y THBperruliar taintor jnfec ■ tiun w!ifh we call Kit'or ' ~,C® if.v it rks in tlie cju-i'iu- H ' " <if •.^ —' w\, y.y' y A produced fcv".i nf'o filed, vitiated state of th -bio,xl, ' "V ■ " Uwt t: liit Iceonxs Li7 \ f irvt-i-ii.ietoiit to -u-tain ilic i _ .' i'.:'' forces in'Jioir j v% ' -.*-*7 .'*• leaves tbo y*- . hjgwM 1 t° aan decay. .Thcscvoiuluus Tr""** (A . e"'.U.ii!'inr.iion is var;.-- ,ly ; • -f'-— v caused by ntercn ri.il lis- • car?, low livinrr, disordered digestion from un healthy food, jntpure air, filth and filthy habits, the dj pre- Itig vice.-, and. ove i.'.l, by the vet. rtw! infection. Wliuaaer he its ••>?<£*•., His ficrtd ilary in the co#ti • lion. <le: cc tdir.jf" from parents to children unto the third nod fourth , • .uioa;" indeed, it scenes to betl.o ri < f Hioi who -.iv.-. "I vil t .sit tiie initp'.itii s'of the hit .*•;••• n; it ■ r children." The disccses it o; ■ r.nati s tni.e * rrh 'cs names, Recording to the organs it attacks. In tbo lungs, Scrofula produces tihe.-dea. a.< 1 ftn-.Uy Conrumption; in-the glands. >.wvhin;.c- v?i eh sup purate and become ulcern:; sore-, in (tie store h and bovelr, iters ngeirautts vhicii produce in.it gestio i. dy.-pcj>sii. and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive siiid cutaneous affections. Vhe nil having the -ante i rlgirt. t -p.?:re the same rem edy, viz.. purification ar.il invigoratioii of the Hood. Purify die Mood, and these dang tons dis tempers leave yon. With Ktide, for.!, or '.orn r-rt blood, you cannot have h ?!t!i; with tin t "lift.- of the flesh ' healthy, you 'cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer'3 Sarstipcrilla is compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered for litis affli t ire distemper, end for the cure of the disord. is it entails. That it is far t-ttp' ii. r t< city other i rcr.trly yet devised, i- known l.y all who have jri'.eti n a trial, i hut it does , uhtne virtues t: uiy j extradrthr.rtry m their effect upon this class of eonrdaiut •. e i Lspufcdily pr ven hy the great ntuhintd .; pul licly known and rc; iark. hleetncs it hits r.tudo ;:f the following disc.lst'. ; lung's Evil, oi Glandular Swellinr:--, Tumors. Erup tions, Pifljpies. Blotches and Ats, . Eose or St Anthony's Fire, Silt Jihr-nv S:,ald Head, Coughs from tuberculous depo-iis in the Itnijj-o, White Swellings, Debility, L>cpsy. Neuralgia. Dy.-p p ii cr Indigeil'oa, snci Sjy.iiilltic Lviet tioss, Mercu-ial Disease-, r CUI? IWe IktiSSEO t, and. ind • the whole series r.f conrpkim s th. u-Ue from imp -.rity of tie blood. Minute report- of individual tases may ' e loitnd • in A vra'ss Ani.atcAx Ai.m \k vc, which is form sin J j to the druggists for gratuitous distrihuiio.i wiie.a -t I may be learned t';adirrvtions t i '.susc, . i. nit; of the remarkable cures v-lii li it h.is inatlu v i,.n all other remedies had foiicti to aii'ord relief. Ti.o :• rase are purposely taken fr.un all set tions of the country, in order that every reader may have ae ccss to -or.;-.' one who ear. speak to lii.n • i its b;-ne lits from personal experience. S rotai.i dcpre.-.-cs the vital energies, an i thus leave.-- it.-, victims far 1 more subject to disease and iU tatul results t!;:u> j arc healthy con- titutions. Ilencc it lends to sliortc.g , and does greatly shorten, the averag ■ duration of human life. The va-t importance of these con- t riderations has led us to spend years in j -rfci tiug a remedy which is adequate to its cure. Titis we ! now offer to the public - trior the name of At m.'.s Sar- a'AKU.i a. although it is composed of ingre dicno. some of which exceed the lie>t of ' c pa-'J!,t in alterative pdwer. l>y its aid you may ; protect yourself from the .suffering an 1 danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and foster in the blood, purge out the causes of disi . and vigorous health will follow .. i ByitspcetiUai virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any j part of ii. Wo know the public have been deceived bv j many compounds of .Sarsrparilkt, that promised much nil did nothing; but they will neither lie i deceived nor disappointed in this, it virtues have i Ikou proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence fer !he cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to J reach. Although under the same n; me, it is a i very different medicine from any other whc li has been before the people, and is far tr.orc effectual than any other which has ever Uecu avaihituo to litem. A."STEI^'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, i Colds, Incipient, Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of tho disease. This has been so long used and o universally ' known, that we need do no more than a--aire tin- J public that it quality is k. pt u;i to the best it or has lov-n, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Pn pared by De. .T. C. A vi: :t & Co., J'rnrticcl a<l .lunli/t'caf (■■ 'iwsis, j Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists every where, and by 13 F Harry. Bed foul, J- C. Calvin, Scasilsburg. J. M. BaindolUr, Bloody Run; (.. Rutr, Stonru town; G. B. Amirk, St. Clairsvbie; D. Stonrr. j Woodberry ; R. Ralston, VVater Stieel; ard '!*■ aier everywhere. July 1, 1864. NEW GUOUS: The undersigned have just opened a large ar.d gen eral assortment of ] FALL AKD WINTER GOODS- Embiacing many varieties of fabiics, new and beautiful. Having on har.J a large stock purchased previous to the late advr.nce, we are lo offM maay B A R G A J X S THAT CANNOT BE FOUNH ELSEWHERE, j Our friends, customers, ard p ib'ie generd'y, are , resp-ctiuliy invited to r tll and examine our a'ork j and prices befnr" pnrcha inc. as we ar<- detcrmii'ed ' to ell at SHOiv i' PROFI tnercby er soring large j sales TERMS—Easti, ?a?Di-cr, .w Fops Months credit • to thoe who wii. |mv us promptly. SyiuV-iest cha'g-d on aii 'ccoiirts af'er dee. A. B. CRAMER H CO. December 2, IS6L C. D. -M'CLEES I' CO. Wholesale D'.ahr.* in 1 BOOTS, SHOSS, BROGANS. ,S\M> INDIA RUBBDR SHODS, >'o 13; i NORTIi THIRD STREET OPPOSITE CHERRY ST., ! I PHILADELPHIA, j Apr. 17. 186.5—1y. ADMINrstIRAtOB S NOl ICE. L?tter3 oi administration c<a the estate of , "Rachel Kegg, lata of Coleiaia township, dee'd. ; having been granted to the subscriber by the j Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate, are to make trr.ir.cd- i iate payment and those having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. | JACOB KEGG, administrator. ; Bedford, Jan. 20, 1860. ~ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on tne estate oi Evnn ! Swarfzwelder, la'e ct Moi ioe 'ownship. dec'ii., i bavc beep slanted toth ulirter'-igned. AO persons knowing themselves rr.debtttf '.O taid esta'e. in'u way wiiattve-, n'e hereby nofih- to p 1*- 'in- ; ' tneoist- peytre-.t an; 'e t av',.,. c-aim-. will pre- : sent ike.t' tho.it -tei.-, i.roper'y eust pticiTeitbr settlement. EM.-.NUEL bVV ARTZW LLf'ER,- , Feb. 3 itsdS. St.* Executor." j Vi". iivßTi.Fvs mm. ---A | .v. The "Eureka Hay, Straw and Fodder Cuttor aad Crcshor, Will save to any I aim*.- who t'-s six bead ot horses to keep, at least >l3O in one season. Tin# nacbine nas been implored since lat ye.tr, •rid . pronoanced bv ihe farming pontic "The aest Cutter ever invented." HtvMpsold more than 10'J f tbeae cutters the past year, 1 rejpectfuliy beg leave to refer to a few farmcis of Bedford coanty who have them in use: 3ndg Rurna, Daniel Walter, ' Jo! n Scbuehiey, Abraham Reighaid, Satn jel Boor, M. B. Miller, Sfmon Nycurc, Johri Shank, Jacob Fetter, Jchn VV. Hoover, C. K. R-a, Michael ichafer, John S. Brumbaugh, J.-an N- Tetter, Henry Harsbberger, Henry C! .pper, Samiiei Griffi'ii, Jacob Yont, Jacob Riddle, John HaUterbauft, Isaac Imter, Martin Hoover, Adam Dibert. Win. Gri'sirgei, John VVbitelioe, Frederick Schneuiey. Adam Samel, J. Irvin Noble, ; Henry Stiffler, George Bowse^ William Rock, David Rari.s, j William Keyser and some 61) other farmers, all of whom I am cor.fiden. will spe.<k of thi n cine in the highest terms of praise. On account of the great scarcity of mechanic*, the high price cf material, ami the great demand j for these machines, I was uoab'e to secure enough to suppl} the demand last season. And bavinghovr but 40 on hand, fa-tiiers desiring to ecure cut: MUST ORDER SOON. | I —ALSO— -1 .till have in store an slegant assortment of flardwsu'c oF a! 2 kinds, which I will close out at very lair prices. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION", ALWAYS ON HAND. ' j i I I THE BEST i'oal i>il ad iiiiaiiDs ! AT THE LOWEST BATES. CORN SHELTERS, CIDER MILLS, CLOVER HULLERS, GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING & REAPING MACHINES, which 1 will sell during the winter at much less than they will be sold for next season. SAUSAGE MEAT CUTTERS, at old prices. 1 RUTCHER KNIVES, MEAT SAWS, i REVOLVERS of different kinds. SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, MILL SAWS, at old rateg. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, >stc. j Being desirous of closing up my business, all in- j debted to m? will please settle at ones—and per- : sons desiring any toing in my .ine, will find it to j their advantage to call, as ( lam tetermincJ to cloje j out my present stock of goods a* LOWER RATES j taan goods can now be purchased for elsewhere. 'j I I ! ALWAYS ON HAND, The very best Coal Oil made, j CLEAR AND BRIGHT, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for the very libera! share of patronage which I have heretoiore leceived, 1 respectfully so licit a continuance of the same. \\M. HARTLEY : J Bedford, November iB, 186*. t '■ % * rrraw wt w^mnmsnWXMMmwwi i 11 in—pi fj[SljßL A LECTURE TOY 0 I N G MI! S. | Just jjn'.lithr.i hi a seat *<i envelope. I'rice Six C| ALP TURF, on Nature. I'reatinent and 1 j ica! cure of .Spirmatori ha-a or Seminal W.-akne Involuntary F.mtssions, Sexual Debility, an.' Imp-, lo Marriage gei eraliy. Nervousness, C<; sumption. Epilepsy npd Fit-, Mental ami Physi j j Incapacity, resulting (mm S-ff-Abuse., tkc. Bv Ri EKT J. Frivsawta, Mi. D., Author of the "Grsl j Book,'-" IVJ. i The world-renowned author, in this admira I Lecture, clearly proves from his own experiet j | that the awful con-"alienees of Self-abuse may I etiectuilly removed without medicine, and withii ■ dangerous siimim! oper at ions, bougies, instrumer I ; rings or cordial?, poiniii':: out a mode of our" j j once certain and e fleet nil, bv * bich every suffer : no iiu'ti what his condition may be, may c bnelf cheaply, piivr t.!v. and radically. Ti i LECTURE WILL PfiOVE A BOON TO THC j SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to an v address, in a plain, sed envelope, on the # receipt of six centa, or iwo pe ' I age siair ps, by addre- sing , 1 ("HAS .1. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowery . N" . Y. Post-office Bo:: 458<1 j j Feb. 6. (Nov. 25, 'til ) ! \Y I STAR'S BALSA j | OF W3LD VZlEll VY. | ONE OK I TIE OLDEST AND MOST REI.IA FE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD ! OH i Cough*., Colds, hooping Cough, ID onch.it, j Djjiculty of B rent hint;. Asthma, Hour so nets, Sore I/'roif, Croup, and every j uij fiction of THE THROAT," LUNGS, AND CHEST, ' INCLUDING EVEN VC>XSS'JJ P T So X . WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. | j So genera/ has lire use of thi* remedy '>croms, ai I so popular is it e ceryic!t* *thai it #v ttnneces-varpo • rcrouut iis virtue*. i" word* speak for it. and frl j vt rerun re m the abundant and voluntary test*'monyf ] the many mho front long suffering and settled dise%e ; j it iv "I/ <t< a** h en restored to past inn vigor (*/ ' 1 h* t i'/i We cm pre\f>nt a mass of evidence i,i prf \ ; of our assertion v. that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. The Rev. Jacob Sechler. . Weii known and much respected among the G'rtqr. ! j population in thiscounrry. mak-s the loi'owin" stal- i i merit for the benefit of the afflicted. HANOVKB, J'a., Feb. D 3. 165!). Hear Sir* : —Having realized in mv family i.r>pi ■ fan? benefiis liom the use of your valuable prepai tion—in.rar'x H '>. U m of' Wild Cherry — it ; tf.it, me pleasure to recommend t. to the public. Sote eight years ago one of my daughter- seemed to hen . u decline and Rule hopes of her recovery were ej •j fertained. I ihen procured a bottle o yo",r exeg- Dnt Balsam, and befcr- she had Tak-n the whole t \ the contents of the bottle there was a great improve ment in h"i heal h. I have, in rr.y individual cast made frequent use of your valuable medicine, art ; | have always been benefited bv it. JACOB SECHLER. j From Jesse Smith, Esq , Piesiilmt of Lie ADrus County Bunk, Morristown, JYV W Jersey. '•Bavirg used Da. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WHO CHKHRY foi about fifteen years, and having realized its t>nelieia' results in my family, it nflords ire great pleasure in re com mending i' to the i übiic u : a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, colt., i coughs. Ate., a>d a remedy which I ron-ider to '[•> i entirely innocent, and may be take:, with perfect aafety by the most delicate in ! es'th. From Hon. John E. Smith, Distinguished Lawyer in IVesimtnster, ,MJ. ' I hav° on several occasions used PR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CIIFRRY for severe colds, am) ai ' ways with decided bpr;e>it. 1 know of no prepara tion that ;s nr.ore etfii acions or more deserving ot general use. t The Balsam t<t& Roads, Md. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. N .ne eiu..r:j unless signed "L. BUTTS,"' on the wrapper. For Sa*3 by J. P. DINSMORE, No. '3l Bioadw .y, Nw York. J. W. FOWLE if CO., Proprietors, bo-ton. And by ail Druggists. PEDDING'S PUSSIA SALV3, FORTY YF.ARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established (he superi ritv of BEUOI.Mi'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other'healing prepAra ? ions. It cure-.ill kinds of SORES, CUTS. SCALDS, BURNS, FOILS, f LCFRS, SALT KHLfj.M, KR- STIES, PILES CCMWS. SORE UPS, soar, KVFs, ic , RE (lVtN'l IHE PAIN AT ONCE. AND REDWING IN IF, MOST.ANGRY • LOOKING SWELLINGS AND INr LAMAHON AS IF BY MAGIC. ONLY 25 CENTS A P-OX, FOR SALF. BY J.'P. DINSMORE, NO. 431 Broadway, New-York. J. W. FOWLE k CO., No. 18 Trement-st., Boston.| And by all DrugjistF. May 0, 1661—eowly C LOTHLS G IX SCIiE LIS BURG. Having lately purchased an excellent assort ment of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, consisting of Ocer Coats, Dress Cools, Busi- I nets Coats, Bioitscs, Vrs's. Punts. Hits &' Caps, White Shifts, Fancy Flan nel Sh"ts. Uniler S/iirls, Draw ers, I'ounJ'ibouts, Xeik-tia, Su*j)en u'ers, ti u cks kin Gloves, JIXD NOTIONS IN VARIETY. Wc invtie oar friends a.,(1 all who flc-ire to ' purchace to give us ti call at our Nuw Uloiiiiug Store in Scheilsburg, where as rve are doing business on tlie "One I'n<\" System, wo ti titer ourselves wc can render satisfaction by doing justice to every one. Wc thank our many t customers for their patronage, anil herewith so j licit a continuance of iho same kindness. G. BERKSTUESSER SON. I Schellsburg, Sept. 16, lß ; jt. let PITISfPS'" * QjiYa-H. KA... (, A, A lam engaged ii selling the j; ' "U, Erie Pump—certainly the ■ l/y, V. only pump well adapted to \\ this climate. ,—f- Vl V j . : i . N\ Persons in need of a good \ pump -A ill do well to give me a cull. S of tbe county will be attend ed to with promptness. F DF? ADDRESS: ! f M WM.C. SNIVF.LY, ; > lag Scbellsburg. : S£ .*■■■ -■ Aug. 1, 1864.—3 m EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ' Letters testamentary on the last wil 1 and testa ment ot Jacob SnoA-be ger. late of Middle Wood berry township, dee'd., having ben granted to the subscriber, residing in said town-nip, notice is ' iiereuy given >o all persons indebted to said estate to make payment immediately, and those t--o<-irg .claims ■n! present them, v ithotit delay, properly authenticated tor settlement. ; 1 eb, 3—C-t.* JOHN B. REPLOGLE. I Executor. F O It SAL E OR T 11 Jl & A Farm in Bedford township, owned by John !i , Rush, about tour miles from Bedlord. containing . 16(1 acres, about S' ecr3 cleared, with log hon-", j •og barn and other out-buildings thereon erecte-i . . ulso. an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A "act ot lard containirg fifteen acres, j about seven acres cleared witn a story and a b,dl , log house and log s'aide thereon erected, adjoining . i land:- of Joseph brir.key, John A. lnr.frundr.nd nth- , ; ers, situate in Juniata township. The cLared !ami j is in good ordei, and the balance well t'litbeied, a,! , ! capable of ea yi ■ provenwnt and en!*' vatmn. j ALSO—A tract, of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju- j i r.iata "ownsbipi with log bouse, bar-', sc., | ! erect -d, cont.lining 79 acres and gllovvaii'-e. • j '■ of this tract is cleared and under H-nce and in a gooi. i ! state of cultivation —near to v -ci;obl house, tn.il, j 1 he., adjoining lands of Scott. I nc. Hughes and oth-; ers, and 'atelv purchased !>p -i William Hurley. ! ALSO—A tiact of land 1 Union township, con j taimng 225 acres, 72 acres chared, wi'h n larrn I I house, tenant house, double log b-un and now Saw i Mill thereon erected. Airo, an apple orchard there, j or—known as the ••Snys'er" r : Koons" property -60 acre-, ot land—l£> cleared and under fer.ee ! with a log hon-e thereon erector!, adjotmn. G-orge ; Tioti'mar. George May and other partly in Jui | atta and partly in Londonderry lowriships, latcny ( owned by Andrew Wpllord. ALSO —!00 acres near Sto erstown within i mile of GioaiLTop Bail road—lhout 100 acres clear | nh a two story dwelling i.wuse—new bank i barn, -'able. \c.. thereon erected ; also, two apple j orchards' thereon, ol choice fiuit. The MR IS a J rich loan, ar. I cftoable of producing every variety j ol crops of this climate, j ALSO— 16it acrFS best qua'ity of orairi"—hear [ ; the Missouri liver, c'.o-e to the county sea" ol j : Harriscr. county, lowa'. ALbO—Two 160 ac e tracts, adjoining F.lk'-orne | j city, ifi the riche-t valley of the west the I'latt- j i V*a ley—about 2 rr.il -s west of Ornaha city, and j I clo-c to the great national or government road iead- j I ing west in Nebra.-ka Territory. ALSO—ISO acres, two miles above Omaha city, ' act tfie ureat buu l .of the MISBOIMI, i his trnct i well timbered and very d-irable. All of these. | lane's were locat." ! after a pcrsotml insp-ction ml j : careful examination of the gruU.ut, 8"d an lie well relied upon for .'utu'e vvcal'h. Ma pa showing th" precise .'oca!ion are in my posses-ion. ' ALSO Three desiiabie lots in 0 n.d. - City, Ne- j | braska Territory. j i ALSO A lot ot' ground in the city of Dacotah. ; J Nebraska T -rritoiy j Tne e.bovv r. a I estate will b" 5,.l ! "t meh prices i I IS !o insure safe and profitable nve*tmnts. I Notef 1 1 oblig tioiis of my kind, that are goiel, t . will b taken in exchange—particularly good bank j rotes. ; Mar 6,1363. O.E.SHANNON, | m Tit, j i:'j\ (-** !■;. tatr jellJvl i I HA3 Oil HAKD I AND COXSTAXTLV Kl'-lll'S A FULL SUPPLY I [I >i OF JLL XI.YDS OF GOODS. i WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FFR i | ! CASH OR OOUXTRY ITIODU<E : "J Heilford, Jan. 8, IHG4. r BICIIABR rf •" RI Xv f A T' T F "" ° ' I CABINET- CHAIRS, &C., j Q - DFOR'3, PA. t Jf.e undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet- j 'making easiness, wii! make lo order and keep on ; band every thing in his line ol manufactuie. DURE JUS, DRESS IXG ST J ADS, PJR LOR JXD EX TEAS 10 V TJBLES, | C tIJIIIS, BEDS IE JDS, IVJSII STJXDS, S>"C., SrC. wiPbe furnished at all prices, and to suit eve'v ta.ic i OFFINS will a'so b" made to order. CTProinpt atfentioii pa ! to at! orders (or wo-!;. CTShop on West Prt Street, nai!y opposite tf.d resnfnee of George Shuck. RIChARD LEO. Jay 10, IS63.—tf UN 10 NHOT EL. PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. ST'i.CKMAN, Proprietor. '• Tr'.s excellent hotel is now prepare! to accom- ' "j rr.ofate the public in the best manner and on the) j most liberal terms. A splendid LIVFRV SIABLK is attacked to this hotel. [May 9, 1862. j WASHINGTON HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. j S. S. Diehl and William Dihert wmu'd respectfully ' ' Announce to th"ir friei !s in Bedford county, and ihe Yublic generally, that they have lea-ed for a term , I,l' v"-rs, this large and convenient brick hotel, at |he co uer of Pitt and Julia'i na s"re< t. Bedford, Pa., (known as the "WASHINGTON HO I'LL,"and late-j ijy Kept by Mrs. S. Filler. !:' This house is b-ing thoroughly re-fitted and re- 1 : tiruished, and is.no v op-n foi Mr- i-r- n'ion 'fis-tor- to the "BU.DFCItD SPHING.B" and p'-r-ons j ! Ilenriing Cotjrt, vvi ! find this house a p|eaant ami j ! jiiet tempoiaiy fume. Eve \ attention will be f ' lid to the accotnrr od tiO'i and commit o' guests, j ' (he table will at all times be supplied with the i 1 Ist the maricets afford. Charges will be mods'iate j [•' jxtensive stabling is attached to this Hole!, and a ! ' I etui and rompetent host IK", will be An attendance. ! - I iSpecifl! attention will be p&id to the accommol.i- j j |>n of the (aiming community. - j iCoacbcs leave this house oaily (Sundav excepted) f jo CIOCK, A. M., and 2 O'CIOCK, P. \!., to con-i j ict with the trains going Ka-t from Mount Daila . i id Bloody Run. A coach will al-oleave ni-weeK- { , 1 i /Tuesday, Thursday and Siturday) 'or Somerset. ' - j ' e traveling public will find it decidedly to their i ! ■ '.uiTage to stop with them. j fedford, Jan. 22, IS64—tf. p I a] 10WARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA,: 0 !1, Di-eases ol liie Nervous S\ stem. Sp rmtcr- 1 I ! rla or Se.-ninal Weakness, Impotence, ami other I ; atrtions of the Bexuni Organs, Fhisn-a! Debility : i d i aiPreuia'ure Decay—new and reliable treat, .ent, j e I iiiepr-rts of the Howard Association, sent by mail I | iilaled letter enve'op"S, fre *ot charge. Address, 1 i .'S.SKILLIN HOUGHTON. HOWARD ASSOCIATION g i\|2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. lly 29, 1861— ly. T DSlls STORE FBii sM" OFFEX FOR SALE MY DRUG STORE, Of|ii.iANx Street, BEDFORD. Term, reasonable, j j H. C. REAMER. ! c }|ember 9, 18GI - SIX CENTS HEW. ARD. ; " e , I i away from the snbsciibpr, in the bnrnughef! 3 i Seh burg, on Friday morning. Janu ry ssh, iSGS | a b d girl named Mary '"••"har. e Fragier. All • e 1 ■ per s are caulicr.ei! against harbo ing or trusting j I hrr my account. The above re ward but neither i j thai nor charges will be paid far bringing her n bar J. E. COI.VJN. jii j F uary 3, IS6s—3t* j b IVew Winter AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S j CHEAP STORE, | HOW OPENING. i Mt ciitomori* ajirl tlic public genornlly are in vitefl to call and examine for themselves. ess GOODS ARE OF THE RE>T QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST i Ii Y EXJMIMXG MY STOCK. | A LARGE LOT OF 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING, Houis and Shoe#, OF EXCELLENT QVJLITY, AND VERY CHEAP. | i iuritt a part of my new htock. IVISW3' UTKTER WEAR, OF Et'ERY D ESC P. IP T/O X, jLatls' Press Goods, I I GROCERIES, QL'KENSVV ARE, &C., AC. ' ! i \t to be had at tire st re of J. It. Shoemaker j J IL .Ifi.rd. Nov. "25, 1861. I v :.<r? vgra Pictures. Tie üb-c:iber has just returned from Phd.del iihia, where rie h's purchased a large and select 1 itock of PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, comprising j ! GILT, EBOXY, ROSEWOOD, UXIOX, JXD CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, frcm £0 i *,. is|> lo rive Dollars, each. ALSO—A new assortment of -FIIOTOGRJDH ALBUOF c! ail styles, i.otdiug from 12 to 200 pictures, t i pi i es vaiying ftom 75 cents to $20.00, Suitable for the Pick'! or the Par/or. j Pii'dogi •;>;!>, Ambrofjpps. Alflainotjprs, &c.,; taken as low as 23 c- nts each. ! tr3**"Pictur"S of every kind and description copied ! to suit tie i.i'oum si/." or life i/e, on the most r.i- ' scn ib!" terms and ii. the most durable manner. I: -trnciitus in 'heart given on moderate terins. j Skylight G.tiler} opposite the Washington Hotel. • T. R.GETTYS. j Bt-dfo:d, June 19 18ii4. UEUNOBD HOTEL. I The ondexvrgneif having takeninkargeuf the BP.!- ! fold HVrl, fo u.eilj kepr )>y Col. John Hater, an- j nniiPC"s t.i ti"- pubi c 't.a' b- v. i'l be ani. 'o ulb'ld j tfe lu;' accommodations both to the I raveling pub-j I li • ui.d tui.T.e ni-tom. The house will be irr.proveii j end re-fitted, and the Bar will alw iys t>-* well sup- ' pied •-vi.il choice 'iquors. His table will be sup-J plied with the- chnice-t edibles of the season, and j he will spare no pains to make it suitable for all'. ; : Hi- stable is one of the b "t in Bedford, and a good j ! hostler will always be in attendance. i Cf?"Boari!eis t.ikcn by th" week, month or year, j • Term- re'sonabie. Tie public are respectfully in- j vired to give bun a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Jaauury 15, JBO4. THE MENCEL HOUSE, JULIAN* STREKT, BEDFORD, P*. The subscriber respectfu'ly b"gs leave to inform the travelling nub'.ic thai he has recently enlarged, improved a d refitted his house, bo h for the .ic- j comirodaiion of travelers and boarders, as well rs j country customers Persons coming tothi-. place j fur the purpose of visiting the Bedlord Spring?, will find this bouse pleas ntly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to.' this Hotel, wrdcii will alwaysbe attended by a care- j >iil hostler. Also a saJe and conveiwent carr. gc 1 house. All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. I April, 15, 1564. BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS j Jnst opened at CRAMER'S, j May 29, 1563. i < NOTICE. |t All unsettled accounts upon our books must be closed by cah or note. January 2, 1665. This is | j the only notice we shall give. A. B. CRAMER is CO. December 30, 1864. How to Save Your Money. Call and buy your goods of E. V. HOWRY, that a has been purchased at 33 per cent, cheaper than they have tieen for the last three month?, or can be at present, when gold and goods had suddenly fallen. ; Her stock comprises a general assortment of t ilHSlinery floods, BOXXETS, FELT JXD SILK HATS, Latest Winter Styles. AL6O—A fine assortment of CLOAKS, BALMO RAL and HOOP SKIRTS, WOOLEN HOSE, DRESS BUTTONS, NOTIONS, $-c. S C7"AII persons having accounts standing, will p'ease call and settle at once, far we have to pay Cash for all we buy, and MUST receive CASH for our goods to keep up our stock. A Bedford, November 4, 1864. ji A Most Excellent Medicine. J. k . CABR/N rsa's RKF.P.MATIC I'LIMD.- Person, Eultenu.g from Ri -umatism, Neuralgia, Dipth "via, | Buvne, :;c.. wilt ti.id this a most ex-ei! ".l remedv. s. Itcome,- to u- recommende-J by some of the best men in the Sia'.e—and in this ccmmbnity Trv aJ d iioitie and <se for j outsell. For sale at A. L Dcfi- j baugn's, Bedford. April 9S, iSOl—sy. j, LOOK TO MM ISMEST, | FARMERS, MECHANICS, LAttYllfii I*OCT<!RS, rII EACH PAIS j AND A LL, ' Buy yc.nr goods at the BARGAIN STORK v r in, K. & \\\ 08TKK, Wh-> nave just received an elegant assortment of iVcw Winter Goods, Embracing Black Silks, Bombazines Cobergs, Alp has, Mohairs L'.utiv*, Cantoti Cloths, roplins. Rep-, Silk Plaid*, al, Wool Delaines, latest style-. American Dt'iaines, Prints, Ginghams, Checks, Table Diaper, Ticking, Baila'dvale and Shaker Flan nels, Canton Flannel*, Seal let, Solfrrino and Grey Shirting Flan nels, Sheeting and Shirting Muslins of standard make-, Mi ners Flannels, Lioseys an.l Blankets. Ladie-' Furs, Muffs, Cape- n- Cnff*. Ladies R"peliont YY'at. rproot Clout, i. ffhawl* i and Circutftrs, Clothi. Ca-*imere*, Satii">ti., TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, lor men and boys wear. HOSIERY, GLOVES. NECK TIES. SHIRT COLLARS AND FRONTS. MERINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HATS A ISO CAPS, Eveiy style, quality and color. BOOTS AND SHOES, in great variety. GROCERIES. j CHOICE RIO COFFEE, Extra Young Hy-or, Im perial and Oolong TEAS, Sugars, S\ rjjps, f!; e e, Chocolate, Spices, Salt, Cheese, ike., &c. CHEWING TOBACCO AND SEG \RS, of choice brands. A Isrge assortment of QUEENSYVARE, together I with 1,000 other articles to whjch we Call tile at- I tent ion of buyers, j Bedford, November 25, ISO 4. BEUL'FFofiFfrr I CORNER OF CENTRE & HARRISON STREETS, CUMBERLAND, MD. ■ THOMAS ViLKI^oQN, SR., •Nunerinlcndont. 7 n<s arge an : lorg established Foundry has been : purchased an 1 re op c.-u by -he .absorber, under the nr snagem-nt of an experienced Superintendent I and Macbdiiics and Workmen. STEAM EN'GLYES, BOILERS, | MINING MACHINERY', RAIL-ROAD AND MINK CARS, FURNACES, STOVES, GRATES, PLOUGHS, MILL IRONS, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Will be manufactured to order. A STOCK OF "Ball's frgg Siovco," ; of various size. ; the best pattern for Stoves in the country (or running Cumberland Coal; will be kept on band, and sold on (avorable terms to the trade. One New Four-liorse Power Engine, Boiler and Fixtures, for sale. E?~Cash paid lor old Don and Metal cn delivery at the Foundry. solicited, and .HI work warranted. vV'-i. W. McK.AIG. Cumberland, Dec. 2, ISfi t—3m Glorious News! TO THE PEOPLE OF BEDFORD COUNTY: The fir-t train on the Southern Pennsylvania and Connel'sville laiiroati has arrived heavily ireign.ed with goods of EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR CHEAP CORNER. We take pleasure in telling our cu-tomers and tb public that we are now prepared for the W I N T E ft TRADE. YY f have jus* received a largo stock of LADiES WINTER DRESS GOODS, SACK FLANNELS, ChO.-.K CLOTHS, SHAYVLS, HOODS, he., kc. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATLXETTS, and a very gr-at variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, Over Coats, Over Coats, Over Coats! Lome Gentlemen,arid examine our stock of clothing. BOOTS AND SHOES', BOOTS AND SHOES, for Ludies and Gentlemen, Boys and GirU. Groceries, Queensware, Tobacco, and al! aiticles usually found in a first class store. A'e are sTrere'y graceful to a generou* public for their p.ttonage in the p .st, and bap" by strict at tention to their wants, and a fond desire to pDase, to make it pay aii who visit 'C IF.A? CORNER." J. B. FARQUHAK- Bedford, Dec. 16, 1564. I, A D IEsV" At Cramer & Co's you will find Cloaking Ciothe, Shawls, Cloaks, Hocds, 4'C-, very cheap. Dtceinber 2, 1564. CLOTHING: A good assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING just received at CRAMER & GO'S. Decembei 2, ISGI. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable pr* script .pn for the care of Consumption. Asthma, I'roo 'hitis, and ail Throat and Lung Affections, (fre* rf •f.aige,) bv sennir-i; their addres* tc Rev. EPYVARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. i'etk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers