Journal. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND, 1885. Published by R. A. BUMILLER. SALE REGISTER. Jan. 24th—A. H. Minri*. executor of the estate of Mrs, Elizabeth Corman, late of llnines townsdlp, dec M—household goods. Jun. 31st—David Burrell, Spring Mills,—real cs tate. Feb. 26th—T. Scholl, Halncs township,—live stock and farming Implements. Mar. 12th—n. W Shafer. Wolfe's Store, -live stock and farming Implements, Mar. 19th—Abs. Musser, Halnestbwt ship,—live stock and farming linple me . LOCAL NEWS." —Cold, dry, windy 1 SUBSCRIBE for the JOURNAL. —Call at the JOURNAL Store tor choice Cards and Pictures. —Mrs. Wra. Kerstetter has been in ill health tor the last week. —Miss Carrie Gutelius, of Mifflin - burg, was here on a visit to friends. —The storm on Saturday was too iLuch for Geo. Springer's bather sign. —From what we hear there will be a great many changes in town this spring. —We are glad to state that Afiss Maggie Alexander is able to be about again. —Miss Marion Cantner is the guest of postmaster Musser aud family at this place. —Some of our exchanges say the prospects for a brisk lumber trade this epriug are good. Rev. Ketterroau, of York County, a Lutheran minister, was among oar callers lust week. —lf in need of an attractive poster come to the JOURNAL office. Satisfac tory work guaranteed. —A new arrival at Willis Bollinger's last week. It is a girl. Willis feels accordingly important. —Don't forget that the JOURNAL store is headquarters for school sup plies, writing papers, envelopes, &c. —Mr. C. A. Weaver, of Aaronsburg is assisting in taking an inyoice of J. W. Snook's stock of goods this week. —We request ministers to promptly hand in all notices of deaths and mar riages occuring in their congregations. —At the evening services iu the Lutheran church last Sunday, conduct ed by Rev. Ketterman, two persons u nited with the church. —A nice lot of Fresh Fish just re ceived at D. S. Kauffman & Co. Will be sold very cheap and by the pouud or barrel to suit purchasers. —The best place in Millheim to buy your groceries is at G. A. Harter's, on Main street There you will get the best goods for the lowest price. —A number of our citizens expect to attend court at Bellefonte next week. Some as jurors, others as witnesses and others on general business. —Ws wondered why. John Hall snwle such a big smile the other day. He was presented with a hearty boy ba by and consequently feels good. —A meeting was held in the Evan gelical church last Monday eveniDg for the purpose of making arrangements for a musical convention at Millheim. —The mattiug bought by the ladies of the Luth. church for the chapel was laid last week and is a decided im provement to that commodious build ing. —Mr. B. W. Sbafer, of Miles town ship will make sale of his livestock and farming utensils, on his premises, near Wolfe's store, on Thursday, March 20th See posters. —Rev. S. G. Shannon, of Watson town, a gentleman known and esteem ed by many of our readers, has been e lected pastor of the Lutheran Church at Sunbury. —Prof. D. M. Wolf, county superin tendent, made us a pleasant call on Thursday last. We are always pleased to greet Prof. Wolf and cordially in vite him to call often. —Mr. Abs. Musser, of Haines town ship, expects to make sale of his live stock, farming utensils and household goods on Thursday, March 19th. Sale bills will be out in due time. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. -Clothing gold at and below cost at Peccard Brothers' ou Main street. If you in tend buying a suit or overcoat do not fall to call and get first choice. —Mr. Cyrus Bright, of Aaronsbing, | who had been visiting in Kansas for the last few months, returned home the other day,as hale and hearty as when he left. He speaks well of his west em trip. —Seyenteen of our youug men board ed a two horse wagon last Thursday evening and took a ride up the pike to attend Mr. Auman's school entertain ment and "spelling bee." They report ed a nice time. —That new btrber chair of Geo. L. Springer, manu.actured by C. W. Al bright,is a very neat piece of workman ship. We were not aware of Charlie's abilities in the furniture line, but that chair at once convinced us that he is as good a chairmaker as he is a buggy and sleighbuilder. FIRE AT MILLIIEIM.— On Friday evening about 7 o'clock the western of Main street was illuminated by the fierce flames issuing from the wood house of C. F. Deininger's property. The fire originated in a box filled with pitch pine shavings and gained strong headway before it was discovered by any of the two families residing on the premises. The cry of fire ran along the streets and dozens of men, armed with buckets and tubs were on the ground in five miuutes from the time the alarm was given, By that time the small building, connecting the two dwelling houses, was a complete victim of the flames and for a while it looked as if the two large houses were to follow suit. The bucket brigade went to work with a vengeance and by faithful and daring efforts succeeded in conquering the raging fire fiend. The house on the eastern side, occupied by Mr. Kurzen knabe was considerably damaged by the flames and had it not been for the snow 011 the roof and the general dampness of the weather, it could hardly have been saved. The furniture belonging to Mr. A. O. Deininger, which was stored away in one of the departments of the small building was all destroyed, the intense heat making it impossible to enter the room. It was indeed a wonder that the conflagration was checked in so short a time, considering the meagre facilities the town affords for work of this kind. Of course Prov idence, as in many cases before, was gracious. Nad it been dry and windy, the chances for saving the town would have been slim. The excitement a mong the neighbors was intense and many were looking for a clean sweep of Main street. The damages at Rev. C. F. Deininger's propeity are estimated at S3OO. The buildings are insured in the Lebanon company. EDITOR MILLIIEIM JOURNAL.—LI the name of my father I wish to take this opportunity of returning our ear nest and heartfelt thanks to all those, who so nobly and kindly assisted in ex tinguishing the late fire and saving the property. God grant that they may never be required to lend such assist ance again. ROSIE N. LUSE. CARD OF THANKS.— I hereby teuder illy sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many friends of this community,who so kindly and nobly aided in extinguishing the fire last Friday evening at our resi dence, and helped lo remove our goods to places of safety and shelter. I also feel deeply grateful to our immediate neighbors, who so readily threw open their doors for our accommodation and supplied us with all the necessities re quired in such a case. Hoping that none of you may ever be placed in a sim ilar position, 1 am Yours very respectfully HARRY J. KURZKNKNABE. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUN CIL.—In view of the great danger, that threatened our town by conflagration on Friday night last, be it Resolved , that our citizens deserve and are hereby tendered the sincere thanks of the council for their heroic and successful efforts made at the im minent risk of life and limb in quench ing the fire which broke out at the resi dence of Rev. C. F. Deininger on Main street, placing a good portion of our town for a time in great danger of de struction. By order of the council, ADOLPII MILLER, JACOB EISENHUTH, President. Secretary. —We publish part of the Council proceedings of Monday's special meet ing and onr readers will find that Mill heim is at last awakening lo the fact that it is absolutely necessary to do something in the line of a fire apparat us. The council has taken steps to procure hooks, ladders aud buckets, to be paid for out of the borough funds. Every property holder and resident of towu will at once heartily endorse and support this timely action of our coun cil because it is in the interest of every oae to haye complete and handy ar rangements to fight fire. With a de cent outfit and a well organized and drilled company the chances of saving properties iu case of fire are certainly better than with the present facilities and we hope that the good work will be pushed without much delay. —The following are the directors of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, at Centre Hall : Maj.J.B. Fisher, S. J. Herring, Gregg; John'Musser, Haines; S. Gramiey, Dan'l Brumgard, Miles; 11. E. Duck, Penn ; Dan'l Weiland, Har ris ; Hon. S. Gilliland, College ; H. C. Campbell, J. G. Bailey, Ferguson ; Sam'l Slack,Fred'k Kurtz, Potter. The board organized by electing the follow ing officers : President,Fred'k Kurtz, Vice President, S. J. Herring, Treas urer, Wm. Wolf. Secretary, D. F. Luse. THE GREAT ZINGARI.— For tooth ache and neuralgia has no equal. War ranted. Only 15 cents at all drug stores. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. —Mr. Daniel Stover, a son of Mr. Noah Stover, died on Friday evening about 7 o'clock at tin home of his pa rents on Penn street. He was a young man of about 23 years of age anu had only been sick a few days. We under stand he died of hemorrhages of the lungs. He bore his sufferings with resignation. His bereaved family have our sympathy in this their hour of af fliction. The funeral took place on Monday forenoon, when services were held in the Lutheran church by Rev. Z. A. Yearick which were largely at tended. Communicated. —The public entertainment given by the Pike school, in Penn township, on Thursday evening, January 15th, con sisting of declamations, dialogues,med leys, select-reading, &c., n fleeted great credit upon the participants, who acquitted themselves spler.didly, calling forth rounds of applause from the large crowd of spectators. When the pro gramme was exhausted,sides were select* ed for the "Spelling Bee." About fifty pet sons, among them many from a dis tance took part in the battle of words. So evenly were the sides matched,that, when the order was given to "spoil down," tlicy stood a tie. Rising to their feet, the orthographical warfare grew fiercer, cutting down and thin ning out the ranks, until but two spell ers remained In opposition. Mr. Geo. Springer, of Milliieim, on one side, and Mr. John Philips, aon of B. F. Philips, Esq., on the other. The floor was warmly contest!d for some time, but finally the Goliuth of Millhein* was pros trated upon the plain of orthography by the young David of the Pike school. Good order prevailed throughout and the affair was a success. Much praise is due the teacher, Mr. W. T. Auman,for his untiring interest and the manner in which lie conducted the exercises. Mr. Auman is a model young m r n awd a painstaking teacher, ever striving to make himself woithy c t his responsible calling. Nothing in the line of duty escapes his vigilance. By dint of his Personal energy he has made of himself what he is ; and wo doubt not, but that, by continued perseverance, be will sooner or later become a shining star in the literary and scientific world. A SPECTATOR. —Mr. John K. Ilosternian and Mr. B. W. Shafer, two old friends and sub scribers of the JOURNAL, visited our sanctum on Saturday forenoon. Call again, gentlemen, you are always wel come. —THE LAST CHANCE to get nice Robes at cost. After this week the robes we have on hand will be returned to the city. If in need of one call at once at D. S. Kauffman & Co's, Millheim, Pa. —Rev. C. F. Deininger, of New Ber lin, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Millheim, looking up damages of the late fire and making arrangements for immediate repairs. lie expects to move to town in spring and naturally wants things iu order. —The Clearing Sale of Clothing and Hats at Peccard Brother's on Main street will positively close on the first of February. We have an immense lot of suits for men and boys, also o vercoats and hats, which we will sell at a sacrifice. —From the Philipsbut g Journal: The Millheim Journal was 5J years old last week. The paper knows none of the infirmities that accompany old age, but is brighter, newsier and better than we ever knew it to be. Good luck to the Journal. —Dr. C. S. Musser, while out on a professional trip on Sunday had a break-down, one of the wheels of his buggy having given out. The doctor made short work of it. He went home on horse back, with the buggy behind him on a rail. —Mr. David Ulrich's chimney caught fire on Saturday morning eirly, sending the flames to the top of the house at a lively rate. Several neigbors who took notice of the flames called his attention and the fire was extin guished before it could do any damage. —Friday was one of the gloom iest, most disagreeable days of this winter. A heavily clouded sky, continuous rain aud wet gnd slushy streets and pave ments—bad enough all around to give a fellow the 4i blues." The mill race in several places overrun its banks. —Saturday, for the sake of contrast, WHS exceedingly stormy and cutting cold. The wind at times fairly shook the buildings in their very foundations and every now and then a blinding snow squall would help to make it more unpleasant. It was a bad day for man and beast. —Quite an interesting and successful revival is is progress at the Mt. Union church, in Clinton county, under the auspices of Rev. C. W. Raver, U. B. preacher of this place. Ten professions have been made so far, one by an infl del, who had not seen a bible for Ave years. —The large party of Lutheran friends who had come to Prof. Kurzen knabe's house last Friday evening to have a pleasant time with Rev. Ketter man, of York Co., had their hands full in helping to check the warm and un expected reception, which took place there. —Millheim experiences a little stir at present by the discovery of what may turn out to be a paying coal mine. Mr. Geo. Peters unearthed several large chunks of genuine coal and asserts that by all appearances the vein runs up un der Mr.Bierly's farm,north of town.We understand that the parties are taking steps to have the matter investigated. I FOR RENT.— That well known store stand at Farmer's Mills with dwelling house, bank barn and about 15 acres of farm land. This is a desirable busi ness location in an excellent farming neighborhood, convenient to churches, schools and railroad. If so desired the store stand will be rented separate from the other property. Apply to J. B. FISHER, Penn Hall, Pa. COUNCIL PKOCKEDINES. Council met in special meeting last Monday evening and after disposing of the reg ular business, passed a vote of thanks to the citizens of Millheitn for their ef fective help at the Are. See resolution in another column. F. F, Wetzel then offered the follow ing motion : In order to aid our citi zens to be the better able to successful ly work against the spiendof ftre in the borough of Mill helm,be it resolved,tnat a committee of five be appointed, con sisting of two members of the council and three citizens of the borough, to take into consideration the propriety of securing hooks, ladders and buckets and ascertain the probable cost of dif ferent outfits. The committee to re port the result of their deliberations to the council as soon as practicable. The cost of the hooks, ladders,buckets, Ac., to be assumed and paid ty the borough. On motion, John 11. Maize and W. U. Ilenney of the council,and J. W.Snook, 1). A. Musser and S. D. Musser of the borough were chosen members ot the committee. On motion council adjourned. —lf you want to take advantage of low prices in general merchandise you should call on Wm. I'ealer at Spring Mills, fie is offering great bargains. Hut remember it is not bargains in old and shop worn goods. llis stack is all new and fresh. lvision, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., publishers of schoolbooks, New York, favored this oflice with one of their at tractive and useful almanacs for 1885. It is gotten up in a very neat style and is a (It ornament for any sitting room or oflice. We return our thanks. ll. A. Mingle, Esq., is the execu tor of the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Gor man,late of Ilaines township,deceased. He will make sale of the personal pro perty of decedent on Saturday, Jan. 24th, 1885. See notices among the le gal advertisements. Mrs. D. W. Zeigler gave a grand turkey supper at her bakery on Penn street last Thursday evening. Other engagements prevented us from respond ing to her kind invitation to be present, but we learn from those who were there that the supper was gotten up in Mrs. Zeigler's splendid style and that all the guests did full justice to the sumptuous fare. —We call the attention of our read ers to the changed advertisement of the Millheim Marble Works. Mr. A. C. Musser, the proprietor has been con nected with the business for the last ten years and is an experienced me chanic. It in need of any tombstones you will do well to call on him at the shops on Main street. His prices are as low as anywhere. —Mr. David Burrell,of Spring Mills, will sell his property at that place, at public sale on Saturday, Jan. 315t,1585. It consists of a lot containing 2j acres, with a large brick house, summer house, stable and other necessary out buildings thereon erected. Never-fail ing well of water and fruit trees on the premises. —The following item from the Sc linsgrove Times gives just dues to one ol Aaronsburg's former citizens,of whom our sister town has good reason to be proud : The Shamokin HERALD says that, Prof. Wm. T. Meyer has instructed nearly one hundred pupils, in the mu sical art, since his arrival in that place, which is now little m re than a year. All who have been receiving lessons speak of him in the most compliment ary terms as a teacher. AB.S. lIARTEK, AUCTIONEER.— This name has become so familiar with most people throughout this and neigh boring vallej s, that it is hardly necess ary to state that no better auctioneer is to be found anywhere. lie has the ne cessary quantity of "wind," is able to keep the crowd in good humor and dis poses of the Broods on hand with all the dispatch possible. It will pay persons wishing an auctioneer to procure his services. His charges are moderate. —An exchange truthfully says: "The local paper is the one identified with the interests of your home. It is con ducted by those you know. Its col umns are filled with what is of special value to vou. In its prosperity you can best contribute by giving it your sup port and patronage. It knows your wants. Your interests are its interests. It is your friend, your neighbor. Your duty is first to it, in preference to any and all others. No outside or foreign paper can possibly have claims against you until your duty isdischarged to the local journal." Communicated. DEAR EDITOR The undersigned beg to use your columns to acknowl edge the receipt of a very substantial do nation, amounting to s2*2 50 from the Brethren and friends in Millheim. On one of the packages was plainly written. "From a sinner." We are glad to note that some sinner in our town shows his affection for a minister and his family, and we hope that he or she will pray "God be merciful to me a sinner" and obtain the "Pearl of Great Price." The Brethren and kind hearted friends of Sugar Valley also remember ed us with a donation of about SIO.OO worth of eatables. Our prayers go up in behalf of these people, who have made our home moie comfortable and lightened our burdens. May God bless them and their dear ones and enable them to repeat their acts of kindness. F 0. W. RAVER & FAMILY, —Don't you forget it—that although the times are a little hard and business not as brisk as it could be, yet we are daily getting in new goods and can al ways give our customers fresh bargains. D. S. Kauffman & Co., Main Street. —llow about a 'spelling bee' in town? Spring Mills Items. Mr. John Hunk, chief engineer for Vanderbilt, is yisiUng his brother,Geo. A. Hunk, in this place. Master Ilarry From, the active little news boy in this place is busy making arrangements for an extensive spring trade. The fair and festival in the M. E. church this week piomisesto be a grand success. Prof. Frank Musser, of Aaron%burg, was seen on our streets on Sunday last. Fred. W.Kreamer lias returned from a two weeks'trip to Union county. * # * -Mr. A. C. Musser has just receiv ed a car load of marble from the east, among which we notice some very fine monuments. Mr. Musser puts out much excellent work and his prices are as low and piobably lower than those of any other marble establish ment in this part of the state. The people of these valleys have no need to go away from home for anything in the line of suitable memorials for their de parted friends. 3t Madioonburg News. Exceedingly stormy on last Saturday. Our schools are closed this week on account of the convention. Simon Nathon is mending slowly,but is confined to ins room yet. One of A. Ocker's lumber teams ran away last Saturday, but was caught be fore any damage was done. Mr. Dunkle and son, of Lock Haven, were here beginning of the week, doing some fancy, work on the windows of the new Lutheran church. Jared Hazel is getting lumber ready to build a new stable on bis lot near the Reformed chuich. Mr. Henry Vonada contemplates re modeling bis bouse this spring. Wm. Hazel has the contract for the work. The musical convention began OD Monday with a very large class. STILL. —MUST GO. The horrible nauseaus worm-seed compounds called vermifug es and worm syrups, many of them as worthless as they are obnoxious have had their day. It is downright cruelty to compel a child to take them, whin McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders so easy and pleasant to tnke that chil dren will take them and never know a medicine is being administered, can be piocured for the small sum of twenty live cents. Any case of failure to cause expulsion where worms exist, the mon ey promptly refunded. JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAT & CO., Philadelphia Agents. Sold by J. Eisenhuth, Millheim, Pa. LIST OF JURORS.— The following is the list of jurors drawn for the January term 1883 : GRAND JURORS— Fourth Monday. Sam'l Glngerich. farmer. Worth. William I*hler, farmer, Beuner. Thomas Davis, laborer, Ferguson. Daniel Lutz, farmer. Spring. ■loslah Johnson, farmer. Walker. David Ulrlch, laborer, Penn. Robert Strunk, farmer. Marlon. George A Bayard, moulder, Kellefonte. Kmanuel Cronemiller. farmer, Haines - Noah Leltzel. farmer. Haloes. Jackson (Jorum, policeman, Phillpsburg. John S (lonian, farmer. Haines, l'eter Lauck. fanner, Ferguson. David L Decker, farmer, Patton. John Alexander, gentleman, UnlonvlUe. John W Smith. Justice. Reward boro. L C Bulllck, laborer, Huston. Win Hatton, laborer. Rush. J A Aikens. merchant, Bellefonte. Alexander McDonald, laborer, Huston. John C Bible, farmer. Potter, l'ellx Dale, fanner, College. K 11 Marshall,farmer, Patton. TRAVERSE JUKORS— Fourth Monday. Solomon Candy, laborer. Howard. Andrew l.vtle, farmer. College. Amos Garbr'ck. dairyman, Spring. Henrv L Harvey, farmer, Boggs. Charles Moore, teacher, Harris. James Hull, farmer, Walker. Sam'l Harpster, farmer, Ferguson. R A llall. fanner. Union. S W Barefoot, laborer, Potter. Foster Jodon. farmer, Spring. 811 Bartley, farmer, Harris. Milton Levinan, laborer. Boggs. Cyrus Callahan, laborer, Union. John Spade, farmer Marion. John Dubbs. farmer, Spring. John .1 Orndorf. farmer, Haines. John A Harper, merchant, Bellefonte. Thoinas Taylor, laborer Bellefonte. I) A Musser, gentleman. Millheim. L J Blng, painter, UnlonvlUe. J Goheen, farmer. Ferguson, W F Fitzgerald, blacksmith, Bellefonte. Jer Jolinstonbauch, farmer, College. II B Meyers, farmer, Beuner. D M Berlew. shoemaker. Liberty, Ben Llmbert, fanner ,Gregp. C L Bufflngton, clerk. Milesburg. Charles F Richards, jeweler, Bellefonte, John Hite, farmer, College. Oscar Peters, farmer. Union. John liiackhill, merchant. Bellefonte. Martin Gowland, foundryimui. Phllipsburg. Wm Moon, mason. Liberty. Sam 1 Green, merchant, Haines, Cal Bathgate, farmer, College. A T Gray, farmer, Half moon. Jacob Me vers, farmer, Harris. W H Wlgton, gentleman, Phllipsburg. J B Roan.farmer, Beuner. Dan'l Roush. shoemaker. Miles. James J Gramley, farmer, Walker. Ben J Kcrsteter, farmer, Penn. Wm H Wagner, miller, Boggs. James Gllliland, farmer College, Henrv Weaver, farmer Liberty David I-ohr, lalairer Gregg. J W Collins, laborer Rush. Thomas Dunkle, farmer. TRAVERSE JURORS— First Monday of Feb.. ISBS. Foster Nelson laborer rbllipsburg. J H Lee, farmer Potter. Albert Lucas, Justice Howard. Wm J Speer, sup't Bellefonte. Win Harper, merchant Bellefonte. Win Atkey, farmer Spring. H I) Showers, farmer Walker. George Funk, laborer Hush. J H Flshburn, farmer Benner. J B Kreamer, farmer Miles. Edward Barrey, forgeman Howard. Phillip Gross, laborer Bellefonte. Jerry Sweeney, blacksmith Spring. David Camped, farmer Harris. John L Musser, capenter Fereuson. B F Keister, shoemaker Millheim. George Clark, farmer Potter. JainesP lrvin, clerk Bellefonte. Henry J Itotli rock, farmer Spring. Jacob 11 Wyle, carpenter Haines. Orin Vail, laborer Rush. C C Roup, lumberman Union. Henry J Derr, plasterer Bellefonte. A W Reese, lumberman Worth. SSCrissinan, druggist Phillpsburg. Michael Gill miner Snow Shoe. Aaron K llall, farmer Union.; Henry Meyer, gentleman Miles. R H Wilson, justice Marion. A H Smith, agent Philipsburg. E P Barton, laborer Uuionvilie. Geo Wister, merchant Howard. Jacob W Hazel, farmer Miles, i Ben Stover, farmer Miles. W B lboinuson, clerk Boggs. G F Cray, farmer Patton. DIED. On the 16th Inst., Mr. Dauiel Stover, of Mill helm, aged 22 years, 2 mouths and 5 days. A NEW DEPARTURE. u' ■ A Strictly Cash Store Where goods are bought and sold -FOR CASH- Believing that the j>coplc of Centre county arc fully awake to their best interests and that thev have the intelligence to comprehend and the courage to recognize the means best calculated to bring about the most desirable results, wo would most confidently and earnestly submit the following for your careful consideration : That king credit has slain its victims by the thousands upon its ex tended battle fields is a fact beyond successful contradiction, and we would only ask you to call (o your recollections your own observations in proof of this fact, and, the pitiful appeals of those still under th e crushing heel of the tyrant fall upon our ears with unmistable certainty and we would say, come, let us rush to their rescue by wielding the sword, of justice and striking the monster down with a decisive blow and keeping him there by eternal vigilance. This can be done only by a system which pays as well as demands CASH on delivery. # This system we will adopt and put into operation on the twenty-sixth day of December 1884, after which we will buy and sell positively for cash and produce only and will name such figures on goods as will fully convince every intelligent person that it is to their interest to buy their goods where KING CREDIT finds no quarter, but where the O-A-SIA: SYSTEM is radically and permanently established and strictly adhered to. Kindly in viting and soliciting the co-operation of every one in giving this system a thorough trial, we are Very Respectfully Yours, Dinges, Trumpfheller & Co., COBUIR/IN", PA. P. S: Country produce taken in exchange for goods and cash paid when desired. J. H. KURZENKNABE & SONS' MUSIC HOUSE. 1307 N. THIRD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. BAUS & CO'S Square, Grand Boudoir Gem & Orchestral Upright, Grand The best now made and endorsed by all eminent artists. ORGANS The most beautiful and sweetest toned in the world Smaller Musical Instruments. Organettes, Musical Boxes, Musical Toys, &c. Sheet Musio (including the popular 5 and 10 cent music) Music Be ok, Strings, &c. O-A-XjIJ to SEE US. Harry J. Kurzenknabe, Millheim, Pa. Agent for Union and Centre Counties. — mmim MILLMIEM M&MBI .A.. O. MTTSSBR, (SUCCESSOR TO DEININGER & MUSSER,) DEALER IN All kinds of Marble Work, SUCH AS Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Tombs, &c. ALL KINDS OF Granite Monuments and Headstones .: tioU. furnished at lowest prices. SHOP 0./ V MAPY STREET, EAST OF BRIDGK . . r —— —_ word Organ is mentioned. they Es+gy uroaA to. y/ r wA each suggest tho widely ißUattl sb 0r 0 Vt" j known and so popular axe the in ' j— . 1 I ~jr struments and the makers. iifim "Tflft Wk M Fivo letters in each of the two ® JL' vfE A I n words are reminders of enjoyment Ph I / " in multitudes of homes, niustra ted Catalogue mailed free to all
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers