The Millheini Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Ij. A. 11111 • c t{. Office in the New Journal Building*, Penn St.,near Hartman's foundry. SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE, OR $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCB. Acceptable Correspondence Solicited Address letters to MILLHEIM JOURNAL. B US INKSS CARDS AIIARTER, Auctioneer, MILI.IIEIM, I'A T B. STOVER?" J-J. Auctioneer, Madisonburg, Fa. •YY 11. 11E1FSN YL> KB, Auciionccr, MILLHEIM, I'A. W. ST AM, Physician & Surgeon Office on I'enn Street. MILLHEIM, FA. •JAR. JOHN F. IIARTER, Practical Deutist, Office opposite the Methodist Church. MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM FA. 'QRGEO. L. LEE, Physician & Surgeon, MADISONBURG, PA. Office opposite the Public School House. P. ARD, M. D.. WOODWARD, FA. JP> (J. DEININGER, Xolary-Public, Journal office, Penn st., Millheim, Pa. B®**Deeds and other legal papers written and acknowledged at moderate charges. J. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Having had many years' of experiencee the public can expect the best work and most modern accommodations. Shop opposite Millheini Banking House MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. L. SPRINGER, Fashionable Barber, Corner Main & North streets, 2ud floor, Millheim, Pa. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooning, Dying, &c. done in the most satisfac tory manner. Jno.H. Orvis. C. M. Bower. Ellis L.Orvis QRVIS, BOWER & ORYIS, AUorneys-nt-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA., Office in Woodings Building. D. H. Hastings. W. F. Reeder. JJASTINGS & REEDER, Abtornejs-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street, two doors east of the office ocupied by tbe late firm of Yocum & Hastings. J C. MEYER, Attorney-at-Lnw, BELLEFONTE PA. At the Office of Ex-Judge Ilov. C. IIEINLE, AUorney-at-Law BELLEFONTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. J A.Beaver. J. W. Gephart. "DEAVER & GEPHART, Attorneys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, FA. 0. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on First Floor. Free Buss to and from all trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors. QUMMINS HOUSE, BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., EMANUEL BROWN, PROPRIETOR House newly refitted and refurnished. Ev erything done to make guests comfortable. Ratesinodera** tronage respectfully solici ted 5-ly JRVIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS LOCK HAVEX, PA. S.WOODS~OALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good sameple rooms for commercial Travel ers on first floor. R. A. BUMILLER, Editor. VOL. GO. IN AJAR. BY HELEN FORREST GRAVES. •The days are shortening,' sighed Friend Decker, as he folded up his spectacles and replaced them in their tin case ; 'or else my sight isn't what it used to be. Well-a-day, one can't expect to be young always. Is it thee, Leah ? I did not look for thee so 80011.' Leah Decker came into the room like a nrefzy young whirlwind. She had none of the repose of manner which is at present so much in vogue. Born and bred a Quakeress, there was noth ing of the Quakeress about her, except her quaint Scripture name. 'Yes, it's me !' said Leah, shortly. 'Did thee go to Friend Anastaa ias's ?' gently inquired the old man, readjusting the big pine logs, so that they should bum blighter for Leah's beuetit. 'Oh, yes, I went there 1' 'I hope she is belter ol her rheuma tism ?' 'Yes, she is better. But —but—she will not buy tle apples, father. Mean, stingy old thing !' cried Leah, wrath fully Hinging her coal scuttle bonnet on tlie table. 'She says she can buy all she wants at fifty cents a barrel of old Jacob Joyce. So she can, perhaps wretched, gnarly, wormy knots, uot fit for the pigs. Ours are apples ! She says thee asks au exorbitant price.' Friend Decwer slowly shook his head. • 'Friend Anastasia is undr a misap prehension,' said he. 'Eighty cents a barrel is what they are paying at the cider mill. Only one does not like to see such beautiful, rarely-colored fruit ground up into baleful spirits to set men's brains ou fire.' 'Much she would stop to think about that !' said Leah, still rullied. 'I am sorry,' said Friend Decker, mildly ; 'I need the money very much ; ana I think she would have been better satisfied with my apples then with Friend Jacob Joyce's.' 'And aftei all that,'flashed out Leah, the spirit of indignation still rife with in her, 'she had the impudence to ask me for a jar of that plum-sauce I made. She says Friend Mary More told her how nice it was, and—' 'And,' quietly interposed her father, 'thee said, I hope, thee would be glad to oblige her ?' 'No, I didn't,' bluntly answered Leah. 'I said that I gathered the wild plums myself in the Crook Woods, and cooked them after Aunt Mahala's re* ceipt ; and that there were four jars, and that I wanted to keep them for thee ; especially since thy health had failed and thy appetite was so varia ble.' 'I am sorry, dear,' said Friend Deck er. 'Friend Anastasia is very old, and old people are apt to be fanciful about trifles. Moreover, she's our kir.swo man, a degree or so removed, perhaps, but—' 'Then why don't she do something for us V' flashed out Leah, 'besides giv ing us good advice and tormenting us with her fault-finding ! I didn't mean to mention it, father, but she told me out and out that she had adopted Mos es Sawytr, and meant to make him her heir.' 'Well, daughter why should she not ?' composedly questioned the old man. 'Because he i 3 110 relation to her at all,' cried Leah ; 'and the property all came from our great-grandfather Len nox, thee knows.' 'Thee attaches too much importance to mere dross, Leah,' sa'd Friend Decker. 'Thee must study the text of the lilies of the field in the Bible. We shall all be provided for, if only we can have patience to wait. • Leah bit her full, red under lip, as she glanced around at the sparsely-fur nished room, and noted her father's drooping figure and rapidly-whitening head, but she made no reply, as she took up the coarse pile of vests on which she had been making button holes for a neighboring clothing con tractor. 'Father's a saint,' thought she, "but I am not, and I'm afraid I never shall be. I should like to cuff Anastasia Akerly's ears. If every one had their rights, half of that big Lennox farm would be ours. She gained possession of it by the merest legal quibble ; and if father was like any one else, he would have gone to law about it long ago, and got back his own. And now to see it willed deliberately to some one else I' And Leah's needle flaw vindictively in and out of the cloth, like a minia ture javelin piercing the heart of some unseen enemy. And the next morning when Leah had gone to carry her bundle of vests home and get another batch of work, Friend Decker put on his hat and but toned the great coat which was getting I so worn at the elbows and shiny at the seams. MILLHEIM, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14., 188(1. 'lt is u bright clear morning, albeit a trifle frosty,' said he '1 think I may walk as far as the Lennox farm with out aggravating my cough.' And under his arm he carried a neat parcel. Old Anastasia Ackerly was winding yarn before the lire when he came in. See greeted him not without a shadow of suspicion. Had he come like a soy into the ene my's quarters ? i * 'I hope thee is well, Friend Anastas ia,' said he. 'I have brought thee a jar of my daughter's wil I-plum sauce. Perhaps it may tempt thy appetite.' Anastasia Acaerly colored. 'lt ain't of no consequence,' said she. 'I dunno as I care so much about sweet tilings, only there used to grow wild-plum brush on the hills at home, and mother used to boil the plums with molasses. They was dretful sour, and there was a flavor about 'em I hain't never tasted 3ince. And when Mary Moore told me how good Leah's was, I kind of notioned 1 snould like a taste of 'em, but Leah said she hadn't none to spare.' 'Leah was mistaken,' said Friend Decker. 'ln our house there is always something to sprre for an old friend like thee !' Anastasia's yellow, old face was odd ly mottled with crimson for a moment. *1 didn't know that you looked on me as a friend I' said she, sharp.y. 'Thee ought to have been certain of that.' 'There was ugly things said about how the Lennox propeity was manag ed,' said Miss Akerly. 'Nothing was said by me. Friend Anastasia,' observed the Quaker. 'And as far as in me lies, I am anxious to be at peace with the world.' 'Humph " said the old woman. 'Well, there aiu't no use makin' up to me now. My will was drawn up long ago, and Moses Sawyer is my heir.' •Thee is welcome to do as thee likes with thy own,' said friend Decker, calmly, setting down the jar of wild plum preserves, and glancing wistfully toward the cushioned arm-chair by the fire, for his limbs were enfeebled by age, and he had walk a considerable distance. But Miss Akerly did not ask him to sit down and rest, so he took a fresh grip of his knotty cane, aud started on homeward tramp, with a cheerful, 'Good morning to thee Friend Anas tasia J" to which the old lady respond ed with an inarticulate gruut. But when he was out of sight she un screwed the lid of the j ir, and, with an old silver spoon, woru thin by long usage, she tasted the tart sweatuess of its contents. 'Just exactly like them mother used to boil down with molasses when I was a gal,' said she. 'I could 'most fancy I was a gal ag'in in wild-pi urn time, a cuttin' across the lots with my eun bonnet hitched on by one string, and the red dog a caperin' at my heels. Wal. wal ! it don't seem like I was close on seventy ysars old !'' Miss Anastasia had some of the wild plum sauce with her scanty dinner. It gave it a relish. She ate some inor e with bread and cheese for her tea. 'I never did taste nothin' '.that went to the right spot like them wild plums,' said she. -It ain't because they' rel ishin' ; it's because they make one feel like I was a gal ag'in out in Wiscon sin, with the sassafras leaves turnin' yaller, and the wind blowm' in my face.' Leah did not know, until a neigh bor's child brought back the jar, neatly wrapped in an old newspaper, what a treat she had unwittingly afforded her neighbor. 'What is it, Willie ?' she 9aii to the boy. •It's the jar that had wild-plum sass in it,'said Willie ; 'and Miss Akerly she says she's much obliged—and she give me a ginger cookey for bringing it back, she did.' •Father,' said Leah, turning re proachfully to the old man, 'this is thy doings ! Thee is always thinking of some one else.' 'lt has doue me more good than if I had eaten it myself, Leah,' said Friend Decker, apologetically. Leah ran to him and gave him a hug. 'Thee is a old darling, father,' said she ; 'and thee makes me ashamed of my own temper, sometimes.' And she put the jar on the top shelf of the little pantry, and never thought anything more of it until one day,when she wanted a jar to put some stewed cranberries iu. She was in a hurry, for Miss Anas tasia Akerly was to be buried that af ternoon. She had died as she had lived—sit ting alone before her fire—and this was the day appointed for the funeral. Friend Decker bad expressed a de sire to attend the obsequies of the kins* woman wno had been so little to him, and Leah was hurrying through her A PAPER FOR TIIE HOME CIRCLE. work, so that she might brush his well worn suit and take a much-needed stitch or two in his coarse worsted gloves. As she tore off the newspaper wrap pings she stopped suddenly. 'Father,'cried she. 'hero is a piece of thick, yellowish paper rolled up and put inside this jar that came from Friend Anastasia's! What does thee suppose it is ? Father, father, it's a will !' She ran eagerly with it to Friend Decker. He looked dubiously at the outside. 'Thee is right, Leah,' said he. 'Friend Anastasia's heart has softened toward us. This is doubtless the will she mentioned—the will in favor of Moses Sawyer. She has sent it to us to destroy. Nay, daughter—nay,' as Leah eagerly caught it up and hasten ed towards the fire ; 'give it to ms. It is not for us to make or meddle. If Friend Anastasia wished the will de stroyed she should have destroyed it herself. I shall take it back to Friend Johnson, the executor.' 'Father,' cried Leah, 'thee never would give back the will ?' 'Does thee think it would be a rigiit and honorable thing to destroy it, Leah ?' 'lf she wanted us to do so, father ?' 'But we have no right to presume anything of the sort, daughter,' rea soned Friend Decker, buttoning it up under his coat. 'Nay, nay ! do not fret.' For Leah, overcome by the sud den blaze of hope, the after darkness of despair, had burst into a Hood of tears. 'lt will be well with us—never fear.' Judge Johnson, the great man of tire neighborhood, received the paper with some surprise. 'December Gth,' he said. 'Hum ! ah! this is the latest document she has executed. Oh, yes, I rememler it yery well ! I drew it up myself. But why did j'ou briog it here, Friend Decker?' The old man biiefly explained the circumstances. 'Old people are apt to be capricious.' said he. 'Doubtless the trifling matter of the plum sauce pleased her, and she sought to reward us. But I should never take base advantage of Friend Moses by burning tbe will.' 'But why in tbe name of common sense should you burn it? 4 cried Judge Johnson. 'Are you In the habit of having estates left to you every day, that you dispose of them so readily?' *1 don't think that I quite under stand thee. Friend Johnson,' said Dicker. But Lean's face brightened like a rose. l I see! I see!' she cried. 'Father, Friend Anastasia has done right, late though it le. She has willed the Len nox farm to thee!' And Leah spoke truly. The dead woman had wrought a tardy reparation in her last day, and Friend Decker and his daughter had at last legal possession of what should long ago haye been their own. No amount of reasoning or remon strance had availed with Miss Akeily, but one of those sudden touches, strik ing the electric chain wherewith we're darkly bound,' which sways the soul with disproportionate force, had induc ed her to perform an act of justice at last. And the jar of wild plums, with its train of associations, had been the most eloquent special pleading of all. The Fly as a Purifier. Of what use is this troublesome customer? The fly does his part in the great and important work of puri fication, seeing with his ten thousand eyes things that would pass unnoticed by us, eagerly devouring his appropri ate food. This he finds in the small est atoms of animal and vegetable matter, too small to be noticed by the tidy .housekeepers, which otherwise would be permitted to putrefy, con taminating the air. We may imagine that he circles about in the air* with no definite object in view, but if we will carefully watch him we shall bo convinced that he has an object, col lecting his food, atoms of impure or decaying matter which otherwise would enter our lungs, adding to the impurity of our blood. This filth is collected on his wings and head, tor as we see him light he scrapes his wings and his head with his legs and feet, passing the gathered morsels from foot to foot, the front pair passing his dinner to bis mouth. The fly also teaches us the value of sunlight, not only to cheer, but to purify the air, for he has too good sense to live in a dark room. When the parlor is dark ened he seeks fi- decent place for his re lease. General Marmaduke. Tho Battlo of Osngo During Which the Prosont Governor of Missouri was Taken Prisoner. Tho "Battlo of the Osage" was fought in the latter part of October, 18C4. There were two engagements, one in the morning and one in the af ternoon. During the morning fight the pres ent Governor of Missouri, General Marmaduke, was taken prisoner. I was a participator in the charge made by the Union forces, and an eye-wit ness of his capture, although his iden tity was not known for a half hour afterwards. The country for miles in the Osage region is unbroken prairie ; tho ground undulating; tho hills and hollows seeming to run parallel. It was, therefore, a model battleground, and, in reading the accounts of the English compaign in Soudan, I was reminded vividly of our pursuit of the Confederates through Missouri. Just after crossing the dry bed of the Osage river, we heard skirmishing, and soon came in sight of the enemy, formed in line of battle, and waiting for us. I was Captain of Company 11, Tenth Missouri Cavalry; Colonel Bentine, commander, and General I'leasanton, brigade commander. My positicn was on the left, as we drew up in line. During my four years' service I had seen .many wonderful sights, and had been in some very close quarters. But never had I seen nine thousond horsemen drawn up in battle array, and the sight was cer tainly a thrilling one. I believe lam safe in saying that since the battle of the Pyramids in Egypt, modern war fare had not seen the like. The ene my were well supported by their artillery, and as I looked across the intervening space I could see the mouths of the cannons. While we sat on our horses waiting for orders, Gen erals Pleasanton and Curtis came rid ing down between the lines. As they passed me I hoard Pleasanton say .• ''We must come together now." These words, and the ominous looks of the cannon, assured me that a ser ious moment was at hand. I had six hundred dollars about me, and I put it into an official envelope. I then directed it to my sister, and gave it to our surgeon, with the request to for ward it in case of my death, or as the boys were in the habit of saying, in case I did not "come out.'' At last the bugle sounded the charge. The long lines surged iu and out, but no advance was made. Again the bugle rang out on the still air, and again the lines wavered. Then suddenly a rider on a white horse burst through the ranks and rode at the foe. Like an avalanche we followed. In the excitement every fear vanished, and we rode through the enemy's ranks, dispersing them right and left. They had fired one volley and had no time to reload. Their right wing was completely cut off from the main body and sur rounded. Having no other alterna tive they surrendered, and we were soon busy dismounting them and hur rying them to the rear. On my way back with a crowd of prisoners, we met General James Lane going to the front. lie stopped, and pushing his way through the crowd of guards and prisoners, walked up to a tall, fine looking Confederate, held out his hand, and said : "How do you do, General Marmaduke?" The man shook his hand warmly, and after a few words General Lane walked away taking General Marmaduke with him. When taken General Marmaduke had on his hat a star and crescent. At the time no one knew him, and Colo nel Bentino noticing the ornaments cut them from the hat as trophies of war. The star when last heard from was in a museum in Chicago. Gen eral Marmaduke had no insignia of office from which he could be distin guished from the common soldiers, having a simple gray uniform and a large slouch hat. I have never learn ed who the rider on the white horse was that led the charge other than that he was a staff officer. The Confederates made a stand again in the afternoon, forming in squares, but could not stand before our onslaught, and again retreated. That night horses and men lay down and slept together. So utterly worn out were we that no one thought of eating: going to sleep was so much easier.— Detroit Free Press. Terms, SI.OO per Year, in Advance. Degrading American Labor. The Republican Party the Pioneer in Legislation Against the Workingmen. The Heaver platform in Pennsylva nia, 1880, says : "We deprecate the ne farious work of importing foreign pau per labor, criminal and contract labor, and demand the passage of a national law summarily and positively prohibit ing such importation under any pretext whatever." It is a curious fact, not generally known, that the first and only law ever passed by Congress expressly authoriz ing the importation of foreigners under the contract to perform labor for a stated time in place of our American workingmen, was put through the two Houses when the Republicans bad an overwhelming majority in each. It is true, also,that the record fails to dis close any opposition to that atrocious measure on the part of Republicans in either house. Its champion in the Sen ate was the Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, and in the House the lion. E. 13. Washburne, of Illinois. . The bill is entitled "An Act to En courage Immigration." It passed both Houses July 2, 18G4. on a conference re port signed by Sherman and Anthony on part of the Senate, and by WVsh burne and Windom on the part of the House, the Democratic conferees re fusing to sign, and it was approved by the President July 4. 1804, which was the last of the session. The managers of the bill exhibited hot impatience to put it through before the close of that session. June 27, on motion of Mr. Sherman, "all prior or ders" of the Senate were postponed, and the bill was taken up and passed, the ground of haste being as stated by the Ohio Senator, that "wages were very high" in this country, and we needed importation on that account. In the House 1 had. Stevens had moved to go into Committee of the Whole on one of the great appropriation bills,but withdrew his motion. Washburne's earnest appeal, and the pauper, alien, contract labor-bill was passed without a word of manly opposition from the Re publican side, the Democrats being so few in that House that they could not enforce the demand of Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, for a call of the yeas and nays. The bill itself, aside from the outrage it proposed to inflict upon American workingmen, in putting their labor in competition with that of imported aliens, is a prime curiosity. As it ap pears in the Statutes at large, section 1 authorizes the President to appoint a Commissioner of Immigration, subject to the directions of the Department of State, at a salary of $2,500, with three clerks, &c. The remaining sections, except section 2, provide for a United States emigrant office New York City, with one Commissioner, who is authorized to make contracts with rail road companies, &c., to carry imported workmen to their destination ; for ex empting such alien laborers from mili tary service; appropriates $25,000 for carrying the law into effect, and speci fies the number of clerks to be employ ed, salaries, tenure of office, &c. The sting is in section 2, which is in the following words : "All contracts that shall be made by emigrants with the United States in foreign countries, in conformity to reg ulations that may be established by the said Commissioner, whereby emigrants shall pledge the wages of their labor for a term not exceeding twelve months,to repay the expenses of their emigiation, shall be held to be valid in law, and may be enforced in the courts of the United States, or of the several States and Territories ; and such adyances, if so stipulated in the contract, and the contract be recorded in the Recorder's ottice in the county where the emigrant shall settle, shall operate as a lien upon any land thereafter until liquidated by the emigrant,whether un der the homestead law when the title is consummated,or on property otherwise acquired by the emigrant; but noth ing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize any contract contravening the constitution of the United States,or creating in any way. 1 lie relation of slavery or servitude." Everybody knows that swarms of aliens have been imported into this country under contract since the pass age of that act; that they have worked their appointed time at wages utterly ruinous to American workingmen, and then returned to their squalid homes in Europe. They came with no intention of becoming citizens of the United States. The perpetrators of this griev ous outrage against American work ingmen find their apology in the Repub lican law above quoted, and which may be justly styled the pioneer act in legis lative assaults on American labor. In the light of this law there is some thing like grim irouy in the declara tions on this subject found in Republi can platforms of late years. 'That fallible person, the printer,' says the Boston Transcript, 'has much to answer for. Think of a composition by the immortal Beethoven beiDg an nounced an a programme as 'Fifteeu variations with fudge.' as it was at a concert the other eveuiDgl' NO. 40 NEWSPAPER LAWS If fliibsorllxM-s order the discontinuation newspapers, ihe nunllshers may <oiitiuue send them until all arrearajres are paid. If suhserllwrs reftiw or neglect to take their new spapers front thr.onw to \\ im hi Itey are sent they ate held responsible until tiny ha vend tied ihe hills and ordered litem discontinued. If stihsci liters none toother places u Ithotit In forming the publisher, and the newspapers are sent lot lie former place, lltey are responsible. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 wk. J mo. 3 ntos. 6 mos. 1 ven 1 square ♦2 00 MOO fS(H) auto SS(H) X " 7 <H> 1000 15 00 3000 40(0 1 " 10(H) 15 00 25(H) 45(H) 75 CO One Inch makes a square. Administrators and Kxccutors' Notices ♦2.50. Tratisient adver tlseineiits and locals 10 cents tier line for first. Insertion and 5 cents per line for each addition al insert ion Chauncey F. Black's Canvass. Nailing 1 a Campaign Lie that He is Addicted to the Intemperate Use of Liquors. IlAuursiuruo, Oct. 4.—Tlie political canvass on the Democratic side was formally opened to-day. The Hon. Ciauncey F. Black, nominee for Gov ernor, Col. It. Bruce Ricketts, candi date for Lieut. Governor, the Hon. B. F. Myers, and B. M. Nead, Esq., of this city, started this morning on a trip that will coyer the southern tier of counties, part of the middle tier, and reach out to the northwestern counties. A delegation of leading citizensofCum berland county arrived in the city on an early train to serve as an escort, and though the departure was fl*ed for 74 a. m., there was quite a crowd of en thusiastic Democrats at the depot to give the party a send-oft. The trip through the Cumberland valley was a series of ovations. The first stop was made at Mechanicsburg, a thriving lit tle city of 10,000 inhabitants. It was 8 o'clock when the party arrived. They were received with cheers by a large crowd with a brass band. The stop of ten minutes was spent in handshiiking. At Carlisle the slop was limited to five minutes, and it took all that time to walk through the vast crowd that had gathered to see the Democratic favor ites. There was a brass band there also. At Newville another brass band was in waiting and the three minutes stop was spent in handshaking and con gratulations. At Shippensburg the greatest enthu siasm was manifested, and at Chain bersuurg, when the party left the train, a yast crowd had gathered. Caniages Were in waiting to take the party to the hotel and a procession was formed which, headed by a brass hand, led the way to the National Hotel. The can didates held a reception in the parlor which lasted some minutes, after which in response to the calls of the crowd that blocked the street for a square.Mr. Black .appeared on the piazza aud spoke briefly. He said that the purpose was not to talk much on this trip, but to mingle with the people and get ac quainted. There was a matter personal to himself which he desired to say there because that which it answered origi nated there He read from a Republi can paper the report of a Pi ohioition meeting had in Chambersburg at which one of the speakers said that he "held proofs of Mr. Black's intemperance and would herald them all through the campaign." "To this statement I oppose here and now," said Mr. Black with great em phasis and deliberation, "that for more than three years I have not touched, tasted, or handled liquor, spirituous, vinous,*or malt. lam a teetotaler, and with the help of God I expect to remain so to the end of my life. I have no doubt the gentlemen said what he be lieved to be the simple truth, and that he will not repeat it when informed of his error, but should he be still unsatis fied, and should he produce a sworn contradiction of the statement I here make and publish it to my defamation, I'll engage to send his witness to the penitentiary as rapidly as the law can he made to worx." ne added that while lie is a teetota ler he didn't assume the right to re strain others in their appetites so long as they remained within the law and didn't interfere with the property and peace of the community. Col. Ricketts briefly acknowledged a call lor him, and Mr. Myers made a brief speech. Then the reception in the parlor was resumed and continued un til dinner was announced. At li p. m. the party took carriages and started on a drive over the mountain to McOon nelsburg. A Little Fun. A girl may have plenty of bustle and still be lazy. A lady whose husband frequents sa loons does not usually admire a full beered. It's pretty hard luck. In summer we haye horse-flies, and in winter we have snow-flies. "There's yery little change in men's trousers this fall," remarked a tailor as he failed to collect a hill. After much research and investiga tion wo are convinced that the board ing-house chickens are most afi hatched from hard boiled eggs. A Y'ankee editor wishes no bodily harm to his subscribers, but he hopes that some of them in arrears will be seized with a remittent fever. A comical incident i 3 related of an enjinent Euglish nobleman who was presiding at a press dinner. He con cluded his few feeble remarks by pro posing the "health of Gutenberg." Some one pulled his coat tails and whispered that he was dead. "I re gret," continued the nobleman, "co announce that inteligence has just been recpiyed that Gutenberg is dead." —First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers