|[fit JjiUhiiim journal. THURSDAY, MAY 19., 'Bl. DEMSGER & BIMILLER, Kdltors and Proprietors. Local Department. —Rumor has it that Spring Mills will have a grand decoration. —P. P. Leitcell and Harvey Confer have built nice, good fences along their fronts. i . —A. O. Deininger has recently been appointed U. S. Storekeeper and Gaug er, yice, Hepry Whitiner, resigned. —Will Millheim hove a Decoration Day? Don't know—can't tell—hav'nt heard. —Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer is a universal favorite for re storing gray hair to its original color, aud making hair grew out thick. —lt nfrords a real pleasure even only to sec the large and tplendid stock of clothing at the Philadelphia Branch Store, Bellefonte, Pa. Now just try it for your own satisfaction. —lf you want an extra fine article In . the line of tooth powder—and every body should use. such an article—Dr. John F. Harter i 9 the man to supply you. We have tried it and know wherof we speak. tf —Candidates are beginning to call a round—to introduce themselves—l shake hands—to see their friends and make more friends. All right, gentle men, only let everything be done fairly and squarely. ; —THE EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS at Lewisourg turns out first class work. Shawls, dresses and meu's garments will be colored and pressed In best style. Mr. Jacob Wolf is agent for Centre county. Jooda left at the Journal office will be attended to. Sat isfaction guaranteed. tf —WEATHER cool and rainy this week, no doubt to square the account of heat that ran up so tremendously Last week—and to bring men to their senses about buying one of Lewin's fine cheap over coats, lots of which are etill on hand at the Popular Philadel phia Branch Store, Bellefonte, Pa. 2t RE-ARRANGED.—Our readers will find the advertisement of Bauland & Newmau re-arranged, re-set a* d re priced. Read and re-read it by all means. The euterprising merchants have something new and interesting to tell you this week. ;Their jmmense business requires them to change their advertisement every two weeks, and even then they are not able to "Tell it All." Go and see the big store for yourself. —No matter where you go you can not find |a more complete store in all its appointments, outside 'of our large cities, than the Mammoth Bee Hive of Lock Haven. Mr. J. J. Everett, pro prietor. Whether you look at the full assortment in every line of dry goods, the absolutely low ai4 uniform prices -or the kind treatment one gets -by the gentlemanly boss and bis corps of obliging salesmen, you will always leave the Bee Hive with feelings of highest satisfaction. Read Mr. Ever ett's large advertisement in another column and then go and try it, if you never did before. If you have made purchases there once you will go again and again. INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE.—The large and splendid stock of new goods jest recived at MUSSES & SMITH'S HARD WARE STORE, in Millheim, as well as the remarkable low prices at which they sell them, is a surprise to every body. Among their newly arrived goods we call your rpecial attention to the fine patterns of Table and Floor Oilcloths, Large variety of flangiog Lamps, New Styles of Wall Paper, Picture Frames, &c. Call there and see for yourself. (Communicated.) Woodward, Mh7 16, 'Bl. This morning M ine#vji, a little daughter of Henry Reinbart, Esq., re siding near this place, went to feed .some young chicks, which were in a coop, in an orchard near the house. The coop had a trap door at the side which was kept op9n by a prop, to let the old hen and her family free ingress at pleasure. In coming to the coop Minerva found the trap door closed, and instead of finding the hen and .chicks in it as usual, she found that a monster bird of some kind had caged itself. The monster bluwed fearfully at Minerva, putting her in, a terrible fright. She came running tc the house and I;<£<t the story, aud it was found to be a Viiry Urge owl that bad crept into the coop anu somehow moved the prop in doing so. The hen with eight chicks had escaped. Three dead chicks were in the coop, which the owl to have tramped to death. Mr. C. L. Reinhart shot the monster in his prisou. It measured four feet seyen inches from tip to tip of wings. Various dauses—J Advancing years, cure, sickness, disappoint-j mcnt, and hereditary predisposition—all oper ate to turn the hair trray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely, AYEHS HAIB VIGOK will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired, it sottens and cleanses the scalp, giving it healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will be produc ed in all cases where the foHcles are not de utroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy. weak, or sickly hair, in which a few applications w.il produce a.glosa and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it Is Incomparable as a dressing, and ia especially Valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone It tyiparta. It con tains neither oil nor dye, aud will not soil o color white cambric; yet It lasts loug on the hair, and keeps it l'resh and Vigorous. Fon SAT.K BY at.i. DBit'LTIW —Bay windows are becoming all the go, and Mr. Wm. Kerstetter is deter mined to have one too. Build a nice one, William. —Job printing—in the best style and at lowest prices—at the Journal office Bring in y%ur orders. —Dr. John F. Harter,. Dentist, has removed his otlic to the second floor of Toralinson's grocery, where he will be happy to .receive his personal and professional friends. tf NEWS FROM BRUSH. Quia is still about, but has been rather Inactive of lite, fcf course the Editor is satisfied and will freely par don. Our therjr.oo}pter did nothing but go up last week. Whew! but it was hot. No services in any of our churches last Sunday—a rare occurrence. Decoration t)ay will soon be here and still no preparations are made for lis proper observance. I consider Madison burg the nucleus iu the mat ter. Messrs. nail & Carlln are doing quite a lively business in furniture. We will have plenty of apples and cherries if appearances do not deceive. In fact all nature is blooming. Rev. W. R. Wieand's vacation has been extended to May Ist. Hope the Rev. -gentleman will b? fully restored to health by that time. Quis? SPRING MILLS ITEMS. ■ ■■ ■■ ■ Millheim, Lodge, I. O. O. F. and the celebrated cornet band of that place, are expected to be here c n Dec oratiou Day. Our Sundy Schools will also participate. A grand time I s expected. i George C. Breon soM his farm ad joining town to Daniel P. Ileckman, for s22o'). Cheap *t that, Daui^el. Last Friday morning as Mr. Maysc, a tiaveling agent from Pl.ih diHlis had nis team tiid in front of Gren oble's store, Mr. Uoyer had a team tied at Krurariue's waie house, just ovt r the way. The approaching train frightened Mr. Rover's h?rees, tbey broke loose aLd ran in Mr. Mayse' buggy, demolishing the two hind wheels into atom?. Mr. Royer's wagon was somewhat dimaged tut none of the horse 9 were seriously hurt. A committee of ministers appointed at the recent session of the West Sus quehanna Classl-*, at Selinsgrove, to consider the matter of building a Re formed church here, had a session in Grenoble's Hall, the other day. The prospects for success appear very favor able. Let the good work go on. Geo. M. Leitzsll is just now the youngest auctioneer out, and his first effort was a grand success. Vegetation looks fine here, and al! nature is dressed in her lovely garb of beautiful green. UNCLE TOM. Setfs . Mlstfcllftny. Found Hanging to a Fence. PITTKBURO, May 9.—Karl Mink was found hanging by tho neck to a fence on the South Side this morning, stiff and rigid in death. His feet were resting on the ground, and his position showed that in order to strangle him self be bad lifted'.^bis feet from the earth in order that bis full weight could rest on the handkerchief that held him to the fence. The m;..i was well-dressed, bore an intelligent coun tenance, and had a well-filled purse and was sober when last seen near the place of his death. He is supposed to haye come from Mansfield. Killed by Lightning. MEMPHIS, May 9.— Yesterday after noon, while children were playing un der a, tree near Winona, Miss., light ning struck ihe tree ' and instantly killed Nannie and Willie Hamer, nine and seven years, and Mary Hightower, aged six. The Russian Czirina is said to be in terror for her children, and to suspect her maids of honor of complicity with the Nihilists. The Czar, it is .said, has had a narrow escape of being blown up by means of explosive tubes hidden in the wax candles which are burned at his desk. The "Speculative" Insurance Condemned. Special Correspondence to TUB TIUES. MIFFLINBURG, day 6.—) Vest :Sus quehanna Classis is a part of the East ern Synod of the Reformed Churcti in the United States, and covers Snyder, Uuionaud Csntfe counties, in Penn sylvania. .At a late meeting of this boty in Selinsgrove, Pa., the following resolutions were unanimously 'adopted: WHEREAS, Almost the whole ter ritory of West Susquehanna Classis is covered by what is commonly kuofrn as *'speculativelife insurance. RESOLVED, That we regard this business as frauduledt and wrong in principle and as very demoralizing iu its effects. RESOLVED, That we hereby earnest ly exhort all our people to discourage and shun this business as a great pub lic evil, hurtful to the Church and to the State as well as to the individual. RESOLVED, our pastors try to secure the early publication of this ac tion in the various, county papers which circulate among their people. Fennsj lvanla produces about fifty per cent, of all the iron in the United States. The wheat fields of western Penn sylvania never looked more promising than they do at present. Round Top mountain, near Gettys burg, is to have an observatory sixty feet high. HENRY SIIAW, a Blair coqnty man, took in a game at a circus in IldtTidaysburg, and lost 1500 by the op-, oration. \ gray eagle measuring seven feet across the wings was recently wound ed and captured by William Finley, of Westmoreland county. 'lt is expected that 2,000,000 tons of coal will be produced yearly IU the new ly opened bituminous region of Centre county. ASSEMBLYMAN GEORGE 11. WIL LIAMS, the only colored man in the Ohio Legislature, his fallen heir to sso{ooo and will retire {from business and politics and devote himself to a history that ho is writing. A wood pulp paper mill has been put in operation at Lock Haven which utilizes the slabs and edgings of the lumber mills. A heavy paper is man ufactured, suitable for dour sacks, which is turned out at the rate of a car load a day. Lizzie Deveno, with the Barnum- London Circus, while performing the catapult act at Wilkesbarre on Tues day evening fell upon the netting and struck her chin upon her knee, caus ing concussion of the spine. She has lost all power of motion and sensation of thelower limbs. Iler recovery is doubtful. Convicted of a Brutal Crime. WILMINGTON, Del., May 12.—The trial of William C. Guthri* for at tempted rai>e was concluded this af ternoon. A verdict of guilty was ren dered, but sentence was deferred. The statute prescribes a penalty of thirty lashes, the pilolry, a fine and impri ion ment not exceeding ten years. Guth rie is anout forty-five. His victim, Annie Bell Davidson, was eight and a half years old at the time. Both are white. Arrested for Brute Outrage. LEBANON, Pa., May 12—Charles Wqorqer, a married man, residing in the ytilage of Myerstown, this county, was arrested at that place last night on a warrant issued by inquire Fasig, charging him with having committed rape on the fourteen-year-old daughter of John Howard, a resident of the same village. Woomer was brought to this place aud lodged lu jail. . „ Attacked by a Lion. EKIE, May 12.—During the street procession of Forepaugli's circus to <by there was a big scare aud stampede because of an attack upon Mr. J. Fore paugh, who was seated in a cage be tween two lions. One of the savage beasts sprang, roaring at Forepaugli, who met the attack with a sharp pike, whLh he drove deep into the animal's mouth. A second spring was made, aud again the pike saved the man from Death. By dint of pluck and nerve the beast waa brought into sub jection again. Quite a number of minor accidents incidental to panics occurfcd. The tableau car, valued at $31,000, was smashed by a freight train to-day. MARRIED. On the 26 ult., by Rev. J. Benson Akers. Mr. Mark Mooney, of Buow Shoe, to Miss Bella Norrls, of Potter's Mills. Ou the 17th ult., by Rev. 8. M. Boeder; Mr. Henry M. Dcltrtck, of Ilublersbnrg, to Miss A manda M. Hubler, of Spring Mills. diedT^ 4 f On the 15tb ult., In Boalsburg, Jacob Fisher aged 76 years, 9 mouths and 17 days. On the 11th of April, IS3I, in Washington twp., Lycoming county, Mrs. Christlauna Bicksler, aged 93 years, and 26 days. Deceased was the mother of 8 children, 4of them are living; tlio youngest, .Jonathan Bick sler, is 63 years old. In audition to her children, her decendants numher.43.cja.nil-children, 105 great-grand children, and lygreat-great-grand-' children. Mrs. Bfc*shr was a consistent mem ber of the IRrnkard church K r about 40 years. Millheim ffarksl, Corrected every Wednesday by Gcphiut & Musser. Wheat No 1-00 Wheat No. 2 Corn Oats White £> Oats, Black £* Buckw heat. e v® Flour Bran ASboTts.pei ten Salt,per Brl I-' 5 Plaster, ground Cement, per Bushel lo Barley . Tymothvseed Flaxseed Clgverseed ; Butter & Hams kides 8 Veal Pork Beei h Potatoes Lard • Tallow ' Soap ® Dried Apples 3 Dried Peaches -0 Dried Cherries COAL MAftfcflT. Egg Coal ••••• Stove " ®.75 Chestnut " Pea • * 4 w JPjR JOHN F. BARTER; PRACTICAL DENTIST, ! Office on 2nd story of Tomlinson's } Grocery Store, on Main Street, ' MILLHEIM, PA. TD F.KISTEE, FASTIIONABLE BOOT & SLIOEMAKER, A v MILLHEIM, FA. Shop next door to Feota'a store, Main St. HOOTS, SUOES aud. GAITERS made to order, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt ly and cheaply, and in a neat style. J o. SPRINGER, FASHIONABLE BAI:BER, Next door to Journal Store, MILLHEIM, PA. T3ROOKERHOFF HOUSE, , ' (Opposite Court liouwe.) U. BKOCKF.RHOFF, iVM. McKEKTF.R, Proprietor. Manager. . Good sample rooms on first floor, t * Free Bus to and from all trains. Special rates to Jurors and Witnesses. v STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. TRVIN HOUSE, A- (Most antral Hotel fx, the City,) Con. MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODSCAL WE LL, PROPRIETOR God St mole Riomsfor Gjintnerclal Traveler on Jlrst floor. HITS JUST RECEIVED AND UNPACKED HATS HATS My New Spring Stock of ntTj urn Jk/TILXjIIfcTIEIR/X* GOODS> HITS II ITfl • Embraces a ! the new atyles und colors. Including the very faahlonabiA H iTK ! 18 LKJ&ORN, FRENCH CHIP, AMERICAN CHIP, STRAW, PORCUPINE, TUSCAN H ITS BRAID. *C., which t have in great variety, at my store HATS Hm PENN SBTSET, MILLHEIM, PA. HATS HATS • . ; ; i EATS j I can su it all purses as I sell both cheap and costly goods: hats ' * hats i Trimmed IlatH and Bonnets, Untrimmed floods. Silk Trimmings, HATB Artificial Flowers, and everything desirable in my line. Your trade HATS. HATS spcclfully solicited. MLtS. ANNA M. WEAVER. HATS j ■ ■ I ■ ... N ■ - ' — —- P. bfcPIIAKT. D. A. MISS Kit SEPHART & MKSEB DEALERS IN Clover Flour. & Feed. Coal, Plaster & Salt MILLHEIM PA., Highest market prloe paid for all kinds of a-iR-A-iisr . ( 1 j Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the. old MUSTEK MILL, In MILLHEIM. GOAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. ... . . 3b-ly GILMORE &.CO., LA# A-OWLECTIBN HiDSE, 020 F Street, Washing OD, D. O. Make Collection^,.Negotiate Loans and at tend to all business confided t them. LAND SCRIP, Soldier's Additional Homestead Right and LAND WARRANTS hourat and sold. TO ADVERTISERS. GEO. P. RO>VKLL &CO S .•; SELECT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. An advertiser who spend* ttineartf* of AVOOO a W'T, and who invested less than 4'VHJ of itin this List. writes: "Your Select Local List paid me belter last year TItAN ALL THEOTHER AD VE TISISQ I DID." IT IS NOT \ LIST IT IS MOT A CHEAP LIST. IT IS AN nOXKST LIST. The catalogue states exactly what tho papers are. Woeu the name fa paper is printed In FULL FACE TAPE it is in every instance the BEST. When printed In CAPITALS itisthe ONLY paper luthe placet The list gives the population of every town and the circulation ot every paper • Th rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth tips publishers' schedule. The price for siugle States ranges from git<>sßo. Th* price forobelnch on 6 month iuthcentire list is |620 The regular ratcsof the papers for the same space and time are $V80.14. Ttfe list includes 902 newspapers of wmeh lt>7 are ieshea DAILY and 765 WEEKLY.* They are located in 788 different cities and towns, of which 26 are State Capitals,363 places of overs,ooo population, and 468 County Seats. For copy of List and other information address GEO. P. ROWELL&IO., 10 Spruce St., New York. PATENTS and how to obtain -them. Pamphlet free, upon receipt of Stamp for poat ngre. Address— GILMOEE), SMITH & CO. Solicitor a of r tents, . j Xfitr rtre-a oft', d'osf'hiyt-jn, P. G AVSV! nr^FMi Dry Goods House of Lock Haven for SPRING | SUMMER OF ieei, Jtever since the establishment of this great Dry Goods House have wc done such ati extensive business as we have done this spring. We will in a few days open our fourth immense stock for the Sprfrg an (I Summer cf 18-81, The people of Lock Haven, Clinton and Centre counties art showing their great appreciation of the wonderful bargains we are offer ing in our entire stock. First class goods, only honest dealing, no misre presentations and. low prices always win. This is the mottq.on which we have built up our enormous t r ade and will here say that wc fully appreci ate the liberal patronage oj the Peoplt in sustaining a 'first class Dry Goods Store in Lock Haven, which it has been our humble effort for some years to establish. * Our Dress Goods DEPARTMENT is especidlg attractive, and excels any effort tee ever made in Fineness ff Stock, Rich ness of Patterns and in its great variety. (00 YARDS BEAUTIFUL SUMNER SILKS at -10, 45 and 6C cts per yard. Beautiful Black Dress Silks at 73 cts a yard. Heavy Gros Grain at I 2" warranted not to crack or wear glossey. B*oulifu 'Bro cades in Black and (til Colors. All colors of Satin* and Dress Silks. 1000 yards Best Lawns in Remnants from 3 to 15 gds. 9 cts, worth 1" cts. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Black and Colored Cashmeres ever shown in Lock Haven of astonishingly low prices, atul all the new Styles of Dress Goods to he found in any city s'orc. 690 yard* of the brut Bantings for Mm and Bous ' tcrar. ever shown in this dig. 10000 yds B cached and Brown Muslins to be sold t wholesale prices. 6000 yds best Calico warranted fast colors at cts. Great bargains in Tabh Line*, Tickings and Towlings . &c. '1 0 Faraso's -b per cent less than t'sual price. lOJO P <irs Ladies Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves at prices that will astoniih any one who is a judge of their value. An immense tock <f Stockin /S, Laces, itibbons, <£>:. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. Never ichs'thete shown in Lock Haven such a stock of Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels 3 piu and Ingrain Carpet, as tee show this season and our trade is really immense on them. Beautiful Carpets from 20 els. a yard upwards. Come, See and be Convinced • * > that the Bee Hive Store offers decided advantages over every store in Central Pennsylvania in every thing in the dry goods line. Everybody welcome to the BEE HIVE, 65 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAYEK, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. r WANTED: 10000 lbs. good tub washed uool for cash or exchange for ihest great bargains. JOHN S. FISHER, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. REBERSBURO, PENNA. Every wago . built of first class stock tnd by i expert mechanics. All work warranted. He- ! palling promptly attended to. The public pa tronage is respectfully solicited. 39-1 y H THE BOOT & m MAN y |®f LOCK HAVEN. $§ jfijhTl i have a very large'stock of IK BOOTS, SHOES, O Slippers & ladies walking shoes, Just opened up for Spring anil Summer wear. My stock is MSSSI as cheap as it was a year dBKT H|| ago, because 1 bought it m for cash before tlio ad vunce, I am the only shoe dealer in • ock • Hovch that bii^s for cash & pays ■ w Sno rent where ticle forthesame money than any ■■■ dealer In tne city. Give me a call and vou will te convinced that your place to buy is W D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street , Millhcim. l\i EXCELSIOR STEUTDYE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. Altlktnd* of Silks, Mlird:fottoY#d Wool Goods dyd And finished in Hie bcststjle, Gents', contH, Vests and t'ants dyed or cleansed pfng v • "• Ladle*' Cloaks, Capes, and dresses cleansed or dyed to any fancy pattern where the original color Is favorable, All kind of Shaw ls cleansed or dyed and finished in the neatest manner. My Factory has all ihe nuihi :ery ami facili-! ties of u first class fistulai nunent of its kind, j My experience In the business extends over J many jears. l>oth in this country and in Europe, nml am therefore enabled to do strictly first elass work at inoderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Milßc'm, Pa., ' lias accepted an atreney from nie. All goods brouiclit thero for dying will be returned free of extra charge. Agents sl.i>oo MADE IN f>o I)AVS Now is the time to make it. Frospe: ity has dawned upon the people of this country, and all are enjoying Its blessings. YOU oan just as well make a little money ny devoting some of your spare time to our, business. We offer oue of the best opportunities ever yet given to any one to.make money...lt takes no capital. You do not have to invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of losing it. Your energy and*your business capacity will bo all tho c <pital you will require. Ladles can engage in.the business as well as gentlemen, and even boys and girls do well. Even if you do not rteisir* to engage In bnslness. we can impart information to frpu that will be of great value. You will readily see that it will be a comparatively easy matter t<> make from WIO to 91QO a week, and establish a lu crative, independent business. MAKE Hay while the sun shines. The business in honorable, ntraight-forward and profitable. Do not neglect this notice but write to us and find out what our business is. will pay you and only cost the price of one postal card. We send full particulars free. Attend to this matter NOW for there is money in it far all wbo engage wbh us. If you can onlv de vote one or two hours a day, or the evening, you can make $lO a week. You have only to write us to lie convinced of this fact. Send us a Postal oard with your full name and address plainly written thereon, and receive by return mail full particulars of a business that will sur prise you and make you wonder why you never wrote to us before. Write at once, it will pay yon. Address Buckeye M*f g C., ; (Name this paper.) MARION, OHIO. zmtoilt.S'Y" i Champion Windmill Powerl PEBTECTLT SELF-BEfIOLATDB! „ The Cheapest and mast Elective power tn the world for Pumping water for stock, Ing* hoi isea U I with pure, water sUfIK >.t warranted, and are equal to flaa an j- mill in the market in all AMI respects, and superior in |NM| very many. With our print* imMA ed Instructlons.any one can fffflV set them up. We are also f jjjJA Manufacturers of the Origin- rrlml w only Genuino with ed Iron Cylln- ■ der, Tubing. fgraMMß Aqueduct PI DO from Hfi to 5 fn.M Patent Door and li^Alwflr Window , Crjnder.etc. 25 trade throughout the country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. light Castings Made to Order. POWELL & POUT 1 LAS, Waikegan, 111 sol TB A Child ran Run It. |j|f| M SO BIMPLEI • U Cegufrci Me Dare. , so STROnch IFcjrs Put, . LADIES I i^^Sfashions * * . ( They are especially a! esiqned to wee? trie requirements of those vho dojirc to dress well They are unsurpsned in Style, perfect in Fit, and to simple that they ire readily underetood by tips moat inexperienced; Send sc. for cat alogue. Addrtat, Domestic 11 Fashion Co, NEW TORK.' ■ m . IMPIVOTED s. BOSS SICKLE GRINDER. Tpßjt Simple, Light end Strong. AKfyl W No complicated Gearing. One /!** a man can do the work of two, and U\ iIS tarn oat a belter Job. The winner a I of First Premium wherever exhl jr ted. Bend for 111 nst rated Circalsr g rfSnd Special Discounts to I# Pawell A Douglas. Waakegaa, tIL THE ONLY PERFECT SEWING MACHINE; \ THE LIQHT-ETJHHINO NEW HOME Rapidly superceding all others wherever Introduced. Pronounced by an armyof hagpy purchasers to be the BEST. The NEW HOME la positively The Simplest, Easiest Running, Most Reliable, and Most Durable Sewing Machine ever invonted.. It operates Quickijr, Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full information, Descriptive Cat alogues, Ac., free on application. JOHNSON,. OLAfiE & CO. 30 Union Square, N. Y. • And Orange, Mass. RATTI^^^fEED RHEUM^M^&^iALCIA. new Sure. RHEUMATISM, Which renders life a burden and fi nally destroys It, in permanently cured by this remedy. Stiff and swollen ! joints are restored to their paturai . condition. NEURALGIA. , A single application gtves relief. Cas es of the longest standing are peiißa , nently cured by a single bottle. 1 CURES GUARANTEED in oyery case. Money refunded U. any one not relieved after a fair trial. For sale by all first class druggists. PRICK 50 CENTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. WSetid for statement of cures. lESESSSSSSSSSSSSa THIS MPEREI'Ss Newspaper Aavcrtlsiug Bureau (10 fr-pry.* ftreet), where adver- simiff UASti# rising contracts may Mf Jt Ififleps; be iuaUe lor it iu ItJaaFf f %ylw.ffa*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers