Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 24, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 63 of Vol. V.]
For Sale or Charter,.
The Ship
(an American bottom)
qf yoM Moore, Matter ;
Is a stout good veflel, about two years old,
burthen 132 tons, has only made three voy
ages, and may be sent to fei at a fmajl ex
pence. She mjiy be seen at Vmc-ftreet wharf,
and the terms made known by application to
Wharton & Lewis.
Feb. 55,1794. dtf
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldfmilhs Jewellers,
No. 42,
An elegant Ajjortment of
Which they will difpoie of on the molt rea
sonable terms- Devices in hair, Miniatures
felt, and every thing in the gold and lilver
way, done as iifual.
December 24.
Philosophical Le&ures,
By J. M. R A Y.
FROM Edinburgh", lately From Paris,
teacher of* Hebrew, &c. language., au
thor of Comprehensive View of Philof'ophlcaf,
Political, and Theological Syflems, from the
ertation of the world to the pre lent time, &c.
H? .will begin thifedond com fe of Lectures
February 27th, at 6 o'clock in the evening, in
the Friends' grammar school room, 4i I* Greet,
and will finiftrit in a month.—-The idea of tt
was by fume Ladies for the improve
ment of the ft?x—but tt is calculated fur both
f*xe< (of any age above childhood] wherebv
thev will difceyer a new world in natute,
tonceilcd horn othe. s as a fine country is'
froin travellers in the night, ai.d as the
ai'd the appearance of natute is from the
blind ; this will be a new icene of enjoyment
and delight, as that of feeing is to one born
blind, and will teach ihem to acquire the pro
per uf'e of their faculties, as a child does that
of his limbs by learning to walk this will
elevate tlvetn to a Philosophical region of sub-
Jinic enjoyments and rational pieafures, as
.much luperior 10 the pleffitres and amufe
mcnts of others as a man is to a child in sta
ture, and which will endure the (hock of ad
versity, and not forfake ihem like others, in
affliction and old age ; a» the use and end of
all real knowledge is pra&ice and happ'mefs,
this course will tend to promote personal hap
pinclk, and fit for the duties of fociity, one
part of it will be on the preservation of health
of body and ferenityof mind, without which
riches can afford noenjoyment : those whoob
fcrved the author's regimen,efcaped the Pesti
lential dfeafe in the house were others died
of it. To begin with an introductory Lec
fu'e on the great benefits of Philosophy to
human life.
Feb. 19.
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry (Arch) between.Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Epilfcopal burying
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employers,
and .equefting their future favors, as well as
thofeof the public in general.
Hc continues to make and repair at the
ffioiteft notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages,
iuch as coaches, chariots, phaetons with and
without crane necks, vouchees, chaises, kitte
reens, windsor fulkeys and chaits, and harness
of every description, in the neatest and newest
faftiion now prevailing in the United States.
And as he has a quantity of the bed seasoned
wood by him, ard capital workmen, he has
not the least doubt but he will-be able to give
fati*faftion to thole who employ him.
He has for sale, several carriages almost
finifhed, such as coachee-, an Italian windsor
chair, hung on steel springs, a liglt phaeton for
one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commiflion.
Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794 Illfctjrn
<£j* This Ga%ette Jhall be enlarged, as it
receives encouragement —The Snbfcription
encrcafes daily—AJvertifing Favors are
foliated —These conjlitute an ejftniial Item
in diminifbing the Debit fide of the Account.
.of tf)e Hmfri) HWafeg
Mordecai Lewis,
Has for Sale at his-Store, No. 25, Dock-
Barcelona Handkerchiefs 'm Boxes,
A hale of low-pt iced Collon Handkerchiefs,
A Quantity ol Souchong TV a, Hylun and
Tonkay, ditto.
Holland Gru in Ca/es,
A Quantity of Biinrftonp,
W'th a Variety of oilier Goods.
Tcb. 20.
Fifty Dollars Reward.
ON tnr 31ft of last month, the fnbfcrib r ad
dri'ilcJ a letter to MrJTiThomas Pearfall
£3 Hon, mcichams in New-York, and ine'krfjd
therein a bank note, No. for twenty dol
lars ; one ditto, No. lor thirty do)iiirs ;
and on* ditto, Ni. 3,866, tor twenty dollars.
—He alio addretfVo a letter lo Mr. CUtert
Sahonjlall, merchant in New.Ymic, a
hank bill, No. 148, for fifty dollars, indorjcd
on the bar.k thereof in thefr words— Cl Pa) the
within to Mr. Gilbert SultuiiJla/t —Ebtn. Hunting
ton."—He also addrefled a letter to Messrs. White
& Wardell, merchants in New-York, and inci
ted a bdnk bill for trn dollars, and a draft in fa
vor of said H'hite.& Wardell, which letters were
put in the Polt-Office on fa-d 31ft January, to
be forwarded so Ncw-Yotk ; But by letters rer
ceived from the Gemlemcn to whom they were
fcverally addressed, thf money was iobbed
from each letter before delivery.
The Public arc rr<jurfled to endeavor a de
letion of the Villains who committed the above
robbery. The bill int'ioried, 1 think was a York
bank bill, and form- others, one or more was
of the United States, remitted at Philadel
phia. Anv person difcovcrinj the Thief, and
returning the Money, shall be. entitled to fifty
dollars reward.
Norwich, i4?b Fob. 1794. gwgtaw
Eprvieriy Keeper of the City Tavern, and
of the Merchant's Cvffct-Htittft if this
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and
the Public 111 general, that he has THIS
DAY opened a HOTIL in Sihippen-Street, be
tween Third and Fouith-Streets, at the House
formerly occupied by Mr. Timmon's, which
has lately been greatly improved, 'and is now
very commodious; where be bas furnilhed him
felf wiih the best of LIQUORS, and will fur
nifb a TABLE for Panics, with the best provi
sions the Markets afford, at any hoiir, 011 the
shortest notice. From his long experience in
this line of bufinef*, he flatters himfelf he (ball
be able to gi\e fatisfaff :on to all who may please
to favor him with their company.
Philadelphia, January 29, 1794.
December 21(1,1793.
WHEREAS the Coramiflioncrs of public
Accounts, have repotted, that they can
not proceed to thr in-cftigation of the Trenfury
Accounts, rrfpe&ing fpccial Indents, without
knowing the outltanding amount thereof in cal
culation :—Therefore,
Refulvcd, That all holders of special Indents
be dirt ft* d, and required, 00 or before the Brit
day ol November n: xt, to deliver the special In
dents in their pofleflion to one or Other of the
Gommifliom rs of the Trealury, who are lo give
receipts for the fume, and to report tp tbeCom
miflionerj. on public accounts, on or before the
tenth «Jay of November next, the amount by
therw refpe&ively received, and also to the Le
gislature, at their meeting in November next.
And that all special .Indent* not rendered into
the Treasury as above, on or before the fiift day
of November next, lhall be, and the fame are
hereby baried.
RcJohtJi That public notice of this resolution
be given m the several Garettes in thjs State,
once every three weeks, until the fir ft day of
November nrxt. And that the Delegate* el'this
State in the Congress of the United Siates, be rc
<]<»eftcd to cause this rclolution lo be publiftied
in one or more papers in the cities of Philadel
phia and New-York, and that provision will be
made lor the cxpencea attending such publica-
Ordered, That the refutation be sent to the
•Senate for their concurrcnce.
December ft, 1703.
Pefo/vcd, That this House do concur with the
Houle ot Repiefentatives in the foregoing reso
Ordered, That the resolutions be lent to the
House ol Reprefentaiivcs.
Monday, February 24, 1794-
A fpw Bait s of Rnflj 1 Shcrnngs,
Daily's Hotel.
In the House of Refirefenta/ives,
Bv order of the House,
In the SENATE,
By or.fler of the Senate,
F£LIX WARLfcY, Cleik,
From a Correfpondcnt.
A party leader pays dearly for his ho
nors,; he must often speak one way and
look another—he must sometimes be silent
when he wilhes t# speak, and sometimes
speak when he wishes to be silent. He has
a world of trouble to keep things right ;
while he is giving a lelfon to one pupil,
another runs restive ; while he is laboring
to keep A. in the right road, B. runs astray
—the life of a driver of hungry pigs or
flupid turkics is more easy. He is obliged
to have his scouts and his rangers to recon
noitre ; if tliey get knocked on the head,
he must retreat j if they make an imprefli
on he must be ready to fnpport them ; if
they hazard too milch, or mismanage, it
is understood that he is at liberty to aban
don them and join the enemy, because it
is of consequence that he (hould not com
mit himfelf. His influence would be im
paired, if he were rashly to engage and be
defeated ; that business is therefore aflign
ed to the forlorn hope—they are suppos
ed to have nothing to lose, and the honor
of being the instruments is a fufficient com
pensation ; a little well applied flattery
from the leader amply rewards their labors.
If he has a point to carry which is doubt
ful, and the failure of which may derogate
from his fame, an underling is employed
to feel the ground ; he hangs aloof till he
fees how it takes, but whispers assistance
and plays the Prompter—at firft gives it
a fide wind puff, without committing him
fe/f —if that succeeds, he then likes the idea
and thinks under modifications it may do,
but still flieltere himfelf under a pro-vifo,
which may bring him fafcly off the field,
if neoeflary. He must pay a compliment
to young hands, approve their sentiments
and applaud their talents. Flattery is an
irrefiftable charm : He must now and then
support absurdities to keep his friends in
good humor, and oppose what he thinks
right, to disappoint and weaken his adver
saries. Such are the toils of a Party
For the Gazette of the United States.
Mr. Fenno,
I was much pained at a piece in your
paper of last evening, signed Crilo. The
dilputes refpe&ing the Theatre, I fup
poftd to have been at an end long since;
and little did I think that any of dis
ciples of Fanat'uifm would have again made
their appearance to rouse into adlion the
dormant principles of fuperjlitious bigotry
and ignorance. But it seems I was mistak
en, for the quiet and peaceable principles of
the oppofers to Theatrical representations
could not endure the mortify ingrefletlion of
being defeated in theiraims by thepowerful
arguments of Reason andT*UTH without
making an expiring effort to bring forth
the worst of passions lurking in the hu
man heart to aid their miserable cause;
and if poflible induce the molt ignorant
and uninformed part of the community to
fide with them, though evidently and un
deniably against their own interest.
Finding that the legislature were deter
mined to ast as the representatives of a
free people ever ought to do, that is NOT
to pass an ast violating and infringing upon
the laws and conjlitution of the Jlate and the
unalienable rights of its citizens, the <wur
.thy Crito has come forward to found the
trumpet'of alarm anddifmay to the igno
rance, the paflions, and the prejudices
of mankind, and in cafe his juj! and rea
sonable desires are not complied with, he
intimates and threatens to pour forth all
the dreadful vengeance of his mofl terrible
■wrath! !—which must be terrible indeed !
But this amiable mejfenger of peace in
forms ut that " the devotees of Comus
triumph in the victory which they have
obtained," that they are " inflating the
feelings of their mourning fellow-citizens."
A rare discovery truly, and worthy of its
author !—lf by the • devotees of Conuis'
[Whole No. 521.]
he means the friends of the Theatre and
such as are willing to amuse tliemfelves in
innocent recreation, I mult beg leave to
all< him to point out one single circum
stance wherein they have acted in this man
ncr* Has any insulting or triumphant
language or publications been ufcd or
made in any refpeft since the dispute was
thought to have been terminated—-No
But it seems some person has had the 'wfa
lent pnfumbtioaXo dare to give a chara&er
of the performers.
Here is " insulting the feelings of the
citizens with a vengeance—Wiio could
have thought that any person would have
had the brazen faced impudcnce to fay
whether the pei fonjiere acted well or ill 1
Tho' perhaps the good Crito would have
no objection to having his wondrous Vo
lenti celebrated in all the newspapers piib
lifhed on the continent.
This excellent defenderof morality hasdif
fered in hi* mode of attack from some of his
colleagues, and molt violently fell foul of
" the wealthier citizens" as'the encoura
gers of these amusements, whom he af
iures have all provided a retreat againfl
" next fummei," when he declares (be
yond all doubt from intuitive knowledge cr
infpirat'wn, or both,) that the yellow-'ferer
will again spread its deftrudive ravages
through our oity, and this he can with jus
tice aocufe them of as an attrocious crime,
since the faithful followers and firm belie
vers of his party remained to a man firm
at their pejis during that trying scene last
year ; and so great was their confidence
in their own virtues, merits ami doSrims,
that not a Jingle one was known to fly to
the country for protection andfecurity from
the contagion. But to the point, Crito
fays it is the "-wealthy" who are advo
cates for the Theatre. A great change
this, for it is not many months linpe some
of his party aflerted that the poor, the
lower, and the more infignificant classes only
were its friends, and that there was scarce
ly a wealthy or refpeaable person to be
found on that fide of the qutrftion. But
Confijlency, is a quality every person is not
born to inherit.
I have not a doubt that those persons
who are willing to amuse themfclvei at
the Theatre, have felt and do feel as sensi
bly and warmly for the late dreadful cala
mity as any other person whatever, be
they who they may.—But at the fame
time are not quite willing to place unlimi
ted confidence in the alTertiont of such
immaculatcgeniufes as Crito, who take the
people for fools or madmen, to think they
can place the lead reliance on them,
wheu they pompously aflert with as much
aflurance as if they were special agents
of the Supreme Being, that our late cala
mity was owing to the ereaion of a The
atre, and that the continuance of drama
tic representations will inevitably bring it
on us again. I would also observe, that
while the citizens pursue their amufemenU
in an orderly peaceable manner, and with
decency, (which cannot be denied, has
been remarkably so in the cafe of the
Theatre, by any person who has the least
regard for truth) no dogmatical, a (Turning
di&ator has any business or right to in
terfere with them ; and if Crito or any of
his friends fllould " kindle a fiame" to
destroy our rights of conscience or impair
our constitution, he and they may be made
forelv to rue the day that their itch for
intermedling with the concerns of others, set
their plodding heads and hands at work,
to subvert and destroy the right of thinking
in every person but themselves.
Feb. 21 ft, 1794.
From the American Star of TburfJay.
Re p u blican Style.
The republican rear-admiral arrived, at
Hampton, writes to citizen Puyfere, com
manding the station, or rather the convoy
in the Chefapeak, the following letter,
" Puyfere ! hold thyfelf ready, thou and
thy convoy, to fail in ten days. Be it at
thy refponlibility if thou difobeyeft this