fervation, and only intent on arreting the progress of the malignant disorder, with a magnanimity and patriotism meriting the highest eulogiums, itood forth and by eve ry generous and indearing exertion pre served the lives of many of their fellow citizens from death, by conveying them to a iuitable hospital which they had pro vided at Bush-Hill for their reception, where under the meritorious exertions and peculiar care of Stephen Girard and Peter Helm two of the citizens above named, every pofiible comfort was provided for the sick, and decent burial for those whom their efforts could not preserve from the ravages of the prevailing distemper: In or der therefore, to perpetuate the memory of such distinguished ufefulnefs to diflant times, and to serve as an example and en couragement to others, to emulate the like benificent virtues, should it unfortunately again become necessary topra&ife them,' The citizens of Philadelphia, the dis tricts of Southwark and Northern Liber ties, do by this instrument present to the above named Sanfom, as a guardian of the poor, to the above named- Matthew Clarkion, John Haworth, C aleb Lownes, James Swaine, i homas Wiltar, Mathew Carey, Stephen Girard, Thomas Savcry, Peter Helm, Jacob Witman, Israel Israel, Samuel Benge, John Letchworth, Henry Deforrcll, James Kerr, and James Sharfwood, John Connelly, as a committee of health: and to the above named Wm, P. Spragucs, Jacob Winnemore William Gregory, and Joseph Burns, Shubt. Arinitage, as members of the assistant committee of health, their most cordial, grateful, and fraternal thanks for their benevolent and* patriotic exertions in relieving the mise ries of fuffering humanity on the late oc casion, and as Andrew Adgate, and Jona. D. Sergeant, Daniel Offley, Jetfeph In keep, members of the committee of health ; and James Wilson, and Jacob Jenkins, members of the afMant committee of health, unfortunately fell vidims to their generous exertions for the preservation of the inhabitants, it is hoped, that their great services will be held in everlasting remembrance by the citizens, to whose welfare they so nobly devoted themselves even unto death, and that this will be evidenced on all proper occasions in a fuf{- a!>le attention to their surviving relatives. Ordered, Th.*t a copy of this instrument be duly engraittd upon parchment signed by the chairman of the meeting, and presented to each of the persons above named, and to the reprcfentatives of thedeceafed over feara of the poor and members of the com mittees above named, to remain with them a» a memorial of the sense their fellow citi- JW» entertain of the services rendered lllem during the late-dreadful calamity. The committee further .reconimend tfce adopting the following resolution on ffctf fcbjefl matters recommended by the committee of health. 1. Resolved, That the thanks of the meeting be given to Jacob Witman, Ben. W. Morris, fames Swaine, John Wood, Geo. Forepauph, William Eckard, Casper Suyder, Wm. Innis, Peter Smith, > Joho Gtantham. Jeremiah Paul, Thomas Willis, James Cummins, Daniel Dawfon, Casper W. Morris, Peter Thomson, Thomas Caftierre, Thomas Allibone, Adam Brittle, Lambert Wilmer, Gerg. M'Elvaine, Samual Coats, W. Robinson, fen. John Olden, John Pattifon, Sam.Pancoaft,jun. Rich. Whitehead, John Woodfide, Joseph Kerr, 1,. Hollingfworth, John Ettris, Wm. Watkins, Jurtinian Fox, Thos. Dickfeys, Am. Wicker!ham, Richard Mofely, Arthur Howell, Clem. Humphries, Ale*; Cochran, Joseph Olden, Thomas Dobfon, and George Rutter, John Savage, WW as an afliftant committee, aided the latter exert ibns of the committee of health, and that they be afiured the citizens retain * just sense of their meritorious conduct. 2d.- iiefolvcd, That the thanks of this meeting be given to all the citizens of Phi ladfelphia and its vicinity, who in any man ner aided the committee of health ; and alio to' the citizens of other parts of this ftyfey and of the United States, whd have nwvtributed their ulTiitaxice by donations, or otherwise, to the relief of their poor and diltreflcd brethren during the late ca lamity. 3d. Refolvcd, That the sum of 3*247 dollars and 12 cents be paid to the committee of health, in discharge of the balance due to them, for monies expended in the execu tion of their pious trust :—That the sum of 3954 dollars be deposited in the hands of commifiioners, to be appointed by law, to be by them laid out, in such proportions, as they shall deem just, for the use of those persons, who, either on account of their own lervices, or the services of their deceased relations, during the late public calamity, ftxall be en titled to have, and lhall be willing to accept, a compensation of that nature; and that the sum of 2,800 dollars be deposited in the hands of a committee, to be appointed by the citizens, for the purpose of procuring a piece of plate, of such form as the members shall refpe;s. Thursday, March 20. Memorial of Lewis Garanger, soliciting the patronage of Congress, in behalf of him felf and his brother Charles, for an improve ment in the manufactory of arms, was read. The houl'e resolved itfelf into a committee of the whole house, on the state of the union; gallery cleared. Friday, March 2t. A bill from the Senate, intituled "An adt for the remillion of the duties oh certain diftillcd fnirits destroyed by fire." was read the firft and second time and committed to the whole house. Mr. Coit from the committee appointed, presented a bill to provide for p-acing buoys on certain rocks off the harbour of New- London, and in Providence river—read the firft and lecond time and committed to the whole house 011 Monday next. A melTage from the Senate by Mr. Otis their Secretary, informed the house, that the Senate have palled the bill intituled " An acl to provide for the erecting and repairing of arsenals and magazines, and for other purposes," with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of this house. Adjourned. By this Day's Mail. BOSTON, March 19. Extr M•. C.. v . . Marianne, At the end of the COMEDY a Pantomimical DANCE, called— Tbe Sailor s Landlady, OR, Jack in Distress. Mr. Francis rsed Haulyard (with an&iv Jong) Mr. Oar- iev, 'tin. M.-lfi-s. Warrell, lit, Jet, Wan-ell. jun.Lee, Baf.,a and De Moulin. M:s. Cleveland, Mrs. Bates, Miss. Rowfon, & Miss. Willems. Landlady, Mr. Rowfon Orange Girl, Mrs. IJc A'iarque To with a double HORNPIPE by Mr. Francis and Mrs. Be Marque. To which will be added, Sailors, Lafits, A COMMIC OPERA, irt t*o afls, (by the author of the Poor Soldier) called "The Farmer, Colonel Dormont, Valentine, Fair ley, Counsellor Flummery, Farmer Blackberry, Jemmy Jumps, Rundy, Farmer Stubble, Louisa, Betty Blackberry, Molly Maybuih, Landlady, Places in the Bootes td be taken at the Box- Office of the Theatre, at any hour fromrtine in the morning till three o'clock in the after noon, cn the day of performapce. Ticket! to be lud at tl>e office near tlie Theatre, at the corner of at Carr & Co'« Muficalßepofitory, No. in, Marfcet-ftreet The managers requoft, to prevent confu- Gi>n, fervanti may be ordered to set down and take up with the horses' heads towards the Schuylkill, and drive off by SeveUlh-ftreet. Boxts, one dotlar—Pitt, three quarter# of a dollar—and Gallery, half a dollar. %* As inconveniences to thcpublir have arisen from the Box-book being open on the day« of performance only, in faturfc attend ance will be given it the office in the Theatre every diy from ten 'till one, and on the day! of performance from ten till three o'clock ill the afternoon. Application', for Boxes,iti« relpeftftillv requefled, may be addressed, ti> Mr. Friflklin, «C iie SuxGjf ce. M;-6. Maiiliail, Mr. Green* Mr. Madhailj Mr. Warr&i, Mr, hiilfctt, Mr. Darleyj Mr. Bates, Kr. Francis* Mr. MofTisy Mrs. Warrgji, Mrs. Mnrma.;, gaffes