evening adv [No. 19 of Vol. V.] NO R R I S-C OU R T, Bick of the New Library, between Cliel'nut •od Walmit-Strett^ George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friend-? and the public in gene* - ?!, that he continues f arrying on the huftttf ft of A Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Like wife, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or window-lbutter<, done in the mod ' elegant manner, and with difyarch. Orders from tlie country will be thankfully received, and daly attended to. December 30, dtf Just published, And to be fold by Stewart & Cochran, No. 34, South Second-street, THE United States Register, For the Year 1794 ; Containing, besides accurate and complete lift l ! of all the Officers in the general, and the principal Officers in the particular govern ments, a variety of information, ufefcl for all tf Robert Campbell, No. 54, South Stcond-Jlrccl, Seconddoot b;low the corner of Chefuut-ftreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland, A large and general AJfortment of New Books and Stationary, "Which will be disposed of on the lowest terms. Dec. 23. mw&f tf NEW BOOKS. Now opening for Sale, By M. CAREY, No. 118, MARKET-STREET; A large and valuable collection ofBOOKS, imported from London in the Mohawk. Dec. 19. Parry and Mufgrav-e, Goldsmiths is? Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant AJfortmenl of SILVER fcf PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY fcffine CUTLERY, Which they will dispose of on the most rea fonab'c terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures sett, and every thing in the told and lilver way, y me to any prrOt "r persons, prior to the ift day Inl* lali, to : 6l for nil or in my nartic in Amur 1 c a, i>c re voked and made void* r I~ I HE undernamed commuter, appointed by 1 " THE SOCIETY for the INSTITU TION and SUPPORT of FIRST-DAY or SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel phia and the dilti'£t of SouiWark and the Northern Lih'ities," to solicit further fuhfetip tions for the support of the schools which li e said society have ftiblilhed, take the liberty to reprcfent to their lellow citizens— That, although the school* were suspended during ihe penod of the late avrful calamity with which our city and suburbs have been af filed, they are now again opened lor the free ad million and education of poor children. That, the nec« Ifiiy and rrafons fortheeftab lifhment of these schools are increaftd, from the cjrcumftnnce of the latedillrcfs having left a number of Orphans dcilitute of all the means of education, save what the hand of benevolencc may administer. That, former r xperience has, most plcafinglv, vcr'ficd the fond eft hopes of the friends of this institution, with regard 10 the progief* and ad vancement of the children, who have heretofore been under its care, in the ufeful branches o! education which it has afforded. R< to this fa£t, and to the addtefs to the pubic, on this fubjeft, published in the nrwfpapers of this city 'n the third month last, when about eight hundred and twenty children of both fexts had partaken of the benefits afforded by the society, and about three hundr d and twenty more were thru actually receiving inftruftiori in their schools, it now only remains to be observed, that the funds of the society are grea'ly infuffi cient to carry on their benevolent designs, and that the committee formerly appointed to solicit fubferiptions, conceived it necelfary to decline their applications to their fellow.citi7.em for ihcir afhftance iu favor of these schools, in order that there might be no interruption from them to the solicitations then made in behalf ot then unfortunate brethren from Cape-Francois. rawS:frf The public aid is now therefore earnestly fo lieited to support a charitable- cfl.iblilhment, cal culated upon the principles of public and pri vate good. The annual fubfeription for a mem ber is but One Dollar; and prefumcd that so finall a furo per annum cannot be bcUer dis posed of, by those who can afford it, than by bellowing it as the price of the diffufien of nfeful knowledge among the poor and Iriendlefs. Subfcnptipns and donations will be gratefully received by the undernamed committoe on be half of the society: Upon examining the ground within the above described limits, and taking into consideration all circumstances, the Presi dent fixed upon the spot upon which the city has since been laid out, as the most proper for erecting the public buildings which are authorised to be prepared by the foregoing act. But the eastern branch being made one of the boundaries, within which the diftridl of ten miles square was to be laid out, an Friday, January i 7^4. In pipes, hogsheads and quaricr caHcs, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, Kn. in, Sftuih Front-ilrcet Jin. 2, 1794 NOTICE. JAMES GREENLEAT' New-Yoik, J/n. 1,1794.