:|tn Jounnat. THURSDAY, MAY 27TH, 1886. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. THE strikers in nearly all parts ot the country and in all branches of business are rapidly returning to work and the cloud of business de pression shows its silver lining. THE House Committee on Invalid Pensions has agreed to report favora bly on the bill extending the provis ions ot the pension laws to those who were injured while on furlough and not strictly on duty. ACCORDING to the Clinton Demo crat the Democratic State convention will meet in Harrisburg on Wednes day, August 18th, 1880, at 10 o'clock, a. m. No official notice to that effect has as yet been giveu, that we know of. 'Tis hard to tell how ex-President Arthur's health is by the contradicto ry reports of the press. One daily pa per has tim improving, another says he is getting worse. About the only thing we are sure of is that he still lives. GLADSTONE made another eloquent address in the House of Commons one night last week on the Home Rule bill. He defended the measure, explained some of its provisions, and in the most emphatic terms challeng ed opponents to provide a better and wiser plan for the contentment and prosperity of Ireland. IT seems to be a settled matter now that Secretary Manning whose state of health is greatly improved, will re main iu the cabinet, and that Mr. Fairchild will do all the work for some months to come. No matter how the work gets done, as long as it is done satisfactory and with Mr. Manning at the head of the depart ment THAT is another fine story about the Orphans' schools. The Philadel phia Record gives an account of the brutal treatment a boy received in tho Chester Springs school just lately. The boy was hit in the face with a ruler and almost had his jaws broken. Governor Pattison should exercise patience no longer with such a set of barbarians. GEO. H. IMES, a prominent colored citizen of Dauphin county, announces himself as a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for Lieutenant Gov ernor. His nomination would give the Beaver ticket a decided coloring and the Republican party of Pennsyl vania will now have a good opportu nity to display their old-time love for the colored race. THE river and harbor bill passed the House with not quite two-thirds of a majority. 143 members voted for and 102 against it. It is not at all unlikely that the $15,000,000 which the House granted for the improve ment of rivers and harbors, will be in creased several millions by the Senate. All the more the bill ought to be ve toed by President Cleveland. THE way of the transgressors is bard. The New York Alderman, Jaehne, a man of considerable means and political influence, and who was convicted of bribery, no doubt has a similar thought since he has entered Sing Sing and was consigned to the prison laundry to starch shirts. Nine years ana ten months is a long time in which to reflect upon the simple motto "Honesty is the best policy," but such examples of justice are made for terror to some, and in this case some of Jaehne's fellow aldermen, awaiting trial, get the benefit of the terror. A LITTLE more than five months hence the voters of this state will be called upon to elect a Governor, Lieu tenant Governor, Auditor-General, Secretary cf Internal Affairs, twenty seven Congressmen, one Congress man-at-large, twenty-five State Sena tors, to represent the even-numbered districts, and two hundred and one members of the lower house of Rep resentatives. One of the duties of the next Legislature will be to elect a U nited States Senator, to succeed Sena tor Mitchell. As soon as the state conventions have been held and the tickets are in the field the warm battles of this important political campaign will begin and all parties will fight to the bitter end, the 2nd of November, when the ballot-box will give its inex orable decision. —S. B Durfey, mate of Arizona, had his foot badly jammed Thomas' Eclectric Oil cured it. Nothing equal to it for a quick pain reliever. Miscellaneous News. —INCREASED buoyancy of spirits, perfect assimilation of food, improved appetite, gain in llesli, sound refresh ing sleep,heightened color in the cheeks and lilts, added brilliancy to the eves, follows the use of McDonald's Great Blood Purifier or Sarsaparilllan Altera tive. A bottle or two used in the fam ily would obviate the entire train of spring maladies. Dissatisfied purchas ers can have their money refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLOW A YA CO. Philadelphia Agents, Sold by J. Eiseuhuth. Millheim ,I'a. A Noblo Deed. Friday morning May 21st, about 11 o'clock,"at Pendleton station, on the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad, engineer John Sheridan, of the fast express, saw an is.months.old child crawl upon the track. He revers ed his engine and applied the air brakes, but, finding the engine could not be stopped in time be jumped in front of it, snatched the child in safety from the track, placed it at a safe dis tance, remounted his engine, took the train into Cincinnati and said nothing of his adventure. Passengers on the train told the story. CULTIVATION AND KKKINKMKNT.— Hon. B. S. Hewitt, ex-Speaker House Representatives, writes : "J. A. McDonald. l)t<ir Sir:— l have been buying my flavoring Extracts for years from a Pittsburg manufacturer. Recently we tiied a bottle of yours and found it very good indeed. Enclosed find five dol lars. Send me its value in your Vanilla Extract. Moral. —Always ask for McDonald's Flavoring Extracts. Sold by J. Eiseuhuth, Millheim, Pa. MRS. PENDLETON KILLED. The Wife of the Minister to Ger many Thrown Fatally From a Carriage. New York, May 21. —Mrs. Alice Pendleton, wife of the lion. George 11. Pendleton, of Ohio, Minister to Ger many, was thrown from a carriage and killed in Central Park, late yesterday afternoon. Her daughter, who was with her, was taken up unconscious, and is in the hospital, seriously hut not fatallv hurt. The ladies were driven by Hugh lleily in a hired carriage Keilly drove a black horse. The animal be came frightened and ran awnv, throw ing both ladies out. Miss Pendleton, who sat on the right, fell on the grass, hut Mrs. Pendleton fell on the road up on her head. When taken up she was dead. ALDERMAN JAEHNE RECEIVES HIS SENTENCE. He Will Wear tho Stripes and bo Closely Shaven for Nino Years and Ten Months in Sing Sing at Hard Labor. New York, May 20. —Ex-Alderman Jaehne, convicted of bribery, Ac., was brought from the Tombs prison to day and taken before Judge Barrett for sentence. There was a large crowd in Court. Jaehne was pale and his eyes had a weary look Motions for arrt sl of judgement and for a new trial were both denied. When the prisoner stood up for sentence and was uske 1 what he had to sav why sentence should not be pronounced, he made no reply,hut kept ids eyes fixed on the rail in front of him. After a lengthy continuation of his severe lecture Judge Birrett concluded by saying : "I have been asked to be mercifu'. lam not unmindful of wo man's tears or of any consideration which could properly bring about mer cy, but there is none. If eyer there was a case when something like the maximum punishment should be in dicted, it is truly heie." The judge then sentenced the prison er to 9 years and 10 months in Sing Sing at hard labor, but no fine was im posed. The argument on granting a permanent stay of proceedings pending an apjieal was heard at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Judge Daniels denied t lie motion for stay of execution, and Alderman Jaehne will be taken to Sing Sing to morrow. —MANY CHILDREN suffer from day to day ; puny,pallid, fretful and fever ish, variable appetite and restless sleep, finally die, and their parents never sus pecting the real cause, that the little sufferers' stomachs are infested and ea ten through with worms. Twenty-five cents inyested in a box of McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders would save the doctor's bills and the patient's life. Entirely veg< table. Easy and pleasant to take. Money refunded to dissatisfied purchasers. JOIINSTON, HOLLO W. IY A CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold bv J. Eisenhuth. Millheim.Pa. A TERRIBLE MURDER COM MITTED BY THE HUS BAND OF A FORMER MILLHEIM GIRL. From tlie Freeport (1:1.) 'Lilly Journal. Shannon. 111., May lo —A terrible tragedy was enacted in this village la si night about midnight, but not until the repeated ringing of the lire alarm this moining. about four o'clock, did very many ot the people know that a murder had been committed in their midst, and that Police Officer Pat lieddington had met his death at the bunds of a cowardly assassin .(and that his remains lay cold in death at the mult it;.l:< r's From the evidence it is apparent- that Patsy would have fared better had he done his duty and put Charles Lashell in the lockup instead of trying 10 shield him from this disgrace by tak'ng im lo his home. Very soon after tie* tragic event had taken place lh" sheriff and coroner weie telegraphed for and ueie both on the grounds by four o'clock this morning ; telegrams were sent in all directions, in consequence of which C'harley Lashell, the murderer, was captured, early this morning about two miles east of Lanaik by the night po licemen of the town, aided by the night operator, and is now in the county jail at Mt. Carroll. The evidence before the coronei's ju ry showed plainly that Lashell was the murderer, and we give the evidence of his wife —such other evidence as was given corroborated hers in the most materiel points, und is very damaging to the accused. Mrs. Emma Lashell, wife of Charles Lashe'l, testified At the supper ta ble, she said, her husband showed that he was under the influence of liquor. Before leaving home, Charley kissed the baby and remaiked to his wife: "If I am not at home by half-past ten, come after me " When the time came at which lie requested me lo come for him, I went, and met him at Mrs, Val entine's furniture store. I asked him what he was doing there, and he replied in a stammering way : "Come into the bar be r shop, I want to tell you some thing." After we eutered'the shop he locked the door and put the key in his pocket. I then became afraid and ask oil him to let mo out, which he infused to do. At this time Policeman Ked dington came hv and I asked him to open the door, but ho could not get in. 1 then asked him to open the window and help me out, and he did so at once. This, apparently, made my husband vere angry, and he immediately got out of the window also. 1 started for home and mv husband and Keddington bad some angry words ; but finally the of ficer persuaded my husband to go home. Charley came up stairs and re mained a short time, and then went out upon the street again. 1 then went to fat Iter Lushed and we searched for him in the lower portions of the build ing ; but as we could not liud him any where I told the policeman that he was out of the house again and that he had an/or with him and a pair of hair clippers. Some time after this then' was a knock at the lower door and mv mother asked : "Who is there V" and the polieeuian answered. Mother ask ed him to come in. Keddington came near my room ami asked me what lie should do with my husnand, and 1 told him to tiring him home ; hut if he could not, to lock him up. Mv mother was in the room with Keddington at the time tlns conversation took place. As the policeman was standing there, Charley came into the room and said to the otlicer: "What are you doing here? This is niydiome and you have no busi ness here.'' Keddington said : "I have; it is my business to see that you are at home, and not making any disturbance on the street." At this point, Mrs. Willow, the mother of Mrs. Lashell, savs that Ked dington stood with his hack to the wall and with his hands in his pants pock ets, and that Charley I/ishell was right in front of him. She says lhat she was looking into the hahv's crib when she heard a noise, and supposed that Char ley had slapped Keddington in the lace. She looked up at Keddington who was holding both hands to his throat, and blood w as rapidly gushing from a wound in his neck.and 1 said : 'Charley,what have you done; Oh! what have you done." My daughter came running from her room and cried out : "My God. Charley, you have killid that tioy !" Keddington said : "Open the door and let me out." Continuing, Mrs. Lashell testified that her mother opened the door and Keddington passed through the kitchen, down stairs and into the street. then told my hus band that lie had killed l'atsy. but lie only shook his head ; in a minute or so he went to a window in the back part of the house, raised it, and climb ed out on the slud and disappeared. There was some other evidence given by Mrs. Lashell, which her mother did substantiate, and which we do not con sider of material interest. Mrs. Lashell, the wife of the murder er. is frantic with grief, and deplores the disgrace that her hnslnnd has oc casioned. She has one child—a bov— and clings close to him all the tunc. She stated substantially the f.icts that appear in the report of the inquest. Patrick Keddingtoa came to Shannon with his parents in 18(11, when the town was in its infam y—iu the same year that the 11 icine A Mississippi rail road was completed tbiough tl.is town ship, and has r-si led here ev- r since lie hud grown up to manhood iu our midst, and his friends are legion. One year ago to-morrow he was appointed as i! e iiiiiht watchman of this village, and timing the time he has had the of fice he has proven himself an elii-ient, painstaking and faithful guardian of the public peace, and had the respect of llu' entire community. Charles Lashell the young man who committed the terrible crime, lias lived in this village nearly his whole life time, and \t seems more terrible ot: this account that he should take the life of one of his school companions ; of one who has repeatedly done him mam kindnesses; but such is the case, and no particular reason can he assigned for the fact hut that lie has premeditated murder in his heart and committed the act while \ih-st kind of whiskey laid him in its power. This is not tin? first time that Lashell has commit t< d offen ses against the peace and welfare of this community. Sevoinl years ago in a drunken fit lie deliberately shot a* E lias .Shelly, a hotel keeper, and had it not been for the intercessioi of friends lie no doubt would have—ere this—been behind the prison bars, a place he is eminently fitted to occupy. Lashell is about go years of age ami lias conduct ed a barber shop in tins town for the past two or three ytars,and might have done a good business and kept his fam ily and himself very respectfully but for his dissolute habits. He las re peatedly qua. lelled with his wife, and her life, has been by no means a happy one with him. This is a terrible blow to Lasliell's parents, who are among the best people of this community, and the people here feel that tin y need a great ileal of sympathy in this matter, and extend it freely. It is stated that on a couple of occa sions before he threatened to end the career of Uel.liugton. Ho was of a very jealous disposition. LEGAL A!) VEII TIS EM ENTS YroTK'l', OF APPEALS. —We hereby give. notice that tin* appeals for tli" several townsiiifs and borough* for will l o held al tii • following place?- to wit: For the townships of Miles, Halites, Penn and Miliiieitn liorough. at Mussrr's hotel, in Millheiin. Wednesday, dune h> For Ore;;-'an i I'ottcr towns lips and (.a ntic Hall bar ugh,at Meyer's hotel.ln Cent re Mali, Thursday . June 17. For Ferguson.College and Harris townships, at Stewart's hotel,in Boal-burg.Fiiday.June is. For Spring and Walker townships. ,t Com missioners'OHicc in Ihdiefoiite, Moil lay, .June 21. For Philipsburg borough and Hush township, at the Fotter House, in Philipsburg, Tuesday, dune 22. For Taylor, Worth. Huston and Ilalfmoon townships,at hotel at Port Matilda, Wednesday, •J line 23. For Liberty, ('nrtin, Marion and Howard twps., and Howard boro, at Howard hotel, in Howard borough, Thurs lay, June 21. For snow shoe and Kuriisidc townships, at the Mountain House, in Snow Shoe, Friday, June 25. For I'tilon and Hoggs townships and Fnion ville and Mileshurg borouahs, at the Commiss ioners' Oiiiee, in Ikdlefontc, June 23. For Hcnner ami Pattun town-hips, at Com missioners' Oilicc, in Hellefonte, Tuesday, June 20. For Bellefotite borough, in the Commissi >n era' Oflice, in Bellefotite, Wednesday, June 30. The appeals to commence at 10 oYloak each day. The Assessors are required to he present and have their assessments there. JOHN' WOLF, A. J. DRIEST, ,J. C. IIKNDERSOX, Cumin issioiiers. TREASURER'S SALF or I NSKATKD LANDS nut TAXES isst and ISS".—Agreeable to the provisions of law relat ing to the sale of un seated tracts of land for the lion payment of taxes, notice is hereby given, that there will be exposed at public sale or outcry, the following tracts of unseated lands iu the county of Cen tre for the taxes due and unpaid thereon.at the Court Mouse, in the Borough of Bellelonte, on MONDAY, JUNEIITH, A. D. lSVltt, at one o'clock p. m. BENNER TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Wartantee Taxes, 50 Coon, Andrew '. 4 J 19 53 Homes, Robert 320 120 Hale J M 0 72 50 Harris, J 1) 4 10 50 Moore, John 4 10 100 Shugert, J D 5 00 30 Unknown 2 51 It< Mills TOWNSHIP. 305 11'- Coenran, John *4 115 Caiseaddon, D 45.54 143 Deal, Ann,(part) Ml'i lis in Hood. William 4H 43 IIUItNMDK TOWNSHIP. 41" lllack, .lames 14 04 433 Ml Brady, Robert 15 57 133 1(13 Brady. Win. P 15.>8 133 1(13 Brady, John * 15 57 13.3 M i Hell, Alexander 1" rS 41-5 Boyd, John 14 04 133 168 Hell, William 1" ".7 ):. ! 'i'>.l Cook. William la 58 133 1 iv 3 Ciwden, Jolin 7KJ 433 1H.3 Dewart, Willljuo 7 *'.! 133 1(13 I>cwail. John 7 s_ 111.'! lionnclly, Henry 7s; I ;103 Gray Robert. 7 82 133 M l Grav, William 753 43 5 163 Grooves. Alex 15f7 433 ir>3 G rant. Thomas • 782 1.58 M 3 Gobtn.('liarles 7sj •133 153 ll.ill,Charles.. 13 72 in Harris, Henrv 1512 433 li' 3 I loiisel, John 753 433 165 Ividd.Jolill 15. >7 115 law, N.ithnnieL 14 91 133 M 3 I \on John 752 •Jf i Miller, William 7 '.mi 133 163 Morris, Joseph 1557 213 S3 Parker, Jeremiah l jof 775 133 M 3 Slialer. Henry 7SJ 165 Sc.>tl,Samuel 15 57 143 163 Towers,.lames. 1557 115 Thomas, Joseph 11 <l4 415 Wal.io , Joseph S 14 '34 I I ltd \\ aliie Josep|| 15 57 115 Well/el, John 7 IS 12.3 Wheeler. lienr.V I II I 1 1<53 Wilson, I'.ird 15 57 •201 Withlngton. Martin 7.37 1 PUTIN TOWNSIIU*. 3n'.i I'.i AI wood. N 1 4(1 Tit 3>o AI wood, N I. (12 01) .50 Brooks, Jesse. „ 12 (Hi 415 Hrooks, Jesse 7 <MI 110 Carskadden, l> 21 60 2n i 120 Carskadden. D. 24 o<> :k;7 Coats, l.indley k> 00 311 Del lass, Peter, of 55 07 il > Eddy, Esther 74 69 311 Evan, C.o!walatier 57 07 415 Elliot Win l it) id 115 (.ilhert, William 13mm 1 I 120 Hall. Charles 72a0 i>( 11 allow ell, Kd 12 00 •Jtii 1 rwin, James mmki 403 Kelso,Rebecca 7200 3s :l ] Kelso, Joseph. 66 00 hM Long.J B 9600 2 !| 7'4 I.owns. Caleb fidoo 207 S Longstreth, Isaac 6000 2a" I *] I .owns, Caleb 49 00 207'*, Longstreth, Isaac 60 00 7o .Mason, John N 16 so 2 t Meyer, Philip 60 00 100 Mover. Simon 30 no 420 48 Meyer. Mieliael 12000 4J Mever, Vaieutine 12000 I I .* Miller, James 42 00 200 Palmer. Johu. 620 415 Taylor, Joseph 37 20 415 Wain, Jacob 720n 415 Wis|cr,Cas|er 126 no 160 Willis, Jonathan lsoo 433 163 White, James 150 00 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 100 Olive James S2'i 150 A Barton Stout, (owner) 12 30 G It EGG TOWNSHIP. 60 Carson. Andrew... 1 41 l'.o Cowden, Jolin 3 53 ITS 127 Corson Andrew 1 oo 100 Duncan, David U2J 250 ileubnia, W ulina 559 3.50 llnbiiy. Bernard 804 3 CM llahn, William I7" 52 Jolin McClliitockjowner) l 22 HAINES TOWNSHIP. 3-59 Antia, Henry. 7*B 242 60 Harr.Thomas .5 i-g 250 60 Barr,James 620 259 60 I'. 11 r, Mary st Barron, John 1 76 154 Beck, Henry.. 3 16 341 M Bollinder, John 706 :5.8s 60 Itoiinder, Henry 692 325 60 Boitnder. Frederick 668 313 60 ' 640 |SS Con ley, 11 B 2 76 3sj 163 Ppler, Peter. ,7 s ) i s i.pier. Andrew 92H 161 Fees .Jacob 376 262 40 iiillman, II & S Snyder 589 2.3 do * 5 20 435 H ill.Charles - - 892 43.7 lt'S 11 irlman. John sas _•; < ' l...iks, .M 11 \ 2 t IIS 99 Kreamer, George 8 7-0 201 Parker. William. 4 1" *0 60 Swlueford. Al'i _ lit 613 ITo 170 Htovei Wolf 3 hi i 37 12 5 Snyder, Cithertne S(S 2a 1 ) Snyder. ' oiherine 4 lo 88 'I i<hi, William 94 4 5 Simon Grat/. 8 34 110 J G Meyer. 221 I>K George Fowler 2od |(k> Met bias Workman 210 280 James Black 6 1 1 144 Peter Black 2 91 1-5 II B Cowley 2 79 4"'S Epler. Adam 838 396 80 Will.am TidJ 866 ."•68 PhilipGher ...... 7*l 209 Wendell Grove 4 26 25 Calv.n M. Hayes 25 I'M Joseph Henry 828 173 Bolter! McKti olh 3 58 327 Samuel Metzgar 675 182 John Mats 338 120 Daniel Rhodes 246 412 David Fcrihiicr - 9 17 (ii'ortri l Seidol s e ■ 303 Peter s i< t•; "27 388 PhiHp Keldel 888 i". K H Scrlhner s 7*. 243 George Snyder 80S 15 Joseph rbompsou 38 Henry Sptkcr ,3 CWcisor 9 25 198 Award 385 2no Catherine Snyder 415 Is Castonus Thomas 37 IIA I.FMt K).\ 1 O WXSIII P. l'i 120 JoIMT, liieliard 5601 216 Lamburn,JOfdah • 3029 54 Shearer. ] 99 24 John T Powler, (owrer) 1 ; 1 63 89 JohnTFowler.(owner). 381 67 76 Joliu T Fowler 400 HARRIS TOWNSHIP. 196 Fisher, J C 2 si 133 I'"\, < .cu 'e. 2 72 I si Forbes, James. 3'.HI 4'll Harrison. Williain 3 90 "0 11 win. Johu :r> 400 Patterson, ltobert 3 90 4"0 Heed. James 80 ic 92 Wharton,Kearney. 437 IIoWAItD TOWNSHIP. i'7 104 Brown, Samuel 470 217 n nh im. s urah l 17 151 Green. Joseph 1353 25 G raysburg.Josepli 1 10 215 Godfrey. Martha 4 73 415 Godfrey, Martha 9 13 Hart is James D. 2 59 130 l.ioffle,.! .1 141 Mo Wjilis. Jonathan 752 50 While & Nestierodo 33t) lITSTON TOWNSHIP. 43.3 163 Baxter James 920 200 il Chancellor, Wm 120 Kiilm, Adam M 20 43 163 l'riee.John 919 433 163 Roltington. Johu 919 1 2 J C Wason(owner) 129 LI 15171 IT V TOWNSHIP. 50 Carsknddon, 1) 42 81 Gorrel! Wm 1 36 166 llays, ltobert & James IS 91 175 lless. George D 7 1(5 9 3 Irwin. Row ft 23 I s 2-50 Jackson, John 4 '25 310 Jaekson. Jeremiah 11 79 200 Krouse. Daniel 3-to 3o King. Thomas 31 ISO Lvtle, Peter 3 SO 15) l.Vtle. Peter -3 0 Mo Leech. Mat hew... 1 7' 4ni Leech, Mathew - ITo )*jof 2'K) Nostterode, Christ 1 To 30 King. Thomas 34 to Paek'-r, Job W 7 60 175 (,'uigle. . James A 6 70 349 Smith, Christian 13 76 so Smith, Robert 6S lo.) Pot I ;r, Jolin 1 <d lt'-S Shaw & Lingle 3 16 MARION TOWNSHIP. i t 66 Corinau, John I*3 .11 Decker, Adam 7 35 17 Lewis, Thomas 2 89 20 Lucas, Thomas 16 50 William Tilghtnati (owner).... 1) 720 19 Isaac Praia,(owner) 115 '2B John Zeiirler (owner) "II 60 Vargcr, simon 3 oo 60 Target, Simon 3 06 J a 'ol'l99 /ant/.ingcr. Paul 4 92 MILES TOWNS IP. 430 Brady, Robert 7 64 410 Brady, Hannah 7 30 255 P.raoyJane A 53 2oa Brady, John. 3 55 Ito Brady, Win & 7 si 290 Braiiy, Vvm P 515 20 Ant is, Hetiry _36 424 Calhorn, George 7 52 403 ('mothers James 7 18 1-50 Cooper, Win 2 67 125 Horsey, John 2 22 320 J'earon, Joseph 5 68 429 Gray, Robert 7 <j9 476 Grant, Thomas 8 11 130 123 Gralz. S!mon 130 460 ■ Hinder, Alex 7 90 2*o Jaeksbii, Jeremiah. 4 14 390 Levy, Aaron 5 -32 42-5 Norton, Samuel 7 55 300 Parker, Win 5 32 Parker. Richard 5 76 324 Parker. Jeremiah 5 76 125 Stead man, Win 3 55 200 Smith, Thomas 3 55 100 Scott, Abraham 1 77 50 Scott, Samuel 69 150 Seott, Abraham 2 67 90 Scott, Samuel 1 60 130 Taggart. Robert 2 31 4'25 Totand, Henry 7 55 100 c Long, (owner) 1 77 125 Wharton Moore 223 125 Wharton. Moore 223 125 William David 7 55 150 Wolf. Jod.i 1 imi 484 William linrman Bss 400 16 .lamesCiiiiunings 7 lo 371 Wm Boyde 6 85 351 Wm Grant 6 60 3ii7 Titos Boyde 5 55 430 Joseph Tripp 766 201 Thomas Smith 3 70 4(o Win lloiisi'i. 747 425 Samuel Tripp 7 87 416 Hugh Boyde 7 77 Hi:) I'eter Tripp. 7 46 410 Thomas ,M i les 7 Vt 200 Jacob Princeton. 3 70 115 HtophelSeidell 7 (9 4( H) .1 < ill il Soigtried 7 to 400 I unh'l Sidgfricil 7 40 •JSO .laeob Selgfreid 5 27 150 John I lays 2 7S 2Nt Martin Wpter ... . 5 18 T?(4 Will Cook 314 210 Robert Taggart 4 tl , J allies Sl< ;idinan 46 17 lioberl Laliniory 31 ;S(V, Daniel Williams 576 Jim 'I lioin ii Carol hers 3 70 •joo John Brady 77 250 Win Brady 4 (j3 John Housed 4 (53 402 ° 131 Willi tm Miles 311 250 William Cooper 4(>; I'KNN TOWNSHIP. 150 Armstrong, lames ;.s ; < ok. William v 9 |SO 10 Cow den, John '-J 112 10 Cow den. John 335 100 ('(Nik, Will ' ■" JUO < (Nik. Will f -'j 1,50 llamUou.Thos - > 150 Hepburn, James •> 2-' 116 31 Hepburn, James 360 ]SO Kennedy, John 5 2; 150 Kennedy, James '2j jo 4 si Kennedy, Andrew 317 ins 131 Kennedy, John 324 113 8 Kennedy. James 3 .31 2(c) Lyon, R<dert 7 oo joo Lyeii, L/.ekial 7 (■() •jmo Lyon, Benjamin Joo 2i'o Lvon, Robert > 2jk Lyon. Ezekial 700 •>(M Lvon, Benjami.n 7'M Asi Met illy, John 7 ("a •joo MiCally. in 700 pm Montgomery. Daniel 3 jo iiM Montgomery, Will 3 .*i 2IMI MeCally, John T 20 401 swlueford. John load POTTER TOWNSHIP. )no Barlges. Adam 4 40 2s Bmi id, Mary 6:50 .ion Brown. John 13 20 sj in Cameron, Alex SB 4,t0 Cougail.David 2 lo Inn Dewart, Will 2 2o 2in I w log Jasper 4 4<' jo Fullmer, tl 11 ss 4iNi Forks, James 4 2o 4'M Garigus. lidwaid SMI i MI Garigus. Wm s <0 ltiil Getty, Christ 2 20 *JU) Gobin, Cliarle 4 150 Martin, 'i hoinas 3 3n jo", McClellaii. George 251 sso W ill Collier.(owner) 12 "• 31 S3 Ropp. Jacob 2 8.3 150 Saivo'r, Wm 2 1 100 VtiiMlcridic % II 1 L' jiMt Young, Samuel 52 SI'IUNG TOWNSHIP. 419 Johnson. John 4 83 lsij 115 1 1 rdue, John 502 Rnbisou, Catherine s lo 900 Kubison, Rebecca v 1" IfiO ltoblsoii, Richard 'J' 100 J. (fordon. Est. (owner) 270 BNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP. m if 3 Bingham. Wm 521f 133 183 Burnot. Fell* J* [| 325 Ban as. Wm Banks, Wm . 1 Clyiner. George ,• 2] 433 r; Camubell, George s'' 433 15. Cox.Paul g j 1 : 13 < allib.u 1.1 homas 7 < 1 112 Carsk iddeu. D ■. ; i at.-ka idc i, D.. ' ' '' ; .1 las Deiauey, Sharne , Dueling Joseph * ''' 1 n.g J-.s i'h \} j 14 l)oi>soli. s iniuel .►< :iHi Devliug Josejdi o 433 .Eddy, George .... 2,1 FiUslmmons.ThomM 89 Gray, Robert 1 3 r: Hawthorn, ihomas v j) 1 Hawthorn, Junes -7"' ILile, Jam > T O trl Hale. James }' -V . 43J Linn. Saiuu 1 '' 2- 431 13 Lewi*, Wm -j| 133 153 Lewis, Wm :kk) L<oig. -I Z s*o 200 Long. J / .0 0 353 Liggett. John J ' ll 7< 1 Mason John S , 43; MeMannus, James 1 | 1:1 Milliken, ML. T *25 1 .1 73. Mitchell. N.J 50 2 > 458 Morgau. Benjamin It ."'• 4 ,1 Martha, Aiex _j 433 153 M iylan. Jasper jj : 3. im MaVstou. Edward j 1 433 150 MeCi.iualian, Blair °2 ; , '- 1 453 11 MePherson. Win -7 1 ', 1 ; ( 120 M isner. Luke 7 r 4VI 151 Ilorris.Robert |;4 Martin,* Alex ,;i --'.A 4VI I*3 Noi l i J P 47 32 \/ t of j'vi 15:} Norris. I P SSI 4 3. 1 J Parker. Wm 71 o2 216 Parker. Jeremiah 3558 216 Parker, Jeremiah 35 58 ; | Parker. George 1; 45 216 Rniiiev. Robert 9 21 :a h 1 Belly Job 4929 IV! 1" ! shipnen, 3'lionias L 71 02 l.'V't I*3 Scott, Edward 71(2 453 ]M spear. Margaret 16 45 162 Tompkins. Joseph 9 1 VI 153 Tallman. lletij II 7102 433 15.3 Valentine A S 7102 •13 153, Wain.Rebecca 71 (2 4.83 153 W harton, Moore 7102 13 1.58 Wharton, Elizabeth 710.8 5-9 of IVI 153 Wharton, Mary M 2a 50 ;-9of ; 15.3 Wharton, Mary M 738 4325 158 West, Francis* 71(2 433 l"t West. Benjamin 71 (2 |fi9 West, Francis 13 91 415 Wain, Richard 4 1. !'.; l":; Wharton, Kearney 1648 tm Williams, Duval 12 35 4(H) Williams David 1235 RUSH TOWNSHIP. 4 .8, I">3 Allison, John i 5.891 528 Alli.-011, James 1-89 04 250 Allison.Andrew & John Lilly 159 0 > 327 10 Armstrong.Andrew 11 52 154 10 Allison, James 16 54 3'M 116 Arthur. Ami 30 42 894 117 Arthur. Thomas 80 78 13 I'M Britches, Da;.e 45 08. i;;;j 108, Beviage, David 117.2 1 ,; 153 Brick ley, Daniel 47 To 133 153 Krunt/.man, Peter 137 90 2 MI Burg, iubn |5 W 43.3 163 lion land, Jolin 19( 8 ia Chestnut. Samuel 686 led Clyiner. George 5.3" . 10!) CamplHdl, G( 013,0 .38 00 800 Cuthburt, Th i.nas lMttO Si Corkendon.J H (owner) 1272 ;;i)8 Chestnut, Samuel In 21 483 163 1 tetany, Sharp— 11 "'2 253 Dentler, Wm 93 53 p>2 Kberman, Philip 0 47 1,33 I*> 3 P.dward sThe 116 so 800 Erskine, Tho nas 7 8 1 433 153 Funk, John 22 98 2.50 I'it/.-imnion-. I liemas 18 25 PC, Edward French, (owner).... 20 12 484 Grant.'Thomas 3,18' •>pj ]56 Grant. Thorn s 1679 •"•16 156 Grant. Thorn is 63 IM 43.8 168 Gleiitwvrth,. James 11'52 50 Groe, Fll/.alieth 795 ]uo (i ray, Robert 53 On 21 152 Groe & MeKeon 8, is 1 r ;.3 I"-.", Hair, Christian 3445 420 161 Hair, Christian 3392 14.3 1.53 I lair. David 81 4 216 156 Hamilton. Thus OS 90 7;1.58, Hand. Jolin 34 45 143 153 Hamilton, Hugh 2293 43,3 163 Hopkins, John 47 70 44.3 158, 1 Inner, John .'l4 45 143 15.3 Haines, Reuben Jr 22 >1 216 80 Hamilton, Hugh 16 8' 43,3, 153 Irwin, Robert 1.57 80 4.3:5 153 Irwin Robert 46 11 13-3 13 Jordeii. Owen 34 45 100 King, Robert 12 40 liii 10 Kerr, James 86 92 48.3 163 Lucas, Bonnet 433 163 Lattimore, George 1152 1.8.5 163 Lai timore,-Wm G 360 45 Lawrence, Casper 31)6 4.5.3 153 Leuliore, Christian '2191 313 106 Lowden. John 24 91 50 Long, A B 13 25 41,3 Lawrenc, Casper 10 85 4:53 163 Mayston, Edward 1152 200 McPlierson, William 5 30 483, 153 MillcrJollli 84 45 433 163. Miller, Jacob 8145 48,8 163 MeConnell, Martha 1152 138 I>3 Meade,George 61 78 433 153 Morgan. I! R 15 95 UK) MeCord & A Cauipbell 15 90 433 153 Milller, Robert 22 98, 48,3 Metzger, Jacob 11 25 433 Miller, Jane 1125 458, 153 Miller, Robert It 25 323 Pattou, Hugh 1710 4.83 153 Peter , Richard 45 95 luo Passmore.jas Bryant &Hasiet 15 90 433 153 Reese, Thomas 229 4-5 43.3 153 ltohrer, Christian 34 98 333 153 ltudesill, Jacob 52 97 405 47 Rush, Jacob 107 3 •is Robison, Wm H 1 G6 37 Robison. Win II 100 1.3.3 153 s*imf 11 *?r. Casper 229 45 I".:; 1 3 Slp'iik, Andrew 344.5 43.3 153 SlMMik, Michael 34 45 .433 153 Shenk, Christian 34 45 ■ 347 10 Sleek, Jacob 1064 1 433 157 Spear, Robert !!!!!!!. OS 00 I;;:: 153 Smith, Mary 23 02 107 7 Slouch, George 13 2") 210 Scott. Andrew 17.38 453 153 Slouch. Jacob 97 24 4-3.3 15.3 Slouch, George 34 45 21 HI Sands, Joseph 31 so 433 15.3 Siddous. Klenor 22 50 103 Edward French, (owner) 20 42 ■4l H J Snyder Barbara .3107 433 153 Sloilgh, .Jacob 33 80 fl Wehluiuii, J0hn..,,,. 32 3.3 H'2 10 Wenlniaii. Jacob. Km S3 ' , Wilson, John 37 in 7 > Wilson, William 31 so 313 ly6 Winner, John.- 2101 80 Winner, Henry 21 20 .303 IH# Wilson, Willi, - 81 )7 423 1.3 Wallace, Joseph J 22 30 to winner, ii ss 13 '• 133 Wharton, Kearney 23 80 •'o White and Parsons 6 133 13 ! Totter, James 2! so 421 133 Turner, llunnah 38 89 T V VI Jilt TOWNBIIIF. l o Ames and Shaffer 1410 Ames and Shatter 14 10 80 lteek. Jacob 6 00 23< Kek with, Clement 47 00 77 Ko!|. Williams 1044 100 Keck, Daniel 5 00 j KHghtol, John 1 45 j 7". 117 A lied n ico Stevens, (owner.) .345 i 131 I..am It, Joint .3250 . >oo 22 Lamb, Joint 37 50 431 Mont colliery. W W 20 41 j I*3 161 Met ainiiiond. John 20.34 : 431 Met:wen, Folly 10 85 1 134 Met;v.en, Henry 1085 j L'idgwiiy.Kudd & CofoWiifr*) 23 13 l Kidcway.lttidd & Co(owners) 42 30 j IB'J I'idcway.Kipld & Co(owners) 4142 | Ridgway.Kudd A ('"(owners) 33 14 , 210 Riduwuy.Ktidd &Co'(owners) 49 25 i 434 103 Snyder, Barbara 20 41 99 Van Pool, ( 4 23 ; 5o Van Fool. Jacob 4 70 I l"o Thomas Wil-on Kst. (owner.) 14 10 423 15.3 Williams, Jos Ima 32 49 4-14 Williams, Polly 3 70 6o Voder, Joseph 2 S2 12" Van Fool, John 20 54 20 Van Fool, C 4 70 300 Welsh, Joseph 22 50 423 153 Williams, Joshua 32 47 UNION TOWNSHIP. Kranham. Kbinezer 3010 200 Isuliti. 1* It 17 20 100 Fliijtps. Samuel 12 9) ■>B3 F K Crider & Son, (owners) 86 00 j WALKER TOWNSHIP. •50 Ackert, Wm 1 19 92 40 Askers. Robert 215 143 11 Ackert. Win 105 212 110 Kaker.John 816 212 Park man. Sam 1 10 38 162 Brooks, Ruth f 11 { 247 65 Koker, Itobt 573 300 Kraaly. Win 720 2so 129 Currier, Mary 672 69 Currier, Mary 144 15 Daucherly, Margaret 71 220 13.5 Daughtery.Elizabeth 52S 111 42 Daughtery, Mary 69 94 98 Daughtery, Mary 58 39 Evans, Jesse 165 100 39 Evans, Jesse 240 92 2") Eckert, Win 222 80 Fry, (leoree 3 84 213 5.5 Gilbert, Wm ssi 123 Gilbert, Wm 2 96 211 98 Gilbert. Wm 122 211 72 llithii, Peter SJO 65 40 Ilahu, Win 154 40 Johnson. David 144 I'd Knox, John 7 20 ■ "'•d MoKwen. Mary 2 53 327 160 Mansell, Win 845 91 Mercer, John 217 227 100 Mercer, David 8 4-5 384 36 Miller, Win 922 i -Met"altnont. Thos 9S •5"" MeEwen, Henry 5 75 •550 Osman, Capt and Mary 505 2-5 Osaian.Capt 119 Jo 1 ' Dsman.Capt 2 30 Parker. Richard 172 40 Packer, Job 202 40 Packer, James, ,Tr 215 182 Pardon, Richard 7 20 Piles. ItenJ. & Co 30 PD Parker.Jeremiah 3 45 156 Reed .David 7 20 j Robison. Kachael 7 29 1H Robison. Samuel 10 61 Kw Purdoti. John 2 40 242 PS Sutler, James 1162 34 Sutler, James 79 Sutler. James 179 382 .Ti Sutler, Daniel 522 ■509 Henry. MeEwen, (owner,) 14 3s Wiekerjliiam. Amos 71 12 Wilson, Robert 30 WORTH TOWNSHIP. 250 Gray,.! R 18 25 250 Cray, P R l> 8 00 2-5 Mortis, Widow 5 45 50 Swanswiek. John 7.36 George Kelly, (owner.) 14 60 160 Jonathan Laird,(owner.) 5 49 Aliedulgo Laird, (owner.) 6 27 54 W H. Kiair, (owner.) 58 CHARLES SMITH. Treasurer, of Centre Co.. Pa. Tailoring Establishment, NORTH STREET, - - - MILLIIEIM, PA. Wm. A. Sandoe is prepared to do all kinds of tailoring work in a first-class manner and at reasonable prices. F! - •:<>:- -:oj- w •:©+ -:o<- :oi- -:oj- •:© y ->^3 z[ Perfect fits guaranteed. L . • :©:• -:o:- •:©)• :of -:oj. -:©<►-os- *-y*i j Gentlemen are respectfully invi ted to call and leave their orders,which will receive prompt attention. Stioß in till late Tins. fml stand. tf. ? 4 1 1 17 YTg IV 4 VTU IV° canvass for one All Ti A IN "All iJ IF,,r the largest, old l it-est iblished.best-known NuriicrlcH in the I-onntrv. Most liberal t-rms. I'nequaled fa- I'ilitios*. Prices 10-v. Genera Nursery. {r.MtabliHltetl 1843. W. A- T. SMITH, Ue jneva. N. Y. EUREKA FOLDING CANOPY TOP. iiijpji.., | Different sizes. Can be I attached to nearly all vva- I I I. D cons, buggies, phaetons <T 'y**' and carts. Ihvslly Ke inovpil. Folds like an T\ -! umbrella. IT you can not t~" 1 il of • vour V/ ,>r or h ' Her, send for ill \l \ /\\Y I \ 55. Mstrate 1 circular and ** v/ 1 price list. Arrents wanted evervwlif--re. Mention p iptr. D G.KKKRS & O".'Patentees & Manufacturers Newtown, Ct. 19-41 < for Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." IL A. ARCHER, M. D., I Kms (^^ ns ' gives " lee P' * nd P romOteo <"* 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication. THB CKNTAUR COUP AMY, 182 Fulton Street. N. Y. Dr. .T. A. SHERMAN has returned from liis trip to the City of Mexico and the West, and re moved his office from 251 to 204 Broadway, New York. In Dr. Sherman's treatment there is no operation of any kind, no detention from labor, no danger of strangulated ruptnre, besides free - dom from the injury trusses inflict. His Book, containing information and endorsements from Physicians, clergymen. Merchants, Farmers and others who have been treated and cured, is mailed for 10.cents. Persons in circumstances to prevent them from availing themselves of Dr. Sherman's personal services should seud for his home circular of advice and instruction, Ke memb cr, office 294 Broadway, New York, three, doors above Reade street. 21-4t SOMETHING ii a B • MCJ At the Main street fcj IN I GROCERY, T -J h t! U m j. w. losers ¥ ii orj \k i iu | h Groceries, Provi- fc ' i B* % -! sions. Confection-fc | A M F eries, Fruits, £ h ii Cheese, | * ■ 1 L ■ -I A 12 -gj and all kinds of vj Hi?HOTEL and PAMI-|? r\ i tu y LY SUPPLIES. | r .4 licsl brands of t r ' M 42 . TOBACCO AND CIGAHS. 11 %h y 4 I Bell for y ' HI-SPOT CASH-1^ H 3 but at Q Psil Small Profits. 03 tR • It will pay to tfivc me a ."j I c TKNOWING ! EXHAUSTED VITALITY^ ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF.i^^L A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervona and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Exhausted Vitality, AC., Ac., and the untold mis erics resulting from Indiscretion or excesses ; 300 pages, substantially bound in gilt, muslin. Con tains more than 125 invaluable prescriptions, em bracing every vegetable remedy In the pharma copoeia for all acute and chronic diseases. It is emphatically a book for every man. Price only $1 by mail, poet paid, concealed in plain wrapper. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL Young and middle-aged men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never see it again. Address Tr. V R . 11. PARKER, 4 Bul flnch street, Boston, Mass. MIALCD FAY'S I FETSE. MANILLA ROOFING! Takes the L*d • DOEB NO t corrode like tin or iron, nor decay like SHINALES or tar compositions: EASY to apply; Ptronc and durable; at half toe cost of tin. Is also A SUBSTITUTE for PLASTJCK at Half TH TV.T. CARPETS and RUGS of same material, double the wear of Oil Cloths. OataWu* and samples EULE. W. H. FAY A CO., CAMDEN, N. * 19-4 L ELY'S CREAM BALM CATARRH Cleanses tLI "- 4 Z An H^®M Infl ain a t i o U.PFFES C O32,FT^TADI RI ,-T- FHAY FEVER the SOREF-U^ Senses of Smell llearin"' U.SA.| °HAY-FEVER A quick Relief. A positive Cure. A partie'e is applied into each nostril and is a greeable to use. I'riee 56 cents by mall or at Druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y -17-4t DYSPEPSIA.— Its Nature, Causes, Pre vention and Cure. By JOUN H. MCALVIN, Lowell. Mass., fourteen years Tax Collector. Sent free to any address. 21-4t I I 324 and 326 Pearl St. V New York. IIST SEND FOR CIRCULAR
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