FOR THiJ FARM AND HOME. Ilow to L,en<t Cnttle. A plan in use in Southern Australia for leading cattle, said to be very effective, is as follows: Tie the end of }he rope aroun 1 the base of the near horn; pass the line across the forehead, back behind the horns and under the back of the near ear, thence up between the ropes and the animal's forehead. "When hauled taut a hitch is made which takes in the ear, the least pressure upon which by pulling the rope, it is said, prevents the most obstinate beast from hanging back. Plovrliijx (aifeu Crops. By plowing in a green crop, the sur face soil is enriched, not only by the elements which the crop derived from the air, but also by mineral and vege table matters, which were brought up by it from the sub-soil. The green crop thus acts the part of a gatherer of plant food, and makes it easier for any crop soon after this green manuring to get its supplies from the decomposing vegetation in the soil. The best plants adapted for green manuring are those which derive their support principally from the air, which grow rapidly, which cover the ground well and whose roots penetrate deep and ramify extensively throughout the soil. The Horse—ltiflnmntlon of the Rorvels. In this disease, says the Western Agriculturist , no time must be lost, but the animal must be put to rest as soon as possible, for unless you relieve him enough to make him quiet in a very short time, it will be impossible to save his life. My great success in treating this disease has been to give large doses of opium and belladonna, Avith linso(Hl or castor oil. Then I give in jections of "ice water" until theboAvels have been emptied as completely as possible, then from ten to twenty drops fluid extract of aconite every hour until the horse commences froth ing at the mouth, when the aconite must be withheld and "quinine" given for one or two doses, when the aconite can be given again in the same sized doses. As soon as the bowels have been emptied as completely as possible with out straining the injections must cease and a suppository made Avith two drachms of solid extract of opium in serted in the rectum and allowed to remain there and dissolve, and under }dl circumstances the bowels must be held in check after they are tirst emptied, until the fever is broken up. . have kept horses under treatment for three deys at a time, without allowing their boAvels to move. Mustard applied to the sides and belly is thought by sonic practitioners to be very useful, let, 1 have never yet seen any direct benefit derived from the use of mus tard .in this disease. "Ice" I have found to be a great benefit in this dis ease. If it is broken into small pieces a~d put into a bucket and set before the animal he Aviil generally eat it when he xvill refuse everything else, and I have never yet seen any bad results from the use of ice in this dis ease, either from eating the ice or the of ice-water for injections. farm and Garden IVatC*. Mix one-third plaster of paris with two-thirds of corn meal and place it where the rats (but not the chickens) can get it. It causes death by absorb ing the juices of the stomach. Prof. E. Wollny. concludes that a layer of farmyard manure spread upon land protects the soil from excessive alterations of temperature, but acts injuriously upon wet soils by check ingly evaporation. Keep some salt in a box where it is not exposed to the weather and where the cattle can have access to it every day. They will take just so mu-h as they need and no more, whereas, if they are only fed salt occasionally they will sometimes eat so much as to cause excessive thirst. There is sometimes an advantage gained in blindfolding a balky horse. If the habit is not inveterate, closely bandaging the eyes will distract the attention and set the animal at work again. To do this with the best effect, the bandage must fit closely over the eyes, and the common blinders which only partially exclude light will not answer as well. The evaporation of sweet corn pro mises to become an inportant industry. One bushel of sweet corn will make twelve pounds of the evaporated pro duct, selling at fifteen to twenty-five cents per pound. Great care must be taken not to get the corn too old. Corn that is none too ripe to be used green becomes tough and dry after evaporation. In Russia the sunflower is exten sively cultivated for the oil the seeds contain. The oil is palatable, clear and flavorless, and it is used for adult erating olive oil, being exported from St. Petersburg to the shores of the Mediterranean sea. Next to poppy seed oil, sunflower oil burns the clear est and longest, so that the peasants apply it to household purposes. From the stocks of the plants they also make a good quality of potash, and the residue of the seeds, after the oil is ex tracted, is made into oil cake. I'cceipta. Palmetto Butter Cakes. —To one quart of milk add the yelks of four eggs, beaten very lightly, mix boiled rice or hominy to suit your taste, and add flour enough to make the proper consistency. Lastly, beat the whites of the eggs very light, and stir in just before baking. Buttermilk can be used instead of sweet milk, but th * acidity must bo corrected with a little soda. Turkey Soup. —l)o not throw away the bones of turkey or chicken. Crack them and let them boil for two or three hours in a little water; put in also any nice bits of fowl that are left, particularly the nook, which is never eaten. To this add any soup stock you have, and, with a little barley or sago, you will have a nourishing soup. Season with pepper, salt and any herbs you choose. llrxiar liolrt lllnta Alum is one of the best additions to make whitewash of lime that will not rub off. llaw starch, applied with a little water a> paste, will generally remove all stains lrom bod ticking. To prevent sausages from bursting when cooking, never make a hole in them wi:h a fork whilo turning them. To remove tar. rub thoroughly* with clean lard, and then wash with soap and warm water. This may be ap plied to cith r the hands or clothes. OUesl City In the World. A ride of seventy-two miles across Phoenicia, Lebanon, Coolo-Syria and Anti-Lebanon brings us, by French diligence, to Damascus. Abana and I'harpar break through a sublime gorge about 100 yards wide, down the middle of Avhicli the French road winds its serpentine course, the rivers on either side Icing fringed Avith silver poplar and scout.\l walnut. As AVO look ca*t- Avnrd from the brow of the hill the great plain of Damascus, encircled by a framvAVork of desert, lies before us. The river, escaped from the rocky gorge, spixads out like a fan. and alter a run of three miles, enters Damascus, wl ere it IIOAVS through 1 o.<HK) houses, sparkles in 00,< HK) marbl" fountains, anlh ;rri*i on to scatter wealth and fertility far and wide over the plain. Those who ha\e gazed on this scene are never like!} to forget its supreme loveliness. Its beauty is doubtless much enhanced bv contrast. The eve has leen wandering over a chocolate- colored and heated landscape through out a wean day; suddenly, on turning a corner, it rests on Eden. The city is spread out Ivtore you, ctnltowered in orchards, in the midst of a plain of 300 square miles. Around the jtearl eolored cit\ - first in the world in joint of thin*, first in Syria and Western Asia in point of imjtortance—surge like an emerald sea, forests of apricots and olives and apples and citrons, and "every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food,"' with all tbeir variety of color and tint, according to their season, sometimes all agloAv Avith blossoms, sometimes golden ;md ruddy with fruit, and sometimes russet with the mellowing tints of autumn. — Con temporary lieriew. riajing Camel. The fable relates that a camel asked to l>e permitted to put his head under shelter, and when his request was granted he l>egan to crowd his whole body in at the door, and soon had entire possession. .Salmi Morse is play ing camel. He begins his performance of the Passion Play with a full-dress rehearsal in which ho keeps the most prominent characters in the back ground as much as possible, and he fol lows the rehearsal with a private per formance to-night to which the mayor and other prominent people have been invited. He hopes to secure a verdict that the play is not objectionable, and when once the camel gets possession he will trample down all opposition, with all the characters as it was by peasants at Oberamniergau. A newspaper reporter speaks of the re hearsal the other evening as containing nothing like blasphemy; buttheobluse scribbler ought to be able to perceive that any attempt at the dramatic rep resentation of the character of Jesus Christ upon the stage is blasphemous in the estimation of Christian people. Let Mayor Edson stand firm in his de termination to prevent the outrage. As the snn intimated some weeks ago, there is reason to believe that the play if licensed would fail for lack of pat rons —the devout regarding it with horror and the indifferent being un willing to pay their money to see it— but it is best to have it known that there is a limit, even in New York, as to the outrageous dramatic perform ances which will be tolerated.—[New York paper. Street-Cars. There are now doing business in this country and Canada 415 street rail ways, employing about 35,000 men. They rim 18,000 car 3, and more than 100,000 horses are in daily use. Cal culating that the average life of a horse in street-railway service is four years, it makes the consumption of horses 25,000 per year. To feed this vast number of horses requires an nually 150,000 tons of hay and 11,000,- 000 bushels of grain. These companies own and operate over 3000 miles of track. The whole number of passen gers carried annually is over 1,212,4'J ! ,- 000. The amount of capital invested exceed $150,000,000. SCIENTIFIC SCRA A Sir William Thomson follows Dr. Thomrs lleid in ascribing to man six senses instead of live, namely, tho sense of force, of heat, of sound, of light, of taste and of smell. Smoke will soon be at a premium. From 2,800,000 cubic feet of smoko given out by say 1000 cords of wood, it is said that 12,000 pounds of acetate of lime, 20J gallons of alcohol and twenty-live pounds of tar may be ob tained. Taking the enumeration of the peo ple of Franco in ISSI as a basis, M. Chervin shows the increase since 1870 has been only twenty per 1000, whilo in England it was 145, and in Ger many as high as 574 per 1000. Other things being equal, Maine and Nor mandy should give a great increase of population; but the fact is that the number of people is "conspicuously" diminishing. l'rof. Feser, of Municu, lias been making experiments on animals with a view to establishing the connection which exists between diet and liability to infection. In the trials he has made on rats inoculated with the poison of cattle distemper, he demonstrated tho fact, says the Lancet, that the animals that ha I been fed on vegetable diet were quickly attacked by the disease, while those that had been fed exclu sively on meat resisted the effect of the inoculation. The readiness with Avhich certain solids conduct sound is a familiar fact of physics, which Mens. (lohins men tions as having long had a curious ap plication on the llhone. Considerable quantities of gravel are carried down tlie river by the current, and bv plac ing one end of a cane in the water and applying the other to the eir, the clash of the moving pebbles as they strike to gether is distinctly heard by p rsons in boats on the surface. The sound is a era'kling like that produced in frying. Good reason exists for believing that hay-fe\er is caused b\ pollen, accord ing to Mr. C. P. Piowright, an English microscopist, who says the pollen rap idly begins to throw out pollen-tubes AV hen brought into contact A\ it! tho warm and umDt mucus membrane of the bronchia! tract. •similarly he thinks that the spores ot some fungus growing on grasses must enter the bronchia] tubes of sheep, and germi nate therein to produce tin* "sheep cough" known to English sheep-grow ers. A Forgotten Promise There is a young conductor on a line of street cars in Cincinnati Avho is the hero of a romantic episode. At the time of the burning of the Brooklyn theater, in which so many people were burned to death, this young man Avasa resident of Brooklyn. He attended the theater on the night of the tire, and sat beside a nuile companion in tlie front roAv near the orchestra. As it will be remembered, the fire was dis covered during the latter part of the first act of the "Two Orphans." At the time the flames made their appearance behind the scenes one of the company billed as Nellie Dell, but whose real name was Kittie Meyers, a young New York girl, was doing a song and dance act. The fire burst out all over the stage with incredible rapidity, and the young man saw that this girl was in peril. "With a spring lie leaped across the orchestra railing, clambered on the stage and caught Miss Dell in his arms and broke for the private box nearest the street. After considerable difliculty he succeeded in getting into the open air with the girl clinging to his neck, frightened almost to death. He had saved her life, as most of who were on the stage when he went to her rescue perished in the flames. Thus began an acquaintance which soon ripened into love, and finally they were married. The father of the girl, who was a business man in New York city, made the acquaintance of his daughter's deliverer, and, pleased with his appearance, said: "You have saved my daughter's life, and you shall have her for your wife." Nellie's heart had been smitten by the good-looking fellow (he was a poor tinner at that time), and a union was soon effected. The father said to him: "You shall never want for anything." lie must have soon forgotten his promise, for now his heroic son-in-law is manipula ting a bell-punch for $2 a day. Such is life in a great city. Sun and Moon. In the German language, as is well known, the genders of the sun and and moon are respectively feminine and m.osculine, contrary to the rule of the romance languages, where, as in Latin, the sun is masculine and the moon feminine. In our own lan guage Shakespeare "speaks of the moon as "sheand in Egypt and Peru the sun and moon were regarded both as brother and sister, and as hus band and wife. In Arabic, Mexican, Xithuanian, Slavonic and Greenland ish the moon and sun, according to Grimm,are related as in Germany. The variation of gender implies, of course, a difference of thought, but the fun damental conception that gave them genders at all in language or legend is clearly the same in either case, thai the sun and moon were human beings like ourselves. THE NEWS. Charles Luke, whoso mother keeps a hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., poured coal oil on tho floor: aid applied a match. Tho house was full of sleeping inmates, but tho fire was discovered nnd quickly extinguished. Luke confessed (he rrimA Three burglars broko into the jewelry store i)f J. C. Kl&hott, at Springfield, 111., gagged tho private watchman nml put him into n coal-hole, and then helped themselves to watches, diamonds nnd jowolry valued at from #IB,OOO to $20,000. The Mutual Union telegraph wires were mt by the authorities of Chicago and Mil raukee, because tho company evaded the law irdering their wires to be placed under round on March Ist. Humphrey A Co., of New York, leather caters, have failed with liabilities amount ig to over SOOO,OOO. The President has approved tho net to pro- mt tho importation of adulterated and spurious teas; tho act of granting a pension to tho widow of tho Into Major-GeneralO. K. Warren. W. 11. l'rntt, president of the Bank of Mo bile and vice-president of the Mobile nnd Montgomery Railroad has been run over and killed at Burmingham, Ala. Joseph Myers & on, ciona nna suit manu facturers, nt No. 1)18 Market Street, Phila delphia, have suspended, with liabilities esti mated at $150,000. A disastrous fire occurred nt Monongahela city, Pa., destroying proporty to the amount of #50.000. The steamboat Yazoo sunk In the Missis sippi, near Bonnet Cave. It is feared a number of lives were lost. Pittsburg manufacturers, who were inter viewed yesterday, expressed themselves as glad that the tariff battle is ended, although the bill as passed is not satisfactory to all. Those engaged in manufacturing hoop iron and wire roils say their business is killed. Pig iron, sheot iron and steel manufac tures also claim to bo greatly crippled. A sneak thief entered the Safe Deposit nnd Trust Co. bank at Philadelphia, and stole $75,000 worth of bonds. Judge Belford, member of Congress from Colorado, was the first witness examined by tho defense in tho star route trial. lie made a statement nfter ho left the witness stand which he had not been permitted to make as a witness, and was fined SIOO for contempt of court ' The new law relating to the money order I system will be put in operation as soon as the necessary arrangements are perfected. Pro posals will soon be requested for furnishing he new stylo of mouey order blanks nnd postal notes provided for in the bill. The new system will enable persons to send by nonoy order or postal note sums not ex ceeding $5 for three cents, whereas it now costs ten. General Bronsart von Schellendorff has been appointed minister of war for Ger many. Middle and Southern States The House of Representatives, Tennessee, has passed the State debt bill exactly as it came from the democratic caucus, to fifty cents on the dollnr and three per cent, in terest on all but the State debt proper and the bonds of educational institutions within the State: for which they propose to puy| par with the contract rate of interest. Two fires occurred in Lynchburg, Va., apposed to be of incendiary origon, with the view of favoring a paid fire department. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, the Governor of Georgia, died at his residence, March 4th, aged 71 years. He passed away calmly and unconsciously. His expiring breath became by degrees imfierceptible, until it ftually ceased, and he died without a tremor. A. L. Johnson, n young man, was snot dead in the courtroom of the Miller County Court house, Texas, in the presence of the judge, jurors, attorneys and spectators, by C. E. Dixon, sheriff of Hint county. The trouble arose from Dixon making war on gambling institutions in which Johnson was silently interested. | Two bags containing through mail for New York and Philadelphia have been stolen from the depot at Towandx. Pa. More than 20,000 people visited the Senate Chamber to view tho remnins of Governor Stephens lying in slate there. At the memorial services .addresses will be delivered by General Toombs and others. Litterer's wholesnte drug store in Watkin's block, Nashville, has been burned. The total loss by the firo in the block is estimated at #BOO.OOO. The steamer James arrived at M phis, Tenn., from Friar's Point, bringing2oo negroes from off submerged farine. Her officers report all the country between Mem phis and Helena, Ark., under water. Austin, Miss., is overflowed. Tho water, to the depth of several feet, rushes through the town. The rapid rise in the St. Francis river caused great loss to lumbermen, as thousands of logs are swept away by the swift current. Much suffering exists among the inhabitants of the sunk lands, nnd their isolated position makes it almost impossible to afford relief. In Western Tennessee great destruction of property is reported from the flood THE MARKETS BALTIMORE. FLOUR—City Mills extra.. $4 02 (ft 6 75 WHEAT—SouI hern "Fill tz.. 128 (it - 1 ''o CORN—Southern white 70 (ft 71 Do yellow 00 (ft 04 RYE—Good 70 (ft 75 OATS—Maryland.... 60 68 COTTON-Middling 10 (ft 10!< Good ordinary £%< ft 8 7 s IIAY-Md. and Pa. Tir=st'i*l7 (X) @2O 00 STRAW—Wheat 8 00 (ft 9 00 BUTTER—Western prune. 88 (ft 8-5 West Virginia 20 (ft 21 CHEESE—New York Stnto choice 14 >4 Western prime 12 '4' (ft EGGS 20 (ft 21 CATTLE 8 00 (ft 6 76 SWINE— 8 (ft 0 SHEEP AND LAMBS .. 3)^.6 TOBACCO LEAF—lnferior 160 (ft 2 00 Good common 8 00 (ft 4 60 Middling 0 03 (ft 8 00 Good to fine rod 850 @lO 00 Fancy 10 00 @l4 00 NEW YORK. COTTON—Middling upland 10 <o 10)6' FLOUR—Southern com. to fair extra 4 75 @ 6 40 WHEAT—No. 1 white 1 23 @ 1 28 RYE-State 73 @ 74 CORN—Southern Yellow... 67 (ft 75 OATS —White State 51 (ft 53 BUTTER—State 22 @ 30 CHEESE—State 0 (ft 11 EGGS 21 @ 28 PHILADELPHIA. FLOUR—Penna. fancy .... G 12 @ G 40 WHEAT—Pa. and South ern red 1 26 (8> 1 27 RYF—Pennsylvania 70 76 CORN—Southern yellow... 05 ui G8 (>ATS 55 (a 56 BUTTER—State.27 fa 2'6 CIIEESE—N. Y. factory... 8 @ 12 EGGS State 23 @ 25 STARTLIXO STATISTICS. Thf flindow Hanging sr New York City mil the liuure Country—A Tribune Opinion. The uauon has been horrified at the horn ing of a Milwaukee hotel, whereby over sev enty lives were lost. This event carried ter ror because it was sudi J e i and appalling; but had the same disastrous results to life and ; limb come silently they would have been un noticed, not only by the people of the land but also by the very community in which they occurred. Fatal events of a far worse nature have taken place in this very city, but they have attracted no attention, nor would they now did not the Buroau of Vital Statis tics bring them to our notice. '"Figures do not lie," whatever else may be uncertain, and the report on the deaths of this city is a start ling comment on its life. During the past year the enormous increase of certain mala dies is simply appalling. While the total num ber of deuiiis has diuunis! e I, ftid the death rate on most diseases has decreased, still it is far groat or in one or two more serious disor ders than w; s ever kuown before. More peo ple died in the ci'y of New York in I*B2 from Fright's disease of the kidneys, than from diphtheria, smallpox and typhoid fever all combined ! This scarcely seems possible, but it is true, and when it is remembered that less than one-third the actual deaths from llright's disease are really reported as such, the ravages of tho malauy can bo partially understood. '1 he immediate query which every reader will make upon such a revelation of facts, is: What causes this increase? This is a dif ficult question to answer. The nature of tho climate, the habits of life, the adulteration of foods and liquors, all undoubtedly con tribute; but no immediate cause can bo cer tainly assigned. Often before tho victim knows it the disease has begun. Its ap proaches are so stealthy and its symptoms so ohscuie that they cannot bo definitely foreseen, and are only known by their ef fects. Any kidn iy disorder, however slight, is the first stage of Blight's diseaso. But it is seldom that kidney disorders can be de tected. They do not have any certain symp toms. Mysterious weariness; an unusual appetite; periodical headaches; occasional nausea; uncertain pains; loss of vigor; lack of nerve iiower; irregularity of the heart; disordered daily habits; imjerfect digestion —all these and many other symptoms are the indications of kidney disorder, even though there may he no pain in the region of the kidneys or in that portion of the body. The serious nature of these troubles may be understood from tho fact that Bright's dis easo is as certain to follow diseased kidneys as decomposition follows death. It is high time the Doctors in this land who have been unable to control kidney troubles, should be aroused and compelled to find some remedy, or acknowledge one alien ly found. The suffering i üblic needs help Vid cannot await the taray action of any hair-splitting cotleof incorrect y formu lated theories. If the medical world has no certain remedy for this terrible diseru-e let them acknow ledge it and seek for one outside the pale of their profession. For the discov ery of this remedy and for its application to this dee ise, tho people of this city, the peo ple of the whole land, not only those who are suffering, but those who have friends in dan ger, are earnestly and longingly looking. Tho above quotation from the New York Tribune is causing considerable commotion, as it seems to lift tho cover from a subject that has b<o>uio of national importance. The alarming increase of kidney diseases; their insidious beginnings and frightfuj endings, and tho acknowledged inability of physicians to successfully cope with them, may well awaken the greatest dread of every one who has the slightest symptoms. It is fortunate, howtvjr, that the surest relief is often found where, possibly, lea-t expected, and that there is a specific for the evils above described we have come to fully le'iove. Within the past two years we have frequently seen statements of parties claiming to have been cured of seri ous kidney troubles even after hope had been r.l audoned: but in common with most peo ple we have discredited them. Quite recently, however, a number of prominent and well known men have come out voluntarily and stated over their signatures that they were completely cured by tlie use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Most people have been aware that this medicine has an unusual standing and one entitling it to be classed above proprietary articles generally; buiuiat it had accomplished so much in checking the rnvageß of kidney disease is not so gen erally known. Its great worth has been shown not only by the cures it has effected, but also because n number of base imitations have appeared in the market, fraudulently claiming the valuable qualities of the orig iual Safe Cure- If it were not valuable it would not be imitated. The above may seem like an ultra indorse ment of a popular remedy, but it is not one whit stronger than the facts admit. What ever assists the world toward health and con sequent happiness, should reoeive the hearty indorsement of the press'and all friends of humanity. It is on precisely this principle that the foregoing statement is made, and it merits the careful consideration of every thinking reader. During Jones'trip abroad he saw an egg in a Pans museum fiOO vears old. Last week ho made affidavit that he had discovered the mato to it at his boarding house dinner table. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" has become so thoroughly established in public favor that were it not for the forget fulness of people it would not be necessary to call attention to its power to cure con sumption, which is scrofula of the lungs, and other blood diseases, as eruptions, blotches, pimples, ulcers, and "liver complaint." Tho meanest slight a girl can put upon an admirer is to use a postal card in refusing an offer of marriage. It proves thut she doesn't actually care two cents for him. HOW WOMAN WOULD VOTE. Were women allowed to vote, every one in the land who has used Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" would vote it to be an unfail ing remedy for the diseases peculiar to her sex. By druggists. "There is a coolness between us; good bye," said the fish under the ice to the fish erman on top, who was trying to break tl rough and catoh him. WHAT PHYSICIANS WAY. SAN LEANDRO, Cal. Da. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo. N. Y.: Dear Sir: —l have employed your "Pleasant Pur gative Pellets" in my practioe for the last four years, I now use no other alterative or cathartic medicines in all chronic derange ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. I know of nothing that equals them. J. A. MILLER, M. D A professor was lecturing on "After Man— What?" A listener remarked that it was generally the sheriff, or some woman. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. TITE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich.,will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for 80 days to men, young or old, who are afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Ad dress as above. —N. B.—No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. Kktnny Men. Wells' Health Renewer restores health, vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. sl. PREVENT crooked boots and blistered heels by wearing Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners. For Thick Heads. Heavy stomachs, billions conditions— Wells' May Apple Pills—antibilious, cathar tic. 10 25c. No poisonous drugs enter into the composi tion of Carboline, a deodorized extract ol petrolenm, the natural hair restorer and dressing as now improved and perfected. It is the perfection of the chemist's art. Don't Die In the House. "Rough on Rate." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bedbugs, flies, ants, moles, chip munks, gophers, 16<L Ottoman rep is the rival of satin, but has by no means displaced it. The Nashville American says the South needs 20,000 cooks. It is estimated that the combined income of the 516 English peers who constitute the English house of lords foot up to $55,000,000. The hay crop of 1882 was estimated at $d72,000,000. A Firrmnn'i Fortune. The San Francisco (Cal.) Chronicle, in an article on the Fire Department of San Francisco, gives the following from Asst. Chief Engineer Matthew Jlrady: "I have been subject to an ag gravating pain in my chest for over four years. I resorted to various modes of treatment to obtain relief. 1 have had my chest terribly blistered. No physician could tell what was the matter with me. Two weeks ago I commenced using St. Jacobs Oil. It has cured me." Female society in the Arkansas peni tiary is very limited. Out of 588 con victs, only eighteen are women. Yon would use St. Patrick's Salve if you knew the good it would do you. THE CIIANCKM AUK That you fe-l willing to piy a handaoma mm nt money to be rid of your wire throat or cough. A. T. Bhreee. 316 W. Fayette at reel, Baltimore, Md who was rsacued Irom death by uaing aeven Imttlos of New life. says: "It i the lie*! remedy lor the throat and lunga and general drliilitj." New Life aella tor 60 cent*. It la your heat chain e for healt b. Salhftertory Evidence. J. W. Oraliam, Wholesale Druggist, of Aasttn, Tax., wntee: " I ham barn handling Dr. Wa. Hail'a Balaam for tba Lungs for tba past yaar, and hare found it ooa at tba mat salable medicines I hare avar had In my boos* for Cough*. Colda and even Consumption. always giving entire satisfaction. Please tend ma ona groaa by Baturday'a ataamer." I>r. Green's Oxtirnnlrd Illttcrn t s tha oldest and best remedy for Dyspepsia, Blllons urea. Malaria, Indigestion, all disordara of the Stom ach, and all diseases indicating an impure oondition of the Blood, Kidneya, and Lirer. I) jrno'a Catarrh Snuff cure# Catarrh and all affections of tha mucous membrane. The convenience of aen ting goods by mail or express is well aefc'irrd , y I.KWAVIKIN IKLNtII DYE IIOCHE. 17 TLMII.k PLACe, 11' moM. (7. S. A. Men, below par fi'in age, or mental esreeses, will find that Allen'* Brain food restores former vitality and vigor; sl—At druggist# and at Alien's Pharmacy, 816 First Ave.. N. Y. It never falls. "llr*l ("ongli Hnlenni In tlic World." Try ft. Price lOc. F. W. KINSMAN ACo., Augusta. Maine. It is cnpicT for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to be hung for murder. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY jl FOR PAIN. WBlltmjih, iMHifllffllffl Relieves and cures / inM,:i:3IATIB3I, nDgml Sciatica, Lumbago, m |||| it A CM A rn f. MIT" HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. SORE THROAT. 'QUINSY. SWELMNOB, 1 i Soreness. Cuts. Bruises, ■T" W # rnasTßiiKS. llt 'ivii'%.. M l It >!"*. ht'AI.US, i| And all Either )>odllyaches ' n .crmßMWllßwmiimn. at' and pains. MBPPJ f,fty ce,nts * bqttle fptß® Timr 11 !: Fold iiv nil Druggist* and lu 11 •ir dm IH Ehe Charles 1. Voqeler Co. I ™ 15 '• * * coj lUillmare. *4.. C. A A. llft'FfYy'tl-. Invalids who are gf M P § 3 L recovering vital sta- "ihilC mina. declare in J) V CELEBRATED gr .tefal terms tbeir fßmm. sr\9l Hostetter's Stmach doti It impart 4 ,r53^" , "55 strength to the weak, hut it also corrects an *.V djjiz of the stomach, makes u *ii proper intervals, gives esse to t hoe' who snf — kidner troubles, q ssssraun'.7 B nnriJ?Mz mam A Leading London Pbyw 11 tcian rntablishrs an mP OBtcetn New York NRk for the Core of Q EPILEPTIC FITS. jflYomAmJaurnalcfMedicine. Dr. Ab. Meserrle (late of London!, who makes a spe cialty of Epilepsy, has without denbt treated and cured more rases than any other living physician. Bis auccecs has simply been astonishing; we havo beard of case# of over so rears' standing successfully cured by mm. Be baa published a work on thia disease, which bo sends wl:h a large bottle of hla wonderful cure freo to any suf ferer who may send their eapreas and P.O. Addres. we advis- any one wishing a core to address Dr. AB. MtiKKObA. No. • John St.. New Tork. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Brat to the world Get the genaloe. Even package has air trade-mark aad la marked Frin'r'a SOLD EVKRYWHIRE. 7yO COLEMAN COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. 20 minuteg of New York. Positiona for all worthy graduates. Life arholarehlp. f AO. Write for circu lani. COLEMAN k I'ALMS. Proprietorg. tfOK.T-A.BXjEI SODA FOUNTAINS Send for Catalogue, Chapman & Co. MADISON, IND. ONLY for a Pliiladelp'-la Singer of this stylo. Equai to any Singar in the merkot. Ermrmbtr, w vend if fo be examined before you pay for it. Thia ia the same style other companies retail for SAO. All Machines warrant*! ♦ for three years. Sand for Illus trated Circular and Testimon i lal*. Address CHAKLES A. I WOOD tV CO., 17 North IBS Tenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. IMITATION STAINED GLASS. Indescribably beautiful. Easily applied to window glass. 1,(1)0 references, samples, etc , 260. to stamps. AGENTS' IIIUAI.D. 16pp. Saa46 floe.); fear less in its denunciations of sundry humbugs.lndorsed by 600,000 government officials and citizens. Rare chances to coin money Subscription otic. NEW subscribers ONLV 26c- 2U to tinder of longest word, each edition of Herald: L. LUM S.MJTII, PbiUdelphia, Pa- ASK YOUK DRUGGIST FOR Talbot's Carbolized Salve. A certain cor* for Itch, Tetter, Piles, Ringworms, all eruptions of the Skin, and all Cuts or 8 ires on Man or Beast. For sale by all Druggists, price 85 cents. CANBY, GILPIN A CO., Wholesale Agents, Baltimore, Md. ISCHSUMFnON. I have a positive remedy tor the above disease; by Its ne thousands of oases of the worst kind and of long Handing have been cured, ludeca so strong Is my faith hi its efncaoy, thai. . will send TWO BOTTIdiS FKEK, to p°tber wi'h a VALUABLE T'tEATIUE on this disease, to any sufferer. Give Expn-es and O. address. DR. T. A. bLOCUM. 1U Pearl t)b. New York. B CUR£S WHEEE A. ELS^AUSrSr N Best Cnngh Syrup. Tastes good. )Si Use in lime. So dby druggists. WA |\| T F n*" A fraveling salesman on commission by 1 o- u a wholesale varie.y house in Philadel phia. Reference and deposit for sampleßreqni "A GRAYbILLIXO., 420 Market St. Philadelplhr, Py. (CC a week to yonr own town.Terms and $5 outfit free. •00 AddrebaH. HALLETTA CO.. Portland, Maine. vLjSTMPATHIZE IS THE HOPE OH ydr-UtSJ£&/ LVDIA E. PINKHAM'3 VEGETABLE COMPOUITI). A Rare Car® for all FEMALE WEAK NESSES, Including Leacarrh®*, Ir regular and Painful Mcngfratlu Inflammation and Ulceration of Ike Womb, Flooding, PRO LAPSUS UTERI, See, > XVPleasant to the taste, sflftdoni and Immediate In lu effect. It la a great help In pregnancy, and ra iluves pain during labor and at regular period*. rut sit ixs rsE IT innucwi IT biqi. IHrFon ALL WgArvxaana of the generative organs of either tex, It is second to no remedy that has ever been Kf .re the public j and for all disease# of ths giD*rr it U the Create* Remedy to the Worlu. KIDNEY COU PI.AINTS of Either Sex Find Great Belief In lua Uae. LY ffl A E. PINKIf AM'S BLOOD PERirizt* will every vestige of Humors from thg Blood, at the same time wttjgive tone and rtrength to the system. AM marveUous in rreulU as tha Compound. fg"Doth the Compound and Blood Purifier are pro pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Itoaa Price of either, ft. Six bottles for $6. The Compound Is sent by mall in the form of pills, or of looengee, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham froely answers all letter* of Inquiry. Enclose I oenl Stamp. Bend for pamphlet. Mention tAts Paper. nrl.Ttn v E. rrerna*'* Lrvm PILLS cure Constipa tion. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 26 osnta gg-Sold by all I>mggiatn.-V* (D n n u i o , HAG DEEN PROVED | The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES, t Does a lame backer n disordered urine todL ft ieate that you are a victim* TLIHTf DO NOT | . lIJ3r?AT77; VLT.j KIDirEY-WCHT at onos, | , (druT~!st3 recommend it) and it will speedily ; overcame t"ic diseaco cmd restore healthy action. It 13 a SURE CURE for all DISEASES of the LIVER.; , It haa specific sction on this most important : ora, c ab'inj it to throw off torpidity and in- , ec' io-i, the healthy secretion of ths Zl-!, r.-.-l 17 heeping the bowels infreeooadi- Stioa, cffec*-t-ij ita regular discharge. I nqnln-lo If you are euStering from ijlOsdrlcls inalaria, have the chills, I ere fciliou-s dyspeptic, cr constipated. Kidney- J 5 cure. , I In Cio Spring, to cleanse the System, every oso cliould taho a thorough oourse of it ( | rerltrae For complaints poeuanrto 4 Ewt-si-*w9s your:x, ruch as pain and f wcaharseca, KTOhTT- WOHT is unaurpoescd, | 3 aaitvri.l act prompCy andaaiely. ] 17 -her Ber. Incortlaenoe, retention ef urine, f brick.dusterrop7 drposita, aad dull dragging 3 painv, allrpcodily y chl to ita curaUve power. C Acts ot the rsr.c ti~ cn the ZL~vOTSYB, | f U A27Z) HOX7ZZUi.JZt For Co: atlpetioa. Piles, or Lheumatism it is a permanent ours. 30LP DY Dr.UCCISTfI. Price Bf. Tmitm 11 *>mm 1 ais^ 1 " '* l aw % ' w I A NEW DISCOVERY. tZTCor eerenJ years we hare furnished the Palrrmrn ct America with an excehcnt arti nciil col.-r for batter; bo meritorious that it met 1 with gre.-.t packets everywhere receiving the t r .d ouly prizes at both International ( Dnirr pairs. j 1 o*L:.t ly patient and scientific chemical rs seftixhv-o hire improved in several pointa, and' ' now offer this new color as tine best fa lAe • oorid. It vv;:i Urt Color the Buttertmik. It ( Will Not Turn Rancid. It la the ' ftrongest. Brightest and Chcrsp-st Color Wade, I I tW And, while pre oared In oil, is so compound ed that it ii imocssihic for It to become rancid. I I trSCWARE ct all Imitations, and of ail other oil colors, for they are liable to become ( ' rancid and spoil the better. I try If you cannot get the "Improved" write as Cto know where and bow to get It without extra , | expense. W < WELLS, rinfAffDSOX A CO., Bsrflaftss, tt. | J ] THE PUREST AND BIST Remedy Ever Made—lt la Compounded from Hops, Malt, Bnekn, Man drake and Dandelion. The oldest, best, most renowned and rain able medicine in the world, and in addition it contains all the best and most effective curative properties of all other remedies, being the greatest liver regulator, blood purifier, and life and health restoring agent on earth. It gives new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all whom sedentary employments cause irregularities of ths Blood, Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who require an appe tizer, tonic and mild stimulant, it is invalu able, being highly curative, tonio and stimu lating, without being intoxioating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, or what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until yon are sick, but if yon only feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save yonr life. Hun dreds have been saved by so doing, at a moderate oost. Ask your druggist or physi cian. Do not suffer yourself or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. If you have lameness in the loins, with frequent pains and nches: numbness of the thigh; scanty, painful and frequent discharge tf urine, filled with pus, and which will turn •ed by standing; a voracious appetite and mquenchable thirst; harsh and dry skin; dammy tongue, often darkly furred; swollen md inflamed gams; dropsical swelling of the imbs; frequent attacks of hiccough; inability 0 void the urine, and great fatigue in at cmpting it—you ate suffering from some 'orm of Kidney or Urinary Complaint, s*ch is BBIGHT'b DISEASE of the kidneys, stone or inflammation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and retention of the urine, and Hop Bitters is the only remedy that will permanently cure you. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the purest and best medicine ever made, and no person or family should be without it. Don't risk any of the highly lauded stuff with testimonials of great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians what Hop Bitters has ani can do for you and test it. " THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." engines, THRFQHCRQ SAWmLS ' House Powers H— dover Sailers (Suited to all sections i Write for FREEIDua. Pamphlet and Prices to Tho Aultm&a & Taylor Co-. Mansfield. Ohio. /a itFAitD ri.ixiß / —\ OMKBA erfe*r<tok*U beads i. U to ?? fS# 1 f 1 *r- F&daX Batk raot|ia4 J a%r- 1 jAJ| i D I A/- / %nm !sr 2 ApS JfM W rk. Will prevail or gieeeo ?r =• per reckag® with dirwouorw aaalsd tmd postpaid 2 Mill > Iffll lli-.ttanpsor illvtr. L.A. L.hMiTilJkVUJaui<iAfUsfatott—4ll# SO L TJETZEIi ORGAN. New style, $76. Sold on n tbe INSTALMENT PLAN. Mo6t elegant case. Best tone. Lowest price; easiest terms. FULLY WAS piyxili). C. W. HETZLL. Bajptiattown W. J. . A GEM r ri W *NTKn for the Beet and Tax test sailing Pictorial Books and Bible*. Prices reduced S3i>eroeu.. NATIONAL PUBLJKKI.NO CO.. Phila. Pa. 616 i week. sl2 a day at home eaaly made. Costly • I £ outfit free. Address TBUE A Co., Augusta, Ms. C A A d yat homo. 15 earn pie a, worth $5, byrettirn mol FaEg. Address MASON & CO., Mnntpelier. Vt 6C l A 0fL er day at home. Samples worth $5 free • • 10 •£• Address STINSON A Co., Portland. M*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers