fht ilrtlforil ©asrttf. Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOPTL.LT. —WSSTKR A*.%******. —Ttw* T*LB —Ob scd „f ;frr Sep-. IB'b. passenger trains will arrive and depsrt as f4k*: Mail Train leaves M* Du'ls*t !-l p. ra . *r rive- -I Huntingdon at -4 2! m.; leaves llont — .J..-- at V 05 tn . anl arrives l Sit Dallas at 12 Ift *B. Asctn • iati'in Train'eaves S i\t.iT 7 So * ni ■ ?! i -rive- at H itV'nfloti. at 9 20 a a*.; leave* Huntingdon at 4 ,ti p. ra . and arrives at Saxtou at S 27 p m TTFK I'KIDEOK NIK FAMILY* ID THE iuvin|>lif'ted iliiUi'httT. Every lad\ IOU.S; have kn ami refinement ; C nir 1 IVnndylvaiiia has a just pride in the HulHtirtyshurj,' Seininary. BANK -TPTt v.—Unl< SS APPLICATIONS for the benefit of the bankrupt law are marie before January 1-t, 1 Stiff, they will not he entertained unless fifty }**r cent, of ebts can le paid by the bank rupt. A i jor RN ED Cot KT. —Ar. adjourned court is in -session thi= v eek. Judge; Hi we presiding. Tliere is a fair atten dance, and judging from the amount of business on hand, the court will last all week. We will give the proceed ing- in full next week. NEW S< H(II. Hoi -KS. —On last .Nit- , urday the Directors of Bedford tp., let two new school houses, one at Brush Hun and the other at Tomlinson's. Mr. Abner isniouse was awarded the contract for both at SG77 a piece. A few others are badly needed in this township which the Directors propose erecting as soon as practicable. WHOSE FA ULT?— If Seymour and Blair had been elected, the tightness in the money market, thegreat decline in grain, the high price of coal, ai d the general unsteadiness of the whole country, would have been charged to that event. The good times, the peace and quiet promised us by their defeat is slow coming. Have you realized it yet, ye votaries of "Peace" and "No Policy ?" BABIES AND PUKK. —The Somerset Democrat man boasts of more hand some babies in that pi ice than *-au I** found iu any other place in the wor.d. Tin- we con-ider very baby isli in him. We could beat him two to one if we felt inclined to hawk our dear little beauties about in the newspapers. We are far too modest for that. But we cun l>ast in another direction. With out any desire to draw a disparaging comparison, we will boast that we can trot out the preUiesi and largest pork ers that can lie found in a single pen anywhere. Our neighbor can verify this statement. So between the "squallers" and the 'Squeelers'' we con-ider ourselves ahead. We tru-t tills will not be considered boy ish. Kix Ki.ix K l.AN. —What ha- be come of the horrible Klu Klux Kian outrages with which 'he Kadical pa I ■ i- teemed before the election ? Then you couio not pick up oue of tiie-e " peace" piq era without a dozen or more bh-oiD murder- -taring you in the lute. Now all is changed. Even tin- Bedford Inquirer make- no ailt nipt to . righteu it-limid reader- with the terrible deeds perpetrated by Ihealmve fa in ieu sanguinary organization. Why is this? Simply beeau-e those horri ble outrages on iy existed in the disor dered brain of some carpet-bag scala wag- in tlu South, and were haw ked about in the political market of the North to -w ay the minds of the people in favor of the Radical candidates. Having served their purpose, they are heard of no more. Shame on a party who must resort to such means to car ry their ends! (AT COUNTERING CANlNE.—List les-ly looking for lively locals in the melow morn of last Thursday, we caught a cat incident, and detected a dog item as transpiring on Juliana street, in the part of it lying lietween the magnificent building in course of erection and the Court House. A splendid -pecimen of the feline fcl -1 iws, known in the neighborhood as Thomas Cat, while leisurely leaping ti er t— the elevated highway, had hisat t-.'tition arrested by an angry approach on hi- left flank of an important indi vidual of the canine crew, designated in dogology a- Then Thomas of the first part, catching cat courage, hemmed and halted—somewhat shor tened spine, and •. levated hi- hack ju-t in tin* nick of time to receive the cutt ingly contrived charge of the enemy. Dot had the advantage of Thomas in size, but in ability was immensely his inferior. Suddenly sweeping down upon our rat-muter with a rush that convinced us lie did know his man— for the majestic move with which Ttiomas struck for the eye, with the te-ritic giveup ky-yi! barked out on autumn air a-he bounded back a feet or more from '1 h< units, induced us to entertain the belief that somelKxiy'- "dorg" was somewhat seriously scratched—which was strengthened by seeing the aforesaid Dot double-quiek ing it iiome with a howl which indica ted that he was far from being a con tented cur. Since then, although cat ha- the certificate. Hot coute-ts the combat —eonsiderable counsel are c< n cerned and the entire cat cont rover-y will la- doggedly decided by a commit tee of Congress. 1"lie services of a dis tinguished number of the Shovers* Valley Colony have ieen -tcured, which -aid member is willing to take an iroii-ciadoath that ] lie aforesaid Dot '-a- t, t there at ali, upon hi.-htKi"r,.s a me.iibe, of the Colony alort -aid. What ctieet thi- will have upon the commit t-c will be chronicled for the benefit of our reader-in due time. H>qe we shall not soon tie called upon to record another such cat-a-trophe with such dog-ged dogmatical diction. IfE only is worthy of esteem that know-what is ju-t and honest, and dares to do it; that is master of his own pa—ions, and scorns to lie a slave to another's. Much a one merits more rt sj ect than those gay things who owe all their greatness and reputation to their rentals and revenues.—/ Jr. fuller, / HEAL ESTATE SALES.— The follow ing sides of real estate have come to our n >tice since our last issue : Mr. Suter of Napier township sold the Kmmett property to Judge Snive ly, of Schelisburg, for J,"4W. William Uolvin sold h uise and lot in Seheilsburg to .N-.'tO. Lewi- Ling, of Belim J town-hip, sold the Col felt property* to John 11. .Nhafler, of Snake Spring, for -Xk). Ex-Sheriff Al-ip soitl tlte house and half lot lately purchase. from the heirs (if Mis. Jane Kotn, to Mi-s Byerly, forsyot). Mrs. Catharine Miller sold at publicsale, the adjoining lialflot to -a i ne. Mi-s Margaret C. Fetterly sold the house an I lot on the corner of Pitt and Bedford streets, to Judge Sniveiy and Mrs. Martha J. Fisher, for SJ.-JUb. We would le very inaeh obliged to our friends in the several districts of the county if they would advise u- of the changes of real e-tate a- they occur. We desiye to keep our readers "posted' on this subject. AMONGST Atlantic I'ahles, steam navigations and those progression- ot science and art that mark the nine teenth centuarv, not the least useful, are Dr. Ayer's medicines. They take rank among the Benefactions of man kind, from the rapidity and eci-mluij with which they cure. Try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral on a cough and it is gone. What skin di-eases or impuri ties of the blood withstand Ayrer's Sarsaparilla? Ayer's Pills are the per fection of a purgative—every family should have them as almost every fam ily does. Not a trifle to le thankful for are good medicines and the knowl edge how to u>e them for protection from disease. The-e Dr. Ayer's preje aration-and publications furni-h, and we do not hesitate to com mend them.— St. Louis Leader. - The American Organs manufactured by S. D. & H. W. Smith, of Boston, M i.-.-., are remarkably good and effec tive instruments. Their quality of tone i- peculiar and m ist admirable, they have great power when played fall, and jiossess a swell apparatus of more than ordinary excellence, by means of which fine crescendo or di minuendo is obtained, and they also re sp >iid instantly to the touch. Choir leaders, societies, or musical students, who wish to procure something very satisfactory in the way of reed Or gans will certainly do well to examine tiitsesuperb instrummts. — Prockle/tce Journal. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10th 1868. HEAR SIR: Tni- is to certify that I have been intimately acquainted with Sclieetz's Celebrated Bitte Cordial fr the past four years, and h ve seen it effects in Dyspepsia, Nerv u- Disea-t -. Rheumatism, and all tlie\ iriousforma of General DeDUity tending to decline, and from toy knowledge of -aid Bit ter-, I have no hesitation in pronounc ing them the iiest general remedy for the al MI ve diseases that is now known. You may use this in any way you de sire. WM. CLARK, M. I>., No. 816 Market Street, and N. E. Cor. 6th and Cal low hill. SCHEETZ'S standing ad vertisement iu another column. ADVICE TO LOVERS.— Never ri.-k a scolding by neglecting to sujiplv your betrothed with PHALOX'S "FL'IR DE MAYO," the new perfume for the handkerchief. It is a sad thing for an engaged couple to have a mi-under standing about a is ; cent. Sold by all druggists. A live pig was exhumed a few* days since fr >m the ruins of the Troy eleva i tor. destroyed by fire a month since. A SHAW AND CLARK $2-O Sewing Machine (in good order) for sale. En quire at this office. julJtf. #- Paper Flour aud Buckwheat sacks constantly in store and for -ale by nov6ail G. R.OSIER CO. SI2OO AND ALL EXPENSES PAID!— See Advertisement of AMERICA? STTTLX SAWIIE MACBISE. in oar cilumas. I MA RRIED. IML.EK—GRIFFITH —On the 29'h ult by the K--V C t* Hsiliniiii. Mr John M luiier anJ MISS ELT-n Griffith. KITH of Union tp LTNCJ —DIREKT— On Thursday. Nov 2Sth. at the Lutheran parsonage, iu Bedford, by the Rev J Q MeAtee. Mr John Ling of Pleasant Valley, to Mr* Mary Ann D'bert STIFFLEK—KING— On the tame day, by the IESME. >lr Nathaniel St'Ser to Miss Nancy King, both f Morrison's cove |lfH! gV lvfrtisnufnts. rPK.N TEACHERs WANTED.—J 1 Teachers are wanted to take charge of th C U .IIROE.P Schools, the coining water By order ef the Boaid. DANIEL .MILLER declw2 Sec'y. DISSOLUTION 6F PABTNEit- StllP — Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately -aiming be* ween G. BerSs: READ ER and K W Berkstresser under he firm of R. H* Berkstreaser K Co . FAN been di-O!ved by MU tual consent G BEtCKSTKESSEii, K M BLKK-IESSEK The business will be contiuuei OV K Mr*. Berk strcsser * deedwil CELLING OFF AT (XMTi! Kcady uvtde clothing, Cassimere, Hats and Caps AT coaT. decttf R \V BERSSIRESSER. ARPHANF OOUttT SALE.-By " J L irtue of an order •[ the Orph ins' Court, 'be undersigned, executor OL the I-at will and testt uieut of Jacob Hippie, late of Middle Wootberry tnwiuj.'rip. dee d, will S II a' puolio vendue, on the PREMISES, on Tuesd iy. the 29,T1 dty of Deoember IS S. the f iliowtug leacribed vaiu.bie real e.-T A e. vtx A tract f land situate iu snid township, KNOWN AS the Mansion tract uf said docjdeut. con tainiug eighty- ine acres, tnore or less, ab mt twenty acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; well fenced, the balance wet! timbered; with a story and a-balf log dwelling house, a -inali substantial bank barn and other necessary outbu'L iings thereon erecteil. There is ex.-elteut running water at the door; aiso SOME fi.ie fruit trees. The above wiil be soli is lots, or ail together, to suit purchasers. Terms —C.ush. unless purchas ers prefer payments with interest. Sale to E uniiecce at II o'clock. A M FRTBTHICK CARPER, declw.T Executor of J AEON Hippie, dee'd. DLY YOUR NOTIONS DEC! K. W BERKSTRES.-EK. I A Jirtiftarti &A2rrt?* PUrtJforti, ajan Hfir Advertise**!mti gUY YOUR C A SSI MERES of dec 4 R W BERKS"! RE^^ER 4 DMTXIs-TR XTORX S I E OF VALUABLE CO IL PROPERTY —The BP. r f the W f V Rroifll 1 I. wit' s-l! at o*W e sile.no L IIP PN-NIISC*. OI TEF®DY 2V* H D O DE eembt r i x*.'h itodiv dot half t * v> usble farm and mat tret cou.bir.ed. S'toate in the . township Broad Top, cunty "f B -dford. Pa. on fi Mile Ron. about one half mile from Rati R, ad. C i.'.-ttnitg 114 acres an I (■<'• p-rcht-. f I tod. -djtii.'iniux land- if the IDiat and B "ad Top M R K and C *1 Company, in right of T .1 H >r ton. land of Cunnit ci,-o. A Co.. Phe'p# A -Ab ner S. H •Tton an !M m Anderson This is a val uable coal tract, hiving thereon al! the seems of c .al on the mountain, besides an abundance of Iron Ore —both crop ou'; land smooth and tra protements good. wi*h an orchard of choice fruit thereon Lying in close proximity to the rail rat it is a valuable property for coal mining. Sbouid purchasers lestre, the whole can be aold together ar.d the ExecotJf* of the Hon Peter tscnell willj.in in a conveyance upon receiving a reasonable hid. and if desirable will give the usu al Orphans* Court terms Terms of the Brauiwell Moie y cash. The undersigned will meet rt.y p--s.j i- desiring inform (tton at the bouse of i.co M Figard. iu Coal lale, on the 28 b an 1 29th of December >*le will be opened at I o clock. I M Tale indisputable dee4.'rf-w4 JXO P REED. Adm r [LicetiSed by the United Mates Government.] / \O O D N E \v 8 I jf rt'B COSSt'MEES OF M VI'EE AND FA M Y GOODS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. HARRINGTON A 10. Ol fifteen years" standing as Jobbers and Ketailera ot the above goods, in Boston and vuinity, b tVe ouoetuded to i ff.-1 ro the pe ple of the whole country the advantages of their immense itnper. tatious and agencies tor American raannfv-toriea through the p .pnlar ONE U >LLlit V'?rßM Our Preuiiu n Lis! 'o Ageu.s. and Exchange List for Ageuts and Patrou?. are hot equalled by any house in the countiy Best New York and Boston referen'et given when required >euJ tor free Circular HARRINGTON V UO., 8J SUMMER STREET. BOSTON d- c 4183 Fowl-Office Box 384. gt'Y YOUR CLOTHING of dee 4 RW. BERKBTRESSEB. RPHE TUVEBSIDE FOB 1068. This favorite tnagsiinc for the young attnonnc e the following u warning the noticeable features of 'he c mmg volume : I. New St -riea. contributed especially to the P. v ersiie iu advance of their publication in Den mark. iy Hana Christian Andersen. 2 A Serial, ■■ Wbite and Red," of thrilling ad venture and buirx r-nia ar'-nes amongst our N .ra west Indians By Mrs Weeks, author ot AiiiS lee.' r 3 Stories from Spn j er an 1 Chatter 3y the author of the ponuler storie- from Shakespeare 4 Papers on luvenion and Art: how statutes are made, how telegraphs are worked, how a buy can make photographs, etc., etc. 5 Hunting in South Atriea : Streets of C >n staiuiuople. Atnerievn Cities. New Orleans. Balti more Philadelphia. New York. B istoti. etc . etc k. Life on the Prairie. Forte Crayon's Young Virginians, 7 Exquisite Fairy Pictures and Poems Grace ful tale- by popular writers 8. Illustrations of the Bible. History. Natural Hi-lory. Biography. Curiosities, et-t. 9. Fun an t Frolic iu all sons <4 f <rta Hie list of writers tor the "Kiversi le" iuclu ies the names ot J<c -b Abbott. H> . s Christian Au dero D. Alice -ud Pticebe Cary Xe lie Eyeler. F- H. G-raiding. Paul 11 HiVoe. li .race L. Sculler II leu 0. M eek\ it-ux Muua.ucbe. SBti;r of -.-usy 's -IX B.rt day's," Au uor of "S veo Ltttie Sstetc -v iii i-|age Froiitispi ceaii l nu nin r ot - in t*\ r\ tiunitst r. A It RI J. L IAN * ILLI MINATI I> C iVLIt. TERM- "F SUB.'iCRIPTION .'.O a year in advauce ; ruree copies, S'> H' five copies. SHI iH). leu copies. $20.0b aui au n tra ->|.y MiTo Price to clergymen and teach ers 4." (Iu (>cr year. Single copies, 2j cents A or--sp-ttus containing a full account of the plan for he C 'liitng volu tie, rite.- of clubbing with other ungaXiues, Special premium- etc . etc . wt.l be sent promptly on applt att ra to the Pub lishers . HJRD V U)U iill' i\' Publishers. dec4w4 409 Br;K)iue Street. New York GLY YOUR IIATS AND CARS of dec! R. W BERKSTRESSER FOR AUSTIN A* COS INIZAT ONE DOLLAR SALE! • M"e propose to fight it out on this line AGENTS! AGENTS! W ANTED' Ladies and Gentleman in every town an 1 city in the United Stales, to act as Agents Or Aii-tin & Co.'s Great One Dollar Sa'e of rich st; 1 v tilts'.!e goods, comprising n .'hirtg but useful articles wanted in every ftu.iJy Ech and very article will bs sold f r One Dtdiar To any person get ing up either f the clubs be low, we will present a \V -.tch, D-ess Pattern, Piece of Bbeeting Sewing Machine, Wool C irp.-r. Ac ,Ac , free of extra cost. Our iu lucements to Agenfshavea'w vs been nearly double those of ny other bouse in the trade, and our largely tncreu-- ing luisiue.s warrsn's u. tn continuing the same. T'l* p irO rnlir nottrg of Ihi< . —Oar Agens are n >; r quir J1 t > pay one 1 .1! ir f.r their pres j ents. bat receive tLe -ante for th-ir s-rvtees it. getting up eluos Please exam. Ie the following TLKMB TO AGENTS. Any person sending us a ctub of ten. with $1 will be entitled to receive far the s ttus any oue of : the five huudred articles on our exchange List. ' (See Circular. Fjr a C'"b of Thirty, with $3, the p 'rson will be entitled to oue ..f the f-llowtug arti les, vii Meerschaum pipe, 2(1 yds bleached or brown .-heet iug. elegant silver-pia e-d five-b.jttle revolving castor. I fancy dress pattern, l .1 -zen extra quuli ' ty cotton base, fancy colored bed spres i, 1 large • rize datnask table cover, I morocco album—loo pictur s. all-wo*al casstmere for pants aud vest. I pair la lies' -erge congress boots best quality. 1 d .zen fine linen towels. 1 1 arge size w.ira e 1 cbssl. ladies' Ing gold-plated chain, splendid la lies morocco shopping bag with lock and key. ; set of j ra-eiry with sleeve button* to match. I vio lin and bow. I d .zau shirt bosouis. 1 wt.ite Mar seilles quilt. 1 elegant black walnut w.rk-b x or wriii. g desk For a Club of Fifty, with $'J —I pair all wool blaukets. 3> yards fine caseiuiere for pant? and vest, 1 black or colored alpucca dre ? s pattern, I solid gdd scarf pio, I pair geuls caif boots, 3d yard- bleached or br..wu sbeeltog 2 J Is double width cloth lor ladles cloak-.. 1 fur mufi'-.r collar. 30 yards print List colors. I square Tuibet shawl, 1 plain popiiudress p tlteru, 1 elegiut six-boltle heavy plated castor, Ipa r g rats" white snirts, geonioe tneersch turn pipe iu cose, 1 sat of luce curtains For a Club of Our // njrel. with s!•'. 1 heavy silver-plated engraved ice pilcber,9(l yards ble ebel or brown sheeting. 1 rich mcrn.oor thtk et dress pattern. 1 set of ivory h.nlled knives an I forks. 1 pair sup-rttr white wool bl ruke ?, v is. all-wool fancy cassiuiere for suit, elegant berige dress panelu I ladies' or gents silver hunting case watch. I Bacon's six-barreled revolvar. silver plated engraved gtx-bo tle r'Vulvtug cas or wtih .-ut grass bottles hue Wool eiotu for ladies' cloak 2o yar ■* hemp carpeting. I pitrfiue dunask .a --b e dolus, u ipktus to in itch, 2 he ivy honey • -tub qutits. 1 Bir.iet b *nd pirtable sewing uiacnine, 1 wool 10.. ; shawl, nice tur tunff au 1 cape, 1 pur ge.its" Ir -uen call Do os Ft-- i Ctn'i of Fiat lltndrod wi h S.O —2l yards ax .a w.i .ten earpctiug. 1 elegant Hunting case w.atcn (U'altt ain war ranted one year ) I etc gau. ch-.mb r se,—b.aek walnut triinruiug- 1 haii eio: >1 sp.iug sofa. For H Clfb oj Out ThoHsand, with SI'H) —3d yar s brusssls carpets. 1 parlor set Complete. I la die- oi gent.- huutirigcase gold waich au-ichaiu. I complete set of rich sabie l'uts s- For larger or smaller clubs we will give a pres ent of proportion ;te value. Agents or customers may at any time make a selectt .ii of goods from the Exchange List, au l by sending One Dollar tor each article, nave the goods lorwurded to them, without first ordering cheeks , but in such eases no premiums will be given. DIKLCIItiNM >. :id iagre sums of money by Draft on New York or BustoD or by Lxpress We will pay Exchange on all sums ol sgo or more. Smaller sums should b" seut by registered letter or by postal uiouey order, it wtti be impossible to lose money sent iu ei ter of the above ways. We will not be respon sible lor money lost, uuiess sent as above directed See that your letters are properly directed aul ■tampel. as no iet.ers are forwarded unless pre paid Write your address iu full, Town, County and B;ate. AgenU wanted iu every Town and Village. Ad ires* AUSTIN A UIMPANY, J [4codw4 No. Did Summer street. Boston, Mass. ilrir INMREOYMENT! U.ONN TORIES A i of be NEW WORK by Jrsit's Übsri BSOVVE will be sold by Agttuts during the next few mouths THE '■RE VT METROPOLIS, A MIRROR OF NEW YORK, is .-reat-ng a u'ore wherever seen, unequalled in the bo k trade I: is destined to au immeuae sale loon \G I NTS \V ANT KD . One agct t rcp-.rt- 24 tonif' in 4 hour?. One i- C-ra 29 ir ! dav. Oue 89 :n 3 davs One writes j ■ I ,'io sell KMA in a month Ladies, invalids, d -ibleds dter- teachers, youngmcn and wouea mi others are Invited to send for information The w -rk i> just announced, ar, 1 gtsal territory ; ■an b< are.l bv prompt application. No free Greenbacks but extra Commission* paid upon this toi>k. Adore** lii IBS A CO . Newark- New Jersey 4 GLNTB warned for the AE C R E T SERVICE, BY GEN L L C. BAKER. The astoun lit g revelations and startling dis closures made ir. this work are creating the most , inten-- J—ire in t.ie minis ■>! the people to ob tain it Its official character and ready sale, combined with au increased commission, make it the best sub--rip'iou bo >k ever published. Send i for Cireelars and see our terms, and why it sells fa-icr than any other w,.rk Address JONES BR"THEUS A CO., Philadelphia, Pa . or Ch'ca g" HI | Vs-3 GREEN BACK Offittt rutin inn free to any Hoot Agent, ROOK AGENTS WAN TED FOR MATTHEW H ALE -MITH'S NEW BOOK *'Su'■ -iti 1 ■ < <tl'd >lnid"w* iti NVw N ••rk." A work of Absorbing Interest. Replete with Au e-b'tes and itcidcnts of Life ' *be Great Me tropolis. Our Agent iu H trifor 1 sold 80 in one d iy : one agent iu N J. robi 227 in 15 days ; one agent in M sold 250 in one week ; one agent in I Conn *<>ll 304 in one week. No hook published that sells so rapidly. V u wish to know bow Fortunes are male q and lost iu a day . bow Ministers are ru ti ed iu P all Street . how "C tuutrymeu' are sail II i by Jharpers: h .w Minister* and Mer ehuots are Bl iekmailrd . how Danoe Halls aud C neert 8 iltan* are Managed; how G tiubling If uses and Lotteries are cmla-ted. hi>w Stock Companies Originate and how the Bubbles Burst, read this work 1 c tells you ab .m the mysteries o New York, and contain# biogrsp ieal sketches I of its n i'ei Millionaires. Merchant*, Ac A large Octavo Yot , 720 pages. Finely Illustrated. The larg'-st e .muiis-ion given Our 32-page circular an tS > Greenha k sent Free on application. For full p ir.iculars au l t-'nn-. t 1 lress the Pubdshera J B BI'RK A CO., Hartford, Conn. HANS ANDERSEN AXP Til E UAVER sI D E AI AGAZ IX ES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. U4XS CHRI-TIAX ANDERSEN, the Greatest Living 8 ry Teller, will send new articles direct to he BIVS.KSIDE Then w volume begins Jan., l-6;i. and will be brighter and fr-sher than ever. SPLENDID PREMIUM, tt'e will give to every subscriber for 1859 who sen 1-32 5e 'be regular price) directly to us. a Copy ol the clegatn Chr wo. THE Ql dCK D iCTOR, Bv Henrt L- STKPBKXS, repr. I.i liu rich color-, 1 r our subs 'libera only. Biz- lb x2O i ches. and well w >rth $5, Copies wi I b • s.-'iit by mill, pre-paid, in thw order ol subscription. Hl'Ru A H'>U iIITON, Publishers, : .y Brisio.'- Street. New York Simples f Magazines seiu for 25 eta Prospectus free IRNEYAS WEEKLY PRESS. THE GREAT RADICAL P\PER The ra St extensive and freshest Politic*! News— The b -i Agnculturai Department—The late.-' M trke >—Aul the best or : giuai ReaJing Matter. Ttt'llta or THS WfcCkLY PKESS : One copv oue vear, $2 00 Five e i-s. ' 900 let c t>i - ind one oopy to the getter-up of he tub), 15 00 Twtra y eoj i - (an'dnneeopy to thegcttcr-up of the club), 27 00 Fif y coii. s ( i d one copy : the ge::er-up of the clu'i), 55 00 Ten ciui to our iifi-i ere. (ss-i*** copy to the g-tler-up "f the club), 14 00 Twenty Copies ro o ■ e add re" 'and one OOpV t the getter-up of tho club.) 25 00 F fty f'tit s. to o-e aid rets {i.td one copy to h* ge ter-up of the oiub.) 50 00 Oue iiui. irl c"(iie*. to oi-e t.diire". (and ■ ie • ■,f ihe Tst-W KA-cuv FRKSS to the get er-up of the clui t 100 00 All ~a4wa# t. 11J JOHN G ■ i 'jIiNEY. Eli r ar. IFr -p'r. - A" .-..r. Seventh and C esinOt .Streets. Philadelphia, Pa -en i for a specimen oopy. / 1 REAr INDU EM ENTS \ I TO SUBSCRIBERS! LET tho-- w'". a:.t i firt-.-'#s I ADY 8 MAGA ZiN'E an i a first-class tt EEKhT I'.AFEK. Send al once lor * simple copv <-t THE LADY 8 FRIEND and THE >ATt It DAY EVEN IN i I*OST. and see ihv utoq ialed in lutcmeuU offered. S.ak rt.K C "l'l# sofbo h are sent jrat s. Price tor each 82 M a year or $4 for both Address HEN RY FE I E ti.-.' N' ,v C 1) .% No lit Walnut Slreet. Fhilaiielphi t. Penn Sti UT H EUN i i u M E JO U KN A L FOR 1-75 TERM.- per annum. Fur copies for $10; Eight e i.ie? f.r S2O ; an i an ex'ra copy the getter-up of l e club. A $D Stiver Wateb for 20 Bthacriber*. \ $ - - ■ .• Machine f-r 2> Subscriber* A 8 >0 G >!d Watch f >r 4 > Sub-eribers. A $; : Gold Wat -It for 75 cubscribers. if you 1. not g-'t enough to secure ono of the pre rniuio#. we will a ! v you 0 i els. on each yearly sub.-eriber at $1 SAMPLE Coi'irs free. E trly in the c >n,i g volume we sh ill commence A -i'LEXDID NEW* BfodY. by Alexander Du mas. v.; eh w.i! be prime 1 fr .e advance sbee a. fur istie 1 .Iy to ih:- p.per JOHN Y BE.ATER, Publ.sher. B-Itimore, M l. )J H ) MONEY 'GIVEN AWAY! THE HOME WEEKLY. This fav • rit•- j ran. aI is not only one of tbe oldest au l one uf the best, but it is Tbe cheapest family p per in the United States! Th- following names are selected from among the very -x' #:ve list# of ur contributors Lewis Giyraid C ilk, -Mr#. E F El let Orpheus 0 Kcr. P H .tut I ton Myers, Miry A. Deuiaon. T. S. Ar'hur. Catharine E trnsh iw. Lottie Browa, John .- C A ibott. 11 > 11 .ber. Dtie Owen. Edwaro 8. Elli#. -Mrs A L Pn dps The contents w ill c insist of brilliant Novelette#. Romance* Historical, Biographical an I Soiuiitifi: r-k< c! e-. E#- y. P.ettry. Ch i-e Article* on Ag ricuttaral Put jeets. Review* F lieiou*. Anecdotes. News, L litortals. M trkets. and all th it is calcu late 1 to m-truei and entertain the entire fituily circle—tbe ivh !e being free from all Political au i Sect riau I ins I'he iliu- rations will be there iu each (number, and fr n. the very sble#t art is s in the country URE A T I \ DLOEM EN T 8 D J OLL* B 8 ' 1 s2tl.otlo IN 510 -EY GIVEN AWAY I 1 In addition to the other prizes offered below. . the folluwiug will be paid to the gstt-r up or get ter# up "I 'ire large? club* seut iu between N'n j Veuibcr Is: . 1.->>s. an I April 1-t. lltfiff Priies will be p#i 1 ou or b lore April into, l-ii'J. Tbe Getter up of the L trgesl Oiub sent us between the dates mentioned above wi 1 I receive $ j(tO 00 in Greenbacks. Second 1. rge.-t club 4no.nt) do Third largest club 3"0 00 do Fourth laigesr club 20U.00 do Fifth largest club loc.OU do Tbe getter up of each Club of 100->ubse. tbers will receive 10 00 do The getter up ut each Club of 50 cubsortbers will receive 500 do Tne geilci up ot ea-b ciub of 4UBubscribers will be entitle 1 to select a b-ook or books, the price of which is $4 00 The getter up of e ich clubol 25 Subscrib ers will be en. it led to select a b ">K or books, tne price of which is 2 50 due getter up ut e.ieu club of 15 Subscrib ers will b; entitled to select a book or b.-.ks the price of which is 1.50 The g i.g up ■! each club <! 10 Bubscrib. era will Oe entitled lo see ice I a bo k or book-, tbe price of w icb is 1.00 The _ .-r up : cacu club l 5 Subscriber? will be en, it le 1 to -elect a book or b .uks, the price of wuicb is 50 A ' niiil igue ii m oue of the largest publishing houses iu toe CniteJ Stales will be tarnished, trout wrni i e.-lections cau be ni-ide aud the bouas wi.i O-e scut to the parties entitled to them, Post age Free. ITtiM - Stogie capies, Five Cents. Oue copy, oue year, $2 00 Two copies, one year, 3 SO F'lve copies, oue year, 9.00 Ten copies, one year, and one extra to the getter up of the club. 17 00 Fitieen .■ tpies, one ye i r uh 1 one ox t a, 25 U0 Twenty-five cop es, aud oue extra, 40 00 Forty copies, aul one extra. 04.00 Fifty CJptes. and uue extra, SO 00 One buudre l copies, an 1 one extra, 1 jj.OO The Pos age ra the Home Weekly is 20 cents a year. Pus tin tsters and others b J get up c! #bs, can afierw tr.i.# a i t name.-, al the same rates, an 1 the names w ill be Counted, up to April Ist. as part of the original club. Specimen copies sent, free of postage, on re ceipt „t a trie cent note. C> u I f.r spe-imeus, aad oommenoo sending in your Clubs early. AU Commuuieatiuu* must be addressed to J'dSEPH A N L NEA, Publisher A I Prop r, 12l .-so Third St., Philadelphia. Pa. l\cw f pIIK I'R \(TK',\L FARMER. S'lW IX ITS SIXTH YEAR ' prm.|sllKl> ix Pl 11 LA DELI'H IA, MOXTH I.Y ;>• SI.SO per annum, t advance, by PASCHALL MORRIS. 16 No loth St . Phila delphia 20 copies f>r s2® I ebieflv made up of origi nal matter, in -elation t" etorv Department "f Agriculture Horticulture and Rural Economy. Large inducements and liberal premiums offered to agents an i canvas-era S i-nple copies furnish ed on application. A gents Wanted kok the OF F I c I A L HISTORY OF THE WAR. Its Cuast's, Character, Conduct and Re sult >, By HON. A. H. STEPHENS. Its ready rale, combinrd with an increased com- j mission, stake it the best subscription book ever ; published. Send tor circulars an 1 fee our terms and a full description of the w ik Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa or Citicin- i uati, Ohio. MOORE'S Rekal New-Yorker, tbe Great National Rural and F ituiiy Weekly, commences its TwKNriexß Year. Jan. 2 on a M 'luui > b Sheet, comprising .-ixteen Large Double Quarto Pages of Five C dumns each, and | also Greatly Improve ! This will make the Pa- j perab' Ut Double iii" Former Site. with no lu- i crease it. Ptm e ' \ d. XX. for 1559. will excel ; in all the essential* of a Progressive. Timely ami Uuseful Rur 1. Literary and Family New-piper.— ut tnifestiug tbe true apirit of its M "to. blj-ri'- tior," au>i Objects, - Progre** ami Improve ment," and unking the Rust Wrcklt is amkri- CA ! Tbe Riral is not a M nthly, but a Large and Beautiful \4 KtivLT superior in VGue, Purity and Variety ol Contents. and Adapted to the Wants of Alt TERM.-.—s> 1 Year Five copies. sl4 ; SeveL i for 19; Ten fer $25. Ac Now i tbe time to trub sonb " and firm Club-' Liberal in laoomenta to j Cab Antes, specimens, .-how Bills Ac , sent ftee. 1) I) T MQOHIt, 41 P .rk Row, N Y. V GENTS WANTED inr our Ue LtrsTßatsd Bjblk Histokt, over 400 en- u* Bibied m? low a* $3 GO Seed plauip for'erut?, %c GtibLN i CO., 413 Che*?uut street. Philadelphia, Pa. A DAY. Aienitx want'<l. ') Address, with stamp. BURT A CO., Biidiford, Me _ A(i I.N I S WNTi'l). Malt* tti.tl \ female, for our superior assortment of Sta tionery Gilt P ckagee. Can be gold in every household. X " better mve- roent. Circular free Ad Iress liAA:-IS A LUBRECUT. Empire M tp, Chart and Stationery Establishment, HI" Liberty street. Xew York. I T N 1 V E R S At I GLOTIIES WRINGER. IMPROVED WITH ROWELL SXEW PATENT j DOl BLE-GhAR. The only win ger which can use the "STOP " or T-i-tiling above tbe C "g*. wt i.-h ■ is absolutely nseessiry to pieienr the Co- from playing out of gear, an 1 tie Rubber Rollers Iras neiug str*ima( or broken in wringing large arti cle; Sold by dealers generally. A -upplv al wa\ kept on bar. ' t>r shipment at Clcv land, C' l "-ago and St I. 1:1- R C. BROWNING General Agents. "12 C m lan It street \ V. ** ~ COLBt'RX'S PATENT. Patenthi Jclt 9 IS >7 Hr lisrtD Arc 1313*55. Extracts Ir-is Letters and Reports of the work in gquahti sofihuAxe: i Your Ate is B -ui to lie TBE AXE. II it will cut 2a per cent better. IIT. My brother tost an arm in tbe war, but with your Axe be can cut as well as any one else can IV If I could not get another, twenty-fire $25) dollars would nut buy it V It will cut boop-poles better than any other Axe VI. I would not be without it for anything VII. Tbe only objection is it goes toj far into the wood VIII. Men who chop for a living universally ap pr ve of it. Ac . Ac., a 1 infinitum For sale by all responsible dealers in the United States. UPPIXCOTT A BAKEWELL, PtTTsBl RCH. Pi. Manufacturer- of tli-® RED JACKET AXES, Siff? SHOVELS ami SC'JOPS. aud a 1 approved Shapes ami Styles of AXES Sole owners of CoL t ns's PATFNT. ])E NY 11 A T RAC K. County Rights Send for circulars to E. ?. BLAKE. Pittsburgh, Peon. nur N K ENN liS.-j and all love or desire for intoxicating liquors, safely and p sitively e ire! by DR. CLARK'S -SALVATION Putt belt- " They can be . Imititstere I if tiect ss iry with ut the knowledge f th. person, in Ale. Wine Tea. "r any otn-r b•" r-g" Scot by in til on re c ip' of pr; OXE DOLLAR Address DR JAMES L CLVKK Jsft Utb-ffl Stract, X. Y. | Cut This Out For Reference. 0~ NK DOLLAR! ONE IK>LLAB! MESERVE A CO . 25 Sudbury St . Boston, ar • sole p. printers ami niantif > -turcr- of the new ly invented P.-ericas D .uole Pen Fountain A gents wanted every where. With each fountain id whether single fr specimen or to clubs they send a -lip. Without Ch rge. "T-S-'ribing -'me ar ticle tiny will sell iOr Hue Dcllar They sup i ply families with th >u-'fi is of useful, ornamental, and necessary article- ->t uoc jualle i quality, de fy tng competition in this trade. Commissions $1 to sj©o. according ti -iie of cluV Many agents make S2O per lay. Circulars scot free I o O K ! LOOK! Tbe magnitude of our business has enabled us to Intake the INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS FOR OCR ONE DOLLAR SALE, esp eiully in the line uf COTTEN GOOD.-f LAUG E U TI! A N EVE R ! I 1 for circulars, with Xkw Pkkxich Batls. belore sending your clubs elsewhere. A l Ire- S. C TUOMP-OX A CO s 12rt Fe.l ral St., Boston. 1 | A DIES! LADIES! LADIES!— | j The Patent Einpr's? G trter and the Eugenie two'if the most usefu articles ever inveuu-d t-r ladi "v' use. Citcul.rs gratis humpies ui iibd I for $ I 50. Agents waute i every whe.e Ad Ire-s Ettt'ncss Gaktsu Co ■ IdSFaltoust ,N Y. P 0 j JB x 24-to. IySYCI H)L( )GIU FaiM'inuiiuii.rr Soul Charming. II uto fascinate and gain tbe ' lot e of any ot.e become weali by aud prosper in business. An elegant book font lining also a rich French novel, P i-cal Duviue. with a ihousanJ b t-iic-s cb iuccs ft r agens never b fore puhlishej Pru .25 cts. by m id. Address T. illiau A Co., B k P !ti.-her. Pi:; la ic I phi a DO ii ii INS' ELECTRIC ROOT I'OLLSI I M \KE- A LASTING SHINF. Those who black their EIOUod Saturday night with ordinary blacking, doti't b <ve much shine on I S-'nday as the polish fades . ff, but (be shine ot ' DORRiNS] RLAGEING L;;-t- Sttuinitty Ni-lit ami ail day Sun day. It bc its ant/ other h'ariing mj-ie Manufactured only by J B Dobsnis, at bis im mense soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Streetaud Gernaactown Avenue Pniladelphia. Pa. For -ale by 11. F. IRVINE, the Regulator. nov27iu3 Bedford, Pa. Vments Wanted t> Take Orders for Recollections and Private Memoirsof Wash i " • iagton. 31' ins ADOPTED SON. GE'JKGE U a.tIIIX iJ'OX PARKE CUSTIS, With illustrated and Explauaioiy IPltes ty Uexs>n J. Lgs-ING. A b-ok for all see ions and all parties, contain ing tbe minute details of Washington's Private Life, as well -Bhis public career, (which general histoiy doe< ut revral 1 This book is written by a meml'or of Washington's own family—one who lived with bitn from infancy, and mail prove pe culiarly acceptable to ihe American Public. Tbe great deiuuii f>r thi" work, tts ready sale, and an im raa-eJ commission makes it the best book fir Agents ever public 'el. The most liberal t. run to agent#, and exclusive i sale in tbe territory as-igucd. Send lor lesorip tve circul >r su i terms to ag'ts. Ad ire-s, WILLIAM FLINT. No. 20 South 7th Street, Pniladeiphta, Pa / kRDEILS froiti a diritaiict. 1 for any \f kiti.l ot JOB PBIMTNG nrumptlv attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. Pa f pERMS for every descri|>tion of Job PRINTING CASH! for the rea.son that for every article u-r u-c, we must pay Cash; aud the cash system will enable us 10 do our work as low it* ir He i in rhe rNILLIES, bliAFl'S, Puift*, .spokes, 1 and liubs, are sol iby HARTLEY A METZ HER at manufacturer'* prices. Upr-dU rjiHE SUVKSSof our One Dollar Sale ha* eaawd such A COMPLETE 11 E v o i. r T i o x IX TRADE That in order to supply the demand occasioned by inir constantly increasing patronage, we have recently made importations for the Kail Trade, df root from European Maria fuel ore re, A MoT NT! N< • Tt Nk aIU.Y *.VtO,(HMi, So that we are prepared to ♦ !! every description of Dry and Faroy Goods Stiver Plsted Ware. Cu'lery. Walshes. Albatna, Jewelry, Ac , Of better (futility than any oUu r concern in tin country for the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE, With privilege of exchange fr-m a large variety of useful articles, not one of which could be bought tor TWICE THE AMOUNT in any other wav llf The best of 11 >?fnD and New York referer. err given as to the reliability of our house, and that our bustne's is eondue'ed in the fairest and most legitimate mauner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained in any other way AM Good" damaged or broken in transportation replaced with ut charge, k_*r Cheeks deecrib ng articles sold sent to *- gt iiis in clubs at rates mentioned below We guarantee every ai 'icle to eo-t 1-ss than if bough' at any Boston or New York Wholesale 11-.u.-e Our Cuiiiitiittsiuns to Airctits Exceed those of every other es'ablishment of the kind, proof of this cn be found in comparing our prem ums wirit 'hose uf other* Ft)R CLUB? OF '! HE >AME -IZK iit addition to which we claim to giv. belter good* of th* suite character. A'r wll sen Ito Agents free of rbnge. For a Club of I'll and Three Dollars—One of the following articles : 1 doz goo.l linen Shirt Fronts 1 set Solid Gold Ssu i* All Wool Cassimcre for I'aDt* Fine white Counterpane, large siie. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or bleach ed Sheeting, good quality. yard wile 1 elegant 100 Pic.ure Morocco bound I'hofo. Album I double lei.* Stereoscope and I'd Foreign View*. 1 silver plate i engraved 6 bottle Castor I elegant Silk Fan, with Ivory or Sandalwood Frame, fea hered e Ige and spangled I Steel Carving Knife and F >ik. very bctr qua liv, ivory balanced handle. 1 ban l- .me beaded and liued Parasol JO yardsg at l Print 1 very fi,e Dimask Table Cover Ipr best quiiity E t lies' Serge C rngress B aits 1 doz tine t.inen Towels i dox Rogers' best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies' large real Morocco Traveling Btg 1 fancy dress pattern t dot. elegant silver plated engraved Napkin Kings ! doz Ladies' hie Merino or Cotton Stockings Gents heavy chased solid Gold King !pr Ladies' high cut Balmoral B aits 1 elegaut Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 Violin and Bow. in box ai mplete. 1 set Jewelry, pin. ear drops and sleeve batons For a Club of 60 and Five Dollars—l black or entered Alpaca Dress Pattern. 1 set Lace Cur tains Ipr ail Woo! Blai ke's Engraved silver plated it bottle Revolving Castor 1 beautiful writing d> sk 1 solid Gold Searf Pin 3i yards very fie Cassiinere, for Pints and Vest 1 set 'v..r? b ilnncd handle Knives with Miter plated Forks i elegant Satin Paras d. h svilv beaded end lined with iil tpr gents' Cslf B tots 30 id? good Prist. 30 vd* good orown or bleach'd >heeting, yard wide, or 40 yds 5 vl. wile, good quality 1 ladies' elegant Morocco Traveling 11 g 1 squire Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich P qilin D. >•"- P titeru 11 tls double width cloth tor 1 tdies'Clo ik Elegant engraved silver plated j Tea Po\ 3 yds duuble width water-proof cloth i for cloaking F r n Club of 100 ami Ten Dollars—l rich Me- I rino er Thibet Dress pattern, 1 pair fine Damask j table cloths and napkin* t<> match i pair gents' French calf-kin t nU 1 heavy silver plated en- j graved ice pit-her very fie ail wool cloth for La dies' cloak: I web very best quality brown or j bleached sheeting, 72 yards fitiecossiinere for suit; j I elegant poplin dress pattern; 1 elegant English j barege drev* patten . 1 beautiful English barege i shawl; 1 set ivory balanced Dandle knives and j forks; 1 ladies'or gen V silver hunting-case watch: j 1 li.irtlctt hand portable sewing machine; splen- i did family bible, s eel engravings, with record and j photograph pages, 23 yards goo I liensp carpeting, j good color; I pair good Marseilles qutlts, 1 good 6 barrel revuiver; 1 elegant fur icuff and cape, 1 single bsrrtd shot gun; 1 silver p tte<l engraved fl bittlt revolving c tur. cut glass bottler, 1 very fine violin and bow. in ca-e; i sc. ivory balanced knives and forks Present* for larger clubs increase In the same ratio. Scud Money by Registered Letter. SF.SD FOR OCR XKW CLTLCCLAR. I'ARKER A CO. nov2f'wdi -D X"S- 9* A 100 Sumner St., Boston. C 1 ARRETS —Don't Pay the Hitfh ) Prices -The NEW ENGLAND CARPET C •• of 80-: on. Mass . eiab!ished nearly a quirter of a century "go. in their present location, in Halls over 71, 73. "J. 77 79. Hi. s>3, be aud 87 II mover Street, have probably furnished more houses with carpets than any other bouse in the country. In order to uffuri those at • distance the advantages of their low prices, they propose to send, on re ceipt of the price, 20 yurds or upwards of their beautiful Cottage carpeting, at 5b cents per yard, with simples of ten sorts, varying in price from 23 eeuts to j : per yard, suit, ble for furnishing every part of any house. nov'2ow4c-P ' ' ' I || b k Pl-iv YEAR guaranteed • ?I'' VM ' and steady employment. We want a reliable agetit in every county to sell our Patent White Wire Clothes Lines (Everlasting). Address WHITE WIRE C<> . 73 William St.. N. V. or Id Dearborn s: , Chicago. 111. iiov2l)w4c-D 'PIiE SUCCESS X OF 018 O.vE DOLLAR SVLE HAS CAUSED seen A COMPLETE REVOI. U T I O N J.V TRADE. That in order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly inore i-ing pttr >aage. we have recently made importations far the fall trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $.00,000, • 8o that we are prepared to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Goods. Silver Plated Ware. Cutlery. Watches, Albums, Jewelry. Ac Of tetter quality lh in any other concern in ti. I country for the unifonn -price* of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. best of Boston and New York refer | enc. s given ns 'o the reliabilitv of onr hoose, and that ur business is conducted in the fairest and ! most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained ' in any other way. All"O'Hvls damaged or broken in transportation : replaced without charge. desari -ing articles sold sent to ag ents in Clubs at ra'es men'ioned below. Me gu irantee every article to cost less th in if bought i at any Boston ot New York wholesale House OUR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Eveed those of every other establishment of the kind, —proof of this can be found iu comparing our premiums with those of others FOR CLUBS OF Tilt s sc SUE, to addition to which we claim to gtve het'er g,io Is of bo sune character ll' null send to Agents f I ** of ckarg*. FOR A CbC* OF 3d >XO iHKEB DULLAKS —1 do* go<> l liuen Shirt Fronts 1 set Solid Gold Stud* All Wool Caariuiere f.-r Pauts. F.ue whtte Coun terpane, large sue I elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or bleached Stiee iug. good quality yard wide 1 elegant 100 Picture Morocco-bound Photo Album t double lens Stereoscope aud 12 Foreign Views, I silver plated engraved 3 battle Castor 1 elegant Silk Fin, with Ivory orSandal ! Wood Fr .ine, leathered edge and spangled. 1 Steel Carving Knife and F->rk. very best quality ivory baia ced handle. 1 hand- cue beaded and lined Parasol 20 yds good Print 1 very fine Dim ark Table Cover. I 1 pair best quality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. Id >4 fine Bitten Towels t do* Koger's best Silver Dessert I*.,rk*. 1 Ladies' large real Mor ceo Traveling Bag. 1 fauov dress pattern. ( do*, elegant silver plated engraved Napkin Kings 1 dot Ladies' Gut. Merino or Cotton Stock ing- Gents' heavy chased solid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladies' high cut Balmoral Boots. 1 elegant Delaine i Dress Pattern I violin and Bow. in b„x complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops, and sleeve buttons FITR A CLUB OF 50 AND Ft VP. DOLLTKS— 1 black or colored Alpacea Drestr Pattern. 1 set Laced Curtains. 1 pr. all Wool Blankets. Engraved Sil ver plated d bottle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful : Writing Desk. 1 solid Cold Scarf Pin. 3| yds very fine Cassimere, lor Pants and \ est. 2 set Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated Forks 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and lined with iik. 1 pr. gents '.alt Boots 30yds. good Print 30 yds good brown or bleached Meet ing yard wide or 4 f yds J yd. wide, go d quality. 1 ladies elegant Morocco Traviling bag I square i Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress pat tern 1I yds, di.u. width cloth for ladies' cloak. Eiegat t engraved Silver plated Tea Pot. 3 yds. double wtdtn water proof cloth forcloaking FOR ACUB OF iotl and TEX DOLLARS —I rich Merino orlnibe' Dress pattern. 1 j r tine Damask Table Cloths ind Napkins to match. 1 pr. gents ■ French Calf Boots. 1 Heavy, silver plated engraved Ice Pitcher Very Sue all Wool Cloth for Ladies 1 Clo ak 1 web very best quality brown or bleached Bbeetiug. 7j yd- Sue Cassinere for suit 1 elegant Ktjgli.-h Berugr Dress pattern, ! beautttul Engti.-fi Barege Bhaol 1 set Ivory b tauoed handle Knives aud Porks 1 ladies or gents, silver Hunt' ibg-eu.se Watch. 1 Barhtt llaud. Portable Sewing Mscbtn, spiend: 1 Family Bible, steel eugrav tngs. with record and photograph page* 25 yds. good Hemp Carpeting, g.-.-d colors. 1 pr good Marseilles yuilt" I g Iti barrel KeVolver 1 elegant iur muff aud cape 1 .-ingle barrel .-hoi Guu. 1 silver plat ed, engraved, b bottled Revolving Castor, cut glass bo 111 s 1 very fine Violin and Bow, in ease. 1 set Ivory balanced Knives aud Forks. Presents for larger Clubs increase in the same ratio. SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTER Catalogue of Goods sent to any address rut*. PARKER A CO. Nos. 9s and lltO Sumner St., Boston J| 1 sepl 1 11. jx tf K <" t k t c TEIsKGRAIMI IN rillNA. THE KAFT INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY a OFFICE, Nos. 23 A 2-T Nassau Street, NEW YORK Organized under special charter from the State of New Y'ork. CAPITAL 85,0ce,e0 50 000 SHARES, SIOO EACH I) I RECTO R 8. Hon ANDREW G CL'RTIN. Philadelphia. PAULS. FORBES. of Russell A Co , China. FRED BI"TTERFIELD, of F BuUerfield A C New York ISAAC LIYEKMQKE, Treasurer Mi hlgan Cta tral Railroad, Boston. ALEX VNDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company. New York. Hon JAMES NOXOX, Syracuse, N. Y" 0 H PALMER. Treasurer Western Union Tale graph Company. New York FLETCHER WESTHAY, of Westray. Gibbs A iiardcsstle. New York. NICHOLAS MICKLF.S, New York OFFICE 118. A G CURTIN, President. N MICKLES, Vice President GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier National Bank Com monwealth.) Treasurer. HON A K. McCLURE, Philadelphia, Solicitor. The Chmesc Government having (through the Hon Anson Buriingame) conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connecting the great sea ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph cable, we i ropose commencing operations iu China, and laving down a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the following port > v j • Population. Canton I 000.000 Maeoa 00. noo Hntig-Kong 260.P00 Swatow 20(1.000 Arnoy 26(1.000 Foo-Cbow 1.260.000 Wan-Cbu 200.000 Ningpo -400 oeo Hang Cheat- 1.200.000 | Shanghai ....1 IHiO.OOo Total 5 218.000 These ports have a foreign commerce of $900.- j 000.000. and an enormous domestic trade, besides | which we have the immense internal commerce of ' the Empire, radiating from these point*, through | its canals and navigable rivers. The cable being laid, this company proposes erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy acl trustworthy mean? of oouimuuication. which roust command there, as everywhere else, the commu nication* of the Government, of business, and of social life especially in China, bhe has DO postal system, and ber only meant now of eommuuioating information is by couriers on land, and by steam ers on water The Western World knows that China Is a very larga country, in the main densely peopled ; bur ' few yet realize that she contains more than a third 1 of the human race The latest returns made to i her centra! authorities for taxing purposes by the i local magistrate make ber population For.* hun j drtd and Fourteen millions, and this is more | likely to be under than over the actual aggregate i Nearly all of these, who are over tec years old, not only can but do read and write. H.-r eivili | zation is peculiar, but ber literature is as oxteu : sive as that of Kurepe. China is a land of teach ers and traders ; and the latter are exceedingly quick to aval I themselves of every proffered facili ! ty for procuring early information It is observed I in California that the Chinese make great use of | the telegraph, though it there transmits messages 1 in English alone To-day great numbers of fleet steamers are ownea by Chinese merchants, and used by tiieui exclusively for the trausmi-sion of : early intelligence. If ibe telegraph we propose ! connecting all their great seaports, were now in existence, it is believed that its business would pay the est within the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter No enterprise commends itself as in a greater degree renumerative to capitalists, and to our whole people It is of vast national importance commercially, politically and evangelically. The stock of ibis Company has been uu qua ifiedly recommended to capitalists and busi ness men. as a desir bie iuveatn etit by editorial j articles iu the New York Utrild, Tribune 11 r Qrtd, Times, Tost, Express, Independent, and j in the Philadelphia Xortk American. Tress, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph I Shares of this company, lu a limited number, ! may be obtained at sjo each, $lO payable down, sl6 on the Ist of November, and s2* payable in ; monthly instalments of $2.60 each, commencing December 1, lSbd, on application to DREXEL A CO., 34 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA Shares can be obtained in Bedford by appiioa | tion to Reed A Sebell. Bankers, who are author ; ized to receive subscriptions, and can give all ne ; eesaary information on tl e sulject. sept26yl w E combine style with neatness of fit. And moderate /trice * ipitfi l/it best wtrimanfhip. JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, GO4 MAIIKKT BTRHET, GEO. W NIEMANN. PHILADELPHIA. (eptl,'Sß,yt | I RH. SI PES' MARBLE WORKS. , R.H. SIPES stil! continues the manu faetery of Monuments, Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs, Ac.,'at Bloody Run, Bedford ooun ty, Pa., and having on hand a well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to fill S all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workmanlike s'yle. and on the most reasonable terms All work warranted. Jobs delivered to i all prU of this and adjoining counties without ax tra charge aprlP, 'ddyi MO X E Y E A S I L Y M A D E, With our complete stencil and key cbe k outfit Small capital required. Circular" free. STAFFORD, MANFG CO., 6ts Fulton Street, i New York. dec 1w 1 ANTED —AGENTS —ln every town f<" C ESI I MAX A CO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR STORE Desortp'ive checks s'o per hundred. C-.nsum sumers supplied direct from the tnauufa tunes, i and all goods warranted. Circulars sent tree. ADDRESS CUSiIMAN A CO., decl9 10 Arch St., Boston^ tV\ ERY VARIETY AND STYLE j OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at t • ales at TB* BKDPORD GAIITH oSee. Call and leave yeur "New
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