, Girl Oar Conductors. In Chili, young women figure as mt conductors. Thb experiment was fllHt tried during the recent war with Feru, when all Jthe afete bodied men were Rent to the array, and proved so meoMiftil that tha practice of their fqxpkysMßt haa beoome permanent, tgHwpdvantageit is said,of both the the women and the public, odd to see a woman with a bet! puneh taking op tares, and the first impression is not favorable ; but <* stranger becomes accustomed to this as to til other novelties, and con aludea that it ia not such a bad idea •lier uD. The conductors, or conduct- Tallinn, ate usually- young and some- Attics very pretty, being commonly mixed race—of Indian and blood. They wear a neat BRiferm #f blue flanael, with a jaunty hwma hat, and a many-pocketed white pinafore reaching from the breast to the ankles, and trimmed with dainty frills. In these pockets carry small change and tickets, wUfe hanging to a strap over their shoulders Is a little portmaneau or ■hopping- bag, in which is a lunch, a pocket handkerchief, and surplus mon ey and tickets. On paying his fare, inch passenger receives a yellow pa per ticket numbered, which he is ex pected to destroy. The girls are ehargsd with so many tickets, and when they return to headquarters are azpeeted to return money for all that are missing, any deficit being deduct ed from their wages, which are twen ty-five dollars a month. As an ad ditional check upon dishonesty, spot ters are stationed along the line, who hop on the car as it passes, count the passengers, write the number down in memorandum book, and jump off. A few blocks farther on another spot ter repeats the job, and these books art compared by the chief inspectors, to ate that the returns of the condnc torem correspond. The greatest an noyance to the girls is from the young men, who follow the cars carrying the pretty one, and chat with them on the platform. These follows are call ed mosquitoes here, because tbey buzz and hop and pester people so. Not long ago a comic paper in Valparaiso published a cartoon showing a street car surrounded by insects, which bore the fhoes of young men about town. Some of the fashionable dudes who obtained this notoriety were so chaffed at the clubs, and by their companions, that tbey retired into seclusion for a time, until their mortification subsid ud. ARVICI TO ■ OTHERS. Art jrtu dltfrbtC at night and broken of few rest by u rick ehild •offering and crying with gala el eottingteeUi f If w, tend at one* andrvHU bottle of Mas. WOMLOW'S SOOTHING eravp voa Cuunn TUXTXING. Its value is letslcsleMs It win relieve the poor little suf fsrer WemedUtsly. Depend upon it, mothers, ihere Is no mistake shout it. if cures dysentery lad diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and tosds, ewes wtmd eotte, softens the tunas, re tniss inflammation, and gives tone and energy tothewhetosystem' Mas. WINSLOW'BSOOTH ING trior vox CULDHBX TIKTBING is pleasant as the taste, and to the prescription of one of the eldest sadbest (omuls nurses and physici taslathe United States, and to for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price *5 eeafs a bottle. '' ■ •My dear,* remonstrated a wife, peer lug Mt from uoder the bedclothes, *1 go wish you would use the word'sbeol.' It sounds better.' 'lt may sound bet ter at times,* replied her husband, who was utility nursing his heel, 'but when B mao atepe on a tack he wants the old tcrrion. Think all you speak ; but speak not all you thin^; Thoughts are your own ; your words are so no more; Where wisdom steers, wind cannot make you sink. w—mm JAYIN HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. B.WOODSGALDWELL PROPRIETOR. t Mad Ismplc Booms for Commercial Travel em ca trst floor. J> H. MUSSER, * JEWELER, Vstehes, Clocks, Jewelry, fie. All work neatly and promptly Exe cuted. Shop on Main Street, Millheim, Pa. - . -1 I. f ' - _ ■ U.S.GRANT His OWN xeooHNT of the greatest military strug gls of medsrntijnes. lOu.OOOi I ordeas already Bt.,PhUa, Pa. 26-1 m'S'l QrmmL" The and most popular book published, write tor terms and secure territory at. once. Address GLOBE BIBLE PUBLISHING CO. ,70SCbestuut8t. .Phila. 28*41 EMEU Ml more money than at anything else Hg ■■■ by taking an agency for the best WW I■m toUing book out. beginners succeed ■••grandly Nope faiL Terms free. BALUCTT BOOK CO.. Portland Maine. how I cure it, by one who BDVlmilr SI years. A successful home WMimsnt. Address T. 8. PAGE, No. 128 East M k BL, Now York. 23-4t HALLS HAIR RENEWEB. The great popularity of thla preparation, after its test of many years, should be an assurance, even to the most skeptical, that It is really meritorious. Those who have used HALL'S HAIR RXNXWKR know that k does all that is claimed, t It causes new growth of hair on bald heads —provided the hair follicles are not dead, which Is seldom the case: restores natural color to gray or faded hair; pre serves the scalp healthful and clear of dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or whanging color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes it to grow long and thick. HALL'S HAIR RXNXWKR produces its effects by the healthful influence of its vegetable ingredients, which Invigorate ana rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and is a delightful article for toilet use. Con taining no aloohol, it does not evap orate quickly and dry up the natural oil, leaving the hair harsh and brittle, as do other preparations. | v Buckingham's Dye L roa TBB -, WHISKERS ' Colors them brown or black, as desired, and Is the best dye, because it Is harmless; produces a permanent natural color; and, Being a single preparation, is more con yenient of application than any other* )l " \ raZPARXD BY 'jjoid by all Dealers in Medicines. BEH DOWNS' ELIXIRJUHU I N. H. DOWNS' I fl Vegetable Balsamic B ELIXIR H Tor the chrs of O fl Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, B B Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, B B lufluonaa, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, B Hand oil diMMosoftho Throat, Ckeit, ud H Ia all cases whsrs this Xlixir isH • used its sflkscy is at once manifested, coa- g mm vindng tha most Incredulous that O § CONSUMPTION < is not incurable, if properly attended to SB At its commencement it I. but a .light irrit- •• 80 tion of tha membrane which coven the Lungs; SB then an inllamation, when the cough le rather *2 gk dry, local fever,and the pulae more frequent,the 0 cheeks flushed and chilla more coiuaon. Thlegg ® Xlixir ia curing the above complaints, oper-. Mates sou to remove all morbid lrrlta- ■ M tianc and twflnmntlom from the lungs M M to the surface, and finally expel them from M M the system. Zt facilitates expectoration. BE fl It heals tho nlcerated surftees B 1 and relieves the cough end makes the breath- ■ Ming *"7* It supports tbeetrongth and at the M time reduces the fever. It is free from H M *trong opiate and astringent articles, which are ■ *feo drying a nature u to be in greet danger of M M destroying the potiont; whereas this medicine ■ M noTer dries or stops the cough, but, by remov-H M ' n K the oarex, consequently, when the ooogh ■ Ml* cured the patient is welL Bend address for H ■ pamphlet giving frill directions, free. S| M Price 35 eta., 50 eta, end fl.oo per bottle. M X SOLD EYXRYWHEBX. B fl RUT, JtRMI * Mil, Preps., Birtlsgtee.Tt. B ■BB DOWNS' EUXIR.HBI For sale by D. S. Kauffimn tfc Co., and *7. Spigelmyer, Millheim, Pa. QUAKER Zs tha Best rABLE SAUCE. Thousands of articles are nsw maevfutured thai in former years had to be imported, paying high import duty u it is now being dona on Laa s Far lint table sauce ; the Qoazaa TAHJ BADCI take* iU place ; it has been pronounced by competent fudges just as peed and even better. The Qcaxaa HAVCM hu Slowly but surely gained great im portance and is replacing the eery but Imparted sauce on the shelf of the grocer, the tables of the restaurant and the tables of the rich end poor men. greatly prized and relished by ill oa account of iU piquancy, aroma, taste, strength and pnrenees. The inventor hu by years of stndy of the secret virtues contained In the aro matic spices of the Indies end China. such u mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, genuine Jamaica ginger, and peppers and buds of trees unknown to most men, and by long practice succeeded to eembiae their extracts in such a liquid form as we now find it, of agreeable lute, and so invigorating as to be taken in piece of stomach Utters. By man ufacturing this sauce here, heavy import duties and freights are saved, end it is sold at • lower figure to the dealer, who making a better profit oat Quaker Sauce can aell it to tho consumer cheeper than the very best Imported article hardly equal ing ours. If your grocer does not keep it. write us for prices, etc. Sold In bottlu or by the gallfly* CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Job PrefrUton end Mmmfmctmrm. 10S AIOB 8. Si ST., St, Lflsfc, Es. THE MOST PERFECT SWEETER MADE. a Machine that Belli lOdt. CONSIDERED ST ALL FIBBT-CLABB DEALERS THE STANDARD SWEEPER. UNRIVALXO FOR MAUTY, Strength and light running; performs its labor easily and notulsuly. Tht Brush is aasily adjusted to all grades of carpet. The manner of discharging the dost is superior to all others. AAX FOB IT AND BUY NO OTHBB. For Role by all DomUro, Manufactured by Thi Buk Sweeper ui Irinpr to, GOSHEN, IND. # Cutoff AGENTS TO SOI THB mmWHaftiMi^nnßi STEAM ■SiimWWasher Men and Women of good eharactar and Intelligence. Exclusive Territory Guaranteed. A weeks tnal of sample Washer to be returned at my expense if net satisfactory. A thousand per cent, the beetWu.herln the world, and pays capable agents BIG money. In* trineio merit makes it a phenominal success every where. For Illustrated circular end terms of agenoy addreoe, J, WORTH, Bt. Louis/MO* ■ ■MB BBior working people. Bend 10 UC I Eg cents postage, and we will mail |jj C. H_ E you free, a royal, valuable sam ■ ■ ■ pie box of goods that will nut you In the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any bus iness. Capital not required. You can live at borne and work ia spare time only, or ail the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. SO cents to *5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work m£.y test the business,we make this unparralleled offer rto all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particu lars, directions. etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutelysurefor allwho start at once. Don t de ay. Address BTINSON & Co., Portland, Maine. THE I MILLHEIM JOURNAL JOB Printing Office 18 now supplied with GOOD %*SMSSEB and a large assortment of DISPLAY TYPE. LETTER HEADS, NOTE BEADS. BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS. ENVELOPES. CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and, in short, neat and tarty Job Printing of all kinds PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Musser House. Millheim, ------ Penna. 4SUMMEK RESORT^- Two miles from Cobura But ion on L. & T. R. R. TjTine Trout Fishing and Hunting within sight A? of towu. Healthy locality and fine moun tain sceneries. The celebrated PBNN9 VAL LEY CAVES but five miles distant. The |fluest drives in the state. FINE SADDLE HORSES, CARBIAGES AND BUGGIES for the use of summer boarders. Double anil Single Rooms, newly furnished, for famlles with children, on second and third floors. Bus to all Trains. TERMS REASONABLE. W. S. Musser, Prop'r. 16-lv Millheim, Ceutre Co. Pa. ELIAS LUSE & SON, —PROPRIETORS OP THU— MILLHEIM PLANING MILL, east of the new Kv. church, Penn St., Dlillheim, Pa. t Contractors, - Builders, —AND M ANUFAC TURKKS OP— . Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Flooring All kinds of Siding. HgERANDAS A Having our'own planing mill.lt will be to the advantage of those intending to bulla to con sult us. fT'Oontraots made on all kinds of buildings. Plans and Speoifloations furnished on application, with est imates of oost. 18-ly SHS2L 13 "WEEKS. The POLICE GAZETTE will bt mailed .securely wrapped .to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmas ters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to. RIOHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, N. Y 11! NOTICE OF OPENING 111 Mr. I. E. Couldren hereby respectfully informs the public that he is now prepared to do all kind of Tailoring Work from an OVERALL to a fine SUIT ;or OVER COAT He is a mechanic of many year's ex* p fence and guarantees satisfactory work. He has opened his shop in Brown's building, oppo site Campbell's store. Main street, where he will be glad to receive the patronage of the public A line of sar pies constantly kept in stock Recpectf illy, I. E. COULDREN. pEABODY HOTEL, ; 9th St. South of Chestnut, ! PHILADELPHIA. One Square South of the New Post ; Office, one half Square from Walnut ! St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American > and European plans. Good rooms | from 50c18 to $3.00 per day. Remodel ed and newly furnished. W PAINE, M. D., 46-ly Owner & Proprietor. Musser Brothers' ROLLER RINK. The proprietors rcapeotlully lulonn the public that their - "RUSTIC - Corner of Penn and Mill Streets, Millheim, Pa. Is open eyjry Wednesday and Suturday ovon li|'g. uudSaturday afternoon*. (Slzo of Rink 40 x 100.) The bull i ng ts commodious and finely arrang cd, has a splendid floor, and patrons will always (lud new and strong skates on hand. General admission 5 cciils. Dse of states,for 3 boors' session, 10 " Ladies admitted free! 0 A T Mrs. Sarah A. Zeiglsr's BAKERY, on Penn street, south of race bridge, Millheim, Pa. —— *-•■ Bread, Pies & Cakes of superior quality can be bought at any time and in any quautity. ICE CREAM AND FAN CY CAKES for Weddings,Picuics and other social gatherings promptly made to order. Call at her place and get your sup plies at exceedingly low prices. 34-3 m JHE JEST PIOTUBISI AT BUCK BROS' m if* GaLLEnr! FAMILY GROUPES AND CHILDREN —TAKEN BY THE— INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS 1 Satisfactory Work Done by RAIN OR SHINE! We furnish everything in our line from a Miniature Card to a Cabinet Picture. Picturse copied and en larged in the best style. 4FRAMES3*- can be procured at our place on short notice bar—our prioee cure down so as to suit every purse. Gallery on North St, Millheim, Pa, A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS t ' for your Clothing. • * 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. <ji fkAA r\f\f\tn Presents given away. Send 3>2(X),o(X)sr al ? v 5 e „'%l alack* age of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All a bout the $200,000 in presents with each box. A fieuts wanted every where, of either sex, of all ne time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers ab solutely assured. Don't delay. H. HALLXTT & Co., Portland. Maine. IPrUTP WANTED besutUul *?ectrio ■hf IV I \ Corsets. Sample free to those be- HU LII Ml coming agenU. No risk, oulck sales. Territory given, satisfaction guaranteed. Address DR.SCOTT.B42 Broadway 3t.,N.Y. A MONTH and BOAB® for live JSrinyouug Men or Ladles, in each county- P. W. ZEIU LKtt & CO., Phila delphia Pa i/YPllinCtfor Lucrative, Healthy* Hon nllDW 1 Uo ruble * Permanent business ap plyto Wilmot Castle& r ichester, N. Y. ACENTSpI ™ sr.. Durable, perfect In opewilon, and of 'lttrttNftAratffaea Ma. Thomson & Co s Celebrated Tcrwllliger Pattern TRIPLE FLANGE (ire nil terglar Proof SAFES. POINTB OF SUPERIORITY j OVtR ANT OTHER MAKE ARK : Palest I snide Bolt Work. ttolld Welded AIIRIX Iron Frames. Extra Thick Wall* Mnperlor Plro Proof Filling. Lerks nnd Bolt Work Projected With Hardened Steel. Extra Heavy Material i Hence are Mere Fire and Burglar Proof. Send for Circulars and Prices. TSOtfSOXT dk CO., 273 & 276 State Street* NEW HAVEN, CONN. TUTT'S PILLS /SB YEARS IN USE, ftl Bmtsß Medical Triumph OfthsAfSl SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. XiOSB ef appetite* Bowels costive, Pals Is the head* with a dell oonsatlon la the luk tout# Pala nnder tko shoildw* blade* Falloece after oatlag, with adle tacllaatloa to ozsrtloa of body or nslnd* Irritability of temper, Low spirit* with a fooling or havlag neglected saao doty, Woarlaooo, Diamines* Flattering at the Heart* Dot* bolero tko eyes* Headache •war tbo right oyo* BSSIISMCSSS, with Nftl drsc ws. Highly oolorod Prise, aad TO^sssEtsas^ to such aim, on. dose offsets such a £f*ri*r Ht'ff.V 1 ! TUTTS HAIR DYE. GBAT Wav. or WHISUBS changed to a QIOSST BLACK by a tingle applicjuion of this DTB. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or M*W York. Cleveland bieam Gauge Co. Solo Proprietors sud Manufacturer* A Watson's Portable Fovgc, Wslm's Tsrgs .I'. jLu, Holt's Patent Ste. m Cannes For Loconn i:r< s and Ktati O.Y y En;?<t*. *. LceoaoLve Cprbj tilmtis- T;it Pisrs a: 2 Ts;* Ci= k ';i sEXt ioi: nnctxia .wn i ntrt u t. WOl E3 : 13. 15 AND 17 WIST FTTtrEf. Office: 211 tiperiar Slrei, CLiIVELiAIi, Cilia. TEE CELEBRATED WOOTON DESKS. With Rerolying Cases at Ends. OUR NEW LOW-DOWN ROLL TOP. Length height, 40 in. 4q| OUR POPULAR FLAT TOP DESK. Length, 5 feet We apply this principle of revolving cases to a great variety of desks. For par ticulars and prions send 5-cent stamp to MAYNES, BPENOER A Co., Rtohmoiitl, Intl., U. 8. A. PB.OF* W. E gsicians, result Irons HAHKIS' A RADICAL CURE FOR KJE Circular And Trial ftick- NERVOUS Organic WeataessHffi^^ trrreo FOR SEVEN without daSnkema. VEARS BY usi IN MAMVEM I HOUSANO OASIS. antasSi* dements TTtEATMJByT, back.imd § fnd rapidlygains both Three twi svmsl rigoe. Ry WB ChXVJiI VSUOB w ** T AT. RAINBOW RUPTURE Simple, aefe, reliable and o perfect retainer. It Is not a Truss. Worn Day and Night ana ite presence forgotten. Send for circular with testi monials from grateful sufferers cured by this ap pliance. Address Central Medloal and SurgMOl Institute 920 Locust St.. St ipule, Mo. Skillful treatmentjjiven all kinds of RUXIMI and medical casern , Weakening diseases and pri vate trouble# in male and female our specialty. Be sure to write as before taking treatment elsewhere, Consultation fires and Invited; y IHuttrations, with dctcriptloM of the boat Flowers sad ■UHKV t 1 1 * \LT Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, and how to grow A* ' them. Printed in English and German. Price only to cents, which may be deducted from first order. JCKfr . . '* *eWs what you want fbr the garden, and how to get it instead of ninaing * the grocery at the last moment to buy whatever Mods happen to be toft over, meeting with disappointment after weeks of waiting. BUY ONLY VICK*S SEEDS AT HEADQUARTERS, YzA JSSe~£t\ TICK * ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAOAXXNE. 3s pages, a Colored Plate in every number, and many fine engravings. Price, fii.a* a year; Five Copies for fis. Specimen numbers 10 cenu; 3 trial copies aj cents. We will send to nny address Vick's Msgasine and any one of the following publications at the prices named below PBHRgP? K wtdo Await, tiood Oh—r. wAYtokr* HmHat flar SI.OO. 7 " m VICE'S FLOWER AMD VSOSTABLX GARDEN, o pages. Sin Colored PhUcs, nearly >OOO Engravings, fi.sj, in elegant moth covers. -W jaWM VTfW - -- —*— W VP *. Jp Jf\ \ Ckj™ wAmLMM AwMMtMSVy Sis Xs • ; mk Everybody acknowledges that THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST PLACE to buy FURNITURE iS AT MAUSK'S STORE ON Penn street, Millheim, Pa. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, LIBRARY. DIKING ROOM A KITCHEN FURNITURE LOUNGES, PATERTROCKERS, RAT TAR Jc REED CHAIRS, till styles, TABLES, STANDS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, WHAT ROTS, BUREAUS. BED , STEADS, SINKS, CUPBOARDS, CRADLES, MAT TRESSES, from the finest curled hair to the cheapest Straw , a yreaf rarity SPRING BEDS , all and everything in Uie furniture line, on hand or procured on short notice . ft, t , | . Not undersold by any Store in the Connty. An extra largo stock of Faper Hangings, Decorations. 4*o. Give me a call. W. T. JTAUCK. J. H. KUEZENKNABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1202 N. THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. BAUS & CO'S Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral Upright, Grand £ I PIAWOS The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. ORG A2VS The most beautiflil and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments, Orgauettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, C& Sheet Musio (Including the popular 5 and 10 oent musio) Musio Books Strings, Sec. QAT.T. TO SEE ITS. Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa, Agent for Union and Oentre Counties. PENN HALL CARRIAGE WORKS ! XT. G. (Do2<rJDo,< Proprietor and Manufacturer of Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. Experienced workmen employed and satisfactory work guaranteed at all times. New and improved machinery in the shops. Repair work promptly attended to. Prices as low as anywhere. £A II iflC DO VI A This SULKY PLOW with it* patent Tmno. Sows** fSHBPnA I Z v A HON BTW. WVZJCL and swinging beam is the moat perfect ■ ■ ■ li If Implement of the kind in the world. } We make the fitmoua W Bl • "SWW6BEI*"SDIIT ! f THE BEAM can be fhetened rigidly when deeired. or nilUtl.MlbdM.tiW J| I "Girdtl Citj Clipper" taking Plow out of the ground. PLO W &p Burn FOB Cuccuh RAKES,' M'F'fi CO., dse, cfcc* JBT- , | | Bitocwnr* to Ftirmt A Bredley MTg Co., or to our Baaxcu Hocua: DAYID BEADLET rre co., sl Leuie, He. ®AVI BRADLEY M'F'U CO., Indianapolis, led. }YID BRADLEY ft CO., Xlueapol&Mriu rlr 7 ariD BRAD LET * co., ceunrtißM*, u, BRADLEY, WIIEELEU ft CO.. KjUMU* Cltr, Kg, \ • .ft.* u .1■ ' • " ■ A kif •' ■*' •• When the word Sstoy or tits fS9O to sU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers