|l|e Journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH issr>. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. Did you hear something DROP? If not DROP IN and try some of those —WATERMELONS — just received at J. W. LOSE'S GROCERY No. 32 Main Street. They are deadripe, juicy and have a thin shell. Also received the finest Sweet Potatoes, Peaches, Cabbage to be had in the market. Big Drop in the prices of some of my goods. Among my new goods Salad Oil and Soaps deserve most mention. My stock of Confectioneries, Canned Goods, Tobacco, Cigars &c. &c. &c. is always complete and the best LOCAL NEWS. —SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Fruit Jars—a large stock at Kauff iuan's stoie. —First-class iob work done at the JOURNAL office. --Mrs. Wagner, of Bellefonte, was visiting at W. It. Weiser's last week. —Homemade Market and Bushel Baskets for sale at Kauffmau's store. —C. Woodling is improving his premises on Penn street by digging a well. —Mrs. Sarah Barter, is confined to a sickbed at her residence on Main street. —Democrats, do not lose your votes by neglecting to register before Sep tember 2nd. —Oh, say, can you see that J. W. Stover keeps the Guest line of Grocer ies in town ? —There will be regular services in the U. B. church of this place next Sunday morning. —Pure spices just recieyed at J. W. Lose's grocery. Fine German J/us tard in neat bottles. —ltev. Swengle, of this place, was to the campmeeting at Swengle, Union county, over Sunday. —Mrs. Adams, one of Wm. 11. Smith's sisters, is visiting at her broth er's home, south of town. —When in need of cabbage or sweet potatoes, or a water melon, Lose's gro cery is your place to go to. —Tomatoes are fine and plenty this jear. Mrs. Mary Keen showed us a specimen weighing 3i pounds. —Monday was an unusually liyely day for Millheim, at least as far as commercial men were concerned. —Dr. J. F. Harter, of this place, at tended the reded'cation of the M. E. church at Centre Hall on Sunday. —Geo. Shaffer, that staunch old citi zen of Madisonburg, gave this office a pleasant call on Tuesday afternoon. —Jerome Spigelmyer expects to take possession of the new storeroom on Main street by the first of September. __Dry—the weather ! Dry—the bus iness ! Diy—the wells ! Dry—tne ho tels ! Dry—all arouud ! Let's go a huntin'. —Mr. Grosby, of Philipsburg, and W. E. Gray, of Fillmore, were admit ted to the bar of Centre county last Monday. —Walter Thos. Mills will lecture at Spring Mills to-morrow (Friday) even ing, instead of Centre Hall,as previous ly announced. —Squirrel hunters are anxiously a waiting the Ist of September, the time fixed by law lor the opening of the shooting seasoD. =-A. A. Frank, G. W. Stovet,Noah, Stover, J. IT. iteifsnyder and others departed for Bellefonte on Monday to do some courting, —Contrary to expectations our band did not get the job to accompany the Grand Army posts from this county to Lewisburg on the 9th of September. —ln this age of adulterated goods it ts a pleas ure to liud an article that is absolutely pure Such an article is lkreydoppel's Borax Soap. a.d the price is so reasonable that there is no excuse for anybody using common adulte rated soap. —ln last week's item of the sale of J. I>. hose's property we should have given $450, instead of $lO5, as the price paid. —Mrs. Rev. Mount/, of Thompson town, Juniata Co., was in town this week to see her old friends and ac quaintances. —The last day on which voters can bo registered is next Thursday, Septe mber 2nd. Democrats should keep an eye on that day. —Bobbins' New York Circus will he at llellefonte on the 15th of next month and Forepaugh's famous show will ar rive there 011 Oct. 14th. —Rev.M. L. Deitzler's harvest home services will take place in the Luther an church of this place on Sunday fore noon and at Coburu on Sunday eve ning. —There is a tide In the affairs of man. and if taken at its ebb leads on to J. \V. Stover's, where you can tind the best stock of Sweet Potatoes and Wa termelons. —lt heats all, what the Lewisburg ers are doing to make their agricultur al fair, Sept. 22 to 25, a success. They offer $.">.00 premiums for Light Driv ing Wagons. —'The borough school hoard lave no tices up for receiving proposals of furn ishing the winter schools with fuel. Said proposals must he handed In be fore Sept. 4th. —There is offered tor sale a pure blooded, eight-year-old breeding mare, well built and heavy, and a strong colt, six weeks old, at a moderate price. In quire at this otliee. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THK HKST SAJ.VK in TLII' world for T'nts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. salt Kheum, Fever Soros, Totter, (.'hupped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively euros Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. Kisenhuth. —The crop of sunflowers on Sammy Weiser's premises on Water street is very pi eminent for its size and vigor. If Sam is as happy as his snntlowers are big, theu it must he good to be there. —See new announcement of D. S. Kauitmau & Co. As the warm season is coming to a close they are whittling down the prices and you will havo a splendid opportunity of getting sum mer goods cheap. —lsrael, the genial salesman of New York, and his three mammoth clothing trunks, struck this town on Monday morning. lie reports the business out look in the city much brighter than it was last year about this time. —J. Eisenhuth informs the public that he has added to his dtug stock the celebrated KEYSTONE MALT WHISK EY and other pure liquors. Sold only on prescriptions of physicians,for med ical use. 33-Cm. —There is enough at stake for demo crats to he sure to register before Sep tember 2nd. For the present the reg istration is of moat importance and ev ery democrat should see to it that this part of the campaign work is done. —Under the new law all persons pay ing taxes within sixty days from the date the duplicates are issued are enti tled to a reduction of 5 per cent, and all who fail to pay inside of six months are charged 5 per cent, additional. —W. J. Springer and family, and I. E. Musser, were among those from town who attended Swenglecampmeet ing on Sunday. They report that it was estimated that over 5000 people and about 1100 teams were on the ground. —A new post-ollice has been estab lished at Marsh Creek, this county. It is named Yarnall and Mr. Enock Ilugg is the postmaster. This post oflice is a short distance from Howard and about seven miles from Bellefonte. —Daily yews. —Plums are very plenty this year. In many instances the people have more than tbey know what to do with. The crop on Dan. Bressler's premises in Penn township is immense and the average size of his plums is that of a small hen's egg. —Members of the G. A. R. post of this place met in their new hall in Musser & Smith's building on Main street last Monday evening and had a marching drill in their spacious quar ters. They are getting in trim for the Lewisburg re-union. —W. T. Mauck, our furniture man, changed the position of the large sign at his furniture store on Penn street. It spans the sidewalk now and may easily be seen at a distance. So when in search of furniture or wall paper look out for his sign. —As you are aware, we carry a com plete line of pure Drugs. But we would take occasion to inform or pat rons that we just got in a new and large supply of drugs of all descriptions. In this line you can not go amis 3 by call ing on D. S. Kauffman & Co. —The nominating committee of the Prohibition party last Friday nomina ted the following for county olllcers : Robert Glen, of Ferguson township, and R. B Ilartman, of Millheira, for the Legislature ; C. E. Murray, of Philipsburg, for Prothonotary. —1 he Liver is the largest gland in the human organism and stands guard, as it were, at the portals of health. Properly performing its functions it eliminates all impurities and disease germs from the blood ; failing in this misery and disease follows. An occa sional dose of McDonald's Improved Liver Rills will insure regular, healthy and vigorous action of this great gland, and save doctors' bills and days of mis ery. Dissatisfied purchasers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A- CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, l'a, —Mrs. Mary Keen is off on a visit to her son, Frank, near llcllefoute. —Mr. A. E. Kerlin. of Cent to Hall, who held forth at KaufTman's store last week with a splendid stock of gen uine oil paintings, found the maiket exceedingly dull for his articles, 110 rightly ascribed this fact to the gener al depression in business and the scar city of money. —The real estate of Michael Ney, de ceased, in Aaronsburg, will ho offered for sale by the administrator, 11. E. Duck, on Saturday, Sent. 4th, next. It consists of two vacant lots in good cultivation, and another with a good dwelling house, weavershop, stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. IT IS ESTIMATED that there are one hundred thousand sufferers from hay fever in the United States ; a number about four times greater than the regu lar standing army. This number could tie reduced to a mere regiment if all would icsoit to Ely's Cieaiu llalm. 52-41. —The faro for the roundtrip from Coburu to Lewisburg ui the Otli of September will he $1.05. People anx ious to get to Lewisburg should take advantage of the low excursion rates and spend a day pleasantly lu witness ing the re-union of the Grand Army Republic posts of Central Pennsylva nia. —A party of citizens of this place, consisting of A. Waller,l)r. J. F. llar ter, Dr. J. W. Staui, John Stouer and J. W Snook, were to Bellefonte last Friday to stay the proceedings against W. S. Musser, which would have call ed about GO witnesses to court this week. We believe they were success ful. —A large picnic to he held at Penn's Cave on the 11th of Sept and to bo par ticipated in by the people of Penns and Brush Valleys is being arranged at present. The several band 3in the val leys have been invited to he there and it is the intention of the managers to make a gigantic affair out of it. We hope it will be a go. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you aro bothered with Headache, you are fidgety, nervous, and generally out of soil*, and want to brace up. Brace up. but not with stimulants, spring medicines, <r|hittcrs. wtiicli have for their basis very eheup, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in a worse condition than before. \\ hat you want Is an alterative that will purify vour blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renew, ed health and strength. Such a medicine you wili find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at .1. Eisenliuth's Drug Store. —Dr. Stam, of this place, received news the other day, that his son, J. W. Slam, has removed from Maiden Rock, Wis., to Ilawkeye, lowa, and that lie lias started a store there. This brings John within ten miles of West Union, the place where his brother Russell is engaged in the mercantile business. —The advertisement of the Penna. Staie College, appearing on our fourth page, announces the openiug of the college to take place, on the Bth of Sept. The president and faculty of this well-known school are bending all iheir energies to a progressive course and in this they will no doubt he sus tained by the regents as well as the people. —S. D. Gray, Esq., a highly respect* ed member of the Bellefonte bar, died at the residence of his father-in-law, Rev. William Laurie, on Monday fore noon, of caucer of the stomach. lie had been practising law for about twelye years and filled several positions of responsibility during recent years, lie was much esteemed by the people of Belleionto for his true and noble Christian life. NEW SHOEMAKER SHOP.— Mr. J. P. Sylvis, of Aaronsburg, has rented a room on the second story of J. W. Snook's building, corner of Main and North, where he is prepared to do all work in the boot and shoe line prompt ly and cheaply. He may be found at his bench any time during working hours and he invites the public to call on him and give him a liberal share of patronage. Next door to Geo. L. Springer's barber shop. 30-4t —Mr. Fred. 3/orris and wife, of Logansville, accompanied by his broth er, who is employed on the Clinton Democrat , Lock Ilayen, and a M iss Zeigler, were guests at the hospitable home of Dr. Geo. S. Frank, several days last week. Their genial hostess accompanied the party to the cave on Saturday and their stay in town was made yery enjoyable due to the royal entertainment they received at the hands of the doctor and his lady. •OPINION OF A LEAKING EPITOH.— Almost all the disceases that ajllict us from infancy to old age have their o rigin in a disordered liyer. A really good liyer medicine is the most import ant in the whole range of pharmacy. We believe Simmons Liver Regulator to be the best among them all. We pin our faith upon the Regulator, and if we could persuade eyery reader who is in ill health to buy it, we would will ingly vouch for the benefit each would receive.— Ep. CINCINNATI GAZETTE. —No one, better than the mothers, knows the amount of persuasion, threat enings and force required to induce the children to take, when necessary,a dose of the nauseating, sickening worm syrups; and no one more highly appre ciates the virtues of McDonald's Cele brated Worm Powders. So pleasant and easy to take, so effective as a worm destroyer, the dose so small that the children neyer know they are taking a medicine. There is nothing in the shape of a vermifuge that can compare with them, pon't be deceived, Take no other. Money refunded to d'ssatis lied purchasers. JOIINSTON\ HOLTO W4 Y 4 CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa, —The second quarterly conference of Brushvalley charge will be held at the Yeariek church on the 2Stli and 2t)th Inst. Business meeting on Saturday, the 2St.li, at 2 o'clock, p. in. and preach ing in the evening. Preaching on Sun day forenoon at lO.itll o'clock, and in the evening. Nov. ,J. M. Ettinger,P.E. of the district wilt be with us at all these meetings. U.S. BASOM, Pastor. A SAD (KVUMIKNCK. —Ella, a nine year (.Id daughter of Adam Decker, near Ilublersburg, was burned to death by her clothing taking lire last Satur day afternoon. It happened in this way : Mrs. Decker was in the act of dressing a chicken when her little daughtei asked permission to singe the feathers, which was granted her. The tlames caught her clothing which burn ed rapidly. The little girl run out of the house and around it twice before she could be stopped and her llesh was burned to a crisp and fell from her.; She died of her injuries the following day, Sunday. UKSPONI) —We have this week sent out a large lot of statements to our de linquent subscribers, of whom we car ry many more on our list than we like. Now we would say to the parties con cerned in all loudness that we do not only mean to siiow them by these slips how their accounts stand, but we earn estly desire an early settlement of said accounts. As often said before it takes the wheiewithal to run a news paper cilice and as long as the money due us is in the pockets of our subscribers it don't do us a bit of good. Please do not cast our bills aside and think "some other time will do," but give them your immediate attention and re spond to our call. —The prohibition lecture 0:1 Monday evening was listened to with much in terest by u large crowd of people. Mr. Mills,the lecturer, is a forcible speaker, is master of his subject, and in most of his arguments hits the nail square on the head. But to come do<vn to the real object of his lectures which may easily be guessed by his question— "Why <?o men vote the demociatic or republican ticket" the size of the mat ter is that neither republican nor dem ocrats will vote the prohibition ticket because the former do not want to go hack on Beaver and the latter will not forsake Black. In other words they may )>roj\ss to be prohibitionists in principle but they don't like the third political party. And there the tiling rests. Contro County Teachers' Examina tions, 1880. Curtin ami Howard, Howard, Fn. Atiir. 27 Spring, Uellefonte, MOD. " 30 Fatten.Stony Point. Tue. " Si llalf Moon, Stormslown, Wed. Sept. 1 Walker, HuWersburg, Thu. " - Bonner,Knox's School House, Frt. " 3 I i arris. Boa tsburg. Mon. " 6 Ferguson.Fine <1 rove, Tu<*. •' 7 College. 1-emont. Wed. " 8 (Yntrr Hall and, Potter, Centre Hall, Thu. " Millheim and lVnn, Millheim, i ri. " 1< Haines, Aaronsburg, Sat. " 11 Miles, Kebersbnrg. Tue. " 14 Gregg.Spriinr Mills, Wed. " 15 Special. Uellefontc, Sat. Oct. 2 Examinations begin at la. m., bo punctual. No examinations will be required In branches whose grades have reached 1 or l l^. Applicants, at the special examination, must present a written request, as required by deeis lon 22*. page 121, School laiwsot Pennsvlvniiia, last edition, former edition, decision .;01, pace 140. A meeting of directors Is desired on each day of examination They should permit none, ex cept i>ersous of good character, to enter the classes. Teachers will please to hand in last year's certificates on examination day. 1). M. WOLF, CO.SIT T. —Boils, pimples, skin grubs, black maggots, eruptions, scaly skin, Ac., in dicate poisoned blood, and besides be ing disagreeable to you,alllicted reader, they are unpleasant to your friends and those compelled to come in contact with you; you owe it as aduty to your health and your frietids. to take a bottle or two of McDonald's Great llloou Purifi er or Sarsaparilla Alterative, and be more pleasant and agreeable to look at. Money refunded to dissatisfied purchas ers. JOHNS TON, 110LL OWA Y & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth. Millheim,l'a. Neighboring News. AARONSBURG. A good soaking raiu would be in season for the farmers, who are prepar ing for fall seeding. 11. F. Beaver and wife, from State College, are here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Beaver holds the position of head janitor at the college. The birthday party last week-at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Herman's for their daughter Leah, was enjoyed very much by the little folks who were in attend ance. They say the ice cream and cake were splendid. Several line presents were left for their little friend aud play mate. There is scarcely a citizen in our town who does not own one or more acres of land close to town, therefore a large majority are out either raising po tatoes or preparing for fall seeding. ltey. F. J. Fredrick, (Luth.) of the Xippenose charge, Lycoming Co., Pa., paid a visit to his native burg last week. In the language of our school-boy days we feel like saying: "Why is it.Tliom as, that you have not as yet preached one sermon for us ? Let your next vis it here be during a Sabbath, we will see to the rest. Jacob M. Stover,Cbas. 11. Stover and C. G. Bright,with their respective fam ilies, formed themselves into a Penn's Cave picnic on last Fiiday. They got there in time for an old-fashioned din ner under the apple tree, after which they paid an interior visit to the cave. Tiiey report a very pleasant time. On last Monday Mr. I). 11. Lenker and wife returned from Dauphin Co., where they had been summoned to at tend the funeral of the wife of Francis Lenker, nephew of D. 11. Lenker. The attendance of the entertainment on last Saturday evening in the old Re formed church was unusually larjjje, but the noise on the gallery was consid erable larger. Eye bath not seen, nor ear ever heard the like before; of course Millheim (as usual) had no part in the gallery exercises. Too much noise a round us accounts for no better report |of the entertainment proper. Row is it, San V ANO'4'iiEii, SPRING MILLS. 11. 11. Duncan, Esq., formerly a tosi dent of this place is here on business. Mr. Duncan lias a host of fi iends here who are all glad to see him and give him a shake by the hand. Dr. XV. V. ltunkle, of Philadelphia, i.s visiting Ins mother in this place. The doctor has the reputation of being a physician of the tirst water and is employed by the best people in the city. Jl/oney orders and postal notes can be obtained at our post ollice. This is certainly a great convenience to the public and shows that our P. M. is trv ing to have the best and latest accom odations. Most Excellent. ,f. ,1. Atkins, chief of Police, Knoxvlllc. 't'eniu, writes: "My family und I are beiiefl cuuieM most excellent medicine, In. Klne'sNew Discovery for consumption; hav ing IOIIIKI li to he all that yon claim for IT, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at e\erv oppor tunity." Dr. King s New Discovery lor Con sumption la guaranteed to cure coughs. Colds, Itrouchiiis. Asthma. Croup and every affection of Throat, Chest and Limps. Trial Itottlu Free at .1. Kisenhutlt's Drug Store. Large Si/.o ♦I.U). SMITH TOWN. A number of our citizens left on Monday, bound for Bellefoulo to at tend court. Miss Ida Keen was on tho sick list last week. Mr. Nerhud is busy at the wall of his house. J. 11. Iteifsnyder has his new house up and has men at work on the wall for the barn on his farm. lie intends to divide the farm so as to make two as soon as the buildings are completed. Brushvalley furnished quite a num ber of visitors to this place the past lew days. The Misses Neese and Miss Ilarter were the guests of Lizzie Keen, Cal. Frank and family stayed at Elins Krumrine's and Win. Stover's,and Mr. Confer and wife were at the residence of their sou-in law, Mr. Nerhud's. Miss Annie Smith,.of Milllieim, was also here visiting relatives. David Kimport and son were to Cen tre Ilall on Sunday to attend the re opening of the M. E. church. Wood Mark, who for quite a while was in the western slates returned home last week. Last Friday Henry Keen's horse tore loose In Milllieim but was caught le fore any damage had been done. Some of our farmers think of sowing next week. The racoons are doing considerable damage to our cornfields. Now if ye sportsmen would shoot them,the farm ers would be greatly pleased. XV. F. Smith says he bailed his hogs out of jvil to appear at the next couit. The borough folks are rather rough on our hogs. JUMDO. [Can't help it, hogs ate hogs.—Ed.] —Testimonials ninny times are cut from the whole cloth, and lor every one voluntarily given in prai.seof a meritor ious article an unscrupulous and dis honest manufacturer can write up a dozen for his worthless products ; but the following card from the traveller of Sower, Potts A Co., a publishing house known in almost every state in tire Un ion, is so emphatic and to the point that we cannot refrain from giving it in eyidence : 'Georgetown, Pa. J. A. McDonald, Dear Sir Please forward by express at once one bottle Curtis' Carmelite Cordial to C.F.Camp, Esq., Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa, It cured me so quicklyand completely last summer that 1 recommend it highly to all my friends.' Single bottle guaranteed to cure any case of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, summer complaint, cramps or any intestinal irritation whatever, or money refunded in every instance. Should haye a place in every household and every traveler's satchel. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW AY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Milllieim, Pa. REBERSBURG. Peaches aud plums are plenty, but apples are scarce. The olover seed crop will be cut short again by that pestilent little in sect, the weevil, which did so much damage in former years. Several of our young men have or ganized a debating society and meet every Thursday evening in tne school house, where some interesting subjects will be discussed. Ed. Miller, son of our townsman, Adam Miller, left on last Saturday for Selinsgrove, where he will attend school. Ono day last week while John Stires and Calvin Crouse wero hauling in oats for Dan. Itoyer, their four-horse team took fright and ran away. Calvin in attempting to jump oil the wagon was thrown to the ground with terrific force, his head striking first, lie was picked up in an unconscious condition and bleeding from several deep gashes in his head. Medical aid was at ones procured and Cal. is doing as well as possible under such circumstanoes, Milton Burkert, of Ohio, is at pres ent here visiting his parents. llis mother is on the sickhst and there are grave doubts of her recovery. Jno. Wolf, better known as Gen. Wolf, of near Wolf's store,3eft one day last week for Florida, where he expects to purchase a home and locate perma nently with his family. The people of Wolfe's store will hold a Sunday school picnic in a grove near James Corraans, on Saturday, August 28. A good time is anticipated. Come one, come all. Lewis Bierly, accompanied by his sister Irene, left on last Saturday for Nittany Valley, where they will spend a week visiting friends and relatives. Ilarvey Bierly has the contiact for raising Jno. Wolf's potatoes. This at least gives Ilarvey employment for sev eral weeks as the acreage as well as the crop are large. The Snyder county carpenters have resumed work on Jacob Gephart's barn. It seems as though they were bound to finish the barn in spite of the previous blunders in the frame work. We hope the boys will succeed better this time. The lecture given by Walter Thos. Mills, of New Yoik, on last Saturday evening in the Evangelical church wis laagely attended. This lecture was good and every person present seemed to appreciate it. A desease similar to hog cholera and which proves fatal in most cases has made its appearance among Dan. Hoy ei's hogs. We hope pau may find sopie remedy which will prevent the desease from spreading. Scullion. COBURN. The absence of i.iln has caused a number of v ells in t liis place to go Try and everything looks dead for the want of rain. (Juite a number of people went to Be'l"fonte on Monday and quite a mini tier did not go who expected to go. •10 tickets weie sold at our station. Haryey Musser who lias been visit ing bis parents in Aaronsburg left for Akron, Ohio, this (Tuesday) morning. The wife of our railroad agent has been laying very low, but we are glad to hear that she is slowly improving. Mrs. Kathermau, of Miillmburg, has been here the last, week waiting on her daughter, Mis. Kiearner. The pijnic next Saturday promises to be a success. The Millheim band has been engaged for the occasion and three or four Sunday schools are to be in attendance. VALE. Wlicn Babj* waa nick, we gave Iter Cantoris, When (the was a Child, she cried for Cuntoria, When she became Minn. Kite clung to Cantoris, When alto had Children, slto gavo them Cos toils, THE GREAT Specific LIVER DISEASE. AUll QTA |U| O ■ Bitter or l>a<l taste in mouth t of Ifl rI U I*lo * tongue coated white or covered with * lirown fur; pain in the oack. sides, or joints—often mistaken for Rheumatism ; tour ttanmrh i Itwut of ap petite ; sometimes nausea ami waterlirash. or indigestion; ramlef cy and acid eructations ; IKIWCIS alternately costive and U* ; beadaehef loss of memory, with a painful sen sation of having failed to do something which ought to have leen done ; debility { low spirits ; a thick. yeUow api>earaace of the skin ana eyes; a dry cough; fever; rest lessness ; the urine is scanty and high-colorcd, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, PURELY VEGETABLE, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, hick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaint*, Etc., Etc., Etc., Is generally used in the South to arouse the Tor pid Liver to a healthy atftion. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. It regulates the Lis-er, and causes the bile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being remeved, a tonic effect is produced and health is perfccdy restored. The Regulator is given with safety and the happiest result* to the most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera tive or purgative is needed it will give the most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World ! _ f THERE IS BUT ONE SIWMONS \ LIVER REGULATOR ! See that you get the genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only by J. H. ZEILIM & CO., solu ruorK! uxors, PHILADELPHIA, PA STILL PEGGING A WAY! 'J'JXUWJ ■■ UJJJJJ4UJJ3J □DQ3U3 Though the season is dull and business not as brisk as 7re expect it to be tiro months hence ire arc still up to the mark in offering onr goods at popu lar prices. ami especially our fine stock of Summer (Hoods irhidi ire are setting out at a gfeat KNOCKDOWN! The main concern to alt judicious buyers is to get the best and\ the most for the least money and knowing this we invite our patrons aud friends to call on us and see for themselves if our stock of GEeXEK.HL MEm VISE is not the finest and most complete to be found anywhere. RESPECTFUL L Y TO URS, D. S. KAUFFMAN & CO. for Infants and Children. "Caatoria is so well adapted to children that I Castorla wires Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." 11. A. ARCTIEU, M. D., I Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di ■ irestion 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication. Tns CtaTAUtt COIIPAXY, IS3 Fulton Street, N. Y. Here is good Reading far folks who wish to strike (lie be*! place for Groceries, Provisions, ! Flour, &c. A leading aiul rare article in the line of Canned Goods aie my California Apricots, retire and Plums. I will aho do you good to examine and try my assortment of Confectioneries, Tobacco and Cigars, &c. My display of Qiuensweare, will delight the housekeepers and I specially invite the ladies to cHI and examine this line. My ftoek of Gold & Silver Watches, Clocks & Jewelry of all ilescriptl ns, is the best in town and I am selling these articles at SMALL LIVING PROFITS. ("till and see me when in need of anything In my line. I aim to render every reasonable ac commodation to my customers. Remember the place, two doors east of Post ofiice.Main street. Respectfully, ; J. W. STOVER. • Rev. j. r. r,. d. -'.'ktgtit.- r :.r I'roiii.uiui 4:s iMUl.i.i \/ is • : a irnmm reliable p< none. Kimemlier this isr.d ip'r: rtb !• n 1 you may den. :ul ri i .si-,. s ~v- ,v • . wSwniton ]V.OAI I f> P 1 L I I'tri i OALL/IULC "Warranted the most perfect Force-Feed Fertilizer JJrillin existence. Send for 1 • Ur<;ulr - ! B. FARQUHAB, fori. Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers