S|II Home and Around. .a i HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. _Wi,\fKn ARRANUEMBST.—TIMS TABLE —OD and sfter Sept lftth, passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows: Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.10 p. nr. ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 21 p. m ; leaves Hunt . ion at 0.05 a. in., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 12 IS h. m. \ >cinraodation Train leaves Sax ton i.30 a. in , and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9 20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p. m., and arrives at Sax tun at 6.27 p. m. Court is in session this week, with H fair attendance. To lie seen on our streets— 'V hitti er's Barefoot Boy." The first of May is the time to take out United States licenses. Remember Crouse's Resort. It is the place to get good cigars and tobacco. • —■ - • - The improvements on Juliana street are progressing, and when finished, fair Juliana will be fairer still. 9 All the monthly and weekly maga zines and periodicals can le had at the Inquirer Book Store, at publishers' prices* The impression seems generally to prevail that we will have plenty of fruit this year, as the buds have not iieen materially injured. Artists who do landscaping in white wash, and execute geometrical figures with soap and brushes, are extremely busy just now. The weather just now is extremely tine and gentle spring in her "ethereal mildness" appears to have taken up her abode with us. CESSNA'S LAST TRIUMPH.— "Our" Congressman Is a giant when it comes to lifting postmasters. He has recent ly hoisted one at Scalp Level. Family bibles, miscellaneous books, school books, wall paper, inks and sta tionery are sold at the Inquirer Book Store for less money than any whereelse. SUICIDE.—A man by the name of Kmriek, residing in Allegheny tp., Somerset co., hung himself the other day. For Sale—a limited number of post offices. The voice of the |>eople not heeded in this case. First-class wire pullers only permitted to bid. Apply to "our" member at once. Quite a number of beautiful shade trees are being planted in different parts of the town. That is right.— Keep the ball rolling. Bedford county is infested with horse thieves.— Hotlidaysburg Register. That is certainly an item of news to our people. Caterpillars have already made their appearance and will soon commence their ravages on the fruit trees. Now is the time to destroy these pests. There are still a number of cross-road post offices in this county to In? sup plied with officers. Cannot "our" member "peddle" them out ? Let him try his hand at once. EDITORIAL VISITOR.— We had the pleasure, on Monday last, of a call from our friend, D. K. Wagner, Esq., of the Shippensburg News. David looks well, considering that he edits a radical pa per and has just committed Itco-iride. _ Cain Norris, the Freedinau's Bureau pet, was convicted at Chambersburg, last week, and sentenced to thirty Ave years in the eastern penitentiary.— Article XV loses an enthusiastic sup porter. DIVIDE ET IMPEBA.— This must be the motto of Congressman Dad. He divides his favors. The Bedford post office is to pay annually to another par ty besides the postmaster, the sum of jfciiMi. Such is the bargain. WE are idebted to Senator Wallace for a copy of his speech on the extrav ganee in expenditures of the Radical administration of State affairs. It is an able argument against radical rule and should be read by everybody. J ANUS.— "Our" Congressman looks one way and rows another. He sug gested that the "Republicans" of this neighborhood hold an election for post master, but acted contrary to the de cision of the people at that election. DROWNED.— Mrs. Mowry, an aged lady residing in Juniata township, was found dead in the Raystown branch of the Juniata, on last Friday morning. She left the house.thenight before, without the knowledge of its inmates, and it is supposed threw her sMf into the water and was drowned. - ——# SEVERELY INJURED.— "We are pain ed to learn that on last Saturday, our friend Jacob M. Burnett, of Coaldale, was so seriously Injured, in the Wigton mines, by rock and coal fulling on him, that his life is despaired of. His breast was almost completely crushed in. AN EFFICIENT AGENT wanted for Bedford County, by one of the latest and best Life Insurance Companies in the Country. Address, DANIEL S HELLEY fc SON, General Agents Manhattan Life Insurance Co., Harrls burg, Pa. _ Now that the scribblers for the In purer are safely ensconced behind the strong walls of the GAZETTE BUILDING they amuse themselves by throwing paper balls with a recklessness that is truly astonishing. But the walls in the GAZETTE BUILDING arc thick, and paper halls cannot penetrate them, So, go a head with your fun, hoys. Nobo dy shall hurt you. A man who has just subscribed for a Cambria county paper acknowledged to the editor it lie had been a regular subscriber to his paper lie would have been saved two hundred dollars. So it is. There are items and advertise ments published in the county papers which if heeded would prove the turn ing point in many a man's career, and h*ud him on to fume aud fortune.— And yet this advice is only worth $2 a year or four cents a week. H. F. IRVINE has every variety of boots and shoes, queens ware, glass ware, groceries, notions, dr., usually kept f>y a first-class store, as is the "Regulator" establishment. Besides this, he sells at remark ably low prices, and none but the very beat of goods. FATAL ACCIDENT.— On last Friday, as Michael Warmouth was erecting a shed for a brick yard, in Napier town ship, a heavy pole which he was about putting up, slipped and struck him ou the head, inflicting such severe in juries that he lived but a short time. His remains passed through this place on Sunday, on their way to Markles burg, Huntingdon county, where his family reside. ANOTHER SHINGLE. —The Bedford Gazette swings from the Sout hern end of the Inquirer Building. They took that end from principle. The "Inquirer " of course stays North. — In quirer. Those fellows of the Inquirer are a stupid, selfish set. They pretend to admire our beautiful "shingle," but as their vision does not penetrate farth er than to the end of their nasal organs, they cannot see that our sign swings from the GAZETTE BUILDING. AS to thelnquirer "staying North," that is quite characteristic of that journal, for its editors took precious good care to "stay North" during the war. Swear the next witness. LOSSES IN THE BORDER COUNTIES. The following figures will show the aggregate amount claimed by each of the counties of Franklin, Adams, Cumberland, York, Fulton and Bed ford on account of the losses sustained by their citizens during the war. They also show the amount reported by the Commissioners to be due: Franklin Co., Total am t claimed $833,192 16 " " allowed.... 788 733 99 Adams Co, Total arn't claimed 552,383 97 " " allowed 507,797.37 Cumberland Co., Total anvtclaimed.. 238,400.02 " '• allowed.. 219,724.46 York Co., Total ain't claimed 127,663.55 " " allowed 124,728.50 Fulton Co., Total ain't claimed 54,421-32 o 14 allowed 45.600.57 Bedford Co., Total am't claimed 7,186.23 " " allowed 7,129 23 ERRATA . —"Linden," our Philadel phia correspondent, sends a postscript to this week's letter, in which he pitch es into us thusly:— Mr. Devil, you played havoc with my last batch of paper squibs. You destroyed my sense, you spelled words wrong. Mr. Proof Reader, did you lose your specs, when you liad that flitting? Did you get knocked into pi ? Well, as a moving is equivalent to one third of a tire, we will kindly subside, know iug your readers can easily make the corrections. L. We most humbly beg Linden's par don for making him say so many awk ward things. Creating order out of the chaos and confusion incident to the removal of a printing office, and a rush of job work, precluded us from giving the paper the attention it should have had. Besides we-were planting little onions and computing the interest on our Seven Thirties—we mean those we expect to get, some day. Rest assured, that Linden's sheets of ink-stained snow, shall not again be marred by the rude hand of a printer's "devil," or his ideas knocked into "pi" by a "speckless" proof-reader. Not if the court knows itself. ARRESTED. —On Friday last we were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Huzzard, on a "writ of inquisition" and conveyed to the county jail. Like a good citizen, willing to serve our coun try in any capacity, wo inarched thither without a murmur. But imag ine our surprise when we reached that place, that instead of facing iron bars and heavy manacles to secure our presence in durance vile, we beheld an array of ingenious attorneys, bland ly smiling clerks, gentlemen of leisure, and others who had been call ed together to discuss the qualities of a dinner prepared by the good lady of the house. And such a feast! To use a hackneyed phrase, "the tables liter ally groaned" with good things there on, which were prepared in a manner to tickle the palate of the most fastid ious fellow. Being modest, we looked on, and can verify that all did jus tice! o the cause before them, especially the lawyers who always liketo be well fe(e)d. In conclusion—as the speech makers have it—permit us to say that Mrs. Steekman knows how to get up a dinner and the Sheriff and his deputy know how to entice men to go to jail. Arrest us again ! THE MYSTERIOUS EGGS.—A laugha ble scene occurred in front of the Court House, on Monday afternoon last. Jerome Blitz, the great wizard, who can practice his wonderful feats in pub lic as well as private, stopped at one of the huckster stands, and inquired the price of hard boiled eggs. "Two for five cents," was the answer. "Dirt cheap," says the little Magician, com mencing to break one. By the time he had the shell broken, out pops a ten dollar greenback, which made the hon est old huckster open his eyes as big as a saucer. "That's very strange," says he. So Jerome took up another egg and out pop two five dollar green hacks. "There," says the Wizard, "this is certainly luck- guess 1 will take them all." "No, you don't," says the huckster. "I don't sell any more of thein. I might as well have the money as you." Our old friend commenced breaking open the re mainder of tiie eggs, hut found no greenbacks. Such laughing and jump ing was never before seen around the Court House.— Repository. IMPORTANT.— Ashcoin, J. B. Kegarice, Dan'l 11. Bobb, Alexander Lyons. T. JL Bortz, Martin L. Netf, Wm. L. Borger, Geo. H. Noble, Jas. D. Cam, darn B. Pilkington, James Castner, J. 15. Price, Henry. Doyle, Martin P. Russell, A. Sidney. Evans, N. C. Stewart, Abr'm J. Feight, Jno. W. Spalding E. A. Jeffries, H. B. Sparks, \V. W. Hay, 11. 11. C. JWeaverling,Ad'm. Kingsbury, C. O. i Weller, J. Q. A. W ill please address J. B. Spiese At torney at Law Harrishurg Pa. giving their full address, and enclosing stamp for reply. ftpr23w3 AND ALL ErPKNdES PAID ! Bee Advertisement of AHWICM BHL'TTLE Sewisa MSCIUXK in oar advertising oolumos. novdyl &*&?*> rto 33rtofovto> $K# A CARD.— Since I became a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff, some evil disposed persons have circu lated a report that I supported John Cessna, for Congress, last fall, and that he had secured me the appointment to a lucrative office as a reward lor such support. With those who know me, no denial is necessary, and those unac quainted with me, could easily sat isfy themselves of the falseness of the charge by referring to the vote of our own township, where Mr. Cessna did, not get a single. Democratic vote ! The charge is false and utterly without foundation. The appointment referred to was that of surveyor of dis tilleries, the emoluments of which a mounted to about forty or fifty dollars, and was made by William MeSherry, Esq., Democratic Assessor of Internal Revenue, for this district, without the knowledge or assistance of Mr. Cessna, or any one else, without any solicita tion from me or my friends, and really against my wishes, as Mr. Hughes and other distillers, who urged me to ac cept, can testify. The annexed state ment of Mr. MeSherry himself proves the truth of what I have here said. WILLIAM KEYBER. LITTLESTOWN, March 18th, 1869. I do hereby certify that on the 22nd of January A. IX 1869, I recommended Win. Iveyser, Esq., of Buena Vista, Bedford co., Penn'a, to Ihe Commis sioner of Internal Revenue as Survey er of Distilleries for Bedford and Som erset counties, and that on the 29th of said month, he was appointed as such without the influence of anv other per son whatever. WM. M< SHERRY. In publishing the above card we do not wish to be understood as favoring the cause of Mr. Keyser, or any other candidate, for any office. As we have said heretofore, our desire is that each candidate shall have a fair and unpreju diced chance for nomination. Let the electioneering he done, as true Demo crats, desiring the good of the party and the overthrow of Radicalism, would do it. We would just add that we know Mr. MeSherry personally, and that he is a gentleman of honor, a Democrat of the straitest sect, and he held the office of Assessor of Internal Revenue as a Democrat and resigned it as soon as Grant was inaugurated. FOR SALE—a desirable building lot on Richard Street, in the Watson ex tension. Inquire at this office. tf. There are, it is said, 30,000 strangers in Rome, and board is six dollars a day. The town of Huanciuaga, Mexico, has been completely destroyed by fire, A revolution was imminent in Jalieo. DIED. SMITH—Near theFootof the Ridge, on the lith inst., Mrs. Margaret Smith, in the 65th year ot her age. HOLLER—Near Dry Ridge P. 0., on the 2ttth in."t., Mrs. Holler, aged 80 years, 2 months and 20 days. MO WRY—On the 2Srd inst., Mrs. Catharina Mowry, wife of John Mowry, aged 72 years, 6 months and 6 days. JMwtisrmtnti TIT ('. sen AEF PER, A TTORNEY A T LA W, BEDFORD, PA. OFFICE WITH J. W. DICKKHSOS, ESQ. apr.3o 'ti'Jy 1 4 DM IN IST BATOR'S NOTICE.— f\ Notice is hereby given that letters ofsdrnin istration have been granted to tho undersigned, by the Register of Bedford eounty, upon the es tate of Susanna Gephart, late of Napier tp., dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. PETER OKPHART, aprSOwfi Administrator. CiRYSTAL STEAM MILLS."—Our / Mill Wagon will deliver Flour, Feed, Ac , every afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Bedford, and re ceive grists. All work warranted. Terms cash. JNO. G. A WM HARTLEY. Orders may by left at Mill or Hartley A Mctz gar's Hardware Store. apr3om3. SHAMPOONING, HAIR DRES SING AND SHAVING. 1 am determined to fight it out on this line all summer and will warrant entire satisfaction to all my patrons. I am also prepared to weave hair,"make switches and curls on the shortest no tice and most improved styles. Room on Juliana St., one door north of the Express Office. apr3otu3. 11. F. CRAWLEY. |TI A R P E T S . ALL PEOPLE of Central Pennsylvania will SAVE MONEY by going to Brown's New C A R P E T S T ORE, Huntingdon, Pa., to buy all their (Jar pets from 30 cts. per yard, to fine INGRAIN and BRUSSELS. —ALSO— MATTING. • OIL CLOTH, RUGS, CARPET CHAINS, Ac. can buy of me by the roll at whole gale prices. apr3om2 JAMES A. BROWN. XJOTICE TO TAX PAYERS.—In X I pursuance of an Act of Assembly, to Pro vide for tho collection of State. County. Poor and Military Taxes in the county of Bedford, approved the I3th day of April, 1869. the undersigned will attend at the times and plaoes below named, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock, a. m., and 4 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of receiving such Taxes, for the year 1869: Monday and Tuesday, 24th and 25th, at Woodber ry, for Middle Woodberry tp and Wood berry bor. Wednesday, May 26 at Pattonsvillo, for South Woodberry. Thursday. May 27. at Bloody Run, for Bloody Run bor. and West Providence tp. Friday, May 28, at Joseph Mortimore's, for Snake Spring tp Monday, May 31, at Daniel Fletcher's store, in Monroe tp. Tuesday, Junel, at Win. Adams' mill, in South ampton tp. Thursday, June 3, at Keinsburg, for Rainsburg bor. and Colerain tp. Ft id ay, June 4, at D. A T. Black's for East Provi dence township Saturday, June 5, at Joseph Cessna's, for Harrison township. Monday and Tuesday. June 7th and Bth, Mowry's mill, for Union township, Wednesday. June 9, at PleasanUillo, for St. Clair township. Thursday, June 10, at St. Clairsville, for St. Clairsville bor. and township. Friday and Saturday, June II and 12. at Schelts burg bor. for Schellsburg bor and Napier tp. Monday, June 14, at Bridgeport, for Londonderry township. Tuesday. June 15, at Bedford for Brdford bor. Wednesday, June 16, at Centreville, lor Cumber land Valley township Thursday, June 17, at Buena Vista, for Juniata township. Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19, at Bedford, f r Bedford township. Monday, June 21, at Saxton, for Sax ton bor. Tuesday, June 22, at Stonerstown, for Liberty tp. Wednesday, June 23, at Coaldale, for Coaldale bor. and Broad Top township Thursday, June 24, at Capt. Jno. Kichelbergcr's, for Hopewell tp. "All persons in said county who shall, on or be fore the 28th day of July, aforesaid, py to the said Treasurer the amount of hD or her taxes, shall be entiCed to a deduction of 5 per oentum thereon" A schedule of all unpaid tuxes on the tluth day of August next, wi'l he made out and delivered to Justice of the Peace for collection. apr39w4 I- MENGEL, Treasurer, .. .l —' — Hen* AGENTS WANTED for GOLDEN SHEAVES—This work abounds in thrill ing sketches, moral tales, strange occurrences, gems of thought, strains of eloquence, stirring in cidents, rich' repartees and choicest specimens of the purest literature. Pleases ail, offends none. Prioes very low Address ZEIGLER, McCURDY A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. _ R ' ir^T£_ rpil E D O L A 11 SUN. CHARLES A DANA'S PAPER. The cheapest, neatest, and moat readable of New York Journal*. Everybody likes it. Three editions. DAILY, SBMI-WSBKLT, and WKKKLY at $5, $2, and $1 a year. Full reports of markets, agriculture, Farmers' and Fruit Growers" Clubs, and a complete story in every Weekly and Semi- Weekly number. A valuable present to every subscriber. Send for specimen, with premium list I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher Sun, New York. TR O N CITY C O LLEG E, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE OLDEST, most extensive, beat. appointed, and cheapest practical Business College in the United States. Patronised by the sons of Farm ers, Merchants. Bankers, and business men from every section of the Union. For large illustrated quarto circular, containing fulj information, fac similes of Premium, Penmanship, Ac., send this notice to SMITH A COWLEY, PRINCIPALS. Pittsburgh, Pa. LOCK HAVEN, PA. MESSRS. LtrriNooTT A BAKEWELL, PiHsb'g, Pa. Gents We have been using your make ot Gang Saws in our Mill, ami find them, in point of quality, superior to any wo have ever used. Yours, Ac., SHAW, BLANCIIAIiD A 00. ( LIPPINCOOT A BAKEWELL'S > Patent Ground, > Patent Temper, j LIPPINCOTT A CO. \ I Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL —We have no trouble with your Saws : they don't need to be lined up with paper ; we put them on the Man drel and they go right along. Temper perfectly uniform and quality unsur passed. Respectfully, CIIAS J. FUX. LIPPNCOTT A BAKEWELL, Manufacturers of Circular, Mulay, Mill Gang and Cross Cut Saws. Chopping Axes, all shapes. Col burn's Patent Axe. Shovels, Spades and Miles' I Patent Covered Scoop. ! LJ TEAM ENGINES O AND BOILERS. FROM 4 to 350 Horse Power, including tbo cel ebrated Corliss Cut-off Engines. Slide Valve Sta tionery Engines, Portable Engines, Ac. Also, Circular, Mulay and Gang Saw Mills Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Lath and Shingle Mills Wheat and Corn Mills, Circular Saws, Belting, Ac. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD A MANN STEAM ENGINE CO., Utica. N. Y. ! TITHE FRANKLIN BRICK MACHINE. : MAKES 2.500 to 3,500 Elegant Brick per Hour, j WITH ONLY EIGHT MEN AND TWO HORSES, | or 4,500 to 5,000 per hour by steam power Has [ no complex machinery to be getting out of order | or breaking down. 1 defy the world to equal it. No pay required until after tbe machine has per j formed as above on the yard of the purchaser J. I If RENICK, Room 28, 71 Broadway, New York I City. ' . j rjKKAT IMPROVEMENTS IN ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ARMS AND LEGS. Pzmphlets sent free. Address KIMBALL A CO., 639 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa I*7"ANTED, AGENTS, s7* to S2OO f $ per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only $lB. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO fr any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the clo'h cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that a rnount can be made. Address SKCOMB A CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., BOSTON. MASS., or ST. LOUIS, Mo. Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is tbe only genuine and really praotleal oheup machine manufactured. V* I / \ A DAY to agents selling SIL •O J \ ' VERS' PATENT ELASTIC BROOMS. Ilor nee Greeley says : "I predict its success." OLEGG A CO., 38 Cortlandt St., N. Y. 4 GENTS WANTED for the only /~\ steel engravings of Gen. Grant and hiR fam ily. published with their approval. Size 15x19. Address GOODSPEED A CO , 37 Park Row, New York. . U3ooSalary. Address U. S. PIANO I Co., N. Y A GENTS WANTED FOR /\ Dr. Cane's Great Pictorial Work, "ARCTIC E X PLO RA T ION S," AN elegant volume of rarest merit and instruction and of groat interest for all readers, WITH 360 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS and a sketch of the Auiher, by Prof. C. VV. SHIELDS, D. D , ot Princeton College, i Exclusive territory given and large commissions. For circulars and agency, address tbo Publishers, BLISS A CO., Newark, N. J. aprl6w4 To THE WORKING CLASS .—I am now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Fifty cents to $5 per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business ; and, tbat every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test tho business for themselves, I make tho following un paralleled offer : To ell who are not well satisfied with the business, I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing me. Full particulars, directions, Ac., sent free, Sample sent by mail for 10 cents Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. mar!9wl N'EBItASKA, its soil, climate, peo ple, Ac. A pamphlet for 23c. Address Caosi'KY A BAIN, Lincoln, Neb. 4 SK your Doctor or Druggist for £SWEET QUININE—it equals (bitter) Qui nine. Is made only by P. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit. inarl9w4 WJ ANT ED—AGENTS—To sell the. VV AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE. Price $23. The simplest, cheapest and best Knit ting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to A gentg. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., Boston, Mass . or St. Louis, Mo. HOW TO INVEST A DOLLAR. To invest a dollar profitably, send 23c. for a Certificate IN PACKARD A Cos HOLIDAY DISTRIBUTION Of Pianos, Mclodeons, WatcLeg, Jewelry, Ac., VALIKD AT $730,000. Every article disposed of on the $t plan, and not to be paid for until yon know what you are to re ceive. Certificates -nd circulars sent on receipt of 23c. or 3 for sl. PACKARD A CO., 58 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. 0. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures Diseases of the head and Throat, the worst forms of CATARRH ! Druggists keep it' or, a box will be 3ent prepaid by in lit fir thirty cents, or four for one dollar, by the proprietor, J . DURNO, No 1,2.23, P. 0., New York City. DEAFNESS, CATARRH, SCROF ULA. A lady who had suffered for years from Deafness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and grati tude prompts her to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly afllietei. Address Mrs. M C. Leggett, Hoboken, N. J. A VALUABLE MEDICAL Book! CONTAINING IMPORTANT I'IIYSIO _ ICAL INFORMATION to young men contem plating marriage, sent free on receipt of 2-w Ad dress tbe CHEMICAL INSTITUTE, 42 Clinton Place, 2). Y". A STAR IN THE EAST!! A new star has appeared in the literary circles, called TUB -'ILLUIH.NATBD WKSTERN WORLD." Its illustrations are all printed in beautiful oil colors, from one to seven, at a ainglo impression- In this feature alone THE "ILLUNI XATBII WESTERN WORLD" stands forth the fore most of the age. Aside from its magnificent illus trations, however, its columns will teem weekly with Fiction, Solid Prose, Charming Poetry and Glowing Romance. Dis a fit companion of every fireside—the magazine ot every branoh of ljtera> ture—the champion of noble industries— the sup. port tf the farmer, merchant. artisan, and the ed ucation of the masses. Send for specimen copies. Soli by all news dealers, Subscription, S2.OJ per annum- Address THE WESTERN WORLD CO., Cor. Bark Ptaoe and College Place, P. O. Box 4,1)29, Now York. SMmtijSfmfntis. NO SUPERINTENDENT OR I TEACHER should be without the SUNDAY-SCHOOL TIMES. The best paper in the world on this subject. John i 8. Hart, LL.D., Senior Editor. Sample copy free on application. Address J. C. GARRIGUEs A CO . Publiahers. Sabbath School Emporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa. IN THESE IIAIID TIMES YOU Cannot afford to pay threo or four profits on articles of when by sending a Club to PARKER A CO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE Of Dry Goods, Linens, Parasols, Albums, Hosiery, Silver Plated Ware, Jewelry, Cutlery, French and German Fancy-Goods, of every description, you can purchase any thing in their immense stock for ONE DOLLAR EACH. The secret of oar low prices is this: —Ws have a very large Cash Capital, and have buyers in all the principal citiesol thiscountrv and in Europe, who purchase FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, all the goods used by us, thus saving the consumer the profits made by the Importer or Commission Merchant, tbe Wholesale and Retail Dealer, each of whom demanda larger profit than taken by us. We can give More Goods for one. dollar than the retail merchant for twice or three times that sum. Our goods are described on printed checks, which will be sont in Clubs for Ten Cents each, to pay postage, print ing. Ac. If the article named on tho Check is not wanted, you can exchange from a list comprising Three Hundred and Fifty useful articles, among which arc- Ladies Silk Parasols, Lailios" Fine White Tucked Skirts, Silver Plated Five Bottled Castors, and a large variety of useful articlos, not one of which can be bought in any other way lor nearly double the money. Reference will be given, if required, from the most reliable Wholesale Merchants ot Boston and New York, as to our standing and the strictly honorable character of our business. want Agents in every town to whom the lollowing Commissions will be paid : TERMS TO AGENTS. For a Club of 30 and Three Dollars—2l yards Brown or Bleached Sheeting, yard wide; all wool pants and vest pattern; Marseilles quilt; 12 yards good bed ticking; 7 yards red twilled flannel; 15 yards cotteri flannel; 1-dozcn gents' linen Hand kerchiefs; fine white German counterpane, tringed; baudsoine balmoral skirt, elegant double clasp 100 picture photogpaph album; silver-plated engraved five-bottle castor, elegant silk fail, ivory or sandal wood frame beautifully spangled; handsome bead ed and liued parasol; 20 yards good print, fast colors; fine damask table cover; I dozen fine linen or damask towels, ladies' real Turkey morocco traveling bag; delaine dross pattern, 6 elegant en graved napkin rings; 1 dozen fine merino or cotton stockings; violin and bow in box complete; set jewelry, with long pendant drops; lad es' fashion able square shawl; good meerschaum pipe in case; 12 dozen Rogers' best silver dessert forks; or one article from club of 20 and one from exchange list. For a Club of 50, and Five Dollars—33 yards good qnality brown or bleaobed sheeting, yard wide; fashionable alpncca dress pattern, any color; 1 set lace curtains; 1 pair wool blankets; En graved silver-plated six-bottled castor; 3 1-2 yds. very fine all wool eassiiaere for pants and vest; set of 6 ivory-handled tea Knives, with silver-pla ted forks; handsome satin or silk paraso, heavily beaded and lined; 30 yds good prims, fast colors; ladies' or gents' large real morocco traveling bag, french frame; handsome poplin dress pattern; ladies' cloth cloak pattern: ladies' fashionable shawl; 1 fine large Marseilles quilt; 2 honeycomb quilts, silver-plated cake basket, plated on fine white metal; genuine meerschaum pipe; 1 pair gents' calf boots; or one article from club of 30 and one from club of 20, or four articles from Ex change list, Olut) of 100, antj Ten Dollars—One of the follow ing articles; 1 rich merino orthibet dress pattern; I pair fine damask table cloths and napkins to match. 1 pair gents' French calf boots. Very fine all-wool cloth for ladies eloak. 85 yards good brown or bleached sheeting, yard wide. 1 ele gant high-oolored all-wool plaid poplin dress pat tern. 1 Empress cloth dress pattern. 7 1 2yards fine cassimere for suit. 1 set ivory balanced-han dle knives and forks. 1 ladies' or gents' si.ver hunting-case watch. 1 Bartlett hand portable sewing machine. Splendid family Bible, steel engravings, with record and photograph pages. 25 yards good hemp carpeting, good colors 1 pair good Marseilles quilts. I good six barrel revolver. 1 elegant fur muff and cape. 1 single-barrel shot gun 1 silvar-plated engraved six-bottle revolv ing castor, cut gias3 botUes. I very fine violin and bow, in ease 1 very fine all wool long shawl. 2 1-2 yards double width beaver cloth for overcoat. Or eight articles from exchange list. a more extended list of commissions, see circular. We also give agents additional commissions, in proportion to the amsuDt of mom ey returned for goods. This extra commission is not offered by any other house. We are the only i iKvj who pay their agents for SENDING for goods after tboy have obtained subscribers to their clubs Be sure to send all money byßegistered Let ter. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Send your address in full. Town, County and State. BARKER A CO., Nos 98 and IttO Summer street, Boston. nprlCwl. EAJL E CT>M ING, ONCE MORE WITH A NEW SPRING STOCK in our great One Dollar Kale of Dry ami Fancy GOO D S , CUTLERY AC , AC. PREMIUM RATES OF SI IEETI NO: For Club Thirty, 21 Yds. Sheeting. " " Sixty, 42 •" " " One Hundred, 03 " All other premiums in same ratio. Enlarged Exchange List, with new and useful articles. See new Circular and sample. Sent to any ad dress free lyPlease send your Money by Bcgislered Let ter, addressed to J. S. IIA WES A CO., 128 A 130 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box C. w6 - \\ T ANTED. —First class traveling \\ salesmen, to sell by sample ; good wages or a liberal per cent, and steady employment Address, with stamp, B. F. HOWE, 029 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. apr3ow4 \\riLY NOT MAKE MONEY with \\ our STENCIL AND KEY CHECK OUTFIT, and by selling Novel and attractive articles f Circu lars free STAFFORD MFG. CO., 60 Fulton St., New York. apr3tfw!2 SALEKM EN WANTED by Manufac turing Co., to travel and sell by sample a new lino of goods. Situations permanent; wages good. H H RICHARDS k CO., 413 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. . apr.3ow4 rpnis IK NO HUMBUG! By soiid _|_ ing 35 cents, with age, height, color of eyes and bair, you will receive, by return mail, a cor rect picture of your future husband or wife, with namo and dale of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No. 24, Fuitonville, N. Y. apr3ow4. BIBLEB.— fSMXIi PRESENTED s::.nu To Agents to jell Bibles in any field with otner Books. A Patent Pocket Prospectus Free. PARMELEE A CO., 738 SansomSt., Philadelphia. apr3ow4. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS AND SECRETS OF THE NA TLUNAL CAPIT.U,, a work descriptive of Washing ton Citv : Inside and Outside Unmarked and Ex posed. The spiciest, most thrilling, most enter taming, instructive, and startling book of the day.£ s/'Send for Circulars, with terms, Ac.— Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO, 411 Broome St., New York City. apr3ow4. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE BLUE-COATS Ana how they Livod, Fought and Died for the Union, with Scenes and Incidents in the Great Rebellion. Comprising narratives of Personal Adventure, Thrilling Ineiduits, Daring Exploits, Heroic Deeds, Wonderful Escapes, Life in the Camp, Field, and Hospital, Adventures of Spies and Scouts, with the Sungs, Ballads, Anecdote and Humorous Incidents ot the War. It contains over 100 fine Engravings and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only $2.50 per eopy Send for circulars and see our terms and full description of the work Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadel phia, Pa. __ 4 DM 1N ISTRATOIVS NOTfCE.- f\ Letters of administration upon the estate ot Jacob Rauffuian, late of Middle Woodbury twp , dee d., having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Redfurd county, all Letups having claim* against said estate, are hereby uu tilled tQ present them, properly authenticated for settlement, tnd all persons indebted, are request ed to make immediate payment aprlOwO JOHN P. HOOVER, Adtn'r. £rpl sotirfs. jlS'l' OF RETAILERS.- A list of J venders of Foreign and Domestic Mcrchan disc, in the county of Bedford, for the year 1869, as appraised and classified by the appraiser of Mercnantile Taxes. Cla *, Bedford Borough Tar, 7 OE Oater, A Co. Store S4O 00 8 A B Cramer A Co. do 30 00 14 THAN J Lyons do 7 00; 13 Robert Kyan do 10 00 10 Miller A Bowser do 20 00 10 Hartley A Metzgar do 20 00 9 J M Shoemaker do 2a 00 13 ALDefibaugh do 10 00 14 WW Shuck do 7 00 13 Miss M Border do 10 00 14 George Reimund do 7 00 13 MrsEVMowry do 10 00 14 IsaaoLippel do 7 00 12 T M Lynch do 12 50 12 B Mcßlymer A Co do 12 50 14 Dr B F Harry do 7 00 14 H Heckerman A Son do 7 00 14 R W Berkstresser do 7 00 14 Jacob Bollinger confect'y 7 00 14 John C Smith do 7 00 14 tleorge Mardorff do 7 00 14 Mrs M Shaffer - Store 7 00 14 Daniel Border jewelry 700 14 John Lutz Store 7 00 13 E M Fisher do 10 00 11 Reed A Schell Bankers 15 00 11 0 E Shannon do 15 00 14 D W Grouse Store 7 00 12 U F Irvine do 12 50 14 Wui Keyser do 7 00 14 Simon Ling Whips A .Saddles 7 <H) 14 John F Blyutyer Hardware 7 00 It Nycum A Lindsay drugs 700 I 14 Margaret Fetterley Store 7 oft 14 David Brode confections 7 00 14 J U Minnich do 7 00 14 John Harris do 7 00 14 A B Cam do 7 00 14 Jacob Barnhart do 7 01) Bedford Township, 14 Bedford Min. Springs Ten Pins 700 14 do _ do do Billiards 700 14 do do do cigars 700 14 A B Cramer Ten Pins 700 14 Godfrey Yeager Store 7 00 14 E Y imler do 7 00 Bloody Bun Borough. 13 J M Barndollar A Sons Store 12 50 7 J B Williams do 40 00 14 F Mastars Druggist 7 00 13 Slates A Morgart Store 10 00 14 James Sheeder confections 7 00 14 Tbos Ritchey Store 700 14 A J Nycum do 7 00 14 John C Black confections 7 00 14 J Kamsoy Stora 700 14 Eliza Grove Millinery 700 12 Baughman Gump ACo Hardware 12 50 14 J D Lucas confections 7 00 14 JB Tobias Stoves Ac 700 Broad Top Tp. 14 Daniel Rowland Store 7 00 14 R B Wigton do 7 00 12 Lowry, Eiehelberger ACc do 12 50 14 Elchelberger Brothers Store 700 14 Mrs C Eiehelberger confections 7 00 14 Headings A Jenkins Store 7 00 Cumberland Valley Township. 14 D R Anderson Store 7 00 14 Wm Laney do 7 00 14 E Dicken do 7 00 Colerain Tp. 14 Mrs Kate Corle Store 7 00 14 AC James do 7 00 14 Evans A Hetrick do 7 00 14 Beni. Kegg do 7 00 14 Sam. Hunt do 7 00 Hope-welt Tp. 14 McCamant A Beyers do 7 90 Harrison Tp. 14 V B Wert* Store 7 00 14 jas. Shoemaker do 7 00 14 Nycum Brothers do 7 00 Jauiuta Tp 14 llillegass ACo Store 700 14 Wm Kevser do 7 00 14 L N Fyin ACo do 7 00 11 G*eo. Gardill do 14 lAtnard Market do 14 Joseph Foller do 7 00 Napier Tp. 14 E Richards A Co Store 7 00 14 Cbas. Crisinan ACo do 7 00 14 Win. J Statler do 7 00 M. Woudberry Tp. 14 D F Keagy Store 7 00 14 A. S. Longenecker ACo do 7 00 14 D Stover confection 7 00 14 Geo. Kauffman Store 7 00 14 Jacob Breneman do 7 00 14 Oliver Fluke confection 7 00 I 14 John Hlssong do 7 00 114 Wm R Smith Drugs 700 jl4 Win. Roberts Store 700 S. Wuodlerry Tp. 14 J Bayer A Brother Store 7 00 | 14 0 L Buck do 7 00 I 14 L B Reploglo do 7 00 14 1 Openhimer do 7 00 14 do do do confection 700 14 Robert Ralston store 7 00 14 Jonathan Davis do 7 00 E. Providence Tp. 14 Simon Nycum store 7 00 14 Jacob Felton do 7 00 W. Providence Tp. 14 John Gilberg store 7 00 14 John M. Barndollar do 7 00 14 W. fl. Allen do 700 hondenderry Tp. 14 Thos. Porter store 7 00 14 Jacob Beales do 7 00 14 Jacob Evans do 7 00 Southampton Tp. 14 John Mors store 7 00 14 11 C Lashley da 7 00 14 James Elder do 7 00 14 J M Percell do 7 00 14 Jeremiah Bennett do 7 00 14 Daniel Tewell do 7 00 Monroe Tp. 14 J R O'Neal store 7 00 14 Daniel Fletcher do 7 00 Sarton Borough -12 J. A. AE. Eiehelberger store 12 50 12 Little A Stoler do 12 50 14 David M Jones confections 700 Liberty Tp. 14 John V Besser store 7 00 Coat dale Borough. 14 Mrs Annie Priuee store 7 00 14 Richard Langdon do 7 00 SehelUbtirg Borough. 13 Conley A Hull ~~ store 10 00 13 Egolf A Son do 10 00 13 Black and Morbourg do 10 00 14 John S Schell do 7 00 13 J E Colvin do 10 00 13 J A Songster Hardware 10 00 14 A Hauiakor store 7 00 13 J L Long confections 500 14 Henry Sellers do 7 00 St. Clair Tp. 14 M Walker store 700 14 N II Wright do 7 Oil 14 Simon Hershman do 7 00 14 E Blackburn AOO do 7 00 14 G D Trout do 7 00 14 B F Horn do 7 00 14 Thos. Beckley do 7 00 14 Ickes A Son do t 00 14 Mary •'laekburn Aeo do 7 00 St. Clairsville. 14 J B Amick stare 7 00 14 T D Beegle do 7 00 14 Isaac Hahn do i 00 14 S Oster ACo do 7 00 Union Tp -14 J M Walters store 7 IW 14 John Lamburn do 7 00 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the commissioners' office at the court house, in Bedford,on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, ISfiy. JOHN A. CESSNA, Mercantile Appraiser. N. B Persons whose names are not contained in the above list.who have oommenoed business since the Ist of Ag"', 1809, will please inform the undersigned of the same. Also any who have dis continued. JOHN A. CESSNA. apr2d4. INSTATE OF JOHN HULL, DE j CEASED.—Letters of Administration upon the Estate of John Hull, late of Napier township, in the county of Bedford and the State of Penn sylvania, having been granted to ine, by the Heg isterofsaid County, all persons iudubtod to said Estate are. requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the snipe are requested to present them, properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH OARVER. Adm'r, INSTATE OF PAUL WERTZ, J DEC'D.—Letters testamentary having been granted by the Register of Bedford county, to the undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testa ment of Paul Wertx, late of Cumberland Valley tp., dee'd., all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all having claims against the estate are requested to present them, properly authenticated, fur settlement, to D R. Anderson, Centreville, or mar2twtl* JOSEPH WERTZ, Ex'r. 4 DMIM-STIIATRIX NOTICE.— f\ Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Cadwalder Evans, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate paymont, and those having claims are requested to present them properly au thenticated for settlement RHODA EVANS, apr2wfi Administratrix. 4 DM IN ISTHATORS NOTICE.— Letters of Administration upon the estate of iaui Smouse, late of Middle Woodherry tp., deceased, having been granted ko the under signed, residing in North woodherry tp., by the Register of Itacffori} he herehy notice* nil narsoua, having claims against said estate, to pr suiit the same properly authenticated for Ule ipuut, and all porsons indebted are required to make immediate payment. ANDREW N. BAKER, Adui r. apr2wti* CAUTION My wife, Rachel Barkman, having left me withoat any just or reasonable cause, all person! we hereby noti fied not to harbor or trust her on my aooount, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her con tracting. HEitEkIAH BARKMANJ aprlfiwd Southampton township. §rn-floods, ftr. I 7EARFUL BREAKDOWN! Economy being greatly needed at tiie pre*- ent time, it i* the duty of all to buy where tbey een buy the cheapest, hence G. R. OSTER & CO. wish to notify the public that they are now re ceiving and opening the most extensive and varied assortment of new and cheap WINTER GOODS ever opened in Bedford, purchased under favora ble circumstances since the great breakdown ia prices, and will now offer them to CASH buyers, both wholesale and retail, at much lower price* than the same kind can be bought for in Bedford county. Country Storekeeper* will find an oppor tunity of sorting up their stocks, if only a single piece is wanted at wholesale prices. Special Extraordinary Inducements. To ladies dress goods, such as striped and chenc mohair, striped, plaid, sbal and cbene poplins in changeable effects, for suit* and walking dresses, all that look at them say they are cheap —Extra heavy mixed melange poplins and ne plus ultra Hepellants for suits, Empress cloth, English serges, Epinglines and corded poplins, in brown, steal, violet, purple, wine green, garnet and bismark. They are beauties. All you have to do is look at them, and your own judgment will say buy French Merinos, coburgs. wool delaines and al pacas in all the new oolorings, best American de laines and Armures in the new stripes and palka dots, very desirable. 10000 yards of beautiful calico prints that won't fade, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 16 cents. Piles of bleached and unbleached muslins, at 6. 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 cents. You have all heard no doubt of cheap flannels. It is all over town. The ladies talk about it as much as of the coming holidays; all wool flannel* at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Ladies Furs, shawls, Grand Dutches, Lady Belle, pretty balmoral and hoop skirt*. Corset* guaranteed to stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Ladies breakfast shawls, Mer ino vests, hoods, gloves and hosiery. Men's wool and merino under shirts and draw ers. Woclen and white over shirts, comfort*, neck-ties, scarfs, collars, Ac. A large and varied assortment of cloths, oassi mercs, tweeds, satinets; velvet cord, blankets, ginghams, checks, tickings, shirting stripes, table diapers, napkins, doylies and towels, decidedly cheap. Don't our ready-made clothing, hats, oaps, boots aDd shoes strike you asobeap, a whole rig at our store from tip to toe and won't coat you much. Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths. Wool filling and all wool ingrain carpet*, vnitian eptry and stair carpets, and floor oil cloths. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee. Choie* Fresh Imperial, Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. A full line of sugars and syrups. A choice as sortment of tobaccos aud segars. In a word every thing you want. Ail invited to call and see for themselves No trouble to show goods wheth er you wish to buy or not. Terms cash unless oth erwise specified. G. R. OSTER A CO. Bedford, Pa., deolß,'6Sm4 NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which he is determined to sell CHEAP They oonsist in part ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms, Queensware, Tobacco, Segars, Ac. Give him a call and see for yourselves nevflth, 63 J. M. SHOEMAKER. | every one read this NOTICE! On the first day of April, next, we shall change our manner of doing busi ness. After that date we will sell no goods except for CASH or PRODUCE, and hope no one will ask us for credit. We are satisfied that we can make it to the interest of every Farmer, Me chanic and Laboring man to sustain us in the change. We shall make it our constant aim to show that goods can be sold OH KA P RR FOR READY PAY, than on lime. J. B. WILLIAMS. Bloody Run, Pa., Feb. 5,'69ta2 rpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the J best Advertising Medium n Southern Pens tylvanie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers