those whom
their efforts could not preserve from the
ravages of the prevailing distemper: In or
der therefore, to perpetuate the memory
of such distinguished ufefulnefs to diflant
times, and to serve as an example and en
couragement to others, to emulate the like
benificent virtues, should it unfortunately
again become necessary topra&ife them,'
The citizens of Philadelphia, the dis
tricts of Southwark and Northern Liber
ties, do by this instrument present to the
above named Sanfom, as a guardian of the
poor, to the above named-
Matthew Clarkion, John Haworth,
C aleb Lownes, James Swaine,
i homas Wiltar, Mathew Carey,
Stephen Girard, Thomas Savcry,
Peter Helm, Jacob Witman,
Israel Israel, Samuel Benge,
John Letchworth, Henry Deforrcll,
James Kerr, and
James Sharfwood, John Connelly,
as a committee of health: and to the above
Wm, P. Spragucs, Jacob Winnemore
William Gregory, and
Joseph Burns, Shubt. Arinitage,
as members of the assistant committee of
health, their most cordial, grateful, and
fraternal thanks for their benevolent and*
patriotic exertions in relieving the mise
ries of fuffering humanity on the late oc
casion, and as
Andrew Adgate, and
Jona. D. Sergeant, Daniel Offley,
Jetfeph In keep,
members of the committee of health ; and
James Wilson, and Jacob Jenkins,
members of the afMant committee of
health, unfortunately fell vidims to their
generous exertions for the preservation of
the inhabitants, it is hoped, that their
great services will be held in everlasting
remembrance by the citizens, to whose
welfare they so nobly devoted themselves
even unto death, and that this will be
evidenced on all proper occasions in a fuf{-
a!>le attention to their surviving relatives.
Th.*t a copy of this instrument be duly
engraittd upon parchment signed by the
chairman of the meeting, and presented
to each of the persons above named, and
to the reprcfentatives of thedeceafed over
feara of the poor and members of the com
mittees above named, to remain with them
a» a memorial of the sense their fellow citi-
JW» entertain of the services rendered
lllem during the late-dreadful calamity.
The committee further .reconimend
tfce adopting the following resolution on
ffctf fcbjefl matters recommended by the
committee of health.
1. Resolved, That the thanks of the
meeting be given to
Jacob Witman, Ben. W. Morris,
fames Swaine, John Wood,
Geo. Forepauph, William Eckard,
Casper Suyder, Wm. Innis,
Peter Smith, > Joho Gtantham.
Jeremiah Paul, Thomas Willis,
James Cummins, Daniel Dawfon,
Casper W. Morris, Peter Thomson,
Thomas Caftierre, Thomas Allibone,
Adam Brittle, Lambert Wilmer,
Gerg. M'Elvaine, Samual Coats,
W. Robinson, fen. John Olden,
John Pattifon, Sam.Pancoaft,jun.
Rich. Whitehead, John Woodfide,
Joseph Kerr, 1,. Hollingfworth,
John Ettris, Wm. Watkins,
Jurtinian Fox, Thos. Dickfeys,
Am. Wicker!ham, Richard Mofely,
Arthur Howell, Clem. Humphries,
Ale*; Cochran, Joseph Olden,
Thomas Dobfon, and
George Rutter, John Savage,
WW as an afliftant committee, aided the
latter exert ibns of the committee of health,
and that they be afiured the citizens retain
* just sense of their meritorious conduct.
2d.- iiefolvcd, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to all the citizens of Phi
ladfelphia and its vicinity, who in any man
ner aided the committee of health ; and
alio to' the citizens of other parts of this
ftyfey and of the United States, whd have
nwvtributed their ulTiitaxice by donations,
or otherwise, to the relief of their poor
and diltreflcd brethren during the late ca
3d. Refolvcd, That the sum of 3*247
dollars and 12 cents be paid to the committee
of health, in discharge of the balance due
to them, for monies expended in the execu
tion of their pious trust :—That the sum of
3954 dollars be deposited in the hands of
commifiioners, to be appointed by law, to be
by them laid out, in such proportions, as they
shall deem just, for the use of those persons,
who, either on account of their own lervices,
or the services of their deceased relations,
during the late public calamity, ftxall be en
titled to have, and lhall be willing to accept,
a compensation of that nature; and that
the sum of 2,800 dollars be deposited in the
hands of a committee, to be appointed by
the citizens, for the purpose of procuring a
piece of plate, of such form as the members
shall refpe<slively chufe, and of the value of
100 dollars, with a suitable device and in
scription to be engraven on each piece of
plate, to be presented to the surViving guar
dian of the poor, and to the refpe&ivJ repre
sentatives of his two deceased colleagues above
named; to each of the furviviflg members
of the committee of health, and to the ref
pe<Stive representatives of their deceased col
leagues above named; and to each of the
above named members of the assistant com
mittee for the Northern Liberties and the
diftri(st of Southwark, as a permanent memo
rial of the gratitude and esteem of their fel
4th, Reiolved, That application be made
to the legislature of this commonwealth, to
pass an a& authorising a tax, to be liid on
th city of Philadelphia, the diftri.fl or South
wark, and the townfliip of the Northern Li
berties, for the purpoie of raising the sum of
10,000 dollars, to carry into efiedt the fore
going resolutions.
sth, Resolved, That the Legiflatui-e be
requested to provide a fund, by an annual
tax upon the city of Philadelphia, the diitrift
of Southwark, and the townfliip of the
Northern Liberties, for the purpose of main
taining, educating, and apprenticing the or
phan children, who were left by the late ca
lamity, dependant on the public compallion
and bounty : And, also, for giving to each
of the said orphans, who lhall prove deserv
ing of favor, a sum of money, not exceeding
100 dollars, or tools and implements equiva
lent in value, at the time of his, or her en
tering upon any trade or service.
6th. Resolved, That the chairman, and
the other members of the committee, who
made the report, to wit: —Thomas M'Kean,
Alexander James Dallas, Anthony Morris,
John B. Smith, John Swanwick, Charles
Biddle, and William Rogers, be a committee
to carry the foregoing resolutions into efFe<sh
On motion,
Resolved, That the thanks of the meeting
be given to the chairman and the other mem
bers of the committee, for their services on
this occasion.
THOMAS M'KEAN. Chairman.
lioufe of Reprefentatii>;s.
Thursday, March 20.
Memorial of Lewis Garanger, soliciting
the patronage of Congress, in behalf of him
felf and his brother Charles, for an improve
ment in the manufactory of arms, was read.
The houl'e resolved itfelf into a committee
of the whole house, on the state of the union;
gallery cleared.
Friday, March 2t.
A bill from the Senate, intituled "An
adt for the remillion of the duties oh certain
diftillcd fnirits destroyed by fire." was read
the firft and second time and committed to
the whole house.
Mr. Coit from the committee appointed,
presented a bill to provide for p-acing buoys
on certain rocks off the harbour of New-
London, and in Providence river—read the
firft and lecond time and committed to the
whole house 011 Monday next.
A melTage from the Senate by Mr. Otis
their Secretary, informed the house, that the
Senate have palled the bill intituled " An
acl to provide for the erecting and repairing
of arsenals and magazines, and for other
purposes," with several amendments, to
which they desire the concurrence of this
house. Adjourned.
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, March 19.
Extr<!a of a letter from Captain Reuhen
Loud, of the schooner Alert, to his bro
ther Captain Ehphalet Loud of Wey
mouth—Havre, Nov. 28, 1793.
" It is with infinite fatisfaclion, that
I find the greatest part of ray apprehen
sions of war between England and Ame
rica, are dispelled, by the lad advices,
which bear a more conciliatory appear
ance than hitherto. It is probable i ihall
remain here till spring."
On Monday last arrived here, Captain
Andrew Sigourney from Portland, bring
ing the agreeable intelligence of the fate
arrival there of the (hip Elizabeth, Capt.
Catchcart, with a valuable cargo Tom In
The British Channel fleet fuffered confi
de rdblv in a hurncane in t'ie month of Lie
cembei iali—one 74 gun ihip was so wreck
ed as to be obliged to go ihto dock for an
entire repair, her crew being transferred
to a new (hip. On the 3d January, iix
teen fail of the line, and several frigates,
were fitting and re-fitting in Plymouth
[Guillotined] —At Paris, M. Le Brun,
jEt. 39, late Minister of State.—Crime,
conspiracy against the unity and indivisibi
lity of the State. M. Dieltrich, late May
or of Stiafbourg. The ci-devant duke de
Biron,—Crime, conspiracy, &c.~
NEW-YORK, March 26.
Ext raft of a letter from Curracoa, dated
Feb. 20, to Elias Nixon,
" By a schooner day before yesterday
from Tobago; the Captain has the King's
proclamation of a free trade for all the
Americans to any of the British ports."
Too frequently the effe&s of intoxica
tion end in irreparable lofles. Monday last,
Mr. Alexander Buchanan, and George
Andrefs, together with several others,
went out of town in pursuit of game ; and,
yn their return in the evening, they called
at the Inn of Mr. Daniel Tierfe, in the
Bowery, where they had mended their
draught—when a controversy took place
between Buchanan and Andiels, the lat
ter of whom received a blow from the For
mer, directed at the under part of the ear ;
by this blow, Andrefs fell a carpfe. On
examination, his neck proved to be brok
en. He has left a young widow,with an
infant at her breaft.—Buchanan has deli
vered himfelf up, and is now in the new
jail in this city.
NEW-LONDON, March 13.
Arrived, Brig Neptune, Burnham, in 20
days from New Providence, where he was
carried in by a privateer, detained eight days,
and then releaied.—All American vtffeis in
that port are relcafcd.
Arrived, B: ig Apollo, J. Williams, In 13
days from Grenada, via Turk's -llland ;
touched at St. Thomas's, where he fa\V
Capt. Guidon Saltonftall, of this port. Capt.
William law Mr. Fortefque Cumminn- in
Grenada, 33d Jan. lait, hearty and well, who
was to lail in a few days for Trinidad, and
expefU'd to fail for New-Haven about the
15 th i ; eb. Cape. Williams had letters for his
wife aad friends in New-Haven, bnt being
dialed by a French privateer, was obliged to
throw them overboard. Vtflels carried into
Fon Daupnin, by the Spaniards: Brig Bet
sey, Culhing, khode-Ifland, lloop- , Buck,
Newburyport, sloop Jacob, Philips, Hartford,
brig Aurora, Sage, Middletown, brig Nymph,
Phiiad lphia, lchooner Dove, N. Carolina,
schooner Lively, Mcne, do. lchooner Dolphin,
Bolton, brig iairplay, Morris, New-York,
sloop Polly, Hodge, Philadelphia.
From the Salem (Majfacbufetti) Gazette*
One day last week, from i to 200 sailors
in Gloucejter, who were thrown out of em
ployment by the present situation of our
commerce, lorined a mournful procelfion,
bearing the l/. S. flag, and accompanied by
military mulic ; and after parading the prin
cipal ltreets in the town, proceeded to the
farts, took a review of them, planted the
American standard upon the rampa ts, gave
three cheers, and declared themlelves ready
to act in defence of their country ; then re
turned to the place where they hrft formed,
difmilled at an early hour, and retired 10
their homes with the molt perfedt decency.
From a Connecticut Paper.
We are authoriied to inform the pub
lic, that A. Learned, Esq. declining to
be in the nomination of candidates for the
next Cbiigrcl's of the United States, re
queks his friends, not to give him their
iulfrages at the ensuing election.
The ast providing a naval armament has
received the approbation and signature of
the President of the United States.
Ship Industry, Perry, St. Andero
Bng Flora, Cailin, Havanna
Betl'ey, Dewer, Jeremie
George and Harriot, Barnard, Bolton
Dolpnin, Nickelis, ditto.
Schr. Polly, Weitcott, Edenton, (N. C.)
Good Intent, Miller, Jereraie
Kitty, Edwards, Bermuda
Sloop Ranger, Dunn, New-York
Nancy, Barker, Nantucket
Sally, Johnilon, Norfolk
The Schooner Mary, Capt. llufliv, from
Kingston Jamaica, it arrived in the Delaware.
The publication of the Ob/enver has been
unavoidably (ul^nded —b»t vill be frekiaed
1 Sundry rcfoltitions were brought for
w rd i. 's day in rhe House of Renrefen
ta. ve*-jy Mr. iJayton ; the purport of
which re, that indemnification ought to
be provided syr those who have fuftaincd
loss of property by the depredations of
the Britifli erniiers—and that all Britrfli
property in the United States rtiould be
placed in a state of fequellration, and held
as a security for the above purpoilj Theie
were taken up in cm ir.ittec of tl t whole,
a long debate eafued, but no decision t&olc
place—The committee rose and reported
A small French privateer schooner, called
the Sanfpareil, has captured and fcnt into
Chirldton, a Spanish snow from the Havan
na, bound to St. Augustine, having monev
to tli£ amount 107,000 dollars on board, for
the pay of the troops, and a reinfereem nt
for that garrison. Capt. German, spoke the
prize at CharleJtoa bar, on Sunday the 16th
The following "Certifi
cate of the funded three per Cent Slock f the
Domestic Debt of [he United Slates (landing oil
ihe books of the Treasury of the fatd Untied
Slates, in the names ol Donnald and Jlurton of
London, meichanls, and figncd by Joseph
Nouife, Regiflerof fsid Treaiury, to wit :
No. £476, dated August 1792 for 2959
dollar* and 53 cents -was Iranfmitted front JLOII
- in the .(hip Peter, Paul Huffey, master,
bound for New York, and has been loft.
The Subscriber intending 10 apply 10 the Trea
sury of the United States to have the fame re
newed , dcfiies all persons who are intei eftcd in
the said certificate, to make their obje&ions
thereto, if any they have.
Francis Macy.
7' d6w
Philad. March 27,
March 28,
Will be performed,
A COMEDY called
Lord Scratch, Mr. rate:,,
Mr. CI. veland,
;;,°n V ' M r. Moreion,
Wuloughby, Mr. Green,
i; ,luui » Mr. Finch,
f" et,;r ' Mr. Francis,
Vap.d, (with the Epilogue) Mr. Chalmers,
Mils Courtney, Mrs. Francis.
Lady Waitto.-., Mrs. ko-.v in
Lett )'> M•. C.. v . .
At the end of the COMEDY a
Pantomimical DANCE, called—
Tbe Sailor s Landlady,
Jack in Distress.
Mr. Francis
rsed Haulyard (with an&iv Jong) Mr. Oar-
iev, 'tin.
M.-lfi-s. Warrell, lit, Jet,
Wan-ell. jun.Lee, Baf.,a
and De Moulin.
M:s. Cleveland, Mrs.
Bates, Miss. Rowfon, &
Miss. Willems.
Landlady, Mr. Rowfon
Orange Girl, Mrs. IJc A'iarque
To with a double HORNPIPE
by Mr. Francis and Mrs. Be Marque.
To which will be added,
A COMMIC OPERA, irt t*o afls,
(by the author of the Poor Soldier) called
"The Farmer,
Colonel Dormont,
Fair ley,
Counsellor Flummery,
Farmer Blackberry,
Jemmy Jumps,
Farmer Stubble,
Betty Blackberry,
Molly Maybuih,
Places in the Bootes td be taken at the Box-
Office of the Theatre, at any hour fromrtine
in the morning till three o'clock in the after
noon, cn the day of performapce. Ticket!
to be lud at tl>e office near tlie Theatre, at
the corner of at Carr & Co'«
Muficalßepofitory, No. in, Marfcet-ftreet
The managers requoft, to prevent confu-
Gi>n, fervanti may be ordered to set down and
take up with the horses' heads towards the
Schuylkill, and drive off by SeveUlh-ftreet.
Boxts, one dotlar—Pitt, three quarter#
of a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar.
%* As inconveniences to thcpublir have
arisen from the Box-book being open on the
day« of performance only, in faturfc attend
ance will be given it the office in the Theatre
every diy from ten 'till one, and on the day!
of performance from ten till three o'clock ill
the afternoon. Application', for Boxes,iti«
relpeftftillv requefled, may be addressed, ti>
Mr. Friflklin, «C iie SuxGjf ce.
M;-6. Maiiliail,
Mr. Green*
Mr. Madhailj
Mr. Warr&i,
Mr, hiilfctt,
Mr. Darleyj
Mr. Bates,
Kr. Francis*
Mr. MofTisy
Mrs. Warrgji,
Mrs. Mnrma.;,