- f'}c |iltt|ci m |oiirna 1. THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1880 THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is publishedrverv Thursday, hi Musse.r's Build ing, corner of Main :ild IVir.i streets at SI.OO PER ANNP'M, IX ADVANCE Or $125 if not paid in advance. ../ />7 'E HTISf.VG R ITES. 1 wok. t mo. " mo. r mo. 1 year. 1 square.... ISiob |s2 Jio I 00 i -jit on | 00 ' i column,..' .1 no I 4 oil t> (to | 10iio| lotto Moolutnn... I - r >.'oi 7 ;s> i inon is no :on 1 'column,.. 1 SOO I 12 <>o I 20 00 I 85 00 I 00 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators nnd Kxecutors' Notices $1..~>0. rvan-icn al --\c. t isemcnts s.n<t locals in emits per lino fu* 11rst insertion and 5 cents per line tor each ad ditional insertion. ,lol> Work done on short notice. itFiVIMiElt & ltimiTlf Editors and Proprietors. ttiircli & Snnday School Directory. i Evangelical. Kft\ Sound Smith anl Per. H*. 11. Jl.irtmaii, Preachers. itev. S. Smith will preach next Sunday morn ing. German. Sunday School, '2 p. m.—D. 1- Zerby, sr.pt. Mothodist. Pec. J. Benson Akcrs, Preacher-in charge. Sunday School at V R. M .—Dav. K import, supt Protracted meeting in progress in Aarons- Imrg. Preaching in Mdlheiin next Sunday te\r nink- Reformed. Per. C. ir. E. Siegel, Potior. Gorman preaching in Aavonsbuvg next Sun day morning. United Brethren. P>v. L. -V. Gates, Preachcr-in-chargc. Kev. M. Spangler. Presiding Klder of Past District. Alleghany Conference, will 'preach .in the U. n. Church, Friday evening, nth- Lutheran. Per. Jjhn Tsmltnson, Potior.— German preaching in JAaronsbnrg next Sun day morning. United Sunday School. Meets at 9A. M.—F. D. Llise. Stipt. Mi'l% & Society Directory. MiTlrcrm T>c.dge. No. 955. I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall'. Penn'street. every Saturday evening. Hebercc. IHsgree Meeting every rhuixlayou or before the mil moon of each month. A. O. DuTklx'GfcK, Sec. K. V. BrMUJ Ck. N.G. Providence Grange. No. 217 I*. of 11.. meets in Alexander s Work on the second Saturday of each month at t u -<. p. M.. and on tlie fourth Sa turday of each mouth at 1 - a m. p. L.Zejibv, sec. A. O. Peiniugor. Master., The Millheim P & 1.. Association meets in the Pemi st reet school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. a. NValtek. Sec, B. n. Dbisinobb, 1 rest. The Milihcim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday ami Thursday evenings. F. P. Orxo, see,, a • F'. Hakteb, Pves t. Qlc'al Eirector Itegular Terms of Court—Fourth Mondays of January, Apri. August and November. President .Tudgi—lion. Clias. A. Mayer, Lock Haven. „ , , t , _ Additional law Judge—llou. Joan 11. Orvis, BeiMonte. , Assochite Judges—lions. Samuel I rank. John Divert. Prothonotary—T. C. Harper. , v ~ liegister of Wills and CleiK of O. C. >• t. Barchfield. . . _ .. Kecordt-rof Deeds. &c—William A. Tobias. District Attorney—David F. Fortncy. sr. -riff—John Spanglor. Treasurer —Adam Yea nek. County surveyor—Joseph Pev.tng. Coronet—Dr. Joseph Allan, s. County Commissioners —Andrew Gregg. George Swab. Jacob Dunkle. Clerk to County Commissioners— Il?nry Beck. Attorney to County -Commissioners—C. M. Bower. Janitor of the Court House— Bar trim Gall) rail lu Countv Auditors —James T. Stewart, George K. Williams, Thomas B. Jamison. Jury Commissioners —John Shannon, David i\. Kline. , „ , „ Superintendent of Public Schools —* rof. Hem j Meyer. The Garhekl Cabinet. CHICAGO, December 3. —Three weeks ago the Inter-Ocean iuvited its readers tp express their views as to the formation of General Garfield's Cabi net. lies result wa3 an immense num ber of letters, coming from every •.State except Rhode Island, California, Oregon and Nevada. General Grant heads the list, being recommended by most of the writers for Secretary of State. Second, the desire is for the retention of Sherman in his present position. Third, the demand is for a Stalwart Cabinet, and fourth, that such men as Logan, Conkling and Blaine should remain in the Senate. Ilayes gets five votes for a Cabinet position. S J-ME of our patrons have requested us to write out au account of our re cent trip through the eastern part of the state. Excuse U3, friends, from any such job. We feel to spiteful, hateful, revengeful, vindictive—yes altogether too "mad" over the defeat of Gen. Hancock, for srch work. Write a description of the historic battlefield of Gettysburg and the beau tiful natural cemetry, when the ugly fact stares you in the face that the beat and bravest soldier who fought and bled there, was defeated by big uted partisanship, corruption and money? No! excuse us, please. Hancock carried nineteen states and Garfield nineteen. Except that the republicans keep possession of the of ficial fleghpots they have but little to boast of. The people of the United States are about evenly divided be tween the two great parties, and sub tracting the negro vote from the ag gregate republican vote it will appear that the number of white democrats f-&c.ed* tnat of white republicans by jvSt ab.'Ut Oil', million. "Profltable Employment." Mr. Hayes, the nice gentleman from Ohio who occupies the Chief Execu tive chair of the nation , opens his last, long, verbose and pointless message in the following gushing style: "By tU? favor of Divine Pro.iil.MU'• w • lia\o Ihhmi Wesseil UurliiK tin?past vo ir with health, with abunUant harvests, with profitable oiu p oyment for alt oar people, ami with content meut at home an-t with peaee ami friendship with other nations. This is about the ttrangost and most burgliug mixtu re of tiulh and falsehood that has ever emanated from a President of the United States. To say that all our people have been bless ed with "profitable employment-'*' is a grass violation of the truth, and such a statement reflects no credit cither on Mr. llayes'intelligence or candor, II is true that many* of our business in terests have revived very much, but the country does not to-day enjoy any thing like a general prosperity. The business boom, of which we heard so much before the election, has helped only certain classes and interests, the great body of tho people are still suffering the pinching ef fects of hard times. There are yet thousands throughout the entire coun try who would be only too glad for living employment, and Mr. Hayes would not need travel very far to dis cover the fact, if the blandishments of position with princely salary, have not entirely blunted his naturally sparo j powcis of obseivation. Four years of Republican adminis tration are to come. What that may mean, capitalists and business men seem ready to guess. Tl.ey are buying all sorts of securities and property, at prices which would have seemed ab surd a few months ago, and they b - lieve that the general prosperity of the : country will make their ventures prof itable. Perhaps they may be mistak !enas to the speculative ventures. But j the country has unquestionably enter -1 ed upon an era of marvelous prosperity, and the shrewd men of business be gin to recognize the fact. — Jfiddkharg Post. Yes—"capitalists " and business men,'* and we may properly add bond holders and office-holders too. need not "guess" very much what Re publican administration means—thev know it by experience. To them it means increasing wealth, big dividends, high returns for investments, no taxes, and fat salaries with little to do. But how about the other classes, the farmer, the mechanic and the laborer— the bone and sioew of the country? These are not promised an "era of marvelous prosperity." Indeed since the election is over and ths k Republi cans have succeeded by the most dis graceful means ever used to carry an election, they are scarcely thought of, hardly meutioued, as a constituent part of our yrc.it country. V hat a bout their "marvelous prosperity"— their business boom? They have uoth • iug of that kind, and in the opinion of our mor.ied lords, nee 1 nothing in that particular line. They are a very use ful commodity about election time 3 to do the voting, and in the intervals to pay the taxes, but beyond that our up per cru3t classes seem to have no pos sible use for them, least of all are they over struck by anything like a business boom. The line between wealth and pover ty is uiore clearly and painfully marked to-day than at any former period of our history. There never was a time when the country had so many rich peo ple and more poo.. And this is the true signification of the marvelous prosperity under it'publican rule- WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, IX C. Dec. 11, 1-8 X Everybody is disappointed that the House should have gone into a wholly useless discussion of the way to count the electoral vote, but it is thought will early iepent of its folly and go back to business. As to the condition of the appropriation bills, the Chair man ot the committee said yeslerda;: "I have '.already reported the foiti fications and pensions, and on next Tuesday and Wednesday expect to present the diplomatic and West Point bills. I think they will all be passed by the House in the order named Ire fore the end of the week. The com mittee is making commendable spirit in getting tho bills ready for reporting, and I think the District of Columbia and naval bills will be ready soon, with a stroDg probability of passing both of those in the House before the holidays. The legislative, executive, and judi cial the sundry civil, and the deficien cy bills are generally the last to be brought up. I think I will get most of theui passed beforo the couuting of the electoral vote." The other really necessary meas ures are already before Congress or nearly .ready for presentation. Private bills—of which an enormous number aie on the calendars of both Houses will uot probably take up much time. The Senate on Thursday acted on one, a pension bill, and so decisively rejec ted it that others will not be pushed. The Post charges Mr. Hayes with an indecent attempt to get several Justices' off the SuDreme Court bench, so that ho may appoint his personal friends in their places. However, this may be, it is thought at least two of the Justices —Swayer and Strong—will retire be fore March 4th, and that the vacan cies will be promptly filled. Mr. Hayes is also interesting him self in retiring officers of the army who by the letter of the law may be retired. General Ord who was retired this week, and it is believed General McDowell will follow soon. I am afraid from the indications of the meetings of committees haying charge of the Yorktown Centennial celebration yesterday, that there will be a lack of funds to make it a success unless contributions shall bo promptly made throughout the 1 7 nion. Tim al most unanimous opinion of the Com mitteemen was that Congiess would not appropriate more than the >,OOO already given. There is a favorable sentiment a uiong a mnjoi ity of Liio metnb 'rs of the House (distal committee to subsidize, a line of Brazilian steamship. When tho regular postal appropriation bill comes up for act ion in the House, Ma post office committed will have an a meudmeut to offer looking to such subsidy. C'AItKOLL. <► ANOTHER MISSOURI CY CLONE. Great Damage to Property, and Several Persons Repor ted Fatally Injured. IST. Louis, December 7. — Tho Jlc publican's Carthage, Mo., special says a severe cyclone passed over that sec tion on Saturday evening from south west to northeast. South of Toplin fences were prostrated and houses and barns were torn down, but nobody is reported hurt. Ten miles south of Casthage the res idence and all the outbuildings of William Layman were' demolished, as were also the buildings of Mr. Forsy the, near by, but no lives were lost. Four miles to the northeast of Bay Mansha the buildings of Mr. Oumiby were fatally injured. At Natcoxie the storm raged with great fury. A blacksmith shop was totally destroyed ami the Masonic Hall was twisted off its foundation and ruined. Many other buildings were badly damaged and fences and Outhouses carried awaj. Cu Bound Prairie tho school house was destroyed and every stone in its foundation was cairi d several rods. The house ot .John McCoy, near by, was lifted from its foundation ; Mr. Newman's house was blown down, and his two little girls were fatally in hired. The timber in the track ef the storm was all torn up. Tho town of Mjrshffeld, which was nearly destroyed last summer, was visited by this stor m, and great dam age is said to have bet n done, nearly all the northern portion of the city be ing blown down again. Tie storm was accompanied by thunder and lightni ig, the electric shocks l*2ing very violent. IL Grant is elected 1 ailed 'States Senator for Pennsylvania as many of his republican fawners and lickspittles propose to -do, won't the grand old Keystone be heavily represented in the first legislative body of the world? Shades of Clay and Webster! wouldn't they make the chamber ring with their matchless eloquence? Fighting a Panther for Four Hours. From the Friar.*' Point (Miss.) Gi:vtte. Our friend jß°h Bobo, who wears the honors as the champion bear-hunt er, must now pull in his horns, as from all accounts lie has been beaten „by th< fxploibof Mr. C. Jenkins, who last Thursday night Killed a panther that measured 11 feet 4 inches in length, 0 inches across the foot and weighed, af ter being skinned, 3)2 pounds. The monster early in the night came tin near the residence and got after a sow that had pigs. The sow took refuge under the house. Mr. Jenkins hearing the l'uss went out, and, seeing tin brute, got his gun and dogs and gave chase, running him a mile and a half, and after fighting him for four hours, during which all his dogs were rented and all his ammunition expended, he finally killed him with his knife. This is the largest panther we ever heard of, and Mr. N. B. Jenkins on Tuesday brought part of the scalp and a foot to town as trophies of the mon ster. Our friend Bob will now have to take a back seat until be can hunt up a larger one. _ A NEW TREATMENT. The Golden Elixir oj Life. Wonderful Cures. If you have Consumption, and would know that your cough can bo made loose and easy—llectic l'ever and Night Sweats checked in 21 hours; In flammation taken out of tho lungs and air passages at once; thai you can be made to gain '6 to it pounds of healthy liesh per week; if you have any Chronic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick llesdache, Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debil ity, Seminal Weakness or Spermator rhoea, loss of sexual power in either sex from any canse; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing flesh cr wasting away, and would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many 1 of the severest cases in a short time, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this cut and write at once for particulars to B. S. DIS PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich. Those of our readers I'' l ' - in!y uiul pro tll:t!>!(• employment. or valuable reading matter cheap for IH|. should send to the FRANK 1.K51.1 K I'l PUSHING CO., b> Dcy St. Now York, for a complete set of their publica ltoils and Illustrated Catalogue, containing list of premiums, Sa\ or ">r a complete a tent's outfit of 12 beautiful chwmns and our Premium Rook ot \ aiusble In form" ion, containing over r ji pages, w it?; sample copies of nil our pnhlica tion--. "Ye. Fee ad\ertiseinent in uuother co lumn. An active agent wanted iu every town—twen tv to thirty dollars can In- made weekly. Their illustrated Publications with their new Premi ums, fake at si' hi. !>o not delay if you wish to secure your terri tory. \ddre s I'rmiU l.elle Publishing' Co., 15 I>ey St., New York. IT ST It A Y. —Cam" to the restd 'lieu of the s,io. *j seriber ahoiit two nitles east <>t Kebers burg, on or about the last of s-jt. ls<o, a reu In iter, white along the belly, white spots at head ami a out iu right ear. No other marks. The owner is requested to pay expenses and tuke the same awav, otherwise it will be d.s lioseu of ueeOrdmp; to law. Pee.Pth, 2ir. Win. KUKAML'U. T R Y NE W YORK OBSERVER THIS YEA It. Tlie Largest an 1 Host I\ntiily I'jper iu tlie World. Send Jor Sample ''>iaj—Free. m\ YOUR OitSKHVMR, 117 Park Raw, \nv York. InTOTIOEI. TIIE BES'T OFFEB YET MADE. I'Ot It OP M:\NK LKSLI ■-PI lit if ATI ON s ONE YEAR POKONI.Y Th • Prank Leslie Publishing Co.. !"• Dcy St., Ni \\ York, wilt send PJtANK I.l> LIE'S PA MI I.\ FRIEND, a Ifipaije illustrated paper, for oulv .fl.oo per year. PKAXK LEsLIi.S YOUNG I oI.KS devoted ! to the interest of young people, and eoma ining mueli to liitere-1 those of a more ma'ure age. '1 Ins paner contains It. pases of t iP>strations and valuable reading iiialter. dust tin paper for y oumr children. Price, per year 70 cents. pit AN K I,LSI.IK'S NATIONAL YGKK TL- Tl KLST AND U OKKING PA It Midi, a Id page il.ust rated paper, for only ■§>!.*•• per •> r. PI: VMV LKSLIE'H PLLPL F OP 1 HE PAY. a b'> page illustrated paper. Just ttie paper for .Sunday reading. I'i no only TYciiis per year. or a'lfour oj the above pul>!ic<iti'jnr j>r ? 2.50 JKV gear. Any person dex'ri eg c act as our a .-.it, on sending uafl.fti. will receive postpaid, sample eoi ies of •he above | iihin .'i to j-ilcr with a complete agent's out lit oi !.- beautiful in • m i iliu el;romos, aiso a copy of our ilooU • 1 a!u aid • information, of oyer .m' p tg, com uum.- an illti-trated Dictionary; of every r.s-.'el word t . h • found in the English, Language. Medical and Household receipts, * Legal ady e ami form n articles on cti queUe and Ir'l'r v.. :tin •. advice to merchants, clerk*, ies ami farmers. Samples of all our Publi ati. t ■ . a L a-.'rat ed Catalogue (without premium-) for i" rents. All desiring mead) ami profit em .y-.c <r should send at once ix'fore their Lrutory i < taken. Address FK YNK LKSLI I PL'HLISHIM tu 1" ifey Street, New York. 1880-1, 13S0-1. The Patriot. Daily and Wsuk-y. for the Ensuing Year. Tli • sitirn'ripti )n price of Wri ,:v i'.i ttiot his tieen reii'.-ed to ♦ltd ir cojpc: annum. To cl'ils ef 1-TPT . an I'in y trd-' Wu -.r y PATRIOT WIN he furni bed at tU J* extra ruin* .uiiy cheap rate of 7 > ecu is per .•••;>> j r an littiu. The Ibvn v I'AT >:o •v. ill be 'cut t > any .< d dress, durum Hie s" .. us :,t Of:i..iv-s and t •• L •jpsUture at the r <• of> cm l • per month. Pmler the .set of ' iiins.-s ■ lh p • 'r p pays the |H)sta{;-' an.; crib*: s ar- r< . , d from that ex| en-e. Lvt-ry Mihseription prist be r.c iimp.-\ni"d by ibc cash. Now is die tiin •to S ibv:i . • 'i.r.or i ic'i insessions of eon;tt-ss ail the !e;i laiure \\ill lie f moiv than orddrirv interest .u .| t!.<ir proeei■din-'* w .11 i'.* fuliy re;> o li-d for the 1>• .- iy and a complete s\ no., is tbciii w ill lie pis - en in the Weekly. \d lr<- s i' \Ti:i<> V iTRUSIUNC CO., tf : jo Marke. >tiv;t, iJairishurn. QILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION EGOSB. 020 F Street, Waghinjrtoa, D. C. Make Negotiate Loam and at tend load busim s conti l' I to them. LAM> S<";:P .soldier's Addition t! Homestead Li.k'ot , ami La.mj W AHRANTS boar lit and sold. RATtl^^YfttD NEW CUBE, i RHEUMATISM, Wlileli rendere life ft burden ftnd fi nally destroys it, is permanently cured by this remedy. Stiff and syrollen I Joints are restored to their natural . court itiou. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief. Cas es of tlie longest standing are perma nently cured by a single bottle. CURES GUARANTEED in every case. Money refunded to any one not relieved after a fair trial. Lor sale by all first class druggists. I TRICK AO CENTS. |, RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. II PITTSBURGH, PA. wl KWSend for statement of cures. A THE EOGT & SHOE MAN iy pf LOCK HAVEN. I have a very large slock of 0, 2 BOOTS, SHOES, |g Slippers & Ladies walking shoes, JA I just opened up for Spring and jfflß huinni' r wear. My stock is as cheap as it. was a year Agtir E§Sni uKo, beeauro 1 bought it i'or cash in-fore the ad- St 2 vance, lam the only Hgd| shoe dealer in ' ock WBW ILiveh that buys V II you will fce convinced 8 ■ that your place to buy is w r BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEB'ONTE, FA ! First Class in all respects. 7'liis is tlie place for the business man, the limner, the mechanic. ' Omnibus to nil trains, YV. it. fiiLEIl, h oju ictor. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Div. WIVTUIi TlMhi TMILK. o,i and aftel M'N'PA V, Novt'Ttb. laHil. the ti iins mi I lie riilkidelpida A I.l'l'} Itatll'oad IP y i.sion w ill i un as follow s : \VI>T\VAIM> Klt IK M All, lea \e> I'hiladelpliiil it •'>'> I. IU " " HarrislHirg i•* a. m. " \V|iliamiort 8 40a.m. " .leis-y shore. '.H.Pa. in. " Lik'U liayen- t'-l'i a. in. " " Iti-iioy o 11 o5 aon " arr. at Id i 7 45 p. m. NI AG All At \l*. le;t\ < s I'lilhub Ipliia *. "o a. m. ll.ii ilnburK 11 1"> p. uf. arr. at William-jniia d 15 p. in. " •• Lock Haven. 4 p. m. FAST LINK leaves I'kllad-Ipliia litk'o p. ni. " •• llaii IsburK 108 p. at. " arr. at '• " Lock liayen Plop. 111. EASTWARD. PACIFIC EXP.] .no I ock Haven.. 7 "5 ii. n. " •• Jersey Shore.. 79i m. " Wil!i.'im>port. xJO H. ni. " air.at ll uti: burg ...lU()5p. m. " " Tldladelplila. ."145 p. nt. DAY I'XI'RKSS leaves 1.0 k Haven. .11'J5 a, ni. •• Williamei ort lit -■> p. m. " arr. at llarrisburg .. 3 4j)p. ni. " Tliiladclphia •> '■'■ <p. in. ERIK MAIL leaves Heimvn tuup. in '• Loek Haven lo lo p. in. " 11 y\ iiliamspoit 11 do p. in. " air. atllarrisbuiK .'KJOu. iu. •' " i'ldladelphia 705 a. in. FAST LINK leayes Willlaiiisport 12 15a. in. " arr. at Harrisburjr Slsa.p. " " I'ldladelphia 705a, m. Krie 51ail and Day Kxoress Fast make e!> e eouneet ioii< at N<irthiiml>ei laud with L. Alb it. It. trains from Wilki shane a*'d Seran ton. Kit- Mail West. Niagara Fxi>re-s West and Line West make close connection at Wil liomsjMirt with N . <lt. W. trains north. Nia'.ara I e-- Wesi and Day Express East !i, ike close roe. lection at J.oek liayen yvitli b. I \ . it. R.troll s. Em* Mail Las' and West connect at Frio v.i i' rails on L. ,x M.S. R. It.; at Furry with O.C. A; Y. V. R K sal Emporium with It. N. Y. A Ik R. R., and at Millwood ysitli A. V. R. R. I'arlor ears will *uii betysei n l'hiladelid.ia anil Wiiliamsport n Niagara Kxpress \.est and Day Express Ka-t. >k< ping cars ou all night trains. Wil. A. BALDWIN, General Sup t. L. 0. & S. C. RAIL EGAD. WESTWARD. 1. 3. LFAVB A.M. TH. P. M Montandeh 7 <•' ■ •' 6 20 LcyyDburg Arrive 7 15 2 1') 6^5 Lewisbiug Leave 7 ! > 2 20] l air Ground 7 20 2 30 Field 7 30 2 4it VI '•• -l M ;rg 7 2 Mifiiinnurg Arrive < •"•0 o '5 Mifilbiburx la-AYO 7 50 315 Miltiiiont S 10 3 .">5 1 aurelton k 2 S VjJ I'olUlill • Yu.xo a*. Spring MilU 1 > EASTWARD A 4. 6. I.rAVK 5.M* A.M. T. M s>; ring Miliu In vM < oh.II 'I 1* 45 I.anreitiUi 11'5 4 Ai M. Union t l-i*; 4 20 Mi (111 ti burg Arrive ) 4 4i Mitllinborg Leave 12 50 4 50 Vi-ksburg 1-45 -*ss i.i.dil 12 7 2 5 13 Eair Ground 102 5 2' Lewisimrg Arrive 110 5."0 lar* isburg Leave ♦" A 1 20 545 Arr. at MontandoTi •"> syl 1 '>• 600 N.is. 1 a 2 connect at Moiitamlo'.i with l-rie Mail west on the Fluiadeiphia A Eiie Rail Hoe. I. N 'S tA j with Day Express cast and Niagara Fxjwvs* we-r. Nll>. 5a 5 with ! ast I ine west An uinii'lin will run letwecn Lew Lbnrg arol Vt-oii a'ldon, t, convey pss--ntwrs i< :.!iit fa sn i'.i ifl Fx press e4.lt 00 tbe TltiurdeiphiA & Erie Ji .tiroa l. Tin? reg.dar Railroad Tickets yx ill be itouorcd belweeu i'le.-e two 1 iiinl.x. IpiAJiDS 1 S a'to LIC httl H m it Child can BEO it,\ He m H Iso BIMPLEB ■ go It Bequlrcs No Care, f jS rt ftso STRONCi 1 H n h Never M'cart Got, "Domestic" 1535 jq t 46 inctet. ButHmni*, Fashions lVlce, 35 CeziU* They era espcciaUy tlcsifirte J fo itieef tho requirements of those who dosiro to dress vveirjhjyjare unsurpassed in StyFe, perfect in Fit, end so simpla that they aro readily understood by tha rncst inexperienced. S or ologue. Address, ".Domestic" Fashion.Co, HEW TOSK. DUMCiin'MCt procured for all soldiers disabled riiMHJflO in th! 1 . S. service from any cause, al>o for heirs of deceased soldiers. Tlie slightest disability entitles to pension. PENSIONS iNHti AsKU. Tlie laws being more littoral now, thousands are entitled to higher rati s. Bounty and new discharges piocurcd. Those who are in doubt as to whether entitled to anything should send two 3 cent stamps for our •'circular of information." Address, with stamps, Stoddart & Co. Solici tors of Claims and Fo tents. Room 8, St. Cloud gjHdtag, IIALBERT E. rAINE. Late Cominissifcer 0} J'atcnts, BENJ. F. GKAFTON. STOKT B. LAUD FaTE N T S PAINE, GRAFTON & LADD, Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors oj American and Foreign J'atents. 412 FIFTH STKKET, WASHINGTON, D. C Practice patent law in all its bra uelies in th Patent OMice and in the Supreme and Circui Courts of the United tales. Pamphlet sent free THIS MPERSiVJ Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce SSIINEW YORK. BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE PA. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. AT THE BEE 3IIYE OUB PBICB STORE. We are now opening and displaying the Largest best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county comprising a full line of DEY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Clothing Made to Order a Speciality. -A.il, C3-001IS ZMZARKED T\ IFL\I\ HETKIIRES, The pubic are cordiallay invited to call and ex amine our stock. Remember the place ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, BAULAND & NEWMAN Cor fietio is: One price, tin test pits, and BO misrepresiiitation. "OF BKY ©OOBS AT COST. IP. J". TIRO'ICELIj, SAX K HAVEN, PA. Afjviit for tlie eloslntr out sale of a and de sirable assortment ni T liidit s' 3D m; Gr oods, fSTofions, Ladies' and Greats' Furnishing C3-<!ds, Shawls, vi 1 sots ire & lone trawls, Brocr.c, Paisley, und Klack Cashmere Shawls, ail wool & SKIRTS, GLOTHS, Cassisncrc. 1 !. Tweeds. Hed, whif* an I rinnnols, Utispv, F.ieactied and Uiibleavbed ■<; well as colored COTTON ; i.ANN LLS. l>\>.Ui>i"iC t.tMii.s, .Musi HlS, Sheeiii.gs, Table Line-no. Towhugs, &<*. I CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! I Tajios'ry. ltruseN. all v-wd extra super Ingrain Cvpels, also a line assortment and tlte'most 1 !• :!,itifiil iio '_r;js ;n -h ':p carpets, beddu< Hall an<! Stair Carpet to snatch. Floor and Table I <'l! 'i<niis Wit;.low •:,. titrz Can in fixtures, Butt-r, KKK*. Lard, bacon and Woo! taken ia v.luyt .e for rfoods. If you desire bargains dou't lorget the place, Curasr of Maine ass Vs psr Streeis. Lock Bates, P gJjSjrl s&#*(.■ if^MM u*V t0 *$ —— ri SBafo. l^^ 0 ' - *§&.. <33 UNION SQUARE^fS pgSfe ' ViC : "-*' ' vMASS.'.'v n£g^grK CITY./.jg&j "No lady should be without IV—SMppcnsburff, (Pa.) Chronicle. AND BESTM** : PETERSON SM ASAZINE FULL-SIZE PAPER PATERNS! it-2, - \ SITRLE.MF.NT ITT'/' he given in eve ry number for 1 SSI . containing a full-size pattern for a ;la tit/* or child's dress. F.veru Subscriber will recivc, during the year, twelve of these patterns, I worth more alone, than the subscription prtcc.'isM. } I PETERSON'S MAGAZINE is THE best ami cheapest of the lady's books. It gives more for the money, unci combines greater merits, than any other, in short it has the BEST STEEL fiNGR WINGS, BEST ORIGINAL B ™R™ ____ BEST COLORED FASHIONS, BEST WORK-TABLE PATTERNS, BEST DRESS PATTERNS, BEST MUSIC, Etc,, Etc. Its immense circulation and long established reputation enables its proprietor to distance all competition. In 1880 a New Feature was introduced, which will be improved on in ISSI, being a scries of # Splendidly Illustrated Articles. The stories, novelets, &c. in "Peterson" are admitted to be the best m-Wished. Ajl the most popular female writers contribute to it. In 1881, about 100 original stonesrwill be given,>&®din Htldition Six COPY NIGHT NOVELETS, by Ann S. stopb- s, frnmk Lee Benedict, fiin6 (X. Austin, Mary V. Spencer, Sidney Trevor, and that iiiiinitable humorist, the author oi Josiah Allen s wife."' The __ _ CQLGILED STEEL FASHION PLATES WP ,n ;SMiss 2:3*w ssrwssss? tfrAs receipts; articles in Art Embroidery, Flower Culture; in short everything intelesting to ladies. TERMS (Always in Advance) 82.00 A YEAR, 4®~UNPARALLELED OFFERS TO CLUBS.®a 2 Conies fors-TSO $ With a cosily steel engraving , "GRAN' FATHER TELLS OF YORKTOWN," z Lcpies io * or an ijiustrated Album, quarto, gilt, for getting up the Club. 4 Copies for sdso \ With an extra coj.y of the Magazine for 1881, as a premium, to the per -5 Copies for *3 S * With both" an extra copy of the Mapzino for 1881, and the picture, or 7 " " 10.00 Album, to the person getting up the Club. FOR LARGER CLUBS STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Address, ~ost-p,Ic HA;RLEa j PETERSON, 306 Cbestnnt St,, Philadelphia, Pa. #j*Spee?meiisseiit gratis, if written for, to get tip clubs with.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers