Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 03, 1794, Image 1

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    evening adv
[No. 19 of Vol. V.]
Bick of the New Library, between Cliel'nut
•od Walmit-Strett^
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend-? and
the public in gene* - ?!, that he continues
f arrying on the huftttf ft of A
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-lbutter<, done in the mod '
elegant manner, and with difyarch.
Orders from tlie country will be thankfully
received, and daly attended to.
December 30, dtf
Just published,
And to be fold by Stewart & Cochran,
No. 34, South Second-street,
United States Register,
For the Year 1794 ;
Containing, besides accurate and complete
lift l ! of all the Officers in the general, and the
principal Officers in the particular govern
ments, a variety of information, ufefcl for all
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Stcond-Jlrccl,
Seconddoot b;low the corner of Chefuut-ftreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general AJfortment of
New Books and Stationary,
"Which will be disposed of on the lowest terms.
Dec. 23. mw&f tf
Now opening for Sale,
A large and valuable collection ofBOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dec. 19.
Parry and Mufgrav-e,
Goldsmiths is? Jewellers,
No. 42,
An elegant AJfortmenl of
Which they will dispose of on the most rea
fonab'c terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the told and lilver
way, <We as usual.
December 24.
IS hereby given, to the Members of the
Insurance Company of North-America,
That the third Instalment, being Two Dollars
on each (hare of the Stock, is to be paid, a
greeably to the Conftitntion, on the second
Monday [the 13th day] ofJanuary next: And
a Central Meeting, of the Stockholders i* t» be
!ie!d on the succeeding day, for the purpose of
choosing Fifteen Dtriflorj, examining into the
Situation of the Company's Affairs, and ma
king such additional Rules and Regulations
as they fhatl judge necefTary.
Dec. 16. niw&; t3. ij
MONEY borrowed or loaned, accounts sta
ted or colle&cd, employers suited with
domestics, houie rooms, boarding and lodging
rented, let or procured—foldicr's, mariner's,
or militia men's pay, lands and claims on the
public ; lb a res in the banks, in the canals, and
the turnpike road : certificates granted by the
public, and the old and late paper monies;
notes of hand, bills, bonds and morgages, with
or without deposits—Bought, fold, or rego
ciated at No. 8, in south Sixth-street, below
Market-street by FRANCIS WHITE,
WhotranfatU business in th© public offices for
country people and others, by virtue of a pow
er of attorney, or by perforral application.
December 11. d
E. Oswald,
No. 156, Market-Street, South,
A T the request of a number of friend',
proposes publilhing The Independent
Gazetteer, twice a week, viz, Wednefdavs
and Saturdays—to commence in January next,
if fufftcient encoeragement offers
It will be publillied on Paper and Types
equal to its present appearance. The Aib
fcription 3 J dollars per ann.
Advertileinents not exceeding a fqsare,
will lie iuferted 4 times for j dollar—ev»ry
continuance one fifth of a dollar. Tho'c ex
ceeding a square, in the fame proportion.
€vt*rttr of tilt Urofd
Excellent CLARET,
In hogfticads and in ctfci of bonlct ach.
a l s a,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
Bh TNG desirous of cloGtig various commer
cial concern*, and tl.nt M! pfutrs hereto
fore grjntci rrlmive to the faint liiould be 1..
voktd,)and public no'icd of it given r to prevent
p'jflible ; I, the fublcribrr, Ho iteti
by mflke known tf» all whom it may concern,
thit.iil ooweri and letters 0/atromey, of every
lirftuie and extent. gramedl>y me to any prrOt
"r persons, prior to the ift day Inl* lali, to
: 6l for nil or in my nartic in Amur 1 c a, i>c re
voked and made void*
r I~ I HE undernamed commuter, appointed by
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel
phia and the dilti'£t of SouiWark and the
Northern Lih'ities," to solicit further fuhfetip
tions for the support of the schools which li e
said society have ftiblilhed, take the liberty to
reprcfent to their lellow citizens—
That, although the school* were suspended
during ihe penod of the late avrful calamity
with which our city and suburbs have been af
filed, they are now again opened lor the free
ad million and education of poor children.
That, the nec« Ifiiy and rrafons fortheeftab
lifhment of these schools are increaftd, from the
cjrcumftnnce of the latedillrcfs having left a
number of Orphans dcilitute of all the means
of education, save what the hand of benevolencc
may administer.
That, former r xperience has, most plcafinglv,
vcr'ficd the fond eft hopes of the friends of this
institution, with regard 10 the progief* and ad
vancement of the children, who have heretofore
been under its care, in the ufeful branches o!
education which it has afforded. R< to
this fa£t, and to the addtefs to the pubic, on
this fubjeft, published in the nrwfpapers of this
city 'n the third month last, when about eight
hundred and twenty children of both fexts had
partaken of the benefits afforded by the society,
and about three hundr d and twenty more were
thru actually receiving inftruftiori in their
schools, it now only remains to be observed,
that the funds of the society are grea'ly infuffi
cient to carry on their benevolent designs, and
that the committee formerly appointed to solicit
fubferiptions, conceived it necelfary to decline
their applications to their fellow.citi7.em for
ihcir afhftance iu favor of these schools, in order
that there might be no interruption from them
to the solicitations then made in behalf ot then
unfortunate brethren from Cape-Francois.
The public aid is now therefore earnestly fo
lieited to support a charitable- cfl.iblilhment, cal
culated upon the principles of public and pri
vate good. The annual fubfeription for a mem
ber is but One Dollar; and prefumcd that
so finall a furo per annum cannot be bcUer dis
posed of, by those who can afford it, than by
bellowing it as the price of the diffufien of nfeful
knowledge among the poor and Iriendlefs.
Subfcnptipns and donations will be gratefully
received by the undernamed committoe on be
half of the society:
Upon examining the ground within the
above described limits, and taking into
consideration all circumstances, the Presi
dent fixed upon the spot upon which the
city has since been laid out, as the most
proper for erecting the public buildings
which are authorised to be prepared by the
foregoing act.
But the eastern branch being made one
of the boundaries, within which the diftridl
of ten miles square was to be laid out, an
Friday, January i 7^4.
In pipes, hogsheads and quaricr caHcs,
Kn. in, Sftuih Front-ilrcet
Jin. 2, 1794
New-Yoik, J/n. 1,1794. <!i
Peter Thompson,
Thomas P. Cope,
Jofcph Pricc,
Edward Pole,
James Hardie,
William Innis,
Benjamin Say,
Nathaniel Falconer,
Francis Bailey,
JelTe Sharplefs,
Samuel Scot ten,
Peter Barker.
F.benezer Large,
Jacob CaufFman,
James Todd,
Joseph James,
Jonathan Penrofe,
George Meade,
John Peiot,
John M*Crec,
Robert Ralfton,
Thomas Armat,
George William*,
Jan. 1
The Covntrt Adjacfnt, and the
f Continued from our lajl.)
A N ■»
amendment to the preceding ast was
thought neceflary, Co as to include acon
"nt part of the inid branch, and the
land on the north-eattern fide of it, within
the laid diftritt of ten miles square. A
formal ast for that purpose was according
ly pal Ted on the 3d day of March, 1791.
—-By this means the Commissioners were
enabled so to lay off the dillrift of ten
miles fcjuare, that the center thereof is
made the center of the spot on which the
city is laid out, as nearly as the nature
and form of the ground of the city will
permit. The district of ten miles square
thereby includes the river Potomack for
five miles above and the like diitance below
the middle of the city; and extends in the
slate of Virginia about three miles over the
The whole area of the city conlifts of
upv.arda of four thousand acres.—The
ground, on an average, is about forty
feet above the water of the river. Although
the whole, when taken together, appears
to be nearly a leva! spot, yet it is found to
consist of what may be called wavy land;
and is fuffieiently uneven to give many verk
extensive and beautiful views from various
parts of it, as well as to efFectually answer
every purpose of cleansing and draiping the
Two creeks enter the city, one from
the eastern branch, the other from the Po
tomack, and take inch directions as to be
made to communicate with each other by a
(hort canal.—By this means a water trans
portation, for heavy articlei, is opened in
to (he heart of the city.
No place has greater advantage of wa
ter, either for the supply of the City or
for cleanling the llreets, than this ground.
The most obvious source is from the head
waters of a creek which separates the city
from George-Town.—This creek takes
its 'rife in ground higher than the City,
arid can readily be conveyed to every part of
it.—But the grand object for this purpose,
which has been contemplated by those beil
acquainted with {he country hereabouts,
and the circumltances attending it, and
which has been examined with an eye to
this purpose, by good judges, is the Poto
mack. The water of this river above the
Great-Falls, 14 miles from the city, is one
hundred and eight feet higher than the
tide-water. A small branch, called Watt's-
Branch, just above the falls, goes in a di
rection towards the city. From this branch
to the city a canal may be made (and the
ground admits of it very well) into which
the river, or any part of it, may be turned
and carried through the city.—By this
means the water may not only be carried
over the highest ground in the city—but
if necessary over the tops of the houses.
This operation appears so far from being
chimerical, that it is pronounced by good
judges, who have examined the ground
through, and over which it must pass, that
it may be eftedted for perhaps less money
than it has and will colt the Potomack
company, to make the river navigable at
the Great and Little Falls, and to clear
the bed of the river between them..
Should this be efte&ed, the produce of
the country will naturally be broughtthro'
it ; and the situation afforded thereby for
mills and manufactories of every kind.that
require the aid of water, will be mod ex
cellent, and commensurate with any ob
The public buildings for the accommo
dation of the Congrefsand the President
of the United States, are begun, and pro
gress with nuch spirit. They are on a
scale equal to the magnitude of the objefta
for which they are preparing ; and will,
agreeable to the plans which have been a
dopted, be executed in n style of archi
tecture, chaste, magnificent and beautiful.
They will be built with beautiful white
stone ; which is pronounced certainly e
qual, if not superior, to the belt Port
land stone, by persons who have been long
experienced in working the firft quality of
Portland stone. The quantity of thi*
stone is fully equal to any demand that can
arifc from it. That used for the public
R T I S E R.
[Whole No. 477.3
buildings is from an island about 40 miles
below the city, which has been purclmfe.i
by tiie Couinii'Qonrr*, and from winch,
and .1 tract or land uu the nVr in
the ueighborlfood of it (the right of get
ting (lone from which, for 23 yvars, baa
a'.fo been purchased by the commifiibners,)
it is supposed that enough of this (lone
may be obtained {o answer every demand,
however great.
Befldes the buildings for the accommo
dation of the government of the United
States, a very superb hotel is erecting, the
expence of which is defrayed by a lotte
ry, the hotel being the higheit prize
This building, with its accommodations
and dependencies, will ptnrhaps be equal to
any of the kind in Europe. v
The original proprietors of the land on
which the city is laid out, in consideration
oi the great benefits which they expect
ed to derive from the location of the city,
conveyed, in trust, to the Commiffioncrs.
for the ufeof the public, and for the pur
pose of eftablilhing the city, til* whole of
their refpeftive lands which are included
within the lines of the city, upon condition,
that, after retaining for the public the
ground of the ftrects, and any number of
squares that the Prfcfident may think pro
per for public improvements or other pub
lic uses, the lots shall be fairly and equal
ly divided between the public and the
refpeftive proprietors.
By this means the public had a polTef
fion of more than 10,000 lots, from which
funds are to be raised, to defray the ex
pence of the public buildings," (in addi
tion to i 92,000 dollars* given by the
Hates of Virginia and Maryland for that
purpose) and to eHeft such other things
as it may be incumbent npon the public to
do in the eity.
Between three and four thousand lots
have been fold by the commissioners, and
the average price at their public l'ales have
exceeded two hundred and forty dollars a
lot. The price of lots has already risen
very much, and a great increase of price
is still expeded, as the object comes to be
more inveiligated, and better understood.
After fuinifhing very atnple funds for
the accompli(hment of every objed in this
city, on the part of the public, a large
surplus of lots will remain the property
of the city, which hereafter may, and un
doubtedly will be lo applied,as todefray the
annual expences incident to the city ; and
the citizens, and their property, will he
forever free from a heavy tax, which is
unavoidable in other large cities.
Among the many advantages which
will be derived to this city over almost all
other large cities, from the circumitance of
its being originally designed for the capi
tal of a great nation, may be ranked, as
the foremofl ; the width of the llreets,
(none of which are less than ninety feet,
and from that to one hundred and sixty,)
and the attention which will be paid to le
velling or regulating the itreets upon a,
general principle, in the firft instance, in
such a manner as to avoid any future in
convenience to such buildings as may be e
rected in the early ellablifhment of the city,
and to give that declivity to them, in the
several parts of the city, whieh will readi
ly and efle&ually carry off all filth in the
common sewers. These circumtiances are
of the highest importance, as they affect
the health and the lives of th« inhabi
Besides the advantage which the city
of Washington will have, from its being
the feat of government of theUnitedStates,
from its being within a few miles of the
center of the territory of the United States,
from north to south, and nearly the center
of population, and from the immediate
commerce of the Potomack, it will receive
an iramefe benefit from its intercOurse
with the country Weft of the Allegany
mountains, through the Potomack, which
offers itfelf as the most natural, aad the
* Virginia 120,000, and -Maryland