Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 01, 1883, Image 1

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Cm*r of Dfafn and Penn Su., at
Or 91.85 if lot paid tn advano*.
ArcaptiKe Cbt:3bcs?3C4 Solicited.
fSTAddr— all letter* to
CouM IVe But Know.
Could wo but know
The lnnd that ends our da k, uncertain travel,
Whoio be ihoso r hills and meadows
Ah! if bejoi d ihe spirit's mm st cavil
Anghl of that countij could wosuiv ly know—
Who would uot go?
Might we hut hoar
The hovering angels* high imagined ohorns,
Or catch, betimes, with wakeful eyes and
One radiant vtsta of the realm before us.
With one rapt moment given to see and hear,
Ah! who would tear?
Were we quite sure
To find the peerless friend who left us lonely
Or there, hy some celestial stream as pure.
To gaze in eyes that here were love-lit only—
This wearv mortal coil, were we quite sure,
Who would endure?
Edmund C. Sled man.
"There," said Juliet Garland, impa
tiently, "1 can't wear these kid gloves
again by any possibility. They've
been once to the cleaner's, and I've
done them myself twice with bread
She sat in the deep window-seat, her
bright hair streaked with morning sun
shine, her blue eyes sparkling with
vexation, while a pair of very much
demoralized kid gloves, of the palest
primrose tint, lay in her lap.
And Dora, her younger sister, look
ed li. tlessly up from the pile of music
she was turning over—another of the
bright blonde blossoms of humanity.
"Why don't you get yourself a new
pair?" said she. "Oh. dear! There
isn't a song here that is not a hundred
years old. •Juanita,' 'ller bright
smile, 'Beautiful daises,'• and all that
sort of thing. Rosie must get some
thing that isn't coeval with the ark.
llow is a girl to—"
"Why don't I get m/self another
pair?" sharply cro>s-questioned Juliet
"Jlrcause 1 haven't any money-that
is the reason!"
"It's so dreadful to be poor!" sighed
plump, pretty Dora, contemplating
her pink linger-tips; and at the same
moment Mrs. Templeton, the married
blonde of the family, came in with a
worn look upon her face.
"More bills," said she. "Oh, girls
what will Frank say? Stefani has act
ually had the hardihood to charge
seventy-five dollars for that little
lunch we gave to Mrs. At wood and
htr son. And Madame C'herimont's
account is eighty-nine, and I'm posi
tively afraid to open the llorist's bill."
"Then it's no use asking for more
kid gloves at present," said .Juliet, dis
"Nor music," added Dora, with a
shrug of her shoulders.
Mrs. Templeton burst into tears.
"1 declare," said she, "I'm discour
aged. And you girls are always teas
ing for something or other, and Frank
is so cross whenever we exceed th e
regular allowance!"
"Crying will do no good," said Dora
who was evidently the philosopher of
the family. "But what is that letter
in your lap, Rosie?"
"Oh, that!" said Mrs. Templeton, "is
from Uncle Paul I declare, Stefani's
bill upset me so that I forgot all about
it. lie wants one of you girls to come
up to the Maine Camp and keep house
for him. It's somewhere on the line
of the Rangeley Lakes, I believe-
Owls and whip-poor-wills thrown in
Come, girls, which of you will volun
Juliet gave a little shriek of dismay
Dora elevated her pink, cushiony
hands. But a third sister who had
been silently mending the flounces of a
pink silk skirt, in an obscure corner
looked up.
"Is Uncle Paul really in earnest?"
said she. "Then I'll go."
"Gladys!" cried all three of the
others, in different accents of amaze,
ment, reproach and incredulity.
Gladys Garland rose up, flung aside
the soft billows of pink silk that cum
bered her lap, and came out into the
light. Of all the sisters, she was per
haps the loveliest and the most deter
"Why not?" said she. "Do you
think I am particularly in love with
this sort of life? I declare, there have
been times within the last month when
I've felt inclined to go for a servant
maid, or look up a situation as factory
hand. Just consider, girls—the dress
I wear isn't paid for; the milliner is
always sending her girl around with
bills. I can't go on this street nor on
that, for fear of meeting some one who
will ask me for the money that I
honestly owe them. Rosie, like a
darling that she is, keeps giving
parties and lunches and morning
musicales, to try and get us wel l
married. Frank, poor fellow, is work
ing beyond his strength, to give his
wife's sisters a fair chance; but it isn't
a bit of use. See how we all hang
fire. Now I don't know about Julie
uad Dora, but J, for one, am tired of
lie ftillbetm Journal
DEININGER & BUMILLER, Editors and Proprietors.
' being put up in the world's window
Tor sale!' Yes, I'll go to Uncle Paul.'
"But," gasped Mrs. Temple torn
"what will society say?"
"What it pleases," Gladys answered.
•'Society don't settle my hoot-bill, nor
provide me with pocket-money."
"Gladys," said Juliet, remonstrating
ly, "I tliink you are crazy!"
"Because 1 am emancipating my
self from slavery? But youkknotw t
Julie, 1 cannot see where all tliis is to
"What* will Mr. Mandevillo say?''
demurely questioned Bora, with a sly.
sidelong glance at her sister.
"lie will say," Gladys stoutly
answered, "that there is one fortune
hunter the less in the ranks."
"Gladys, how can you speak so
coarsely?" said Juliet, not without in
"Is it coarse?" said (iladvs. "It is
the simple truth. Mr. Mandeville is
very handsome and agreeable, hut 1
don't think he will miss me after the
first evening or two. Oh. there are
too many Peiis in this Paradise! And
poor, good, patient Frank, lie wilj
have one less to provide for. "Yes,
I'll go with Uncle Paul."
"You may as well commit suicide at
once," said Juliet.
"You'll never marry in that wilder
ness," said Mrs. Templeton.
"There are nineteen old maids in
this block," said Gladys. "We count
ed them yesterday, Bora and I. Bo
you suppose there are nineteen old
maids on Lake Molechunkamunk?"
"Nonsense!" said Mrs. Templeton.
"And besides," added Gladys, the
laughter fading from her eyes, "is it
really the end and aim of all female
humanity to get married? Why
shouldn't I be an old maid as ' well as
another? Bo you think 1 shouldn't
survive it? Wait and see!"
Gladys Garland had definitely mads
up her mind on the subject Within
three days she had purchased a pair of
thick boots, a blue flannel suit, and a
poke bonnet of rough straw, trimmed
with blue ribbons, and gone out to
Lake Molechunkamunk.
Uncle Paul was glad to see her. He
didn't live in a wigwam, as she had
almost taught herself to believe, but
owned a pretty little lodge in this vast
wilderness, shaded with forest trees,
and embowered with blue-cupped
lie was civilized, and did not assas
sinate English grammar like the cham
pion hunter in the dime novels. And
he had provided a pretty little boudoir
for her, whose pink mosquito-netting
set the black flies and gnats at defi
ance, and an exquisite engraving of
the Madonna di Sau JSisto hung over
the broad mantle.
"Oh, I think I shall be quite, quite
happy here," said Gladys, as she sat in
a little boat where the drooping
boughs of the hazel bushes made blots
of shadow on the glittering lake, and
read while Uncle Paul fished.
"Don't regret any of the New York
cavaliers, eh?!' said Uncle Paul.
And Gladys stoutly answered:
But afterward she asked herself, had
she told the whole truth?
"If Darrell Mandeville chooses to
marry Miss Borrance, let him," she
thought. I shall never pursue any
man. Let other girls do as they think
That very afternoon, however, when
she returned from a long ramble in
the woods, with her straw hat full of
blackberries, she found the little lodge
"I am sorry to take you thus uncere
moniously by storm," said a handsome,
middle-aged gentleman, who looked to
be what he was, a Wall street broker
come out into the wilderness for his
summer vacation. "But my friend
has fallen over a cliff and broken his
leg, and this was the nearest point of
shelter within a range of seven
miles. Perhaps your husband will ex
cuse us, if—"
"But it isn't my husband," said
Gladys, composedly depositing tho
berries on the table. "It is my Uncle
Paul. lie is fishing, up the lake. But
if he were here, he would say, as I do
that you are very welcome. Where is
the poor man ? I am not much of a sur
geon, but—"
She stopped abruply. There, lying
on the little chintz-covered lounge, his
pallid face supported by cushions, lay
—Mr. Darrell Mandeville.
"Miss Garland!" he exclaimed. "I
am so glad!"
"Mr. Mandeville," she uttered, in
the same breath, "I am so sorry!"
I have drifted here, of all
places in the world!" he pleaded.
"Because you are so badly hurt!"
faltered Gladys, with the tears coming
into her eyes.
"I knew you were somewhere in
this region," he said. "In fact, Miss
Gladys, I was looking for you. But I
didn't expect to find you just now, and
thus, I thought— H
And then he closed his eyes; a dead
ly pallor crept across his face.
"1 think he has fainted," said tho
Wall street broker.
And just then Uncle Paul came in
Uncle Paul, who was a born chirur
geon, and who understood all the heal
ing secrets of the glen and forest —and
Gladys heaved a deep sigh of relief. It
would all be right now.
A broken leg is no joke, especially in
the back woods, where splints have to
le manufactured out of the most in
congruous material, and arnica cannot
be had short of twelve miles.
Mr. Mandeville made but a slow con
valescence, yet he did not appear to re
gard tho detention as unpleasant. Tho
Wall street broker went back to his
stocks and bonds.
"I think we could easily get you to
Andover," ho had said, wistfully.
"And a parlor-ear from there—"
"Oh, hang your parlor-cars!" said
Mr. Mandeville, impetuously. "1 am
j doing very well where I am now."
i "Oh!" said tlie Wall street broker, a
sudden light of comprehension irradi
ating his dull brain. "Oh, in that case
I may as well leave you to your fate;
It's the old story of Ulysses and tho
, Sirens over again."
Mrs. Templeton came into the room
where Bora and Juliet were remodel
ing their white dresses for a theatre
party to the Casino, one September
day, with Hushed cheeks and shining
| eves.
"Girls," she cried, "what do you
* •
think? Gladys is engaged!"
"To some buffalo hunter?" said
Bora, scornfully.
"No!" said Kosie. "To Mr. Mande
ville. lie has been up there for a
month—at Lake Molechunkamunk."
Juliet dropped her work.
"Impossible!" she cried. "Gladys
engaged up in those wildernesses,
while Bora and I are left to wither on
the stem down here in New Yorkj
And to Darrell Mandeville, too—the
best match of the season!"
"Things do turn out so strangely!*'
said Mrs. Templeton, reflectively.
And Gladys, the predestined old
maid of tiie family, was the first to ho
married, after all.
"Gladys always was lucky!" said her
two sisters.— Saturday Nvjht.
- T .
Coloring Diamonds.
Some very interesting and important
experiments with diamonds have re
cently been made at the Paris acade
my of sciences. An experienced dia
mond merchant bought a fine white
diamond for four thousand six hun
dred dollars. One morning he washed
it with soap and water, when what
was his consternation to find that it
had turned yellow, which sent its
value down to eight hundred dollars
The matter was brought to the atten
tion of the academy, and experts sub
mitted a report which showed that
diamond whitening is a fraud easy to
accomplish and its easy to detect Bv
plunging a yellow diamond into an
aniline violet dye it becomes white
while at the same time it loses neither
its transparency nor brilliancy. In
fact, on making the experiment, the
experts had in a few minutes trans
formed several yellow stones into what
appeared magnificent white stones of
five-fold value. Take a yellow dia
mond, dip it even into no stronger dye
than violet ink, wash it with water to
remove any discoloration, and tho
effect is immediate. The dried dia
mond remains white. But, on the
other hand, the illusion is of short
duration. Rub the stone even lightly,
and the yellow tint is seen coming
back again, and a little further attri
tion with the finger restores tho pris
tine hue completely. This discovery
may entail upon many persons an
awakening to the fact that tho stones
they have are of far less value than
they supposed, and will necessitate
even greater care than that exercised in
purchasing. Douglas Jerrold once
raised the question whether any pos
session really paid its possessor which
entails anxiety of mind, and diamonds
in one way or another, entail so much
that there are many to whom the great
value set upon them becomes almost
Two Hatches.
One day,when our ltufus Hatch was
waiting at the depot, on his recent ex
cursion, for a train, he heard his name
pronounced, and discovered that it was
applied to a man who seemed a bit
under the influence of liquor. "Walk
ing up to him, ltufus asked:
"Is your name Hatch?"
"You bet!"
"So is mine. Perhaps we are dis
tantly related."
The man looked him all over,rubbed
his eyes and looked again, and finally
"It's so blamed distant that I'll nev
er own it," — Wall titreet News.
Iloprlrn* I'nvnljr Forly Mnrrlnicr*
Joint Family Kyilrm.
A family, C. D., consisting of eight
persons, owns an acre and a half of
'and. Tho land was bought by the
grandfather of Uie present head and
has never been subdivided since nor
added to. Ho grows about seventy
bushels of rice and seventy-five of
wheat and some vegetables and cotton
besides, worth altogether in money
about $lO. He has two nephews who
work outside and bring homo some,
thing to help, and in that
way they get along, but are very poor
He pays government land tax to the
extent of $1.50 a year, lie and all his
neighbors wear native blue cloth, spun
and woven in the family by the women
from cotton grown by themselves. He
never wore foreign cotton. The coat
ho had on (a well-worn affair) had
been made two years previously, and it
would last two years more. It served
him at night a coverlet as well as a
coat by day •
Another family owned four acres
odd, only part of which was suitable
for rice culture. Their incomo was
about eighty bushels of wheat and 150
of rice, about a fourth of which they
could usually sell. They paid some
thing over $d a year as government
land tax. They also grew more cotton
than they could use, and sold every
year about $lO worth. They were
better oIT than sumo of their neighbors t
but never saved any money. They had
fifteen mouths to feed.
The foregoing cases are given be
cause they represent fairly the average
condition to be found in rural China-
The greater number of cultivators
probably belong to theclass of tenants.
Rome say the proportion of tenants to
peasant proprietors is as seven to three ;
others put it as three to two; but f
whether tenant or proprietor, (ho con
dition of the cultivator is much the
same—that is, it rarely rises above
what is just enough for the bare
necessaries of life. My own observa
tions have been mostly confined to this
and the adjoining provinces, and 1 ex
cluded the cultivators of tea, silk and
opium, who, growing a commodity
more and more in demand and easily
transportable, are in a far better posi
tion than the ordinary peasant ; but
speaking for the greater part of China
1 believe 1 am not over-stating the case,
in saying that for the working agricul.
tural masses iHs a daily hand to hand
struggle with want. In a succession
of good years they are very comfort
able, they have enough to eat and to
wear, and they have few other wants ;
but population Js ever increasing up to
the food limit, and when a bad year or
two comes they die off by hundreds or
Two or three causes may readily be
named as having mainly conduced to
this state of things—causes which are
generally to be found among Asiatic
races. The rule prohibiting the
devolution of property bv will, and
making division compulsory among all
male children, tends rapidly to reduce
all holdings to a minimum—that is, to
the very lowest quantity out of which
it is possible to make a living. Here,
as everywhere else, energy and good
luck raise individuals to a position
wealth, who may, if they choose, be
come large land owners ; but in the
course of a few generations this univer
sal equaliser, aided by the apathy of
the ordinary Chinese when in comfort
able circumstances, will have reduced
things to tlio former dead level
Another equally potent factor is the
habit of too early marriages. Parents
deem it a religious duty to provide
matches for their children as soon a*
they are of marriageable years, and the
young people go to the altar in as much
the same way as they go to school in
Europe.. It never occurs to them to
ask lirst whether there will be enough
to till the mouths that may come after,
wards. The evil is further aggravated
by the joint family system, which
takes the responsibility off one's
shoulders .and puts it jointly on that
of half a dozen others. When the man
knows that he will get an eqmil share
of what is going whether he earns it or
no, and that the benefit of denying him
self any particular indulgence will
accrue to others as well as to himself
a great motive for thrift is withdrawn.
Jn one respect the Chinese peasant
is in a better condition than the Indian
ryot; he is not in debt to money-lend
ers. But Ido not know that that is a
virtue for which he is entitled to much
credit, for there is no class of money
lenders to whom he could get in debt.
Indeed, I am not sure that he is not
thereby in a less adventageous posi
tion, for when hard years come he has
no means of pledging his property,
which, if he could, might save him
from sheer starvation.
Florida has 680 factories, working
2,749 hands, with a capital invested
An Imperial llog.
rotor (ho great must have been h
pleasant companion at dinner. When
he and his consort dined together they
were waited on by u page and tho cm
press' favorite chambermaid. Even
at larger dinners he bore uneasily the
presence and service of what he called
listening lacqueys. His taste was not
an imperial one. He loved, and most
frequently ordered, for his own espec
ial enjoyment, a soup with four cabba
ges in it; gruel; pig, with some cream
for sauce; cold roast meat, with pick
led cucumbers or salad; lemons and
lampreys; salt meat, bain and Lira
burgh cheese. Previously to addressing
himself to the "consummation" of this
supply he took a glass of aniseed wa
ter. At his repast he quaffed quass,
sort of beer, which would have dis
gusted an Egyptian, and he finished
with Hungarian or French wine. He
is described as "eating rudely with a
sort of swilling noise," a quite appro
priate accompaniment of such an im
perial hog's feeding.
But Peter wasn't a crank at his
meals alone. Strange stories are told
of his brutal and ferocious eccentrici
ties. On one occasion, for instance
l'eter and his consort arrived at Stutli.
of, in Germany, for the night. The
owner of the country house at which
they stopped readily agreed to give
them a small bedroom, the selection of
which had heen made by the emperor
himself. It was a room without stove
or fireplace, had a brick tloor, the
walls were hare, and the season being
one of rigorous winter adifliculty arose
as to warming this chamber. The
host soon solved the difficulty. Sever
al casks of brandy were emptied on the
lloor, the furniture being first remov
ed, and the spirit was then set lire to-
The Czar screamed with delight as he
saw the sea of llaines and srnelled th
odor of Cognac. The fire was no
sooner extinguished than the bed was
replaced, and Peter and Catherine
straightway betook themselves to their
repose, and not only slept profoundly
all night in this gloomy bower, amid
the and steams of burnt brandy,
but rose in the morning thoroughly
refreshed and delighted with their
couch and the vapors which had cur
tained their repose.
IToni that time forth a preparative
to repose with Peter was to fumigate
his chamber with burnt brandy.
Principal battles of the War.
Following are the dates of the prin
cipal battles of the civil war, who
commanded in each, and the number
killed on both sides:
Bull Bun (first), July 21,1861; North,
Gen. McDowell: killed, 481; South
Gen. Beauregard; killed, unknown'
Shiloh, April 7, 18G2; North, Gen.
Grant; killed, 17o5; Bouth, Gen. A. &
Johnston; killed, 1728. Seven Pines
and Fair Oaks, May 31 and June 1
1862; North. Gen. McClellan; killed
800; South, Gen. J. K. Johnston; killed
2860. Antietum, Sept. 10 and 17,1862
North, Gen. McClellan; killed, 2010
South, Gen. Lee; killed, 3500. Chan!
eellorsville, May 2 and 3, 1864; North
Gen. Hooker; killed, 1512; South
Gen. Jackson; killed, 1581. Gettys
burg, July 1, 2 and 3, 1863; North
Gen. Meade; killed, 2831; South
Gen. Lee; killed, 3500. Yicksburg
Muly 3 and 4, 1863; North, Gen. Grant;
killed, 545; South, Gen. Pemberton;
killed, unknown. Chickamauga, Sept
19-23, 1863; North, Gen. Thomas',
killed, 1644; South, Gen. Bragg!
killed, 2389. Wilderness, May 5, 6
and 7, 1804; North, Gen. Grant; killed,
5597; South, Gen. Lee; killed, 2000
Spottsylvania, May 8-21, 1864; North'
Gen. Grant; killed, 4177; South,
Gen. Lee, killed, 1000. The abov
figures are based on medical official re
turns, and do not agree with returns o,
the Adjutant General. No two return
agree. Tho Adjutant General make s
the killed at Wilderness 2261, and at
Spottsylvania 2270; while Gen.
Meade's report, based on reports im
mediately after the battle, states killed
at Wilderness at 3288; at Spottsylvania.
2i46. ________
Something of Hotel Life.
Gossipping about the hotels of New
York and the costly habits which they i
stimulate, the "Lounger" of the Tri- \
imie touches upon a hidden feature of
hotel life thus: "Many a guest is in
debt and cannot get away from his ho '
tel. Many a woman, apparently inde :
pendent and fortunate, is wondering
while she smiles with visitors, how she
can get her trunks away from the estab
lishment,and what person in the house
she shall strike for a loan and at what :
sacrifice. People often look into the
tenement houses and think that the
people must live very miserable there. j
but I wonder if they are not happier >
homes than some of these large hotels, !
where every week comes the repri
mand that S2OO or more is due and the
rules of the house imperative."
Terms, SIOO Per Year in Advance.
Some men give according to their
means, and some according to their
Value the friendship of him who
stands by you in the storm.
The weak sinews become strong by
their conflict with dilliculties.
No man should part with his own
inviduality and become that of an
Men must lie decided on what they
will not do, and they are able to act
with vigor in what they ought to do.
A shrewd observer once said that in
walking the streets of a slippery morn
ing, one might see where the good na
tured people lived, by the ashes thrown
on the ice before the door.
There are a set of malicious, prating,
prudent gossips, both male and female,
who murder characters to kill time ;
and who will rob a young fellow of
bis good name before he lias years to
know the value of it.
If you cannot be happy in one way
be in another, and this facility of dis
position wants but little aid from
philosophy, for health and good hu
mor are almost the whole affair. Many
run about after felicity like an absent
man hunting for his hat, while it is in
his hand or on his bead.
Personality of Locomotives.
"No two engines are alike—l mean
as regards their character,' said an en
gineer to a reporter.
"Locomotives have a character,then,
have they ?"
"They have, indeed. Thev have
their peculiarities, and their ways and
their moods also. On every railroad
this fact is understood, and each en
gine has its engineer, who finds the
longer he drives his iron horse the
more he has to learn about her. Sonic"
times she is erratic as a woman,- and
for no apparent cause. Sometimes a
higher pressure is necessary to make
her go, sometimes under low head she
will fly. And then again, under the
same conditions, she kicks and spurts
like a balky horse. I have taken out
my machine on the Fort Wayne, and
put her through the run one day at
forty miles like a lady. The next day
it often happens she'll kick and bump,
and has to be forced into going. Jt's
all according to the way she feels.
However, an engineer learns his en
gine's peculiarities, and knows how to
control them, and if she has any speed
he can get it out of her."
Wonders in Store.
Remarkable as have been the ad
vances in the uses to which electricity
can be put, according to Professor Mel
ville Bell, the future has even greater
surprises in store for us. lie thinks
the time will come when electrical and
telephone messages will be sent with
out wires. The message bearer will be
the rays of the sunlight. Tlieso-caljed
electrical action is simply vibrations in
the air, which produce certain results
at different points ; and Professor Bell
is of the opinion that inventive genius
will yet enable us to make use of the
imponderable agents to transmit mes
sages between distant localities. In
deed, there are enthusiasts who now
think that we will ultimately be able
to communicate with sentient beings
in other planets. It has been
demonstrated that the materials which
compose the heavenly bodies are idfcnti- |
cal, and it is a fair inference that
creatures corresponding to our own
race, with the same kind of faculties,
people them. If so, we may perhaps
yet have a friendly chat with the in
habitants of Venus and Mars, and
probably other worlds in solar systems 1
beyond our own.— Christian at Work. |
In a paper recently read before the
Paris Academy of Sciences, some very
interesting facts were given in regard
to the various materials used as fuel,
with some of which our readers are
probably not familiar. Fossil resin, ;
which has the appearance of yellow
amber, is obtained from the auriferous
alluvium of New Grenada. Egyptian
asphalt leaves after burning a red ash,
which is oxide of iron. Judea pitch is
found floating in lumps on the surface ;
of the Dead Sea. Samples of pitch
from Chink are obtained from bore
holes which the Chinese put down for
the purpose of procuring salt. These
holes, which are usually about 300
fathoms deep and three-quarters of an
inch in diameter, are bored with an
iron rope, and the salt water is raised
by a bamboo rod with a valve at tho
bottom. When the bore hole is put
down to a still greater depth, consider- ;
file quantities of inflammable gas issues
from it, and the gas is utilized in light
ing up the work and also for firing the
steam boilers, the Chinese being practi
cal and wide awake in this as in many
other things.
If msbficribeni order the diseonWnnation of
nevmpAfwo, the publishers nnjr oonttsM 1o
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NO. 43.
The Mother.
Though lost in the whirlpool of past ion,
Though high on Ihe pathway to lame,
When hopes of our innocent childhood
Have melted away to a name,
One Ihonght, like a gem amid rains,
Will dazzle our eyoe with its joy,
And bring back tho sweet words she uttered:
"A ou'll think of your mother, my boy."
You'll think ol the love that she showered,
Unlailing by day and by night;
You'll sigh for the swoet, good-night kisses,
Tho eyes with their meek, loving light!
And whether hle's pathway be pleasant,
Or r obi ied of each rosebud of joy,
Your heart buck to her still will journey—
You'll think of your mother, my boy!
Wherever tho smiles of a mother
I Have relightencd a heart and it I care,
: God's blessing has hallowed that roof-tree!
A glimpse ol swoet heaven is there!
Though further tho years lure us onward.
They cannot her inem'ry destroy;
In silence and tears all unbidden
You'll ihink of your mother, my bo,,
"That prisoner has a very smooth
countenance," said the judge to the
sheriff. ? 'Yes," said the sheriff, "he
was ironed jus t before lie was brought
A sherry cobbler will never mend
your old shoes.
A regular kidnapper Soothing
Why the rabbits escaped.—His lord
ship (after missing his tenth rabbit):
"I'll tell you what is, Bagster, your
rabbits are all two inches too short
"No, sir," said Fogg, "I never knew
Brown to mislead or deceive anybody
in his life. No, sir; fact is, he couldn't
Nobody would believe anything he
ever said."
Little Aggie's sister had invited her
best young man to tea. There was a
lull in the conversation, which was
broken by the inquisitive Aggie:
"Papa, is dose fedders ober Mr. Wob
binson's mouf ?"
"Yes," said the drummer, watching
a rival at a hotel; "it's his first trip
this way. Don't you see, he isn't on
tin ling terms with the table girl?"
A young man who went to the late
war began his first letter to his sweet
heart after this fashion - : "My dear
Julia—Whenever I am tempted to do
wrong 1 think of you, and I say, 'Get
thee behind me, Satan.' "
Sick man—"What! a female physi
j cian? I want a doctor, to make me
well—not a woman, to make love to
me." Female physician (bashfully)—
i *1 promise to do neither."
"Gentlemen," said the Texas man in
I the restaurant when the waiter dumped
a plate of hot soup down his back,
"gentlemen, don't laugh." As he had
risen tc his feet and drawn two re
volvers his wishes were respected.
A Unban Execution.
Arriving at the foot of the platform
the death sentence was again read, and
the "alguacil de corte" corresponding
to our sheriff—asked the prisoner if he
had anything to say to the people. He
merely shook his head, byway of reply,
and was at once seated, his legs
and his arms pinioned, with the hands
crossed on his breast, and the collar of
the garroto fixed about his neck. At
this point of the proceedings the
"verdugo" pulled from his person a
long, bright knife, and handed it to the
police who were present. A black cap
was then drawn over the prisoner's
face, and the priests began to recite the
"Credo." When they came to the
words, "His only Son," the "verdugo,"
by a swift and dexterous turn of the
lever, launched the soul of the poor
wretch into eternity. There was but a
momentary quiver of the limbs and a
straightening of the form, then all was
still, for the man was stone dead. The
mode of punishment is far more merci
ful than the hideous and bungling per.
formances frequently gone through
with at our gibbets.
The troops then wheeled into column
and marched away to beat of drums,
and now came the strange sequel to
this dismal spectacle.
As soon as the ground was cleared
one of the police went forward and,
seizing the "verdugo," arrested him for
murder, hurrying him to the prison*
where the "Juzgado" were still
assembled. Placing him in their midst
he accused him of having killed a man,
and denounced him as a murderer. The
judge asked him what he had to say in
answer to this charge.
"It is true," replied the "verdugo,"
"that I killed the prisoner, but I deny
being a murderer, for, although I com
mitted the act charged," displaying his
arms with the badge, "I did it in the
cause of justice and in pursuance of
the law, all of which I was compelled
to do by virtue of my office."
"The accused is innocent, and is dis
charged," answered the court, and thus
the formula of Spanish law was satis"
t eti.—Philadelphia Press,