EVE NING ADVERTISER. [No. 63 of Vol. V.] For Sale or Charter,. The Ship «fW ANDROMACHE, (an American bottom) qf yoM Moore, Matter ; Is a stout good veflel, about two years old, burthen 132 tons, has only made three voy ages, and may be sent to fei at a fmajl ex pence. She mjiy be seen at Vmc-ftreet wharf, and the terms made known by application to Wharton & Lewis. Feb. 55,1794. dtf Parry and Mufgrave, Goldfmilhs Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant Ajjortment of SILVER isf PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY W fine CUTLERY, Which they will difpoie of on the molt rea sonable terms- Devices in hair, Miniatures felt, and every thing in the gold and lilver way, done as iifual. December 24. Philosophical Le&ures, By J. M. R A Y. FROM Edinburgh", lately From Paris, teacher of* Hebrew, &c. language., au thor of Comprehensive View of Philof'ophlcaf, Political, and Theological Syflems, from the ertation of the world to the pre lent time, &c. H? .will begin thifedond com fe of Lectures February 27th, at 6 o'clock in the evening, in the Friends' grammar school room, 4i I* Greet, and will finiftrit in a month.—-The idea of tt was by fume Ladies for the improve ment of the ft?x—but tt is calculated fur both f*xe< (of any age above childhood] wherebv thev will difceyer a new world in natute, tonceilcd horn othe. s as a fine country is' froin travellers in the night, ai.d as the ai'd the appearance of natute is from the blind ; this will be a new icene of enjoyment and delight, as that of feeing is to one born blind, and will teach ihem to acquire the pro per uf'e of their faculties, as a child does that of his limbs by learning to walk this will elevate tlvetn to a Philosophical region of sub- Jinic enjoyments and rational pieafures, as .much luperior 10 the pleffitres and amufe mcnts of others as a man is to a child in sta ture, and which will endure the (hock of ad versity, and not forfake ihem like others, in affliction and old age ; a» the use and end of all real knowledge is pra&ice and happ'mefs, this course will tend to promote personal hap pinclk, and fit for the duties of fociity, one part of it will be on the preservation of health of body and ferenityof mind, without which riches can afford noenjoyment : those whoob fcrved the author's regimen,efcaped the Pesti lential dfeafe in the house were others died of it. To begin with an introductory Lec fu'e on the great benefits of Philosophy to human life. Feb. 19. George Bringhurft, COACH-MAKER, In Mulberry (Arch) between.Fourth and Fifth Streets, adjoining the Epilfcopal burying ground, TAKES this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to his former employers, and .equefting their future favors, as well as thofeof the public in general. Hc continues to make and repair at the ffioiteft notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages, iuch as coaches, chariots, phaetons with and without crane necks, vouchees, chaises, kitte reens, windsor fulkeys and chaits, and harness of every description, in the neatest and newest faftiion now prevailing in the United States. And as he has a quantity of the bed seasoned wood by him, ard capital workmen, he has not the least doubt but he will-be able to give fati*faftion to thole who pleufe.to employ him. He has for sale, several carriages almost finifhed, such as coachee-, an Italian windsor chair, hung on steel springs, a liglt phaeton for one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling top. Carriages fold on Commiflion. Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794 Illfctjrn <£j* This Ga%ette Jhall be enlarged, as it receives encouragement —The Snbfcription encrcafes daily—AJvertifing Favors are foliated —These conjlitute an ejftniial Item in diminifbing the Debit fide of the Account. .of tf)e Hmfri) HWafeg Mordecai Lewis, Has for Sale at his-Store, No. 25, Dock- Barcelona Handkerchiefs 'm Boxes, A hale of low-pt iced Collon Handkerchiefs, A Quantity ol Souchong TV a, Hylun and Tonkay, ditto. Holland Gru in Ca/es, A Quantity of Biinrftonp, W'th a Variety of oilier Goods. 3'au6w Tcb. 20. Fifty Dollars Reward. ON tnr 31ft of last month, the fnbfcrib r ad dri'ilcJ a letter to MrJTiThomas Pearfall £3 Hon, mcichams in New-York, and ine'krfjd therein a bank note, No. for twenty dol lars ; one ditto, No. lor thirty do)iiirs ; and on* ditto, Ni. 3,866, tor twenty dollars. —He alio addretfVo a letter lo Mr. CUtert Sahonjlall, merchant in New.Ymic, a hank bill, No. 148, for fifty dollars, indorjcd on the bar.k thereof in thefr words— Cl Pa) the within to Mr. Gilbert SultuiiJla/t —Ebtn. Hunting ton."—He also addrefled a letter to Messrs. White & Wardell, merchants in New-York, and inci ted a bdnk bill for trn dollars, and a draft in fa vor of said H'hite.& Wardell, which letters were put in the Polt-Office on fa-d 31ft January, to be forwarded so Ncw-Yotk ; But by letters rer ceived from the Gemlemcn to whom they were fcverally addressed, thf money was iobbed from each letter before delivery. imvSjftf The Public arc rr