|l(* Journal. THURSDAY, APRIL 17TH, 18S4. Published by R. "AT BUMILLER. Clinrcli & Snnfla" School Directory. Evanffelioal. Ret s. B. Hengst and J. B. Fox, Breach's Rev. B. Hengst will preach on Sunday morn ing. Sunday School, I^P.M.—D.L. ZEHBY, Supt. Missionary Society meets on the third Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Rev. O. P. R. Sarvis, Preachcr-ineharge. Preaching next Sunday evening. Sunday School at IOJ4 A. M.—D. A. Musser, Snp't Reformed. Rev. Zxringll A. Yeariek, Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsbnrg next Sunday morn ing, German. Mile society meets regulavly on the first Tues day evening of each month. United Brethren. Rev. J. O. W. Herald, Preacher-in-eharge. Sunday School,? A.M.—J. G. W. Herald, Sunt. Lutheran. Rev. John fbmlinson, Pastor.— Preaching in Miilheim next Sunday evening. Sunday School at 9 A.M.—II. E. Duck. Supt The Augsburg Bible meets every Thurs day evening at 7 o'clock. Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon day evening of each mouth. Presbyterian. Rev. W. A". Foster, Pastor. Lodte & Societ" Directory. Miilheim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. C.W. HAKTMAN, Sec. K W. SKVCCK, N. G. Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of 11., meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday or each month at I>*. P- >t • and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at IS, I>. M. D. L.ZBKBY, Sec. T. G. Fun \RT>, Master. The Miilheim K. & L. Association meets in the Penn street sehool house on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTEK. Sec, l>. L. Z.KRUT, Prest. The Miilheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. H. B. HARTMAN, See. SAM. WEISKR, JR, Pres. Democratic County Committee for 1884. Bellefonte N. W James A. M'Clain. S.W A1 Garman. *• W. W James Sehofield. Howards - A. Weber. Milesburg Dr. W C. Grove. MHlbeim James C. Smith- Philipsburg Ist W J. N. Cassanova. 44 2d W J. O. Loraine. 44 3d W John M. Holt Unionviile P. McDonald. Benuer Win. H. Close. Buggs S Frank Adams. 44 N. - George Brown. Burnside H.M.Meeker. College W. 11. Tibtens. Cartin John McCloekey, Ferguson E. P - Peter Lanck. " W. P Levi Walker. Gregg S Luther Rishel. N - John Kossman. Haines E. P M. Feidier. 41 W. P— George Rower. Halfinoon D.J. GATES. Harris Jacob Weaver, Jr. Howard Geo. D Johnson. Huston.- Charles Murray. Liberty. Frank Brown. Marion - - ... John Hoy, Jr. Miles Peter S. Beirly. Pattou Robert Reed. Penn - Andrew Campbell Potter N. P Dr. John F. Alexander. 44 S. P Joseph Gilland. Rush S. P. - John O'NeiL 44 NP John Long. Snow Shoe N. P Edgar Holt. 44 44 S. P.—. Spring John Gerbrick. Taylor B. V. Fink. Union - Sam'L K. Emerick. Walker Sol. Peck. Worth Win. Lewis. P. GRAY MEEK, Chairman. THE State Convention at Allentown last week is a credit to the democracy. Some of the best men of the party represented the people and harmony and good-will prevailed throughout its session. It resulted in its almost un * animous choice ofMr. Randall as Penn sylvania's candidate for President —A selection which is heartily indorsed by the democratic people — and in the a doption of a plain and concise plat form, based on economical principles favoring abolition of the internal rev enue system of taxes and a reduction of the tariff duties, condemning the e lectoral fraud of 1870 and the refusal of the republican legislators to agree to an honest and fair apportionment of the state. The resolutions contain ed in the platform bear the closest scrutiny even of the opposing party and look the questions of the day square in the face. Space does not permit us to give a full account of all the proceedings of the convention nor a list of all the c leetors and delegates chosen. The delegates-at-large to go to CHl cago are : B. F. Coxe, W. A. Wal lace, W. F. Harrity, James P. Barr, B. F. Meyers, W. H. Sowden. Among the electors who will help to make the next President we notice the name of Hon. A. H. Dill, of Un ion county, to represent this, -the 20th district, while W. W. Rankin of Lock Haven and Harry A. Hall, of Elk county, are our delegates. General W. W. H. Davis, of Doyles town, Bucks county, is the nominee j for congressman-at- large. THE Democratic national conven tion at Chicago, in July next, will consist of eight hundred and two del egates, and under the two-thirds rule it will require five hundred and thirty five votes to nominate. The conven tion at Cincinnati, in 1880, was com posed of seven hundred and thirty five delegates. WASHINGTON LETTER. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 15, 1884. The end, aim and object of the Dem ocratic party is to protect labor from the reaction of enormous and grind ing monopolies. The argument that is urged against tarriff reduction is that it will tend to reduce American labor to the condition of the "pauper labor" of foreign countries, which if true should put au end to any debate on tariff reform. But, see if it is true. To-day the spinners of Fall River, to I the numlicr of 80,000, arc working on two-thirds time, while every loom in England is running on full time, and while our cotton manufacturers enjoy the protection of average fifty per cent duties, the wages of American operatives are no higher than those of the English spinners. Mr. Shaw, the consul at Manchester, England, in his last report says: "Operatives here are the best paid and most comforta ble working class in England, and their influence and wealth are increas ing at. ft rapid rate.*' Mr. Shaw i: a Republican, and yet he gives this in biased evidence in regard to what we arc to call "pauper labor" in free trade England. The Manchester operatives are happy and contented, while the Fall River spinners are lighting, and lighting continually, against a reduc tion of wages that has aggregated in three years more than si\t\ seven per cent, and more now threatened. The contrast is one worthy the study of the politician as well u> the political economist. When properly studied out, it is possible that the Ameri can operatives may desire to shake otf a system that robs them of their earnings under the swindling pre tense of protecting them. Everybody remembers that when the old public functionary, .James Buchanan, was President, his beauti ful niece, Harriet Lane.presided at the White House, and never, since the days of Mrs. Madison, have the hon ors of the Executive Mansion l>eon ad ministered with more grace. She at once became so popular thai a reve nue cutter was christened after her, and once upon a time she accepted an invitation to take passage in the ves sel from Washington to New York. This simple act. which was in viola tion of all precedent in the history of the Republic, called forth a mo>t stern rebuke from the President, about whose ears came animadversions from all parts of the country. How differ ent things are in these days, though hardly two decades have passed since this simple social innovation ! The successors of Mr. Buchanan, with the exception of Air. Johnson, have used the vessels of the navy for purposes of pleasure without regard to time,season or expenditure. Grant led off in the business,Hayes followed it up,and Ar thur has out done them both by using one vessel for himself during the sum mers of last year and the year before while he sent his daughter on a junk eting 4our in another. Nor is this all of it,nor the worst of it,for three weeks ago the P. S. man-of-war Yantie was dispatched to the Bahamas- by Secre tary Chandler to bring home the fam ily of Air. Edmunds, the upright, he incorruptible and accomplished Si a tor from Vermont, and who ex pects to he in a position next year to ! reciprocate these hospitalities from the Executive Mansion. While it may seem odd that Air. Edmunds, under the present stress of circumstances, should take a hand in this sort of bus iness. the tax-payers may well pray for a little less of t lie Edmunds met h od, and a little more of the Buchanan style of perpetuating national integri ty. PHONO. —macwßi m:i\ i ■■■rriTiwwmiifr w i —1 LKG.7L . QD VERTISE.MEJTTS. REGISTER'S NOTICE.—The following: ac counts have been examined, passed and remain filed on record in the Register's office for the inspection of heirs and legators, credit ors and all others in anywise interested and will be presented to the orphans* Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the : i>tli day of April, A. I'. IKS-l, for allowance and continua tion: 1. The second partial account of B. F. Phil ips. surviving executor of &c, of Christopher Meyer. late of Penn township, deceased 2. The first pan ill account of I*. (). Dr-ining er, one of t!y. executors of .Jonathan Philips, mte of Mjilheiur borough, deceased I!. The account of M. L. Kishe!, administra tor of &c. of Catharine Shnltz. late ol Gregg township, deceased, 4. The account of Samuel Hull, administra tor cta of &c. of lesse Hall, hue of Kendall county, state of Illinois, deceased. 5. The account of Ames Kocii, executor of &e., of Mary A. Koch, late of Potter townsliia, deceased. 6. The third and final account of -J. (l. ( ar son, administrator of &c. of Ceo. Carlin, late of Potter township, deceased. 7. The account of Adam Krumiine. executor of &c. of .John Heimbaeli, late of Potter town ship, deceased. s. The seventeenth annual account of John Irwin, Jr., and Daniel Kim,ids, surviving trust ees, under the will of William A. Thomas, lute i of Bellefonte borough, ueeeased; as filed by John Irwin, Jr. 9. The second partial account of John liar- ! kins and George W. Harkius, administrators <>f : &c. of Win. Hat kins, late of Potter township deceased. 10. The account of G. W. Wiiiiams, adminis- I trator of Xc. of Lydia bliuey, late of Goll-re township, deceased. 11. The account of D. p,. riot: her and Ru dolph Fletcher, administrators of &c. <>r Fred erick Fletcher, late of Howard township de ceased, 12. First partial account of Benjamin Puck, administrator of &o. of Margaret sharer lak* ol Halfinoon township, deceased 13. The second final account f John G S >n key, surviving executor ol &c. of Joseph Pu ier late, of Potter township, deceased. 14. Second account of James IP. Coburn, ex ecutor of &c. of Daniel Kreamcr. late of penn township, deceased. 15 The account of Joseph F. Williams ad ministrator of &c, of Mark J. Williams, lat • of Huston township, deceased. Id. The account of I). M. Waengr, late guar dian of Win. A. Thompson, minor, as filed by AI vira E. Wagner, executrix of &<>. of I) M Wagner, deceased. 17. The account of Thomas Dale, administra tor of &c. of Peter Shreck, late of College town ship, deceased. 18. The first and final account of George Dale, executor of &c. of Robert Kendall, late of College township, 19. The account of John M.Pacini, administra tor of Ac. of Sarah Fleming, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. 20. Account of John B. and Samuel B. Shafer two of the administrators of &c of Samuel Shaffer, late of Miles township, deceased. 21. Tiie account of Samuel Gramiey. trustee to nuke sale of the real estate of Samuel S! it er, late of Miles township, deceased. 22. The account of John Grove and M. J Royer, administrators of Ac. of Jonathan E' Royer, late of Potter township, deceased as fired by John Grove, acting administrator.' 23. The account of J. P. Spangler, adminis trator of &c. of James Rupert, 1 ite of Liberty township, deceased. JA.MES A. MCCLAIN, Register. rpßKAsritFirs SALE OF UNSEATED 1. LANDS FDR I \XFS F<> . 198*2 AND Ps AND I'KFYIOI S 5 1 \RS,—Notice i* li< i by given that In pursiinnee ol ail Act of Assembly, passed on the 1.211 i da> <>i June, A. I> 1815, en titled "An Act i > amend an Act, directing the mode ol sidling unseated lands in Centre coun ty," and the several supplements thereto, there will he exposed (•> publi • sale or outery, the fol lowing tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in the borough ot Bellefonte, on Monday, June fitli, A. I>. F-1, at one o'clock, p. ; m.: • ACRES. I'KR, WARRANTEE NAMES. TAXES. SEN N KLI TO W N'S L|LT'. 58 llolmus, Kobt 2 01 I'D Dale, I'llrlst Sr., (owner) 4'A' nouns row NSIIIC. 113 Dale. Ann. part 11 27 : -'Ft lis:: I ta/ior.Nolluoa 2" s.; 16t Fishluii n,Hannah II '-'1 433 161 Gray. Win 38 95 131 I>7 Godfrey, Martha 15 12 4">l 163 Harvey, Jonathan 28 wt 418 10 Hood, Will 4 ! Sit 40 Hood, Moses ... .33 87 I*l Lucas, I M A-J P Packer 21 00 I' 3 list Lewis, David 43 '5 309 m"Coy, Frank yt) 30 50 Faker Lucas 50l 458 I I Itussel, \\ ill 81 13 153 li .'S Russet, Th nnas 2" '' i 50 Walker, Jon.(owner) 4 o •10 l.enthers, Jasob, (owner) 2!1 383 1i23 Weiss, Adeline! 29 09 111 RNSIUE TOWN-ItH\ • ' Bluejc, James I 1 I-5 lo: thuds, Itoht 19 It i I 3 h'td i radv, Win P 9 72 ! 133 hid Br.idv, Joiin 9 72 ! F.I hSt Bell,Wm 12 9d j 133 153 Hiiiglanni. Wm f0 .H) ; !1"> hoyd,Jollli 18 07 I 453 lit", livers, John 195? 4.3 list Cot k. Win. : 1944 I 153 103 Cow don, John - 12 l .io 453 lit.: Do wart, Wm 0 48 i d 103 Dewart, John 0 48 JJ3 loi Doneily, Henry o I s J. 33 103 Doneily, John 12 If! I ! 103 Fox, Samuel M li'.Ki 4 ! 10! Gray, Kolit 04s 43d 103 Gray, Win 0 IS 483 la Grain, Thomas 1290 42! 10.3 Graves, Alex 12 1.23 1 03 Golx-ii, ■ Charles O F 43't h!3 Hamilton, Thomas 1290 149 Han is, Henry 12 < o 4 3 153 Harrison. Geo 19 52 4 3 10.3 Ilousel,Jolin 12 e0 1 3 153 Hum. Person 45 47 4 5 103 Kidd.John ... Id . 5 l! 5 Levy, Nathaniel 12 I.': 1 ! 103 Lvon.-Jolin 12".Hi 4:21 I*2l AieLanah in, Blair 19 52 4 5 15 5 Mel-anahui. Geo. 45 17 4 .1 15! McLauahan, Polly 45 hi | :.3 IV! .McLauahan, Ann 15 l< 1..8 159 Meld. G. t 290 Miller, Win 099 4 1 103 Morris. Joseph 12 Hi : 153 Nicholson, John 153 Pettit,Ann 39 47 1: 5 10:1 Shaffer, Henry 12 "0 4! 5 Tall man. Sarah M 12 Id 4'l 1.5.3 Tench, Francis 32 M i.5.3 103 Towers.James 9 72 415 Thomas, Joseph 12 4.3 415 Wallao '. Jos' p!i 9 5! ! •:! 101 Wallace, Joseph 12 90 415 Wcitzel. John 11 17 4F5 W eldner, Jacob 5. 25 1*23 Wheeler, Henry- •! 53 103 \\ ilsoii. Hiril 12 s . 2>4 Withington, Martin 3(1.5 (\9U.Fi.E TOWNSHIP. 411 Johnston, Koss 1-542. PfKTty TOWNSHIP. J2.4 Aiiisley, Robt .59 09 41.5 Alien,Chas 59 99 370 Baird, Snmnel 38 35 18.5 Brady,Wni 1* 37 92 897 Car-caddcn, D 45 78 :5'.7 Coats. Lindiey 2300 1.59 Custer, Pant 15 74 :'o run In, John 3?s 2--i 120 Carscadden, D 14 0 t 311 Deliaven. Peter 7j, 52 S2 106 P viing, Joseph 12 to 451 Devllug, Joseph 59 7S l:li> Donald, Henry 3diio 311 hvaiis,('adwaldei' 52 >2 415 Elliot. Win. 70 44 115 Eddy, Ester 82 84 448 99 Fpple. And 73 88 415 Gray, Robt 04 21 415 Grav. Will 04 24 415 Gilbert, Wm RtW 3i'o l<Mlfivv,Martin Klio 300 142 Godfrey, John W 44 In 120 Jlahn, Peter 12 24 415 Halm. Susan o.i 21 i 0 Hollowcil. Ed 112" 112 Humphrey, Thomas 1147 203 Irvin, Jntiics 3? 12 Kelso, Joseph 50 so ; 3 Kelso, Rebecca fit) i y 41-0 Kelso, Josejih 4S(o 200 lane, Man 1-50 Lane, Sarah 44 .Vl 115 la*vy, Nathaniel 82 90 2 ,1 7'._. 1 t.sMis, ('ii'eli 3246 297Imngstretli, Isaac ::s.*r, 2 7}<j Low us, ( aieh 38 20 2t7'" J.ong y tiv h. Isaac J(j 70 Mason, John S 12.32 450 -MeCai'lcy. John. 45 U 300 Meyer, Philip 1700 1 > Meyer. s :iiion, 23f0 CO 48 .Meyer, Mi iir.oi .5 > i 420 Aieyer, Valentine v v ■ 1:0 .Miller. James 29 12 to Mitchell. Wm P.- 1680 I I Mitchell, Wm P i 1 7s 220 Mitchell. Win P 2>74 2D Mitchell, Jhn P M 110 Me vers. Rover. •> 19 8,13 112 Drvis, l-Jils. 1 301'4 134 Packer. i W W72 42 Pa. ker, J VV 4 U 15 Packer, .j W 1 50 110 Packer. WM 12-7 320 J'aeker. 4 W .'. y 14 U Qulgley, Cline 554 100 huiitii, Pctor lo -jo 483 153 Samuel Mi y i d !• Tallman. Mary '-9 78 2"0 Tunis.Bit hard 2 1 Pt 2eo Tunis, Kiehani - 19 Di 115 \V;i!i;. Juet Jt 4194 •217 Winrto . Fi-hhurn •' "> 59 2i7 Wliarton. Fishftuni 3550 h'. i Willis, J, .atban 11 10 415 V. istar. Caspar 114 99 433 163 White, .i unes, : 160 Willis, lonatti.ui II 10 501 VartCey. Wiu 490 PER;;"Son* TOWNSHIP. D> Bui oilfield, Win -5 9,5 It) I licks, \lirarn.. 1 159 Thomas, Peaeoek(owuer) 12 00 (iIIEOO TOW NSHIP, i:m A-kin, Robt 1 0,8 110 Mnzeiy, Jacob 2 0.5 17.9 Mercer, John., 4'" 120 Reese, Daniel 4 99 150 Zeialer, Michael 17? 52 A Cu-'ter's pst. (owner).... 3 99 HAINES TOWNSHIP. 3!'td Oil Barr, Thomas 6 5] \x) 09 Barr. .Margaret 7 25 87 Harrows, Jofiu of 1 :>i ,375 00 Barr, James > 7-4 •'BB o.) Barr,Mary o 92 I*t Beek. Henry 2 99 44<i 28 Dudbridpe. Hauuah 5 2 is] Fees, Jaciib 2 19 4'H> 89 Gratz. Mich tol 7 23 ! 0 Giat7., Bernard 585 202 140 Gillnian, II <3: > Snyder.... 17 00 25.3 Gillman, 11 & S Stiyder.... 12 93 455 Halt, Chas 10 90 •*' 09 IJpks, Mgry 7 20 190 Lowery... 1 ; 2t) Parker, Win 5 78 159 Stover & Wolf 3 94 88 Fidd. Will s:{ 159 !> Hensel (owner) 1 .33 125 D ilep.sel (owner) 1 19 I 2-5 1.39 Wiess, John & Sol Neldigh 45 HALFMOON TOWNSHIP. Beck, l>anl 13 80 95 Keith. Jacob 28 10 210 I ambut n, Josihh 32 2 y 24 Jaeob Vanpool (owner)... 4 96 0.3 .89 < Vanpool 44 9 ,33 70 C Vanpool 4 * 11 52 ■IS C Vanjiool 44 .3(8 HAHRI* iGW h'sillp. 4'id Andre. Absoloiu 3ft i 133 Fox, Geo 1 89 499 Harrison, Win dsn 39 livin.Jolui 122 19) Parker. Richard 3 80 49) Reed, James 3 8) ! (, 7 92 Wharton, Kearney 4 23 100 Young, sanmel.... '.xi HOWARD TOWNSHIP. R'7 19! llrown, Samuel*.. 668 17.-5 92 Harris, Jas 1) 3 81 i •55 I'diTis, Jas i>.. 209 | I**o V, idi.s, Jun. s K End. 14.33 16<) Willis, Jonathan 14 31 lit -TON TO'.VNSHIP. 4.3d 163 Barter, Values.. 2.519 120 lve.il!), Adam 8 58 59 Kuhiis 434 431 163 Price, John 25 19 4-33 16.3 Rollington, Jolm .3511 133 16,1 Whcelamj, Joljn 2-311 LIREUTY TOWNSHIP. 16 ! Ilaycs, Itobt A Jas 25 95 171 He's. Geo 1) 10.87 3')' i 3 Irvin, Robt 29 61 319 Jackson, aere 22 63 18;) Lytic, Peter OHO 150 Lytic, Peter 005 175 (fulgley, Jiim-'M A 1956 168 Shaw & Lingle 8 21 34!) Smith. Christian 1(! 72 MARION TOWNSHIP. 17 Lewis, Robt 4 07 37 100 MeKinney. David 620 70 - Koljrer, CJn j5...,, IS 00 50 Win Tilghmaii (owner).. 12 90 100 ,T P Harris e 12 30 19 Isaac Frain *♦ 7 04 28 John Zeigler 44 7 98 60 Yarger, Simon 4 02: 60 Yarger, Simon 4 02 1 200 Young, Robt 22 80. MILES TOWNSHIP. 430 Brady Kobt 794 1 > 110 Brady, Hannah 7 ! Hiady, jam* 1 7< i!Oi> lirutlv, joint 17( , >lO l ni.iv. Wm I' HI 110 Brady. Wm 2 •'< ' 1-1 ('it 11 itni 11. < Ic.orgO iSi ■ 10.1 Cniothers, .Mines 7 4 i 10 Cooper, Will 27i - •i-ii l-v.trmi, Joseph •"> • MM til-ay. 111-1t VH: i.o Grant,Th-num... 8 7 i 263 Ilnmcr, Willhm . i 460 linntef, Alexander. -- 140 .i.iekson, Jeremiah 0 2 • 13 Kills, George > MHO |,cvy. Aaron ■"> > M- Norton, *iuil 7 8 l 1 o I'arl.er, Min 1 "> l 421 I'nrker. RKliard 5 9 1-• Parker, .icrciululi " l'.i *< r, \\ in I o • I.M St <1)111111, Win 2'.i > -'"Oh Hilt It, lln .ma 17 ! 100 f-eott, Abr.ih tin I s I 0 SlMll-t, S.lllll " - i i o Scot i. A> raham - 7 ! '. v o Scoit, sanil io ; 100 , Taugart, Robert 3 4 1 i -'To Ti ijiji joint i' Tnlaml. Ueui v 7 - 1 i• HI l.ong,c (owner) 17 ' l 1 *> \\ h u toil, Mooic 2 | j '-'a William. I>a\ id 7 ■* l I NN row NOtie. i! Ml) Armstrong, .mines Or I 1 I '0 lo ( nwilon, John ii ( . : li' 2 10 Cowdon, John 4 n 10 Hamilton, Thomas 6t i i 0 licphui n, .lani'" • i > ■ >lO 21 Hepburn. Mines I t i i o Kctu,. iv. .i -ii i ( ' ! 1 > i Kennedy, i in "■* ti ( II 104 mi Keoueih lml . • 1 tos 1 I K niiciiy,' ill .'I 1 J 111 8 Kci.nc.h. '.< iocs .'{- 1 i :.'<o I.yon, li 1 en hi i 200 Lynn, IC.'i'kut! 8t I | .'III I yon, lit 81 ontgoinei >. vv in 4 i 1 > it o Montgomery, Don) 41 s i'.o I .M VHl!>\\ ,V. in . ( 8 -111 All CuUcv,4olill si ; roTrKU TOW NSHU*. 8 t!sß Hound, Maiv 4< • st ill ('.micron. Alex I I ; 112 ("arolln'i-s 2 1 20 Fullmer. ' > I! i " i Gurigus, ]. iw.trd * > i o daily ua, V> i .. ' 100 HanUon, Win Hi 2 40 Living stal l *7 '• lo- Mr ClolJan.Gco It ' 7i I'cek, J.ts 1) • 0-> John l.di.< r(o-viicr) 1* SPUISO a- -.snip. I l-0> 115 Pr.nlon, Ji !ih ii 1 - o 801-isou, Catharine o 1 ; ' Kohison, K< Mcca p• 5 Jo loM an, Kicli u-| . ) 9 • -ii Fool. Henry .a - "2 102 ') ii rnbnrg, riiointui 6< I 100 •) (ior<t<n (owner) .14 , 74 I inline \Yii.l:u \ (owner) 7 1 SN'O-.V UOK TOW Ns.'i; C. ; • If. is .(C<l. And 107 7 j i 1 I Bingham. Wia so <i ÜBI 1 US Brunt, Felix 80 ; i'-ii Ciymcr. (Ico 8 ! ! Ml I-I Campbell, Ge<> mi \ il2 II i usradden. David <7 - 112 ti i :t)s, ad<i ui, Ir.vli 77 ! ; 2-7 80. ( arscadil-'U. David !7 ; id IV, i Ox. )'au! - i * , ' ; 1 l -' < Olltuill. Tlios - ' , i - M l < I 'iniuyli.'ini, DII 7 > i i ' i Delauey, Sharp h* () O.'Hl l)cvclil|ff..l<-t'|l!l V 1 218 Dnltson, Sam'l 27 i : I ddv. He . I", t , 2-m t'ii/.iiaiin i.i-s, 21 -. , i •163 Sani'l ; 86 r. i 1 I'll Kislmr, dami '' 71 , ' 1" ! n!-r. Saia'l \V iVt (irav. Itol-ei I s j • 2hi .ltisliy. Jit'. , 1-1 Hale, .lain s I' - 7 I ' "-ii llaic, -Jantes T 1 T-'l Ml Haw thorn, Titos -a , 1- IV Hawtli in. ./lines m, ;• 133 IV I --wis. Wirt 1 i I ■ l ewis. Win lawyer - i Ml lann. Sam'l ! To , -".* l l lyyct. ./• >IIII 7 - : OH) la ny,.IZ <o 4 2HI 1.0)12,.I 77 ; .114 l.i-ir:, J/. ,7 ; i '• > 1-1 Ma> lan, Jasper 7" 413 . 1Y Mavston. Kdward 7fi • ' M' . MeManun-i, Jan.es 7 Mi IV McLnnabati, Blair 7 ' (.1 M-1 Meet I. ('.to i, i 4"-'- 1 : Wel'lierMt'i. Win r. ' lV MeKweii, Thos TOP Ml Ml Mililketi, M T <i ! mo .- 4 Alt-hell. N.J . i i .Misner, l.uke 7 > ; •"3 Alonjan, itenj It t 1 2t 1 t Morris, Boh) 7< ' 2 8 71 Ncsbit,.l'ilni AI i,o 413 I V Parker. Win 7 i ' 216 l' n ker.dei enilali 27 • -1'• Parker, Jeremiah 27 i-i Pm.Joiui i ' --M IV Pirn, Iluti ! a )."< Hey, .r<di ' 5 -i 2 1 111 itoileir.-ilelui ,*;> a Slllppcn, Tlios 1 7<i 4 -1 I V Sent, Kdward 70 v in Ml Ttillinan, Benjamin V , K2 Tomkins, Jos 17 1 445 163 TalSnkn, Sarali M 70 *•: 1 i.l I*l v - a roitine, A S 1 ' ISO s Vairtyke, Henry. :;l l- M! 14 Wain. Itel-ecea" ; 1 IV 1 t Wain. I'heliy 7n 7 1 '• 14 M'l Minn, M<mre 7 i 4 '• > Wi- rt:- -. i li/alx'tli ' !- 3 WhdtiM), '? ii -s F 7 1 ' M.t i t West Francit 70 0 133 IV Weatjßeuj 7- 263 - Mi Mi West.Wm H 1 413 1-.; West, John I'H West. Frances ! HI'SII -VlWNSinp. 1 > 3 13 Allisoi, John i 7* Allisoi, j noes 1 ■ - 2 -t Alltaoi. Aud Dp ' •J. ' Allisoi, A A.7 Lilly 1 i 1 327 M Aravsi <iii}i.Aiid 2< >0 10 At'ierMn. J Mellaril - ; 164 to A Bitot, Jiur.es i : 1"! Batiiniu../ seph 12 - 2 Baim ii. . pli 11 i i : 1,1 P.i veriye. 1) : v'nl "77 3 h-l. BiiiM-v. Hnn'l It !iv P.rntzasii!, Peter 1' • .'l of lt>-4 Bor'l.iid,Jolm 24 v 30<> MojieniaveV. /ohn !t In i i IV ( utiniijfii 'in.John HO in 100 ciyintv,'ie > 3970 100 Cample 4. t>co 870 110 CuUilioriTh IIP 10 133 ltil Dclanv. Mi irp 37 >7 Diirsli' F-.-denek in < 1 1-st KdwardsThos l l till 143 101 Lliler. litui r>* *-s 50 r, enc#; Edward 9 60 4 .3 IV Kitzyrc-al, D .n Go V Ml ]*.'. 1- link, Joan n> 1 Fitxsiirui.nis, Thos 29 86 274 Iraff, fal-a -tian "-I" MI l"i (Jraff. tabastian ]n."> ;>1 'lO M- (-rani.Tlios 77 '( 41 IV (Irani,Tl-os f,"7 7s 213 dray, it m 8818 (43 Ml (ileiit\|oi'lli, ,7.is 47 67 ■ 0 (trove. Klizalieth Opt 100 Gray, bill 39 70 121 132 Grove B McKean. 381 l-V Hair.(*)rlstiiin IP 47 ! 124 Ml Haii-.llristian 3010 133 IV Hair, lavid 1937 216 13 HamiUm,'i liomas V7 2t> 1-1 I.V Haintl&n Husrli- 27 V 44,3 13 Hand,Rrtin 40fl IV Hi Jfarvisjn, John 11 2t> I'T li sni -u,./os'|h 44 At) 433 1-3 Harailtm, Hnjrli '-4 78 113 11 ai*l• ii b. (ii'n M 1318 14- '. pi ! llopkiiH. Jcilin 4 I 98 •43 I V Hnber,/oiiii IP 37 13 Hajre.-.jChrisiophrr 4 93 ti Harrlsii. John 3 V i 113 IV lrvin, lolit 1"> 1 Go I I Hv( 433 IV lrvin, hdil 11 13 ! lit) Kiiur. labt-il 40 10 162 10 Ktirr. .V no 78 ! 1 163 Liltimre. l-'eo 37 67 l'" Ml l.attim re Will U -... 1162 1 IV Lenhoij Chris tian IP"-11 si 106 laiwdeLjohn 8581 I V Lowdou Hieh tV"> (>"> Lo.wder a ohn 177 76 •V I-ong. / 15 9 25 j 1 1 I.owdei, Kleliard..: '-6 | 153 Aletzjrn, Jacob 148 55 Aialone Leslie 21 so ! I V 161 Mtivsln. Kdward .17 07 2"0 _ Mel'hei.on. Will 17:50 1-3 153 Ahvera Jacob 103 18 143 IV Aliller.John 49 37 133 ]< 13 Miller, faeob 49 4-7 ! 1 -3 163 Mefoiiiell. Martha 17 67 111 i.*3 v-ad. lev "lis ' .1 ((I j H I 1)3 Morgan B U ... 1121 70 Mussel Jolin 44 81 i 173 AlosserjLti'o (smith) 67 77 lot Mel'or.lJ It & A Camp bell 19 20 6 Nelson,i-'J'en 4 22 3 120 Old. Dais 128 421 V PimJos-pb 20 51 •123 • Patl'-n.lpdi 32 6;) ' tot ■I.!;; 1.53 I'elers. tielurd 1116 il l 1-53 PfnkerUn. Henry 64 61 Ml loS Philips, Bnv'-ltnah 66 65 177 hi l'hii;ps, Hadnmn. 7. ,; -V 120 120 I'hilips, Haiiinan 64 M 0 l'assuiore & Iryson 19 20 348 139 Pirn, Henry 22 26 301 150 Piin, (leorn- 10 2-t 216 80 Raitiey, Uo-t 56-45 1-53 lteese, Thojas 2)B('.t; 444 1.51 ltohrer, Chilian 4917 543 153 lindisill, .fadh 1' 2 ; I 405 47 KHUII, Jacob 142 65 413 151 Knsh, Bcniniin 177 7^ HI KoWon, \Vt H 12 •17 Knbtsoii, Vlll II 1 28 214 Hour, Jac:> 7!) 13 433 _ He.hal'nen, Jasper 195 31 HI _ 153 Klienk, Artrew 4917 433 ' 153 Slienk, Chetian 49 47 443 158 Slienk, Mlaael 4!) 37 247 16 Sleek, 28 28 433 153 -Speer, Kotot 115 20 ,i 1( -< , stotigh. Geo 1910 1 219 Seott, Antl 25 13 | - ! 406 Snyder, Barbara 77 91 . I 191 Krench. lid (owner) 37 01 ; 1 Corkeiulaic. W 1! u.y, ... 122 il eidinan. John 55 02 • i M 2 119 Weldmnn, Jacob 1805x1 , 12 Williams. .1 C 717 M loi Wilson, John 11 Sit 42'J'4 Wilson, John 417(1 - ' • W Itson, Win lo 03 ' n 4V 1,4. l-.<ni, Wm. 1 4 ti" ~ ill- Mi W llnier, aohn 36 I- 1 ~ 106 100 Wilson. Win 97 92 . IVI.OU TOWN sine. l-'d \ run f A shaller 18 31 IK - Heekwilh. Cleniviit 77 5(1 ,'K " Bell, Win 32 At 1,. 409 Bnsli, Jftlltcs 51 (N , I ' t ('lark.Joseph ti It 17'*. Coates, Moses 21 I" 8| I ' " f ~i '• ItJi Hoodintin, Klizuneth 8 7" - l '.i Hamliiiton, Hngli Tor-t !>\ 4 I IV Hoo|nuau, John 25 it) 67 7* Lot .Volte V, Jacob Van- Pool 4 1. 63 1 I ot No 11, e v, jaeob Van -- _ in-ol 381 V 7! 117 l.ot No 16 (,' \' A, Kiephcn v- son St 45s " 70 Lot N1 1 <' V, llenrv Ste plu'iisoit 4 2, op lot Masdoo, t jiontas 32 0( ,-j -9-1 Montgomery. W W 335! Pl 1 ' 263 MeCatunioiid. John 55 n; e-i I'D KaMton, Davhl 15(* no - 1 >B.iy<|er. lhu baia 2tVP i,S 9"' Vanpool, ('.* K*4< (-;) 0 \ i||(i<d, Jaeob 6 P id i ' WhlLeln-ad. ltiehar-1 44 21 1;2 "t John Well - 7C,< ;J 60 Voder, Joseph 1i "a 81 CMON TOWN-llll. 1-5 1 Brower. Wm .11 .7 j( 2"0 liiilui, P it 12n> 1-0 140 A! .tun, Harvey 44 'J ~i 100 Phipps.Hamm'l 11 s l lioiiias, 11 (on ner) 4 II . ' - s -> P B ("rider A Son " T'.HH j IV Ml Wist< r. Win 143 75 WAI.KKIt TOW N -nil'. ' - I '.HI 94 A-kill, Itobt 2 1 19 | 40 Baker, John 19; I" I 7 . 1") Baker, liobt & John 8 1-i Barknian, s.intl lo 1' ! 19 120 Brooks. Ilulh 31 • ; -po liradv. Wm 72t JH , 129 ('ui\ier. Mary 6 7; 71 115 Hi Dauphtcry, .Viarjraret.... 27; 11 1 Daurhierv.Kllznbeth 44: j 69 59 Kvans, jesse 1 i'h o) Mi t Kv.ins, Jesse 24' 26 L'ekert. Will 2 1 ( ~ '- ! 1 72 Hahn. l'oter 5 0 - 47 H.II1 1, KU-uexer ">: '! " 4" Hahn. Will 15- 9 19 James, Margaret 5 2 .' i 1 .lame . Edward 5 1; ' ! -*•'•• l J- liitstoii. David 13 Knox. John 7 I 1} MeKweii, Mary 114 M'l Mansell. Will 7 8: | 9 ) 91 Mereer. j.hn 2 L 27 l- o Mereer, David 7 3 . j '-1 46 Miller, Win 92: Meealinont, Tlios IP (isinan. ('apt .5 ft 10 Packer, job 2<i 10 Packer, James 21-' } Piird.-ii, Biehard sot Peed, David 7 2* Ito'dson, Kicb rd 7 7' sin'.Hi, jolin ft lleiiry it* .- 1 1 '• Sutter, James ... . 96 4- Sutler, Daniel 91< swanzy. William 1 4< W iekeishain, Amos 7 }. WOHTH TOWNSHU'. Ciymev, Henry 8 9 v I Gray, J B ' 27 i Hawthorn, Thomas 14 8- Kuhns, john 499. Lawman. George 32 c,; -iiylaii. Jas]M'r...., 24 7t i- > Miles - , Sum net 52 3; Morris, Widow 4 77 lioss, Je-hn 10 6: Swans . fell. John 14 ik Sniper. John IS siiiwjH 11, wm J 15 2: Jonathan. Laird, owner.. 12 1: A Laird, owner 4: - t nknow n. vaeaiu 7.5 ' Jaeob Vanpool, owner.... 5t Ist or. Win. 1111 Wister, Daniel 214. D. C. KKLI.HU, Treasurer. OBPHANS CD) PT SA LK.—ln pursuance ol ail oiilcr ot Hie Orphans' Court of Centre - my. there will be exposed to public sale on !<r< HUM'S in ihe borou-.'b of Miltheini, 011 riUHsiuV, A PHIL 24T11, 1884, :i o clock. v. M.. the following described real j--!ate late the property or John Keen, ileeeast d No. 1. Consists o| a valuable tract of FAUM 1 AND, - : nati" in the township of IVnii. two miles west j : III.; tun-ouch-of MUlhetni, mi each side of the >l! icjit and Mi til 111 burg turnpike, containing TWO IIUNDKKD AND TWELVE ACBES, i- at measure, survey tlwreof being made Is*fore . < <ay of sale. I [ion this tract there are THIRTY Veres of While Pine, Cli stunt and Oak timber i 1 WO-STOUV t- UA Mfi Dwj.l 1.l \<; Hoi SK. built , • <•> Hirt e years apo with g<md barn and other , ii huildiius. I here i- a large orchard of cliolee ■iiiil* 1.11 in well u.\t'.'ivd l>y i'gim] Kind (- 111 excellent e and it Mil. No better farm in the ciuity. 1. No. 2. ( Vmsi>{s ef s FIVE AClil.'S OF IHTLDING LOTS, in the borough of Mil'dieim, In the western part t -.-. Pl Lotougli. specially adapted for building , purposes. 1 -: -or S\i 1 Jhve per cent, of purchase npuiey I,- In- paid uh-11 the property is knocked eowii; one third oi r-*sidue cash upon contirma t: a of sale; one third in one year thereafter Ptli (uteres: and the rein lining one taird at ,4 • 11 of Mary K-*en. widow of decedent , \\u.i interest lie r.-on to be paid to her annually , Saul two last payments to be secured by bond and in j'tyagt; 011 th 1 promises. 11 >•.'N H V KEEN, Trustee. 4 - i. ' $ \WPHAN'S( i H'RTSALE OF VALUABLE v f Li. \I.L- iA . K.—By virtue of an order of •' phan s ( 'Urt of Centre County, tin* un !•- .gm-d Will olfcr at pub lie sale "at lhbers u 1 £ licdid in !ii * • t < i\\ 11 oi U 'l'prsljurir on Sit ur— April 12th. l'SM.at one o'clock I*7M. ail the 1 < wing described real estate, late the proper -1 i;> ' . Maae/eigler d< (*<'ase<| to wit: . N "- Vr Two lots of ground situate in i •• I ownsnip. Centre (ounty, about tliree , ' 1: lis of a mile south of IMI-ersburt. Isiuiuled I on tm n ltil by lands of ceorge Weaver, 011 ; i.K- - asL by an Alley or lane, on the south by i 1 pi i-be road, and 011 the west bv lan-is of John i W aite, containing three mul one-half acres more or less. No buildings. 1 V"'i ' :l lot or tract of wood land 111 Miles township aforesaid, bounded on tho I ; cast by land of Jaeob Gephurt, on the north bv ; ; anus of Aaron Leitz *ll and others. 011 the south [•I by land of n Koyor and on tho west bv Kiid of Anthony lierly, fifteen a ; : < r< s inon or loss. i { Tract No. 3. \ho another tract of wood land 111 same township, bottii-Md on the north bv I.,nds; of James Head, on the east by lands of Matthias >tray- r. on the south by lands of B. I>. , Bp-rJy and 011 the west by lands of James Bead, containing five aeres more or les>. ; i i:UMS :>K SALE <>ne lliird in casholl eononil a turn of sale, ten per cent, of which shall l-e paid 011 day <f snie; nne-lhjrd in one yar ami one tiiird in two y< ars, latter two payments i<> bear interest and to lo scoured by bond and | mortgage on die pioj-ertv. THOMAS K. ZKIGI!EK, ti Administrator of 2ve. of Isaac Zeigler uee'd A DMINISTHATOB'S NOTICE.— Letters of u\ administration on the estate of John Sniith. late ol I'eiin town-hip, deceased, having ! been granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate arc \ liereby requested to make immediate payment, ! and those having claims to present them duly i proven for settlement. JAMKSC. SMITH, Administrator. I N THECOUHT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ! ( EN L'BK 'JOHN TV, COMMONWEALTH: vs HENRY Dl'XKLK.—'The undersigned, ail auditor appointed in the above stated ease, to hear, determine and report upon the exceptions : t)l<-dtolbe account of J A. Dunkle, committee oi' said Henry Dunkle, lunatic, will attend to He* duties of his appointment at his oftlee in the bcioiigh of Beliefoiite, on Tuesday, thelGth day of April, A. D. 18st at In oVloek, A. M., of s-tiil day, when and where all interested may attend. C. M. BOWEK, March loth 1-884. Auditor. 4 1) MINI STB ATOII 'S NOTlCE.—Letters <-f i V adniinistiiition on the estate of Isaac Zeigler, late of Miles township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigiied, all persons knowing themselves indebted to srid estate are li'ueby requested lo make inimeditite payment, and those having c aims to present them duly proven far settlement. THOMAS It. ZEIGLER. „ , . Administrator, Rebersburg, March 20th. 1884. 0t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE..—Letters of administra ion on the estate of Levi Beeder late of Gregg Twp. deceased, haying been granted to the subscribers all persons \. knowing themselves indebted to said estate are I hereby requested lo make immediate payment > and those having claims to present them" dijlv proven for settlement. SARAH REEDEIt, JAMES D. GENTZLE, Administrators. KT YOU It JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Biilltciiu Journal Office. Fine WORK CHEAPLY Execute. The Bee Hive Store p 0 1 K-T Ml >1) -I:*" Ml LOCK HAVEN HI 12 ; . |L i has many patrons in Centre county, the result of | many years' patient and honest dealing and a quick insight in their wants and wishes. *1 Itj - v . | A large invoice of choice Spring Goods ' have arrived. Will be pleased to show I them to you. Muslins, on which our reputation is unquestioned " were never as low as they are now. Hill Muslin at 8 1-2 cts. Very best !> goods at 10 cts. The unbleached mnslins | are accordingly as cheap. I'd |!| We are selling a surprisingly good Gingham at 5 cts., very good at 8 cts. '£ Best Whittendon Shirtings at 9 cts. :! You will need them before long, buy them | now before they are gone. The Bee Hive Store is headquarters for Tickings, jj An unusually fine.line and cheap. | Turkey Red Table Linen warranted Fast Colors, R 50 cts. Pr yd. The 6th invoice of Jamestown Dress Goods have <; arrived, best goods for the money that can be pur chased. 25 a A new and choice line of 12 1-2 cent S DRESS GOODS. 0 ishmeres and Silks in abundance. Oue half ton of CAR -13 PET CHAIN. 25 cts. We get your carpets made for you and . charge you the weaver's price. We have just received the finest and largest lineof CARPETS 1 ' ever brought to this city. LOOL AT THEM BEFORE THE CHOICEST PATTERNS ARE GONE. • EVERETT & CO., n PROPRIETORS OF THE ti . LARGEST WHOLE SALE HOUSE ! Seising- off t Cost! W.T.Manck & Son ARE SELLING OFF THEIR E3STTIE/E STOOIC OF -FURNITURE- To change the arrangement of their rooms. • PARLOII SUITES, CHAMBER SUITES, DINING ROOM FURNI TURE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSIEADS, STRINGS of every description, HAIR, COTTON. HUSK A STRA W MATRESSES, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CRADLES, HALL STANDS, CENTRE TABLES, EASY CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, WARDROBES, MIRRORS, FRAMES, WHAT-NOTS, Etc., Etc. Our stock of WdLL POFFBS A ®ECeB&TmWS arc entirely new patterns, and customers calling at our shops will after examination find that wo are prepared to suit all tastes and fancies. The leading Wall Paper manufacturers are design ing and printing papers so far in advanceof those in former years, that we can now show styles of PAPER ZHZJAZtTO-IZN-Q-S to customers that will improve their homes so much that they will not be without them. PRICES ALWAYS THE 0 V 3 3 T ! Earnestly soliciting# kind patronage we invite the public to call and inspect the goods at our shops, Penu St., MILLHEIM, Penna. "W". T l , IMZA-tjok: &c SON. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET. LOCK HAYEN. ' A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS keep the largest stock in the county 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN.
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